Sentence with the word make out

разглядеть, понять, разбирать, различить, выписывать, увидеть, составлять, уяснить

- составлять; выписывать

to make out a check [a bill] — выписать чек [счёт]
to make out a certificate of death by heart failure [by cancer] — выдать свидетельство о смерти от инфаркта [от рака]
we shall make out a list of what we need — мы составим список того, что нам надо /требуется/
to make out a grant in smb.’s name — составить дарственную на чьё-л. имя

- разобрать; увидеть; различить

to make out a dim figure through the mist — различить неясную фигуру сквозь туман /в тумане/
to make out inscription — разобрать надпись

- понять, разобраться

to make out the meaning of a word — понять значение слова
as far as I can make out — насколько я понимаю
I can’t make out what he says — я не могу сообразить /разобрать, понять/, что он хочет сказать

- дать понять, делать вид

he makes out that he is badly treated — он представляет дело так, будто с ним плохо обращаются
he made me out to be a liar — он повернул дело так, что я оказался лжецом

- доказывать

the plaintiff couldn’t make out his case — истец не мог доказать справедливость своего иска

- амер. разг. жить, существовать

how is he making out? — как он живёт?, как у него идут дела?

- справляться (с чем-л.); преуспевать

how did they make out with the problem? — как они справились с этой задачей?
how are you making out in your new job? — как у тебя идут дела на новом месте?

I can’t make out the meaning of this poem.

Я не могу понять смысла этого стихотворения.

I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

Я не мог разобрать, что он говорит.

How did you make out this morning?

Как у вас прошло сегодняшнее утро?

He’s not such a fool as he is made out to be.

Он не такой дурак, каким его пытаются выставить.

How did he make out while his wife was away?

Как он справлялся со всем, пока его жена была в отъезде?

I can’t make out the faces in this photograph.

Я не могу разглядеть лиц на этой фотографии.

I can’t quite make out this other duck.

Я не совсем могу разобрать, что это за малый. (на фотографии)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

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He initially defined it as an object whose nature I cannot make out.

Изначально он определил ее как «объект, природу которого я не могу разобрать.

However, the newspaper staff could not make out the handwriting of a young author and staying on the first two letters after name.

Однако работники газеты не смогли разобрать почерк молодого автора и остановились на первых двух буквах после имени.

I could also make out blinking lights here and there and pieces of equipment.

Я мог также разглядеть мигающие огни здесь и там и части оборудования.

We can also make out more background detail with the S7 image.

Мы также можем разглядеть больше деталей фона с изображением S7.

You can stay at home and, at the same time, make out a loan agreement.

Вы можете находиться дома и, при этом, оформлять договор займа.

At the very beginning you should not run anywhere, make out papers and find out the cost of hotel equipment.

В самом начале не стоит никуда бежать, оформлять бумаги и узнавать стоимость гостиничного оборудования.

Houses more often make out in light tones.

Sometimes they make out like an island or part of it.

Иногда их оформляют как остров или его часть.

In this article we will try to make out what spring cleaning is.

В этой статье мы постараемся разобрать, что представляет собой весенняя уборка.

That is why I want to make out 4 ways to create different lines.

Именно поэтому, я хочу разобрать 4 способа созданий различных линий.

And in most cases, customers who make out a loan do not plan that the money will not be returned.

Да и в большинстве случаев клиенты, которые оформляют заем, не планируют, что деньги не будут возвращены.

You can make out things, paper, a little refresh the interior.

Можно разобрать вещи, бумаги, немного освежить интерьер.

Admiration is the inventiveness with which make out carnival cars: here’s where it really spare neither money nor effort.

Восхищение вызывает выдумка, с которой оформляют карнавальные автомобили: вот где уж впрямь не жалеют ни денег, ни усилий.

Many make out a plastic card in order for it to be.

Многие оформляют пластиковую карту для того, чтобы она была.

As I placed my individual attention on those sounds, I could actually make out four different types of bird whistlings.

Когда я поместил все свое внимание в эти звуки, я мог действительно разобрать четыре разных типа посвистывания птиц.

