Sentence with the word management

Examples of how to use the word “management” in a sentence. How to connect “management” with other words to make correct English sentences.

management (n): the control and organization of something

Use “management” in a sentence

I am looking for a management position.
Good time management skills are essential to success in any area.
He left the company because of its bad management.

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1. Few candidates had received any training in management.

2. ‘Empowerment’ is the new buzz-word in enlightened management circles.

3. The failure was caused by bad management.

4. A new management hierarchy was created within the company.

4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. Management is looking at ways of cutting costs.

6. Management need to explore ways of improving office security.

7. He is a firm believer in total quality management.

8. He mediated a settlement between labor and management.

9. Management and staff are at loggerheads over the plan.

10. The company went bankrupt because of its poor management.

11. They mediated a settlement between labour and management.

12. His success comes from good management.

13. The judge arbitrated a disagreement between workers and management.

14. A new management structure has been introduced.

15. The management handed back his few possessions.

16. A committee will arbitrate between management and unions.

17. The management has agreed to the policy.

18. An agreement was finally reached between management and employees.

19. I have ten years’ experience at senior management level.

20. Don’t start anything without a clear directive from management.

21. He tried to regularize the management of coal mines.

22. She has written several books on management.

23. She’s high up in the management hierarchy.

24. There was a head-on confrontation between management and unions.

25. Management is favourably disposed to the idea of job-sharing.

26. A business can’t do well without good management.

27. Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.

28. Both unions and management fear the dispute could escalate.

29. She belongs to the Chartered Institute of Management.

30. Jones favours a dynamic, hands-on style of management.

More similar words: engagement, manage, managed, manager, arrangement, managing, commencement, menagerie, element, movement, basement, implement, placement, statement, settlement, elementary, retirement, excitement, enforcement, involvement, measurement, replacement, chastisement, requirement, announcement, finite element, advertisement, implementation, teenage, teenager. 

  • Dictionary
  • M
  • Management
  • Sentences
  • The zoo needed better management rather than more money.
  • The management is doing its best to improve the situation.
  • Climate-change considerations in their business and risk management strategies.
  • This degree, taught at RMIT’s city centre campus, brings together elements of management, law, technology and planning.
  • …her management of her professional life. [+ of]
  • Anger management
  • If you want to deliver your project in the quickest and most effective way possible you should be using project management templates.
  • Managing the process of change can be a difficult part of the project management task.
  • Great management and tact.
  • The store is under new management.
  • The ten percent rule proposed here is not an exercise to keep management busy or to assuage any particular interest group.
  • If you are choosing sales training based on recommendations from senior management, what’s hot in your industry.
  • Deciding to take an anger management class can be daunting.


«I used good time management today and accomplished a lot.»

«The company management was determined to cut costs.»

«Management of the chemical spill was complicated by bad

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In American English, the management is used as a singular collective noun (like group) as American corpus and Ngram searches repeatedly confirm. A singular verb in order to maintain subject-verb agreement:

The management gets its ideas from its employees.

However, it is noteworthy that the COED allows for the word to be regarded as plural:

[treated as singular or plural] the people managing a company or organization, regarded collectively:
management were extremely cooperative

Also, the British National Corpus comes up with 9 results when searched for the management are, 8 of which are applicable to this scenario. I tend to believe, then, that the difference is mainly between British English and American English; that though management is more generally considered singular in both areas, British English is more likely to support a plural interpretation than American English.

answered Oct 28, 2011 at 17:48

Daniel's user avatar


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Management is planning to hire more workers. = (Brit) (The) Management are planning to hire more workers.

Source: Merriam-Webster

answered Oct 28, 2011 at 19:42

Terry Li's user avatar

Terry LiTerry Li

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BrEng seems to be more accommodating of notional agreement than AmEng. Speakers of BrEng are quite happy to follow nouns like management, government, committee and several more with a plural verb, particularly when they wish to emphasise the discrete nature of the members of the group rather than their homogeneity.

answered Oct 28, 2011 at 18:41

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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The NOAD reports that management, when used to mean «the people in charge of running a company or organization, regarded collectively,» is treated as singular or plural.

Looking at the Corpus of Contemporary American English, I can find 931 sentences containing management is, and 180 sentences containing management are; in the British National Corpus there are 428 sentences containing management is, and 120 sentences containing management are. To make a comparison, in the Corpus of Historical American English, the sentences are respectively 405 and 101.

answered Oct 28, 2011 at 18:07

apaderno's user avatar


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In American English, you can simultaneously use the singular verb «gets» and the plural pronoun «their». For example,

Management gets their yearly bonuses in February.

sounds terrible to my ear with «its».

In the OPs sentence, I would use «its», because in this sentence you are treating the management as a singular entity. However, I wouldn’t say using «their» was incorrect.

answered Oct 29, 2011 at 19:12

Peter Shor 's user avatar

Peter Shor Peter Shor

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