Sentence with the word hope

Synonym: desire, expect, yearn for. Antonym: despair, disappointment. Similar words: hopefully, chop, bishop, gift shop, chopping, workshop, opera, open. Meaning: [həʊp]  n. 1. a specific instance of feeling hopeful 2. the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled 3. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future 4. someone (or something) on which expectations are centered 5. United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003) 6. one of the three Christian virtues. v. 1. expect and wish 2. be optimistic; be full of hope; have hopes 3. intend with some possibility of fulfilment. 

1. While (or Where) there is life there is hope

2. Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper. 

3. While there’s life there’s hope.

4. While there is life, there is hope

5. Without hope, the heart would break. 

6. While we breathe, there is hope

7. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 

8. He who lives by hope will die by hunger. 

9. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 

10. Hope is life and life is hope. 

11. Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). 

12. Hope often deludes the foolish man. 

13. Who lives by hope will die by hunger. 

14. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 

15. Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 

16. Where (or While) there is life there is hope

17. Rejoicing in hope,( patient in tribulation. 

18. Where there is life, there is hope

19. I intend no modification of my hope…expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 

20. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. 

21. He who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, everything. 

22. We hope to grow old, yet we fear old age; that is, we are willing to live, and afraid to die. 

23. Treat other people as you hope they will treat you. 

24. In all things, it is better to hope than to despair. 

25. Youth is the season of hope, enterprise, and energy, to a nation as well as an individual. 

26. I hope these black marks will clean off.

27. If you wish to succeed, you should use persistence as your good friend, experience as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry. 

28. Wherever in the world a people knows desperate want, there must appear at least the spark of hope, the hope of progress—or there will surely rise at last the flames of conflict. 

29. My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys Ican scarcely hope to make. 

30. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope

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We neither expect nor hope for reforms.

На самом деле, можно даже не думать и не надеяться на реформы.

We hope to host another workshop soon.

Я надеюсь, что в скором времени мы сможем провести еще один семинар.

We hope that MacGregor is released soon.

Рассчитываем на то, что Андрей Григорьев будет освобождён уже в ближайшее время.

They especially hope young people will follow.

Они, кроме всего прочего, рассчитывают, что их примеру последует молодежь.

We hope Saakashvili disappears from Georgia.

«Мы надеемся, что он (Саакашвили) исчезнет из Грузии.

We hope, we must hope that it will be possible to find the possibility of our new fiction.

Мы надеемся, мы должны надеяться, что: должно быть возможно найти возможность нашей новой фикции.

I would certainly hope that we are able to investigate the variety of types of landing sites that they hope to accomplish.

Я конечно надеюсь, что мы способны исследовать различные типы участков посадок, которые они надеются выполнить.

Particular hope, or general hope?

We hope you enjoyed your flight and hope to see you again soon.

Мы надеемся увидеть вас вновь на борту нашего лайнера.

All hope for the future disappeared.

Many hope her words are absolutely true.

People with long-standing problems need hope.

Люди, длительное время испытывающие какие-либо проблемы, очень нуждаются в надежде.

There only one hope, righteousness.

У него есть только одно пристрастие — чувство справедливости и потребность в ней.

I really hope this saves our relationship.

И, я надеюсь, что это, действительно, поможет нашим взаимоотношениям.

I truly hope everyone was alright.

Я действительно мечтаю о том, чтобы у всех все было хорошо.

We hope others will also join this initiative.

Мы надеемся, что многие другие компании также присоединятся к нам в этой инициативе».

Completely agree and hope this happens.

Полностью с этим согласна, и желаю, чтобы именно так и случилось.

New hope for those fighting the disease.

Это принесет новые надежды для тех людей, которые борются с этим заболеванием.

We truly hope you never need our services.

В то же время мы искренне желаем, чтобы Вам никогда не потребовались наши услуги.

The biggest obstacle is people lose hope.

«Главная беда нашей страны заключается в том, что людей лишили надежды.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат hope

Результатов: 173513. Точных совпадений: 173513. Затраченное время: 185 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

надежда, упование, чаяние, лощина, надеяться, уповать, предвкушать


- надежда; чаяние

- тот, на кого возлагают надежды; что-л. многообещающее

he was the hope of his school — он был надеждой школы, школа возлагала на него надежды
the navy was the great hope of the allies — союзники в основном полагались на флот

- то, что надеются получить; желание; мечта

my great hope was a bicycle for Christmas — я очень надеялся получить велосипед в подарок к рождеству

- упование

to hope against hope — надеяться вопреки всему; не терять надежды в безнадёжном положении

- небольшой узкий залив, фьорд
- лощина, ущелье


- надеяться

to hope for smth. — надеяться на что-л.
to hope for the best — надеяться на счастливый исход /на лучшее/
to hope on — продолжать надеяться; не терять надежды
we are still hoping — мы ещё не потеряли надежды
I hope so — надеюсь (что да /что это верно, что так и будет/)
I hope not — надеюсь, что нет /что это не так, что этого не будет/
hoping to hear from you soon … — надеюсь на скорый ответ; жду ответа (заключительные строки письма)

- ожидать, предвкушать

I hoped for better things from him — я от него ожидал большего

- (in, for) уповать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Some hope(s)!

Мечтать не вредно!

We were hoping for good weather.

Мы надеялись на хорошую погоду.

She hopes to see them soon.

Она надеется на скорую встречу с ними.

We hope that you are comfortable.

Надеемся, тебе удобно.

We had high hopes for her.

Мы возлагали на неё большие надежды.

I hope he’s awake now.

Я надеюсь, что он не спит сейчас.

I hope to reckon roundly.

Я надеюсь полностью рассчитаться.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Let’s just hope someone finds her bag.

I hope I haven’t kept you from your work.

They don’t have a hope in hell of winning.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

hopeful  — надеющийся, многообещающий, человек, подающий надежды
hopeless  — безнадежный, безвыходный, неисправимый, отчаявшийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: hope
he/she/it: hopes
ing ф. (present participle): hoping
2-я ф. (past tense): hoped
3-я ф. (past participle): hoped

ед. ч.(singular): hope
мн. ч.(plural): hopes

Грамматические конструкции с «hope»

Знание времен английского языка это еще далеко не все, что нужно, чтобы говорить грамотно. В английском существует множество конструкций, для которых существуют свои правила, которые могут отличаться от общих правил использования времен. Например, к таким конструкциям можно отнести условные предложения, конструкции предпочтения, сожаления и многие другие. К ним же относятся и предложения со словом «hope», специфику использования которого мы рассмотрим сегодня.

Начнем 🙂

Специфика употребления слова hope

Мы используем слово «hope», когда надеемся, что что-то хорошее случится. В отличие от «wish» оно используется, когда речь идет о потенциально реальных ситуациях.

Вариант 1
Чтобы построить предложение, после hope мы добавляем that (стоит отметить, что нередко оно упускается в предложениях) и условие, то есть то, на что мы надеемся. Такая форма предложения зачастую используется, когда мы говорим не о себе

— I hope (that) you have fun there

— Надеюсь, ты там повеселишься.

Вариант 2
После hope мы добавляем инфинитив. Данный вариант построения предложения используется, когда мы надеемся, что что-то случится с нами

— I hope to have fun there. — Надеюсь, там будет весело.

— I hope to pass the exam. — Надеюсь сдать этот экзамен.

Так же, как и в русском слово «надеюсь», английское hope может использоваться в качестве короткого ответа:

 I’m sure you pass the exam.

I hope so.

Уверен, ты сдашь экзамен.


И в негативном смысле:

I’m afraid we will be late. — Боюсь, мы опоздаем.

I hope not. — Надеюсь, что нет.

Hope в Present simple

Для того, чтобы выразить надежду для настоящего времени мы можем использовать Present Simple (в основном для статических глаголов) и Present Continuous.

I hope you like the jeans I bought you. — Надеюсь, тебе нравятся джинсы, которые я тебе купила.

He hopes you’re having a great time. — Он надеется, ты хорошо проводишь время.

Предложение со словом hope в будущем времени

Когда мы говорим о надеждах на будущее, зачастую используем Present Simple.

— I hope you don’t forget to buy a bottle of water. — Надеюсь, ты не забудешь купить бутылку воды.

— He hopes to pass that exam easily. — Он надеется с легкостью сдать этот экзамен.

— He hopes the test is easy. — Он надеется, тест будет легким.

Вот простой пример из «Игры престолов»

I hope they do.

Также, может использоваться и Future Simple, однако данная конструкция встречается реже.

She hopes you’ll come to the party. — Она надеется, ты придешь на вечеринку.

I hope I will be able to come to the party tomorrow. — Надеюсь, у меня получится прийти завтра на вечеринку.

Как правило, вне зависимости от того используется Present Simple или Future Simple смысл сказанного не меняется.

Нередко употребляется и модальный глагол CAN:

— I’ve had some problem with my leg, but I hope I can run a marathon this year.

— У меня были кое-какие проблемы с ногой, но я надеюсь, что смогу бежать марафон в этом году.

