Sentence with the word intentionally

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He intentionally humiliates you but makes it seem accidental.

Он намеренно унижает тебя, но делает вид, что это случайно.

Imagine corporations that intentionally target low-income single mothers as ideal customers.

Представьте себе корпорации, намеренно выбирающие мишенями одиноких матерей с низкими доходами, как идеальных потребителей.

Q: I mean intentionally killed people.

Facebook said its new policy was intentionally broad and would evolve over time.

Facebook заявил, что новая политика была «преднамеренно широкой» и со временем еще больше будет разворачиваться.

Medical relief and rescue were in many cases also intentionally hindered.

Кроме того, во многих случаях бригадам по оказанию медицинской помощи или командам спасателей умышленно мешали делать их работу.

I have never hurt anyone intentionally.

Я в жизни умышленно никому не делал больно.

Search engines actually do this intentionally.

Поисковые системы на самом деле делают это намеренно.

My government revoked my passport intentionally to leave me exiled.

Мое правительство намеренно отозвало мой паспорт, чтобы оставить меня в изгнании.

We do not spread false information intentionally anywhere in the world.

Мы не распространяем намеренно ложную информацию где бы то ни было в мире.

We do hurt each other, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Фактически мы сами себя друг от друга отсоединяем, как намеренно, так и непреднамеренно.

Developmental stages intentionally ignore variation associated with phenotypic plasticity.

Использование стадий развития намеренно игнорирует вариации, связанные с фенотипической пластичностью.

Eventually arsenic-bearing minerals were intentionally added during smelting.

В конечном итоге мышьяковистые минералы были намеренно добавлены во время плавки.

I know you would never hurt anyone intentionally.

Знаю, что ты никогда никому бы не причинила вред намеренно.

You intentionally ignored facts that refute your argument hoping nobody’d notice.

Вы намеренно «отмели» факты, которые опровергают ваши доводы — в надежде, что никто не заметит.

He would never intentionally compromise a case.

Он никогда преднамеренно не поставил бы под угрозу дело.

You intentionally accessed classified intelligence without authority.

Ты намеренно получил доступ к секретной информации без разрешения.

Unless someone was intentionally spreading it.

Если только кто-то не начал его намеренно рассеивать.

In 2002 an estimated 1.6 million people died worldwide from intentionally inflicted injuries.

Согласно расчетам в 2002 году во всем мире 1,6 млн. человек погибли в результате преднамеренно нанесенных телесных повреждений.

Farming began when people intentionally saved and planted seeds of their favorite plants.

Сельское хозяйство и началось того момента, когда люди преднамеренно начали сохранять и сажать семена своих любимых растений.

Bowen intentionally used the word triangle rather than triad.

Боуэн намеренно использовал слово «треугольник», а не «триада».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат intentionally

Результатов: 8293. Точных совпадений: 8293. Затраченное время: 70 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200



- умышленно, (пред)намеренно, с умыслом

Мои примеры


to participate intentionally in a crime — умышленно участвовать в преступлении  
intentionally damped fuel — преднамеренно слитое топливо  
intentionally deviated hole — наклонно направленный ствол скважины  
participate intentionally in a crime — умышленно участвовать в преступлении; соучаствовать в преступлении  
intentionally caused — причинённый с намерением; умышленно  
commission of crime intentionally — совершение преступления умышленно  
intentionally altered text — умышленно изменённый текст; намеренно изменённый текст  
intentionally committed act — умышленно совершенное деяние  
to intentionally deprive smb of his / her life — намеренно лишать кого-л жизни  
intentionally dumped fuel — преднамеренно слитое топливо  

Примеры с переводом

I never intentionally wronged anyone.

Я никого никогда не обижал умышленно.

He would never intentionally harm his children.

Он бы никогда намеренно не причинил вреда своим детям.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…believing that poetry need not be as perspicuous as prose, he writes poems that are intentionally ambiguous…

…intentionally bought clothes that were too big for her newborn but which undoubtedly would fit him in a few months…

…in an attempt to be all things to all people, the candidate offered to the voters an intentionally muzzy campaign message…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word intentionally, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use intentionally in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «intentionally».

Intentionally in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word intentionally in a sentence.

  1. Gehrig was intentionally walked, loading the bases.

  2. Hansen for intentionally introducing ambiguity in the Danish–U.S.

  3. Ask them if I ever in my life intentionally wronged any workingman.

  4. The Dawn of Love intentionally presents a moral dilemma to viewers.

  5. The raft containing decontamination materials was intentionally sunk.

  6. The show is intentionally evasive in regard to Springfield’s location.

  7. Megabats are also killed by humans, intentionally and unintentionally.

  8. MacLaren later wrote that he believed Mold never intentionally threw; A.

  9. The movie is intentionally ambiguous in ways they may not be used to seeing».

  10. Roshan intentionally takes on diverse parts in an attempt to not be typecast.

  11. As German machinations continued, Quisling was intentionally kept in the dark.

  12. The United States, nevertheless intentionally avoided overt direct intervention.

  13. Alexander told Hornsby that he would rather face Ruth than intentionally walk him.

  14. I’m satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had intentionally killed Lowe.

  15. Yorkie and Kelly argue, and Kelly leaves in her car, which she intentionally crashes.

  16. Her pose is based on that of Michelangelo’s Night, in an intentionally strained position.

  17. Sabathia intentionally walked Jayson Werth, but escaped the inning without further scoring.

  18. From the start, Chandler intentionally minimized the creative input of Mitchell and Redding.

  19. Stevens intentionally dropped the letter while walking among the pro-Clay Virginia delegation.

  20. Louis Riel is noted for its emotional restraint, and intentionally flat and expository dialogue.

  21. Another experiment showed that some common ravens could intentionally deceive their conspecifics.

  22. The name was intentionally vague, designed to add to the mythology of his fictional airborne unit.

  23. As a precaution, officials there intentionally cut power and gas to multiple uninhabited buildings.

  24. The airport’s runway was found to have been intentionally destroyed, rendering it temporarily useless.

  25. The poster intentionally emphasizes red, white and blue with black accent strokes and a pop of yellow.

  26. War’s sincerity and «rugged» guitar were intentionally at odds with the trendier synthpop of the time.

  27. Cliff Eidelman produced the film’s score, which is intentionally darker than previous Star Trek offerings.

  28. Some characters whose connections are only disclosed later in the series have intentionally similar themes.

  29. Japanese policies «politicised the Malay peasantry», intentionally fanning the flames of Malay nationalism.

  30. Blanch attributes the death to a chloral overdose, with which Eberhardt may have intentionally euthanised him.

  31. Parts of valley floors were intentionally burned each year to encourage the growth of acorn-bearing black oaks.

  32. Gadsden then intentionally fired above his own left shoulder and demanded Howe fire again, a demand Howe refused.

  33. The Sage Mausoleum, built of Westerly granite, exhibits obvious Greek influences and is intentionally not marked.

  34. Media scholars said players have been intentionally encouraged to both objectify and identify with the character.

  35. He was officially cleared of intentionally avoiding the bout, but his receipt of the prize money raised suspicion.

  36. The unfinished painting was exhibited in Whitechapel in 1886, under the intentionally simplified title of The Sun.

  37. In order to ensure that the designs reflected the most modern practices, the requirements were intentionally vague.

  38. Navy believed that Hartwig had intentionally caused the explosion after his relationship with Truitt had gone sour.

  39. Watts intentionally used symbolism not traditionally associated with hope to make the painting’s meaning ambiguous.

  40. At 1:45, Jordan was intentionally fouled by the 76ers’ Eric Snow, and stepped to the line to make both free throws.

  41. Ice-T felt that politicians had intentionally referred to the song «Cop Killer» as rap to provoke negative criticism.

  42. Officials speculated from one scene that someone had intentionally crashed a car into the sign post to break the welds.

  43. Kaczynski left false clues in most bombs, which he intentionally made hard to find to make them appear more legitimate.

  44. Hudner Jr., who intentionally crashed his own aircraft in a rescue attempt, for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

  45. They decided to write a comedy but intentionally added dark elements to produce what Ethan calls «a pretty savage film».

  46. The workload was intentionally light, allowing him time to pursue his scientific investigations and theological interests.

  47. Fin whales have been targets of illegal captures using harpoons for dolphin hunts or intentionally drive whales into nets.

  48. The hunts use harpoons for dolphin hunts or intentionally drive whales into nets, reporting them as cases of entanglement.

  49. Hudner then intentionally crash-landed his aircraft, ran to Brown’s side and attempted to wrestle him free from the wreck.

  50. In all three cases «America» was intentionally misspelled, alluding to the white supremacist movement of the Ku Klux Klan.

Synonyms for intentionally

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word intentionally has the following synonyms: deliberately, designedly, on purpose, purposely, advisedly, by choice and by desig.

General information about «intentionally» example sentences

The example sentences for the word intentionally that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «intentionally» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «intentionally».

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Вон он, нарочно вызывает кровотечение из носа.

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Этого человека умышлено лишили еды и воды.

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Вы нарочно сбросили меня, чтобы вы смогли вырваться вперед.

Did you appoint him intentionally.»So that later he can be forgotten?

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Вы нарочно его наняли чтоб потом о нем можно было забыть?

Functionalities designed intentionally to restrict what users can do.

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Функции, нарочно спроектированные для ограничения того, что могут делать пользователи.

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Я знаю, ты бы никогда нарочно не попытался обидеть меня.

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Вам никогда не казалось, что она делает это нарочно?

No end justifies intentionally attacking civilians and non-combatants.


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Ничем нельзя оправдать преднамеренные нападения на гражданских лиц и некомбатантов.


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Заведомо ложная, недобросовестная и недостоверная реклама;


You’re under arrest for intentionally conveying false information concerning explosives.

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Вы арестованы за передачу заведомо ложной информации о взрывных устройствах.

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Она не намерена, скрывать что-то от меня.

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Заведомо ложные сведения не подлежат публикации.


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The process of intentionally altering a site to establish a defined, indigenous ecosystem.


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Процесс намеренного изменения объекта в целях формирования определенной местной экосистемы.


But the Rishis leave it rather vague- intentionally, without a doubt- and merely say“things.”.

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Но Риши нарисовали весьма туманную картину- с умыслом, несомненно- и просто сказали» вещи».

Intentionally or unintentionally infringe any local law at national or international level.

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Нарочного или случайного нарушения каких-либо применимых местных, государственных или международных законов.

