Sentence with the word horror

Synonym: repugnance, repulsion, revulsion. Similar words: terror, terrorist, terrorism, horrible, juror, sorry, worry, harrow. Meaning: [‘hɑrə(r) ,’hɔ- /hɒ’r-]  n. 1. intense and profound fear 2. something that inspires dislike; something horrible 3. intense aversion. 

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(1) To his horror, the bus caught fire.

(2) She fell back in horror/disgust.

(3) Her eyes widened in horror.

(4) I recoiled in horror from the snake.

(5) They exclaimed in horror at the price.

(6) The news filled him with inexpressible delight/joy/horror/pain.

(7) Our immediate response to the attack was sheer horror.

(8) He is a little horror.

(9) He was filled with horror at the sight.

(10) They’re showing a triple bill of horror movies .

(11) Anthea’s face was etched with horror.

(12) Many children acquire a phobic horror of dogs.

(13) Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.

(14) To her horror, the man produced a gun.

(15) Her eyes were wide with horror.

(16) With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer.

(17) She recoiled in horror at the sight of an enormous spider.

(18) To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry .

(19) People watched in horror as the small plane crashed to the ground.

(20) She looked in horror at the mounting pile of letters on her desk.

(21) They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.

(22) We must go on to do all in our power to conquer the doubts and the fears, the ignorance and the greed, which made this horror possible. 

(23) He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies.

(24) He leant forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.

(25) They have stripped the veneer of jingoism from the play, by showing war in its true horror.

(26) The thought of being left alone filled her with horror.

(27) He’s a very versatile young actor who’s as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies.

(28) For a moment I thought he was going to kiss me. I recoiled in horror.

(29) The film is more of an ironic fantasy than a horror story.

(30) The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.

More similar words: terror, terrorist, terrorism, horrible, juror, sorry, worry, harrow, carrot, narrow, or rather, sooner or later, surround, horn, corridor, arrogance, short, correctly, hormone, shorts, corruption, surrounding, correlation, in short, horizon, shortly, cut short, thorough, shortage, metaphor. 

horror — перевод на русский


She had a weakness for horror movies.

Она питала слабость к фильмам ужасов.

Your father was a real authority on crime and horror in his early career.

В начале своей карьеры, ваш отец был настоящим мастером ужасов и детективов.

Colonel Lawson’s private chamber of horrors.

Личная комната ужасов полковника Лоусона!

After the horrors of the night, cold, hunger, fear, I know nothing more in this vast desert house.

После ужасов ночи, холода, голода, страха, я больше ничего не узнаю в этом огромном пустынном доме.

What a list of diabolical horrors.

Что за список дьявольских ужасов.

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The horror movies, you know they’re on, even if you’re not watching, cos all the themes tunes are…

Ужастики, вы знаете, что их показывают, даже если вы их не смотрите, потому что все мелодии оттуда…

Kids love horror.

Дети любят ужастики.

The horror stuff?


I kicks the flava like Stephen King writes horror lf I was a Jew, then I’d light a menorah

Я сбиваю цветы как Стив Кинг пишет ужастики Если бы я был евреем, то зажигал бы минору

Doesn’t he write that horror crap?»

Это не он пишет эти отстойные ужастики?

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Is it a horror movie?

фильм ужасов?

The music video, the horror movie the exercise tape, or the infomercial?

Музыкальное видео, фильм ужасов учебные записи или рекламное шоу?

— That’s not a horror movie.

— Это не фильм ужасов.

This shit is a horror flick But the black guy doesn’t die in this movie

Это фильм ужасов, Но черные остаются в живых всегда!

It’s a horror movie No matter what Todd says.

Ну, это фильм ужасов… Hеважно, что говорит Тодд.

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I have a great horror of drowned persons.

Я ужасно боюсь утопленников!

Have youseen them eat That’s horror for you.

Вы видели, как они едят? Это же ужасно!

I was… ..thinking about the horror of drifting.

Думала как ужасно плыть по течению.

And as the prison board watches in absolute horror, my men are forced to shoot into the yard in order to end the melee.

А поскольку совет правления будет ужасно напуган, мои люди будут вынуждены открыть огонь, чтобы остановить мятеж.

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That horror contained beauty.

Этот кошмар содержал в себе красоту.

This whole horror is for the future of our empire!

Весь этот кошмар ради нашей Империи, ради ее будущего, пойми!

And that’s what poor filmmakers, in a way, that’s their greatest horror, is to be pretentious.

Бедные создатели, в определенной мере это их худший кошмар — быть вычурными.

If I marry Mr. Greenwell, this horror will stop. He’s told me as much.

Если я выйду за мистера Гринвэлла, кошмар прекратится…

We thought we’d survived the horror.

Мы думали мы пережили кошмар.

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I’m more interested in SF and horror.

Мне нравится научная фантастика и хоррор.

We’re making a report, not a horror.

Мы делаем репортаж, а не хоррор.

Look, just seeing your kids do the rocky horror thing really reminded me of how much talent you’ve got in Glee club.

Смотри, просто глядя на то как твои дети делают ноимер из роки хоррор действительно напоминает мне о том как много талантов у тебя в Хоре.

Oh, it’s so weird that you brought up how much you love that show, because just last weekend, I decided to have the glee club perform Rocky Horror for the school musical this year.

О, это так странно что ты заговорила о том, как сильно любишь это шоу потому что в прошлые выходные, я решил, что хор будет исполнять «Рокки Хоррор»

I mean, who knew that Rocky Horror was so important to both of us?

— Имею ввиду, кто знал, что Рокки Хоррор был так важен для нас обоих?

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Because of man’s immense horror of his fellows

Из-за огромного страха человека перед собратьями.

— Where’s the chamber of horrors?

— А где у вас комната страха?

So much suffering, such… such horror.

Столько страданий. Столько страха.

Like spending the night in the Chamber of Horrors.

Это — как провести ночь в Комнате Страха.

And none of us are free from this horror, for many years ago, we all fell in debt.

И никто из нас не свободен от страха перед ним, давным давно мы все влезли в долги.

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I’ve told her a few horror stories.

Я рассказал ей несколько страшных историй.

It’s meant to be the most terrifying horror film of all.

Говорят, что это один из самых страшных.

But I’ve also heard enough A.A. horror stories to know that authoritarian parenting can really backfire.

Но я также слышал много страшных историй, чтобы знать, что авторитарное воспитание может аукнуться.

Midday, the king o horror

Страшный полдень

My father is a Lovecraftian horror who uses his money to bludgeon his way to ever-more-obscene profits.

Мой отец — это страшный сон любого человека, который использует свои деньги для наглого обогащения.

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It’s, um… stupid horror flicks.

Это эм… Да так страшилка

It’s a horror story in a book about urban legends.

Это страшилка из книги городских легенд.

A horror story made up to scare children.

Страшилка, чтобы пугать детвору.

Horror stories for young children!

Это же просто страшилка для детей!

I’m saying you need to forget it’s a horror story, that someone might die at every turn.

Я хочу сказать, что тебе нужно забыть, что это страшилка. Что кто-то может умереть в любой момент.

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No, it’s true that priests are behind many of the horrors of war.

На самом деле священники сознательно отстраняются от ужасов войны.

Keep me away from the horrors of war.

Подальше от ужасов войны.

It is when a soldier loses the ability to see anything beyond the horrors of war.

Это когда солдат не видит ничего, кроме ужасов войны.

W-we don’t have the stomach for the horrors of war.

М-мы боимся ужасов войны.

The horror of war, the destruction of our ideals is part of it, I know, but there’s something else.

Ужасы войны, крушение наших идеалов тоже повинны в этом, но есть что-то ещё.

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The horror of what was done brought people together.

Весь тот ужас от того, что мы пережили, очень сплотил народ.

He cannot imagine the horror that awaits him.

Он и представить не может, какой ужас его подстерегает.

Silence of the Sleep is psychological horror

Silence of the Sleep — это приключенческий психологический хоррор.

But this film is more than horror.

Так что этот фильм, это немного больше чем ужастик.

I can’t watch horror because my imagination is too vivid.

«Я не должна смотреть ужастики, потому что мое воображение выходит из-под контроля.

I watched it in absolute horror.

Я смотрел на него в полном абсолютном ужасе.

Reminds them of horror they went through.

Жители все еще помнят те ужасы, через которые им пришлось пройти.

I like all genres… except maybe horror.

Мне нравятся все жанры… ну, может быть, кроме ужасов.