Hope в прошедшем времени

1. Мы можем употреблять слово «hope», когда говорим о прошлом, думая, что что-то случилось. В данном случае есть несколько возможных способов выразить нашу мысль.

Если мы говорим о чем-то, что было совершенно в прошлом, но мы не знаем, какой это принесло результат, а лишь надеемся на определенный исход — мы все еще используем «hope» в Present Simple, потому что надеемся мы именно сейчас. Подлежащее же употребляется в прошедшем времени.

Вот несколько примеров:

— I hope you came home in time yesterday.— Я надеюсь, ты вчера вовремя пришла домой.

— I hope Sam has entered the university.  — Надеюсь, Сэм поступил в университет.

I hope you did homework.

2. Слово «hope» в прошедшей форме мы употребляем, когда мы на что-то надеялись и результат уже известен. Вторая часть предложения строится при помощи глагола would.


— I really hoped you would win the competition. (but you didn’t) — Я очень надеялся, что ты выиграешь соревнования. (но ты не выиграл их).

— I hoped I would see you at the party. — Я надеялся увидеть тебя на вечеринке. (но вечеринка уже прошла, и ты так и не увидел этого человека там).

3. Если мы надеялись раньше, что что-то случится с нами, мы также можем использовать «hope» в прошедшей форме + инфинитив.

— I hoped to pass the exam. — Я надеялся сдать экзамен.

4. Помнишь, как на занятиях учили, что «hope» является глаголом состояния и не используется в длительном времени? Тем не менее, это не так. В современном английском участилась тенденция использовать этот глагол в Past Continuous. При этом смысл сказанного никак не меняется. По смыслу I hoped = I was hoping.

Так, мы можем сказать:

— I was hoping you’d win the competition. (you’d = you would)

— Я надеялся, ты выиграешь соревнования.

5. Чтобы усилить впечатление от сказанного, то есть, сказать, что мы сильно на что-то надеялись, мы можем использовать первую часть предложения (со словом «hope») в Past Perfect:

— I had hoped you’d win the competition!

— Я так надеялся, что ты выиграешь соревнования!

Нередко данное слово употребляется в сочетании с третьей формой условных предложений.

— I was hoping to win the competition, and I would have won it, if I hadn’t got sick.

— Я надеялся выиграть соревнования, и я бы выиграл, если бы не заболел.

Hope во Future in the past

Иногда мы используем слово «hope», чтобы сказать, что в прошлом мы на что-то надеялись в будущем, при этом свершилось желаемое или нет — нам не неизвестно. Например, мы знаем что наш знакомый надеялся, что его подруга сдаст экзамен, но мы не знаем, удалось ли ей это:

He hoped his friend would pass the exam.

Или, если мы читаем какую-то историю, мы можем встретить примерно такую конструкцию:

He got completely lost in the strange city and he hoped he would be able to find a hotel to stay.

Он был совершенно потерян в незнакомом городе, и он надеялся, что ему удастся найти отель, в котором он мог бы остановиться.

В данном случае мы не знаем, удалось ли ему.

А мы в свою очередь надеемся, что нам удалось помочь разобраться, как использовать слово hope в предложениях!  🙂

