Sentence with the word habit

Sentences with the word Habit?



  • «his disconcerting habit of greeting friends ferociously and strangers charmingly»- Herb Caen; «an upsetting experience»
  • «kick a habit«; «give up alcohol»
  • «a shrub of spreading habit«
  • «owls have nocturnal habits»; «she had a habit twirling the ends of her hair»; «long use had hardened him to it»
  • «it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening»
  • «a lifelong friend»; «from lifelong habit«; «his lifelong study of Greek art»
  • «the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge»
  • «He sold his house in January»; «She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit«
  • «uncontrollable children»; «an uncorrectable habit«
  • «an untrained voice»; «untrained troops»; «young minds untrained in the habit of concentration»
  • «he had a habit of using nouns verbally»

привычка, обыкновение, обычай, габитус, облачать, одевать


- привычка; обычай; обыкновение

- склад, натура, характер; склонность

a habit of mind — склад ума
the inward habit — внутренний /духовный/ мир
a person of a spendthrift habit — мот

- редк. (тело)сложение, комплекция

a habit of body — конституция
a man of portly habit — дородный /тучный/ мужчина

- привычка к наркотикам

off the habit — излечившийся от наркомании
to kick the habit — амер. сл. отвыкнуть от наркотиков

- привычная доза наркотика
- спец. габитус (характерный облик растения, животного, человека, кристалла)

a plant of creeping /trailing/ habit — стелющееся растение
once does not make a habit — с одного /первого/ раза не привыкнешь
habit is second nature — посл. привычка — вторая натура

- одежда (для специальных целей); костюм; одеяние

a monk’s habit — монашеская ряса

- амазонка, дамский костюм для верховой езды


- книжн. одевать, облачать, наряжать

a woman habited in white — женщина, облачённая в белое
habited like a shepherd — в одежде пастуха

- населять; жить (где-л.)

Мои примеры


a monk in a dark habit and cowl — монах в тёмной рясе и капюшоне  
young minds untrained in the habit of concentration — молодые умы, у которых концентрация ещё не вошла в привычку  
co-habit — сожительствовать  
contraction of a habit — приобретение привычки  
to develop a habit — приобретать привычку  
to drop into a habit of doing smth. — иметь обыкновение делать что-л.  
habit-forming drug — лекарство, вызывающее зависимость  
annoying habit — раздражающая привычка  
bad habit — дурная привычка  
filthy habit — грязная привычка  
good habit — полезная привычка  
incurable habit — неисправимая привычка  

Примеры с переводом

Habit grows on a person.

Привычка овладевает человеком.

How can I get out of the habit of smoking?

Как же мне бросить курить?

Thinking negatively can become a habit.

Негативное мышление может стать привычкой.

Soon she returned to her old habit.

Вскоре она возвратилась к своей старой привычке.

Jeff was in the habit of taking a walk after dinner.

Джефф имел привычку прогуливаться после ужина.

It was his habit to take a nap after dinner every day.

Это была его ежедневная привычка — вздремнуть после обеда. / Послеобеденный сон был его ежедневной привычкой.

Some people drink alcohol as much from habit as from desire.

Некоторые выпивают не только по причине страсти к выпивке, а, в равной степени, по привычке.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Smoking is an antisocial habit.

That is a newly acquired habit.

Most gamblers can ill afford their habit.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

habitable  — обитаемый, годный для жилья, удобный
habitant  — житель
inhabit  — населять, обитать, жить
habits  — замашки
habitancy  — население, число жителей, постоянное проживание

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): habit
мн. ч.(plural): habits

A habit (or wont) is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The Mediterranean diet mimics the eating habits of that region, with an emphasis on fish and seafood, leafy greens, nuts and legumes, and low in red meat, carbs like sugar, and saturated fat.


By paying attention to your cravings you may be able to determine if these cravings are coming out of habit (you always crave something sweet after dinner or when you’re home along watching TV) or not.