To my horror, it does.

И, к нашему ужасу, это действительно так.

To my horror I found nothing.

К моему ужасу, я ничего не обнаружил.

Words cannot describe the horror I experienced.

Словами не описать тот ужас, который я испытала.

Some paintings radiate horror while others give a warm and harmonious impression.

Некоторые картины наводят ужас, в то время как другие излучают тепло и гармонию.

I visited this horror upon my kingdom.

Нет. Я навлек этот ужас на свое королевство.

But it actually created the unique horror and universe.

Но на самом деле, все это создало уникальный ужас и вселенную.

Bonnie stared at the tooth in mesmerized horror.

Бонни в ужасе, как загипнотизированная, уставилась на зуб.

For all the horror that put him there.

После всего того ужаса, который привел его на трон.

To our horror, it really is.

И, к нашему ужасу, это действительно так.

To deny this is the road to dehumanization and horror.

Отвергать, унижать этих людей — это путь к дегуманизации и ужасу.

Few barbarian weapons inspired more horror than the axe.

Мало какие варварские виды оружия внушали больший ужас в противников, чем топоры.

What happens afterwards is quintessential horror.

Но что с ними происходит потом — тихий ужас.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат horror

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Horror?



  • «fond of chocolate»; «partial to horror movies»
  • «frozen with horror«; «they stood rooted in astonishment»
  • «the painting that others found so beautiful was a horror to him»
  • «The horror petrified his feelings»; «Fear petrified her thinking»
  • «finally realized that the horror he felt was superstitious in origin»
  • «As a horror, apartheid…is absolutely unambiguous»- Mario Vargas Llosa
  • «unmitigated suffering»; «an unmitigated horror«; «an unmitigated lie»

How to use horror in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «horror» and check conjugation/comparative form for «horror«. Mastering all the usages of «horror» from sentence examples published by news publications.