How to use hope in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «hope» and check conjugation/comparative form for «hope«. Mastering all the usages of «hope» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The theme that day was hope, transcendent hope and more immediate hope.
Hope is saying, «I still believe» And I will be an agent of hope, a fighter of hope, I will bleed for hope, I will, I will conjure hope out of nothingness.
I hope it&aposs fast, I hope it&aposs quick, and I hope it&aposs fair.
«My hope for the future, my hope, and I do hope that we never go back,» Davis said.
I hope they see it, I hope they recognise it and I hope they clearly reject it as ridiculous.
The other interesting consumer thing that I hope happens — I hope, hope, hope happens — is finally a non-bitcoin consumer-facing experience for any of these blockchain or crypto technologies.
I already had hopehope my circumstances would change.
«Of Trump’s remarks, he added: «His hope is our hope.
I hope he does everything we hope he will do.
I loved seeing your hope answered and your hope fulfilled.
Mostly, I hope for Helga everything I hope for myself.
So when people want hope, I wonder: Hope for what?
I hope they catch them and I hope they rot.
«I hope not, I truly hope not,» Mr. Trump said.
This is a fond hope, perhaps, but a hope nonetheless.
Hope: The energy and hope I see among college students.
Hope: What if, instead of seeking hope, we seek meaning?
You hope he fails, and you hope he fails hard.
He’s flashing some ups out there, we hope against hope.
We hope she brings hope and joy for you too.
I hope we all heal, I hope we all do.
«I hope you’re somewhere praying / I hope your soul is changing  / I hope you find your peace / falling on your knees, praying».
«I hope that she’s healthy … I hope she’s happy … I hope she lives for a long time,» he told The Daily Caller.
And I hope he looks at the UK, and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine.
JON SUMMERS, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I hope — I certainly hope so.
«I hope the picture brings hope to people who need it.»
The doctors hope to now offer similar hope to young Sahana.
I hope you don’t ‘end up,’ I hope you keep going.
JL: I hope I hope you catch em all, I’m sorry.
It’s the hope of tomorrow, the hope of what we see.
So I hope I can be that — a pillar of hope.
That is a remote hope, but hope is all Congo has.
Hope is great, but what is hope when change doesn’t follow?
It wasn’t hope in an individual but hope in each other.
I will hope against hope that she can overcome all this.
A girl can hope, and as Brown knew, hope sells eternal.
I just hope it’s soon and I just hope it’s gracious.
» It is «In hope, I live,» not «In hope, I love.
I hope that’s what they take from seeing the film. Hope.
Hope: I do not see where the hope should come from.
Hope in the Dark is not about hope in dark times.
«I hope against hope that the rumors are wrong,» Paul writes.
It was something that we had to hope for and never gave up hope on, but after 88 days of this, hope was dwindling.
In Paris, hope filled the air — hope for a cleaner, safer future.
At least, that’s the hope, and I think it’s a reasonable hope.
I hope they cry, and I hope it makes people more united.
MCCARTHY: I hope — I hope that — what they are going to do.
Look, we hope for — we hope for a peaceful transition of power.
But America can surely do better than to hope for less hope.
Now he swings on a pendulum of emotions: hope, despair, hope, despair.
Hope for the future Baby Hope is no longer in the hospital.
I’d like to hope we don’t, to hope we’ve gone past that.
I hope people listen to it, and I hope people enjoy it!
At this point, all we can do is hope for him. Hope.
And I hope I hope you’re getting through this as best possible.
And I hope I hope you’re getting through this as best possible.
People held out that there was some hope; there wasn’t any hope.
If you want to watch A New Hope, watch A New Hope.
My hope, like the hope of many around me, is that these
And that’s why I hope — I hope he’s proud of me today.
I hope they do and I hope they make it the default.
Director Sudip Bandyopadhyay’s «Hope Aur Hum» (Hope And Us) is like a jigsaw puzzle that you desperately hope will fall into place in the end.
«I hope he looks at the U.K., and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine,» Trump said last month.
When you are young and innocent and hope against hope for something to come true, you will go to extraordinary lengths to confirm that hope.
I hope your days are not bad and I hope you can manage.
I hope they see it and I hope they end up liking it.
It represented hope, sure, but a slender, theoretical hope, with obviously painful drawbacks.
I hope they have a good productive conversation, and I hope that’s helpful.
And I think what you do is hope is going to be hope.
To Peace, the only hope we have, the only hope we ever had!
We hadn’t held out our hope of speaking out and held our hope.
Our hope is that this film can also be about healing and hope.
So I hope he stays the course and I hope cooler heads prevail.
But we live in hope, and hope is a pleasant place to be.
I hope that’s not the case, I hope I’m ahead, but we’ll see.
It’s a song about hope, especially when you think all hope is gone.
That implies some kind of hope, even if it’s not an anthropocentric hope.
Because if there’s hope for him, there may be hope for Earn, too.
«I hope it gets oxygen, I hope it becomes a platform,» Plunkett said.
We hope against hope that we can recover this precious work of art.
It contains what supports hope but also lays out the evidence against hope.
And he’d said, I very much hope you’ll stay, I hope you’ll stay.
I hope that they will listen, and I hope that they will change.
David: We’re celebrating hope for the future of the country, hope for change.
So, how do you together give everyone hope even when there’s no hope?
I just hope that, you know, it makes kids start bands and I hope they rip it off and you know, I just hope people dig it.
GUTFELD: I hope you have — I hope you can&apost get out of it.
They hope that he goes bankrupt and he bankrupts America, that&aposs their hope.
Hope Hicks’s sister, Mary Grace, looks like the blonde, better-rested version of Hope.
I hope that men will read it and I hope that they’re interested also.
He’s a great guy and I hope— I hope things work out for him.
And listen, I hope the House is Republican, I hope the Senate is Republican.
Because I still had hope, and I didn’t want him to give up hope.
Let’s hope against hope that live videos on the platform will remain this benign.
He replied I hope I see Robin, and I hope I see my mom.
He replied ‘I hope I see Robin, and I hope I see my mom.
Hope/Fear: Another way to motivate users is through providing hope or alleviating fear.
I think if Hillary won— (CROSSTALK) HANNITY: I hope — I hope you&aposre right.
«I am not sure what will change: time will tell — hope, hope,» she said.
That’s what I hope my companies do and what I hope my children do.
I hope that it’s successful, and I hope they can do what they want.
«I hope it helps somebody and I hope it never happens again,» Fisher said.
There is hope, even now, but that hope is couched in decades of futility.
«I hope it brings us a national championship is what I hope,» Cagle said.
I just needed to show up, and hope against hope that it would help.
It offers hope for the culture, not just hope for journalists and for listeners.
Hope: Equality and rights are rarely handed out, so hope alone will not do.
I hope I was a positive influence, an inspiration not to give up hope.
Forsett’s touchdown gave the Broncos fleeting hope, but that hope was dashed moments later.
And if there was hope for me, there is hope for anyone and everyone.
When you have no hope, perhaps false hope is better than none at all.
» Simon adds: «I hope against hope that what has been reported is not true.
«She gave us hope… her music gave us hope in a time of trouble.»
But I don’t want to lose hope, because then my staff will lose hope.
I hope it’s O.K. for me to hope this haircut comes back in 2019!
«I hope the world explodes, I hope that we all die!» goes one song.
«I hope he looks at the UK and I hope he looks at Australia and I hope he looks at Ukraine,» the President said of Barr this week.
The play on hope, and the references to the «man from Hope» — her husband — and the man of hope — President Obama — started her off on an uplifting note.
But in most of the places where refugees live, hope has not left the building: hope to go home someday, hope to find work and a better life.
I hope it’s pleasant for the next; I hope it’s pleasant for me; and I hope it’s pleasant if I come back, so I can really see it.
«We have many things happening that we hope, we hope — in fact, I’ll go a step further — we hope to God we never have to use,» Trump said.
The answer to those questions is yes, yes, I hope so, I hope not, they should, I hope so, and please, let that be the world we live in.
If he’s the GOP’s last hope, then that’s not much of a hope at all.
I hope they can see that I made it through and that gives them hope.
We had a hope when Iraqi forces entered Mosul but now this hope is fading.
I hope they tell a good story, but hope is not part of the equation.
«I hope he is (different),» she said, «and I hope we didn&apost fool ourselves.»
I hope this song exudes hope and self-love, because each of us deserves it.
Although Jessica eventually drags Hope out of the Plaza, Hope doesn’t get a happy ending.
I hope work isn’t too hectic tonight, but I still hope to make good money.
I hope those who see it can walk away with more faith, hope, and love.
«I hope it brings hope to people,» she said prior to performing, according to
So what hope do smaller outlets without the technological or strategic prowess hope to have?
What we’re trying to inspire and do is create hope and hope is about opportunity.
They take away hope—and without hope, the public will resign themselves to doing nothing.
You can say you hope one goes in, but we’re not in the hope business.
And they’ve got a lot of hope, there’s a lot of hope in the team.
Well, considering Zayn’s currently with Gigi, I hope beyond hope this song is about her.
EG: We have to keep hope, but our hope has to be grounded in data.
John Hope Bryant Founder, chairman and chief executive,Operation HOPE It is not about you.
«When Molly was first diagnosed, hearing other encouraging stories helped give us hope, so I just hope that others who hear her story can find hope and strength,» Chelsea says.
There was hope, because that’s how you sustain change — hope in the face of the impossible.
I hope it’s a close one and I hope it lives up to all the expectations.
I hope he does, I hope he doesn’t, yes, no, I don’t know — where’s the door?
Hope for Mollie and Hope for Us We do not know the end of Mollie’s story.
» «I hope the cabinet will block it and if not I hope parliament will block it.
Still, hope springs eternal, and so does my belief that hope can be reconciled with realism.
But along the way, they also came to realize that Steve is giving hope to Hope.
WHEELER: And I hope not and I really did hope that we could reach an agreement.
When hope is gone The time after the American invasion was a time of great hope.
» But, she said, «For Tiny Tim there’s hope,» she said, «and we have hope for Jonathan.
Reason for hope However, with stakes as high as those posed by dementia, hope springs eternal.
Anger, disappointment and fear had given way to hope, but hope had given way to disappointment.
I hope you’ll check out my conversation with Will, and I hope you’ll enjoy today’s puzzle.
I had guarded conversations about their future — trying to provide hope, but not too much hope.
America, personified by its president, gave them hope, and hope is a powerful defense against oppression.
