Sentence with the word intention

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Intention and action should fall hand in hand.

Потому что намерение и действие должны идти рука об руку.

All that is needed is Intention.

Все, что необходимо, — это намерение.

Give you one example of that: Intention is very important in sound, in listening.

Приведу один пример: Цель очень важна для звука, для слушания.

Intention and effort are of far greater value.

Желание и усердие ценятся намного выше.

Intention is just like that tennis ball.

Желание похоже на этот теннисный мяч.

Intention sets the energy for all actions and words no matter how seemingly trivial.

Намерение устанавливает энергию для любого действия и слова, независимо от того, насколько тривиальными они могут казаться.

Intention manifests, while consciousness simply chooses what to manifest.

Намерение проявляется, в то время как сознание просто выбирает, что проявлять.

Intention is the command factor as much as anything else.

Намерение в той же мере является фактором управления, как и любой другой фактор.

Purpose and Intention are obviously two very crucial words.

Интересы и желания — это, пожалуй, два ключевых слова.

Intention is a real power behind desire.

Намерение — это реальная сила, которая стоит за желанием.

Intention is what you plan to do.

Намерение — это просто то, что собираешься сделать.

Here we have violations of Attention and Intention.

Здесь имеет место нарушение компонентов «внимание» и «намерение».

Intention must become increasingly stronger during the lesson since the friends should think about it together.

Намерение обязано все больше усиливаться во время урока, поскольку товарищи должны думать об этом все вместе.

Intention is an alive essence; it allows achieving what is on its vector.

Намерение — это живая сущность, она позволяет добиваться того, что находится на его векторе.

Intention to return an item should be communicated as soon as possible within an agreed time frame and in accordance with local laws.

Намерение вернуть предмет должно быть сообщено как можно быстрее в рамках согласованного временного интервала и в соответствии с местным законодательством.

Intention also has something to do with control.

Намерение тоже имеет некоторое отношение к контролю.

«Intention is the active desire and commitment to be happy,» they write.

«Намерение — это активное желание и готовность быть счастливым», пишут они.

Intention was fundamental to the interpretation of the act.

Основополагающее значение для толкования акта имеет намерение.

|| Intention, enterprise, plan…

Intention is like keeping your eye on the ball.

Намерение — это как следить за мячом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Intention

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

намерение, цель, стремление, замысел, идея, понятие, намерение жениться, виды


- намерение; умысел; стремление; цель

I have no intention of going /to go/ — я не собираюсь /не намерен/ идти
it wasn’t my intention to hurt her — я не хотел её обидеть
to do smth. without personal intentions — делать что-л., не преследуя личных целей
against smb.’s intentions — вопреки чьим-л. намерениям
whatever his intentions — каковы бы ни были его намерения
good in intention — а) хороший по замыслу; б) имеющий добрые намерения

- pl. разг. намерение жениться

he has serious intentions — у него серьёзные намерения (жениться)

- значение; смысл
- филос. концепция, понятие, идея
- мед. заживление раны; натяжение

healing by first intention — заживление (раны) первичным натяжением
good acts are better than good intentions — добрые дела лучше добрых намерений
hell is paved with good intentions — ≅ ад вымощен благими намерениями

Мои примеры


every intention — сильное желание, твердое намерение  
no intention — никакого желания  
to announce / declare / state one’s intention — заявить о своих намерениях  
to form and display an intention — сформировать и обнаружить намерение, умысел  
execution of criminal intention — осуществление преступного умысла  
execution of intention — осуществление намерения  
furtherance of intention — способствование осуществлению намерения  
intention for bid — намерение сделать предложение  
legislative intention — намерение законодателя  
seditious intention — намерение вызвать мятеж  

Примеры с переводом

I have no intention of retiring just yet.

У меня пока нет намерения уходить на пенсию.

Have you heard of her intention to resign?

Вы слышали о её намерении уйти в отставку?

She has every intention of accepting the invitation.

Она твёрдо решила принять приглашение.

He has no intention of leaving the political stage.

У него нет никаких намерений покидать политическую сцену.

His intention and execution are not very near each other.

Его намерения и их реализация не слишком соответствуют друг другу.

He has no intention of marrying her, he’s just stringing her along.

Он не собирается жениться на ней, он просто обманывает ее.

My intention changed once I saw her.

Увидев её, я сейчас же изменил намерения.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It is our intention to be the number one distributor of health products.

He seemed to think that I was trying to cause problems, but that was never my intention.

