Sentence with the word impulsive

Synonym: brainish, capricious, driving, hotheaded, impetuous, madcap, tearaway, unprompted, whimsical. Similar words: impulse, impressive, convulsions, pulse, impunity, impudent, impudence, impudently. Meaning: [ɪm’pʌlsɪv]  adj. 1. proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus 2. without forethought 3. having the power of driving or impelling 4. determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason 5. characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation. 

1. Rosa was impulsive and sometimes regretted things she’d done.

2. His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.

3. He is too impulsive to be a responsible prime minister.

4. He is impulsive in his actions.

5. He has an impulsive nature.

6. Don’t be so impulsive — think before you act.

7. She is impulsive in her actions.

8. In a burst of impulsive generosity, I offered to pay.

9. It thus excludes situations involving impulsive gravitational waves.

9. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

10. The violence is purposeless and impulsive.

11. They include an impulsive component and a step component.

12. She could have bitten off her impulsive tongue.

13. It was all some impulsive reaction to her father.

14. She was impulsive, self-absorbed and careless about the future.

15. When and, the approaching waves contain an impulsive component.

16. These children tend to be impulsive and restless.

17. Impulsive buyers, who purchase products quickly 2.

18. And Anne — she’s so impulsive.

19. Such restraint … Unlike your impulsive blundering leap.

20. If you are a reckless, unrestrained and emotionally impulsive person, you are more likely to lose your future. Dr T.P.Chia 

21. Even to being impulsive, an uncontrolled state of irritability; it is a weakness and is accompanied by physical weakness.

22. Their absence led Barras into a series of impulsive and often self-destructive behaviors.

23. The use of this negative, impulsive punishment is inconsistent with what is desirable to teach chil-dren.

24. But since they had married, as young impulsive teenagers, his charm had evaporated.

25. Impulsive A choice based on inadequate information responding to a feeling of urgency.

26. Jack had very decided misgivings about Minto’s impulsive suggestion that Warnie should live with them.

27. Beneath that wild, impulsive exterior lurked as sophisticated a character as she was ever likely to encounter.

28. C is the most intellectual and best informed, less impulsive than A and B, but very resistant to change.

29. Harry’s charm lay in his quick, almost mischievous smile and impulsive eagerness for life.

30. In terms of colliding plane waves, these solutions all involve approaching waves with initial impulsive components.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.








I am also impulsive, passionate and romantic.

С другой стороны, я такой же страстный, импульсивный и романтичный.

My impulsive rebellion was instinctive and yet very unlike me.

Мой импульсивный мятеж был инстинктивным и всё же очень необычным для меня.

Nevertheless men also make impulsive purchases frequently.

Однако известно, что люди часто совершают импульсные покупки.

Uneven waves are considered impulsive and even ones are considered correctional.

Нечетные волны считаются импульсными, а четные — коррекционными.

They make conscious decisions, based on what they need, not impulsive wants.

Они принимают сознательные решения, основываясь на том, что им нужно, а не на импульсивных желаниях.

Telling someone you love them is impulsive and irrational.

Говорить кому-то, что вы его любите — импульсивно и иррационально.

We also measured how impulsive each student was.

Мы также изучали, насколько импульсивным является каждый из студентов.

She can be as charming as unexpectedly stubborn and impulsive.

Она может быть как очаровательной, так и неожиданно упрямой и импульсивной.

Ironically, replenishing your willpower often involves doing something impulsive and undisciplined.

Как ни странно, пополнение своей силы воли часто заставляет делать что-то импульсивное и недисциплинированное.

He’s also impulsive and lacks discipline.

Он также импульсивен, и ему не хватает дисциплины.

Stay patient and act wisely instead of taking impulsive decisions.

Будьте терпеливы и действуйте мудро, вместо того, чтобы принимать импульсивные решения.

Your impulsive actions can lead you into many difficulties, including perhaps becoming a compulsive gambler.