John Hope Bryant, an advocate of economic empowerment through Operation Hope, wants Democratic presidential candidates Sens.
I hope you get to see it and I hope you get to see it soon.
They lie to their children to give them hope, hope that for them is long gone.
This isn’t so much a hope that things will change, but, rather, a hope for resilience.
The hope that such machines will remain instruments of human production is just that — a hope.
«It’s not only hope in a jar but now also hope in a bottle,» she says.
«I hope he looks at the U.K., and I hope he looks at Australia, and I hope he looks at Ukraine,» Trump told reporters on the South Lawn on May 24.
«With this ring, I hope you’ll say yes, and I hope you’ll marry me, and I hope we’ll have a wonderful, fabulous, maybe not perfect, but happy life together,» she said.
I hope he’s coming here to add value and to help our community, and I hope it’s not about just a press hit and I hope it’s about him actually doing something.
Two years later, legislators codified them and other Brownback-endorsed welfare reforms with the passage of the Kansas Hope, Opportunity, and Prosperity for Everyone (HOPE) Act and later, the HOPE Act 2.0.
I hope he’s coming here to add value and to help our community, and I hope it’s not about just a press hit and I hope it’s about him actually doing something.
It’s our hope, and the hope for cat lovers everywhere, that other states will follow our lead.
And secondly, I really hope and sincerely hope that Peter Strzok doesn&apost just become the scapegoat.
I hope to God he doesn’t kill her and I hope to God he doesn’t rape her.
HOPE MILLS, North Carolina — The power went out at the Hope Mills Recreation Center last Friday afternoon.
What she represented to them was hopehope of a connection with a world that was lost.
I hope that when you come out of prison, I hope it’s not on your two feet.
«There’s hope that we will have something, but we have to separate hope from hype,» Chu said.
Now their only hope is to keep on track with that ether and hope for the best.
President Trump just lost hope in the White House — his trusted aide Hope Hicks left 1600 Penn.
«I hope this inspires families to realize there’s hope to make co-parenting work,» she tells PEOPLE.
Yet, it still fills me with hope; hope that this long, arduous journey will be worth it.
As I said, video games run on hope, and certain games cause that hope to pool together.
I hope when they listen to this album…I hope they know how amazing their father was.
I’ve lived with this hope, a false hope, that I’d finally be able to live without fear.
Obama’s hope mandate was expansive, emotional and spoke to a deep sense of possibility –- as hope should.
«I hope Piper’s story can give hope to other parents with kids who have congenital heart defects.»
And, it is my hope that I hope that, this time, a lot more people do too.
«I hope that (Lily) shares her story, to let people know that there is hope,» she said.
Any hope of Henry’s mercy will prove no more fruitful than Anne Boleyn’s hope for the same.
Orange expresses our collective hope as a nation — a hope for a future free from gun violence.
Orange expresses our collective hope as a nation — a hope for a future free from gun violence.
I&aposm just trying to give people hope, trying to give myself hope that he&aposs fine.
«It’s my hope, it’s Antonio’s hope, that he’ll be back playing as soon as possible,» Rosenhaus added.
You finish «The Last Whalers» with hope for them, and hope that Clark writes many more books.
Constance: In order: I am into it, I hope so, I hope so, I don’t think so.
You hope that the circus will visit you again; you hope to see it in your dreams.
I hope that Donald Trump loses this election, and I hope that he is gracious about it.
The instinct to hope for the best from Trump is understandable, but hope is not a plan.
«I hope it engages the players’ imaginations, and I hope it engages mine as well,» says Julian.
» He referred to «the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta; the hope of a millworker’s son who dares to defy the odds; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too.
It’s the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs; the hope of immigrants setting out for distant shores; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta; the hope of a millworker’s son who dares to defy the odds; the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him too.
The hope of the family, her father said, the hope of the village, perhaps even more than that.
» She continued: «I am in the thick of it but I hope to give some hope to others.
«I didn’t have no hope at all to now having all the hope in the world,» Evans said.
«I hope whoever did this, I hope they get caught and punished for what they did,» she said.
So it’s important for advocates of change not to lose hope, provided any reasonable grounds for hope remain.
«I genuinely hope that the people watching our sport are watching with hope, excitement and belief,» he said.
No, I think — I hope Armageddon does not happen and I hope Tyrus gets to stay on Fox.
» Now, it’s a Frida Kahlo quote, «I hope the exit is joyful, and I hope never to return.
«If I would listen to my own story,» he said, «I hope it is a story of hope
«We hope she received them, and we hope she loved them,» a spokesperson for the company tells PEOPLE.
«I hope you’re ok… much love from the U.S. and I hope they allow you back,» wrote gabriela.
«I hope many young people vote and above all I hope the losers accept the results,» Guerrero said.
» Lisa and Pat hope sharing Daryle’s story will help the «scared families with microcephaly newborns to have hope.
SMITH: We all hope as parents as Americans, we all hope that lessons were learned from that day.
«I want to give people hope, but not false hope on this process.» said Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.
It’s just terrible,» adding, «I hope he’s flying high with the angels and I hope he’s really happy.
«Dear Santa, I hope you like your food and I hope your reindeer likes theres [sic],» Harper read.
She realized that Tai was morally conflicted and believed, hope against new hope, that she could redeem him.
Manzi: I want them to take away a little bit of hope, because hope leads to courageous actions.
We can hope against hope that he will shed his campaign persona for one befitting a nation’s leader.
On Thursday night, she was awarded the USO’s inaugural Bob Hope Legacy Award, by Hope’s daughter, Linda Hope.
And here are things I hope change: I hope my daughter never has to fight for equal pay.
Just as I hope my poetry speaks for itself, so too do I hope this image shows itself.
I see now that these crystals could be a talisman for hopehope for what we have now.
He promised hope and change, but not enough changed, and that robbed the activists he inspired of hope.
» He added: «When I’m working on music with Hope, the person that’s foremost in my thoughts is Hope.
Spreading Messages of Hope Golden High student Hannah Blackman is helping spread the hope beyond the school’s walls.
I hope that the palace Bezos bought is comfortable, but I also hope it’s full of angry ghosts.
A Hope 4 Hope Town website offers the opportunity to learn more about the initiative and to donate.
Now there’s hope that I can get out—this is the hardest time, just dealing with that hope.
For Gabi and I, and the other trimmer girls, working at Jim’s is a calculated risk; we hope we get paid, we hope the Feds don’t find us, we hope the harvest is a good one, we hope we make enough money to justify abandoning our lives for these few months.
Here, Ms. Hope, 27, gets her own tribute: Ms. Jones, a bassist, will screen «Seeking Hope,» a documentary about Ms. Hope that she directed; with her band, she will also perform from the pianist’s repertoire.
I hope the day we become one comes soon and hope to see all your friendly faces in Pyongyang.
That’s the hope anyway—and this week there’s more reason to hope than ever that it might become reality.
«I want to be that one motivational speaker that can say, ‘If I have hope, you’ve got hope, too.»
Basically, the agony is just slowly ameliorated by distance, and that is all you can hope to hope for.
I can only hope hope that when the IoT relapse comes we’ll have better ways to deal with it.
I hope you will be as moved by their stories as I was — and I hope you’ll visit LetGirlsLearn.
«We are about to give people hope and I think hope makes people want to do something,» he says.
Neither she nor we have reason to abandon hope, because our hope does not rest on what happens next.
But I have very little near term hope because the company has given you very little near term hope.
I still have some hope, and I have a little bit more hope right now than I did before.
I hope they listen and I hope they don’t make any of the girls go back to the ranch.
I decided my only hope here was to bayonet charge and hope I took one of them by surprise.
Asked if this tragedy will change gun culture in country music, «I hope so, I hope so,» Crow said.
For thousands in the transgender community, hope hinges on the changes that they hope the new bill will bring.
«He had hope on his face and relief when I was able to confirm that hope,» Major Poteet said.
«I have no hope in the Republican Party and I don’t have any hope in the Democratic Party,» Rev.
»  Before I can answer, he tells precisely me what I have: «You have hope, that’s what you have. Hope.
I hope there’s more connectivity, because there’s a lack of connection right now, and I hope there’s less anger.
«We hope to get more people into this world, and we hope to see it thrive,» Mr. Boutros said.
«Though it seems unfortunate, I want it to be portrayed as a story of hope — unending hope,» Cappotelli said.
World Hope International World Hope International accepts donations and provides many ideas as to how you can get involved.
His pianist for the engagement was Bertha Hope, 80, the widow of the jazz pianist and composer Elmo Hope.
He also took part with Elie Wiesel in a joint set of interviews published as «Hope Against Hope» (1999).
I hope they do, and I hope free trade is still going to be a pillar of our policies.
I was kind of like, I hope I’m not sweating, I hope you can’t tell how nervous I am.
We are thinking of you, and I hope you see this tower as a beacon, a symbol of hope.
I hope you agree — or if you disagree, I hope it’s because you think I’m being too self-deprecating.
Trump is telling allies, «We should get Hope back here,» referring to former White House communications director Hope Hicks.
Her first name means «hope» in Ukrainian — «Hope is the last thing to die,» she said at her trial.
I hope it gives them hope for a brighter future where they can be themselves without fear or regret.
Diets, and resolutions in general, are all about hopehope that things can get better, hope that you are going to actually learn that new language, declutter that junk drawer, lose those 20 pounds for good.
«There is always hope, if there were no hope the rescuers wouldn’t give everything they’ve got,» Fabrizio Curcio told reporters.
«What I do hope is, I hope people find peace and solace in the verdict, I really do,» Agnifilo said.
They give us real hope, not false hope, in facing the next part of our journey, whatever that will bring.
What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat hope and hope you win in 2020.
«So I hope it will continue, I hope they won’t put an electronic bell before the last lap,» he added.
«What I remember about the shooting: I hope my friend didn’t die, I hope my teacher didn’t die,» she says.
«You hope that they’re thinking about you and hope you’re okay in this crazy world,» explained Minaj to Beats 1.
I hope you read something like this, and I hope the people around you remind you that you are believed.
«We would hope we can close that chapter in our relationship and hope to find a way forward,» Malmstrom said.