Weight Rebound: If you go right back to your old eating habits after the diet is over, the weight is sure to come back on eventually.


It is officially a habit I refuse to break and is actually more addicting than coffee.


The experience drove home the importance of good habits.


Skip the resolution and be proactive about your health, using Elysium’s Basis supplements, healthy sleep habits, movement, and nutritious foods to…


The recipe for success is simple: Start with the end, establish habits and routines to get there, and don’t be afraid to say no to every request that doesn’t help you accomplish your goals.


If your baby does wake up due to hunger or habit, practice night weaning to help her sleep longer.


Monthly breast self-exams are a healthy habit to follow.


Maybe custom and habit and the quotidian ramble are just The things we need to keep us from being overwhelmed by the profligacy Of miracle, the huge of the tiny, the gift of every single thing there ever is.


What’s more, young people opt for electronic over printed not as an act of environmental activism but a matter of convenience and habit.


Therefore a nun habit usually is allowed.


The Pistons have a weird habit of making good trades that don’t pan out: Remember a couple of years ago when the Pistons traded D.J. Augustin and Kyle Singler for Reggie Jackson?


If you were to ask these active folks their secret, a few would tell you they have good genetics but more would tell you they practice healthy lifestyle habits by staying active, not smoking, eating a healthy diet and keeping a positive outlook on life.


It’s much easier to stick to healthy eating habits when you give your body the sleep it requires.


Roasted Cauliflower with Feta & Garlic Crumbs 1, bad eating habits — ZERO!


There is no need to start a baby on a salty food habit.


China’s drinking habits are bringing cheer to the world’s winemakers — as evidenced by the big turnout at the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Fair.


It does very little to curb one’s consumption habits.


Make it a habit to bring a water bottle with you when you’re away from home.


Or, you can try making a more dramatic shift in their sleep habits by skipping a nap so they go to bed earlier that night, or waking them up earlier than usual in the morning, so that they’ll be ready for an earlier bedtime later.


This infographic sums up who this person is and what her followers and habits are like.


Whether you go old school and keep a paper journal or use one of the many fitness apps out there that allow you to track your calories, journaling is a proven tool to help you be more mindful of your eating habits.


Set a reminder on your phone to get yourself into the habit!


Where they once managed your metabolism easily, now as hormones change or after they’ve changed you have to depend on changing your type and timing of exercise, and the habits you have that support it.


A little goes a long way — don’t fall into the habit of using it all day as it is a diuretic and can cause dehydration and jitters!


You see, students who haven’t developed effective homework habits tend to lack the motivation to study, misunderstand how to study, and fail to see the long-term benefits of putting forth an effort at home and at school.


When planning on making a dramatic body transformation, a person is tempted to make a drastic overhaul in all of their dietary habits.


Emotional eating wrecks our healthy eating habits more than we probably realize (especially among women, I’d dare say).


It’s time to shake off the holiday treats and get back to our healthy habits.


We as parents not only need to model healthy eating habits to our kids, but we also need to start looking to our youngest kids for guidance on WHY and HOW to eat.


Play learning games that break the habit of sitting in a chair for long periods of time trying to memorize facts over and over again.


At the same time, having children, as All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood author Jennifer Senior notes, causes more conflict between couples than anything else — money, work, in-laws, chores, annoying habits, communication styles, and sex.


No — just don’t make it a regular habit because it could encourage your baby to develop a taste for sugary or salty foods.


We don’t make a habit of reporting on outcomes of political fundraisers, but the details trickling in from Albany County Legislature candidate Noelle Kinsch’s first event this week were too intriguing to resist.


Ashley and I did work together and it took some time, practice (success and failure) and lots of repetition, but in time, Ashley created new habits to manage her mistakes.


Based on these images, they created 3D models of the new species, which help us to understand the creature’s life habits.


Please take a moment to read her U.S. News & World Report piece, which urges us all to take the long view when it comes to changing the eating habits of a generation of kids.