HorrorHorror has a face… and you must make a friend of horror.
NOS4A2 in some ways is a horror story about horror stories in the way It is a horror story about horror stories.
There’s a new term called «horror-adjacent» that I’ve been hearing a lot—horror movies that aren’t horror movies, the artsy horror film.
The reason why so many horror franchises go south is because — specific to horror, very, very specific to horror — there’s a hit horror movie.
And some horror movie experts would argue that some of horror films nominated for best picture aren’t even «true horror» films, but rather thrillers with horror elements.
So, horror movies that don’t seem like horror movies, horror movies that are smarter than they lead on.
«Female horror directors and the things they are making are getting increasingly harder to ignore,» says Alexandra West, horror journalist and co-host of horror podcast The Faculty of Horror.
«Female horror directors and the things they are making are getting increasingly harder to ignore,» says Alexandra West, horror journalist and co-host of horror podcast The Faculty of Horror .
It’s a common joke among horror fans that horror characters live in an alternate universe where horror movies don’t exist.
There are a bunch of other horror games available for low prices, including horror VR games and even horror movies.
Return of the Obra Dinn is about the horror of history, the horror of a tragedy in reverse, the horror of inevitability.
And given that virtually every horror director ever interviewed says horror fandom led them directly to horror directing, it stands to reason that women want to be making horror movies as well as watching them.
Every season of American Horror Story is both the best season of American Horror Story and the worst season of American Horror Story.
A similar thing is happening with horror, an elevated horror moment.
Horror movie «Us» is coming to Universal’s annual Halloween Horror Nights.
Horror for black viewers isn’t the same as horror for white audiences.
Horror Great horror writing is more than cheap scares and bloody fingerprints.
One of Italy’s foremost horror movie sensations, Mario Bava’s «Black Sunday,» is often considered by many horror aficionados to be the essential gothic horror feature.
«Black history is black horror,» novelist and scholar Tananarive Due says toward the beginning of Xavier Burgin’s new documentary Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror.
Horror movies wouldn’t be horror movies without the creepy soundtrack that accompanies them.
» Kurtz is last seen muttering his final, famous words, «The horror, the horror.
Black horror isn’t just a subgenre, it’s a rethinking of what horror means.
» When horror fans dare other horror fans to watch a movie, it’s «Martyrs.
All the while, American Horror Story maintains its signature commitment to keeping horror weird.
Even its title suggests it is a commentary on horror instead of horror itself.
Related: VR Horror Experience Puts You Inside a 1940s Mental Hospital This Virtual Reality Horror Film Will Make You Scream ‘Goodnight Mommy’ Is the Rebirth of Austrian Horror
Related: When Pixel Art, Cyberpunk and Horror Collide [Premiere] [Exclusive] We Spoke to Eli Roth About Making a Horror Movie for Snapchat ‘American Horror Story’ Fan Art Haunts LA
But some of them aren’t horror movies at all: «Scary Movie 2,» from 2001, is a parody of horror movies; last year’s «Yoga Hosers» is just an actual horror.
In his award-winning 1981 collection of essays on horror, Danse Macabre, King names three emotions that belong to the realm of the horror genre: terror, horror, and revulsion.
Hit-and-miss horror auteur Alexandre Aja knows how to deliver lean, mean horror action.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show Rocky Horror isn’t just a classic, it’s a cult classic.
For example, horror films that don’t follow rigid horror conventions, such as last year’s Mother!
Also joining the conversation is «The Horror of Dolores Roach,» Gimlet’s first foray into horror.
She’s a big horror fan, like me, and she also writes horror fiction, like me.
American Horror Story has always been a horror trope fest, and 1984 upholds that tradition.
This season, American Horror Story: Roanoke’s whole thing is playing homage to found-footage horror films.
A horror very much grounded in reality may bring on American Horror Story’s end of days.
The best horror series on TV have thinly spread a horror façade atop some other genre.
Catch me slowly retreating from the horror of real life into the horror of fantasy life.
Horror: Horror is a response for when the paradox has strayed into territory that is unlivable.
«I believe it was a man’s world one time in horror,» said one horror convention attendee.
She was «pulled in» by the challenge of portraying «a horror within the horror,» she said.
Read These Next: Everyone You Need To Know In American Horror Story: Cult What The Ending Of American Horror Story: Cult Really Meant The Hidden Meaning Behind These American Horror Story Posters
While not your traditional campfire ghost story podcast, the horror aficionados on the Faculty of Horror are fantastic companions to hold your hand through all those great horror movies you’ve been watching.
American Horror Story (FX)  Like The Walking Dead, this is popular horror series always returns around Halloween.
The film is part psychological thriller, part horror movie, and the horror elements deliver some solid frights.
American Horror Story: Roanoke was one of the most surprising seasons of Ryan Murphy’s horror anthology series.
Which is to say, it’s not a streaming-friendly horror game, it’s the streaming-friendly horror game.
This panoramic backdrop, revealed horror by horror, sets the stage for an apocalyptic hellscape of human misery.
Horror as entertainment has met actual, life-wrecking, despair-inducing horror, and it’s a very strange feeling.
Half-Life has some horror in its DNA, and that horror is exceptionally striking in virtual reality.
The «American Horror Story» series is a bold, messy mélange of camp, glamour, and seventies horror films.
Similarly, the absence of representation of black actors in ’80s horror is barely mentioned — a glaring oversight, especially in light of this year’s amazing documentary on the African-American horror tradition, Horror Noire.
Cam, a movie produced by horror behemoth Blumhouse, is a psychological horror story in the most fundamental sense.
IBM Watson analyzed more than 100 horror movies to learn what makes for a successful horror movie trailer.
If you’re a horror snob, James Wan’s Amityville Horror-inspired screamer is likely not your cup of tea.
And while it is horrific to hear about horror, if horror occurs, you’ve got to hear about it.
Kayako movie, a semi-comedy horror that promises to pit two titans of J-horror against each other.
I didn’t really look at straight horror because I guess I don’t see The Invitation as straight horror.
Callimachi: They present themselves as having been witnesses to horror, but never having carried out the horror themselves.
But you know, aside from — and I have a high tolerance for horror, horror doesn’t mess me up.
I watch every horror movie with my wife, and try to play most horror games on a stream.
It is a horror film without the cathartic feeling of emotional release that comes along with most horror.
When AMC Networks’ horror-only streaming service, Shudder, debuted a year ago in open beta, horror fans salivated.
Scream set off a wave of genre-savvy meta-horror movies, but none of its other followers so aptly skewered horror as Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon’s horror-comedy The Cabin in the Woods.
A kind of over-the-top horror imbues even the non-horror films, and violence is front and center.
Ryan Murphy’s sprawling American Horror Story series stands as a macabre testament to what anthology horror television can be.
It’s ironic that the idea of «conventional» horror should have attached itself to such a notoriously unconventional horror novel.
Here are 16 of the worst, most disgusting roommate horror stories in the history of roommate horror stories. 1.
But it’s not a horror movie, or at least not something that a modern audience will experience as horror.
Waypoint High’s Horror Club Traded Out Jump Scares for Existential Terror The Horror Club got very serious this year.
Our ancestors lived in horror, our parents lived in horror and in fear—all we can do is dream.
Here’s the problem with horror on TV: Horror requires the release of tension, often via the catharsis of gore.
«American Horror Story» comes back for its ninth season, called «1984,» which is inspired by 1980s horror-slasher movies.
In «Danse Macabre,» King’s study of the horror genre, he explains that there are two different kinds of horror.
As a pioneer of the horror genre, what do you think of the continued interest in horror movies today?
It’d be easy to argue 2016 wasn’t gifted many horror games, but it depends on your definition of horror.
The world of horror and genre films is a very warm community; if you love horror, we love you.
It figures he would encounter horror after horror yet somehow emerge unscathed, like the Fool in a tarot deck.
Selena Gomez surprises fans and poses for an array of horror-themed photos for a new horror-inspired video shoot.
American Horror Story works best when it presents a recognizable situation and inserts elements of classic horror (see: Murder House).
It doesn’t seem to be a traditional horror film to me, but horror is the genre that it’s closest to.
If you ask me, pretty much any role on American Horror Story is the creepiest role on American Horror Story.
On Twitter, some bibliophiles expressed shock and horror, while others reacted to that shock and horror with snark and bemusement.
These are mostly comedies, with some, like The Simpsons’ «Treehouse of Horror» series, wringing laughs out of horror movie tropes.
It sounds like Manson has observed the horror around him, observed the horror within him, and stepped right inside it.
» Tananarive Due on Black Horror: «Sometimes you do get people not understanding—’Why do you have to have black horror?
«The horror, the horror has, once again, hit France,» President François Hollande said in a nationally televised address early Friday.
What Phair means by the «horror» in her title isn’t the horror show that we now call the daily news.
I watch three or four horror movies a week, and I love Shudder, which is like a horror-only Netflix.
This anthology horror series returns with another rendition of a «creepypasta» tale, a horror story that circulates on the internet.
He didn’t leave horror to make a romance so much as show us that romance was always inherent in horror.
Wan also embraces the horror movie tradition of homage: nods to the new-age fantasy of Insidious, Asian horror tropes, and, of course, The Conjuring’s forbearers Poltergeist, The Amityville Horror, and The Exorcist are on full display.
That cannot be said for the anthology THE BEST OF THE BEST HORROR OF THE YEAR: 10 Years of Essential Short Horror Fiction (Night Shade, paper, $17.99), edited by the venerable queen of horror anthologies Ellen Datlow.
It’s a staple line from horror movies since at least 1979’s Amityville Horror, and it’s also what a horror movie audience might scream aloud when it spots someone onscreen walking into a fatal, probably gore-splattering trap.