Ваши импульсивные поступки могут привести вас к самым различным неприятностям, в том числе, возможно, и стать азартным игроком.

Adolescents are more prone to impulsive and risky behaviors.

Поэтому дети и подростки более склонны к импульсивному и рискованному поведению.

Avoid impulsive purchases that are often less healthy.

Позволяет избежать импульсивных покупок, которые чаще всего оказываются ненужными.

I generally don’t make impulsive decisions.

Я, в принципе, никогда не делаю импульсивных решений.

To avoid impulsive purchases, try waiting for 24 hours before buying something.

Чтобы избежать импульсивных покупок, подождите от 24 до 48 часов, прежде чем приобрести что-либо.

It was an impulsive decision, nothing else.

Мне кажется, это было просто импульсивное решение, не более того.

Surprise yourself more and be more impulsive.

Но при этом проявляйте больше энтузиазма и будьте более импульсивны.

System 1 is automatic and impulsive.

Система 1 — это автоматические и импульсивные действия.

Small children are impulsive and less cautious around traffic.

Помните, что маленькие дети импульсивны и менее осторожны возле движущегося транспорта.

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импульсивный, побуждающий


- импульсивный, легко поддающийся воздействию

impulsive child — импульсивный ребёнок

- побуждающий, толкающий, движущий

impulsive force — движущая сила
impulsive movement — физиол. вынужденное движение

Мои примеры


impulsive-jet nozzle — сопло активной ступени  
impulsive load — кратковременная нагрузка; динамическая нагрузка; импульсная нагрузка  
impulsive loading — импульсное нагружение; импульсная нагрузка  
impulsive machine — электроэрозионный станок  
impulsive maneuver — импульсный манёвр  
impulsive moment — момент количества движения; кинетический момент; момент импульса  
impulsive motion — импульсное движение  
impulsive noise — широкоспектральная импульсная помеха; щелчки в радиотелефонном канале  
impulsive obsession — невроз навязчивых состояний; навязчивое состояние; невроз навязчивости  
impulsive optical spectroscopy of phonons — импульсная оптическая спектроскопия фононов  

Примеры с переводом

She made an impulsive decision to quit her job.

Она приняла импульсивное решение бросить работу.

He needs to learn to control his impulsive behavior.

Он должен научиться контролировать свои импульсивные поступки.

She’s impulsive and often does things that she later regrets.

Она импульсивна, и часто делает вещи, о которых потом жалеет.

‘Oh, Anne, I do love you!’ he said impulsively.

— Ах, Анна, я действительно люблю вас! — сгоряча сказал он.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

In a burst of impulsive generosity, I offered to pay.

Rosa was impulsive and sometimes regretted things she’d done.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word impulsive, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use impulsive in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «impulsive». In addition, we also show how different variations of impulsive can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are impulsively and impulsiveness. If you click on the variation of impulsive that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Impulsive in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word impulsive in a sentence.

  1. He enjoyed Jonny’s infectious enthusiasm and impulsive alacrity.

  2. The revamped Todd was unpopular among readers, who disliked his rebellious, impulsive nature.

  3. Zell is slightly impulsive and overconfident in his own skill; however, he is loyal to his friends.

  4. Janie serves as Shelly’s voice of reason, while Rita encourages her to be more impulsive with dating.

  5. Set is aggressive and impulsive, and Thoth, patron of writing and knowledge, is prone to long-winded speeches.

  6. He participated in the siege of Béxar, where he proved to be «an impulsive, occasionally insubordinate, officer».

  7. Todd became unpopular among readers after 1986, as writers began to characterize him as rebellious and impulsive.

  8. For example, Romeo’s challenging Tybalt is not impulsive; it is, after Mercutio’s death, the expected action to take.

  9. It has also described Teresa Cristina as a soft and timid character, unlike her ruthless father or her impulsive mother.

  10. His impulsive nature, representing the id, is seductive and liberating to the Narrator and the members of Project Mayhem.