…likes to toy with men whom she has no intention of actually dating…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

intent  — намерение, цель, пристальный, внимательный
intentional  — умышленный, намеренный, нарочитый
intently  — сосредоточенно
intentness  — тщательность, заботливость, напряженное внимание

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): intention
мн. ч.(plural): intentions

Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action or actions in the future. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I’ve been tied up with boundary changes and having a birthday at the weekend, so this is just a quick post to catch up with some of the voting intention and Scottish Independence polling I’ve missed.


Given budget constraints, there can be a tendency to replace original sash window to with the intention of achieving lower maintenance costs over the long term.


Drawn on graph paper and scanned in, these were from an exercise the some of the students had completed the day before with the intention of getting box and whisker.


Concentrating your thoughts into cohesive intentions really assists in helping manifest your desired results.


I now try to plan my content with an eye toward future book projects, and I write with the intention of repurposing my content on a permanent, ongoing basis.


Yet despite the need and best intentions, the program was loathed on Main Street and Wall Street almost the instant it launched.


Shortly after buying Odeo, Williams wrote a blog post that announced his intentions to sell the podcasting part of the company — a New York start-up paid a reported $ 1 million for the service — and focus on Twitter.


Official Announcement Mr. Mahama was also reported to have given the assurance that in due time he would officially announce his intention of leading the NDC as the presidential candidate for the next national elections.


He continued: «The Labour Party still remain more than 30 points behind the SNP in the constituency voting intention, whilst the Conservatives have not made any noticeable progress despite some commentators proposing that the Conservatives will be aiming for a «serious Holyrood campaign».


Understanding and establishing your intentions is an important step in forming the foundation for your response to the important and persistent question, «What should I practice in my home practice?»


The United Kingdom and the European Union have announced their intentions to investigate whether their citizens» data was also compromised.


But she has no intention of giving up the fight to bring parents and public schools in her community closer together.


His intention was that it be laicized, but it was secularized as well.


Julyan has said that the intention was to underscore the anticipation of magic, rather than the excitement and mystery itself, but I’m not really sure how this score achieves that — endless synth pads, string noodling, occasional piano interludes (being very careful to avoid playing anything that might turn into a recognisable melody)- sorry, but what’s the point of all this?


Think again: If that searcher is looking for the nearest «glasses repair shop,» for eye glasses, not wine glasses, you’ve just paid money for someone to accidentally click on your ad who has no intention of ever being a customer.


As the purchase of clean cars and the charging devices stations they need is partly financed by cities, An said that municipal governments have little intention to support automakers that do not contribute to the local economy.


My confidence and passion for life has been reignited and I have no intention of stopping my fitness journey anytime soon.


Even here, I have no intention of assaulting the habits of a fisherman who is out there for his own pleasure, obeying the laws of man and nature, whether he heaves a treble-hooked plug into the Vineyard surf, strips a fly line onto the deck of a Keys backcountry skiff or watches his baits skip along behind a 54-foot Hatteras off St. Thomas.


If you don’t ask first, they might get those beautiful cloth diapers you carefully picked out for them, smile and nod, and then forget about them, using only disposables despite the good intentions of your well-thought-out gift.


Collins, for his part, has said he has no intention to host a town hall, calling them «useless» and saying he prefers to meet with people one-on-one.


Former minister of finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on Wednesday debunked media report that she has intentions to contest the 2019 presidential election.


I have begun to incorporate crystals as supports for my intentions.


It can be used to calm the mind or as the first step to plant the seed of an intention of a specific purpose or idea.


He is a master when it comes to conceal your intentions.


My point is that both intention, goal orientation, left brain, and openness, non-attachment, right brain are parts of the will.


Winding Refn’s intentions in making Only God Forgives are rather hard to fathom.


They have no intention of reciprocating in any meaningful fashion.


The six-episode sequel season is beautiful in its intentions and construction — a loving ode to a life made better by acknowledging the past to improve upon the future.


The initial intention was set to cover numerous metals including copper, zinc, lead, silver, iron ore, gold, nickel, bauxite, and tin but Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono altered the law slightly at the eleventh hour to allow exports of copper, zinc, lead, and iron ore concentrates until 2017.


Or, when I bought so much kale with the best intentions of healthy eating, but then succumbed to the lure of Annie’s mac and cheese or Bite Squad delivery, and then days later POOF, limp kale in my crisper, and no other veggies in the fridge.


It’s an age-old quandary: Are we born «noble savages» whose best intentions are corrupted by civilization, as the 18th century Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended?


