Sentence with the word justified

justified — перевод на русский


Um, but if the rest of one’s life… were only a few days or a few hours, would that be enough to justify love?

Но что, если до конца жизни оставалось бы… лишь несколько дней или несколько часов, было бы этого достаточным, чтобы оправдать любовь?

It is my belief that we already have sufficient evidence against Zachetti… and Mrs. Dietrichson to justify police action.

Мы имеем достаточно улик против Закетти и миссис Дитрихсон,.. …чтобы оправдать вмешательство полиции.

To justify this?

Чтобы оправдать это?

— I’ll work hard to justify your confidence.

— Я буду упорно трудиться, чтобы оправдать ваше доверие.

I’m not trying to justified myself, sir.

Я не пытаюсь оправдать себя, сэр.

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That doesn’t justify acting like a madman.

Ты слышала. Это не оправдывает безумной выходки.

We do not and cannot accept the principle that incompetence justifies dismissal.

Мы не принимаем и не можем принять принцип, что некомпетентность оправдывает увольнение.

Habit justifies everything.

Привычка оправдывает всё.

Thus, I no longer asked anything though it was only for myself that I tried to surprise the Korean sweetness and, above all, the change in these Asian women in whom alone all revolutions would be justified.

На этот раз я больше ни о чем не просил, и в своем отчете я попытался раскрыть тайну корейской доброты, корейской жизнерадостности, и особенно перемены в азиатских женщинах, единственной, которая оправдывает все революции.

— And so, I think it justifies some deviations from our policies.

— » поэтому, € думаю, что это оправдывает некоторые отступлени€ от наших правил.

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Violence is justified in the service of mankind.

Насилие оправдано, если осуществляется на благо человечество.

It’s justified, Father.

Это оправдано, Отец.

It was justified by the times.

В свое время это было оправдано.

Or do you believe… there are some people who just got so fucked… in the lottery of living… who feel so offended by their situation… that anything they do after that… is justified…as payback?

Или ты полагаешь, что есть люди, которым так не везёт в жизненной лотерее? Которые так оскорблены своим положением,.. …что всё, что они сделают после, будет оправдано как расплата?

Despite Sheridan’s current high standing in public-opinion polls… his decision to act against his fellow officers… must be explained and justified.

Несмотря на высокий рейтинг Шеридана, согласно опросам общественного мнения его решение действовать против своих сослуживцев должно быть объяснено и оправдано.

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I haven’t any behavior to justify. I’ve just been unlucky.

Мне незачем оправдываться, мне просто не повезло.

You have nothing to justify.

Ты не обязан оправдываться.

Please, you don’t have to justify yourself.

Вы не должны оправдываться.

And then I began to explain, to shout, to justify myself.

Я стал объяснять, кричать, оправдываться…

Since I am asked to justify myself, Monsieur Pitou loves Mademoiselle Clairette and she loves him too.

Раз уж мне приходится оправдываться, знайте, что месье Питу любит мадемуазель Клеретту, а она любит его.

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-I hardly think that’s justified.

-Я думаю, это не оправдание.

It amuses me how you’re always trying to justify yourself.

Не совсем. Мне нравится, что вы всегда ищите оправдание.

You can always make something up to justify it.

Всегда можно придумать какое-то оправдание.

That doesn’t justify trapping him or getting pregnant.

Это не оправдание для обмана или для беременности.

That’s not enough to justify attempted murder, right?

Разве это оправдание для убийства?

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I admit that I resorted to a subterfuge when Sabetha accused Aydan of taking the key. But I think the results justifies the means.

Я признаться, схитрил, с помощью Сабеты уличил Айдана в краже ключа, но я думаю, что цель оправдывает средства.

the target must justify the casualties.

Цель оправдывает средства.

I don’t think the ends always justify the means, but if no one’s hurt and if it’s good for Earth, I’ve got no complaints.

Не думаю, что цель всегда оправдывает средства, но если это никому не вредит и если это хорошо для Земли, у меня нет возражений.

Well, I’m sorry but the ends don’t always justify the means.

Жаль, но цель не всегда оправдывает средства.

I would’ve thought as a soldier, you would’ve understand by now that the end justifies the means.

Вы солдат, и должны понимать, что цель оправдывает средства!

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Don’t try to justify your behavior by insinuating things about me.

Не пытайся оправдаться, клевеща на меня.

On the contrary, I’m giving you an opportunity to justify yourself.

Наоборот, я даю возможность оправдаться.

A way to justify what we do.

способ оправдаться.

I see as much misery outta them moving to justify theirselves as them that set out to do harm.

От тех, кто хочет оправдаться несчастий столько ж, сколько от тех, кто хочет навредить.

Ok, but it’s Souleymane’s chance to justify himself.

