Sentence with the word journeys

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word journeys, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use journeys in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «journeys».

Journeys in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word journeys in a sentence.

  1. Several other journeys were completed during Scott’s absence.

  2. Kratos journeys to the Domain of Death to rescue his brother.

  3. Other groups would form support parties for the main journeys.

  4. Many of these settlers began their inland journeys in Detroit.

  5. Her funds eventually arrive, and she journeys to England alone.

  6. In 1851, the King undertook a number of journeys around Germany.

  7. The airport journeys are valid for 180 days from the date of purchase.

  8. In 2016–2017, 37.8 million passenger journeys were made on the system.

  9. On these journeys they often met William Lemon and his son, both lawyers.

  10. The depot journeys would be the first true tests of equipment, dogs and men.

  11. The hero journeys there to stop the Mana Storm by confronting the Mana Lord.

  12. Train journeys from Sheerness-on-Sea to London Victoria take 1 hour 45 minutes.

  13. British, Taiwanese and Polish ships made two, two and four journeys respectively.

  14. The next 15 months were occupied with various journeys and administrative measures.

  15. The number of journeys permitted to Hong Kong are stated in the exit endorsement, i.e.

  16. Rodriguez traveled everywhere with the horse throughout the stallion’s world journeys.

  17. Lansbury wrote several accounts of his peace journeys, notably My Quest for Peace (1938).

  18. Other journeys would follow, and there would be a continuous programme of scientific work.

  19. Jones increased scheduled passenger journeys from two to three each day in each direction.

  20. On their return journeys they were sunk by German submarines U-90 and U-151, respectively.

  21. The player-character, a robotic maid named Marina, journeys to save her kidnapped creator.

  22. The rebuilding reduced journeys between Quainton Road and Brill to between 35 and 43 minutes.

  23. Most residents therefore rely on public transport for journeys within the city and elsewhere.

  24. Similar journeys to other parts of England and Wales were taken in 1832, 1833, 1834 and 1835.

  25. The journeys revealed some disunity among the men, particularly between Johansen and Amundsen.

  26. Later, scheduled services were offered but the time journeys took depended much on the weather.

  27. One urgent task was to improve the sledges, which had not worked well during the depot journeys.

  28. Blackburn and Churchill cut their journeys short, returned home, and were married in November 1857.

  29. Polar historian David Crane calls the western journey «one of the great journeys of polar history».

  30. Forster reports on incidences of killings between New Zealanders and Europeans from other journeys.

  31. Gale wind flags were raised at more than a hundred ports but many captains continued their journeys.

  32. With this in mind, he began to practice dog-driving, making many experimental journeys over the ice.

  33. As a result, simple auto journeys for black people were fraught with difficulty and potential danger.

  34. The story follows a ninja named Ryu Hayabusa as he journeys to America to avenge his murdered father.

  35. The journeys thus ended not with a triumphant return, but on a note of disappointment and frustration.

  36. At the 2016 census, 7.1% of the journeys to work involved public transport, while 4.5% walked to work.

  37. By these means the party equipped itself for the sledging journeys that lay ahead in the second season.

  38. This mode also offers more options in the buildings, as well as two more journeys to «Who Knows Where».

  39. Her plots are often described as journeys, odysseys and quests in both literal and metaphorical senses.

  40. The service was immediately popular and within one month of opening, one million journeys had been made.

  41. In the third episode, Keen journeys to the Vorticon homeworld of Vorticon VI to find the Grand Intellect.

  42. A railway line leading directly to the crematoria would cut thousands of truck journeys from the old ramp.

  43. It also commandeered the fuel that COMZ trucks needed for their return journeys, leaving convoys stranded.

  44. Boult had not wished to go on the tour because flying hurt his ears, and long land journeys hurt his back.

  45. Here the men established the base from which they would launch scientific and exploratory sledging journeys.

  46. A travelogue of his journeys in Brazil, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and some places in Canada is presented.

  47. Ben journeys to Tikrit, Iraq, where the funeral of Sayid’s wife Nadia Jazeem (Andrea Gabriel) is taking place.

  48. In 1893, during the course of one of these journeys, Markham was elected in absentia president of the society.

  49. They entered the north via parachute drops or sampan journeys at night, but nearly all were captured or killed.

  50. As winter gave way to spring, the party prepared for more ambitious inland journeys using the dogs and sledges.

General information about «journeys» example sentences

The example sentences for the word journeys that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «journeys» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «journeys».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


I transfer money and plan new journeys.

