Sentence with the word immigrant

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Every immigrant who crosses our border ends up costing us 100,000 euros.

Каждый пересекающий наши границы иммигрант, в конце концов, обходится нам в 100 тысяч евро.

The worst-case scenario any immigrant can face is deportation.

Объективной опасностью, с которой может столкнуться каждый иммигрант, является депортация.

She’s also an immigrant like me.

I am an immigrant and a political refugee.

«Я политический эмигрант и беженец, имею соответствующий статус.

Such restrictive measures might hurt immigrant families and could provoke anti-social behavior.

Однако подобные рестриктивные меры могут больно ударить по семьям мигрантов и спровоцировать их асоциальное поведение.

Maybe one reason was that everyone felt like an immigrant.

Может быть, одна из причин в том, что каждый чувствовал себя иммигрантом.

You mentioned you were an immigrant family.

Вы упомянули, что сами родились в семье эмигрантов.

Poland is an immigrant friendly country.

Польша не является страной, дружественной к иммигрантам.

The same person can be an immigrant and an emigrant.

Таким образом, человек может одновременно выступать и эмигрантом, и иммигрантом.

So one immigrant comes to 120 primordial inhabitants.

Таким образом, один иммигрант приходится на 120 коренных англичан.

The words immigrant and emigrant are easily confused.

Слова «иммигрант» и «эмигрант» достаточно легко перепутать.

The same goes for other immigrant groups.

То же самое касается и других категорий эмигрантов».

More than any other immigrant group.

Это значительно больше, чем любой другой иммигрант.

The implication was that he was an immigrant.

Это было связано с тем, что он являлся эмигрантом.

I am a third generation immigrant.

Действительно, я — представитель уже третьего поколения эмигрантов.

One of five children of an Italian immigrant and railway worker.

Он был младшим из пяти детей в семье итальянского эмигранта — работника железной дороги.

Thus every visitor or immigrant to the Americas should be forcibly vaccinated.

Поэтому каждый турист и иммигрант, который направляется в США, должен пройти тщательную проверку.

Start with me because I’m an immigrant, Cuomo said.

Начните тогда с меня, потому что я считаю себя иммигрантом», — сказал Куомо 7 июня.

Nobody loves America like an immigrant.

Никто не любит родину так, как иммигранты.

Overtime I realized that everyone is an immigrant in America.

Через некоторое время я понял, что, в сущности, все в Америке — иммигранты.

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иммигрант, переселенец, иммигрантский, переселяющийся


- иммигрант, переселенец
- иммигрант, вселенец (животное или растение, прижившееся на территории, где оно ранее не встречалось)


- иммигрирующий, переселяющийся
- иммигрантский

Мои примеры


a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East — новая волна иммигрантов из стран Ближнего Востока  
a small subset of the city’s immigrant population — небольшое подмножество иммигрантского населения города  
illegal immigrant — незаконный иммигрант  
the marginal habits of new immigrant groups — маргинальные привычки новых иммигрантских групп  
immigrant status — статус иммигранта  
immigrant alien — иммигрант  
immigrant ghetto — поселение иммигрантов  
immigrant form — пришлая форма  
immigrant labour — иностранная рабочая сила в стране  
immigrant policy — иммиграционная политика  
immigrant population — совокупность иммигрантов; численность иммигрантов  
immigrant workers — рабочие-иммигранты  

Примеры с переводом

The city has a large immigrant population.

В городе большое количество иммигрантов.

The illegal immigrant was challenged by the border guard.

Пограничник потребовал у нелегального иммигранта удостоверение личности.

Millions of immigrants came to America from Europe in the 19th century.

В девятнадцатом веке в Америку из Европы приехали миллионы иммигрантов.

The novel gives a rounded picture of life as an illegal immigrant in the U.S.

В романе даётся полная картина жизни нелегальных иммигрантов в США.

The novel realistically depicts immigrant life at the beginning of the last century

В романе реалистически изображается жизнь иммигрантов в начале прошлого века

The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone.

Этого иммигранта обманывали, потому что он всем доверял.

The government tried to disenfranchise some of immigrant groups.

Правительство пыталось лишить права голоса некоторые группы иммигрантов.