I hope it doesn’t, and I hope it just gets to the point where we don’t talk about it anymore.
Democrats have little hope of winning control in North Carolina and Florida, though they hope to whittle the GOP’s supermajorities.
There may be a cycle of hope every month, followed by grief when that hope is dashed with a period.
INGRAHAM: So, let&aposs hope something good — JOHNSON: The issue is — INGRAHAM: Let&aposs hope something good comes of this.
New Hope Liuhe is a Shenzhen-listed company and part of the larger New Hope, China’s largest agricultural business group.
«This is about social inclusion, teaching people about food waste and giving hope to people who have lost all hope
Is opposing cruelty basically negative campaigning—campaigning without hope, when your best advisers will tell you to close with hope?
One can hope that the two superpowers will find common ground to reduce tensions, but hope for compromise remains dim.
«I hope for Democrats everywhere, I hope for Bernie and for all of Bernie’s supporters that he’s going to succeed.»
She’s not mistake-free, but even with her keen awareness she holds out hope, and gets hope in return, perhaps.
«The president is talking about hope for people, and it’s not an unreasonable thing, to hope for people,» Fauci said.
She was a patron of Hope and Homes for Children, Hospices of Hope Casa Sperantei, FARA Romania and other causes.
There is hope again here, and that hope remained even after the seventh-ranked Wolverines beat Purdue handily, 28-10.
My hope is that the rhetoric from the top will be filled with tolerance, hope and inclusivity — because words matter.
I hope so — I hope so — because it means he might resign the second he signs this thing into law.
«I hope America doesn’t think I’m a threat to them and I hope they can accept me,» she told ABC.
«I know hope is a little bit unfashionable these days,» he said at one point, declaring himself unapologetically pro-hope.
» Harris said Graham was right, to which Graham responded, «I hope they understand that, and I hope China understands that.
The one thing I hope every single company copies from Instagram, my hope is our effort on keeping people safe.
«Hope» (Picture courtesy of Hope’s family)»Ariana Grande is an actress and a singer,» ten-year-old Hope says excitedly.
The leadership – I hope they stay, I hope they do a great job — but they should talk to us peaceably.
«Any music I want to see or attend, I must plan very far in advance — ask for access, hope they cooperate, hope they can find people, hope the people are qualified to be up there,» Cryer says.
I hope it was to be part of something bigger than yourself, I hope it was to serve the public that we love, and I hope it was to build relationships with coworkers, as well as our public.
«We have many things happening that we hope, we hope — in fact, I’ll go a step further, we hope to God we never have to use,» Trump told a reporter who asked about diplomatic talks with North Korea.
«We have many things happening that we hope, we hope — in fact, I’ll go a step further, we hope to God we never have to use,» Trump told a reporter who asked about diplomatic talks with North Korea.
France 🇫🇷 is just about gone, LePen is probably the Last Hopehope the French people figure it out…😕 pic.twitter.
They play their game and we play our game, we hope for the best and we hope the best team wins.
I hope the next time changes we carry out, we hope that we’re better at it now than we were before.
For that matter, «forlorn hope» sounds even worse in the original Dutch phrase, «verloren hoop», which contains no reference to hope.
While some Rohingya hope the Nobel Laureate will end the religious discrimination once her government enters parliament, others see no hope.
Sessions just has to hope then (probably against hope) that Trump ignores him if he decides to make a comeback bid.
We Can’t Let Hope Hicks Downplay Her Lying It’s Not Just Ivanka Trump — We Need To Talk About Hope Hicks’ Complicity
I hope for Democrats everywhere, I hope for Bernie and for all of Bernie supporters that he&aposs going to succeed.
«I think you know, you hope, and I hope nothing but the best — as we all do — for her,» she said.
«It’s hard because it’s like ‘Have hope,’ but when you’re in that moment, hope is the hardest to find,» she said.
Asked if he had any hope of the censorship being lifted, Assani was to the point: «No, there is no hope
«I think you know, you hope, and I hope nothing but the best — as we all do — for her,» she said.
Since Tesla has never had a yearly profit, it is essentially peddling hope — the hope that the company will become profitable.
«I hope to God he doesn’t kill her and I hope to God he doesn’t rape her,» Perrywinkle told the dispatcher.
«It’s hard because it’s like, ‘Have hope,’ but when you’re in that moment, hope is the hardest to find,» she said.
«It’s hard because it’s like ‘Have hope,’ but when you’re in that moment, hope is the hardest to find,» she said.
I really hope so … I really hope it happens because I really would like to just be done with the situation.
But all I can do is speak my truth and hopeHope that somebody will believe me instead of just hearing.
H: Any artists you hope to put in conversation with Detroit, or conversely, any Detroit artists you hope to lift up?
Alomar may have a vested interest in hope beyond hope, as he himself has lost much that he can’t get back.
We need to pick that part of it up and just hope he gets better, just hope he gets through this.
«I hope they don’t take his job from him,» she said, adding, «I hope they give back to him what’s his.»
Scott Lang tends to the wounds he got from training with Hope, and Hope gets a glimpse of his shirtless form.
Hope The war on drugs is like an onion with its many layers, but some hope is out there for change.
Some of them will eat fake hope, and depressingly, some will even eat bullshit with the word «hope» written on it.
» ‘»I hope the president goes on ‘Fox & Friends’ tomorrow, and then I hope that Rudy Giuliani makes the rounds on Fox.
I just hope we’re being faithful to the original, and I hope normal folk can come and have a good time.
Hope: I’m not optimistic that the current generation of «leaders» will solve the climate challenge, but young people give me hope.
«I have hope because it used to be so much worse,» she explained, and in that moment the hope seemed contagious.
So I hope that whatever the policy outcomes might be, I hope that the conversations don’t get buried by that resistance.
«God, I hope to be in the crowd and I hope Meghan comes outside and takes a photo,» Ms. Schmidtke said.
So it’s commendable that someone has tried to make a film about hope, and not pie-in-the-sky hope, either.
I’m voting for the first time, and I hope the candidates I choose will do the good things I hope for.
I hope Mr. Ossoff runs again in 2018, and I hope Democrats all over the country take heart and dig in.
That is the best hope for the future of Afghanistan, and indeed the best hope for a secure and peaceful world.
Now there is hope that we may start getting our lauded American justice system back, but that hope is in jeopardy.
That report should be made public and I hope you agree with that and I hope the President does as well.
«We would hope there would be a fair process just as we would hope that they’d honor the Constitution,» she said.
«It’s the busiest week of the year and we’re coming in hot, maybe too hot, seeing as the market roared today on earnings and hope: hope that the government shutdown really might end, hope that we could get a trade deal with China soon, hope that the Fed won’t surprise us when it meets next Wednesday, » he said.
Hope for anything, hope to get hijacked, hope for drone strike, hope for one of those system failures they talk about where Bigurl starts to unload its pax at cruising speed and the change in the center of gravity of the loading arm causes the inertial sensors to turn the rig into a tight barrel roll across oncoming lanes.
Here’s «Tumbril,» titled after the cart that ferried French monarchists to the guillotine: You have to hope wesoon exhaust all hope becauseyou sense one final hopeand maybe the true onecan be hoped for onlyafter every hope has lostits head.
» — «I hope you religious cuz after I beat your ass with about 30 Mexicans u better hope God lets u into heaven.
When you have (momentum) you hope to keep it and when you don’t, you hope to find it as quickly as possible.
I hope they go, ‘I know what she’s talking about’ – not that I hope they have heartbreak or struggles – and feel connected.
I hope our government hears this, and I hope my daughters and their daughters don’t have to keep fighting this same fight.
I’m proud to be there and be a part of this process and I hope that gives others hope for the future.
The rest will keep their fingers crossed and hope against hope that more shoes — or even heavier objects — don’t drop before November.
When Edwards sings the line «I hope she gettin’ better sex / Hope she ain’t fakin’ it like I did,» however, something happens.
«It gives us hope, you know, it gives us a little hope that they are moving in the right direction,» he said.
«I hope women’s hockey grows, I hope it explodes in the next few years,» Team USA hockey forward Hilary Knight told reporters.
And in sharing it, I hope I can help others who have endured what we’ve endured to find hope, solace and purpose.
But all I can do is speak my truth and hopeHope that somebody will believe me instead of just hearing it.
I really hope this isn’t going to just be prose with awkward line breaks Taylor I really fucking hope it is not.
This November, I’ll be bringing that knowledge and my hope into the voting booth with me, and I hope you do, too.
Let’s hope, though hope is a sadly relative term at this point when it comes to Syria, that there will be more.
So, Mr. President, if you are watching (and I hope you are) thank you being an inspiration and providing so much hope!
He also expressed his hope that his conversations with the president were recorded, saying: «Lordy, I hope there are tapes.» http://bit.
«We hope this will be the government that gives Tunisians back some hope,» parliament assembly President Mohamed Naceur said after the vote.
One nonprofit, Focus: Hope, had a federal grant that brought free wireless Internet to Hope Village until the money dried up recently.
It is a march that shines the light on hope — hope for every woman now and every woman yet to be born.
I hope that most intelligent people can make this distinction, though it would appear that these hackers hope that most people cannot.
«We can always hope that out of tragedy comes movement, and we’ll continue to hope and fight for these families,» Whaley said.
Entertainer Bob Hope: England Acclaimed comedian and well-known actor Leslie Townes Hope was born May 29, 229, in Well Hall, England.
But my favorite kind of hope is called grounded hope — the understanding that if you take action you can make things better.
If you hope to harness the super snow moon’s full potential, Mueller suggests performing some simple rituals for healing, hope, or transformation.
Republicans hope to stave off a «blue wave» in November’s midterm elections, in which Democrats hope to regain control of the House.
«I hope by doing this that there will be hope for other survivors that there will be change and accountability,» Cruz said.
We hope this song can act as a form of support, and offer some kind of hope in an otherwise terrifying time.
Hope: The faces and voices and bodies that are leading with imagination and hope and a grounded consciousness, often from the periphery.
In my heart of hearts, I have hope for Canadian citizens and have hope for all cultures to be able to thrive.
If he doesn’t like it, well—I’d hope that he does, and I’d hope he could at least see the funny side.