Сейчас я продолжаю сбор информации и планирую новые путешествия.

Cover story — unusual journeys and everything connected with them.

Тема выпуска — необычные путешествия и всё, что с ними связано.

People should use bicycles for short journeys.

Расчет сделан на то, что люди будут брать велосипеды для коротких поездок.

They hired security guards for their journeys.

Они были посвящены обеспечению безопасности ребят во время поездок.

None of their journeys has been straight and narrow.

Ни одно из этих путешествий не были кругосветными, даже близко.

This was just one of his many journeys.

То было всего лишь одно из многочисленных путешествий этого человека.

However, the journeys can vary in length.

Вместе с тем, эти путешествия могут бть различными по продолжительности.

It is not suitable for individual journeys.

Соответственно, этот вариант не подходит для индивидуальных путешествий.

She used to sing along on long car journeys.

Он по-прежнему очень, как правило, пел во время длительных автомобильных поездок.

It has one fatal accident for every 300 million journeys.

На каждые 300 миллионов поездок приходится один несчастный случай со смертельным исходом.

They run into many dangers and exotic creatures in their journeys.

Они встречаются со многими инопланетными культурами, существами и опасностями в ходе своих путешествий.

He explained to us also that the group has common journeys.

Также он рассказал нам, что участники его группы предпринимали также и совместные путешествия.

They often risk dangerous sea journeys to return home.

Для того, чтобы вернуться домой они часто предпринимают рискованные морские путешествия.

The only determining factor is the frequency of journeys abroad.

Однако, не менее важным нюансом является частота ваших поездок за границу.

Validity: 10 journeys 90 minutes each after stamping.

Срок действия: 10 поездок по 90 минут каждая после активации.

Reducing the number of journeys, you take using your car.

Подумайте о том, как уменьшить количество поездок, которые вы совершаете, используя свой автомобиль.

But try to avoid unnecessary car journeys with young babies.

Но старайтесь в принципе избегать ненужных поездок на машине с младенцами».

Rickshaws are better for shorter journeys.

Отправление из Рибейры больше подходит для кратковременных поездок.

Long shipping journeys to India will mean more greenhouse gases.

А длительные путешествия в Индию будут означать увеличение выбросов парниковых газов от судоходства.

3.3 Before making any journeys to view properties, you should confirm their availability.

З.З Прежде, чем совершать любые путешествия, чтобы посмотреть объект недвижимости, Вы должны удостовериться в его наличии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат journeys

Результатов: 6527. Точных совпадений: 6527. Затраченное время: 84 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Chandra Das also brought back from his journeys a large number of interesting books in Tibetan and Sanskrit, the most valuable of which have been edited and published by him, some with the assistance of Ugyen Gyatso and other lamas.

Frequent journeys to the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, and the North Sea gave him abundant materials for research on invertebrate anatomy and physiology, which he communicated first to the Munich academy of sciences, and republished in his Beitrdge zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Blutes (Leipzig, 1832-1833), with additions in 1838).

His tastes were those of a student, and he did not disguise his dislike of public functions and the constant little journeys which take up so much of a bishop’s time.

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Armenischen Hochlandes (Wien, 1882); Bishop, Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan (Lond., 1891); Bliss, Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities (Lond., 1896); Bryce, Transcaucasia and Ararat (4th ed., Lond., 1896); De Coursous, La Rebellion armenienne (Paris, 1895); Lepsius, Armenia and Europe (Lond., 1897); Murray, Handbook for Asia Minor (Lond., 1895); Parly.

This work involved several journeys to Europe, and was performed with a thoroughness approaching finality.

Those of them, however, who have farms in the savannahs and are accustomed to take long rides in all weathers, and those whose trade obliges them to take frequent journeys in the mountainous interior, or even to Europe and North America, are often as active and as little burdened with superfluous flesh as a Scotch farmer.

We can trace the use of the received text along the line of the journeys both of Pirminius and Boniface, and there is little doubt that they received it from the Roman Church, with which Boniface was in frequent communication.

He made several journeys to Constantinople, where he enjoyed the favour of the empress Theodora.

Du Chaillu’s account (1861) of his journeys in the Gabun region popularized the knowledge of the existence of the gorilla.

In a succession of missionary journeys he succeeded, partly by persuasion and partly (if his enemies are to be believed) ‘ See Labourt, op. cit., especially pp. 87-90, 92-99.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Journeys | Journeys Sentence

  • I am tired of the long journeys you have sent me on.
  • He made his long journeys on horseback.
  • No matter how long the journeys you send me on, I go.
  • Insensibly she had become important enough for me to make journeys for her.
  • And were these His frequent journeys and long stay at Lemnos?