Intentionally or unintentionally reversing the filter shall be physically impossible.


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Преднамеренная или непреднамеренная установка фильтра другой стороной должна

быть физически невозможной.


Not only the population, but also their property is intentionally attacked.


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Умышленным нападениям подвергается не только население, но и его имущество.


The person has been convicted for a crime committed intentionally.


As acknowledged by the artists themselves, the idea of the exhibition came partly intentionally, partly accidentally.


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Сами художники признаются, что идея выставки отчасти возникла осознанно, а отчасти случайно.


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The judicial investigation


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По заключению судебного следствия, поджог был умышленным.


E Until 1997 referred to as homicide and injuries intentionally inflicted by another person.


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Е До 1997 года- убийства и умышленные телесные повреждения, причиненные другим лицом.


Any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in paragraph a.


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Составляющий любой акт подстрекательства к совершению действия, предусмотренного в пункте( a), или сознательного содействия ему.


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Мы должны воздерживаться от намеренного оскорбления друг друга.


Sometimes a hacker leaves a trail intentionally coded to cover their tracks.

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Иногда, хакер оставляет след, намеренную маркировку, чтобы замести следы.

Results: 1871,
Time: 0.0837





How to use intentionally in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «intentionally» and check conjugation/comparative form for «intentionally«. Mastering all the usages of «intentionally» from sentence examples published by news publications.

