Sentence with the word head

Sentences with the word Head?



  • «my aching head«; «her old achy joints»
  • «afraid even to turn his head«; «suddenly looked afraid»; «afraid for his life»; «afraid of snakes»; «afraid to ask questions»
  • «an agglomerated flower head«
  • «She was anointed the head of the Christian fundamentalist group»
  • «use your head!»; «we only use Spanish at home»; «I can’t use this tool»; «Apply a magnetic field here»; «This thinking was applied to many projects»; «How do you utilize this tool?»; «I apply this rule to get good results»; «use the plastic bags to store the food»; «He doesn’t know how to use a computer»
  • «Let’s avoid a confrontation»; «head off a confrontation»; «avert a strike»
  • «the bandaged wound on the back of his head«; «an injury bound in fresh gauze»
  • «the sudden knock floored him»; «he took a bash right in his face»; «he got a bang on the head«
  • «caught bareheaded by the downpour»; «with bared head«
  • «I never laughed, being bashful; lowering my head, I looked at the wall»- Ezra Pound
  • «She holds her head high»; «He carried himself upright»
  • «too big for his britches»; «had a swelled head«; «he was swelled with pride»
  • «he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep»
  • «a blow on the head«
  • «it happened so fast it was just a blur»; «he tried to clear his head of the whisky fuzz»
  • «a bodiless head«
  • «so many head of cattle»; «wait till the cows come home»; «seven thin and ill-favored kine»- Bible; «a team of oxen»
  • «He bowed before the King»; «She bowed her head in shame»
  • «his mind wandered»; «I couldn’t get his words out of my head«
  • «She sank her fingers into the soft sand»; «He buried his head in her lap»
  • «a head of cauliflower»; «a head of lettuce»
  • «there were Turk’s head lilies and patches of iris, islands of brilliant blue set capriciously in the green sea»
  • «the caput humeri is the head of the humerus which fits into a cavity in the scapula»
  • «he stuck his head out the window»
  • «I carry her image in my mind’s eye»; «I will carry the secret to my grave»; «I carry these thoughts in the back of my head«; «I carry a lot of life insurance»
  • «the rock caught her in the back of the head«; «The blow got him in the back»; «The punch caught him in the stomach»
  • «the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5″; «if that phone call is for me, chances are it’s my wife»
  • «the head of the whole operation»
  • «a complex problem requiring a clear head«; «not clear about what is expected of us»
  • «his head was in the clouds»
  • «cock one’s head«
  • «he shivered from the cold»; «the cold helped clear his head«
  • «The brick connected on her head, knocking her out»
  • «cover your head
  • «a woman with her head full of curlers is not a pretty sight»
  • «cut flowers»; «a severed head«; «an old tale of Anne Bolyn walking the castle walls with her poor cut-off head under her arm»
  • «His head was severed from his body»; «The soul discerped from the body»
  • «making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting»; «a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting»
  • «had a dizzy spell»; «a dizzy pinnacle»; «had a headache and felt giddy»; «a giddy precipice»; «feeling woozy from the blow on his head«; «a vertiginous climb up the face of the cliff»
  • «he stuck his head in the doorway»
  • «Gerald shook his head doubtfully»
  • «she nodded her head dully»
  • «Elizabeth II is the head of state in Great Britain»
  • «even when he is sick, he works»; «even with his head start she caught up with him»
  • «the head of the department serves as an ex officio member of the board»
  • «Stretch your legs!»; «Extend your right arm above your head«
  • «suddenly felt faint from the pain»; «was sick and faint from hunger»; «felt light in the head«; «a swooning fit»; «light-headed with wine»; «light-headed from lack of sleep»
  • «flick a piece of paper across the table»; «jerk his head«
  • «the beer had a thick head of foam»
  • «his bare feet projected from his trousers»; «armored from head to foot»
  • «he was in the forefront»; «he was at the head of the column»
  • «they tracked him back toward the head of the stream»
  • «a frontal attack»; «a head-on collision»
  • «his head fuzzed like a dandelion gone to seed»
  • «whose beard with age is hoar»-Coleridge; «nodded his hoary head«
  • «a Mexican Hairless is about the size of a fox terrier and hairless except for a tufts on the head and tail»
  • «Hang one’s head in shame»
  • «200 head of cattle»
  • «the head of the column advanced boldly»; «they were at the head of the attack»
  • «a head of steam»
  • «the head of the stairs»; «the head of the page»; «the head of the list»
  • «he is two heads taller than his little sister»; «his horse won by a head«
  • «tickets are $5 per head«
  • «the head of a comet»
  • «the beer had a large head of foam»
  • «the head of the humerus»
  • «the head of the hammer»
  • «the head of the nail»; «a pinhead is the head of a pin»
  • «they say he gives good head«
  • «a pretty pass»; «matters came to a head yesterday»
  • «the question of disease merits serious discussion»; «under the head of minor Roman poets»
  • «These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas»
  • «head the fish»
  • «a head-on confrontation»
  • «we must meet the problem head-on»
  • «the cars collided head-on»
  • «he hit his fist on the table»; «she struck her head on the low ceiling»
  • «he hung his head hopelessly»; «`I must die,’ he said hopelessly»
  • «he humbly lowered his head«
  • «golden age of imperial splendor»; «purple tyrant»; «regal attire»; «treated with royal acclaim»; «the royal carriage of a stag’s head«
  • «an inclination of his head indicated his agreement»
  • «She inclined her head to the student»
  • «Your children have infected you with this head cold»
  • «He landed several blows on his opponent’s head«
  • «She was named head of the Committee»; «She was made president of the club»
  • «model a head with clay»
  • «The baby nestled her head in her mother’s elbow»
  • «when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper»
  • «the nominal (or titular) head of his party»
  • «The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission»
  • «he peeped his head through the window»
  • «She perched her hat on her head«
  • «pillow your head«
  • «He popped me on the head«
  • «he felt a throbbing in his head«
  • «the cattle thief has a price on his head«
  • «The front of the trains that had collided head-on thrust up into the air»
  • «the head terminating in the quaint duck bill which gives the animal its vernacular name»- Bill Beatty; «came forth a quaint and fearful sight»- Sir Walter Scott; «a quaint sense of humor»
  • «She quirked her head in a peculiar way»
  • «She reclined her head on the pillow»
  • «the head of state in a republic is usually a president»
  • «Rest your head on my shoulder»
  • «the head of security was a former policeman»
  • «the Post Office issued a series commemorating famous American entertainers»; «his coin collection included the complete series of Indian-head pennies»
  • «He served as head of the department for three years»; «She served in Congress for two terms»
  • «shake one’s head«; «She shook her finger at the naughty students»; «The old enemies shook hands»; «Don’t shake your fist at me!»
  • «a shapeless hat on his head«
  • «the idea is so obvious»; «never been so happy»; «I love you so»; «my head aches so!»
  • «a stupefying blow to the head«; «the stupefying effects of hemp»
  • «submerge your head completely»
  • «he took a wild swing at my head«
  • «my head is throbbing»; «Her heart was throbbing»
  • «we ran head over heels toward the shelter»
  • «a toss of his head«
  • «with a quick twist of his head he surveyed the room»
  • «twist one’s head«
  • «farmers were uneasy until rain finally came»; «uneasy about his health»; «gave an uneasy laugh»; «uneasy lies the head that wears the crown»; «an uneasy coalition government»; «an uneasy calm»; «an uneasy silence fell on the group»
  • «remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring»; «he was able to get into the building unspotted and unsuspected»; «unsuspected difficulties arose»; «unsuspected turnings in the road»
  • «an unyielding head support»
  • «cereals must be protected from mice and other vermin»; «he examined the child’s head for vermin»; «boys in the village have probably been shooting vermin»
  • «he heard the whiz of bullets near his head«
  • «he stuck his head in the window»

