Sentence with the word human rights

Tensions on Iran, Human Rights
Напряженность вокруг Ирана, права человека

Getting Human Rights Sanctions Right
Разобраться в правозащитных санкциях

Over the past year cooperation with civil society and the private sector has continued to develop in response to today’s complex political, economic, social, humanitarian, human rights and environmental challenges.
В прошедшем году сотрудничество с гражданским обществом и частным сектором продолжало расширяться в ответ на сегодняшние сложные политические, экономические, социальные, гуманитарные, правочеловеческие и экологические вызовы.

Public defence and human rights.
Государственная адвокатура и права человека.

Human rights activists were pleased with the report.
Активисты правозащитных организаций и движений довольны сообщением.

promote human rights and democracy;
защита прав человека и демократии;

Orhan Kemal Cengiz, a human rights activist and journalist.
Орхан Кемаль Ченгиз (Orhan Kemal Cengiz), активист правозащитного движения и журналист.

Human rights groups on the ground estimate as many as 50,000.
А работающие там правозащитные организации называют цифру 50 тысяч.

Corporate Liability for Human Rights
Корпоративная ответственность за права человека

This framework also counts the estimated costs of fulfilling human rights obligations.
Такие рамки также предполагают учет оценочных расходов на выполнение правозащитных обязательств.

Multinationals are protecting human rights.
транснациональные корпорации защищают права человека.

He reached out to human rights groups and his pro-democracy critics.
Он наладил контакт с правозащитными организациями и своими критиками из демократического лагеря.

Letting Killers Guard Human Rights
Пусть киллеры охраняют права человека

The human rights representatives and the journalist took detour through the fields.
Представители правозащитных организаций и журналисты поехали в объезд через поля.

Exhibitions and human rights observances.
Выставки и торжественные мероприятия по тематике прав человека.

But international human rights groups and legal authorities generally look down on both.
Но международные правозащитные организации и правоохранительные органы неодобрительно смотрят и на первое, и на второе.

Human Rights Require Stronger Institutions
Для защиты прав человека нужны более сильные институты

Communication: collaborate with stakeholders to improve communication and improve information sharing in human rights.
Коммуникация: сотрудничество с партнерами в деле совершенствования процесса коммуникации и обмена информацией в отношении правозащитных проблем


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word human rights, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use human rights in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «human rights».

Human rights in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word human rights in a sentence.

  1. United Kingdom, alleging human rights violations in British Cyprus.

  2. She received the 2001 Pearson Medal of Peace for her work in human rights.

  3. Throughout his political career Roosevelt championed the cause of human rights.

  4. It also gave Diefenbaker’s name to a human rights award and an icebreaking vessel.

  5. We can never get civil rights in America until our human rights are first restored.

  6. Berger, international law scholar Louis René Beres, human rights activist Luis Kutner.

  7. He stated that trial by battle was still valid under European human rights legislation.

  8. It is seen as contrary to civil and human rights, which are fundamental American values.

  9. He believed that no sacrifice was too great a price to pay for the cause of human rights.».

  10. The new constitution also emphasized human rights, social and political freedoms, and free trade.

  11. He had exhibited a commitment to the values of democracy and human rights since at least the 1960s.

  12. And certainly he didn’t have anything against gay — he was for human rights, human justice, you know.

  13. Kagame’s rule is considered authoritarian, and human rights groups accuse him of political repression.

  14. International observers tried unsuccessfully to prevent the human rights abuses that followed the battle.

  15. Because Greece had a very low reputation for human rights protection, its exit did not weaken the system.

  16. The documents they prepared focused on three key areas: civil status, political status, and human rights.

  17. Pedaliu argues that the case helped break down the concept of non-intervention over human rights violations.

  18. Ranariddh espoused the view that economic development should take precedence over democratic and human rights.

  19. The demands for suffrage and recognition of the civil, political, and human rights of women were unsuccessful.

  20. Policy designed through the lens of climate justice tries to address human rights issues and social inequality.

  21. His experience in law, politics and human rights played a major role in his artistic development and projections.

  22. Greece’s denunciation was the first time a regional convention on human rights was denounced by one of its members.

  23. Mandela also encouraged Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe to resign over growing human rights abuses in the country.

  24. The Commission was the first international human rights body to find that a state practiced torture as government policy.

  25. Jaevion Nelson, an HIV/AIDS campaigner and human rights advocate, also published an article on the subject in The Gleaner.

  26. Both sides committed human rights abuses in Anbar Province, often involving civilians caught in the middle of the conflict.