Inspired by Robert Sullivan’s book, Spurlock has taken the horror-movie conceit to heart — think the 1971 horror classic «Willard,» in documentary form — down to the cheeky filmmaking approach, including horror-style musical cues, edits and camera angles.
But where horror has experienced a resurgence, thanks to the rise of a whole new indie horror aesthetic and the relentless work of horror super-producer Jason Blum, rom-coms are still searching for their next big launchpad.
Titled Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror, the upcoming documentary explores the Black experience through the lens of the genre.
On Friday, horror fans flocked to theaters to revel in and be tortured by A24’s new supernatural horror flick, Hereditary.
American Horror Story: Cult, the 7th season of the hit horror show, is set to premiere in a matter of weeks.
The tale of a family whose life became a real-life horror movie is turning into, well, an actual horror movie.
An actor known best for starring in a horror movie has now experienced a real-life horror movie scenario — a kidnapping.
It’s mental horror, not physical horror, though there’s some blood, some fairly intense shocks, and a whole lot of existential angst.
The day American Horror Story announces its theme for the upcoming season is essentially a holiday for my horror-loving heart.
His 1982 horror flick, Poltergeist, a ghostly fairy tale that did for haunted house stories what Chainsaw did gruesome shock horror.
This first pitch is a promotion for Sadako vs Kayako, a horror mashup of two of Japan’s most famous horror franchises.
The camera shows the horror on their faces as they watch the artworks burn, a horror it is assumed we share.
«The horror, the horror has, once again, hit France,» Mr. Hollande told the nation early Friday morning before leaving for Nice.
Still, much of the blame also lands at the feet of the cheesy, sci-fi-tinged horror I’m labeling nu-horror.
This year Universal Studios Singapore launched a horror-themed point-and-click adventure game to promote its own Halloween Horror Nights.
J-horror refers to the very specific type of Japanese horror movie that invaded America in the early-to-mid 00s.
At the same time as the J-horror phenomenon was happening, a tiny horror film called Saw was released in 2004.
For horror fans, «Fantasy Island» remains an oasis of scares told in the style of old-school, family-friendly Hollywood horror.
I love the body horror in Videodrome — he never uses body horror gratuitously, it’s always connected to a theme or character.
«We’ve had a real resurgence of women who are making horror but who are, even more importantly, being recognized for horror,» says Aviva Briefel, a Bowdoin College professor of English and cinema studies who specializes in women and horror.
The cast of Scream Queens and American Horror Story star Evan Peters have been hanging out at Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights.
And while it’s a horror game, it’s not the survival horror experience the director is known for, with more action-oriented gameplay.
Watch in horror (horror!) as this crafty bird strolls into a café, selects a bag of chips and walks away — without paying.
It just terrified me, even though it’s not a horror movie, just like I think Marrowbone is not really a horror movie.
Even in the ’50s, the heyday of Hitchcock’s thrillers, horror hadn’t fully developed into what we considered a «true horror» film today.
But considering it pioneered the modern limited anthology series, it’s surprising the success of American Horror Story hasn’t spawned other horror anthologies.
He said that horror movies are a boot camp for the soul, and that horror movies don’t create fear, they release fear.
I love the quirkiness of old horror stories—not the crazy, violent side of horror, but the language that comes with it.
Horror movies, non-horror seasonal movies, seasonal beverages, seasonal bots, this Pumpkin Guy, horrifying makeup tutorials, poop-shaped candy — bring it on.
And above all in Kashmir, where most of the latter part of the book takes place, we are shown horror after horror.
We just pick horror movies because we’re all fans of horror; we all choose subjects that are abrasive and make people uncomfortable.
I didn’t give it a second thought that it was a horror movie, and my mom had been in a horror movie.
Aster amplifies the horror by showing, in just seconds, the gruesome death of a child, a taboo for a mainstream horror movie.
I thought my enthusiasm made me a horror fan, but then I tried other horror writers and that wasn’t it at all.
There is horror here too, as the diarist ages and her life contracts: the horror of unrelenting subjectivity, of grinding brain-noise.
«I think most of my colleagues who write cosmic horror chafe at the idea that all cosmic horror is Lovecraftian,» he says.
In the process, I wanted to give a horror movie to everyone, but really to black audiences, who are loyal horror fans.
Funston: I think a Paranoyds visual album would just be a short B horror film or something with like gag horror effects.
«I don’t think there’s necessarily an uptick [in female horror creators],» says longtime horror director and producer Roxanne Benjamin, whose resume includes Southbound and the all-female horror anthology XX helmed by Jennifer’s Body and The Invitation director Karyn Kusama.
Blumhouse Pictures made its name by tapping into horror trends, taking advantage of everything from the found-footage horror movement (through Paranormal Activity and its sequels) to the appetite for cheaply made, virally marketed, culturally resonant horror like the Purge movies.
While so much ’80s horror came down to formula, Fulci’s work never made it that simple, relying instead on a wide range of horror subgenres and the idea that the most startling horror stories aren’t able to be categorized or confined.
«There are horror games like Arkham Horror or various other zombie games, but while there are horror RPGs like Trail of Cthulhu, there haven’t been a whole lot that have been geared toward the perspective of female protagonists,» said Richardson.
Which takes me back to one of my old horror standby lessons: to really feel horror, you have to care about the characters.
To figure out what killed family-friendly horror movies and TV, I dug into the history and called up some horror-movie creators.
The new teaser for the upcoming ninth season of American Horror Story goes hard on the slasheriffic vibe of classic ’80s horror movies.
Wes Craven’s Scream gave horror a hip, self-aware, meta-comedy feel, letting horror movies stay scary while intelligently acknowledging their own tropes.
They offered us every sequel out there for a horror movie, and we really knew we didn’t want to do another horror film.
She was beloved by horror fans for her roles in The Amityville Horror, as well as the cult flicks Sisters and Black Christmas.
Its popularity stems almost entirely from Jay Anson’s 1977 massive bestseller, The Amityville Horror, and the genre-defining horror film based on it.
But even before the climax, there are plenty of references to the famous 1973 horror musical (yes, horror musical) classic The Wicker Man.
«The Others» will appeal to those who like Gothic horror, ghost stories and horror films that don’t overly rely on cheap jump scares.
Still, that Netflix series just reinforces what horror films have been driving home since at least «The Amityville Horror,» according to Atlas Obscura.
This is the kind of horror movie vibe that I like—saturated with color and that sort of sexy-spooky Hammer Horror feel.
This is the moment you can see the Halloween producers finally figuring out that horror franchises can be about more than just horror.
It shows a lack of understanding and ability to understand and appreciate a horror film as something more than just a horror film.
As she encounters horror after horror, the story trains an eye on aspects of black history too often co-opted by white narrators.
At the time of writing the book has an Amazon Bestseller Rank of #2 for Kindle Store Horror and #4 for Contemporary Horror.
If a woman enjoys horror, «there’s a sense of trespassing,» said Alexandra West, who with Andrea Subissati hosts the podcast Faculty of Horror.
Others pointed out easily accessible online resources to find women working in film as well as online lists of female horror directors, essential horror films made by women, and (given Blum’s «directors not necessarily from horror» rubric), just terrific female directors, in general.
O.J Simson: American Crime Story than American Horror Story or Scream Queens, given that it is closer to true crime than surreal, allegorical horror.
Netflix’s new horror movie Bird Box has taken the internet by storm, which is a little surprising considering horror is really not for everyone.
Pope’s ‘horror‘ In unusually vivid language, the Vatican said Sunday that Pope Francis reacted in «horror» and «condemnation» after learning of the nightclub massacre.
But «Hand to God» is not a horror story, or at least not a horror story in which the forces of evil are supernatural.
The Simpsons: «Treehouse of Horror V» Out of all the series’ «Treehouse of Horror» specials, the 1994 parody of The Shining is particularly memorable.
Game of Thrones is a franchise full of horror and death, and lots of character are to blame for all that horror and death.
LOS ANGELES — Sorry, everyone: American Horror Story creator Ryan Murphy isn’t ready to spill too many details about his FX horror anthology’s new season.
And if you’re a certified horror nerd, you can get the inside scoop on the genre itself by watching Eli Roth’s History of Horror.
The producer of horror hits like Get Out, Paranormal Activity, and The Purge has apologized for suggesting that women horror directors are extremely rare.
I think with the American horror movies of the 70s, we saw a lot of horror dealing with political unrest, but through extreme violence.
But he describes it as more of a «outrageous horror comedy» mixed with «mind-bending action adventure,» rather than a straight up horror show.
Puzzles and a locked door have become the gateway drug of immersive horror Audiences associate the word «horror» with scary movies or terrifying novels.
It’s a great horror film, but it also excels at being what Kusama would call an «emotional horror film,» which she believes is different.
Shudder is a streaming service specifically for horror, thriller, and supernatural content, so it’s no surprise this is a good choice for horror buffs.
A feminist critique of horror has long been a staple of horror studies, thanks to the genre’s fixation on male villains and female victims.
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It’s Apt Pupil, his attempt to grapple with the horror of the Holocaust, that offers one of King’s grimmest and grossest versions of horror.
Online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, and an increase in television horror shows like «The Walking Dead» and «American Horror Story» as well as even better access to international horror films have led spectators to not only want, but expect more.
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In Horror Noire, Peele explains how the movie is, in many ways, a response to the history of black horror and black representation in cinema.