Later it emerged that the judge had employed an illegal immigrant.

Позже выяснилось, что судья принял на работу нелегального иммигранта.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…though they had lived in their adopted country for many years, the immigrant families never broke their ties with the fatherland entirely…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): immigrant
мн. ч.(plural): immigrants

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(1) Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.

(2) Immigrant workers were classed as resident aliens.

(3) Immigrant workers were classed as aliens.

(4) The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.

(5) The film provides a window on the immigrant experience.

(6) He came from a poor immigrant family.

(7) Mortality among immigrant groups was higher than average.

(8) Immigrant support groups are waiting to see if he sticks to his word.

(9) North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.

(10) Many teachers are clueless about the needs of immigrant students.

(11) She married Norwegian immigrant Niels Larsen who later anglicized his name.

(12) Most people agree that immigrant communities enrich our culture.

(13) The immigrant is the Everyman of the twentieth century.

(14) She hears immigrant lovers cry in crowded shopping malls.

(15) Letterman is a believer in the immigrant mentality.

(16) Q.. What happens if an illegal immigrant is caught?

(17) For an immigrant boy this marital alliance was no mean achievement.

(18) Once on the job, strong immigrant networks mean that other immigrants tend to be hired when new openings emerge.

(19) The film is about rival immigrant gangs vying for control of 1850s New York.

(20) These boundaries draw in children of immigrant farm workers and, at the other extreme, children of high-tech millionaires.

(21) Applicants for immigrant visas must pay an additional $75 charge.

(22) An immigrant labour force would always be needed as a buffer to absorb the shocks of alternating booms and recessions.

(23) San Francisco has a significant immigrant population because of its proximity to Asia.

(24) The Prime Minister met many civic leaders, including the mayor and the leaders of the immigrant communities.

(25) Later it emerged that the judge had employed an illegal immigrant.

(26) Congresswoman Weintrob jawboned local officials about their responsibilities toward the immigrant community.

(27) The company was fined for the exploitation of its immigrant workers.

(28) Sorting rubbish is still done largely by hand, often by low-paid or immigrant labour, and is filthy and dangerous work.

(29) The eagle and iron cross symbol is being used by thugs firebombing immigrant hostels.

(30) Some new-home builders are revamping their standard home design to better incorporate the needs and desires of immigrant buyers.

More similar words: immigration, migration, grant, swimming, programming, grand, a grand, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, grandparent, blackcurrant, might, immune, immediate, summit, committee, commission, commissioner, gray, grab, grade, grape, can’t, program, gravity, gratify, grammar, grained, rank.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word immigrant, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use immigrant in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «immigrant». In addition, we also show how different variations of immigrant can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are immigrant’s and immigrant—and. If you click on the variation of immigrant that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Immigrant in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word immigrant in a sentence.