Ever-so-slight language tweaks in last night’s statement from the Federal Open Market Committee left the market divided as to the Fed’s intentions as some interpreted the changes as dovish and others as bearing a hawkish hue.


Obama’s signature signaled the US intention to comply with Paris Agreement once in effect, but not obliging the US to do so until formally ratified, accepted, or approved by its own domestic process.


However, with my second child, he had different intentions.


He quotes Isaiah 28:16 where it is God’s expressed intention to lay a tested cornerstone, a sure foundation.


Which is clearly the opposite of the author’s intention.


Of course, not all of these Western men have the same «serious intentions» which they declare in their dating profile.


Our staff has the best of intentions for our students and they have worked extremely hard to open up their classrooms and collaborate with each other.


You’ve know each other well and started relationships formally, but he has no intention to marry you although you’ve sent him some hints.


Embed from Getty Images Arsenal fans have made their intentions clear when it comes to the Frenchman’s future, but landing England’s most famous trophy could turn some heads.


Eagle, who was one of 20 members of the shadow cabinet to resign, will formally announce her intention to stand on Thursday.


CHARITY SCHEMES: Federal authorities have issued warnings that scammers with nefarious intentions are actively exploiting the generosity of those wishing to provide relief to the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.


But that wasn’t Planck’s intention: what he meant was that people refuse to even consider unorthodox arguments while their authors are still alive.


Regarding the unproductive posts against my faith, all I can say is that the intention of the church is to be Christ in the world.


While the intention is to protect users from being bombarded with annoying ads, it may hurt the ad publishers by putting the power into Google’s hands.


A mantra is like a flashlight for your intention — that beam of light illuminates where you’re going and gives you direction.


The problem in Newark, said Russakoff, was that despite the good intentions of everyone involved, this top-down approach to system change ignored the most important members of the community: the students, the parents, and the teachers.


However, a month after the transfer window closed, Tiote has now publicly stated his intention to quit the club.


Eric Dier insists he had no intention of handing in Spurs transfer request amid Man Utd interest this summer


To protect against people who might apply for life insurance with the deliberate intention of killing themselves to provide their beneficiaries with a sum of money, insurance companies implemented a suicide clause.


Synonym: aim, design, intent, purpose. Similar words: intervention, a bone of contention, attention, pay attention to, intent, constitutional convention, intermittent, mention. Meaning: [ɪn’tenʃn]  n. 1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions 2. (usually plural) the goal with respect to a marriage proposal 3. an act of intending; a volition that you intend to carry out. 

Random good picture Not show

1 What was your intention in doing that?

2 I have no intention of retiring just yet.

3 Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament.

4 The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.

5 She affirmed her intention to apply for the post.

6 She stated categorically that she had no intention of leaving.

7 The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.

8 Allen back-pedalled, saying that he had had no intention of offending them.

9 The original intention was to record about 80 speakers, divided equally between males and females.

10 When a man speaks or acts with good intention. Then happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.

11 He never had the slightest intention of agreeing to it.

12 I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did.

13 If you have no intention of marrying her, you shouldn’t keep leading her on.

14 My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.

15 They have already declared their intention to fight on rather than settle for half-measures.

16 Don’t try to deflect me from my intention!

17 The intention of the clause is clear.

18 She announced her intention to stand for Parliament.

19 I’m sorry I offended you; it wasn’t my intention.

20 He had no intention of paying the cash.

21 It is their declared intention to increase taxes.

22 His intention took shape in action.

23 I have no intention of going to the wedding.

24 He intimated to me his intention of leaving early.

25 I have every intention of honouring our contract.

26 He has no intention of marrying yet.

27 My intention was to stay.

28 The bank announced its intention to bid.

29 He makes all kinds of big promises he has little intention of keeping.

30 He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intention of offending the community.

More similar words: intervention, a bone of contention, attention, pay attention to, intent, constitutional convention, intermittent, mention, integration, interaction, invention, prevention, convention, international, not to mention, interpretation, conventional, identification, intend, intense, intensity, sentence, maintenance, potential, potentially, enter into, licentious, conscientious, introduction, introspection. 

Definition of Intention

a course of action that a person intends to follow

Examples of Intention in a sentence

Alex said that his intention is to marry Rachel.


I have every intention of participating in the marathon, although my wife says that I am not in physical shape for such a run.


Barry said that he has no intention of stepping down, although he is under a lot of pressure to do so.


Although Michael never squeezed the trigger, he did have the intention to do so, which is not a punishable crime.


The guru argued that if we want to be successful, we need to first create the correct intention in our minds.


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