Given that previous American Horror Story seasons have been pretty directly referential to other horror media, we’re getting a distinct Texas Chainsaw Massacre vibe here.
But it’s a must-see for audiences who like their costume dramas tinged with horror, or their horror made as authentically and immersively as possible.
Early in the film, Lizzie plays up the horror aspects, with the score and shot selection calling to mind 1970s horror flicks like The Omen.
You can see its influence in countless horror trailers today, to the point where its beats have practically become horror clichés in their own right.
It’s been seven years since Ryan Murphy dared to make television really, legitimately scary with the debut of his horror anthology series, American Horror Story.
Director Alexandre Aja doesn’t think being «really there» is essential to good VR horror — in fact, sometimes you don’t want horror to feel too realistic.
Examples of other crossovers include the first scripted horror podcast, «The Horror of Dolores Roach,» adapted from an off-Broadway show, was launched in October.
His cosmic horror works helped shape the trajectory of horror, science fiction, and fantasy, while influencing everyone from Stephen King to George R. R. Martin.
You’d assume putting two great things together — an iconic horror movie and acclaimed indie horror video game studio — would guarantee at least a good result.
Mr. X. Fuck you, Mr. X. Despite being known as a horror buff, the truth is that I don’t like to experience horror media alone.
USDish opened a contest recently for one lucky horror fan to earn $1,300 to binge-watch 13 classic horror films adapted from Stephen King novels.
«Camp Redwood» is a far-fetched and fun start to the season, delivered with American Horror Story’s typical winking reverence to horror tropes of yore.
As the recent documentary Horror Noire lays out, most early American horror films featuring black characters play very different for black audiences than for white ones.
On Monday, American Horror Story dropped a teaser for its upcoming season, revealing the name of the setting where all that horror is happening: Camp Redwood.
A24 has a new horror film coming up that looks kinda like what you would make if you were trying to make an A24 horror film.
Leave that floating sucker near a storm drain and your horror-loving friend will absolutely love It. Want to really impress your modern horror-loving pal?
I loved the notion of approaching The Invitation as emotional horror, like The Celebration is an emotional horror film in a really fresh and wonderful way.
But the nature of the satire and setting puts Daniels’ script not just in the horror-comedy genre, but the more specific category of apartment horror.
The horror movie smashed records for the month of September when it opened, and went on to become the highest grossing horror movie of all time.
The time period itself had its high points as well, with non-nu-horror horror movies like The Blair Witch Project and Gore Verbinski’s Ring remake.
I’m a big fan of horror movies, and they’re often really formulaic; so for me, a horror movie is all about the environment and the background.
As the name betrays, The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is kind of a horror film, though it’s certainly the cutest horror film of all time.
Unlike the recent horror movie reboot of «The Banana Splits Adventure Hour,» a children’s TV show, it’s easy to imagine «Fantasy Island» as a horror property.
The director of The Witch returns with another stunningly shot horror film that has a vibe unlike all the other horror films out there right now.
But where Lanzmann framed the Holocaust as an incomparable horror that ripped itself outside history, in Malick both the history and the horror are curiously elided.
You could say our film is a kind of body horror—not that it’s all about blood and gore, but that the horror comes from within.
In 247, horror movies made more than $2177 billion at the U.S. box office alone, that’s up considerably since 21978, when horror films raked in $903 million.
In line with Due’s insight, the film isn’t just about black horror films, it’s about the way the horror genre reflects and connects with African-American history.
Weiner intersperses his year-by-year surveys with thematic explorations of various ’80s horror topics, including VHS cover art, nudity in horror, and soundtracks and sound design.
«Attack of the Killer Tomatoes» (1978), a schlocky horror spoof, is just one beloved example of a horror movie built around an inanimate object that causes mayhem.
The Magicians, as a show, is not a horror show per se, but I like to do the occasional episode that leans heavily on dark horror conventions.
While things will undoubtedly look quite different when American Horror Story emerges from its mushroom-shaped cloud, one element of Ryan Murphy’s horror show simply doesn’t change.
The seventh season of Ryan Murphy’s FX anthology series American Horror Story is officially called American Horror Story: Cult, announced today via a typically creepy teaser trailer.
It seems perfectly appropriate to take a break from the real life American horror story that is this election to watch the hit show American Horror Story.
Just over a year ago, the adaptation of Stephen King’s It shook horror fandom with a $123.4 million opening weekend — the highest ever for a horror movie.
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This is unexpected: The Woods, an upcoming found-footage horror film is going to be a direct sequel to the 1999 horror blockbuster The Blair Witch Project.
At its original release, «The Rocky Horror Picture Show» (adapted from Richard O’Brien’s stage musical «The Rocky Horror Show» and directed by Jim Sharman) found few converts.
The network also announced that American Horror Story: Cult will premiere on September 5 — so fans don’t have to wait long to get their horror-tv fix.
The dark colors, the slow reaction shots of body horror, and the sickly lighting are all pulled from the tricks horror films use to unsettle the audience.
Horror video games can and should exist without reverting to lazy stereotypes; but likewise, the horror genre can still acknowledge mental illness without falling for careless tropes.
The AMC horror series is one of several adaptations the best-selling horror author (and son of Stephen King) has in the works, after multiple stalled attempts.
Enter Jordan Peele and his critically-acclaimed horror film, Us. In March of 2019, fans filed into theaters across the country to watch Peele’s second horror project.
«It’s such a unique score even in horror because it’s usually scored against picture,» says Jeremy Gillespie, co-director of the recently acclaimed horror flick, The Void.
Unfortunately, Burgin and his interviewees don’t discuss the role of horror and horror imagery in slavery films like 12 Years a Slave or Sankofa, which would have let them expand their argument that horror is a lot closer to the mainstream of black cinema than is sometimes acknowledged.
Enjoy Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s horror as she accidentally dirties up a simple word-association game ‘The Addams Family’ trailer is here to scare up some laughs ‘A Quiet Place’ writers and ‘Hostel’ producer tease gory horror ‘Haunt’ ‘Us’ and the Tethered will terrorize Universal Studios’ Halloween Horror Nights 2019
» When asked about the horror elements of the game, Stratton says they didn’t really push for proper horror, «It’s fast, improvisational and always charging forward at full speed.
The forthcoming film, slated for a Halloween premiere, is an adaptation of the 2013 horror novel by Stephen King — but this isn’t just any Stephen King horror novel.
Fresh off of his breakout horror film Get Out, Jordan Peele seems to have found his next project: an adaptation of Matt Ruff’s 2016 horror novel Lovecraft Country.
It is more like a satirical horror story- the horror being the reality for an entire race present day in an alleged civilized & progressive society- hence the satire.
Leslie Grossman as… Coco St. Pierre TVLine also notes that the American Horror Story: Cult actress will return to the horror show as a new character named Coco.
File it alongside «It Follows» (2014) and «Get Out» (2017) as an original and intelligent horror triumph which you don’t have to be a horror fan to enjoy.
Knowing who these people are makes the horror element so much better and scarier than a standard horror movie or series that puts the story and characters second.
It’s scary, the people who make it love horror movies and we are always doing homages to horror movies, we’re always doing inside jokes and it’s not sloppy.
Their experiences inspired the 1976 novel The Amityville Horror: A True Story, which was turned into the iconic 1979 horror film and remade in 2005 starring Ryan Reynolds.
With such a long lineage of «mental illness equals horror» to contend with, though, I ask how difficult designing a horror game really is without reverting to stereotypes.
Box Office Mojo breaks horror down into 107.93 subcategories on its site and its editor, Brad Brevet, has struggled with the question of what constitutes a horror movie.
Do you think not being a horror guy as you’ve often said had something to do with you being able to make a horror movie that felt different?
» Its scholarly approach follows decades of horror studies that have produced influential texts like Carol J. Clover’s «Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film.
World of Horror, a «1-bit horror game» that enters Steam Early Access tomorrow, blends nods to Ito and Lovecraft with the look of a 1980s HyperCard game.
Some franchise fans were so afraid of Resident Evil’s first-person, all-horror pivot that they avoided RE7 altogether, a regrettable consequence of a horror game made well.
The cinematic genre of horror noire is growing larger and even scarier, and surprisingly, the latest terrifying title has nothing to do with Black horror aficionado Jordan Peele.
The episode is one of season four’s many sidesteps away from pure sci-fi into other genres, horror in particular; this time, it’s horror mixed with euro noir.
Shudder has been quick to tout its «depth of content and experience» as its main assets in becoming a destination for horror fans, citing its curators, Sam Zimmerman and Colin Geddes, as horror experts with one eye on the audience and the other on the industry and history of horror.
» Astonishment is a quality central to David Searcy’s «Shame and Wonder,» a nonfiction collection from a writer best known for two horror-­inflected novels, «Ordinary Horror» and «Last Things.
Cannibal Holocaust, on the other hand, is a dark and twisted horror film meant for the most extreme horror fans—it’s certainly not for highbrow critics or average theatergoers.
Most of the book consists of King’s observations on the horror films and stories of the era, from Roger Corman quickies to arty sci-fi horror masterpieces like Alien.
Adam Wingard didn’t necessarily set out to be a horror director, but his love of horror films, and his deep familiarity with the genre, pushed him in that direction.
