Sentence with the word lightning

Similar words: lighting, highlight, at night, light, flight, slight, light up, lightly. Meaning: [‘laɪtnɪŋ]  n. 1. abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light 2. the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more. 

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1 Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. 

2 Lightning strikes caused scores of fires across the state.

3 The big tree was struck by lightning.

4 Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.

5 The tree was struck by lightning.

6 The lightning made a zigzag in the sky.

7 Forked lightning flickered across the sky.

8 Lightning flashed across the sky.

9 The lightning flashed across the sky.

10 He was struck by lightning and killed.

11 Two farmworkers were struck by lightning .

12 Bank staff are to stage a series of lightning strikes in a dispute over staffing.

13 The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning,( beautiful flowers.

14 A flash of lightning and a peal of thunder heralded torrential rain.

15 The lightning flashed and distant thunder rolled.

16 She had been struck dead by lightning.

17 That house was struck by lightning and burned down.

18 Lightning flashed through the air.

19 She’s as quick as lightning on the tennis court.

20 Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.

21 One man died when he was struck by lightning.

22 The big tree was split by the lightning.

23 A streak of lightning forked across the sky.

24 A flash of lightning lit up the night sky.

25 Lightning lit up the night sky.

26 Driving today demands lightning reflexes.

27 Lightning flashed during the storm.

28 Fractals are used in the study of things like forked lightning and to produce some types of computer graphics.

29 The old tree behind our house was riven by lightning last night.

30 The chances are a million to one against being struck by lightning.

More similar words: lighting, highlight, at night, light, flight, slight, light up, lightly, delight, slightly, night, right, might, height, eighth, in sight, tighten, insight, tightly, fighter, by night, all right, midnight, nightmare, right away, out of sight, overnight, at midnight, day and night, straighten. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Nobody knows how clouds make lightning.

Никто не знает, как в облаках возникает молния.

Change could also be as fast as lightning.

Изменения также могут быть такими же быстрыми, как молния.

But unlike these lightning lightning start from the ground and go up.

Только в отличие от грозовых разрядов эти молнии начинаются от земли и уходят вверх.

Another myth is that the metallic coatings attract lightning.

Другой миф состоит в том, что металлические крышки привлекают молнию.

Simulated dark lightning should alter the fragment in some way.

Симуляция темной молнии должна хоть как-то повлиять на фрагмент, а ему хоть бы хны.

I know that the lightning was you.

Я знаю, что молния — твоих рук дело.

Her latest music is lightning and moonglow.

Её недавняя музыка — это и молнии и лунное сияние».

Clouds, hail, windstorms, thunder and lightning overawed early man.

Тучи, град, бури, гром и молния вызывали благоговение в раннем человеке.

I invented our mission after I saw those lightning bolts.

Я придумал наше задание после того, как я увидел эти молнии.

It’s what happens to sand when lightning strikes the ground.

Это то, что происходит с песком, когда в землю ударяет молния.

You must make it fly about like lightning.

Надо сделать так, чтобы они у нас летали, как молнии.

In 1752, he proved that lightning is electricity.

В 1752 году он провел эксперимент, доказавший, что молния — это электричество.

He was as fast as greased lightning.

Он был таким же быстрым, как смазанная молния.

People do not automatically die when struck by lightning.

Однако далеко не всегда люди погибают после попадания в них молнии.

Nobody knows how lightning is formed.

Никто не знает, как в тучах образуются молнии.

Direct damage caused by lightning strikes occurs on occasion.

Прямые повреждения, вызванные ударами молнии, случаются время от времени.

Its essence is lightning to catch for its further conversion into electricity.

Ее суть состоит в том, чтобы поймать молнию для дальнейшего ее превращения в электроэнергию.

Scientists define superbolts as lightning bolts a thousand times stronger than average.

Ученые определяют суперболты как молнии в тысячу раз сильнее, чем в среднем по миру.