Try to make out some pages of the family album together with the children.

Старайтесь оформлять некоторые странички семейного альбома вместе с детьми.

A microloan contract some people make out not because of a sharp need for money, but to improve their financial situation.

Договор микрозайма некоторые люди оформляют не из-за резкой потребности в деньгах, а для улучшения своей финансовой ситуации.

I can’t make out what she wants.

I am near-sighted, so I cannot make out what is written on that signboard.

Я близорук и не могу разобрать, что написано на этой вывеске.

It was rather difficult for me to make out what he was saying.

Мне было достаточно сложно разобрать, что он говорил.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Synonym: bang, be intimate, bed, bonk, come, complete, contend, cope, cut, deal, discern, distinguish, do, do it, eff, fare, fill in, fill out, fuck, get along, get by, get it on, get laid, grapple, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, hump, issue, jazz, know, lie with, love, make do, make love, manage, neck, pick out, recognise, recognize, roll in the hay, screw, sleep with, tell apart, write out. Similar words: take out, make over, take on, take off, shake off, make, take over, maker. Meaning: v. 1. detect with the senses 2. make out and issue 3. comprehend 4. proceed or get along 5. come to terms or deal successfully with 6. have sexual intercourse with 7. kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion 8. write all the required information onto a form 9. imply or suggest 10. try to establish. 

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1. I couldn’t make out what she meant.

2. Please make out a bill for these goods.

3. I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.

4. Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.

5. I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth.

6. Distantly, to her right, she could make out the city of Shanghai.

7. When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance.

8. I could make out a dark figure in the twilight.

9. Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure.

10. How did you make out with your classmates?

11. I can’t make out the number?it’s very faint.

12. What do you make out of their statement?

13. I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

14. I can’t make out your writing.

15. It was difficult to make out the manager’s handwriting.

16. The article was included to make out a book.

17. No one can make out how the fire started.

18. When you make out the bill, please tell me.

19. Can you make out what that sign says?

20. I’m going to make out a receipt for you.

21. How did you make out with them?

22. How did you make out this morning?

23. Can you make out what he is saying?

24. I’m trying to make out a shopping list.

25. What do you make out of their statements?

26. I couldn’t make out what he was driving at.

27. She’s not as rich as people make

28. I can’t make out what she wants.

29. I could just make out the tiny points of a car’s headlights far away.

30. Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

More similar words: take out, make over, take on, take off, shake off, make, take over, maker, make way, make up, make for, makeup, for the sake of, make sure, make use of, make up for, lawmaker, make a face, make fun of, make sense, make peace with, make friends with, make a difference, die out, come out, live out, wipe out, give out, write out, come out of. 

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Make Out | Make Out Sentence

  • How do you make out the half?
  • We could not make out what they were.
  • It was difficult to make out what he was doing.
  • Can you make out her flag?
  • We can make out as to food.
  • I can make out nothing.
  • I can never make out why.
  • I could just make out the roof.
  • Presently we could make out the train.
  • Can you make out my little parable?
  • I can just make out the top of a mast!
  • In the darkness he could not make out who it was.
  • Can you make out the sled-marks?
  • And you can almost make out what they say.
  • They listened but could make out no words.
  • The good lady could not make out why.
  • It was very easy for the prince to make out their names.
  • I could make out voices within.
  • I can make out the advance of the relief party.
  • Yer kin make out wif dat.
  • The listener was unable to make out the words.
  • It was difficult at first to make out what had happened.
  • But it was some time before they could make out any thing.
  • Pep could not make out his friends anywhere about.
  • Now her eyes could make out the rafters.
  • Yet he could not make out exactly in what it consisted.
  • But she could not make out a particle of meaning.
  • We wanted this venison to make out the dinner.
  • No doubt from his height he could make out the monsters.
  • He could not make out whether it was dead or only asleep.
  • He could make out the crews, too.
  • What could he make out of this, he wondered?
  • Far out to sea we could make out the sun on the water.
  • The girls were able to make out several figures.
  • The king could not make out what this monstrous bird was.

How To Use Make Out In A Sentence?