While King is known as a horror writer, having written classics like Carrie and The Shining, he’s more than that: he experiments with epic fantasy, horror, and science fiction.
It’s a lot funnier than Krisha, which topped my 2016 horror list, but both films use the language of horror to unpack the terror endemic to a dysfunctional family.
American Horror Story It was somewhere during this penultimate episode of the fifth season of «American Horror Story» that I finally realized what the season is actually about: stagnation.
Horror movies can be very scary or very cathartic or very terrifying, but horror VR will take it beyond that and do we want to be entertained like that?
The US studio soon changed its tune, though; after a profitable experience co-producing Horror of Dracula, it opened its catalogue of classic horror to Hammer for further collaborations.
Both of Ortberg’s books walk the line between horror and comedy, but where Texts From Jane Eyre leaned into the comedy, The Merry Spinster leans way over into horror.
The spooky, scary month of Halloween is upon us, and while you may be binge watching horror movies, why let the arbitrary boundaries of the horror genre stop you?
WATCH: Sarah Paulson on the craziest thing she’s done for American Horror Story In January, Murphy revealed the FX horror anthology’s upcoming edition will be set … in the future!
An early entry, «The Witch», seems destined to become a cult horror classic; critics and viewers alike have hailed it one of the best horror films in recent memory.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent, one of the scariest horror games of the last 10 years, helped popularize a polarizing trend in horror games: removing the ability to fight back.
The show’s premiere comes in the middle of Syfy’s month-long slate of horror movie programming, which includes a spate of original horror films as well as popular movies.
I Am Providence, Nick Mamatas Horror author Colleen Danzig heads out for the first time to Summer Tetacular, an annual horror convention dedicated to the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
«The Cabin in the Woods» may be a horror-comedy that parodies the classic tropes of horror movies, but that doesn’t mean it holds back in the dread department.
«We are gathering horror stories with the idea of driving people to a travel adviser, saying, ‘If you use an adviser, you won’t have these horror stories’,» Peck says.
Following a month of relationship reports, singer Halsey and «American Horror Story» actor Evan Peters attended the 100th-episode celebration of «American Horror Story» dressed as Sonny and Cher.
Buchina keeps us guessing without falling into obscurantist traps, if for no other reason than the horror he depicts is steadily being eclipsed by the horror of actual events.
«It is a horror, a total horror,» said Mary L. Bonauto, the civil rights lawyer who successfully argued the Supreme Court case on the right to same-sex marriage.
According to Jessica Harvey, a game designer who worked on the alt-horror title Paratopic, more horror/walking sim mashups are likely to crop up in the coming years.
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This propensity for diversity might explain how a Black woman survived a horror plot and a white person was gunned down by police in this season of American Horror Story.
And yet, this being American Horror Story, even the heroes — especially the heroes — are bound to die… and, this being Horror Story, death is not always such a bad thing.
True horror experiences in video games are hard to find—and with the lingering cultural baggage about violence in video games, horror games can be misunderstood by the general public.
Fox Searchlight’s «Ready or Not» snuck into the late summer movie season and the horror-comedy is the latest horror movie to become a hit relative to its low budget.
«It is a horror, a total horror,» said Mary L. Bonauto, the civil rights lawyer who successfully argued last year’s Supreme Court case on the right to same-sex marriage.
Sean Abley, who has written about horror for Fangoria and other publications, says that the S.T.D. horror film continues to thrive as the acceptance of once-marginalized sexuality becomes mainstream.
Chernobyl is a horror story, one that borrows the tropes and themes of horror fiction to tell the story of a nuclear nightmare compounded by human arrogance and bureaucratic lies.
But it was a critically beloved horror movie that was also a box office smash, from director Jordan Peele, whose previous horror film (Get Out) had been an Oscar contender.
The director, Adam Wingard, here completes an arc of the modern movie business, having moved from indie horror («A Horrible Way to Die») to horror reboots («Blair Witch») to Netflix.
«The horror, the horror,» said Shervin Pishevar, a venture capitalist at the firm Sherpa Capital who, like just about every leading light in tech, had strongly supported Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.
«Ready or Not,» Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett’s new horror comedy, joins a growing bloc in that horror-with-political-messaging genre — specifically about greed and parasitic 1 percenters.
Year:Movie or TV series:Starring: Critical rating: Read More:21 horror films coming out this year that scary-movie buffs can look forward toThe most popular horror movie in every US state10 horror films that every scary-movie buff should put on their watch list13 Netflix thrillers to look out for this year 
«Theoretically , you get scared when you watch a horror movie, so you might latch onto a water bottle in a horror movie if you had this particular characteristic,» she told me.
As mentioned above, horror movies often break out as sleeper hits in summer, because the horror audience is loyal and often starved for something to see around this time of year.
«[The creators] hooked me in after explaining Ruth Deaver and her horror within a horror,» Spacek told BuzzFeed News, alluding to Ruth’s personal trauma amid the larger mystery of Castle Rock.
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For starters, the seventh season of Ryan Murphy and FX’s American Horror Story is called American Horror Story: Cult, yet all of its promotional materials so far have featured killer clowns.
Yes, clowns have been used for decades now in horror films, but the reason for their appearance in American Horror Story might be more «ripped from the headlines» than we realized.
Tracy Oliver, the writer of Girls Trip, said in an interview that she brought a horror film to Hollywood executives and was told that black women don’t care about horror movies.
But this year at SXSW, it was another cinematic horror experience that brought everyone together: the re-scoring of 1965 Japanese horror film Kwaidan presented by local record label Holodeck Records.
It was our intention to create survival horror games all along, but with this iteration you are correct in that one of the main goals was to emphasize the horror aspect.
Such is the growing spookiness in BTTM FDRS, which melds social horror with body horror, as the thing in the apartment building integrates its inhabitants, the gentrified space literally consuming humanity.
H.P. Lovecraft, the author so well-known for his works of horror, his writings on monsters and madness and cosmic horror, was a radically, horrifically racist person, even for his time.
The controversial McKamey Manor in Summertown, Tennessee — once described by its owner as a «survival horror boot camp» — is offering $20,103 to anyone brave enough to survive its new horror experience.
Just at the tail-end of the 80s, Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout (1990), satirized two juggernauts of the home video market, the horror film and the wildly popular celebrity workout tape.
Hour of the Wolf is often forgotten in discussions of seminal horror films, but it’s horror at its finest — a raw look at a man consumed by self-loathing and fear.
BH Tilt’s low-budget horror-thriller «The Darkness,» starring Kevin Bacon and Radha Mitchell, scared up $217.8 million at 23,2970 sites in a Friday the 227th launch aimed at horror fans.
As readers watched the magazine’s picks for the year’s top actors portray classic horror-movie archetypes, they also read the selection of classic horror movies and sent in their own recommendations.
In the early through the mid-20th century, Lovecraft popularized a horror subgenre known as weird fiction, characterized by an emphasis on cosmic horror and the unknowable horrors of the universe.
AMC itself has a rich history of working with horror filmmakers and studios thanks to its themed horror movie guides and its yearly Fearfest (formerly Monsterfest), now celebrating its 20th anniversary.
Mekler and Turnbloom are both horror movie buffs, and fans of flicks like The Fog and Night of the Creeps may notice a cameo from famed 80s horror star Tom Atkins.
I don’t think — I mean, I’ve read horror stories.
It is its own — a pure creator of horror.
» Langan: «Horror writers are more troubled than anyone else.
» It would shock and offer «horror to the moralist.
» Arthur: Or maybe a midnight showing of «Rocky Horror.
» I was rooted to the ground with horror. «Who?
LOS ANGELES — Hollywood’s top horror factory did it again.
David Cronenberg’s 1983 horror hallucination «Videodrome» — screening Tuesday, Aug.
And — to her absolute horror — several amateur porn websites.
» Goo pours down walls, as in «The Amityville Horror.
» atlas » gives a briefer glimpse of a similar horror.
» According to Grant, «she started hearing these horror stories.
Directed by: Peter CornwellWritten by: Matt GreenbergBased on: «Gramma» (collected in Skeleton Crew) Blumhouse has produced its share of low-budget horror hits; sometimes, however, you get a low-budget horror dud.
No, these other horror movies are allowed to stand as psychological thrillers, or, like Jordan Peele’s appropriately lauded directorial debut Get Out (which also dabbles in body horror), as biting social critique.
In Malevolent, premiering October 5 on Netflix, the horror seeps in slowly, perhaps because most of the characters — save Angela (a spectacular Florence Pugh) — refuse to admit horror is even a possibility.
The Last Black Man in San Francisco is decidedly not a horror film (in spite of its apocalyptic title), but it raises questions in the way many contemporary black horror projects do.
Jordan Peele changed the horror game and won an Oscar for 2017’s Get Out, so there was a lot of pressure on Us, his new horror film that debuted at SXSW.
The director tapped for the project, Chris Landon, is known for his clever remixes of horror tropes—do you think Ernest will play as horror in some capacity on the big screen?
The 2016 horror film «Ouija: Origin of Evil» is set in 1967, and a portable portal to hell must have seemed like a gift from the gods to the horror movie genre.
There’s a strangely organic marriage of different moods and influences as well, from Alien-influenced dirty sci-fi tech to Eldritch horror, from cheesy Metallica album covers to more complex psychological horror.
» Perkins describes the classic horror feel of the game: «I think that there are always new people pushing the bounds of what horror is, but inevitably people gravitate back to certain forms.