Direct lightning strikes are usually fatal.

Прямые удары молнии, как правило, фатальны.

Use bombs and lightning to clear any obstacles you encounter.

Используйте бомбы и молнию, чтобы преодолеть любое препятствие, с которым вы столкнетесь.

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lightning — перевод на русский


That’s the lightning.

Это молния.

It’s like lightning.

Это как молния.

It’s only heat lightning.

Это всего лишь молния.

Just as you was a-steppin’ out of the coach, a bolt of lightning struck.

Как только вы вышли из кареты, ударила молния.

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Like lightning.

Как удар молнии.

If there’s no other obvious cause we’ll put it down to lightning but I’ve got to check first.

Если не будет других объективных причин смерти, мы спишем ее на удар молнии, — но сначала я должен в этом убедиться.

«The lightning bolt…»

«Удар молнии…»

Lightning Call!

Удар Молнии!

I’m starting to think the lightning fried his brain. Um…

Как бы удар молнии не повредил ему мозги.

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Do you beg the lightning to strike?

Вы хотите, чтобы ударила молния?

Then I’d talk like I’d been hit by lightning.

И потом, я буду говорить как мистер Лупидис, которого ударила молния.

— Beast was struck by lightning.

— Говорит, что в животное ударила молния.

When I found him, he was dying… burned, as if struck by lightning… covered in feathers.

Когда я нашел его, он уже умирал. Обожженнь? й, как будто в него ударила молния, покрь?

It was struck by lightning last night.

В нее прошлой ночью ударила молния.

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— Do you have a lightning arrester?

— А громоотвод есть?

-A lightning arrester?


Turn the Enterprise into a lightning rod.

Превратить «Энтерпрайз» в громоотвод..

Now we got a brand-new lightning rod on top to take the hits.

Даа, теперь у нас есть новенький громоотвод для приема молний сверху.

So what would have happened if you hadn’t turned our deflector dish into a lightning rod?

Итак, что бы произошло, если бы ты не превратил нашу тарелку дефлектора в громоотвод?

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That was the date of the famous Hill Valley lightning storm.

Это же день, когда случилась та известная гроза.

Rain, sleet, lightning and now snow.

Дождь, обледенение, гроза и теперь снег вдобавок.

It’s like a… just a little lightning storm in my head.

Как… маленькая гроза в моей голове.

Lightning storm.


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Such lightning strikes, such virtuosity in attack

Как молниеносно, с каким изяществом он атакует!

He takes lightning decisions…

Он принимает решение молниеносно.

Mardi Gras day I shoot the fiyo in the name! I make lew-lew dewey-dewey bottle bomb-bow! I make ’em jump over St. Louis Cemetery, roll that lightning’, kick down the tombstones, wake up the dead and make a hoom-bow!

* * в день Марди Гра вдохну огонь в людей * * у Луи Луи, Дьюи Дьюи поджарятся зады * * обожгу их так, что запрыгают по кладбищу они * * пронесутся молниеносно, сшибая надгробья * * мертвецов подымут и те запоют «Хум-Бау» *

I think their calculation — lightning break … to move into the Roki Tunnel and cut it.

Полагаю, их расчёт — молниеносно прорваться… к въезду в Рокский тоннель и перекрыть его.

With Lavinia, the disease moved like lightning.

В случае Лавинии недуг развился молниеносно.

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Did I ever tell you I’ve been struck by lightning seven times?

Я никогда не говорил, что меня семь раз била молния?

Did I ever tell you I was struck by lightning seven times?

Я никогда не говорил, что меня семь раз била молния?

Look, if Dana Gray was hit by lightning twice, do you think that would help to explain why she’s so overly electromagnetic?

Послушай, если в Дану Грей дважды била молния, как ты думаешь, может ли это объяснить то, почему она столь заряжена?

I have been struck by lightning more often…

В меня била молния чаще, чем…

Some get struck by lightning.

Некоторых бьёт молния.