«You hope it’s nothing serious, and I hope he’s fine,» said Federer, who said experience helped him remain focused as Isner struggled.
And an independent Kurdish state would be a beacon of hope in a part of the world where hope is desperately needed.
«And he incarnates the possibility of hope in regard to Europe — the hope of taking care of the future of our planet.»
But my favorite kind of hope is called grounded hope — the understanding that if you take action, you can make things better.
Yet you will hope against hope that Laura (Celia Johnson) and Alec (Trevor Howard) somehow find a way to end up together.
«His hope is our hope,» said Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, referring to Trump’s tweets.
Hope that will continue, but I also hope its journalists will engage in thoughtful strategies to avoid becoming part of the circus.
That was the first sign of hope,» she says of the shirt, adding, «all it takes is one blink to ignite hope.
We hope that’s after another fight with Tyson Fury AND after a huge fight with Anthony Joshua … but we can only hope.
Dear Antonella, I hope these words stood firm against the relentless Atacama to find you, and I hope they found you well.
He’s blaming Hope Hicks … «The president feels that Hope Hicks has allowed her romantic relationship with Porter to really cloud her judgment and her decision-making … that Hope Hicks put her own priorities above his and above the White House’s.» pic.twitter.
«We’re here today to celebrate hope, to celebrate how technology gives us hope for the future, and a visual representation of a civilization that has been lost to us, that we hope for generations to come will be remembered,» Glen said.
Hope Clinic [featured in the film] sees so many women — if Hope Clinic shuts down, I can’t imagine the impact that would have.
» «My hope and the Estonian hope is that we will find the solution about the top positions at the end of this council.
«After entering the apartment, a Taunton officer was allegedly assaulted by [Melissa] Hope, and Hope was immediately placed under arrest,» the statement continues.
«It’s certainly our hope that we see at least that these gains are maintained, and we hope to see continuing improvement,» Cartt said.
I hope there are better, brighter things to come and I hope that I get more opportunities to let my personality just shine.
And I hope they can continue because their issues are very important and I hope that the Google executives are listening to them.
«I hope more people continue finding meaning in astrology, but I also hope it never becomes too respectable,» she says of its future.
Rogue One isn’t reliant on A New Hope to be a successful story, and similarly, A New Hope stands alone without Rogue One.
I hope he does by the way, I think we all hope he does so we can break through the barriers, these impasses.
I hope that, if Vice President Biden engaged in behavior that was inappropriate, I hope the American people will come to learn that.
I live on this hope factor, but at the end of the day, hope isn’t going to put food in my kid’s stomach.
What did you hope — I’ll get to the stock thing — why did you go public with it and what did you hope for?
Of course we all hope that the impact of climate change won’t be so bad, but hope is not a risk management strategy.
I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition, and I certainly hope that’s how his presidency has a chance to begin.
I hope you understand and I hope you will join me in a moment of silence for all the victims and their families.
And I want to say at the outset that I hope my interpretation is wrong, and I hope this is not the case.
«I hope it will not (die out), I sincerely hope that my success can motivate more players to choose penholder grip,» Wong said.
They voted for hope and change in 85033, and they still have a lot of hope, but are lacking in the change department.
«I think winning the crown in Barcelona will give some hope, like planting a seed of hope» for other transgender people, she said.
Campaigns for DSA and the left more generally—and the very hope of keeping hope alive—will shift increasingly to states and cities.
«I hope that is not the case, I hope there’s other data to assist, whether it’s jobs or growth or whatever,» Corker added.
We hope to do this as amicably as possible, and hope that people will respect the privacy of our children at this time.
I genuinely hope they succeed, and hope even more strongly that they are finally given the resources they need— we clearly need them.
I hope they aren’t too threatened by it, and I hope I don’t get so tired of the everyday awful that I snap.
Hope you enjoy it — and, even if you don’t, I hope you appreciate that the version you didn’t see was a lot worse!
Advocates hope ballot initiatives will accomplish what Congress won’t Advocates hope ballot initiatives will accomplish what Congress won’t This segment originally aired Oct.
With that directive, it kills hope for change, and hope that maybe one day a gay person could get married in the church.
Theirs is a fairly un-nuanced approach they hope will work in most districts: Call all Democrats socialists, and hope the moniker sticks.
LIGHTS UP And then I go out there and hope for the best — hope for some inspiration, and for new things to happen.
Convoy of Hope Another faith-based initiative, Convoy of Hope provides food, water and emergency supplies to those in need throughout the world.
«I hope the Fed gets involved, and I hope they get involved soon,» Trump said during a scrum with reporters late Friday afternoon.
In many ways, Tammy felt like our last hope, but from the looks of the episode 6 promo, that hope is pretty shattered.
I hope I can give my customer what she wants and you know, I don’t want to tempt fate, let’s hope the best!
The hope that he would be gone rested entirely on a hope that at least 20 Republican senators would do the right thing.
I certainly hope that Ms. Markle will continue to raise her voice while living what we can only hope is happily ever after.
If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.
Radical Hope By Junot Díaz Querida Q.: I hope that you are feeling, if not precisely better, then at least not so demoralized.
All I want is for Comey to be honest and I hope he will be, and I’m sure he will be, I hope.
«I hope she knows that the community is here for her and I hope over time she’ll be able to become strong again,»
In that photograph of Goldin’s absent sister, there is death, and also hopehope that the voodoo of love can make a difference.
«I hope my story inspires people to keep an open mind,» Ms. Welker said, «and never give up hope that they’ll meet someone.»
«This is Bob Hope …,» a new documentary airing as part of PBS’s «American Masters» series includes writings by Hope read by Billy Crystal.
He can show up to TMZ whenever he wants and hope against hope that he’ll still command a half-hour of our time.
I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition and I certainly hope that’s how his presidency has a chance to begin.
But I think I actually have far more hope in the possibilities of politics, hope I would argue is necessary to proceed productively.
«So I hope he’ll do the best he can and I hope it’ll be good enough to move the country in the right direction.»
Let these United States of America be that beacon of hope to all people and nations under your dominion, a true hope for humankind.
«I hope it’s from the heart and I hope he talks to us about what he wants to do with his agenda,» he said.
«I really hope that she never feels those pressures and I hope other people respect her and don’t actually make her something she’s not.»
«This makes me so happy… my mom filled with Hope,» Kotb also captioned an image of her mother Sameha cradling Hope in her arms.
«That hope, the hope for love has not waned for me in the face of this breakup but rather is fortified,» the actress continued.
I hope he goes and speaks, and I hope he has more insight to share with us in this rather fascinating time in history.
«I hope there will not be a difficult situation, I hope there will be a coordination and we will find a solution,» he said.
I truly believe, as idealistic as it may sound, that there is hope for a city in pain, and hope for a way forward.
I started thinking that my word would be «hope» because I needed something to hold onto — and what’s better to latch onto than hope?
» And her lesson to me, God rest her soul, was people who think hope exists in the abstract, «oh I’m just hope-y today.
I hope these investors appreciate the disconnect and hope they will consider the pressures for short-term performance they may have helped to create.
Hope is not that you don’t have cancer if you do; hope is not that if you have cancer it will magically go away.
And I hope there are better, brighter things to come, and I hope that I get more opportunities to let my personality just shine.
They hope to get a little blood in the water and then hope for the big fish to come in and kill them off.
This is not exactly what the candidate of hope and change had in mind by «hope and change,» but it would have to do.
«Dear Daddy, I hope you don’t get hurt, but I hope you help other people that need it more than you do,» she wrote.
I really hope that she never feels those pressures and I hope other people respect her and don’t actually make her something she’s not.
Hope you have a fun, safe, & happy new year’s eve celebration and that the coming new year is everything you hope it will be.
It’s a hope that she will one day come to a better understanding of me, a hope that we will survive this journey, too.
But their best hope is to continue attacking Kavanaugh and hope that the public outcry can turn Flake, Collins, Murkowski, and Manchin against him.
«My hope is that every passing moment that his conscience is eating away at him … and I hope it’s that case forever,» he said.
We hope that by opening up this conversation, more of you will find the support and essential hope that so many of us need.
«I hope they see my humanity, and I hope that they decide to prioritize people like me, rather than their wealthiest donors,» Barkan said.
I hope this is a glimmer of hope for exposing some of this to the public and telling these stories for others to hear.
«I said last year that I hope to get another chance in a Grand Slam final and hope to do better then,» Thiem said.
«We obviously would hope it would be sooner rather than later, and we would hope that our proposal is the best proposal,» Ledecky said.
Kim’s head start has given him hope that time is on his side, and incrementalism at the U.N. Security Council has fed that hope.
The American experience has always been one of hope for future generations — our laws should reflect that hope and not the cynicism of abortion.
Hope in the face of difficulty, hope in the face of uncertainty, the audacity of hope: In the end, that is God’s greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation, a belief in things not seen, a belief that there are better days ahead.
I hope we don’t have to deal with a Leishmaniasis outbreak in the United States, and if we do, I hope the vaccine is ready.
As much as I dislike Sam pepper and hope he quits the Internet for good this time- I hope he’s not suicidal& doesn’t harm himself.
«If anyone was watching last night in need of healing, my true hope is that you received a message of hope and strength,» Rice wrote.
«My hope that me coming out as a transgender police officer will be another layer of building that bridge [of hope],» Newburn previously told VICE.
«It’s hard because it’s like ‘Have hope,’ but when you’re in that moment, hope is the hardest to find,» Kramer shared with PEOPLE in June.
Many borrow from Trump’s anti-establishment playbook and hope for his support in tough primaries; others hope he keeps his distance, especially in the fall.