Comprising shorts ranging from black comedy to experimental, from ghost stories to extreme horror, 26 horror directors do their best to tell a story about death through a frame of their choice.
It’s a horror film, for starters, and a very funny one at that, which is two strikes against it: Neither horror nor comedy shows up in the Best Picture race very frequently.
Horror has always played on the potential for beautiful landscapes to be deadly; eco-horror adds the sickening twist that we are implicated in the environmental degradation that is now imminently threatening.
Follow that with the new Shudder podcast «Horror Noire: Uncut,» a fascinating six-episode valentine to African-American film buffs’ love-hate romance with horror cinema, based on Shudder’s acclaimed 19883 documentary.
With its emphasis on surreal horror rendered via naturalistic storytelling, Point Mystic echoes the aforementioned Knifepoint Horror, but its impressive production value places it at the opposite end of the podcast spectrum.
The highly anticipated and critically acclaimed horror movie had advanced ticket sales that surpassed both Get Out and 2018’s sleeper horror hit A Quiet Place, and knocked Captain Marvel off her box office throne with a record-breaking $70 million opening weekend — the highest ever for an original horror film, and second-highest for an action-adventure movie.
Robert Eggers’ The Witch got a bad rap when it first hit screens, because the marketing led horror fans to believe it was an over-the-top-scary monster movie, when it’s actually tense gothic horror, and the kind of story that ends up communicating that people are much worse monsters than most horror-movie creatures.
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I enjoy careful attention to craft in a horror movie, but I don’t need them, because ultimately what I crave from horror isn’t a surprising narrative or a deep exploration of a theme.
He fell into an early obsession with horror — «I just exhausted the horror section of every video store I could find,» he says — before he turned to the creative side of the process.
«The response to my work has generally been very positive as I think my horror posters somehow tap into a certain nostalgia for fans of both claymation and horror films,» she told Mashable.
It’s become a standard part of the horror movie lexicon, a way of dragging modern horror protagonists back to the isolation they used to experience much more naturally just a few decades ago.
The book does engage components of horror stories, like using the violently explicit covers of classic horror comics as chapter dividers or incorporating the features of monsters into the design of its characters.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Florida has always had its fair share of horror, from the shocking «Florida Man» headlines peppered into the news to the haunted houses of Halloween Horror Nights.
This year, though, it was hard to find anything to grasp at in the overwhelming program of mumble-horror, internet horror, iPhone movies, and meditative dramas about the nature of relationships and technology.
Only toward the end, when Frankenstein and his Creature dance in a grappling pas de deux of mutual horror and dependence, does the dance finally evoke something of the novel’s fantastical gothic horror.
In that vein, over the next few years, non-Hollywood horror movies like High Tension, Wolf Creek, and The Descent came along and injected some new ideas—restraint mostly—into Hollywood’s horror vocabulary.
Last year, she played a sex-crazed, serial killing vampire on the latest season of the popular horror anthology TV series, American Horror Story—a role that earned her a Golden Globe award.
In addition to topping the opening weekend charts for R-rated horror, It also has the largest horror opening for any MPAA rating, the largest September debut, and the largest Fall season debut.
It’s no surprise that one of her many acclaimed short stories appeared in the «Best British Horror 2015″ anthology, since she shows a refined instinct for the tropes of horror and crime fiction.
Just as «American Horror Story: 1984,» the newest installment of Ryan Murphy’s horror anthology series, begins its run on FX, fans can revisit Season 8, which focuses on the end of the world.
It’s possible that Trump’s own favored media outlets are no longer doing as much reporting about veterans’ horror stories as they did under President Barack Obama, but the horror stories have not vanished.
The Duffer brothers’ creative background is in horror; their breakout film was the 2015 apocalyptic horror film Hidden, after which they worked as writers for the M. Night Shyamalan Fox series Wayward Pines.
Now, we’re seeing instances of folk horror appear again in theaters with The Heretics and Children of the Corn: Runaway and on TV with The Mist, American Gods, and American Horror Story: Cult.
Women writers would recount horror stories about getting their periods.
» He invoked his childhood horror: «‘Why did you do that?
This made the leading Republican presidential candidates convulse with horror.
Traders at large investment banks watched their screens in horror.
«Biggest horror movie opening with a female lead,» Curtis wrote.
They scaled it down twice, and I’m still spreading horror.
Devotion did, riding a wave similar to many horror games.
Like Get Out, Us moves seamlessly between comedy and horror.
Click through to read about the most underrated horror movies!
That’s why Obamacare’s sharpest critics are reacting with such horror.
It’s also a huge step forward in the horror genre.
The South Asian or «desi» diaspora reacted with obvious horror.
He has written many books and articles documenting the horror.
The best horror does this, it works on several levels.
Horror is now available in spades on the small screen.
We’ve already shared our picks for action, comedy, and horror.
Bill Skarsgård’s 2017 Pennywise, meanwhile, appears to be all horror.
I’ve watched, with horror, decent careers implode over stupid tweets.
Watch and let the horror of it all sink in.
It’s a — what do you call it — a horror show.
The looks on her face range from enlightenment to horror.
O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story and American Horror Story: Roanoke.
It is crazy fertile ground to me for psychological horror.
There’s a lot of body horror with being a woman.
Don’t ditch Ryan for Dandy Mott from American Horror Story!
Maxine: It’s the same way action and horror are interesting.
«Diablo is a horror game,» says a user named Starchild.
Everyone should definitely go see horror movies on Valentine’s Day!
Two scenes really drive home the horror of this revelation.
I think, really, we’ve just recorded our Eyes of Horror.
Horror stories range from unruly passengers to mistreatment from airlines.
Those barriers break, and Modern Warfare relishes in the horror.
It’s another successful opening for the low budget horror franchise.
Alien is one of the greatest horror movies ever, right?
Prager’s fascination extends to a specific breed of horror film.
Many ordinary citizens expressed horror, but even more voiced admiration.
And then there’s uncanny horror, which is much less real.
She in no way is the traditional horror «final girl.»
I have to work myself up to see horror movies.
Nothing could quite undo the sheer horror of that moment.
Here are the 12 best foreign horror movies to stream.
That same year, American filmmakers released the horror film Them!
Unserious internet content and serious horror are tightly linked now.
Others take umbrage at remakes of classic horror films. Me?
Warning: This story contains spoilers for American Horror Story: Cult.
A24 keeps picking up offbeat but extremely creepy horror films.
Romance that gives way to some kind of gothic horror?
Hmm. American Horror Story: 1984 premieres September 18 on FX.
Joe Hill’s horror comic Locke & Key might finally reach television.
The horror film he produced, Brightburn, releases on May 24.
In horror movies, it’s often necessary for institutions to fail.
It’s a zombie / horror show, something that’s scary and dark.
That’s a horror that even Stephen King wouldn’t conceive of.
Why did you shift into a more atmospheric horror mode?
Is he drowning in a swarm of Horror Story bees?
To Jean’s horror, the disgusting bride photo had been moved.
It legitimately looks like something out of a horror movie.
Traditionally, horror movies have been good investments for movie studios.
The two came into perfect alignment with The Lurking Horror.
Picasso’s «Guernica» mourned the horror of the Spanish civil war.
It’s this combination of horror and humor, laughter and fears.
You asked for nanny horror stories to back it up.
Oh, I’m sorry, did I call it a horror movie?
The Republicans are a horror show, except possibly John Kasich.
«Don’t…» Dink begins, a look of horror on his face.
And for once, Black Mirror undersells a scenario’s potential horror.
The psychological horror game will be released on August 22.
She promptly asked me, in horror, if I had one.
Step 1: Cut the $20 Beautyblender in half (the horror!).
American Horror Story: Apocalypse brought back our favorite Louisiana coven.
The two started dating after filming the psychological horror, Mother!
Click through for more meditations on the Rocky Horror reboot.
It’s an absurd film that gives horror a feminist spin.
Can you imagine the horror these poor pups are facing?!
I love that he can infuse humor into his horror.
Another year, another immensely creepy horror movie coming from A24.
«As horror has evolved, we evolved with it,» Murdy said.
Nothing. They’re at the top of the horror pecking order.
And these Tinder horror stories are a testament to that.
The year before that a horror movie trailer was used.
Then we catch up on this week’s American Horror Story.
WATCHING financial markets can be like watching a horror film.
«It just became an absolute horror scene,» the witness continues.
Sergio G. Sánchez’s Gothic horror movie Marrowbone is perfect proof.
The United horror stories keep coming out of the woodwork.
In American Horror Story: Freak Show, she had two heads.
But then the full scope of the horror became clear.
Even the American Horror Story: Hotel star isn’t sure yet.
But amid the horror were stories of heroism like Oakley’s.
But isn’t that the thing with the genre horror films?
It was a horror show — and the people had questions.
Empowerment isn’t really about fairness in superhero or horror narratives.
The horror stories from models of color are, sadly, aplenty.
There’s American Horror Story, Ryan Murphy’s take on the genre.
Watching a horror movie is almost always a visceral experience.
Shows like The Walking Dead and American Horror Story proliferated.
Meanwhile, horror movies are having their own sort of renaissance.
Horror and satire and sex and violence and … It’s great.
I watch horror movies with my hands over my eyes.
«It was like a real horror movie,» he told WSB.
But let’s be clear: This is still a horror film!
Local Fox 10 Phoenix and KNXV captured the nauseating horror.
I’m a funny person and I’m really into horror movies.
The app recently launched Hack’d, a horror series featuring Musical.
The concept seemed like exactly what intelligent horror should be.
They have been watching with horror the slide in sterling.
This might sound like the start of a horror movie.
This show treats everyday situations as if they are horror.
