Sentence with the word lesson

Synonym: assignment, course, exercise, instruction, study, teaching. Similar words: regardless of, tactlessness, pass on, dissonant, less, bless, unless, oppressor. Meaning: [‘lesn]  n. 1. a unit of instruction 2. punishment intended as a warning to others 3. the significance of a story or event 4. a task assigned for individual study. 

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1. One man’s fault is another man’s lesson

2. An evil lesson is soon learned. 

3. The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. Winston Churchill 

4. The teacher examined the students on the previous lesson.

5. This lesson adds to the value of the book.

6. Our first lesson on Tuesdays is French.

7. This lesson is divided into four units.

8. If you fail,don’t forget to learn your lesson.

9. The accident taught him an important lesson.

10. What did we do last lesson?

11. The teacher illustrated his lesson with pictures.

12. Well, that’ll teach you a lesson.

13. He illustrates the lesson with a picture.

14. Drawing is my favorite lesson.

15. I’ve got a piano lesson later today.

16. Let this be a lesson to you.

17. Having my car stolen really taught me a lesson — I’ll never leave it unlocked again.

18. The first lesson in driving is how to start the car.

19. It was an object lesson in how to use television as a means of persuasion.

20. I’ll deal with decimals in the next lesson.

21. courage is a lesson to us all.

22. This lesson is impressed on my mind.

23. She hadn’t been attending during the lesson.

24. Expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first(Sentence dictionary), the lesson afterwards. 

25. His sailing instructor fell overboard and drowned during a lesson.

26. We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences.

27. Mr. Brown thought it a good chance to teach his son a lesson.

28. Finally, the teacher recapped the main points of the lesson.

29. If you have people you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don’t expect. Advise, but don’t order. Ask, but never demand. It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to truly practice. It is the secret to true Love. To truly practice it, you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and yet an unconditional caring.

30. Our teacher is full of wit when he has a lesson.

More similar words: regardless of, tactlessness, pass on, dissonant, less, bless, unless, oppressor, processor, witless, endless, careless, in excess of, nonetheless, flawless, homeless, tactless, much less, reckless, intercessor, senseless, pointless, transgressor, tactlessly, more or less, regardless, no less than, nevertheless, due process of law, irregardless. 

Examples of how to use the word “lesson” in a sentence. How to connect “lesson” with other words to make correct English sentences.

lesson (n): a period of time in which a person is taught about a subject or how to do something

Use “lesson” in a sentence

I learned a valuable lesson today.
Is this the last lesson?
Let’s start with lesson 1.
After a pause the teacher continued the lesson.
I learned a valuable lesson.

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lesson — перевод на русский


«Wait, Franz, my boy… I’ll teach you a lesson so you’ll never look at another woman.»

Ну, погоди, Франц, мой мальчик — я преподам тебе такой урок, что ты больше никогда не взглянешь на другую женщину

She needed to be taught a lesson, and she got one.

Ей нужен был урок и я ее проучил.

«It has been a pretty severe lesson, dear, but it has made me realise… all that you mean to me.»

«Это был очень суровый урок, дорогая, но он заставил меня понять, как много ты значишь для меня.»

I learned my lesson last night!

Я хорошо выучила урок прошлой ночью!

I hope this will be a lesson to you!

Надеюсь, это преподаст Вам урок!

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And you believe in lessons till twrelve thirty?

font color-«#e1e1e1″И ты веришь, что занятия font color-«#e1e1e1″заканчиваются в 00:30?

— My lesson…

-Мои занятия… font color-«#e1e1e1»

Mademoiselle says she wants to go to her lessons.

Мадемуазель говорит, что у нее дела. Она хочет идти на занятия.

You taught us our first lessons, didn’t you?

Вы ведь вели у меня самые первые занятия.

Well, today is the beginning of the school lessons.

Ну вот… сегодня начинаем занятия в школе.

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mean that I have failed to reach most of you with the lesson I was given to teach.

показывают, что я не смог многим из вас преподать урок, которому меня поставили учить.

But she should be taught a lesson !

Но ей надо преподать урок!

Yes, I want to teach Mr. Marchetti a lesson.

Да, я хочу преподать урок этому синьору Маркетти.

But I see you must be given a lesson.

Но вижу, вам нужно преподать урок.

As you know, I don’t encourage corporal punishment in this school, but there are occasions when a lesson has to be taught.

А если вы не получите образования, вы станете потерянным поколением имбецилов! Вы знаете, что в нашей школе не приветствуется физическое наказание но иногда необходимо преподать урок.

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— That’s right, a good lesson.

— Точно, хорошенько проучить.

— Maybe to teach him a lesson.

-Может, чтобы проучить его.

If you really want to teach him a lesson, don’t see him.

Если вы хотите проучить его, не встречайтесь с ним.

When you read it, you got mad and decided to teach her a lesson.

А когда прочел, разозлился и решил проучить жену.

So I wanted to teach her a lesson, with her best friend.

Поэтому я решил ее проучить, с ее лучшей подругой.

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I’m going to teach the letters the numbers… You’ll have lessons every day.

Я вас буду учить политграмоте, арифметике и будете учиться каждый день.

Who’d wanna take lessons from such a greeny?

Зачем кому-то учиться у такого новичка?

— Do I get the piano lessons?

— Я буду учиться игре на пианино?

I need a lesson.

Мне нужно учиться.

Just as soon as we get back home, we’re starting lessons.