  11. Scout’s impulsive inclination to fight students who insult Atticus reflects her attempt to stand up for him and defend him.

  12. A bad-tempered, impulsive and cruel husband, feeling burdened by his wife, Henchard sells her to a stranger for five guineas.

  13. His short attention span is evidenced by his impulsive decisions to engage in various hobbies and enterprises, only to «change ..

  14. Zhou Yunqing first appears as a fierce, impulsive young man who rides his horse into the thick of enemy encampments wielding a long spear.

  15. The Ohio senator considered the New Yorker overly impulsive; his stance was undermined by the efforts of political boss and New York Senator Thomas C.

  16. One of Schopenhauer’s doctrines was that music held a supreme role in the arts as a direct expression of the world’s essence, namely, blind, impulsive will.

  17. From what is known of Edward’s character, he could be impulsive and temperamental, as was seen by his actions against Stratford and the ministers in 1340/41.

  18. But during those days, his pianism, sharply idiosyncratic and rhythmically impulsive, multi-timbered yet graphically defined, merged in its concentrated form.

  19. While Eisenhower and Marshall both considered Patton to be a skilled combat commander, they felt Bradley was less impulsive and less prone to making mistakes.

  20. Despite praising Kagame’s leadership skills, Kinzer also cites a personality of «chronic impatience, barely suppressed anger, and impulsive scorn for critics».

  21. He remained impulsive and never learned to exercise self-control or to assess the consequences of his decisions and adapt his outlook to changes in situations.

  22. Hay felt Roosevelt too impulsive, and privately opposed his inclusion on the ticket in 1900, though he quickly wrote a congratulatory note after the convention.

  23. Although his suicide was first thought to be an impulsive reaction, it was later learned that the likely cause was O’Donoghue’s large debts to Chicago publishing houses.

  24. The marriage seemingly amounted to nothing more than an act of impulsive teenage rebellion, and Payton did not fight her parents’ insistence that the marriage be annulled.

  25. Isolated and alone, the agents and their accompanying team discover the existence of extraterrestrial parasitic organisms that drive their hosts into impulsive fits of rage.

  26. Hanna, who felt Roosevelt was overly impulsive, did not want him on the ticket, but did not realize that the efforts were serious until he was already at the convention in Philadelphia.

  27. Regarded by his peers as ambitious, vain and impulsive, he was known mainly for heavily drinking in Saigon’s nightclubs, and the Central Intelligence Agency labelled him a «basic opportunist».

  28. The original trio consisted of Bill Owen as the mischievous and impulsive Compo Simmonite, Peter Sallis as easy-going everyman Norman Clegg, and Michael Bates as uptight and arrogant Cyril Blamire.

  29. For example, people form a more positive impression of someone described as «intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, envious» than when they are given the same words in reverse order.

  30. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art.

  31. Children with ADHD who use stimulant medications generally have better relationships with peers and family members, perform better in school, are less distractible and impulsive, and have longer attention spans.

  32. A study which looked at if readers could predict character types based on physical cues regarded Naruto as an ENFP (Myers-Briggs) character type, impulsive and spontaneous, finding a foil in the ISTJ-type Sasuke.

Impulsively in a sentence

Impulsively is a variation of impulsive, below you can find example sentences for impulsively.

  1. Mackenzie chose his political positions impulsively and replaced rational arguments with energetic actions.

  2. While watching one of the troupe’s performances, Hartman impulsively decided to climb on stage and join the cast.

  3. According to Groening, the rule was that Homer could only strangle Bart impulsively, never with premeditation, because doing so «seems sadistic.

  4. He reported later that he had impulsively decided to commit suicide by placing his hand in a bag with a king brown snake inside and stirring it up.

Impulsiveness in a sentence

Impulsiveness is a variation of impulsive, below you can find example sentences for impulsiveness.