That is what horror movies have conditioned us to expect.
Canada’s foremost body horror film auteur appreciates the homage. 7.
Not all VR horror relies on physically embodying a protagonist.
One of the students dropped his backpack, and horror ensued.
Every woman and girl who fled has a horror story.
These nails are straight out of a horror movie. Literally.
Pride is a violent thriller wrapped in a horror flick.
It has elements of horror, science fiction, and ’80s nostalgia.
Malaysia, to everyone’s horror and surprise, agreed to Indonesia’s proposal.
Over the weekend, #WhereAreTheChildren became a viral hashtag of horror.
Yeah, a lot of it feels like a horror film.
This is going to be some kind of horror thing.
It’s hard to think of Midsommar as a horror movie.
Ari Aster’s Hereditary rightfully tops many outlets’ 2018 horror lists.
Killers in horror movies must do a lot of yoga.
He’s still struggling to process the horror that came next.
Q: Yes, Resident Evil has always been survival horror, absolutely.
After «Grizzly Adams,» he made horror movies and outdoorsy flicks.
But this stuff scared me much more than horror movies.
Sarah Paulson is taking a break from American Horror Story.
The OHCHR report hints at the horror they left behind.
It’s not a horror film, I keep getting asked that.
Mr Penn found no horror in this heart of darkness.
If you have some Uber horror stories, you’re not alone.
I covered my mouth in horror, but I didn’t cry!
It’s kind of scary to hear all these horror stories.
BB: I don’t think… I’ve ever seen a horror movie.
Hulu acquired the rights to AwesomenessTV’s new horror series Freakish.
There are always elements of horror in whatever I do.
Hereditary has a friend in fellow A24 horror The Witch.
«Why Todd instead of me?» he asks, in mock horror.
Am I wrong — is this really your first horror movie?
«That’s why you couldn’t see it,» she marvels in horror.
«I didn’t want to do something generically ‘horror,'» Milicevic says.
And I can’t even imagine that living horror and tragedy.
Survivors described the horror and destruction when the volcano erupted.
Instead, it has the flavor of a teen horror mystery.
I love video games, reality television, and classic horror movies.
Personal experience gave him a particular horror of Jacobin extremism.
John Carpenter’s original 1978 Halloween was a seminal horror film.
Are we heading for part two of this horror movie?
Their latest film session was something of a horror show.
«It was something that was out of a horror movie.»
For decades, The Shining has loomed over celebrated horror films.
In the opera, nothing mitigates the horror of Mark’s act.
Mary’s face, in response, is a picture of indignant horror.
» And the Green’s Jurgen Trittin expressed his «shock and horror.
The horror of the genocide still resonates deeply throughout Armenia.
The breakthrough horror hit «A Quiet Place» was shut out.
National Grid is not the villain in this horror story.
Refugees streamed into Tibet, bringing their horror stories into Lhasa.
The town also inspired the 2006 horror film ‘Silent Hill.’
This room looked like the set of a horror film.
«I came by the horror naturally,» Dr. Selzer once said.
Conner’s hypnotic rendition suspends the viewer between pleasure and horror.
The Us Maze at Universal Hollywood Horror Nights was INSANE!!
Responses ranged from horror to laughter at the geographical mistake.
For many people, of course, climate horror is here, today.
If we can evangelize horror freakdom, we’re doing our job.
Lastly the American Horror Story, which I have never seen.
You rush to the window, and almost collapse in horror.
But the serenity belied the horror that had unfolded here.
Families in Las Vegas are going through that horror today.
By night it looked like a «horror movie,» he said.
Australians who watched the episode expressed both shock and horror.
It is the perfect setting for a horror movie, really.
A lot of horror deals with continuation beyond natural limits.
To his horror, these thoughts only turned him on more.
It makes me more attentive to the particulars of horror.
Like earlier generations only viewed him with horror and disgust.
It is a horror, but it is also a crucible.
I wasn’t too into horror movies as a kid, though.
Korean women would gape in horror at the rubbing method.
Across cultures, broad readings of horror tropes feel like anthropology.
The horror is what happens that morning at June’s work.
I had a series horror scenes playing in my head.
They’ve heard horror stories about long waits in other countries.
Could my reaction to horror movies be explained this way?
I’ve always found the horror community to be very supportive.
I think that’s part of how horror movies have evolved.
«Them Changes» ballasts surreal horror with goofy mouth sound basslines.
I loved horror growing up, and I tried different styles.
Hopefully, the true horror of Slender Man will shine through.
My life felt like a horror movie all over again.
Horror fans questioned why «The Fog» (2005) was even made.
It’s like a horror movie: The zombie is coming back.
It’s a scenario worthy of a Stephen King horror story.
To be done is always, on some level, a horror.
THE AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979) on Hulu, YouTube and Google Play.
«To have this, post indictment, is a horror,» she said.
FH: Why do you think women of color like horror?
It got me noticed and associated me with horror films.
As more sickening details have emerged, the horror has grown.
I also watched a ton of horror movies in preparation.
Casting veteran actresses in horror movies has become a trend.
And it’s a world that literally produces horror in me.
This season there’s a lot of horror, thriller, psychotic storylines.
First day of new year has been day of horror.
Around the world, people reacted in horror to the story.
«Slither» later found a following with fans of body horror.
She has heard the horror stories and seen the data.
But for women, it could mean a new horror story.
AMC Networks sells its Shudder streaming service to horror fans.
Why it could struggle: The Witch is a horror movie.
That’s the plot of «Us,» Jordan Peele’s latest horror thriller.
«The horror is in front of everyone’s eyes,» he said.
So you like Indonesian horror movies and melodic baritone punk?
But reactions to the surgery ranged from awe to horror.
«Maybe a few horror fan sites covered it,» he said.
The horror is realizing I paid money to watch it.
How to convert acts of mass horror into live performance?
Early September has become a fertile time for horror movies.
Horror. Science fiction (other than that by Ballard and Gibson).
Our leaders think and pray their way through the horror.
What motivates Herr Director to make this pulpy horror flick?
He was wearing body armor as he wielded his horror.
I’m forever suffering because everything reminds me of that horror.
Amid all of this horror, Pete and I grew close.
The gentle surface of the film camouflages heartbreak and horror.
The movie won a Saturn award for best horror film.
Noir, I’ve always thought, is only horror without the metaphors.
That is why his murder caused such fear and horror.
All great horror movies lose something in the second viewing.
The second season of the historical horror show wraps up.
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE Stream on Netflix, Amazon and Hulu.
Grace screams in horror until Aidan opens his eyes, alive.
It’s probably why I like horror movies so much now.
Must horror movies ruin all of our favorite obsolete technologies?
Astrid lands on releasing the video, much to Payton’s horror.
Michael could feel the man’s resigned horror, the hopeless struggle.
A horror blockbuster is available to stream on HBO platforms.
Granted, much of horror still remains cheap, manipulative and schlocky.
Each one is handcrafted by horror effects legend Tom Savini.
The story that she wanted told was a horror story.
The 1979 horror film features a murderous, floating chrome ball.
The actress was Needy in the horror «Jennifer’s Body» (2009).
All of us watching horror-comedies and feeling so … seen
But when it comes to horror movies, she still struggles.
There are certain places where horror just seems to happen.
So what island horror flicks should you watch this summer?
» In 2017, President Trump called trophy hunting a «horror show.
I’d never heard such ecstasy and horror, all at once.
Amid the horror, the widow faced a new, frightening reality.
Horror movies are participatory, inciting fear and demanding a reaction.
Here are the best horror movies coming out around Halloween.
The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror marathon Freeform premiere Thursday, Oct.
The Witch was intended to be a horror movie. This?
Princenthal describes the «nearly wordless horror» expressed in early performances.
» September 24 «American Horror Story: Apocalypse» September 30 «American Dad!
Attracted and repelled, Garner circles around the unspeakable, abysmal horror.
Other firefighters in the vehicle were heard gasping in horror.
The Handmaid’s Tale Behind every door in Gilead, horror breeds.
Why do you think breakups are so ripe for horror?
Universal Studios Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights runs select evenings Sept.
But Takal had never directed a straight horror film before.
I am in a constant state of shock and horror.
His upwrithing portrait tormentedly stares at us in beseeching horror.
The show’s real horror story is something far more familiar.
The horror film also starred Julianne Moore and Ansel Elgort.
Some will find that cause for horror, others, for celebration.
It looks like a fun twist on a horror movie.
Weiner’s is an intellectual history told as a horror story.
A24 is seemingly incapable of releasing a bad horror movie.
Driving this idea is Duplessie’s passion for writing horror stories.
I like to spend time outside or watching horror movies.
Mr. Putin, the K.G.B. agent, watched in horror from Dresden.
The crowd erupted into screams of horror, disbelief, and hopelessness.
The horror of forgetting is baked deeply into this novel.
Horror descended on Williams’s life soon after the French Open.
LOS ANGELES — Horror has printed money for Hollywood this year.
That film has a very dark thriller, almost horror, vibe.
It can be an action movie or a horror film.
And when the world saw, millions recoiled in heartbroken horror.
The sheer horror stands out from a largely undifferentiated slog.
But the series appeals to horror fans all the same.
The kitchen looked like the set of a horror film.
The police report of his death suggested an unthinkable horror.
The best horror stories are firmly wedded to real life.
It was a defining horror of the nascent digital age.
It is impossible to register the horror of that event.
For hundreds of thousands like her, the horror isn’t over.
To my horror, Spain was about to win the game.
You have any horror stories about something going disastrously wrong?
Tokyo reacted to Trump’s statements with shock, disbelief, and horror.
Except it wasn’t a horror movie, it was for real.
I thought, what a great idea for a horror movie!
That’d be such a horror film nobody would go to.
Why watch: This is the mother of all horror mockumentaries.
She lives in a cartoon, graphic novel, horror movie world.

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