Synonym: administer, brain, command, conclusion, conduct, control, crisis, crown, direct, dominate, go, govern, gravitate, initiate, intelligence, lead, manage, mentality, mind, pate, precede, proceed, rule, run, supervise, top, understanding. Antonym: foot, tail. Similar words: head up, head on, head for, forehead, get ahead, ahead of, go ahead, headline. Meaning: [hed]  n. 1. the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains 2. a single domestic animal 3. that which is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason 4. a person who is in charge 5. the front of a military formation or procession 6. the pressure exerted by a fluid 7. the top of something 8. the source of water from which a stream arises 9. (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent 10. the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates) 11. the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head 12. a dense clusters of flowers or foliage 13. the educator who has executive authority for a school 14. an individual person 15. a user of (usually soft) drugs 16. a natural elevation (especially a rocky one that juts out into the sea) 17. a rounded compact mass 18. the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container 19. the part in the front or nearest the viewer 20. a difficult juncture 21. forward movement 22. a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer 23. the subject matter at issue 24. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about 25. the rounded end of a bone that bits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint 26. that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves 27. (computer science) a tiny electromagnetic coil and metal pole used to write and read magnetic patterns on a disk 28. (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a person’s head 29. the striking part of a tool 30. (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship 31. a projection out from one end 32. a membrane that is stretched taut over a drum 33. oral stimulation of the genitals. v. 1. to go or travel towards 2. be in charge of 3. travel in front of; go in advance of others 4. be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel 5. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling 6. take its rise 7. be in the front of or on top of 8. form a head or come or grow to a head 9. remove the head of. 

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1. The heart sees further than the head

2. Fish begins to stink at the head

3. Better an empty purse than an empty head

4. Fish always stink from the head down. 

5. The head is recognized by the tongue. 

6. A wise head makes a close mouth. 

7. A fish always rots from the head down. 

8. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. 

9. The fox’s wiles will never enter the lion’s head

10. A bald head is soon shaven. 

11. A still tongue makes a wise head

12. A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land. 

13. One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. 

14. Cover your head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can. 

15. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. 

16. If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him, an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. 

17. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. 