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You might have lightning, but you missing everything else.

Может и есть в тебе огонек, но всего остального — нет.

What’s the matter with you, Lightning?

Да что с тобой, Огонек?

Thanks, Lightning.

Спасибо, Огонек.

Yeah, well, they threw us a few curves too since Lightning broke me out.

— Ну, что ж, у нас тоже пару раз были проблемы с тех пор, как Огонек устроил мне побег.

— It’s a dangerous road, Lightning.

— Это опасная дорога, Огонек.

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I haven’t been struck by some retributive bolt of lightning. I’m happy for once in my life.

Мама, я думаю ты разочарована, …что меня не покарал какой-нибудь гром небесный.

I swear before heaven and earth… and may I be struck down by lightning if I lie…

Клянусь небом и землей… разрази меня гром… никогда я не замышлял ничего подобного.

At that second it struck me like a flash of lightning.

И тут меня словно гром поразил.

May I get struck by lightning if I’m lying.

Разрази меня гром, если я говорю неправду.

Where’s the lightning bolt?

Где гром небесный?

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Молния попала.

[Addison] Lightning hit a substation.

Молния попала в подстанцию.

We could say that lightning has struck here.

Можно сказать, что молния попала в нашу семью.

My uncle Gerald’s been struck by lightning three times.

В моего дядю Джеральда три раза молния попала.

A lightning bolt.

Молния попала.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lightning, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lightning in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lightning».

Lightning in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lightning in a sentence.