Но у Сулеймана будет шанс оправдаться.

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The end justifies the means.

Цель оправдывает средства.

Ends justify means?

Цель оправдывает средства?

«Ends justify means in decisive gangland encounter.»

«Цель оправдывает средства» — заявляет преступный мир.

So the end justifies the means.

Цель оправдывает средства.

The ends justify the means because you got away with it.

И что цель оправдывает средства, потому что вы ушли от наказания.

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It’s justified, though.

Хотя это обоснованно.

Clever and justified.

Умно и обоснованно.

— Which would be totally justified.

— Что абсолютно обоснованно.

We are looking to examine the impact of force on African-American, Latino and other minority communities and whether that use of force is justified.

Мы расследуем результат применения силы в районах проживания афро-американского и латино-американского населения и было ли применение этой силы обоснованно.

It was… it was justified.

Это было… это было обоснованно.

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On what basis will you justify withdrawal?

И как ты собираешься объяснить это суду?

It’s hard to justify, at this point in history the existence of men and their handkerchiefs.

С исторической точки зрения, трудно объяснить существование мужчин и их носовых платков.

Loyalty to any one sports team is pretty hard to justify because the players are always changing.

Преданность любой спортивной команде довольно трудно объяснить потому что игроки ведь всегда меняются.

You need to justify your actions before you shoot us.

Прежде чем нас расстрелять, ты решил объяснить, за что.

The idea of discovery and proof of an internal emotional event is harder to prove, harder to control, and harder to justify in what sense that should be taken on board by anybody and for what reason.

Замысел открытия и доказательства внутреннего эмоционального события сложнее доказать, сложнее уследить и сложнее объяснить, в каком смысле это нужно принять кому-либо и для чего.

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  • оправдать
  • оправдывает
  • оправдано
  • оправдываться
  • оправдание
  • оправдывает средства
  • оправдаться
  • цель оправдывает средства
  • обоснованно
  • объяснить

оправданный, обоснованный


- обоснованный
- оправданный, показанный (об операции)
- извинительный
- справедливый; правомерный

Мои примеры


end not justified — неоправданная цель  
fully justified — вполне оправданный  
justified / legitimate / valid grievance — законная жалоба  
to recognize as justified — признать обоснованным  
end justified — оправданная цель  
justified act — оправданный поступок  
goal justified — оправданная цель  
aim justified — оправданная цель  
justified demand — обоснованное требование  
right justified clause — оператор выравнивания по правым символам или знакам  

Примеры с переводом

Force is only justified in extreme circumstances.

Применение силы может быть оправдано только в чрезвычайных обстоятельствах.

Was the employment of force justified?

Было ли применение силы оправданным?

The use of compulsion in psychiatric care cannot be justified.

Применение принуждения в психиатрическом лечении не может быть оправдано.

In the Chief Constable’s view the use of force was fully justified.

С точки зрения начальника полиции, применение силы было вполне оправданно.

The decision may be legally justified, but I question its morality.

Возможно, это решение и оправданно с юридической точки зрения, но я сомневаюсь в его этичности.

Under the circumstances, the principal was justified in expelling this student.

Учитывая обстоятельства, директор школы имел полное право отчислить этого ученика.

Clerics were sharply divided on the issue of whether the war was morally justified.

Мнения священнослужителей относительно того, является ли эта война оправданной с точки зрения морали, резко разделились.

That’s a particularly rosy view of the economic situation, and one that may not be justified.

Это представление об экономической ситуации является особенно наивным, и его ничем нельзя оправдать.

The judge ruled that the town’s rescission of the contract was justified due the contractor’s repeated failures to meet its obligations.

Судья признал расторжение городскими властями данного договора обоснованным по причине многочисленных отказов исполнителя отвечать по своим обязательствам.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It seems that her forebodings were justified.

He justified his actions with specious reasoning.

This offence is so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

justifiable  — законный, позволительный, могущий быть оправданным
unjustified  — неоправданный
justifier  — рабочий, выравнивающий или выключающий строки

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1. The act was barely justified by the circumstances.

2. Are you sure that these measures are justified?

3. Is he justified in all his actions?

4. Can her actions be morally justified?

5. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified.

6. His pride in his achievements is justified.

7. The suspicion proved amply justified.

8. Her success had justified the faith her teachers had put in her.

9. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.

10. Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.

11. Force is only justified in extreme circumstances .

12. Copernicus justified his innovation by citing respected authorities.

13. I accept that the criticism is completely justified.

14. In some senses the criticisms were justified.

15. He’s absolutely justified in resigning. He was treated shamefully.

16. In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.

17. They own that the claim is justified.

18. She felt fully justified in asking for a refund.

19. Was the employment of force justified?

20. Only time will tell whether Broughton’s optimism is justified.

21. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.