Как вернёмся, начнём учиться.

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And for tomorrow you need not prepare the lesson in geography.

И на завтра вам не придется учить географию.

He going give lessons in how to talk English.

Он скоро будет учить людей английскому.

Lessons in love.

Учить любить!

I tried giving him lessons.

— Я пытался его учить. Хуй там. — Я знаю.

And that’s why you don’t teach your father a lesson.

Вот почему, нельзя отца учить.

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If it was anybody else, I’d say what’s going to happen to you would be a lesson to you.

Я бы сказал, что это хороший урок.

She gave me an elementary lesson in life, this evening in which you should be calm and happy.

Она преподала мне хороший урок, этим вечером. Ты должна быть спокойна и счастлива.

I’ll teach him a lesson.

Я дам ему хороший урок.

This is to teach you a lesson

Чтоб преподать тебе хороший урок.

We’ll teach those blighters a lesson yet!

Мы все-таки сможем преподать этим гадам хороший урок!

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— Listen, don’t you want to take boxing lessons here?

-Слушай, а ты не хотел бы заниматься боксом, здесь?

I’ve come to take Alice for her lesson

Я пришла за мадемуазель Алисой, ей пора заниматься.

Mama, may we watch Toulouse paint before we start our music lesson?

Можно посмотреть, как Тулуз рисует, а потом заниматься?

I’ll insist on piano lessons.

Я считаю, что ей надо заниматься фортепиано.

I trust you have not neglected your music lessons while I’ve been away.

Надеюсь, ты не переставала заниматься музыкой, пока я здесь отсутствовал?

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We’ll go through a basic lesson.

Проработаем хорошенько основную лекцию.

Barnaba is giving a lesson of economy.

-Ребята,невероятно,Барноба отлично справляется,представьте,он всем читает лекцию по финансовой деятельности!

I received a fascinating lesson in the challenges of getting clear scanner readings through solid rock.

Да. Мне прочли целую лекцию, о трудностях получения данных сканирования твердой скалы.

Some other time I’ll give you a lesson in subliminal bonding gestures.

Как-нибудь в другой раз, я прочитаю тебе лекцию про подсознательные жесты связи.

I gathered from your lesson that you like to watch.

Я на лекции поняла, что тебе нравится смотреть.

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Have you been talking dancing lessons, Joe?

Ты что, брал уроки танцев, Джо?

I’ve had a few lessons, but I’ve never really soloed.

Я брал уроки, но никогда не летал один.

(CHUCKLES) He must be taking stupid lessons from that buffalo.

Наверное, он брал уроки глупости у этого быка.

Would you like lessons from him?

— Вы бы хотели брать уроки?

When chisa started dance lessons weren’t you planning to join her?

Когда Сати стала брать уроки танцев, разве ты не хотела присоединиться?

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Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1. One man’s fault is another man’s Lesson

2. An evil Lesson is soon learned. 

3. The greatest Lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. Winston Churchill 

4. The teacher examined the students on the previous Lesson.

5. This Lesson adds to the value of the book.

6. Our first Lesson on Tuesdays is French.

7. This Lesson is divided into four units.

8. If you fail,don’t forget to learn your Lesson.

9. The accident taught him an important Lesson.

10. What did we do last Lesson?

11. The teacher illustrated his Lesson with pictures.

12. Well, that’ll teach you a Lesson.

13. He illustrates the Lesson with a picture.

14. Drawing is my favorite Lesson.

15. I’ve got a piano Lesson later today.


Tips to remember how to use «Lesson» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Lesson».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Lesson», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Lesson» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


It is strange and interesting to realize that there are words that are written and sound the same, but have different meanings.

Meanings of the word

The noun «lesson» has several related meanings:

  • A 45-minute interval in secondary schools dedicated to the study of one subject;
  • Tutoring, teaching at home, private entrepreneurship;
  • Homework, assigned to consolidate the material studied and prepare for the study of a new topic;
  • Notation, moralizing;
  • Instructive, often negative, experience, allowing to make some or other conclusions for the future;
  • At the enterprise — a certain amount of work to be done during the shift or part thereof;
  • Kind of tribute in the Old Russian princedom.

Sentences with the word «lesson» in different meanings

Just learning the meaning of the noun is not enough. To consolidate theoretical knowledge, it will be useful to carefully study the examples below and write sentences with the word «lesson».

  • Vladislav fell ill with the flu, it seemed to him that the lesson lasted 450 minutes (class at school).
  • After the lessons the pupils of the ninth class went to the exhibition in the museum of local lore.
  • Salaries were not enough, Lyudmila Alexandrovna was working on lessons (tutoring).
  • To earn lessons, you need to issue a patent.
  • Did you do all the homework (homework)?
  • How many lessons do they ask in the first grade?
  • I’m tired of your tedious lessons (moralizing).
  • His lessons passed by Misha’s ears, heart and brain.
  • I got a good lesson: no one will persuade me to play preference (conclusion based on experience).
  • Too expensive for Alexei this lesson: in a year he lost almost all his loved ones.
  • The worker did the lesson in a few hours, but he could not leave home early (the daily rate).
  • Make as many sentences as possible with the word «lesson».
  • The landowner has imposed an exorbitant lesson on the peasants (tribute, obrok).
  • Lenski freed his serfs from the lesson, which caused discontent among his neighbors, and afterwards he gave them free at all.

And now make sentences with the word «lesson» yourself.

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