What was it that people didn’t like about this intentionally synthetic, intentionally inhuman music?
«I intentionally do not join a political party and intentionally do not vote,» he said.
And not intentionally, but that the race to upgrade the machines sometimes … Well, sometimes intentionally.
«That’s what we intentionally do, we intentionally try to make ourselves not make sense in a way,» John said.
«The label ‘war crimes’ is typically reserved for intentional acts – intentionally targeting civilians or intentionally targeting protected objects,» Army Gen.
At least two skeletons appear to have intentionally deformed skulls, and some have intentionally deformed teeth, according to a preliminary analysis.
«I would say that our voices were not intentionally excluded, but they were not intentionally included,» said Kai Koerber, a junior.
Johnson failed the hardworking members of the Chicago Police Department, he intentionally misled the people of Chicago and he intentionally misled me.
Johnson failed the hardworking members of the Chicago Police Department, he intentionally misled the people of Chicago and he intentionally misled me.
And, again, I go back to that was a wanton act by a criminal to intentionally cause damage, to intentionally inflict some malware out there.
Prosecutors say the executives intentionally created a toxic work culture by harassing employees, intentionally forcing them into the wrong roles and keeping them serially overworked.
What I thought was interesting is MLB suspended Strickland for intentionally throwing the ball at Harper and «inciting the benches clearing» yet I watched Julio Teheran intentionally hit Bautista last week.
Congressional Republicans are wondering if it was omitted intentionally: .
Some of the messages appear to be intentionally cut off.
Investigators suspect Hawkins’ daughters were intentionally left in the vehicle.
Where candidates have fixated on nationalism, TED is intentionally global.
«I think Barr intentionally misled Congress,» Mariotti told VICE News.
Manafort says he did not intentionally lie during the interviews.
Intentionally caused epidemics, bioterrorism, would be the largest of all.
«Yes» proponents argued that the $440 estimate was intentionally inflated.
I don’t know if she intentionally tried to do it.
There’s something intentionally plodding about the eight paintings on display.
I’ve lived my life intentionally so I’m not that person.
Trout was intentionally walked and Pujols hit an RBI single.
I’m intentionally using the word «thing,» because what is he?
In the latter case, death is induced directly and intentionally.
Police believes the truck «was intentionally driven into the crowd».
The updated iPod touch isn’t a flagship device — intentionally so.
And some kids, especially the older ones, did that intentionally.
He treated it — again, intentionally — as a work-in-progress.
«I don’t think he was doing that intentionally,» Whitis said.
But was Chyna intentionally trying to hurt Kim with them?
Do I think Campbell and Marvel intentionally disrespected Black girls?
Screengrabs via YouTubeSnapchat has always seemed intentionally difficult to use.
Prosecutors say he intentionally left the boy in the car.
The origins of Ocean Builders are murky, apparently intentionally so.
Some ground rules here: the entire exercise was intentionally vague.
Individuals who intentionally skirt the law must be held accountable.
There is nothing intentionally experimental or superstitious about the menu.
Did he intentionally wait until after 2018 midterms, or what?
Sometimes, she would intentionally burn herself with her curling iron.
And he’s adamant he did NOT intentionally punch that horse.
But he can’t seem accept that she intentionally killed herself.
Fernando then seemed to intentionally stomp on a prone Borchardt.
So it was intentionally crafted with who would be around.
Authorities arrested a man accused of intentionally setting the fire.
Berwick says this semipermanent «community» formed organically rather than intentionally.
Intentionally pursuing it will change your life for the better.
Streep’s intentionally bad singing and the unbelievable twists in Jenkins’
We intentionally released it on a Friday night, I think.
McCain seemed not to get that — whether intentionally or not.
Man  reportedly admits he intentionally contracted HIV  to infect others.
At times, he was accused of intentionally obstructing the process.
He never intentionally hurt anyone just to make a buck.
VW admitted to intentionally cheating while Fiat Chrysler denies wrongdoing.
There is no sign that the fire was intentionally started.
The investigators don’t consider Flynn’s answers to be intentionally dishonest.
But intentionally or not, he’s also preparing for the worst.
A post meant to intentionally stew chaos on the internet?
H: Were you intentionally referencing any movies with Burning Cane?
Now I’m not saying that intentionally deceiving consumers is okay.
Any perception that an activity was intentionally hidden corrodes trust.
«I would never intentionally hurt someone like that,» he said.
Blackmon singled, LeMahieu doubled and Nolan Arenado was intentionally walked.
Seager struck out four times and walked twice, once intentionally.
He might, intentionally or not, insult you and your people.
It was, like a lot of Slate articles, intentionally provocative.
Staff members reportedly do not intentionally misspell words or names.
The company acknowledged that its engineers had intentionally manipulated evaluations.
They could also possibly leave devices in other locations intentionally.
The results, intentionally or otherwise, are surprising in their ambiguity.
In none of these cases do we intentionally hasten death.
The Queens Night Market is intentionally representative of its borough.
They said Mueller failed to present evidence he intentionally lied.
But here, intentionally or not, he deflates the Lee legend.
«He intentionally recklessly and prejudicially released that information,» Ryan said.
Hemingway’s intentionally awkward language struck me as potent and talismanic.
Everything was blocky and looked like it was intentionally censored.
Portuguese authorities have also said the fires were intentionally set.
I intentionally left all electronics at home for cybersecurity reasons.
He was intentionally walked 5.5 percent of his plate appearances.
It’s hard to say who was doing what intentionally here.
This soundtrack album, however, is more intentionally ambient, deeper listening.
Liberal Democrats accused of «intentionally misinforming» voters with campaign leaflets.
It does not appear she intentionally took her own life.
Soler was walked intentionally before Hunter Dozier singled in Cuthbert.
But, aside from that, Christmas songs aren’t often intentionally scary.
Never have I intentionally thrown anybody out of the room.
The work of freedom is messy, dangerous, and intentionally uncomfortable.
Some courts have found that the laws are intentionally discriminatory.
To be clear, the players never intentionally tried to lose.
«You have to intentionally shake it up sometimes,» she said.
Otero then walked Giancarlo Stanton intentionally to pitch to Torres.
He later absolved him of intentionally trying to hurt Adams.
Mathews sacrificed Mantilla to second, and Haddix walked Aaron intentionally.
Readers who liked it saw an author being intentionally subversive.
And we are going very intentionally in the opposite direction.
Did I ever intentionally mislead the people I spoke to?
«To intentionally help them commit suicide is wrong,» Rockett said.
Manafort’s lawyers have maintained that he did not intentionally lie.
Some shareholders think he was intentionally trying to goose it.
Perhaps intentionally, the narrative deflates a little at the end.
The system for earning money through livestreaming is intentionally opaque.
«She was intentionally obscure, which I found admirable,» Dixon says.
But Trump later said he intentionally did not open it.
Regime and Russian jets were intentionally bombing hospitals and clinics.
He has to know the truth and intentionally disregard it.
«Seems like an intentionally buggy website to me,» Stokes concluded.
After Jason Heyward was intentionally walked, Lester doubled home Descalso.
Illegal fishing vessels change names and intentionally obscure their ownership.
No. Should FB pay them and intentionally amplify their disinformation?
Intentionally setting up recurring donations makes giving back a priority.
It is a difficult read, and intentionally so I think.
Both have intentionally divided America along racial and religious lines.
Freeman has denied «intentionally» offending or making anyone feel uncomfortable.
Our JB sources say he’s doing all of this intentionally.
Some safe spaces are intentionally created, like the breastfeeding group.
Sometimes authors will intentionally dedicate works to the public domain.
So it’s kind of aggressive and abrasive and loud intentionally.
In fact, orphanage voluntourism has become so profitable that many orphanages intentionally exacerbate the conditions at their facilities, intentionally manipulating the circumstances to tug the hearts (and pursestrings) of the relentless rotation of visitors.
The possibility that a member of the flight crew intentionally downed the plane, as with Germanwings Flight 9525, which investigators say the co-pilot intentionally crashed in 2015, has been pushed by some experts.
The question for the DOJ is whether Tesla intentionally misled investors.
I don’t intentionally push boundaries, I just do what I do.
It did, and his efforts to suggest otherwise were intentionally misleading.
«We intentionally keep our roles and organization very flexible,» says Thompson.
Lawyers for Manafort say he did not intentionally mislead Mueller’s team.
After Conforto was walked intentionally, Frazier walked with the bases loaded.
Trump’s inaugural committee has said it is intentionally avoiding top entertainers.
«The suspect accelerated and intentionally ran over the victim,» Dugan said.
Editing is intentionally changing DNA away from what the couple created.
Not intentionally funny, but they are funny without meaning to be.
Intentionally or not, Berenson undermines his own claims of mass violence.
Authorities had immediately concluded that the blaze had been intentionally set.
Mercer was walked intentionally with two outs to load the bases.
I’ve never been disrespectful intentionally, to a man or a woman.
Maybe Hornqvist did it intentionally for reasons we’ve yet to discern?
The investigation didn’t uncover evidence that Boeing intentionally misled the FAA.
Whether intentionally or not, America’s government has embraced permanent fiscal stimulus.
But intentionally or not, they often just follow the original script.
If you intentionally harm and kill the child, that is infanticide.
He told the Military Times he had not intentionally acted inappropriately.
The government has «intentionally destroyed» the asylum system for political reasons.
After a double steal, pinch-hitter Jeremy Hazelbaker was intentionally walked.
But at the same time, John Leal intentionally cultivates that mystery.
If done intentionally, false reporting of this sort can have consequences.
It’s intentionally tongue in cheek, talking «investments» without seeming too invested.
Amazon did not clarify whether these ads were intentionally left in.
In a lot of those cases, we’re really intentionally doing it.
Jaycob Brugman was intentionally walked, loading the bases for Adam Rosales.
«We have no indication that this was intentionally set,» she said.
«Violence is something you do intentionally to hurt somebody,» he says.
Can we intentionally change attitudes about what is or isn’t disgusting?
Blanco stole second before Goldschmidt was intentionally walked with two outs.
Granderson was walked intentionally and stole second before Hernandez struck out.
Police alleged she intentionally crashed the car to kill her sister.
How common is, say, intentionally falsified drugs versus poor-quality drugs?
«I did this intentionally to let you guys bond,» Khloé replied.
He is private and has intentionally stayed out of the spotlight.
This is intentionally done by the director for a creative effect.
It was also discovered to be intentionally hobbling mobile video speeds.
Just didn’t want you to think I intentionally leave anyone out!
It also accuses Facebook of having an intentionally «opaque management structure».
«Kanye West knowingly and intentionally misappropriated plaintiff’s composition,» the complaint said.
It’s intentionally designing systems around a particular set of power relationships.
Those comedy sketches usually went small; Breaking Bad intentionally went huge.
These manipulative user interfaces intentionally limit understanding and undermine consumer choice.
So, what’s the key to pulling off all things intentionally oversized?
It would have required someone to intentionally go and do this.
The Blazers intentionally fouled Jordan, who airballed both free-throw attempts.
Scott Van Slyke was intentionally walked to set up the forceout.
«He said the laugher was intentionally provoked: «Oh it was great.
But, not before Emily intentionally (and accidentally) leaves evidence behind. 18.
«We intentionally design these ships to feel like [home],» he said.
The suspect was arrested on suspicion of intentionally setting the fire.
Her inventions are clever, the robots intentionally excessive and comically inept.
That was a tough phase for him but he’s intentionally positive.
Russia ran a disinformation campaign that was intentionally hard to track.
He was lifted after intentionally walking Didi Gregorius following Judge’s double.
I don’t understand why anyone would want to intentionally be scared.
During the campaign, Trump routinely dismissed unemployment statistics as intentionally misleading.
The trainer «intentionally concealed his body from authorities,» the organization said.
Alek Minassian was never intentionally violent but today’s act was deliberate.
You grow to understand the man through these intentionally affectless submissions.
It’s unclear whether Trump is intentionally trying to deescalate things, however.
Ethical porn is about responsibly and intentionally supporting ethical sexual values.
With one-out, Lorenzen intentionally walked Solarte to load the bases.
Oakland opted to load the bases by intentionally walking Rougned Odor.