  27. The Statute of the Council of Europe (1949) required its members to adhere to a basic standard of democracy and human rights.

  28. Opposition and human rights groups said that the election was tainted by repression, murder, and lack of credible competition.

  29. News of Jones’ murder attracted international media attention, resulting in condemnation of the killing by human rights groups.

  30. Due to the growing abuse of human rights in Bahrain, activists have used social media to report acts of violence and injustice.

  31. While there, they worked with the Central American Mission Partners (CAMP), a human rights and economic development organization.

  32. Many accusations of human rights violations against the United States were connected with the First and Second Battles of Fallujah.

  33. The concept of slavery as private property is condemned by the Church, which classifies it as the stealing of a person’s human rights.

  34. A close friend of Thomas Jefferson’s, with whom he shared ideals of human rights, Kościuszko wrote a will in 1798, dedicating his U.S.

  35. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is the only Canadian national museum for human rights and the only national museum west of Ottawa.

  36. The report was hailed as a great achievement for exposing human rights violations in a document of substantial authority and credibility.

  37. The junta became a target of vociferous criticism in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe for its human rights violations.

  38. Gyllenhaal is a supporter of Witness, a non-profit organization that uses video and online technologies to expose human rights violations.

  39. TAMU has also been the subject of criticism over its Qatari campus due to Qatar’s alleged ties to Islamic terrorism and human rights record.

  40. Other human rights activists speculated that the five who set themselves on fire did so to protest the government’s crackdown on Falun Gong.

  41. The court succeeded in clearing the backlog of genocide cases, but was criticised by human rights groups as not meeting legal fair standard.

  42. The Pope called for the respecting of national and religious traditions and advocated for freedom and human rights, while denouncing violence.

  43. The program was designed to revamp Egypt’s image and to counter the bad press Egypt had received because of the country’s human rights record.

  44. German reactions to the acquittal were mixed, being generally favorable among those who were sympathetic to Armenians or universal human rights.

  45. Bizimungu was later imprisoned for corruption and inciting ethnic violence, charges that human rights groups described as politically motivated.

  46. Obama called upon communities everywhere to observe the King Day of Service, a day of citizen volunteer service honoring the human rights leader.

  47. The band and manager Paul McGuinness were awarded Amnesty International’s Ambassador of Conscience Award for their work in promoting human rights.

  48. Law professor and human rights researcher Lars Waldorf wrote that the RPF’s manipulation of polls could be designed to make itself appear stronger.

  49. Gleijeses wrote that Guatemala was «ruled by a culture of fear», and that it held the «macabre record for human rights violations in Latin America».

  50. Roosevelt’s January 1941 Four Freedoms State of the Union address in which he identified essential human rights that should be universally protected.

General information about «human rights» example sentences

The example sentences for the word human rights that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «human rights» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «human rights».

Human rights are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected as natural and legal rights in municipal and international law. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Second, it is NOT a human right for gay people to be granted the right to be married.


In other news senior judges criticised dramatic increases in court fees, the Labour party Access to Justice Commission held its first meeting and Justice Alliance staged the «Voices for Justice» rally in London, in which Jeremy Corbyn described legal aid as a basic human right.


Water is a basic human right, but nearly 750 million people don’t have access [to it].


He concluded by noting that the secret to good innovation is adequate communication between scientists, engineers, planners, and operators, and urged those communities to work together for the realization of the human right to water and sanitation.


On the other hand, legal marriage is not a basic human right, but a social convention.


About Blog I became an attorney late in life primarily to advocate for the universal human right to refuse psychiatry.


Now these same individuals want to prove their freedom loving, liberal worldview by declaring that the wearing of the Burka or Niqab is a human right.


Health is a fundamental human right and every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health conducive to living a life in dignity.


We hope that this issue of The Attached Family will inspire you to find ways to balance your child’s attachment needs with your family’s financial needs, as well as to join in the national and international discussion on parental leave as a human right to be guaranteed to all families — no matter their employer size or personal financial resources.


«He called privacy a «human right» and «a civil liberty.»


«All students deserve access to a high-quality education, and these candidates have made clear their dedication to providing students with this basic human right.


In Florida, where air conditioning is considered more of a human right than a luxury, what is apparently the country’s very first solar-powered central AC unit has been installed.


The Pope indicates that health care should be a human right.


Calvert believes that equitable access to water is a fundamental human right.


It’s an old story, but it’s in the news again: Activists are claiming there is a human right to intentionally create deaf babies.


