Sentence with the word household

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Measures of farm household net worth have several uses in estimation and analyses of household economic status and wealth management issues.

Показатели чистой стоимости фермерских домохозяйств могут быть разнообразно использованы при оценке и анализе экономического положения домохозяйств и вопросов, связанных с управлением богатством.

The presentation will provide insights into the current recommendations for collecting data in household surveys to monitor and measure household well-being.

В презентации будут представлены современные рекомендации по сбору данных в рамках обследований домохозяйств с целью отслеживания и определения уровня благосостояния домохозяйств.

Payable to head of household or any member of the household who is receiving treatment for leprosy.

Выплачивается главе семьи или любому члену семьи, проходящему курс лечения от проказы.

Jamaica plans to empower women household workers.

Ямайка планирует проводить деятельность по расширению возможностей женщин, занятых работой по дому.

In contrast, taxation statistics when using the fiscal household approximate to the single budget household.

При использовании концепции фискального домохозяйства статистика налогообложения, напротив, фактически опирается на подход, основывающийся на концепции домохозяйства с единым бюджетом.

In addition the concept of the household, the basis for much policy-oriented data analysis, assumes homogeneity of all household members.

Кроме того, концепция домохозяйства, которая служит основой для большинства видов ориентированного на политику анализа данных, предполагает однородность всех членов домохозяйств.

Traditionally, information on relationships between household members was collected by means of the question on relationship to the reference person of the household.

Традиционно информация о связях между членами домохозяйств собирается с помощью вопроса об отношении к основному лицу домохозяйства.

The household relationship matrix as described under (a) covers the relationships between all members of the household.

Матрица отношений в домохозяйстве, описываемая в пункте а), охватывает отношения между всеми членами домохозяйства.

The average household spending by users of tablets, e-readers and notebooks has fallen even as household penetration of these devices has increased.

Расходы домохозяйств на медиа-планшеты, ридеры, ноутбуки и цифровые камеры в среднем упали, хотя проникновение этих устройств в домохозяйства возросло.

Nor are we experiencing inordinate household financial pressures as a consequence of record high household debt as a percent of income.

Не имеем мы и непомерных финансовых давлений на домохозяйства, которые могли бы быть следствием рекордно высокого долга домохозяйств как процентной доли дохода .

Table 2 focuses on poverty incidence by selected household characteristics including the gender of the head of household and marital status.

В таблице 2 представлены показатели распространенности нищеты в разбивке по отдельным характеристикам домохозяйств, включая пол и семейное положение главы домохозяйства.

Such measures are often calculated assuming that household resources are distributed equitably among household members.

Такие показатели часто рассчитываются исходя из представления о равном распределении ресурсов домохозяйства между его членами.

Dedicated household surveys might pay more attention to the household relationships of persons.

Специальные обследования домохозяйств могут уделять повышенное внимание отношениям лиц в домохозяйстве.

The integrated household living conditions assessment is now well on track with the second national household survey being undertaken.

В настоящее время успешно осуществляется комплексная оценка условий жизни семей, в рамках которой проводится второе национальное обследование домохозяйств.

While poverty affects the household as a whole, women bear a disproportionately greater burden in managing household production and consumption under conditions of severe scarcity.

Хотя нищета сказывается на всем домохозяйстве, женщины несут гораздо более тяжелое бремя, связанное с управлением производством и потреблением в рамках домохозяйства в условиях острой нехватки средств.

As a result of unequal household power relations, widows tend to be marginalized in terms of access to, ownership of and control over household resources.

В результате отношений неравенства в домохозяйствах вдовы чаще отчуждаются от доступа, владения и контроля над ресурсами домохозяйств.

All of the indicators needed to construct the MPI for a household are taken from the same household survey.

Все индикаторы, необходимые для построения ИМБ для домохозяйства взяты из одного обследования домохозяйств.

This includes household workers receiving no remuneration.

В эту группу входят также лица, занятые в домашних хозяйствах без вознаграждения.

Parenting skills and household management training are also provided.

В них также предоставляется возможность пройти подготовку на курсах обучения родителей различным навыкам и ведению домашнего хозяйства.

Any person or household may apply.

В рамках этой программы за помощью может обратиться любое лицо или домашнее хозяйство.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат household

Результатов: 36025. Точных совпадений: 36025. Затраченное время: 122 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word household, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use household in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «household». In addition, we also show how different variations of household can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are household’s, householder, householder’s, householders, households, households—a and household—and. If you click on the variation of household that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Household in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word household in a sentence.

