Sentence with the word june

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

A clamour was nevertheless raised in regard to the incompatibility of the under-secretaryship with a position in the House of Lords, and Lord Rosebery resigned the post in June 1883.

From 1753 till within a short period of his death, which took place on the 18th of June 1788, he preached regularly in Nicolson Street church, which was constantly filled with an audience of two thousand persons.

In June 1882 Hicks the Mandi gained his first considerable success.

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The book was printed in a private press at Stonor Park, Henley, and 400 copies were found on the benches of St Mary’s, Oxford, at the Commencement, on the 27th of June 1581.

The paper was dated Sunday, June 6.

General Jose de Lamar, who commanded the Peruvians at Ayacucho, was elected president of Peru on the 24th of August 1827, but was deposed, after waging a brief but Early disastrous war with Colombia on the 7th of June Presidents.

The St Fillan whose feast is kept on the 20th of June had churches dedicated to his honour at Ballyheyland, Queen’s county, Ireland, and at Loch Earn, Perthshire.

The sale of Tennyson’s poems now made it safe for him to settle, and on the 13th of June 1850 he was married at Shiplake to Emily Sarah Sellwood (1813-1896).

The Government which took office in June 1920 was a coalition Cabinet of the Christian Democrat and Popular Socialist parties plus three ministers who did not belong to any party.

This system had already been applied to the Batavian republic in 1795, totheLigurian and Cisalpine republics in June 1797; it was extended to that of MUlhausen on the 28th of January 1798, to the Roman republic in February, to the Helvetian in April, while the Parthenopaean republic (Naples) was to be established in 1799.

  • Use the word June in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They discovered that the phonecard with this number was bought here in the area between March and june.

Jane By Design 1×11 — The Replacement Original air date june 5, 2012

French Republic (Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood) Police Department Security service Paris, june 5th, 1911 The inspector Juve is responsible for the inquiry concerning the disappearance of Lord Beltham.

«The Immigrant was Charlie Chaplin’s eleventh film in his series of twelve Mutual comedies, being first released on june 17, 1917.

I Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States, do hereby make knowm that the said lands acquired from the Sioux tribes, will be available for settlement at and after the hour of o’clock … noon of the 25 day of june, 1887 and not before …

On june 2, 1916 at 2 a. M…

News arrives on june 3rd at the Verdun Citadel.

But the enemy was waiting near by… And as of june 15th, the attacks against Verdun multiplied ferociously.

passed away yesterday, on the 17th of june, 1929.

Where were you on june 5, 1774?

The horses being led by a bat was the invention of screenwriter Fritz Stephani, who imagined the scene in Universal’s first treatment for Dracula in june, 1930.

«Little Kurt Klawitzky and his sister Klara have been missing since june 11th.

TICKETS SOLD TO ALL ISLAND PORTS The schooner Hinano is due june 24h bound for Papeete.


Since june 11 this year, when the first negotiation…

Well, gentlemen, since june 11 of this year… when the first negotiations for a merger were entered…

‘One Billion and 800 Million’ (Die Rote Fahne, 5 june 1931) ‘… urtius on his foreign policy’ (Berliner Tageblatt und Handelszeitung, 11 February 1931)

2,700,000 seeking jobs in june‘ ‘4.1 million unemployed.

Anna B├Ânike, born 28 june 1911, in Berlin; residence in Berlin, 27Trift St, single,occupation-worker, group 52,date 11 Jan. 1932, form no.4879, payday Wednesday

WRESTLING MATCH ‘Major Sports Meet of the All Workers’ Sports Sunday.12 june.

june 18th 1927, seven felonious assault.

Especially in june and July there’s not enough food.

May and june are the hardest months in Las Hurdes. The potatoes have run out.

Where were you on the night of june 7?

All right, I’ll give you a choice, where were you any night last june, July, or August?

License number 5J, J like in june, 4651.

Seems like, seems like june.

And after, for pastime, if june be refulgent with flowers in completeness.

june use my june-lightning, the strong insect-ridder, To stop the fresh film-work… why, june will consider.

Tell me: In june 1914… had you ever heard of a place called Sarajevo?

Those june nights in England, Murray’s Club at Maidenhead.

«…the board will meet you Saturday, june 12 at two o’clock in our main office.»

On tlls, tie 23rd of june

These articles entered into, this 20th day of june, in the year 1687.


Do you know, today has been the coldest day since the 10th of june, 1895?

Well, Geneva, june 14th, at 8:00.

The outfit I was with took it last june.



Worrying, I guess, june and Buddie ain’t back yet.

Sometimes I wished I was, Auntie. Then I wished I wasn’t ’cause if I was, I couldn’t marry june and if I wasn’t…

june, if you ain’t the lookingest…

Better make it just a dipping, june, or them hungry mouths will eat that table bare.

Examples of how to use the word “june (jun)” in a sentence. How to connect “june (jun)” with other words to make correct English sentences.

june (jun) (n): the sixth month of the year, after May and before July

Use “june (jun)” in a sentence

I was born on June 9, 1986.
We will get married in June.
A series of events will take place in June.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word June?

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People also asked

Match the words and complete the sentences with the word combinations.
1) made
2) to make
3) during
4) to play on
5) swim
6) to find
7) write in
8) had

a) our holidays

b) in the sea

c) a room

d) a trip

e) your diary

f) the beach

g) terrible weather

h) sandcastles

1) Last June we … to Scotland.
2) … we always travel a lot.
3) Children like … in good weather.
4) John and Alice … every day in summer.
5) It is not easy … in a good hotel during the summer season.
6) Please … everything you will find interesting during your trip.
7) We … when we stayed in St Petersburg. It rained a lot.
8) When I was little, I liked … on the yellow sandy beaches.

ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 2. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Подбери слова в соответствие и закончи предложения этими словосочетаниями.
1) делал
2) делать
3) в течение
4) играть на
5) плавает
6) найти
7) пишет в
8) имели

наш отпуск

в море



твой дневник


ужасная погода

замки из песка

1) В июне прошлого года мы … в Шотландию.
2) … мы всегда много путешествуем.
3) Дети любят … в хорошую погоду.
4) Летом Джон и Алиса … каждый день.
5) Нелегко … в хорошем отеле в летний сезон.
6) Пожалуйста, … все, что ты найдешь интересным во время поездки.
7) У нас …, когда мы остались в Санкт−Петербурге. Шел сильный дождь.
8) Когда я был маленьким, мне нравилось … на желтых песчаных пляжах.

1 – d, 2 – h, 3 – a, 4 – f, 5 – b, 6 – c, 7 – e, 8 − g.
1) Last June we made a trip to Scotland.
2) During our holidays we always travel a lot.
3) Children like to play on the beach in good weather.
4) John and Alice swim in the sea every day in summer.
5) It is not easy to find a room in a good hotel during the summer season.
6) Please write in your diary everything you will find interesting during your trip.
7) We had terrible weather when we stayed in St Petersburg. It rained a lot.
8) When I was little, I liked to make sandcastles on the yellow sandy beaches.
Перевод ответа
1) В июне прошлого года мы совершили поездку в Шотландию.
2) Во время наших каникул мы всегда много путешествуем.
3) Дети любят играть на пляже в хорошую погоду.
4) Летом Джон и Алиса плавают в море каждый день.
5) Нелегко найти номер в хорошем отеле в летний сезон.
6) Пожалуйста, запиши в своем дневнике все, что ты найдешь интересным во время поездки.
7) У нас была ужасная погода, когда мы остались в Санкт−Петербурге. Шел сильный дождь.
8) Когда я был маленьким, мне нравилось делать замки из песка на желтых песчаных пляжах.

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