18. He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere. 

19. Better be the head of the yeomanry than the tail of the gentry. 

20. Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 

21. Stewart felt a bottle whizz past his head.

22. The date went sheer out of my head.

23. He hurt his head by running against a

24. Bare your head when the flag is raised.

25. She always has her head in a book .

26. He raised his arms above his head.

27. Don’t let fame/success go to your head.

28. All the wit in the world is not in one head

29. It’s easy to swim if another holds up your head

30. A fool may put somewhat in a wise man’s head

More similar words: head up, head on, head for, forehead, get ahead, ahead of, go ahead, headline, head office, ahead of time, headquarters, ahead of schedule, hear, heal, cheat, cheap, wheat, heart, lead, read, at heart, theater, health, hear of, plead, in the air, northeast, heavily, southeast, by heart. 

Examples of how to use the word “head” in a sentence. How to connect “head” with other words to make correct English sentences.

head (n, v): the part of the body above the neck where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and brain are; to go in a particular direction

Use “head” in a sentence

He hit me on the head.
I would like to speak to the head of the department.

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One unfortunate participant never found his Lego head.

И только один несчастный участник так и не нашел «свою» голову Lego.

They present the «fake head» to potential predators by dipping their real head.

Они представляют «поддельную голову» потенциальным хищникам, опуская свою настоящую голову.

Someone shaking their head no means agreement.

И если кто-либо из них кивает головой, это вовсе не означает согласие.

They had 12 head to head.

У обоих на счету было 12 голов.

Keep your head covered because a significant amount of body heat can be lost from the head.

Держите голову покрыты, потому что значительное количество тепла тела может быть потеряна из головы.

It would make a head or part of the head more round shape.

Это может сделать голову или часть головы более округлой формы.

Finally, they cut off his head, but he kept fighting without his head.

В конце концов, они отрубили ему голову, но он продолжал сражаться и без головы.

This impact did not produce high head injury measures, but the head protection is inadequate.

Данный удар не привел к серьезным показателям травмы головы, однако защита головы оказалась недостаточной.

Possible concussion, head contusions, multiple blunt-force blows to the head and neck.

Возможно, сотрясение мозга, ушиб головы, множественные тупые травмы головы и шеи.

Throw this head in the head trash.

2,led head torch light with head strap;

This is especially true when put head to head against a freshly prepared cocktail.

Это особенно актуально, если положить голову в голову против свежеприготовленного коктейля.

Since in most cases it affects precisely the head, there is a high probability of damage when combing, dressing or washing the head.

Поскольку в большинстве случаев она поражает именно голову, высока вероятность повреждения при расчесывании, одевании или мытье головы.

Given a certain context, it is reasonable to mistake a donkey head for a dog head.

Учитывая определенный контекст, разумно принять голову осла за голову собаки.

After birth, microcephaly is diagnosed by measuring the distance around a newborn baby’s head, also called the head circumference.

Микроцефалию диагностируют после рождения, измеряя расстояние вокруг головы новорожденного ребенка, также называемое окружностью головы.

On landing day a significant decrease of head rotation velocity was observed compared with the head movement velocity before spaceflight.

В день приземления наблюдалось значительное снижение скорости вращения головой по сравнению со скоростью движения головы до космического полета.

It is essential to keep your head covered because you can waste an ample amount of body heat through the head.

Держите голову покрыты, потому что значительное количество тепла тела может быть потеряна из головы.

They covered her head with a blanket and struck her in the head.

Они накрывали ей голову одеялом и били по голове.

When he raises his head, raise your head.

Когда он поднимет голову, вы тоже поднимите головы.

He can nod your head and bend down close to the face of the child or throw back his head slightly.

Он может кивать головой и близко наклоняться к лицу ребенка или же слегка запрокидывать голову.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат head

Результатов: 135569. Точных совпадений: 135569. Затраченное время: 237 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He has a bald head.«
(bald, shaved)

«I can see her blond head.«
(blond, dark, fair, gray, graying)

«I can’t get anything done with a throbbing head.«

«I need to keep a level head today.«
(level, cool, clear)

«We have a meeting tomorrow with the assistant head.«
(assistant, department)

Used with verbs:

«He poked his head out the window.«
(poked, stuck, popped, put)

«She lifted her head to see better.«
(lifted, raised, tilted, turned)

«He hung his head in embarrassment.«
(hung, lowered, bowed, dropped)

«They all nodded their heads.«
(nodded, shook)

«He scratched his head in confusion.«

«She hit her head when she fell.«
(hit, banged, bumped)

«He patted the puppy’s head .«

«Ostriches bury their heads in the sand.«

«She laid her head on the arm of the chair.«
(laid, leaned, rested)

«Make sure you cover your head when it is cold.«

«He always shaves his head in the summer.«

«Her head was pounding so she went home early.«
(be + pounding, be + aching, be + throbbing)

«You need to use your head.«

«The thought never entered my head.«

«I just need to clear my head.«

«She called heads to see who would go first.«

Used with nouns:

«He has a head injury.«
(injury, cold)

«We have a new head coach this year.«

Used with prepositions:

«The ball went over his head.«

«They watched the plane circle above their heads.«

«I can figure out the math problem in my head.«

«What is going on inside your head?«

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