They are intentionally throttling voices that are not in liberal lockstep.
The Mets then intentionally walked Daniel Murphy to load the bases.
«Whether he’s doing it intentionally or not, it’s happening,» Cummings added.
Emily: And it almost feels like you intentionally pushed it away.
Intentionally or not, it became a master class on political spin.
He also confirmed the company is not profitable, but intentionally so.
«The critical word in this is ‘intentionally,'» Anderson said in September.
Pinch hitter Curtis Granderson was intentionally walked after Rojas stole second.
«I have not intentionally visited schools that are underperforming,» DeVos said.
Donaldson was intentionally walked to load the bases with none out.
But we made other choices intentionally to keep our costs low.
He reached base after being intentionally walked and on a single.
They used industrial materials to remove themselves from their work, intentionally.
TENNESSEE: You can’t hunt, trap, or harm an albino deer intentionally.
Intentionally targeting civilians is a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions.
Narrator: And this treasure hunt intentionally happens in a small space.
I’ve never been disrespectful, intentionally, to a man or a woman.
The design of the Mac Pro is intentionally built around utility.
Goldman has said Leissner intentionally deceived its legal and compliance teams.
All those intentionally missed punches look much less real in person.
On October 23rd the paper reappeared, intentionally this time, in Nature.
However, authorities have now determined that Joly set the fire intentionally.
This handed detractors ammunition to argue that it was done intentionally.
I’m never intentionally trying to paint people in a negative light.
Three times, Bonds was intentionally walked to lead off an inning.
Although Dice is intentionally far more selective in what it sells.
These are their inexpensive knives that they intentionally use and abuse.
It’s a conflation the industry has been intentionally making for years.
The boys have since been apprehended for intentionally starting the fire.
This doctor was intentionally calm and thorough and it rubbed off.
I definitely intentionally stay out of the 120 to 130ish range.
Did you intentionally go for a sound that’s different from Motörhead​?
It’s intentionally designed to look like a real startup working environment.
It’s not easy work — most exposed data is intentionally left exposed.
Think about football players who intentionally cultivate anger before a game.
However, police don’t believe the Amesbury couple were intentionally targeted. 4.
«We intentionally selected very different areas to explore,» Mr. Rosenfeld said.
He intentionally walked J.D. Martinez and then struck out Xander Bogaerts.
It is more intentionally ordinary, though the movie is anything but.
The name «Gathering Place» intentionally addresses the city’s need for inclusion.
But the lyrics were intentionally unambiguous, leaving little room for imagination.
«They are intentionally trying to support the city,» Mr. Campbell said.
Some industry leaders have admitted to intentionally causing prices to spike.
How do you recreate the archive of that intentionally erased history?
The battle gradually escalated from there, often in intentionally bizarre ways.
I’ve never been disrespectful intentionally to a man or a woman.
There are some people in San Francisco who are intentionally homeless.
It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented.
But I don’t think he was intentionally trying to hurt ‘Tae.
Other buckets contain public information and are intentionally set to public.
The Reds intentionally walked Alonso during the Mets’ three-run ninth.
And these guys who intentionally show contempt don’t get option 2?
After 84 seconds, engineers will intentionally cut the rocket&aposs engines.
She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy.
These problems aren’t caused by some group of intentionally evil people.
Are these laws, passed almost invariably by Republican lawmakers, intentionally racist?
Thus, the regulation is intentionally ambiguous, representing a series of compromises.
At one point, she admitted she hasn’t «intentionally» visited underperforming schools.
Clinton and her staff had intentionally and willfully mishandled classified information.
» He laughed: «I never intentionally would do that onstage, even kidding.
The city’s mayor said the fire might have been set intentionally.
Intentionally targeting cultural heritage sites for destruction is a war crime.
So we have to adapt and we should do so intentionally.
He told prosecutors that he intentionally lied to protect Mr. Trump.
The go-ahead hit came after Logan intentionally walked Eduardo Escobar.
«No, he wasn’t exactly cruel, at least not intentionally,» she writes.
This was the lamest, sappiest, most intentionally tear-jerking SOTU ever.
Or they are afraid of getting killed intentionally by government forces.
There is no evidence that the text messages were intentionally discarded.
It has become commonplace to present audiences with intentionally challenging characters.
«I was not intentionally making faces at the protestor,» Sandmann said.
You’re dealing with nefarious actors who are intentionally circumventing the law.
If they were intentionally omitted, then that, too, is a felony.
» And then there was a debate, «Is he doing it intentionally?
He remembers one repair manual that came with pages intentionally removed.
«I have not intentionally visited schools that are underperforming,» she said.
This usually isn’t because people intentionally discriminate against women and girls.
Tellez was intentionally walked and Drury walked to load the bases.
There were people who were famous for intentionally being entertaining, right?
The movies included here range from kids’ movies to rom-coms, from new picks (hello, Anna Kendrick’s Noelle!) to classics (Love Actually, ofc), and from the intentionally funny to the intentionally made to seem unintentionally funny.
In that sense, it’s more like a computer: I intentionally check email, I intentionally check social media, and I can now actually read an article or book or play a game without being constantly bombarded with popups.
Chapman intentionally walked Hanley Ramirez to load the bases before walking Benintendi.
Koch intentionally contracted the HIV virus so he could then infect others?
I know that not one of them is out to intentionally obfuscate.
Thus, despite their popularity, these characters are intentionally underrepresented in these images.
Moreover, the definition of «fake news» is intentionally nebulous and self-serving.
Previous witnesses had testified they believed Gallagher intentionally fired on Iraqi civilians.
It’s about adopting an ethos of compassion and very intentionally applying that.
Roosh has intentionally brought the wrath of the global left upon himself.
Late Wednesday, Delta released a statement suggesting the pair were intentionally disruptive.
The WTO intentionally tries to take the drama out of trade politics.
Employers who intentionally interfere with unionizing efforts could even face criminal charges.
The rule intentionally reduces the ability of SNAP to accomplish its mission.
What you can do intentionally (and briskly) is clean up the mess.
In performance, the distinctions among the pieces were somewhat blurred, intentionally so.
The suspect in the El Paso attack said he intentionally targeted Mexicans.
Intentionally or not, that crisis mirrors the shifting definition of American nerdiness.
We do at least know the song was intentionally written about Hadid.
Close was clearly — intentionally or not — a preternaturally smart picker of projects.
Some of Trump’s critics fear the White House is intentionally provoking Iran.
The work is intentionally cryptic but the message isn’t lost on anyone.
Justin Turner was walked intentionally, and Rodney was removed for T.J. McFarland.
Waymo is intentionally taking things slowly to avoid these types of setbacks.
But Bartholomew said any suggestion that Purcell intentionally suppressed voters is false.
In Sony’s defense, that’s a look it’s intentionally evolving for its phones.
But prosecutors believe Cody starved Taz intentionally, which was tantamount to torture.
I would never intentionally cause harm to other LGBTQ+ people or anyone.
It would simply be bad business to intentionally harm a user’s console.
The dickhead butterfliles intentionally keep the ants from feeding on this nectar.
The seal was not intentionally trying to slap Mulinder in Constantine’s view.
Sunday, was set intentionally and cited «incendiary evidence» found at the scene.
Investigators say sprinklers quickly extinguished an intentionally set fire in an office.
» Washington told KTRK the gunman «intentionally killed my child for no reason.
In total, there are 29 different references and more intentionally kept hidden.
Are they intentionally trying to get our hopes up and hurt us?
Joey Votto singled and walked three times (twice intentionally) and is hitting .
Are we talking about drugs that are intentionally made with bad ingredients?
There is no suggestion that Facebook designed its systems to discriminate intentionally.
We intentionally cultivated this idea of like ‘Look at this beautiful family.
The frequency is not the same as communications or chat app intentionally.
But both agree that this crucial detail was intentionally withheld from her.
These mandate that civilians and civilian property may never be intentionally targeted.
Authorities say they’ve arrested a man accused of intentionally setting the fire.
Is humanity capable of intentionally engineering such a complex, carefully balanced system?
Not that he did this intentionally, it just happened on its own.
Naisbitt had denied that he intentionally closed the doors, the station reported.
And drawing a sky dick, intentionally or accidentally, is not without precedent.
Woman enraged by Trump bumper sticker  intentionally rammed into car, police say.
Does Yen think ProtonMail was intentionally disappeared from search results by Google?
It’s considered the first time Islamists ever intentionally targeted the United States.
E.P.A. descriptions of the dinner intentionally omitted the cardinal’s presence, officials said.
He intentionally went into this crazy deal with Iran — the nuclear deal.
And then, of course, there’s the occasional intentionally awkward viral video hit.
Although, we do wonder if he intentionally tries to look like him.
Before, your unique needs might have counted against you (intentionally or not).
Javy Baez was intentionally walked before Almora delivered his game-winning hit.
But don’t blame yourself, because you didn’t intentionally give it to yourself.
«One antidote is for you to intentionally adopt contrary behavior,» says Miller.
Frazier added a single and was intentionally walked in the eighth inning.
But rather than react erratically to email, respond to it more intentionally.
The party directly affected by the conflict — Nagorno-Karabakh — was intentionally omitted.
The 2016 work, whether intentionally or not, emphasizes vulnerability more than hubris.
It seems like Murphy, whether intentionally or not, was softening the blow.
Nunes has said the FBI intentionally hid exculpatory evidence from the judges.
Intentionally or not, that acts as a defense of the status quo.
These bills are intentionally overreaching and would ban commonly owned firearm accessories.
Josh Bell was intentionally walked and left for pinch-runner Erik Gonzalez.
Unlike her past projects, this one was intentionally edited and structured differently.
After Richards intentionally walked Cabrera, Rodriguez hit a sacrifice fly to left.
ObamaCare was created by Democrats as an intentionally obtuse and complicated law.
Can you maintain the ruse as you struggle with intentionally finicky controls?
»  Conroy said his prayer was intentionally nonpartisan, saying «I wasn’t picking sides.
The company, of course, is not suspected of intentionally causing any fires.
Manafort’s attorneys have disputed the allegations; they say he never intentionally lied.
In the interview Friday, Jordan said his accusers were intentionally misrepresenting him.
«They do it intentionally loud in order to bother us,» he said.
Humans already produce language that is devoid of meaning, intentionally and otherwise.
After Stephens struck out Victor Caratini, the Reds intentionally walked Ian Happ.
Any insinuation the count is intentionally kept low is «horseshit,» he said.
Whether intentionally or not, Haas destroyed Tessr by retreating into the woods.
Built in San Francisco in 1896, it was intentionally scuttled in 1940.
» She told KTRK the gunman «intentionally killed my child for no reason.
The California lawmaker said Bannon’s questions were intentionally scripted to be misleading.
The sharks, I’m told, have not been caught intentionally; they are bycatch.
They also said sponsors might have intentionally declined to respond to inquires.
The Dodgers’ Cody Bellinger had two hits and was intentionally walked twice.
Go deeper: 72% of Americans think the media intentionally publishes fake news
Even though James is a statistician, the Keltner List is intentionally nonscientific.
But I tend to be a late adopter of new tools, intentionally.
The combat mechanics are intentionally rudimentary and unvarying, primarily involving mashing buttons.
But he’s not a psychopath and wouldn’t intentionally hurt me; he’s reasonable.
Most people intentionally stay ignorant so that their views are not challenged.
Church videos and promotional materials are intentionally filled with people of color.
From the beginning, the idea was intentionally confrontational, contradictory, and violently surreal.
«Toho had a rule that she shouldn’t kill anyone intentionally,» he said.
Other narrators — whose stories are fundamental to the plot — are intentionally underdeveloped.
He does it intentionally to burnish his tough-guy, common man image.
But why would we intentionally go after these numb, inflamed sweaty experiences?
Did you intentionally want to make this a different kind of depiction?
Still, prosecutors emphasized that Kollie did not intentionally help plan the shootings.
» He shares that this is: «Unpredictable because the past is forgotten intentionally.