Even from an entirely non-religious point of view, by having their children baptized parents are, therefore, simply exercising their human right to bring their children up according to their own cultural and ethical value system.


«Access to information is a human right,» Malamud says.


What irks me about such calls is that those who do so are trying to deny others a human right and probably also a charter right to choose whatever legal occupation they wish.


The purpose of World Read Aloud Day, according to its founder LitWorld, is to advocate for literacy as a human right.


The US government’s sponsorship of this worldwide Global Warming propaganda campaign puts it in a class with the failed Soviet Union’s relentless violation of the basic human right to truthful government generated information.


«Apple believes privacy is a fundamental human right,» stated a press release.


We all share a common vision: Education is a human right and every child deserves one.


How can one organization ban a God-given human right?


The right to water is a human right that is protected in a wide range of international instruments, including the ICESCR, ICCPR and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


But if Chinese couples want to have more than one child, don’t they have the same human right as most other folks?


In the networked age, isn’t a network of one’s own as basic a human right as the right to vote?


Elimination of patents on technologies and recognition of the human right to science and technology of life.


Each religion (& it’s corresponding government) restrict, constrict, & inhibit the FREE Expression of the Universe, & human right to UniversalNatural FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, — which, when practiced & exercized according to the Universal TRUTH Principles & Laws, are Fair & Just 4everyone, but GigiJanel DefilesM.S.A.


The paper, titled «Authentication of Medicines using Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy,» links their research to the concept of safe medicines «as a human right


Is this true, or is growing and consuming plants not considered a human right?


We unequivocally believe that access to water is a basic human right.


Scidevnet: Making access to science a human right is a worthy goal, but how can it be enshrined?


If one is going to suppress a human right, one would like to see some evidence of the need for doing so.


He however stressed he has no qualms if another person will pay homage to the King by kneeling because he personally reveres him (Asantehene) and so the part where he will not go on his knees is to exercise his human right as enshrined in the constitution.


Education is a basic human right and we are lucky to have good quality education for free in Australia.


The BHA’s principal evidence was given by its Chief Executive Andrew Copson, who argued that dying with dignity is part of living with dignity and as such should be understood as a human right.


MB: Is it sustainable development possible with, for instance with genetically modified food and why the people must sign the petitions for food labeling, is it human right to know what they are eating?


«New York must treat health care as a human right.


Dream as the project of home, as the fundamental human right to be free to choose and desire our real or imaginary home.


Walking about freely without the fear of harassment, persecution or death is a basic human right.


Remember this: standing up for yourself in the moment of abuse is your human right.


With the Constitution of the 4th Republic guaranteeing freedom of expression, including freedom of the press and other media, as a fundamental human right, and making elaborate provisions to protect the freedom and independence of the media, President Akufo-Addo stated that the existing laws, which were continued in force by the same Constitution, contained colonial laws on the country’s statute books that were manifestly anti-libertarian, and repressive of free expression.


This appalling rate of food insecurity shows that our Federal and state governments are in breach of their obligations to ensure that all Australians, and especially the most disadvantaged, enjoy the fundamental human right to adequate and culturally appropriate food, guaranteed by Article 10 of the United Nations Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.


If religion is concerned with ultimate Truth or God, it can not but have its implications for the whole of life, private and public, and therefore the fundamental human right of religious freedom should include the right to express religious faith in prophetic ministry in society and politics in the name of justice.


We find this act a criminalization of free speech, a breach of the fundamental human right of Mr. Fadi, and as well, a slap on the face of rule of law.


«The group had argued that the chimpanzee deserved the human right of bodily liberty.»


In short, just because Wiki says its a human right doesn’t mean that a nation can’t restrict its borders.


WHEREAS, the right to own property is a fundamental human right; and WHEREAS, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) are crucial to the future of the innovation-based economy; and WHEREAS, creating an environment where property rights are protected and legally enforced contributes to social and economic growth and…


We celebrate the countless women activists — such as Mary McLeod Bethune, Malala Yousafzai, and Sylvia Mendez — who have advocated for the universal human right to education.


By confiscating kratom as it is being imported, in utter disregard of our laws, the F.D.A. is willfully sabotaging the basic human right of the people to heal themselves through God’s natural medicine and our right to trade legal goods.


Few, indeed, were they, who lived so much under a proper selfcontrol, as to hesitate; and this rank injustice was done a private citizen, as much without moral restraint, as without remorse, by those, who, to take their own accounts of the matter, were the regular and habitual champions of human rights!

The chagrin of it all, together with his utter helplessness to defend his own or his people‘s human rights, weighed heavily upon his spirit.