  1. One immigrant who arrived from Greece recalled:.

  2. Tzovani is an immigrant from Albania with a wealthy job.

  3. Norris evicted the immigrant, angering many of the colonists.

  4. His father is an Italian immigrant, born in Santa Paolina, Avellino.

  5. His earliest immigrant ancestor came to Connecticut from Scotland in 1625.

  6. León Ortiz was the son of an immigrant from the Spanish Province of Burgos.

  7. Koechlin played a French immigrant in Siddharth Sinha’s short film The Job.

  8. O’Reilly was born in Springfield, Massachusetts to an Irish immigrant family.

  9. Post editors tracked down the impoverished immigrant to request an essay contribution.

  10. Contact between English and immigrant languages has given rise to new accents and dialects.

  11. Jules Naudet, a French cameraman, and Pavel Hlava, a Czech immigrant, videotaped the crash.

  12. There, Muriel left her husband and married Renato «Ray» Tonelli, an Italian immigrant labourer.

  13. Enclosed in my own four walls, I found myself as an immigrant imprisoned in a foreign country;..

  14. It tells the story of a Chinese immigrant, Lau Ah Leong, through the eyes of his daughter-in-law.

  15. They established immigrant trails in the region by 1849, including the Oregon and California trails.

  16. In many cases, large groups of immigrant Han would unite under a common surname to form a brotherhood.

  17. Bailey describes Margaret, who was also an Irish immigrant, as a «hard-featured and debauched virago».

  18. Jost Hite, a German immigrant, purchased a large land grant in the northern Shenandoah Valley in 1731.

  19. Barbour, a Scottish immigrant, built a sawmill opposite the mouth of Plunketts Creek on Loyalsock Creek.

  20. The most used immigrant languages are Turkish, Arabic, Kurdish, Polish, the Balkan languages and Russian.

  21. Rossi was born December 27, 1921, in Corona, Queens, New York City, New York, to Italian immigrant parents.

  22. On his father’s side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650.

  23. Their immigrant ancestor was David McKinley, born in Dervock, County Antrim, in present-day Northern Ireland.

  24. More recently, the Green was the location of a controversial 2006 May Day rally in favor of immigrant rights.

  25. Involved with many young immigrant artists and the Dada movement, he achieved critical and commercial success.

  26. Dooley) is a fictional Irish immigrant bartender created by American journalist and humorist Finley Peter Dunne.

  27. In October, Norris ruled that Edwards had improperly taken land from an existing settler to give to a new immigrant.

  28. Lee insisted that he was not opposed to Malay special rights or Article 153, saying: «if the immigrant communities ..

  29. Norwegian immigrant civil engineer Joachim Goschen Giæver designed the structural framework for the Statue of Liberty.

  30. On New Year’s Day 1911 the body of Léon Beron, a Russian Jewish immigrant, was found on Clapham Common in South London.

  31. Born in Toronto with the surname Nudelman, Newman was the son of a Russian-Jewish immigrant father who ran a shoe shop.

  32. Mary’s Hospital in the Brooklyn borough of New York City on May 21, 1972, the only child of Jamaican immigrant parents.

  33. A more unwelcome cargo was carried in March 1921, when a Hungarian immigrant in steerage was found to have typhoid fever.

  34. Thomas Mulledy was born on August 12, 1794, in Romney, Virginia (today part of West Virginia), to Irish immigrant parents.

  35. The association with immigration only became stronger when an immigrant processing station was opened on nearby Ellis Island.

  36. In 2015, Brookings characterized Minneapolis as a re-emerging immigrant gateway with about 10 percent foreign-born residents.

  37. In 1868 John married Irish immigrant Anne (or Mary Anne) Rafter, who appears to have arrived at Moreton Bay in the mid-1860s.

  38. German immigrant Lewis Keseberg (32) joined, along with his wife Elisabeth Philippine (22) and daughter Ada (2); son Lewis Jr.

  39. Nightclub owner Sammy Fong arrives with an offer for Ta’s immigrant father, Master Wang, a very old-fashioned Chinatown elder.

  40. He and his sister Iris are orphaned immigrant children in the wilderness, who were found and raised by Reverend Norman Balthus.

  41. Liberians compose 0.4% of the population; the city is home to one of the largest Liberian immigrant populations in the country.

  42. István Szegedi-Szüts (1892–1959), a Hungarian immigrant to England, made a wordless book in brush and ink called My War (1931).

  43. Ryan Sr., was a sailor, gold miner, and truck farmer of Irish ancestry; her mother, Katherine Halberstadt, was a German immigrant.

  44. His paternal immigrant ancestor was Richard Ingersoll, who had arrived in Salem, Massachusetts, from Bedfordshire, England, in 1629.

  45. Hwang’s story retains the Chinatown setting and the inter-generational and immigrant themes, and emphasizes the romantic relationships.

  46. At the age of 10 he began studying piano under Louis Pabst, a German immigrant then considered to be Melbourne’s leading piano teacher.

  47. His father’s maternal grandfather, Richard Falley Jr., fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and was the son of an immigrant from Guernsey.

  48. At this time, Cleveland saw the rise of radical labor movements in response to the conditions of the largely immigrant and migrant workers.

  49. Vladek’s English is broken in contrast with that of Art’s more fluent therapist, Paul Pavel, who is also an immigrant and Holocaust survivor.

  50. A background check of Wayne finds that he is a Czech immigrant who originally went by the name of Ivan Veles and has been widowed several times.

Immigrant’s in a sentence

Immigrant’s is a variation of immigrant, below you can find example sentences for immigrant’s.