  • In the darkness she could make out objects only vaguely.
  • At first she could make out little of the lines.
  • But he could make out only a dim line of woods behind him.
  • I never could make out what women saw in you to like.
  • Who can make out her ideas about the gods, or about death?

Definition of Make Out

(transitive) To draw up (a document etc.), to designate (a cheque) to a given recipient, payee. [from 15th c.] | (obsolete, transitive) To send out. [16th-17th c.] | (transitive) To discern; to manage to see, hear etc. [from 16th c.]

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make out

1. To be able to see, hear, read, or distinguish something despite difficulty, often due to factors that interfere with one’s senses. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «make» and «out.» I can read most of this, but I can’t make out the last part. Can you? There, in the background—there’s someone talking. If we turn up the volume we may be able to make out what they’re saying. There’s another flavor in there, but I can’t quite make it out. Is it thyme?

2. To fare or manage (in a given situation). How did you make out at the grocery store? Did you get what you needed? The conference wasn’t a total bust. We made out OK on the last day.

3. slang To kiss passionately and for an extended period of time. All the high school kids go up there to make out in their cars.

4. To portray in a certain way. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between «make» and «out.» Please don’t make me out as some kind of villain—I’m just trying to help. This article makes Jake out to be one of the leaders of the protest, but he was just passing through when the reporter asked him a question.

5. To write the name of the payee of a check. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «make» and «out.» Please make out checks to the school. To whom should I make it out?

6. To write out a document of some kind. We need to make out these thank-you notes before much more time goes by.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

make something out

to see, read, or hear something well enough to understand it. What did you say? I couldn’t quite make it out. Can you make out what he is saying?

make out (with someone or something)


1. to manage to do something with someone or something. I think I can make out with this hammer. If I can’t make out with a crew of four, I’ll have to ask for more help.

2. Go to make out (with someone).

make out

 (with someone or something)

1. to manage to do something with someone or something. I think I can make out with this hammer. If I can’t make out with a crew of four, I’ll have to ask for more help.

2. Go to make out (with someone).

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

make out

1. Discern or see, especially with difficulty, as in I can hardly make out the number on the door. [Mid-1700s]

2. Manage, get along, as in How did you make out with the accountant? This usage was first recorded in 1820.

3. Engage in sexual foreplay or intercourse, as in Bill and Jane were making out on the sofa, or Joe bragged that he made out last night. [Slang; early 1900s]

4. Understand, as in I can’t make out what she is trying to say. [Mid-1600s] Also see can’t make head or tail of.

5. Establish or prove, as in He made out that he was innocent. [Colloquial; mid-1600s]

6. Imply or suggest. This usage often occurs with an infinitive, as in Are you making me out to be a liar? [Colloquial; mid-1600s]

7. Write out, draw up; fill in a written form. For example, He made out the invoices, or Jane started making out job applications. This usage was first recorded in 1465.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

make out


1. To discern or see something, especially with difficulty: It was hard to make out the traffic signs because of the rain. The patient tried to read the doctor’s handwriting, but couldn’t make it out.

2. To hear something well enough to understand it: He simply could not make out what she said. The voice over the public address system was so garbled that I couldn’t make it out.

3. To write something out; draw something up: The shopkeeper stayed late to make out the invoices. We drew up a guest list so we could make the invitations out.

4. To represent or describe someone or something as being or doing something. Used with an infinitive clause: Their inaccurate description made me out to be a liar. The commercial made out the candidate to be a real hero.

5. To try to establish or prove that something is true: We made out that we were innocent.

6. To get along in some way; fare in some way: The family made out well in their business.

7. make out of To create or fashion something from something else: We made a birdcage out of the leftover wood. The jewelry was made out of copper.

8. Slang To kiss deeply and passionately; neck: The couple made out in the back seat of the car.

9. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

make out

1. in. to neck and pet. He started making out when he was twelve.

2. in. to succeed. How did you make out?

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • leave behind
  • angle
  • angling
  • skin
  • skin me
  • skinhead
  • skins
  • wear (one’s) apron high
  • high
  • high, wide, and handsome

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