  1. Coward’s emerge with the staccato, blind impulsiveness of a machine-gun.

  2. Goffredo and Eustazio are shocked at Rinaldo’s impulsiveness and believe that he has deserted their cause.

  3. Hostility is anger felt and directed at a person or group and has related dimensions of impulsiveness and aggression.

  4. Reviewers commented on her synthesis of «the impulsiveness of romanticism and the deliberateness of classicism», and her «romantically classical» approach.

  5. While Patton eventually returned to combat command in the European Theater in mid-1944, the slapping incidents were seen by Eisenhower, Marshall, and other leaders to be examples of Patton’s brashness and impulsiveness.

Synonyms for impulsive

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word impulsive has the following synonyms: capricious, whimsical, arbitrary, driving, dynamic, dynamical, hotheaded, impetuous, madcap, tearaway, brainish, incautious, unpremeditated, unprompted, spontaneous and self-generated.

General information about «impulsive» example sentences

The example sentences for the word impulsive that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «impulsive» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «impulsive».

«Impulsive» is a song recorded by Wilson Phillips, the third single released from their debut album Wilson Phillips. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The camera used to be the most obvious canvas for Samsung’s impulsive feature creep, but it’s been scaled back a lot this year.


Shoplifting and theft are usually an impulsive crimes committed by otherwise law abiding citizens, but the stigma can be very damaging to one’s reputation.


It might be just as tempting to give in to careless spending, impulsive buying, and paycheck-to-paycheck living, but at least you know better now.


Is there anything more impulsive than the choice to stop by the community box of chocolates on your way back from the printer?


For starters, things like mood change, stress, anger, impulsive actions, chemical dependence, lack of concentration, poor memory and lack of creativity will result from sleep deprivation.


«Lead has been well-studied,» says Landrigan, «and is known to cause brain damage in children — loss of intelligence, shortening of attention span, impulsive and aggressive behavior.»


A negative relationship has been demonstrated between OFC cortical thickness and impulsivity in adults [90], and also between RACC cortical thickness and impulsive aggression in children [41].


Now a new, small study in The Journal of Sexual Medicine has combined a range of techniques, including eye tracking, to show that a subset of homophobic men who self-identify as heterosexual do seem to have an impulsive, automatic attraction to other men.


As in foreign policy, Cameron’s impulsive promises have weakened his position.


Avoid visiting during monsoon season due to the tidal waves that became impulsive and can interrupt you to perform any water activities.


This breed is very lovable and impulsive; it is extremely swift and full of energy.


@Steve, I feel impulsive in my replaying to you, because it is probably pointless.


His thin-skinned temperament, his bullying tendencies, his scapegoating of Mexican-Americans and Muslim-Americans, his support from White Nationalists and Vladimir Putin, his impulsive attacks on free speech and our allies around the world — none of that has evaporated in the light of day.


helping individuals with psychiatric and neurological disabilities by preventing or interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors


Cody is loud, impulsive, and charming in a way my mother does not trust.


A completely impulsive purchase, but one I’m pleased with.


Mr Popper’s playbook professes their rapport to be purely impulsive, but it’s problematic to perceive any proper poignancy.


Zora shouts out a reaction during read-aloud; her teacher labels her impulsive.


While women tend to be withdrawn, cry often, are sad, hopeless, and despair, men tend to have impulsive signs.


, is the first museum retrospective to focus on this aspect of the French artist’s practice, with rare loans of Parisian scenes, sketches of «majestic beards,» and views of the Sahara, all part of his search for a more impulsive, raw form of expression.


People who have suffered damage to the subthalamic nucleus exhibit excessive movement and impulsive behavior, similar to patients with Huntington’s disease.»


The capacity to inhibit egocentric, impulsive, or negative social behavior is also a reflection of a child’s social skills.


Stress analysis is used to solve various dynamic and impulsive problems in the structures such as pulsation, vibration, and fluid hammer.


His wife (Emily Watson) is none too pleased with the impulsive drunken purchase, the brown horse with white head markings unlikely to ease the family’s debts, which their landlord (David Thewlis) is eager to collect.