  1. The film’s update will be an original story set in modern-day Los Angeles that follows a Mexican immigrant’s rise in the criminal underworld as he strives for the American Dream.

Immigrant—and in a sentence

Immigrant—and is a variation of immigrant, below you can find example sentences for immigrant—and.

  1. For a brief time, the First American Regiment was commanded by Major John Hamtramck—a French Canadian immigrant—and his second-in-command, Major David Ziegler—a German immigrant.

General information about «immigrant» example sentences

The example sentences for the word immigrant that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «immigrant» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «immigrant».

Immigrants (Italian: Emigrantes) is a 1948 drama film directed by and starring Aldo Fabrizi. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

These gangsters also help trafficking illegal immigrants to Poland, Hungary, Romania and Latvia.


Jessica Lorena Rangel at #FossilFree Fast: The #ClimateResistance on undocumented immigrants» exp of Harvey.


Trump has said Dreamers «have nothing to worry about,» but Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week said immigrants who arrived in the United States as children were «subject to being deported.»


The book details the struggles of Argentine immigrants trying to make their living in the US arts and entertainment industry as tango artists — as performers, teachers, producers, and musicians.


Illegal immigrants typically are not well educated, hence their proclivity to be religious.


Red, White, and Black Curries Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, the Isle of Gems, has a very rich culinary tradition that has been influenced by traders, immigrants, and conquerers from India, Arabia, Malaysia, Portugual, the Netherlands, and Britain.


In a series of unfolding stories, two young immigrants are bound to one another by loneliness and a desire to create family ties in New York City in the 1920s and 1930s; a poignant story of love, longing, and the truths of family connectedness.


To make sure the game accurately reflected these concerns, 100 high school students — many of them undocumented immigrants — participated in the game’s creation, helping come up with everything from the characters to the backdrop concepts.


If the UK was not applying immigration restrictions on EU immigrants prior to withdrawal, which would be likely to be the case, there might be domestic political pressure to withdraw from the EU before negotiations were completed in order to apply such controls.


Education programs take the following forms: ArtAccess programs for adults and childred with special needs, Family Programs, New New Yorkers offerings for adult immigrants, Queens Teens, School Programs, and Senior Programs.


Made of wood and coated in newspaper stories about recent shipwrecks of boats transporting immigrants through the Mediterranean, the boat is named Lampedusa for the southern Italian island where many of these boats land.


Ms. Powell Jobs has become a leader in pushing for decade-old legislation known as the Dream Act, a measure that would provide legal status for immigrants who arrived in the country as young children.


His Social Parade video follows low-profile social groups in the city while Five Memorials is a photographic tribute to striking miners, immigrants and a cyclist killed by a drunk driver.


Charter Schools, Charter School Leaders of Color, Community, Community Engagement, Diverse Leadership, equity, Green Dot Public Schools, immigrants, intentional diversity, Los Angeles, Matt Halvorson, Rainier Valley, Seattle, Seattle Public Schools, Social Justice, Students of Color, Teacher Voice, Urban Teachers, Walter Chen, Zip Code


Tania Bruguera’s The Francis Effect, which debuted at the Guggenheim Museum in New York in 2014, a performance in the guise of a political campaign, requests that the Pope grant Vatican citizenship to all immigrants and refugees and uses Pangea — a prehistoric supercontinent — as its logo.


Like a lot of older Northeastern cities that aren’t too far from major metropolises, Stamford has been magnet for immigrants for a while — 33.2 percent of its residents were born outside the U.S., and 42.8 percent speak a language other than English at home.


The son of immigrants who arrived in the US with virtually nothing, his upbringing instilled in him a passion for helping people build financial resilience.


The absolute reliability in terms of family, such men are the dream guys for Russian women; more so for those Russian women who are already living in the US either as second generation immigrants or as working professionals.


Register to the biggest dating website for Russian immigrants.


Both of us are immigrants with temporary residence permit.


The Chinese immigrants who were originally settled in what is now the Grand Palace had to move out to a strip of land two km down the river.


If twenty-three million immigrants place such a strain on our resources, why wouldn’t a larger number of aborted children have placed a similar or greater strain on America had they been born?


We humbly remember that the United States is a nation of immigrants, and we proudly stand with developers, authors, and charities that champion liberty and justice for all.