Bonds broke it in 2002, when pitchers walked him intentionally 68 times.
It wasn’t our fault, we didn’t intentionally put the blood down there.
Boone denied intentionally leaving Torres in the suitcase, according to the affidavit.
It was rigged from the outset, quite intentionally, to favor small states.
ET but was intentionally shut down about 84 seconds into its flight.
ET but was intentionally shut down about 84 seconds into its flight.
Our community leaders intentionally talked to anyone who was not politically active.
«These children were left in that car intentionally,» he told Fox 29.
Josh Donaldson doubled and Troy Tulowitzki was walked intentionally with two outs.
They also intentionally placed a bigger space priority on the common areas.
I don’t know whether he was intentionally misstating a fact to me.
But I admire writers who intentionally use poetic technique to amplify prose.
Many of of them intentionally distracted from the core of the company.
Elaine Cao In another incident, a supervisor intentionally misgendered her, she said.
She is not believed to have intentionally targeted Trump, the sources added.
«The Lizza Hit Piece was knowingly and intentionally flawed,» the lawsuit states.
There is some possibility he is very confused rather than intentionally deceitful.
It’s intentionally a lighter load than usual, so she can help Mom.
Keepers set out to intentionally position their product between these two categories.
Far from being built for speed, government regulatory processes are intentionally slow.
» When you work to intentionally avoid mistakes, «it completely limits your creativity.
The next two batters were retired before Nelson Cruz was intentionally walked.
The use of sonic devices to intentionally harm diplomats would be unprecedented.
When believers bow their heads in prayer they make themselves, intentionally, vulnerable.
It’s also quite readable in the pantheon of intentionally arcane privacy policies.
Manafort’s counsel argued that their client did not intentionally lie about anything.
Random psychological subtexts that I never would have thought to intentionally create.
«I intentionally flirted with him every time we met,» Ms. Gibson said.
But Mr. Powell made clear that this was an intentionally small step.
But Mr. Powell made clear that this was an intentionally small step.
And Mr. Trump continues to confuse that, intentionally or not, with climate.
Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party.
Under international law, intentionally or recklessly bombing hospitals is a war crime.
You shouldn’t intentionally misrepresent someone’s views just because you disagree with them.
When they’re surfing, they’re not intentionally risking anyone’s skin but their own.
It’s not clear whether the release was intentionally timed with the accident.
Israel says Hamas has intentionally provoked the violence, a charge Hamas denies.
It’s intentionally designed so that we wouldn’t have to have multiple capsules.
For example, DeVos admitted that she hasn’t «intentionally visited» any underperforming schools.
Did you intentionally market yourself as someone who looks like a child?
We’re not sure how anything could top this cult favorite, which is one of those perfect ’80s horror-comedies that straddles the line between «intentionally funny» and «intentionally terrible,» with a dollop of «occasionally downright scary» thrown in.
So instead of getting to see how Gilead intentionally breaks down its victims and then punishes them for it (interesting!), or see June intentionally plan a murder and cover-up that cannot be traced to her (also interesting
«We’ve intentionally gone for a very simple interior with a single screen,» Musk explained, showing off a cabin that was intentionally designed to maximize available interior volume while still keeping the outside of the vehicle as small as possible.
Among the 2174,174 survey respondents, only 9% said they felt the Fed makes decisions «to intentionally hurt the president,» while just 14% said the Fed was trying «to intentionally help» Trump in the decisions it makes about interest rates.
The notion that these writers are intentionally obscuring themselves is not entirely accurate.
The only thing that might apply is the «intentionally misleading» clause, but B.o.
I assume Trump knows this and is intentionally pandering to people who don’t.
The routes were intentionally chosen to sample the full complexity of the task.
YouTube and Soundcloud automatically play music that’s related to whatever you intentionally select.
The only person who intentionally put their hands on someone is the intern.
Both the neo-Nazis and counter-protesters believe that police intentionally stood down.
Intentionally or not, games contain implicit messages about purpose, free will, the afterlife.
«I’ve definitely been photographed without makeup, but not intentionally,» said the Oscar winner.
«Fake news» started out as a term referring to intentionally fraudulent news stories.
But Shapiro’s defense attorney argued that the bomb had intentionally been a dud.
Kempenich argued that any drivers who intentionally targeted protesters would still be prosecuted.
Carter suggested either Moscow struck the fighters intentionally or faced significant intelligence gaps.
Juul has said it regrets the ads but denies it intentionally targeted teenagers.
Whether intentionally or not, Trump’s comments essentially erased Ford from the moral picture.
A fire at a mosque in New Haven was intentionally set, police say.
«We’ve intentionally combined objective facts [about the article] with subjective views,» Zack added.
SLH: We very intentionally put a lot of specific metaphor into the series.
Canada’s foray into legal cannabis last year was intentionally slow, methodical and tempered.
We intentionally wanted to manipulate the audience in the same kind of way.
Authorities said they believe the student pilot intentionally crashed the plane, CNN reports.
There would be penalties for people who intentionally submit fraudulent or incomplete information.
And now, intentionally or not, the First Lady is projecting a similar message.
«I am intentionally private about myself on the account,» the account creator explained.
I don’t believe that he ever did anything to intentionally hurt Native Americans.
Success comes to those who connect and connection is essential for living intentionally.
Numerous other people allege Coinbase is intentionally withholding their funds for untold purposes.
Russell and Happ singled, and Javier Baez was walked intentionally with one out.
Their cameo was intentionally designed as a meta-reference to the comic books.
«Intentionally creating orbital debris fields is not compatible with human spaceflight,» he said.
Amnesty International said officials had intentionally inflicted «severe mental suffering» on the migrants.
The thing is, Facebook is rife with intentionally misleading stories masquerading as news.
While grammatical errors are present, staffers reportedly didn’t intentionally misspell words or names.
They intentionally exclude her and question the quality of her artwork alongside theirs.
I would never have intentionally put that in the women’s faces like that.
It’s also entirely possible that Kojima didn’t make any of these connections intentionally.
It is one that has been shaped, not always intentionally, by government policies.
The ad was likely intentionally misspelled, Suiche wrote, presumably to circumvent Facebook’s ban.
It is intentionally funny and a masterclass in visual and spoken comedic timing.
The IT employee working for San Bernardino County intentionally reset the iCloud password.
On Sunday, Anderson Cooper asked him whether he was intentionally downplaying his heritage.
For the first time voters intentionally came together across religious and ethnic divides.
Unfortunately, it’s very bad for complex tasks and intentionally crippled for software development.
Or did you intentionally decide to keep that bit of information to yourself?
Some are intentionally dark-skinned; others have been made so by candle smoke.
Consumer credit is a public good — but loans should be entered into intentionally.
It wasn’t Hujar’s personality to be political, he would alienate but not intentionally.
«Better Deal» is «a phrase that intentionally evokes the New Deal,» per Schumer.
The next step might be to ask: How could we intentionally enhance synchrony?
I guess that’s a problem with this type of zany, intentionally offensive art.
Read This Next: States May Be Intentionally Poisoning Each Other With Toxic Air
They’ll aim to be among friends and take the spotlight, intentionally or unintentionally.
The tablet is intentionally designed to be minimalist when it comes to features.
It also intentionally avoided giving the camera a direct connection to the cloud.
«This person was intentionally doing this, he was killing everybody,» the man said.
After Jake Lamb was intentionally walked, Tomas doubled into the left field corner.
» Cohen said the dossier was «riddled with total falsehoods and intentionally salacious accusations.
Certainly we were not intentionally being insensitive, or to offend in any manner.
Bass then walked Willy Adames intentionally to load the bases with one out.
After Barnhart was intentionally walked, Dietrich scored on a sacrifice bunt by Gray.
Friend Camp has 50 users, which makes it an «intentionally small» social network.
But if the film is politically relevant, it’s only accidentally so, not intentionally.
Fast food restaurants intentionally do not provide actually hot hot sauce on purpose.
Basically: You are a complete dickhead if you mess up a toilet intentionally.
It’s also interesting to consider how Apple intentionally handicaps its own AI efforts.
Both pro-rebel and pro-regime entities intentionally leak reports on upcoming assaults.
Days later, Iran accused Saudi Arabia of intentionally striking its embassy in Yemen.
But intentionally doing what is difficult often determines how successful you can become.
There’s reason to suspect that Punxsutawney Phil may be intentionally making inaccurate predictions.
Meanwhile, there’s a growing number of artists intentionally pushing in the opposite direction.
Craigslist prevailed in a case alleging it had «knowingly and intentionally» facilitated prostitution.
But it’s pretty hard to stand up the idea they’re being intentionally misleading.
Moronta intentionally walked Nolan Arenado, and Ty Blach came on to face Gonzalez.
It bans the use of «intentionally added plastic microbeads» in personal-care products.
» This one, we very intentionally were like, «This is about the human experience.
Teammates had bad series hitting behind Bonds when he was intentionally walked, too.
At least, this time, an Uber CEO didn’t make a dick joke *intentionally*. 
Turkey is not intentionally allowing the movement of jihadi fighters across its boarder.
Isn’t breaking the rules intentionally in order to win another definition of cheating?
But why should you trust companies that are intentionally trying to mislead you?
The president provided no evidence that Democrats intentionally fabricated the death toll estimates.
Most egregious, the laws of war are repeatedly broken, whether intentionally or not.
HARUHIKO KURODA: You see, I don’t think— Japan is— intentionally depreciating the currency.
Still, Hua accused U.S. politicians of intentionally distorting their assessments and spurring clashes.
Elizabeth Warren, another Democratic candidate, intentionally ran ads with misinformation on the platform.
«Our outlook is intentionally framed on the future five years,» Davis told CNBC.
Officer Isaacs, who has been suspended, was charged with intentionally shooting Mr. Small.
Prosecutors had argued Garcia Zarate intentionally shot Steinle, 32, with a Sig Sauer .
Kentucky State Troopers said the neighbor, Rene Albert Boucher, «intentionally assaulted» the senator.
In other words, it was possible that elderly individuals were intentionally being targeted.
After leaving the school, the shooter intentionally crashed the pickup into a car.
It was Griffin who caught Shamu, the first healthy orca ever captured intentionally.
Committing to intentionally spending more time with a book in hand is fulfilling.
Vindman: July 25 call intentionally moved to highly classified server 10:15 a.m.
Whoever tries to paint these narratives is either intentionally dishonest or entirely stupid.
«We know Google is intentionally hiding ProtonMail from search results,» the company wrote.
Blanton intentionally walked Chris Coghlan, which brought up Chapman’s spot in the order.
Defense lawyer Bruce Rogow countered that Stone never «willfully and intentionally» misled lawmakers.
A man charged with intentionally setting the fire is scheduled for arraignment Friday.
Thousands of Kamikazes intentionally guided their planes into enemy ships during the war.
Those emotions have been intentionally and artfully evoked and provoked again and again.
In this specific case, Stryder7x is causing softlocks intentionally, and with utter precision.
I used to sing very breathy intentionally thinking that was my singing voice.
» Unsworth’s complaint claims that Musk intentionally damaged his reputation before a «worldwide audience.
» Asked again if his players intentionally went off book, Zimmer emphasized: «No. Never.
Oculus games with abstract and intentionally retro art styles don’t suffer as much.
«When you are doing it intentionally, that is the real violation,» Brez said.
Both Kawa and Jones denied Jones intentionally or knowingly took such a substance.
Another Christmas Eve, I intentionally caught a batch of vomit in the street.
Spongy panels of skin cling to the meat; the texture is intentionally slippery.
The gunman intentionally targeted Republicans; Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana was badly wounded.
I’ve never seen an institution take on Latinas so intentionally, comprehensively, and thoughtfully.
ApolloLV: I think that clash has intentionally been there for the entire game.
And then over time, intentionally tried to get much bigger and much broader.
Now, intentionally inflicting horrors like family separation on people might seem impossibly cruel.
And that just seems like a very intentionally generous thing that she’s doing.
The first is that the founders were intentionally imprecise in designing these powers.