The original film was subtitled «A New Hope«, so it’s logical that «Rogue One» should be about life in the Empire before that hope arrives.
This isn’t a great precedent and let’s hope that Partech can become more startup-friendly in the future — I hope this was just a misstep.
However, we do hope these stories help those who are trying to quit, or hope to quit in the future, feel a little less alone.
«I really hope they do and I hope we are able to talk about what is happening and how to make it better,» he says.
«I really hope that meaningful steps will be taken on campuses and I hope consent becomes a part of sex ed in schools,» she said.
The beta nature of the feature might have provided Instagram’s users some hope that the popular service could be resuscitated, but it was false hope.
» On the health care bill: «It is my fervent hope, and the fervent hope of millions, that regardless of party, such courage is still possible.
«We have no hope because we don’t trust our employer, because we’ve been lied to, the broken promises, we just have no hope,» she says.
Hope is our weapon…action is the remedy He calls for hope among Africans, a more responsive media and active citizens who hold leaders accountable.
«»I hope anyone complicit in this bungled certification of this airplane resigns, and I hope that, if they did something criminal, they go to jail.
The way he treated the clarinet had to do with hope: Whenever he added them in his operas, it had something to do with hope.
«This piece’s inner logic isn’t about hope, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve lost hope in art’s ability to help change things,» Mr. Reyes said.
«In five years, I hope to have a rental property in addition my regular home, and I hope to have more financial freedom,» she says.
The show might have hope, but it’s smart enough to know that hope always goes hand in hand with fear, at least a little bit.
Blumenthal and Pingree hope their bill helps cut down food waste, which the Environmental Protection Agency and US Department of Agriculture hope half by 2030.
They borrow securities in the hope of buying them later a cheaper price, not in the hope of selling then later at a cheaper price.
» In 2016, Jarrid founded Anthem of Hope, a Christian organization dedicated to «amplifying hope for those battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and suicide.
It highlights that there is a bit of a glimmer of hope on the manufacturing side and some hope that trade progress will help further.
I didn’t lecture him, I was just saying what I would hope if I was to do this, what I would hope it to be.
Nevertheless, I hope to embrace the lessons I learned at his bedside for most of my patients, and I hope my colleagues do the same.
Turyabagye’s potentially cutting-edge biomedical jacket provides a standardised, efficient and mobile method of diagnosis that could provide hope, «Mother’s hope,» to the millions affected.
And while I was aware of Bob Hope, I forgot who had starred in «Here Come the Girls,» and was unable to HOPE FOR BOB.
I hope if Elsa gets a boyfriend in Frozen 3, he’s voiced by Broadway legend Michael Cerveris, and I hope the character is a werewolf.
«Let’s hope they listen — it gives a glimmer of hope,» he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation after the president ordered the vote to be delayed.
» «Hope is the only thing more powerful than fear,» she added, «and hope is the only thing that is going to propel us into action.
«You hope that when people are elected to Congress, they continue to grow,» Mr. Engel said, «and I hope that will be the case here.»
BW: Well, I hope they shouldn’t have to worry about prosecution, but of course we always prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
«The Holy See and the Moscow Patriarchate hope that it will also be a sign of hope for all people of good will,» the statement read.
«It’s very sad, but we hope the sadness or perhaps the anger that people are feeling can turn into positive action and hope for our children.»
And I walked out feeling many emotions, but especially something like hope, that elusive thing with feathers (though hope, to be clear, is not a porg).
I hope you’ll be ignored, so you understand the importance of listening to others, and I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion.
Nineteen eighty was a year of hope for conservatives in America, but it was a hope diminished by decades of consistent failure at the grass roots.
» Donald Trump and Hope Hicks Trump also praised Hicks in a statement, saying, «Hope is outstanding and has done great work for the last three years.
I hope you’ll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others, and I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion.
» Blair, who was diagnosed in August, said in her post, «I am in the thick of it but I hope to give some hope to others.
» He continued, «We do hope the podcast is well-received, but in the meantime, we hope by agreeing to do the announcement he will stay away.
New Hope sold 2.55 million pigs and 17.04 million tonnes of feed in 2018, according to the annual report of its agribusiness subsidiary New Hope Liuhe.
The founder of Revlon famously characterized cosmetics as hope in a jar—but why would anyone settle for hope when they could actively rebuild their DNA?
But YouTube is also going to—I hope, please, Gods of YouTube—recommend this particular video to people, which I hope will be elucidating and illuminating.
We hope you will tailor it to fit your needs, but we also hope you’ll tell us how and why you did that, in the comments.
Some hope to pick up the pieces once Islamic State are defeated, but others — like Hamada Moussa said — have given up hope of recovering their businesses.
And I really hope that that sea change has already started — and I hope that it continues at a much more rapid pace than we’ve seen.
We hope to make something that’ll be fun and which we hope will help bring lots of viewers and cash to the Red Nose Day shows.
This gives them hope (though almost all increasingly say it’s fleeting hope) he will listen to his better angels, or at least the pleas of Ivanka.
Project Hope Exchange offers you the same option, but anonymously, whether you need to give or receive a 30 second message of hope on the phone.
The hope that I’ll feel better soon (I have before, after I’ve felt really bad), the hope that I’ll learn to like myself a little more.
We might hope that new tax cuts will lead to dramatic economic growth and further hope that lower tax rates will counterintuitively lead to more revenue.
I really hope that other festivals implement similar procedures, but I also hope that other people will have the courage to ask for help as well.
I am very concerned and I hope the Republicans are going to be very watchful and I hope the authorities are going to be very watchful.
In describing the men’s preparations, he said, «You plan for the worst, hope for the best» — not «You plan for the best, hope for the worst.»
I hope that our motivation in the tough times — and I hope the shutdown will end quickly — will be the well-being of our fellow Americans.
I hope that our president-elect has been paying attention to all of this, and hope that he does not underestimate the people’s will to resist.
You go from, I hope it goes well, to I hope they like me enough that [our part] doesn’t get left on the cutting room floor.
I hope Grande and Davidson spend many happy years together, and I hope David moves on with John Mayer, or another famous hottie of her choosing.
«I hope I am going to have support (in the) next match and I hope we are going to play on this court again,» added Vekic.
Most opponents see little hope of delaying the new commission’s creation, but they said they still hope to blunt what they call the most dangerous shortcomings.
Their magic only worked together: Their long-lost mother had named them presciently, as souls can live without hope, but hope can’t live without a soul.
I hope it is competitive as it can be, but at least within that I hope you get some things that create more drama and excitement.
They borrow securities in the hope of buying them later at a cheaper price, not in the hope of selling them later at a cheaper price.
If there was ever any hope of a British built, British owned, technology firm taking over the world, ARM was the United Kingdom’s last best hope.
He’s sparked a more enduring form of hope Trump also has done something even stranger: He’s arguably brought more hope than Obama did, and here’s why.
I hope you do work on your next one, Ms. Halsted and I hope you submit more of them, because I would like to solve them.
If The Golden Girls gave middle-aged women hope that there’s life after 23, Grace and Frankie is giving women hope that there’s life after 70.
«I hope the Republicans are going to be very watchful, and I hope the authorities are going to be very watchful,» Trump said during the interview.
«Underpinning this campaign is hope, hope that by telling these stories we can all better understand the complexities of suicide and strive for change,» Gunning said.
«Republicans hope he’ll keep his promise to build a wall, and Democrats hope he’ll keep his promise not to accept the election results,» Mr. Fallon said.
That’s why the amendment by Senator Shaheen to the opioid bill will be important and I hope it gets every consideration, and I hope it passes.
PG: Well, obviously, we hope-, we hope that this will not be the case, and that the Centre Left, that I represent, will have a majority.
But there is hope, and if not hope, international attention from Aparicio and Roma put a light on people who have persevered regardless of the fanfare.
We can even hope — not expect, but hope — that these appointees might build enough goodwill with Trump that they will be able to restrain his worst instincts.
The triple reigning champion Americans will hope for a better showing from goalkeeper Hope Solo, who was at fault for both Colombian goals scored by Catalina Usme.
«This world lives on hope so there is hope till 6pm,» SBI’s Chairman Rajnish Kumar told reporters, after a news conference about the bank’s results on Friday.
Shumaker was still holding out hope for a second-place finish, as well as the distant hope of a victory, but acknowledged third place was a possibility.
«I hope it inspires other photographers to be more open minded and I hope people view special needs kids in a new light as well,» she says.
BECKY QUICK: What’s the thing that brings you the most hope or gives you the most hope about advancements that you’ve made or research that you’ve found?
«I hope they will deliver a better-than-feared quarter when it reports on Thursday, but hope should never be part of the equation,» the host said.
«I truly hope the victims of the disaster never give up hope, take care of themselves, and live strong for tomorrow,» he said from the imperial palace.
And still, we have hope that true love is real, hope that is bolstered whenever we see what appears to be true love in its purest form.
Organizations: Florida Disaster Fund, Gleaning for the World, Global Giving, GoFundMe, Harvest Hope Food Bank, International Medical Corps, Humane Society, the United Way, World Hope International, AmeriCares.
We hope, writers hope, that in fact their characters are living in a three-dimensional world, first in the writer’s mind, then in the minds of readers.
This is a symbol of hope, and this is the first thing you see: the Statue of Liberty, which is supposed to be a beacon of hope.
So I hope that sticks,» she said adding, «Again it’s only been a week, but I hope that sticks and I’m always praying and rooting for Rob.
I just hope, I really hope we can carry that attitude onto calling people out and stopping them from doing things like that — in real time though.
You know, I hope, I hope to be able to call this one of, along with tax cuts and regulations, and all of the things I’ve done.