  1. The average household size was 2.74.

  2. The average household size was 2.85.

  3. Model of a household porch and garden, c.

  4. In 2017, the median household income in D.C.

  5. Religion was not emphasised in the household.

  6. Dog pairs always came from the same household.

  7. For instance, the mean household size is 2.8 people.

  8. Thus, many rooms were needed to house the household.

  9. The head of her first household was Wilhelm von der Wense.

  10. Alkan grew up in a religiously observant Jewish household.

  11. Life in the Godwin household became increasingly strained.

  12. Some household slaves were baptised in the hope this would lead them to be freed.

  13. Agnes raised the children and ran the household after Macdonald entered politics.

  14. The median household income was $22,857 and the median family income was $29,583.

  15. Each will typically accommodate one to one-and-one-half rooms of household goods.

  16. The median household income was $42,500 and the median family income was $48,125.

  17. Smith to Washington in 1859, she managed his household, which did nothing to stop their insinuations.

  18. The Grand Duchess lived with simplicity, working in the fields, doing household chores, and painting.

  19. Edward was initially placed in the care of Margaret Bryan, «lady mistress» of the prince’s household.

  20. The household was largely run by Victoria’s childhood governess, Baroness Louise Lehzen from Hanover.

  21. San Francisco ranks third of American cities in median household income with a 2007 value of $65,519.

  22. Music was always present at the Hogg household, and Ima began learning to play the piano at age three.

  23. Abram died later that year; James was raised in poverty in a household led by the strong-willed Eliza.

  24. Elizabeth was placed in his household and carried the chrisom, or baptismal cloth, at his christening.

  25. One obstacle is that household registration forms allow a maximum of 15 characters for personal names.

  26. In 2018, Jeter donated furniture and household items to families forced to relocate by Hurricane Irma.

  27. He had a reputation as a competent public speaker and was known for his generosity to household staff.

  28. The median household income in Kent was $28,958, compared to $46,563 for Ohio and $51,222 for the U.S.

  29. Benjamin, publicly humiliated by his failure to keep Natalie, consigned the household goods to auction.

  30. The head drinks a draught of wine from the jug, after which it is passed to other members of household.

  31. By the end of William’s reign most of the officials of government and the royal household were Normans.

  32. Other records from his reign show criticism by his contemporaries, including the Church and members of his own household.

  33. As a result, he grew up in the household of his grandfather and namesake, who was a prominent member of the Devon gentry.

  34. And then he injects into the Yadava household a Telugu atmosphere, full with its simile, imagery, adage, sarcasm and wit.

  35. Wang also has a severe cough, which he does not wish to have cured, feeling that it gives him authority in his household.

  36. Others are deemed to be household deities and live within the home, where they can be propitiated with offerings of food.

  37. Members of the household cavalry and other branches of the armed forces stood guard at the four corners of the catafalque.

  38. The haruspices were unable to read the entrails of the sacrificed animals and blamed Christians in the Imperial household.

  39. Ayres was a household assistant and nursemaid to the family of her brother-in-law and sister, Henry and Mary Ann Chandler.

  40. Holders of land were under an obligation to the king to support the king’s household, though exemptions could be obtained.

  41. The homes of the conspirators were searched, and looted; Mary Digby’s household was ransacked, and she was made destitute.

  42. Smoking or salting meat of livestock butchered in autumn was a common household strategy to avoid having to feed more animals than necessary during the lean winter months.

  43. John spent some time as a member of the household of his eldest living brother Henry the Young King, where he probably received instruction in hunting and military skills.

  44. The king had taken most of his household knights and the loyal members of his nobility with him to Ireland, so Bolingbroke experienced little resistance as he moved south.

  45. Weaver and his wife moved their household in 1890 from Bloomfield to Colfax, near Des Moines, as the former Congressman took up more active management of the Iowa Tribune.

  46. The high end (next to the withdrawing chamber) was for the earl and his family, and the low end (next to the kitchen and other service rooms) for the rest of the household.

Household’s in a sentence

Household’s is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for household’s.

  1. The household’s shepherds would kiss over it to ensure an abundance of lambs in the coming year.

  2. These taxes were typically imposed on a household’s movable possessions, such as their goods or stock.

Householder in a sentence

Householder is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for householder.