22. I don’t think he is justified in his action.

23. This widespread pessimism does not seem justified.

24. This sort of increase simply cannot be justified.

25. I think you were quite justified in complaining.

26. Her pride in her achievements is justified.

27. He justified his innocence by sound facts.

28. Her forebodings about the future were to prove justified.

29. In the Chief Constable’s view the use of force was fully justified .

30. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than justified.

More similar words: ratified, justify, horrified, classified, justice, do justice, satisfied, just, just as, just now, adjust, just about, artificial, scientific, just the same, adjustment, stiff, certification, identification, testify, rustic, ratification, gratification, exhaustion, fiery, field, fierce, allied, dried, lie down. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Democrats believe anything they do is justified.

Мой герой верит, что все, что он делает — оправдано.

The difference in treatment was therefore justified.

Поэтому и в их отношении различие в обращении оправдано.

UNU, however, verified that all purchases of hardware and software were justified.

УООН, однако, следит за тем, чтобы любое приобретение аппаратных средств и программного обеспечения было обоснованным.

All adjustments made here were logically justified.

Все коррективы, вносимые здесь, были обоснованы логически.

For many years, this fear was probably justified.

В течение многих лет, вероятно, этот страх был оправдан.

Family reunification may be refused on duly justified grounds.

В семейном воссоединении может быть отказано по причинам, которые являются должным образом оправданными.

When justified, oil collecting pans should be installed.

В тех случаях, когда это оправдано, следует устанавливать поддоны для сбора нефтепродуктов.

Yet, the apprehensions about globalization are equally justified.

Тем не менее в равной степени оправданными являются опасения, связанные с процессом глобализации.

Nor is it justified in the general interest.

Это не является оправданным и с точки зрения всеобщих интересов.

Furthermore, some reimbursements were not adequately justified.

Кроме этого, выплата возмещения в некоторых случаях была достаточно обоснованной.

So reproach insensitivity may be partly justified.

Так что упрек в бесчувственности, может быть, отчасти оправдан.

Any interconnection refusal shall be fully justified.

Любой отказ в межсетевом соединении должен быть полностью обоснован.

Diets are justified especially if overweight begins to endanger health.

В большинстве случаев, диеты оправданы, когда лишний вес начинает представлять опасность для здоровья.

Soon we’ll see whether those hopes are justified.

И в ближайшее время мы увидим, насколько эти надежды были оправданы.

I think it’s more than justified.

Я думаю, что это было более чем оправдано».

Peacekeeping operation budgets must be fully justified to ensure maximum efficiency.

Для обеспечения максимальной эффективности бюджеты операций по поддержанию мира должны быть в полной мере обоснованны.

The breach must therefore nullify or essentially depreciate the aggrieved party’s justified contract expectations.

Таким образом, нарушение должно полностью сводить к нулю или в значительной степени обесценивать оправданные ожидания потерпевшей стороны от договора.

Those fears… are fully justified.

Все эти обеспокоенности, в общем-то, оправданы…».

I think that these steps were not only justified but also necessary.

Это были не только оправданные, но, на мой взгляд, необходимые шаги.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат justified

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Justified is the debut solo studio album by American singer and songwriter Justin Timberlake. It was released on November 5, 2002, by Jive Records. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

In either case the actions would likely be justified if these measures were detailed in their emergency management plans in place before the disaster.


This isn’t going to please for the fans, but their reasoning is justified.


But if a full-fledged Oakes analysis were applied, it would not be enough to merely take the right into account and give it some weight; the proportionality of the interference would have to be justified and an explanation given as to whether less intrusive alternatives were considered.


I further argue that playing Russian roulette with the lives of others can never be justified merely on the basis of efficacy.


Dear Jed, I can sympathise with your position in Silent Hill 2: Horrible Survival, Not Survival Horror, in that many of your criticisms are justified.


To be honest, I bought them because they were on MAJOR clearance and justified my purchased by telling myself that I would wear them enough times for such a great price.


As a job seeker, your anger is justified.


Renoir’s removal of any hefty political inquiry feels justified given his interest in the women’s foregrounded sexual awakening and the idea of Harriet running from childhood into love.


On the other hand, critics say, such challenges are justified because law clinics are costly, unaccountable and often counterproductive to states» interests.


I also picked up a button down denim shirt (they only have the plus sized version online) because my other one just got a big random rip in the sleeve — justified again right?


That there is no way around the issue of sin, and that He paid the debt for it and you are justified.


Many writers and investors questioned the high levels of confidence that surrounded this latest update, but so far that belief appears to have been entirely justified.


For my career, I decided to give myself a justified challenge; I’d sit just behind the levels of downright ridiculous at 70 — Hard, which turned out to be just right for a decent challenge.