They are clueless as an act of convenience, willfully blind and intentionally ignorant.
Naturally, most employers don’t intentionally pay women less, but unconscious bias creeps in.
Some parts of the country already follow the Dutch model, intentionally or not.
McConnell’s other decisions during the campaign, intentionally or otherwise, may have helped Trump.
«This bill is aimed at people who are intentionally cheating,» Hughes told NPR.
Re: Dealbreaker: He’s annoying you intentionally to get a reaction out of you?
So in the street, you can do the same thing, intentionally or unintentionally.
Skeptics took issue with Lee’s intentionally fantastical plot, calling it glib and insensitive.
Eight years ago, Sergeant Bergdahl intentionally walked away from his post in Afghanistan.
Claims of defamation would have to prove that the information is intentionally false.
It has long been rumored that Disney World intentionally overestimates lines’ wait times.
Autofiction revealed, and not always as intentionally as Cusk, our delusion of commonality.
Now that she has a young child, Cristman wants to spend more intentionally.
But Petraeus clearly did show evidence of intentionally violating the law, Comey said.
Let’s bring them in to do it intentionally and consciously, rather than unintentionally.
It’s designed specifically to help you stay focused by starting each day intentionally.
The authorities said they were looking into whether the blaze was intentionally set.
It’s not always easy to say whether Clinton intentionally causes a media firestorm.
Erik Aybar was walked intentionally and A.J. Pierzynski delivered a two-run single.
With first base empty, Shaw intentionally walked Anthony Rizzo to get to Zobrist.
To this day, I think she thinks I was intentionally downloading the porn.
Familia struck out Bryant before intentionally walking Anthony Rizzo to load the bases.
Intentionally or not, monopolists tend to operate outside the bounds of competitive businesses.
It’s not clear whether he was intentionally distracting, or has himself been distracted.
It was, intentionally or not, a one-hour Super Bowl ad for Islamophobia.
Adam Frazier hit a two-out double, and Gregory Polanco was intentionally walked.
The bank «may have intentionally misled» lawmakers in its previous testimony, they said.
Would it be tempting if you were still there to intentionally anger him?
After second baseman Kolten Wong doubled, the Braves opted to walk Goldschmidt intentionally.
I feel like she went out intentionally to get a photo of her.
Her friends tease her when they visit and intentionally leave them all open.
I intentionally leave off my conservative affiliation because I live in New York.
The suit accuses the Times of intentionally defaming Trump with the op-ed.
He also took photographs with intentionally bad compositions, and he called it wrong.
Cover: An intentionally lit controlled fire burns intensely near Tomerong, Australia, Wednesday, Jan.
The Times has dutifully, if not always intentionally, tracked the evolution of swimwear.
It’s that the techniques they are using intentionally bypass our higher brain functions.
They tend to intentionally overreact because they know they don’t have good information.
The framers intentionally designed our government in a way that makes change incremental.
» He also accused the president of «intentionally dividing the country and the world.
«It’s very intentionally participatory,» said David Collens, Storm King’s director and chief curator.
«We have to see whether they did it intentionally or not,» he said.
«Most harmful skin-lightening creams are intentionally tainted with inorganic mercury,» Blanc said.
Two narratives that intentionally obscure who benefits from the tax law are emerging.
In this, I’m playing with applause breaks more intentionally and experimenting with juxtapositions.
After intentionally walking Kyle Schwarber, Iglesias retired Willson Contreras to end the frame.
Sacks added that cybersecurity standards use intentionally vague language around verification and testing.
Kushner left public explanations to others, intentionally remaining in the background that week.
Intentionally dialing wrong numbers is a labor-intensive way to find a girlfriend.
You do this experiment in the book where you intentionally make yourself bored.
The distinction that I would make is between being intentionally and unintentionally unproductive.
The team intentionally induced fatigue, through a computer-based task, in 66 participants.
I’ve also intentionally selected organizations that are tackling this problem on different levels.
It was a flagrant, even though I wasn’t trying to intentionally foul him.
Smith was arrested Friday and charged with intentionally killing an animal, a felony.
She would not comment on whether the rocket was fired intentionally or unintentionally.
Emotionally intelligent people employ negative and positive emotions intentionally in the appropriate situations.
She may not do it intentionally, but that will only make it harder.
We do not condone any activity or imagery that intentionally insults any audience.
«They intentionally made their elk 30 centimeters taller,» Mr. Reves said on Saturday.
Prosecutors said she helped draft Russia’s «intentionally misleading» response in a fraud case.
McCabe, who is a CNN contributor, has said he never intentionally misled anyone.
Here are six examples that illustrate the Brutalist movement, either intentionally or otherwise.
In other words: It’s intentionally very different from the cape-and-spandex set.
This has, quite intentionally, put pressure on legislators to distance themselves from her.
Trump is, intentionally or not, validating conspiracy theories about America’s relationship with ISIS.
«Intentionally, it was left for a major crisis phase,» said de la Vega.
The language in the counseling is intentionally designed to make you feel guilty.
And many artists, especially those disillusioned with the art market, made it intentionally difficult.
Netflix is «intentionally trying to destroy us, the existing ecosystem,» says one Hollywood executive.
Despite having her heart broken on TV, Kufrin doesn’t think Luyendyk intentionally hurt her.
If the information is accidentally or intentionally disclosed, agents’ lives are put at risk.
I’ve lived too much of my life, intentionally or not, based on those lyrics.
Peruvian authorities released him, as they didn’t have evidence that he’d done it intentionally.
The people that are creating it are doing so consciously and intentionally and creatively.
«Julian Assange’s internet link has been intentionally severed by a state party,» WikiLeaks said.
«We must end the fearful stigma that people intentionally pass along HIV,» Wilding says.
The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reviewed whether the texts were intentionally destroyed or hidden.
Madson (5-7) intentionally walked Gattis, loading the bases, but Gonzalez made him pay.
The three countries have intentionally worked to combine the advantages of their energy resources.
Remember, he intentionally leaked his personal notes about conversations he had with the president.
According to her complaint, Uber intentionally obtained the confidential medical information from Delhi police.
But even after the heartbreak, Kufrin said she doesn’t think Luyendyk intentionally hurt her.
There have been calls for stiffer suspensions for pitchers who throw at batters intentionally.
The performance is intentionally less about Nijinsky himself and more about one man’s descent.
That would «intentionally undermine PBGC’s statutory and contractual pension plan protections,» the agency said.
That makes us curious if Postmates also intentionally designed Serve to be friendly looking.
Jason Allen has no reason to believe his brother was killed intentionally, he said.
Jason Allen said he had no reason to believe his brother was killed intentionally.
It’s an inquiry into whether anyone intentionally put classified information where it shouldn’t be.
The most common kind of content on clips sites is, intentionally or not, amateurish.
But the Germans are (intentionally?) making an offer they know the French cannot accept.
He’s the opposite of Trump, who is definitionally not nice, intentionally abrasive, purposefully uneducated.
So the Senate GOP attacked it as «intentionally partisan,» and Toomey didn’t support it.
It was as if it had been arranged that way intentionally to confuse her.
Cordero would not provide additional information, but said that the posts were removed intentionally.
We intentionally wanted you to like her, and then there would be this turn.
Because it was an intentionally set up system to not leave a paper trail.
The whole exercise feels maddeningly, frustratingly pointless—and intentionally so, as we gradually discover.
Urban’s collaborator Smith intentionally used the video to showcase inclusivity on the dance floor.
You can’t rush Yinka, but she slows down intentionally when you push her buttons.
Mr. McCabe’s lawyers have vigorously denied that he intentionally lied to Mr. Horowitz’s investigators.
It’s so juicy, in fact, that I intentionally left it out of our review.
However, the guidelines both agencies publish are, as per both agency’s spokespeople, intentionally vague.
Lyonne We had fun with «Antibirth» because the tone is quite intentionally off kilter.
In the comics, she intentionally changes her style to draw less attention to herself.
On Wednesday, federal prosecutors charged him with terrorism and intentionally killing and harming people.
Bad actors are intentionally exploiting the vulnerabilities that these massive companies have laid bare.
But sometimes I’m just too scared of my feelings to intentionally bring it on.
Mujahid said the couple was intentionally never separated in order to protect their safety.
» But then they re-released it again and said, «Haha, we did this intentionally!
A study in 2014 estimated that 14-39% of elite athletes were doping intentionally.
Facebook stated that the ban is «intentionally broad,» and may be fine-tuned later.
Garrett said there was no indication that Walker intentionally tried to harm the children.
Counting calories requires either lots of dedication, or the use of intentionally simple methodology.
Brinkley gave PEOPLE a tour of the impressive compound, which she made intentionally unstuffy.
In my experience, police officers are not out to intentionally kill people of color.
But such testing would allow capable people to intentionally avoid difficult, high mortality assignments.
And now I was intentionally choosing to sleep outside, wearing clothes covered in dirt?
They’re either intentionally concealed, or, more likely, we’re not even consciously aware of them.
Rather than intentionally entering people’s thoughts, Goldstein is constantly attuned to their true motivations.
«As kids we are molded by our parents, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not,» Mamet writes.
Awe Makes You Happier Understanding awe and intentionally experiencing it will make you happier.
Others were intentionally crashed into the moon but didn’t return any images before impact.
Of that group the bulk — 39% — said the Trump campaign «intentionally» helped Russia’s meddling.
It’s not as if people intentionally match their faces (or heartbeats) to each other.
Marlins manager Don Mattingly then had Chris Iannetta intentionally walked to get to Senzatela.
It was outrageously and intentionally arty, a prime example of the power of performativity.
But intentionally or unintentionally, these laws or policies are often overlooked or blatantly ignored.
Garrard, and her family, have maintained that she would never have intentionally injured Hardin.
Medics asked Wicks whether he was intentionally targeted and he nodded yes, Clegg said.
In a telephone interview, Takasu said his social media posts had been intentionally misunderstood.
It’s less DIY and more DYL: «Design your life and live intentionally,» Chastain said.
A wild pitch advanced both runners and, one out later, Ramirez was intentionally walked.
The filmmakers intentionally use this sense of ambiguity to create tension within the viewer.
It is important that LaCroix’s true character is not devalued intentionally − in any way.
He said he intentionally made it smaller because he wanted to play with scale.
MFP wasn’t specifically LGBTQ+ but intentionally made the space safe and welcoming for everyone.
Critics have accused President Trump of having an indifferent or even intentionally negligent response.
First, there was the trio who intentionally exposed their bras under blazers and jackets.
They drive an intentionally low-key Toyota and dress in immaculate white salwar kameez.
Martin singled, Jeimer Candelario doubled and Cabrera was intentionally walked to load the bases.
Maybe it’s not an intentionally profound project in the way that I imagine it.
Mims admitted he hid intentionally and avoided other sailors who were looking for him.
Intentionally or not, Trump has revived some of the ugliest of anti-Semitic stereotypes.
» Frank’s actions on the day of the murder, «intentionally running down Mr. and Mrs.
She also accused him of intentionally tearing a condom he wore during the act.
The suit claims UMG intentionally tried to deceive the artists by concealing the payments.
Drafters of the Paris agreement intentionally left the language about adjusting those commitments vague.
After Will rescues Isla from intentionally drowning, he takes her to his father’s mansion.
After Heller struck out Lorenzo Cain with a slider, Eric Hosmer was walked intentionally.
Being models, the two are no strangers to showing skin — either intentionally or accidentally.
Based on this speech alone, Trump comes off as both ignorant and intentionally deceptive.
In the «intentionally funny» camp, I can’t say enough nice things about Job Simulator.
Minter intentionally walked Fernando Tatis and appeared to catch the rookie shortstop off first.
Finally, Ailes’s political project culminated, intentionally or not, in the election of Donald Trump.
American voters intentionally steered far away from emerging socialism and the Road to Serfdom.
Betts singled, Benintendi doubled, Moreland flied out to left and Martinez was walked intentionally.
But those sessions have been kept intentionally brief in order to maintain Trump’s attention.