  1. He testified that he feared for his life and that of the householder when Saunders pointed the shotgun in AZ6’s direction and fired.

  2. The first that a householder knows about the beetle damage is often when a chair leg breaks off or a piece of structural timber caves in.

  3. In the early years of the present [19th] century almost every householder at the «Duck End» of the town followed the avocation of ducker.

  4. By 1915 there were 19 new homes on the site; 12 of the 19 homes had a woman as the householder, and the development became nicknamed the «Widow’s Villas».

  5. Additionally, 61.0% of households were married couples living together, 6.8% had a female householder with no husband present, and 29.5% were non-families.

  6. Then he ordered 2 golden pieces to be given to every householder in Constantinople and 200 pounds of gold (including 200 silver pieces annually) to be given to the Byzantine Church.

Householder’s in a sentence

Householder’s is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for householder’s.

  1. He was featured in a supporting role as Con Petropoulous, a kickboxing accountant who is the householder’s son-in-law.

  2. Dhangar folklore explains the reason behind separate shrines for Vithoba and Padubai as the outcome of Vithoba invoking a curse on his consort, and his non-attachment to samsara (the householder’s life).

Householders in a sentence

Householders is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for householders.

  1. The householders protested, and Lord Mayor Sir Thomas Bloodworth was summoned to give his permission.

  2. It extended the franchise by 938,427 men—an increase of 88%—by giving the vote to male householders and male lodgers paying at least £10 for rooms.

  3. During this time, repression of Catholics intensified, and Elizabeth authorised commissions in 1591 to interrogate and monitor Catholic householders.

  4. When the service was confined to London, recipients were customarily householders who had met their financial obligations to society, but had since fallen on hard times.

  5. A real estate magazine remarked in 1994 that «homes around the Rannoch circle enjoy some spectacular views to the city and the hills», and that «a few lucky householders..

Households in a sentence

Households is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for households.

  1. There were 1,461 households.

  2. Relatively few households (27.8%) had toilet facilities.

  3. The winds briefly cut power to about 100 households in a St.

  4. In 2011, there were 9,003 households in Skegness civil parish.

  5. The usually detached households generally have two or more cars.

  6. In 1931, Gudovac had 1,073 inhabitants living in 330 households.

  7. Most households (85%) used firewood as the main fuel for cooking.

  8. Treloar also engaged more salesmen to sell the series to households.

  9. In households, diluted acetic acid is often used in descaling agents.

  10. Moreover, this estimate is made on households and not on individuals.

  11. The season premiere, «The Ring», was seen in 3.41 million households.

  12. Around 160 households and 80 businesses reported damage on Grand Isle.

  13. Bulcamp and Hinton were both listed separately with eight households each.

  14. In lower-class households it was common to eat food straight off the table.

  15. No male-female or female-female unmarried partner households were reported.

  16. Census, there were 123,851 people and 49,948 households residing in the city.

  17. It is recorded as having six households headed by freemen with one plough team.

  18. This was changed in 92 AD to one man for every 200,000 households in a commandery.

  19. The city of Boston has a higher than average percentage of households without a car.

  20. In 2011, the population of Dunoon was 31,133 and the number of households was 11,496.

Households—a in a sentence

Households—a is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for households—a.

  1. In 2020, Boston was estimated to have 691,531 residents living in 266,724 households—a 12% population increase over 2010.

Household—and in a sentence

Household—and is a variation of household, below you can find example sentences for household—and.

  1. Rawcliffe, for example, suggests that Maud’s lover was within the household—and so not Kydale—and that:.

Synonyms for household

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word household has the following synonyms: family, house, home and menag.

General information about «household» example sentences

The example sentences for the word household that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «household» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «household».

Sentences with the word Household?