No human merits come into the equation» it is simply a juridical decision on the part of God to see the believer as justified.


So, my conclusion as an avid follower of the team is justified.


The memo documents how Cuomo’s office went about trying to prove that Bruno’s claim that his use of state aircraft at the taxpayers» expense was justified because he mixed state business with political activities.


That means she is perfectly justified in saying that Leo has zoomed backward past her, and that it is his watch that’s running slow since he’s the one moving.


«It is clear that the mandatory, command-and control, economics and politics of the Kyoto Protocol are not justified.


HL: While I feel like the collective concern [over 13 Reasons Why] is completely justified, my worry is that we might miss out on a teachable moment.


Commission rates will have to be justified, or reduced.


It’s more extreme than the avowed position of any recent US Administration — even the invasion of Iraq was purportedly justified on the basis of UN resolutions, rather than US self-interest.


As an unabashed admirer of most of Mini’s model lineup, thanks to their irrepressibly cheery dispositions and — in S and John Cooper Works versions — deceptive sportiness, I have been willing to forgive some of the brand’s more overt quirks, and even justified (in my mind, at least) its premium pricing structure.


Direct discrimination can only be objectively justified under one of the Treaty categories that recognise legitimate objective differences between nationals and non-nationals and can not be based on economic grounds (352/85 Bond van Adverteerders [1988] ECR 2085 para 34).


The question is whether this is justified and, if so, why.


Sometimes that is justified, and on other occasions, the games simply don’t meet the expectations of gamers.


No matter how vouchers are justified, they wreck havoc on communities and do not improve academic achievement.


Here’s why you can feel perfectly justified skipping the iPhone X and getting the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus instead.


Compensation committees can be swayed by their own large paychecks, or net worth, into thinking $ 20 million a year is justified.


Still, to the degree to which statistical bludgeons are, to my mind, inappropriately raised at a short term record which could have turned out many other ways, each having no particularly special significance, the trumpeting of the breaking of the record is justified.


It may feel justified, but it will usually fuel even greater conflict and distance.


According to the Council Directive (2000/78/EC) cited in the Court’s judgment, as well as the applicable international and European human rights law, indirect discrimination can be justified, but only on the condition of a «legitimate aim».


What is not justified is the ideologically-driven, self-interested rejectionism and obstruction characterising the contrarian stance.


If a firm’s policies can not be justified and explained in these terms, competitive forces may ultimately compel the firm to modify its policies, or, alternatively, drive it out of business.


«shall not constitute discrimination where, by reason of the nature of these activities or of the context in which they are carried out, a person’s religion or belief constitute a genuine, legitimate and justified occupational requirement, having regard to the organisation’s ethos.


Some of them still think middle schools are junior versions of high school, and that they are justified in focusing only on subject expertise rather than student expertise.


Sadly, TGGWS didn’t even address this, which would have entirely justified the use of a graph ending in 1988 in a 2007 programme.


A valuation at least equal to Donegal’s latest average price of EUR 8,864 per acre is justified, and its 415,000 gallon milk quota might sell for 13 cts per litre — for a grand total of EUR 24.6 mio.


According to the report, of the 23 countries surveyed, Iraq and Afghanistan are the only two countries where majorities of Muslims surveyed said that honor killings of women are justified as punishment for alleged pre — or extra-marital sex.


sometimes it’s just not happening for a player and the sub was justified.


If neither of these results is justified, a policy based on attribution claims (and [fear]-RRB- runs the risk of being ill advised, ineffective, and disingenuous.


Yes, the hide-and-seek multiplayer gameplay is alluring and incredibly immersive thanks to the graphics and well-done audio presentation, but the amount of effort put into detailing the game’s back story and the «briefing» for each level makes me feel a plot-driven singleplayer component would have been well justified.


The cruise line offered an insurance plan with the broadest coverage available, however, the additional cost was not justified to me.


And they are also responsible to pay, whether justified or not, any fines the city levies on their animal (such as in a case where the city does not allow pits or livestock).


«If we can successfully meet an ailing dog’s basic needs, then we can feel confident that preserving life is justified


Speaking at an event in the East Midlands, Mr Cameron said he recognised such powers were «very intrusive» but he believed that they were justified to counter the growing threat to the UK, as long as proper legal safeguards were in place.


Not all suspicion is justified, but let us ask, who started the process of blackmailing scepticism.


Enhanced sleeping power — the one place magnesium does hold in the public’s hearts is as the «relaxation mineral», which is fully justified.


From the perspective of the narcissistic / (borderline) parent, this is all justified.


Do you think she is justified in her reaction, or should she have tempered her response?


If the complaint is found to be justified, de VRIES LITIGATION will take appropriate measures to resolve it, including, if necessary, amending this Policy and its procedures.


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