Working in a sweeper-aggressor style partnership, there’s a calm understanding now apparent between the two impulsive defenders — a dynamic that’s been maintained when Raphael Varane has stepped in for Pepe.


No, wait, he’s getting a divorce, and he and Bridget share an impulsive roll in the hay shortly after she has done the same with a mystery man at a pop festival.


With Gerwig as co-writer and star, the film feels as much hers as Baumbach’s, propelled forward by an impulsive verve that’s subtly checked by a world that doesn’t always bend to her will.


But you don’t want to let fear and emotions dictate your investing strategy and lead you to make impulsive decisions you may rue later.


One thing is certain though: from the impulsive bent of yore, epitomised by the with-immediate-effect temper of the ruinous military years, Nigerians would tend to have become more tempered.


By deciding in advance how each dollar you make will be spent, you significantly reduce your chances of falling into the trap of making impulsive purchases that detract from your efforts to build wealth.


At first, it seemed that the baseless bombast of the year before had given way to a more thorough, organised approach to recruitment, at least until the rather more impulsive signings of Angel Di Maria and Radamel Falcao — players dubbed as «Galacticos» by the media.


«Treats and other highly impulsive items should be merchandised at the end of the aisle adjacent to the heavily trafficked main aisle.


A new study published by Victor Mangabeira and colleagues in this month’s Physiology & Behavior reports that sugar withdrawal is also linked to impulsive behaviour.


Translating impulsive clicks into revenue is too strong an urge to deny for online businesses these days.


one gets so sick of sitting in front of the charts and not knowing why or what for and then the impulsive losing trades come.


Being aware of the psychological changes coupled with our ability of metacognition, where we can consciously think about what we are about to do, can give rise to a joint ability/mechanism by which reducing the level of impulsive decisions and avoiding, or rather dealing with, potentially dangerous situations can be achieved.


No one suggests a border collie as a couch potato lap dog; why do we agree border collies are high energy, intelligent dogs who need a job, and then deny pit bulls are dog-aggressive, impulsive and highly tenacious with a high prey drive?


It’s been more than two months since Finance Minister Bill Morneau said he would study Canada’s crumbling business tax advantage — while cautioning against any «impulsive» measures in response to tax changes south of the border that overnight wiped away our decade-plus business tax advantage over the United States.


Instead, the film is largely about his son, Dean (Martin), who deals with bereavement by basically running away from it — whether filtering it through increasingly morbid line drawings (Dean is a professional illustrator); calling off an engagement with Michelle (Christine Woods), who he only decided to marry to please his dying mother; or taking an impulsive trip to Los Angeles just to avoid arguing with his father about selling the family home.


This is a great tool for managing your bankroll, as taking money out of your account frequently can prevent mismanagement caused by impulsive betting.


This kind of defiance is a child’s developing sense of self combined with an impulsive brain.


ETFs, on the other hand, encourage impulsive risk-taking and the consequences of following those impulses might not be understood until it’s far too late.


The script includes numerous profanities, depictions of drinking and two teen sexual scenes — one in which a boy gives up his virginity only to prove to a girl he isn’t homosexual and another impulsive moment when we see a young couple without their shirts from the back.


If you are an impulsive buyer and spend a lot of money without any prior planning, an endowment plan is the right plan for you.


It is particularly effective with troubled adolescents and with adults who are acting out their problems in ways destructive to themselves and others; with adults who have a pattern of self-sabotaging, impulsive behavior; with alcoholics; and with persons having


She’s the most free, impulsive screen actress in the world.)


The performance gap can be attributed to impulsive or emotional decisions on the part of investors to get out of volatile markets and then missing out on the upside when markets surge.


I’ll fully admit that I’m impulsive and when I want something, I want it then, so fast shipping is something I always look for.


And now that I have kids of my own, I understand just how impulsive they can be and how helpful a simple visual cue could be.


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac — daring and impulsive.


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