  • «a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps»
  • «In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second»
  • «He provides for his large family by working three jobs»; «Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon»
  • «We cannot continue several servants any longer»; «She retains a lawyer»; «The family’s fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff»; «Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on»; «We kept the work going as long as we could»; «She retained her composure»; «this garment retains its shape even after many washings»
  • «We discussed our household budget»
  • «he moved his family to Virginia»; «It was a good Christian household«; «I waited until the whole house was asleep»; «the teacher asked how many people made up his home»; «the family refused to accept his will»

домашнее хозяйство, семья, хозяйство, домашний, семейный


- семья; домочадцы; домашние (включая слуг)

the master of the household — хозяин дома, глава семьи

- рел. братство, братия
- (домашнее) хозяйство

household franchise /suffrage/ — полит. право голоса для домовладельцев и квартиронанимателей

- тж. pl мука грубого помола для домашней выпечки
- (the Household) двор (монарха)

the Royal Household — двор Его королевского величества; королевский двор
a Gentleman of the Household — придворный

- придворные; дворцовая челядь


- домашний, семейный; бытовой, относящийся к домашнему хозяйству, хозяйственный

- придворный; дворцовый

Household Brigade — дворцовая стража (гвардейцы-телохранители английского монарха)
household troops — воен. гвардия; гвардейские части
Household Cavalry — королевская конная гвардия (в Англии)

- из муки грубого помола

household bread — серый хлеб
household loaf — батон /буханка, каравай/ хлеба из муки грубого помола
household word — ходячее выражение; расхожее слово, поговорка, присловье; ≅ притча во языцех
your name is a household word with us — мы о вас постоянно говорим
household gods — а) миф. лары и пенаты; боги-хранители домашнего очага; б) предметы поклонения; семейные реликвии

Мои примеры


a monthly allowance for household expenses — ежемесячное пособие на содержание семьи  
a lazy child who avoided household chores — ленивый ребенок, который избегал домашних дел (не хотел выполнять работу по дому)  
household budget — семейный бюджет  
household ceramics — бытовая керамика  
to manage / run a household — вести хозяйство  
to keep open household — держать двери открытыми для гостей  
to establish / set up a household — обзавестись хозяйством  
cooking and other household arts — готовка и прочие домашние премудрости  
household goods — хозяйственные товары  
household management — домоводство  
to recycle household waste — перерабатывать бытовые отходы  
household chemistry — бытовая химия  

Примеры с переводом

We discussed our household budget

Мы обсудили наш семейный бюджет.

Computers have become household toys.

Компьютеры стали домашним развлечением.

It was a good Christian household.

Это была хорошая христианская семья.

I need to buy a few household items like soap.

Мне надо купить кое-какие хозтовары, вроде мыла.

We alternate in doing the household chores.

Мы по очереди делаем работу по дому.

Bleach kills household germs.

Отбеливатель убивает бытовых микробов.

All household appliances are now on sale.

Вся бытовая техника продаётся по сниженным ценам.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The emphasis now is on recycling household waste.

…a kitchen shelf loaded with household cleaners…

…some mischievous brat had muddled the household accounts…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

householder  — глава семьи, съемщик дома, съемщик квартиры
households  — второсортная мука
householding  — ведущий домашнее хозяйство, ведение домашнего хозяйства

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): household
мн. ч.(plural): households

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1. She raged against her husband for some household affairs.

2. The whole household is up early.

3. Cooking, sewing, and house keeping are household arts.

4. Hard household chores roughed her hands.

5. Kate’s word was law in the Brown household.

6. Heavy household chores made inroads upon Jane’s health.

7. Many household products give off noxious fumes.

8. She always quibbles about household affairs with her mother.

9. An army of servants waited on the king’s household.

10. I grew up as part of a large household.

11. Leaflets have been delivered to every household.

11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

12. She managed the household very well.

13. She won’t relish having to do the household chores every day.

14. The average household pays 27p a day in water rates.

15. Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass.

16. Household waste is carted away by the city’s Sanitation Department.

17. My household duties were not particularly onerous.

18. He was a household name in the 1950s.

19. Has household composition changed in the last decade?

20. She became a household name in the 1960s.

21. Imports of household appliances rose last month.

22. Coca Cola is a household name around the world.

23. Median household income fell last year.

24. Many household machines are great energy wasters.

25. Dustbins are used for household waste.

26. Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.

27. The product’s name became a household word.

28. My mother’s grip upon the household never faltered.

29. An air of gloom and despondency settled over the household.

30. He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and other household appliances.

More similar words: warehouse, the White House, shareholder, house, housing, the greenhouse effect, drive home, hold, hour, whole, holy, shout, hold out, hold up, hold on, hold in, as a whole, hold down, without, though, rush out, should, hold back, get hold of, scholar, hold on to, reach out, hold water, on the whole, threshold. 

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