If you’re like me, you’ll simultaneously hope that Federman escapes detection and hope he gets caught, if only to end the agony of watching him watching her.
«We hope that sharing our experience will give more people the same hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well.»
There’s a great danger in hope, as Roxane Gay has pointed out: «Hope allows us to leave what is possible in the hands of others,» she writes.
I hope it just gives this whole «crisis» a human face, and I hope it can create a more positive attitude towards what’s going on right now.
In addition, Topeka is the founder of Ladies of Hope Ministries, host of «Last Mile, Second Chances» on Sirius XM, and co-founder of Hope House NYC.
Maybe it sounds like pie-in-the-sky Pollyannaism even to hope for such a thing, but hope is not a thing we can risk dismissing anymore.
Audio and video footage of the groups (HOPE Thru Harmony Women’s Choir and Voices of Hope also participated) will be stitched together to create Beethoven’s sublime music.
«People have gotten to a place where they don’t have any hope and they don’t feel like they have any hope of getting any,» Mr. Thompson said.
You are as special as a snowflake, beautifully unique and I hope inside your soul feels light, hope, peace … and joy knowing how singularly amazing YOU are!
The GOP’s only remaining hope is to try to mitigate premium increases for next year — and then hope health care isn’t enough to carry a blue wave.
A few references to other «Star Wars» titles are made in the opening crawl with the words «revenge» («Revenge of the Jedi») and «hope» («A New Hope«).
«The rebbe spoke of seeing them as a patient with the hope of being cured, rather than a patient we’ve given up hope on,» Rabbi Grossbaum said.
But she’d had enough hope to travel 2,700 miles from home to reach Tijuana, and I wanted her to keep her hope, even if it was illusory.
I hope with that being said, I hope at the appropriate time after the sanctions kick in and they are brutal on what we put on Iran.
From Mike’s opening «I hope, I hope, I hope with the highest of hopes» to El-P’s culminating «You talk clean and bomb hospitals/I speak with the foulest mouth possible,» they transform the Bernie love that turned Mike into an election-year player into a call for resistance.
» David Cennimo, who studies infectious diseases at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, said that many experts «hope — and I think the correct word is hope — that the summer will push down the case numbers,» though he added that «the data from tropical countries may rain on this hope somewhat.
I hope they have a moment to meet one of the many veterans who visit the plaza and I hope they take a minute to talk with them.
She credits an experimental stem cell treatment with giving her new hope for her health and her future — a newfound hope that also caught attention of Republican Rep.
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«Before you have kids, you’re like, ‘I hope I don’t die on this plane or I hope I don’t die crossing the street,’ » she explained to PEOPLE previously.
While we hope this doesn’t escalate into another #leggingsgate, we do hope it serves as yet another example that body shaming dress codes have no place in schools.
«I hope this can inspire anyone to move in spite of pain and I hope this puts a smile on your face for the New Year,» he added.
That’s what I hope to do as a young person, as an actor, as just a human being; I hope to make a positive change in the world.
I hope you are able to implement some changes in your morning and more importantly, I hope it lowers your anxiety and gives you more excitement in life!
Elites also fear loss, and victims hope for gain, and as the economist’s notion of opportunity costs attests, the hope of gain often informs the fear of loss.
Those on the left, the more realistic of whom always saw nudging Mrs Clinton leftward as the most they could hope for, want to see that hope realised.
«I hope to inspire passion, create connection and see the DC universe and its readers and fans embrace hope and optimism like its heroes do,» Mr. Johns said.
«I hope one day, in a few years, they will be able to tell their story because, like ours, it’s a story of faith and hope,» he said.
Two half sisters, Eden and Hope, are abducted, after their father forgets to pick them up, and tortured, in harrowing scenes narrated by Hope, who is then fourteen.
«I think I know what will happen, but what I hope will happen is I hope that they would just turn around and save our kupuna,» she said.
«I hope it’ll never become law, I hope we’ll be able to save a lot of time and trouble and not have to bring this litigation,» Schneiderman said.
Hope for a deal Still, despite rising geopolitical tensions, there is still hope for a trade deal in Argentina, partly because both sides appear to want a timeout.
I hope for him the same thing that I hope for myself: that he finds something that’s going to make him happy, something that gives our lives meaning.
«I hope to have an existing group of people that are here, and I hope to build around them, regardless of what the titles are,» Van Wagenen said.
But the hope is there — or if it isn’t hope, it’s maybe something better: levelheaded, compassionate protagonists, with just enough integrity and ambivalence that they never feel sentimental.
«I hope she’s independent, has a successful career and an amazing family, and I hope she runs some sort of movement at some point for equality,» David said.
So if you were a smart Republican strategist, your best hope — your only hope — might be to produce the equivalent of a midterm electorate in a presidential year.
ANTHONY TOMMASINI A time comes, inevitably, when you wonder if you are seeing an artist perform for the last time — and hope, beyond hope, that you are not.
«I don’t have a lot of hope that he’s serious about making robust changes, but I hope I’m wrong,» said Avery Gardiner, co-president of the Brady Campaign.
In 2016, he founded Anthem of Hope, a Christian organization dedicated to «amplifying hope for those battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and suicide,» its website states.
I wanted to send a message to those people that they aren’t alone — I wanted to give them a sense of hope because hope goes a long way.
I hope it’s just going to be somewhat emotional I guess and nice … I just hope it’s going to be good, the whole process, and not too difficult.
In 2016, he founded Anthem of Hope, a Christian organization dedicated to «amplifying hope for those battling brokenness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, addiction and suicide,» its website states.
This classic passage wasn’t too tricky to tease out, I hope, and I hope that whatever mood you’re in this weekend is reinforced or improved by the solve.
I hope the president will have discipline with his Twitter account, I hope Giuliani will have discipline, I hope Schumer and Pelosi will have discipline so we as a country speak with one voice against a dictator for something that can affect all of our children for a couple of days.
But I hope — with that being said, I hope that, at the appropriate time, after these sanctions kick in — and they are brutal, what we’ve put on Iran — I hope that they’re going to come back and negotiate a real deal, because I’d love to be able to do that.
But the current market dynamics merely reinforce nickel’s «hope stock» status conferred by analysts at Goldman Sachs, A «hope stock», such as a small biotech or software start-up, trades above any rational projection of its current operating metrics basis the «hope» that it will outperform at a future date.
Which is not to say that such a novel has to be without hope — «All This Could Be Yours» is full of hope — but it is to say that the novel is most powerful when it’s in honest open battle with that which makes hope so difficult in the first place.
«Together with the kids, we hope that the film will help fuel a global shift of healing, elevating the post 9/11 narrative towards one of hope,» says Bordo.
«We always hope that he can score and hope that he can be fit as he was today, and we want to help him,» Colombia coach Jose Pekerman said.
«I hope that we will be able to face Donald Trump and I hope that we will remain strong and united to face the American administration,» Le Maire said.
«Offering patients hope when in fact what is being extended is false hope can be damaging to patient-physician relationships and result in substantial loss of trust,» Turner noted.
«I hope that he learns from this and I hope that he realizes he has a voice and a platform that he can do real change with,» Thomas said.
«We hope to extend it, but we hope to be in a fiscal position to do so and we want to maintain our prudence,» he said back in May.
«Our hope on the Chinese side is that no matter what bumps this relationship hits, we hope it will continue to move forward in a positive direction,» he said.
» Lilly went on to say of her husband and matrimony, «I hope you guys enjoy our video, and I hope you all have your fairy tale wedding one day.
We can hope the even more important infrastructure I listed above is better taken care of … but the more hacker cons I go to, the harder this hope becomes.
«I hope they will deliver a better-than-feared quarter when it reports on Thursday, but hope should never be part of the equation,» the «Mad Money» host said.
And I hope and I think the majority of Americans, majority of Americans hope that we can really move beyond the name-calling and let&aposs talk about solutions.
Santa lives on through the hope of children, and these days, that hope can be harder to hold onto thanks to online tanks of information like Google and Wikipedia.
Curtis had said, «We hope to make something that’ll be fun and which we hope will help bring lots of viewers and cash to the Red Nose Day shows.»
» Zuckerberg continued, «We hope that sharing our experience will give more people the same hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well.
We also hope that all of you can support them as well and hope that they have a wonderful engagement and eventually get married and start a family together.
Because… Rosie O’Donnell is still seen and known and loved by God, and I hope that she feels that and I hope that she can find, ultimately, the peace.
Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated the search led police to Hope, AK, instead of Hope, AR. This story was originally published on June 2, 2019.
GUTFELD: Yes, I just hope that — I hope that like — I just would like — people looking like a mob does not appeal to me in any shape or form.
This is like one of those old Bob Hope comedies where there’s no real plot and the only thing that moves the film along would be Hope cracking wise.
Leake and Mingo hope to being shooting Lullaby this October, with a release to follow sometime in 2018, after what they hope will be a successful film festival run.
«The Audacity of Hope» became an $8.8 million bestseller in 2006, while also planting the seeds for Obama’s «hope and change» campaign slogan during his successful 2008 presidential bid.
«We hope my experience inspires others who have severe facial injuries to have hope, as I was inspired by others who came before me,» Underwood said in the statement.
«There are millions of refugees receiving no hope from countries closing their borders and not much hope from the United States of America, of all countries,» he told guests.
I hope it gives some of those women like me hope, and empowers them when they feel like the good times are over and that there’s no getting back.
I hope they aren’t mindlessly tallying up their stories in a back room to ensure balance, but I also hope they won’t worry about critics who claim they are.

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