Keep in mind that this is a general guideline and depending on a number of factors, including your child’s: activity level, nutritional deficiencies, and eating habits.


Citation, being such a great animal, is not conceded by anyone concerned to have had any bad habits.


Yes, the emotional roller coaster that is pregnancy can be an annoying habit and yet, you simply can’t help but feel overwhelmed with tears at the oddest times.


And even when mistakes are not being engineered and leveraged by malicious outsiders, poor cyber habits can lead to difficult and costly situations for you and your team.


She is even — old habits die hard — hoping to publish them.


I’m trying to make my own foods and give-up the frozen foods habit.


Parents or caregivers were unwilling, or unable (due to their own anxiety or sleep deprivation) to provide the necessary consistency, patience, and commitment children need from their securely attached caregivers to support them through the important changes being made to their sleep health, habits, and safety.


Sproat also suggests that if you find a bottle that works, you should utilize the paced bottle feeding method to help avoid flow preference and reinforce healthy eating habits.


If you have eating habits that you’ve been unable to change — overeating, emotional eating or binge eating — it’s time to take a deeper look for answers.


And yet, like the white whale in «Moby Dick,» these races have a habit of slipping away from the opposition.


You are developing new skills, new habits, and new perspectives.


The thing is if one goes back to old eating habits, the weight will come back.


Synonym: addition, clothes, costume, custom, fashion, manner, nature, pattern, practice, routine, tendency, trait. Similar words: habitat, get into the habit of, a bit of, rehabilitation, a bit of a, bit by bit, habeas corpus, cabin. Meaning: [‘hæbɪt]  n. 1. an established custom 2. a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition 3. a distinctive attire (as the costume of a religious order) 4. excessive use of drugs. v. put a habit on. 

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1. Every man has his own habit

2. The fox changes his skin but not his habit

3. The habit [cowl, hood] does not make the monk. 

4. Habit is (a) second nature.

5. Habit is second nature.

6. Habits cures habit.

7. Habit is a cable: we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it. 

8. Habit cures habit.

9. Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step a time. 

10. Law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society. 

11. The habit carries over from my childhood.

12. They also have the irritating habit of interrupting.

13. He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.

14. Increasingly, smoking is regarded as an anti-social habit.

15. Washing up before dinner is a good habit.

15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

16. Life has a nasty habit of repeating itself.

17. Getting up early is a very good habit.

18. He expostulated with her on her habit of smoking.

19. Miss become habit, forgotten become habit, lonely become habit.

20. A habit can easily become an addiction.

21. He has the irritating habit of biting his nails.

22. We’ve fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings.

23. After his divorce he reverted to his old habit of drinking.

24. The life of people is habit to those who are not used to the habit of habit.

25. I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.

26. I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.

27. We strongly advise you to rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking.

28. Unable to defeat him by logical discussion(, she fell back on her old habit of criticizing his speech.

29. Advertising is a potent force in showing smoking as a socially acceptable habit.

30. Love is an art of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.

More similar words: habitat, get into the habit of, a bit of, rehabilitation, a bit of a, bit by bit, habeas corpus, cabin, abide, rabid, bitch, orbit, rabbit, abiding, ability, cabinet, exhibit, probity, inhibit, a big deal, a big shot, ambition, every bit, prohibit, liability, stability, inhibited, ambitious, arbitrate, arbitrary. 

habit — перевод на русский


«Here are a fes goodies, John… you know my old habit.»

«Немного сладостей, Джон — ты знаешь, старая привычка.»

With him it’s a habit.

Это что, привычка?

‘Tis habit born of a long misunderstanding… which brought us together in the same bed for several years.

Эта привычка родилась от простого недоразумения, что свела нас в постели на несколько лет.

Well, I don’t understand a woman who treats her husband’s business as if it were a bad habit she couldn’t break him of, and then spends every cent he makes.

Я не понимаю женщин, считающих, что работа — это плохая привычка, от которой можно отучить, и при этом тратящих каждый заработанный цент.