The Coney Island section of the district primarily consists of blacks and Russian-speaking immigrants, while the Bay Ridge, Dyker Heights and Bath Beach neighborhoods are traditional ethnic Italian and Irish strongholds with growing Asian and Eastern European populations.


The data provide information on all household members, consisting of Germans living in the old (West) and new (East) German states, foreigners, and recent immigrants to Germany.


Maryland Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, along with fellow Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California, last week unveiled new legislation to protect undocumented immigrants living under temporary protected status.


Roman Catholicism had grown tremendously because of the arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants.


On Tuesday, after meeting with Republican senators, Cuomo said he included the Dream Act — which extends tuition assistance programs to undocumented immigrants — and a tax credit to offset educational donations as a «statement of priority,» not an item he was actually going to the mat over.


It’s certainly true that high skill immigrants will bring in new ideas and some of these ideas will rub off on us, and be innovative and productive.


A «data room» displays recent statistics illustrating that discrimination, by showing, for example, that the children of immigrants to France enjoy fewer employment opportunities than people whose parents were born there.


UTICA, N.Y. — New opportunities are on the horizon for refugees and immigrants in the Utica area.


Both Republican gubernatorial candidates, Ed Gillespie of Virginia and Kim Guadagno in New Jersey, have shed their country club Republican roots and embraced a Trump-style message about immigration and social issues, running law and order-centric ads emphasizing violence committed by Latino immigrants.


Today we document how she tried to tried to «deprioritise» the children of illegal immigrants in schools


It’s immigrants that built this country and made it what it is.»


One big question: Will his experience change Uber’s relationship with the Trump administration, which has tried to put many restrictions on immigrants coming to the U.S.?


With the large number of families who have emigrated from Syria to Canada in recent times, as they settle in their new home and Canadian surroundings, I thought maybe someone in the real estate business might have friends or family in the Syrian community, and perhaps if interested in cooking, might prepare this dish to deliver as a welcoming effort at connecting the immigrants with a home memory maybe, for the first Thanksgiving in their new country.


There are many ways in which we can alter the immigration sector, for example, licenses for professionals to make them accredited easily and consideration the education system for immigrants.


International criminals needing a favor, mobsters looking to cut a deal, tyrannical real estate developers itching for land, illegal immigrants blasting through residential neighborhoods in all-out urban warfare — sprinkle it with a dash of tourists and retirees, and you have yourself that all-too familiar pastel-plastered dystopian paradise of southern Florida.


Peter Kellner: for the second year, a clampdown on immigrants» benefits wins our knock-out policy contest (Comments: 401)


Maurice grew up in Long Beach, on the South Shore of Long Island, NY, the son of Caribbean immigrants.


«Dreamer» Shares Her Drive with Other Immigrant Students Arizona Daily Star, 8/29/15 «Even qualifying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals — which gives young immigrants relief from deportation and the opportunity to work legally — they still face an uphill battle, said Roberto Gonzales, assistant professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.»


He attacked GOP front-runner Donald Trump, calling the bombastic billionaire «idiotic» for his plan to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country now.


Undocumented immigrants — including Dreamers — are ineligible for aid provided in the wake of natural disasters by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


[T] he charming, poignantly funny first novel by Marina Lewycka, a daughter of Ukrainian immigrants


Over the coming decades, Smith expects an influx of immigrants into the north, drawn by a milder climate and jobs in the resource sector, helping to deliver «an unprecedented economic jolt» to countries like Canada, Russia and Scandinavian nations.


One contestant in this week’s tilt, who was similarly tactful but proud to remind readers of her lineage as the daughter of Mexican immigrants, a class of people Trump accused of «bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists,» was Lizette Salas.


«Universal TB screening of immigrants to Canada costly, inefficient.»


David Berson, chief economist for Fannie Mae, says he believes that immigrants will fuel the housing market in the late 1990s, a decade after near record numbers came to this country.


Some 66 percent of Republican voters support immigration reform that includes a waiting period of several years for illegal immigrants to prove themselves before being allowed to apply for citizenship.


The law protects the rights of undocumented immigrants, who are injured during any type of personal injury accident.


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