How To Use Journeys In A Sentence?

  • There was nothing more now but dusty railway journeys and elegant garments and conventionalities.
  • The innumerable journeys accomplished round it in all directions give definite proof of this.
  • Some seemed to believe their prayers have to travel long journeys and are better long than short.
  • Our daily journeys were short, and the head we made against the stream but trifling.
  • Simpson was famous in those days for his swift journeys with his celebrated Iroquois canoemen.
  • And so, at little cost, we have made one of the grandest and most beautiful journeys conceivable.
  • Then he began to talk; first he told me of the accident, and his journeys in search of health.
  • He afterward returned to England, but did not publish an account of his journeys until 1790.
  • With the exception of two journeys to be mentioned shortly, he never again left Athens.
  • The Euphrates still journeys to the gulf, but where are Pison, Gihon and the mighty Heddekel?
  • The power that journeys along the celestial spaces in the flashing sunshine is beyond our comprehension.
  • A wish to contribute to the public good led me to undertake those journeys which have cost me so much.
  • Their transport would necessitate several journeys but he would have to make haste for fear of bad weather.
  • At that time the dealers accomplished all their journeys on horseback, and prided themselves on the fleetness of their saddle-horses.
  • It was only when he rode forth on his mysterious journeys that he crowned himself with a Chinese straw helmet.
  • Another machine was also running, but with the coming of winter these machines performed only three double journeys each a week.
  • For him, even the smallest journeys held the spice of some adventure; all minutes were loaded with enticing potentialities.
  • The sister in charge notes in her journal every entrance and every departure, and all the journeys and leaves of absence of the sisters.
  • This sudden mania for long journeys on Aylmer’s part was a most annoying hobby.
  • Pushan is a shepherd who loses none of his flock; a guide also, both in the journeys of this world and in the last journey.
  • There was a certain sailor man who had heard strange tales about the Turks on his journeys round the world.
  • Often sufficient meat could be secured very near the towns; again it would be necessary to undertake long journeys in search of the moving herds.
  • These journeys were an uninterrupted chain of triumphs for the child-virtuoso on the piano, organ, violin, and in singing.
  • The gardener had placed seats and a bench under the old beech-tree for pilgrims to rest upon, weary with their journeys from shrine to shrine.
  • Beyond the lake several mountain-ranges rise one beyond another, and offer no prospect of easy journeys for some time to come.
  • I am not a good traveller, nor have I found that long journeys yield a fair share of reasonable hours.
  • In this time I had traveled more than thirty-five thousand miles in search of evidence, and a great part of these journeys in the night.
  • On the whole, it was a miserable week for Meredith in his solitude, despite the distractions of his office and constant journeys over the plain.
  • The prospect of traversing three hundred leagues appeared a trifle to Alexander, whom rapid journeys alone diverted from his oppressive melancholy.
  • I have heard it stated that U-boats use the island as an «advanced port» which allowed them to shorten their journeys out on patrol.
  • It did not surprise Peters, for his master often took the weapon with him on night journeys upon Continental railways.
  • He took many journeys through the country and made it a practice to enter the houses of the peasants and talk with them upon their affairs and manner of living.
  • In harness they are also capable of very long journeys in light draught, as proved in the carriage service between Tehran and Kasvin.
  • But there is no effort at comprehensive water transportation; there are no boats or rafts, and the wood which does float down the river journeys in single pieces.
  • The Boer journeys to town once every three months with his family in order to attend Divine Service.

Definition of Journeys

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of journey | plural of journey

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Sentences with the word Journey?



  • «a scenic but devious route»; «a long and circuitous journey by train and boat»; «a roundabout route avoided rush-hour traffic»
  • «a darkling journey«
  • «`I took no harm from the journey, thank you,’ she said disagreeably»
  • «he asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey«
  • «we come from a far country»; «far corners of the earth»; «the far future»; «a far journey«; «the far side of the road»; «far from the truth»; «far in the future»
  • «the departing train»; «an outward journey«; «outward-bound ships»
  • «an overland journey«; «the overland route used by Marco Polo»
  • «dangerous waters»; «a parlous journey on stormy seas»; «a perilous voyage across the Atlantic in a small boat»; «the precarious life of an undersea diver»; «dangerous surgery followed by a touch-and-go recovery»

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