She risked a four-year suspension if she had intentionally used a banned substance.
Everything very intentionally flies under the radar to allow your assets to remain incognito.
The Libyan commander is accused of using guns to intentionally sink boats carrying migrants.
So, with a few ballots intentionally misdirected, a perpetrator could face decades in prison.
Apple currently faces multiple class action lawsuits after admitting to intentionally slowing down iPhones.
Some children offered cards that were a little too honest, whether intentionally or not.
Intentionally or not, they fuel a frenzy to get into the most selective schools.
According to federal prosecutors, Petraeus intentionally misled investigators during the course of their investigation.
Invitations hit inboxes March 11, and, as we’ve come to expect, were intentionally vague.
That’s something Leitch said was intentionally done to give the movie its own individuality.
Whether intentionally or not they have become a laboratory for millennial-friendly independent brands.
«These bills are intentionally overreaching and would ban commonly owned firearm accessories,» Baker continued.
The only question is whether Trump was intentionally espousing the views of white supremacists.
Julia Roberts has officially joined Instagram, after intentionally avoiding social media altogether for years.
It was jetsam thrown overboard intentionally by Comey to save himself, not his agency.
Miguel Rojas was intentionally walked to get to Rivera, who turns 26 on Wednesday.
As already noted, the dogs found at Koster and Stillwell II were intentionally buried.
So are they about to have a very explosive report that&aposs swamped, intentionally?
But the defense contends that the government is intentionally trying to hamper that strategy.
What’s more … the buyer is saying Jerry intentionally misrepresented the authenticity of the whip.
Below are eight times people intentionally or accidentally ruined pieces of art in 2000.
Nieto was intentionally walked, and pitcher Bob Forsch grounded out to end the inning.
So the only way this could slip would be if it were done intentionally.
The work, whether intentionally or not, recalls some of the Holocaust’s most haunting photography.
I don’t think Trump is intentionally trying to get people riled up about Russia.
Sometimes, it seems like George R.R. Martin selected the names to be intentionally confusing.
Use a planner or a calendar to intentionally schedule «me time» I’m a loner.
That court found the law had been enacted intentionally to reduce black voter turnout.
An added benefit of intentionally planning charitable giving is the potential for tax deductions.
Roberts called for Blanton to intentionally walk Jason Heyward because first base was open.
County coroner Tim Ruestman found the fire was started intentionally, the Associated Press reported.
Ms. Abrams accused Mr. Kemp of intentionally taking comments she made out of context.
Martinez was intentionally walked and Tzu-Wei Lin replaced Vazquez as a pinch-runner.
I think people are intentionally not thinking too far out, because we’ll be terrified.
The logo is intentionally void of any flag colors or national symbolism from Russia.
Myspace is hardly the first service to lose user data, intentionally or by accident.
It’s baked into their relationship from the beginning, and intentionally so on Forster’s part.
Sometimes these comments from other gay men may not be overtly or intentionally hurtful.
Swinney said the players had told him they had not intentionally taken the substance.
They stand or sit in front of the barbell and intentionally refuse to lift.
Michael Conforto hit a three-run homer after the Giants intentionally walked Wilmer Flores.
Few have seen it, and those who have intentionally keep its precise location secret.
China’s government did not intentionally make its economy scream because of a bad flu.
He also baselessly alleged that some photos were «intentionally framed» to downplay Trump’s crowd.
«Intentionally ending Mr. Bowles’ life is unnecessary,» Michael B. Sheedy wrote in the letter.
«Mountain» is the flip side of a similar subject, and an intentionally ephemeral experience.
When pressed by Jackson, Ginsberg said he considered her answers to be «intentionally» misleading.
No other player has ever been intentionally walked even 33 times in a season.
Still, its definition of what violates its policies is a bit (perhaps intentionally) vague.
And then we would laugh and be, like, What if we intentionally did that?
Then we got the first of two heavy-handed (perhaps intentionally so?) music cues.
Dershowitz has since countersued, claiming she defamed and intentionally inflicted emotional distress on him.
The Syrian refugees intentionally welcomed by Merkel have so far proven overwhelmingly law abiding.
Intentionally or not, you were where you sat or where you were seen sitting.
Mr. McCabe’s lawyers had denied that he intentionally lied to the inspector general investigators.
Did he think I was lying, intentionally mirroring him to make us seem compatible?
Even games that are intentionally designed with a retro feel can be surprisingly absorbing.
Even without binding legal instruments, no state has ever intentionally destroyed another&aposs satellite.
Unlike Uber and DoorDash, it intentionally wasn&apost trying to become a logistics company.
Intentionally directing attacks against cultural monuments and religious buildings could constitute a war crime.
Stone’s lawyers had insisted Stone wasn’t guilty because he hadn’t intentionally lied to Congress.
Francis implied that he believed at least some of the fires were intentionally set.
Intentionally or not, Viacom just got a supporting role in an unfolding global drama.
The SEALS intentionally destroyed sensitive military equipment that was aboard the aircraft, Newsweek reported.
In many instances, perhaps unwittingly or even intentionally, those messages have already been presented.
Reliever Ryne Stanek intentionally walked Mike Trout to load the bases with one out.
This is intentionally manipulative behavior on behalf of the insurance company to reduce cost.
«There is no question that Iran detained and tortured Jason intentionally,» the judge added.
«I embarrassed myself a lot through my career, but never intentionally,» he said Wednesday.
Under FOSTA, prosecutors would just need to prove that websites are intentionally promoting prostitution.
We invited these conversations intentionally in the way that we thought about the show.
Gordon, however, entered as a pinch hitter in the seventh and was walked intentionally.
Manafort’s lawyers contend that it was Gates who intentionally misled Manafort to embezzle money.
But Mr. Trump’s insinuation was that intelligence officials were intentionally withholding information from him.
Christians are called to take up celebration as intentionally as they take up waiting.
«Neither I nor anyone else intentionally did anything wrong,» he said in a statement.
I raced him once, won the race and intentionally fell at the end point.
They’re intentionally leaving themselves insufficient time to move anything but an omnibus spending bill.
Sylvester claims Breitbart News then intentionally «copied and posted the copyrighted photograph» to Breitbart.
«Never again will I prevaricate or omit or mislead — intentionally or not,» Shkreli wrote.
Some air strikes have hit civilian targets, although the coalition denies doing so intentionally.
Some travel intentionally, by boat, in the back of trucks, by plane if possible.
However, Apple did say it had never intentionally shortened the life of its products.
The Senate intentionally set up an unoccupied seat to shame Alphabet at Wednesday’s hearing.
Josh Donaldson was intentionally walked, and Justin Smoak struck out to end the game.
«We did not find that anyone intentionally attempted to distort intelligence,» the report concluded.
Intentionally omitting information on the form, known as an SF-86, is a felony.
This behavior, however «benevolent» in the perspective of the employer, is still intentionally discriminatory.
He either intentionally or ignorantly signaled for supporters to intimate this young woman. Why?
He then said Molitor had walked up and intentionally blown smoke in his face.
His position is that he did not intentionally and knowingly violate North Carolina law.
Residential fires that were intentionally set were more likely to occur between 3 p.m.
Mr. Williams said he did not intentionally damage the chair or the snow globe.
In his first scene, he intentionally bends a limousine fender and tackles a cop.
In some ways, this is how Powers intentionally differs from his counterpart James Bond.
But they infuriate other legal experts who call their commentary shabby and intentionally misleading.
No dope, no money—we’d burned it all, intentionally, on our last blowout run.
Plenty of shows have made missteps, and plenty more have intentionally stirred up trouble.
I intentionally wanted to present the show in that conceptual context, as a novelty.
His speeches and gestures also recall the intentionally exaggerated performance and makeup of kabuki.
Indeed, this is one of the most intentionally funny horror movies in many years.
And man, oh man, how can these folks, you know, call themselves Christian or godly or anything else like they do all the time and then take this kind of attitude and intentionallyintentionally—want to pass stuff that will destroy people’s lives.
The NFL is notorious for bolstering the careers of men who have intentionally harmed women.
But when you’re intentionally trying to make a photo look sexy, it can be intimidating.
We recommend fixing the eligibility rules for the programs to intentionally disqualify big businesses. Why?
«So perhaps the Americans intentionally looked the other way when China threw us this lifeline.»
I «downsize» when it’s an option, or intentionally consume only part of what I’ve purchased.
I would never, ever intentionally trivialize the emotional and physical challenges of terminating a pregnancy.
«The UK would not intentionally target Syrian military units,» it added, declining to comment further.
Image: SharpThis is one of the first dual-notch smartphones we’ve seen—at least intentionally.
A lot of this was locked in intentionally, as a result of that one election.
Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I used the thing — not intentionally, at least.
It turns out the woman was included intentionally to represent a potential future female president.
Building a real business and being long-term investors and doing this intentionally and deliberately.
Harris, 35, was accused of intentionally locking Cooper inside a hot car for seven hours.
I think it’s very intentionally signaling this is your space newcomers, this is your space.
Ghosn denies he intentionally understated his pay in financial documents, according to Japan broadcaster NHK.
Ask your kids: Do you think performers intentionally try for moments that will «go viral»?
Manny Machado, who already had homered twice and was 123-for-113, was intentionally walked.
Trump also told drug executives that other countries intentionally devalue their currencies to their advantage.
Despite her heartache, Taylor testified that doesn’t believe that her husband intentionally killed their child.
Persons intentionally send unsolicited pictures of their genitalia over social media or via messaging platforms.
Homme told Beats 1 DJ Zane Lowe that the song was an intentionally concise epic.
Heskin then intentionally triggered the feature, designed to punish freeloaders, and bricked his own Switch.
On December 19, 2016, a truck intentionally plowed into a Christmas market in central Berlin.
Swift intentionally left a trail of «clues» for her fans to follow along and ponder.
He was «never intentionally naked» in front of staff, his lawyers said in a letter.
This is obviously not the first time that any medical facilities have been intentionally attacked.
«We design and test our products to ensure the mesh is intentionally placed,» Ercon says.
In the eighth, Melky Cabrera doubled with two outs before Jose Abreu was intentionally walked.
And there is no evidence that the poll was intentionally designed to suppress Trump’s support.
The friends intentionally called him over once for a problem with the toilet, Smith said.
The CEO is hardly alone in intentionally or otherwise sowing confusion around his credentials, however.
Last week, ICE acknowledged it had intentionally targeted sanctuary cities in its most recent raids.
He meets some of Alex’s weirder creations, such as a robot that intentionally harms humans.
Omitting pertinent information from a conversation, or even intentionally misleading an interlocutor, requires nimble thinking.
For the most part, the details of these plans appear to be kept intentionally vague.
But Straily got Flowers to pop out, intentionally walked Inciarte and struck out Jose Bautista.
Multiple Fuelgram users who liked Viral Hippo’s intentionally terrible posts liked these posts as well.
Doctors told police, however, that the severity of the injuries suggest they were inflicted intentionally.
With no advertising to target, the company intentionally stores as little user data as possible.
Today in Jacksonville, Florida six Trump Campaign volunteers were intentionally targeted while registering voters. pic.twitter.
A massive foreign power intentionally set out to influence the result of our presidential election.
» (Election Day is November 6th.) This violated Twitter’s guidelines concerning «intentionally misleading election-related content.
Mitt Romney didn’t echo WorldNetDaily’s claims the way Donald Trump, intentionally or not, echoed Infowars.
Police said he intentionally targeted the officers after a series of run-ins with authorities.
A Minor wild pitch helped set up the winning run after Betts was walked intentionally.
It looks like it was set intentionally, and it looks like your parents were stabbed.
The pan flutes, choral pads and melodic percussion intentionally evoke rain forests and the ocean.
Green has been booked for felony child abuse — intentionally causing harm/cruelty toward a child.
Civilians, particularly children, must not be intentionally put in danger or targeted in any way.
Obstruction of justice is essentially defined as intentionally intervening or tampering with an ongoing investigation.