  1. This was first noticed in lightning rods.

  2. Dry lightning is common in summer and fall.

  3. The column was destroyed by lightning in 172 BC.

  4. Storms on Jupiter are always associated with lightning.

  5. The lightning strikes caused no serious permanent damage.

  6. In Sumatra, elephants have been associated with lightning.

  7. Inevitably, the Manual became a lightning rod for controversy.

  8. In El Salvador, flooding and lightning caused one fatality each.

  9. Thunder and lightning accompanied the precipitation in some areas.

  10. Graham) via a piece of cemetery fence that acts as a lightning rod.

  11. Jupiter has powerful storms, often accompanied by lightning strikes.

  12. In 1886, it was struck by lightning and required extensive rebuilding.

  13. He had the strength of a tank, was lightning quick and he could tackle.

  14. John White was killed by lightning on a golf course the following year.

  15. Snake disables the Shagohod and Volgin is killed by a bolt of lightning.

  16. He had a tongue that could snap out sarcastic quips with lightning speed.

  17. The sound builds to a peak with thunder and lightning from the percussion.

  18. In the Windward Islands, lightning caused two indirect deaths in Trinidad.

  19. For instance, lightning caused part of the cornice to break off during 1925.

  20. There are observed correlations between tornadoes and patterns of lightning.

  21. In an outer rain band, a lightning strike in Jacksonville killed one person.

  22. Starting in early 2005, scientists used Cassini to track lightning on Saturn.

  23. The four Chaacs were storm gods, controlling thunder, lightning, and the rains.

  24. On August 4, 2018, a lightning bolt sparked a large fire in Spanish Fork Canyon.

  25. Upper-atmospheric lightning has also been observed 260 km above the 1 bar level.

  26. Fourteen years later, the hotel was struck by lightning and burned to the ground.

  27. On August 16, lightning from the system killed two brothers in southern Trinidad.

  28. In Newport News, lightning set a roof on fire in the Lee Hall section of the city.

  29. The power of the lightning is approximately 1,000 times that of lightning on Earth.

  30. The majority are caused by lightning strikes from thunderstorms during the wet season.

  31. In the summer of 1964, John White was tragically killed by lightning on a golf course.

  32. Perhaps the most popular oricha, Changó or Shango is associated with lightning and fire.

  33. On Jupiter lightning strikes are on average a few times more powerful than those on Earth.

  34. When the bird flaps its wings, thunder is created, and lightning originates from its eyes.

  35. Later that spring, lightning struck and destroyed the studio and all the recorded sessions.

  36. The writing bears on natural phenomena such rain, earthquakes, lightning, planets and omens.

  37. In 2006–07, Venus Express clearly detected whistler mode waves, the signatures of lightning.

  38. The origin of any lightning remains unclear, but could originate from the clouds or volcanoes.

  39. The largest fire in the group was the Shoshone fire which was started by lightning on June 23.

  40. Brief violent summer rains are usually accompanied by lightning, dust storms and flash floods.

  41. Dry-season fires are rarer due to the lack of lightning, but their damage may be more pervasive.

  42. Originally five separate fires, it was caused by several lightning strikes between July 12 and 15.

  43. Fire naturally occurs after lightning storms but takes its heaviest toll when water levels are low.

  44. Mario and Princess Peach are walking together when lightning suddenly strikes Peach’s castle nearby.

  45. Thunderstorms in the summer months tend to be more isolated and often produce dry lightning strikes.

  46. When she is struck by lightning and killed, she becomes the first person to be revived by his machine.

  47. The rocks that make up Mount Cayley were said to have been burnt black by the Thunderbird’s lightning.

  48. It arrived on the literary scene «like a flash of lightning out of a clear winter sky,» according to H.

  49. A traffic light that had been malfunctioning after a recent lightning strike may also have contributed.

  50. She can use it to flick, smash, freeze, or send lightning bolts to enemies, as well as lift certain items.

General information about «lightning» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lightning that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lightning» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lightning».

Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs typically during a thunderstorm. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

When all else fails, pump up the thunder and lightning.


No matter who is strapped into the driver’s seat, the lightning speed of its shifts and resulting performance can not be matched by the manual gearbox, no matter how engaging it is.


There’s even some talk about the possibilities that could be enabled when multiple lightning networks could be interconnected, though that possibility appears far off.


I thought 1.6 was fast, but 2.2 is like lightning.


Citing anecdotal evidence of a 15-year-old girl using a cellphone when she was struck, along with three other fatal cases of lightning striking cellphone talkers in China,…


New simulations reveal that water molecules actually form two different types of structures that break apart and recombine at lightning speeds.


Today, airplanes receive a rigorous set of lightning certification tests to verify the safety of their designs.


Aleix Vidal raced into the gap behind Siqueira, and Busquets played his lightning quick countryman in.


The hero’s agility and control over lightning creates a fresh approach to the genre that gives the player a unique feeling of speed and power.


His super attacks are more magical in nature, summoning the power of his lightning orb, Golden Chalice, and even Zarok’s Anubis Stone to KO opponents.


With any bad storm come lightning strikes.


When faced with such a threat the sympathetic part of our ANS informs the hypothalamus to immediately release sugar from our liver and cortisol from our adrenal glands so we can run like lightning and live to see another day.


Florida isn’t paradise; it is a hot, humid, semitropical jungle where, if lightning doesn’t get you, the mosquitoes will.


Sometimes you just need a cheap lightning cable for your iPhone.


Trips will run unless high winds, lightning or other conditions arise that force cancellation.


And one more thing zte grand s2 if far better than this at a killer price 14000 and lightning deal 11000.


«I increasingly feel that visible marks of religious difference are lightning rods for this hostility in ways that don’t depend on accurate recognition.


But new research shows those storms might be doing more than bringing some scary thunder and lightning.


Afterwards, we’ll have to rework some of our own protocol, based on group decisions by the other lightning teams trying to arrive at an interoperable spec.»


It has also been suggested (by L. Pearson) that increased lightning, from the thunderstorms, could affect trees, e.g. through the release of nitrogen.


7:48: Highlights from the lightning round: Maragos is fluent in French and Greek, but unlike Turner and Long has never milked a cow.


Bitcoin needs to be very careful with the implementation of new technology like SegWit and lightning network.