The United States of America, conscious of their glorious calling as well as of their power, declared by this unparalleled act their resolve to become the protectors of human rights.

Even those nations which most desire my presence in Europe now, have said to me, «Hasten on, hasten on, to the great, free, rich, and powerful people of the United States, and bring over its brotherly aid to the cause of your country, so intimately connected with European liberty;« and here I stand to plead the cause of common human rights before your great Republic.

Limited to a general superintending power to maintain peace at home and abroad, and to prescribe laws on a few subjects of general interest not calculated to restrict human liberty, but to enforce human rights, this Government will find its strength and its glory in the faithful discharge of these plain and simple duties.

At present all three seem mainly indifferent to any question of human rights under the Constitution.

He embraced our cause as his own, harmonizing, as it did with his principles and all the noble impulses of his nature, the cause of liberty and of human rights; he lost his life in defending it; thus acquiring the highest of all claims to a nation‘s remembrance and gratitude.

Second, that it is contrary to the first charter of human rights given to Adam, and renewed to Noah.

By taking it, would you not expose yourself to be most pertinently and embarrassingly asked, for what purpose these servants fled to a strange and most odious people?and would not your candid reply necessarily be, that it was to escape from the galling chains of slavery, to a farfamed milder type of servitude?from Gentile oppression, to a land in which human rights were protected by Divine laws?


Neither Solon nor Lycurgus taught the inalienability of human rights.

The case of Human Rights against Slavery has been adjudicated in the court of conscience times innumerable.

It is further maintained by them, that «all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed;« that «whenever any form of government becomes destructive of human rights, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.«

At the last session of the New York Legislature a bill allowing a jury trial in such cases was passed by the lower House, but rejected by a democratic vote in the Senate, democracy in that State, being avowedly only skin deep, all its principles of liberty, equality, and human rights depending on complexion.

Before we congratulate you on these omens, let us recall to your recollection the steps by which the enemies of human rights have advanced to their present rash and insolent defiance of moral and constitutional obligation.

An Inquiry Into the Patriarchal and Mosaic Systems on the Subject of Human Rights.

By taking it, would you not expose yourself to be most pertinently and embarrassingly asked, for what purpose these servants fled to a strange and most odious people?and would not your candid reply necessarily be, that it was to escape from the galling chains of slavery, to a farfamed milder type of servitude?from Gentile oppression, to a land in which human rights were protected by Divine laws?



Considerations of general philanthropy, of human rights, and of the sinfulness of slavery, were scarcely so much as thought of.

This guardian genius of human interests, this friend of human rights, this redresser of human wrongs, is yet without a heart to feel, and without a hand to bless.

Great expressions of human rights.

«He will assert and maintain human rights and liberty at every hazard.

That the negroes had any human rights was apparently rarely suspected by their owners and overseers.

The abolition of slavery, the development of a spirit of mercy towards dumb animals, the recognition of the human rights of women and childrenall these may be traced through many a winding way, back to the German scientists and philosophers, who rediscovered the inner life while working from its outer side.

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1. His regime was tarnished by human rights abuses.

2. They have shown a ruthless disregard for basic human rights.

3. Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United Nations Charter.

4. Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country’s internal affairs.

5. We want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights.

6. The issue of human rights is widely agitated.

7. She’s also a veteran campaigner for human rights.

8. The army has systematically violated human rights.

9. Neier is the dean of American human rights activism.

10. Little progress has been made on human rights issues.

11. These restrictions infringe upon basic human rights.

12. Human rights groups have been closely watching the case.

13. Their record on human rights has been justifiably criticized.

14. She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights.

15. They are committed to democracy, human rights and pluralism.

16. They have broken the agreement on human rights.

17. Human rights violations figured prominently in the report.

18. The government has promised to respect human rights.

19. The country has a poor record on human rights.

20. The new law provided for equality of human rights.

21. Human rights groups have called for an independent inquiry into the killings.

22. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.

23. The regime has been criticized for failing to uphold human rights.

23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

24. Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.

25. The government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights.

26. The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.

27. He made only a veiled reference to international concerns over human rights issues.

28. About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day.

29. The court’s decision is in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.

30. The delegation submitted a memorandum to the Commons on the blatant violations of basic human rights.

More similar words: human race, civil rights, bill of rights, human, superhuman, humankind, sightseeing, right, all right, upright, brighten, brightly, right away, right wing, sprightly, forthright, frightful, playwright, frightened, divine right, frightening, right off the bat, righteousness, highlight, light, might, fight, night, eighty, slight. 

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