Knapp, still «hopelessly in love with email,» intentionally locks himself out of his own inbox.
Wildstein testified earlier in the trial that the information in the report was intentionally misleading.
Collins, Slager’s defense attorney, says they will vigorously dispute that the fire was intentionally set.
Here, he matches elaborate couture dresses (naive camp) with their intentionally over-the-top descendants.
So a punch is not necessarily intentionally going past; it’s really going toward the face.
That all said, there’s reason to believe Apple is intentionally taking some middle ground here.
It seemed that Trump intentionally played up this theme rather than trying to hide it.
Do they produce it in any way intentionally — do they produce it to manipulate us?
Strap in for kaleidoscopic cats figures, trippy rotoscoping, claymation, glitch art, and intentionally terrible CGI.
Seaboard told the newspaper it would not intentionally do business with anyone on the list.
Obstruction of Justice is essentially someone who intentionally intervenes or tampers with an ongoing investigation.
Thamir and his family stayed in their home, but intentionally left the door wide open.
Or maybe, as Sly claimed, he intentionally fed misleading information to Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter.
My stomach makes itself known and I intentionally zone out while heating up my lunch.
With one out, the Mariners intentionally walked Travis Shaw to load the bases for Anderson.
That prohibition should only be reserved for people who «intentionally» or «knowingly» commit domestic crimes.
Spider has also adamantly denied intentionally taking anything … instead saying he ingested a tainted supplement.
The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reviewed whether the missing texts were intentionally destroyed or hidden.
On Craigslist, the company uses seemingly intentionally crafty wording to advertise its apparent hourly rates.
On Thursday, the 68-year-old Jesuit priest said his prayer was intentionally non-partisan.
Thursday’s court filing alleges a broad effort from state officials to «intentionally» destroy «fundamental» evidence.
His 19th homer of the year came after the Giants intentionally walked 3B Nolan Arenado.
Omron intentionally built FORPHEUS to focus on improving the human player, not to defeat him.
Maria Magaña doesn’t think her sister was intentionally targeted, she told the San Bernardino Sun.
Ali, Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna never have never intentionally physically hurt someone pre-A.
Defense attorney Clark tells PEOPLE the ritual is being intentionally cast in a negative light.
Chapman struck out Kyle Schwarber with runners at second and third before intentionally walking Bryant.
Prosecutors said when confronted with the allegations, Winner admitted to leaking the classified document intentionally.
However, Apple intentionally slowed iPhones with Qualcomm modems so they’d be no speedier than Intel’s.
PixlPa sets a desolate psychedelic scene filled with, what appears to be, intentionally oversaturated imagery.
The gist of it this: Remy is accusing Nicki of intentionally working against her success.
But, the focus starting next week will be whether or not Suge intentionally killed Carter.
Creating Google accounts for your kids is straightforward, but is intentionally not a fast process.
Cornell’s widow said in her statement that she did not believe he «intentionally» committed suicide.
Rojas is accused of intentionally driving his vehicle into crowds of pedestrians in Times Square.
The title track was practically irresistible, lead singer Josie Steward’s melodies intensely and intentionally catchy.
As they walked they passed around intentionally unpleasant food, like chicken’s feet and raw potatoes.
Meyerhoffer says Latch intentionally downplays its technology in an attempt to achieve a lasting look.
While misinformation may not be intended to deceive, disinformation is distributed intentionally and often strategically.
The plaintiffs say WWE intentionally avoided liability for injuries by classifying wrestlers as independent contractors.
A Wide Receiver Intentionally Leapt Crotch-First Into The Uprights This requires no additional commentary.
It concluded Facebook had «intentionally and knowingly» violated U.K. data privacy and anti-competition laws.
She claimed the folks at Dick Clark Productions intentionally sabotaged her performance to spike ratings.
«We also know he intentionally targeted the LGBT community,» the top elected Republican official said.
So, you’ve got this is footage that she has basically provided for you, not intentionally.
The worst mysteries intentionally withhold key evidence so you could never possibly guess the solution.
The furniture is intentionally annoying to construct and cannot be built by one person alone.
Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson has spread the same talking point using intentionally divisive language.
The Senate majority leader also publicly said women weren’t intentionally left out of the group.
Then I went back to the thumbnail, and I thought they must’ve done that intentionally.
Even though fans might not intentionally be motivated to post for promotion alone, many are.
Prince made a free throw and intentionally missed the second but Drummond secured the rebound.
Perhaps they will introduce new evidence to show which specific voting districts were intentionally gerrymandered.
It must understand and be sensitive to diversity — offering clear options without being intentionally overwhelming.
The NSA’s press release claims Winner admitted intentionally identifying and printing the classified intelligence reports.
Others intentionally added characters such as dollar-signs and asterisks to avoid Facebook’s automated moderation.
«‘Through the summer’ is intentionally not precise,» ECB President Mario Draghi told a press conference.
After Myers stole second, Ynagervis Solarte was intentionally walked to load the bases for Upton.
An FBI agent wrote in an affidavit then he believed Bennett intentionally scuttled the boat.
Even the natural damage that comes with artificially lightened hair may have been intentionally exacerbated.
This online public presence is something that needs to be constantly tended and intentionally cultivated.
In an email, Nixon adviser Rebecca Katz rejected the comparison, which she called intentionally misleading.
Earlier this month, a woman told police in Dallas that Kelly intentionally gave her herpes.
Seager doubled, Bellinger was intentionally walked and David Freese hit an RBI double to right.
States likely did not intentionally design their licensure policies with the purpose of discouraging mobility.
Watkins took ownership of 8chan in 2014 after its founder, Fredrick Brennan, intentionally disconnected himself.
According to another BBC article, whether or not badgers intentionally moved to cities remains unknown.
Such testing intentionally attacks computer systems to hunt out vulnerabilities that can then be patched.
After Addison Russell was intentionally walked, Montero followed with a single that brought home Rizzo.
In September 2017, the mission ended when scientists intentionally sent the spacecraft plummeting into Saturn.
One notable example was where he appeared to twist Cam Newton’s ankle intentionally after tackles.
It’s almost as if they intentionally bore me as a distraction for what’s to come.
It is easy to brush off a problem you did not directly and intentionally create.
The budget is the only major legislation that is intentionally produced along clear partisan lines.
Abdullah and Salah say their father has been misunderstood and intentionally misrepresented for political reasons.
If an executive intentionally misleads the government, he or she could be held criminally responsible.
The goal is to prevent rogue drone operators from violating airspace regulations, intentionally or otherwise.
The Six4Three files back up the notion that Facebook was intentionally trying to mislead users.
Not all pairings were deliberate, but a few were intentionally paired to maintain a theme.
Did they intentionally want people to take that as a sign that they were Russian?
It’s like he wanted to make sure I knew he was intentionally ignoring my boundaries.
After Trout was walked intentionally to load the bases, Shohei Ohtani hit a sacrifice fly.
Or he’s intentionally dodging the bullet and watching as it slams into the body politic.
They say that, accommodating for month-to-month churn, roughly 1,211 units were intentionally removed.
Later this month, another hearing is scheduled to determine if Texas intentionally sought to discriminate.
Clown sex is spontaneous, silly, and awkward intentionally, making it a different kind of fun.
Did you intentionally mix white-bread Americana classic rock with something bizarre like the Neu!
Brewsters were also accused of selling tainted ales that could make drinkers sick, perhaps intentionally.
I intentionally don’t offer another exposed female object to be gazed at, oversimplified, and dismissed.
But in all too many cases, pieces of art have been used intentionally as weapons.
I have multiple conversations per week with people in person or on the phone intentionally.
«It is much easier to target the much more overtly, intentionally provocative genres,» she said.
Ms. Kruger’s designs are intentionally androgynous, she said, appealing equally to male and female clients.
Kershaw intentionally walked Xander Bogaerts and then struck out Rafael Devers to end the inning.
It started last month, when a Toronto man intentionally drove his van into a crowd.
For most of America’s history, obtaining such an injunction against someone has been intentionally difficult.
All Americans understand that intentionally hurting innocents is not consistent with American values or character.
I will say this, we are intentionally not reflexively anti-Trump or reflexively pro-Trump.
Ted Huffman’s clean yet passionate, intimate production adds, intentionally or not, a newly bitter element.
Is Apple saying that it intentionally slows down older iPhones as new ones are released?
And there’s always the possibility that someone intentionally could create and spread a pandemic disease.
One man within the United States government may have intentionally brought us to this point.
Here, she invoked the whole canonical Versace shebang as if intentionally for an iPhone cascade.
Smaller blasts were reported that may have resulted from the police intentionally detonating suspicious packages.
But what if social media companies are intentionally tilting the political discourse on their systems?
» Another reads: «Cigarette companies intentionally designed cigarettes with enough nicotine to create and sustain addiction.
But intentionally misspeaking to Congress is a crime, giving his statement on Thursday added weight.
Intentionally or not, the far right has deftly applied these insights to the online world.
Not only are there few jump cuts, but the camera work is also intentionally slow.
That should be called out for what it is: Intentionally stoking homophobia for political gain.
The inclusion of the word «intentionally» in the rule, Chamblee said, provides an unacceptable loophole.
Opening more intentionally integrated gifted schools could be an appealing option for Mr. de Blasio.
Then Pat Valaika put down a sacrifice bunt and the Mets intentionally walked Charlie Blackmon.
People could launch bright satellites, to intentionally get the attention of people around the globe.
Some observers suggested that the Pentagon intentionally sat on this information, possibly for political reasons.
ET, but mission controllers intentionally shut off its engines about 84 seconds into the flight.
In other words, the defendant could not escape liability by intentionally avoiding learning the facts.
Self-reported vote intention is far from perfect; people can mislead pollsters, intentionally or unintentionally.
Clinton, since the F.B.I. has already determined that she did not intentionally mishandle classified information.
Manafort «did not willfully or intentionally deceive» the IRS or other financial institutions, Zehnle said.
The first square, on the lower left, represents content that’s wrong but not intentionally misleading.
» Scalia explained that the «Appointments Clause is, intentionally and self-evidently, a limitation on Congress.
Otto was systematically tortured and intentionally injured by Kim Jong [Un] … Kim, and his regime.
In fact, people intentionally behave differently from people they don’t want to be associated with.
Fallon also said the inspector general is being intentionally vague about which emails were classified.
» But, the IG insisted, «we did not find that anyone intentionally attempted to distort intelligence.
«If you intentionally damage property or injure someone, you don’t get insurance coverage,» Kochenburger said.
The testimony has to be shown not only to be incorrect, but also intentionally false.
A federal judge ruled that the university had not intentionally discriminated against Asian-American applicants.
Juan Lagares singled, Amed Rosario executed a sacrifice bunt, and Michael Conforto was intentionally walked.
But Hamas intentionally seeks to maximize human losses and puts Gaza civilians in harm’s way.
After Torres singled, the Yankees loaded the bases again when Neil Walker was intentionally walked.
In other words, in Rhode Island’s mind, Facebook may have intentionally overpaid around $2 billion.
He was intentionally walked in the ninth, drawing a scattering of boos from Mets fans.
Modern Love A motorcycle accident brings together four lives that had been kept intentionally separate.
You create pieces that intentionally empower women and you did it before it was cool.
While many people listen to music or podcasts on their commute, Raider intentionally does not.
Some lesser lines have been intentionally powered down because of the fire, Eliason told KSBY.
Much of his costume is intentionally a bit ill-fitting and folksy, rather than fancy.
Yet he intentionally keeps vacant EVERY diplomatic position that is relevant to solving this crisis.
Photos can be stripped of context in an even trickier way, whether intentionally or accidentally.

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