My favourite RC retort is a line that Plimer’s basic strategy is to attempt to use a list of fires caused by lightning to prove that arson is impossible… a priceless analogy that is accurate and informative.


The phrase thunder and lightning connotes an approaching storm.


Homeowners insurance is a policy you purchase from an insurance provider that covers you in case of theft, fire or storm damage (hail, wind and lightning) to your home.


Thunder and lightning and a lot of rain.


In the first version of symbolic functioning a kind of «error» seems to arise when expectations are disappointed, for example, when the sound of thunder fails to follow the flash of lightning.


A recent tenure decision has served as a lightning rod for our community-not only about the case, but also about the importance of qualitative methods and social justice research here at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.


Same goes for wildfires, lightning, hail and wind damage, and more.


Tesla scaled great heights to bring lightning down to earth, yet his rare cast of mind and uncommon habits eventually led to his downfall, leaving him nearly penniless and alone.


Some of the confusion is intentional, some of it the result of ineptitude, and the grand climax, whose elements include a long piece of wire, a lightning bolt, and an electronic force field, is an incoherent, rapid blur that will send the audience scurrying back to the book to find out what’s supposed to be going on.


I’m imagining a late season hurricane’s 16-foot storm surge combined with a full moon high tide/low tide cycle destabilizing the methane clathrates offshore of New Jersey, lightning setting the gas afire, and a storm moving inland pouring boiling water and boullabaise on the refineries….


Rev 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.


The storms moved on through the region, further reducing load in areas where lightning caused local distribution outages


There were exceptional flashes of lightning, and fiery dragons were seen flying in the air.


«They were able to cover the full cost of the house, some personal property, perils (fire, lightning, windstorm, hurricane, hail, explosion, etc.,) bodily injury, some medical payments and a little if my property were to damage someone else’s.


That ability is pivotal because combining both gravitational-wave and light-based astronomy enables a much more robust understanding of an observed object’s characteristics — in much the same way that lightning is better comprehended through sight and hearing than sight alone.


Our tester did have an iPhone cradle in it, but it was an iPhone 4 hook up, not a lightning adapter.


«When I first saw Irina’s photos on GenerationLove, it was as if lightning struck me,» Jens recalled in his testimonial.


In the demo we saw night cycle into day, but dynamic weather will also be a feature, with lightning storms that require Link to put his sword away lest he get struck.


For our initial report, here are the two «lightning rounds» conducted by moderator Errol Louis.


Re: Steve McIntyre (# 34), My other crazy theory, based on observing the trees, is that lightning can have a tremendous impact on tree morphology.


Scrap Brain Zone is an industrial world, filled with unique moving obstacles, lightning towers, and many other dangers and decorations that mirror the original.


Even though the 3-6 Cards are coming off a big come-from-behind win against the Eagles on the road with back-up John Skelton at the helm, the betting public isn’t expecting lightning to strike twice in two weeks for Arizona, as nearly seven out of ten spread bets are picking Jim Harbaugh’s team to secure a double-digit win at Candlestick in front of their home crowd.


There are a vast amount of different friendly barbarians, from the standard everyman, arrow blocking shieldmasters, to wizards that shoot lightning at your foes.


When I got the console I quickly launched into Final Fantasy VII, Spyro and many other iconic PS1 games but when I burnt through those at a lightning pace the bank balance was a little low and the purchase of Final Fantasy VIII exhausted our gaming funds for a while; it was then that we discovered chipped consoles.


Loss or damage by accident, fire, lightning, self ignition, external explosion, burglary, housebreaking or theft, malicious act


A robust gangster drama with a kick like the white lightning that fuels its plot, Lawless manages to find a new take on old material, thanks largely to an ideal cast and strong source material.


When the end of the semester, term or year approaches like a lightning, it turns out that almost all deadlines are closing in as if they appeared out of the blue.


Besides, what happens if your hashtag becomes a lightning rod for criticism?


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