Правда, курение — это ужасная привычка.

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— I’m not in the habit of joking, sir.

— Я не привык шутить, сэр.

We’ve been married nearly a year and I’m in the habit of having you for a wife.

Мы женаты вот уже целый год, и я ужасно привык видеть тебя своей супругой.

I have this habit of doodling.

Я привык рисовать.

Never got the habit of sitting.

И не привык рассиживаться.

You owe me an answer. I truly hope you haven’t forgotten. Because I’m not in the habit of repeating myself.

Я очень надеюсь, что вы не забыли моего предложения… потому что я не привык повторяться.

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We meet every day, it’s getting like a habit

Мы видимся каждый день, и это уже вошло в привычку.

Are you in the habit of giving intimate articles of your clothing to your parrot or lapdog?

У вас что, вошло в привычку дарить интимные предметы одежды попугаю или собачке?

I’ve got in the habit of sitting down and falling right off to sleep.

У меня уже вошло в привычку сидеть и засыпать намертво.

Do your officers make a habit of seducing the species they encounter?

У ваших офицеров вошло в привычку совращать представителей всех видов, с которыми они сталкиваются?

You’ve a habit of doing this, haven’t you?

У вас вошло в привычку делать это, не так ли?

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You’ve changed your name but haven’t kicked that habit!

Ты сменила имя, но не избавилась от старых привычек!

Habits sure don’t change.

От старых привычек сложно отказаться.

Old habits may die hard, but they still gotta die.

От старых привычек непросто избавиться, но все равно надо избавляться.

I guess old habits die hard.

Похоже от старых привычек не легко избавляться.

‘But old habits die hard.’

Но от старых привычек тяжело избавиться.

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Has the Ministry of Health done surveys on new food habits in Japan?

Министерство здравоохранения изучало новые гастрономические пристрастия японцев?

Discovered your sexual habits and threatened to expose you.

Выяснил твои сексуальные пристрастия и угрожал разоблачить.

Now, this Nielsen box will keep track of everything you watch, which helps us generalize the viewing habits of millions of Americans.

Это нильсен-устройство будет следить за тем, что вы смотрите, что поможет определись пристрастия миллионов американцев.

Um… this Nielsen box will keep track of everything you watch, which helps us generalize the viewing habits of millions of Americans.

Эм… Это нильсен-устройство будет следить за тем, что вы смотрите, что поможет определить пристрастия миллионов американцев.

Or Louisa had strange dietary habits.

Либо у Луизы были странные пристрастия в еде.

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— It’s getting to be a habit.

— Это входит в привычку

They call it a chippie, a small habit.

И понемногу входит в привычку. Тебе так хорошо.

This is becoming a habit!

Это входит в привычку!

This is becoming a habit.

Это входит в привычку.

It’s getting to be a little bit of a habit. What?

Это уже входит в привычку.

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As you seem to have the most unfortunate habit of losing things, I think I’ll hold on to my one good hand.

Раз у вас дурная привычка терять вещи, я лучше придержу свою здоровую руку.

It’s not habit?

Это не дурная привычка?

It’s a filthy habit, I know.

Дурная привычка, я знаю это.

It’s a nasty habit.

Дурная привычка.

-Look not that this serves as an absolution, but it seems like I have a habit of picking the wrong guy and….

-Слушай, Не то, чтобы это было твоей амнистией, но кажется, у меня есть дурная привычка выбирать не тех парней.

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I am not in the habit of…

Я не имею привычки

I’m not in the habit of carrying around photographs of my male friends.

Я не имею привычки носить с собой фотографии моих друзей мужского пола.

I’m not in the habit of lying.

Я не имею привычки лгать.

I’m not in the habit of walking about in my stocking feet.

Я не имею привычки ходить босиком.

And for those of you that know me, know I’m not in the habit of taking people’s hands I’ve never met before, but…

И те из вас, кто меня знает, в курсе, что я не имею привычки брать за руки незнакомцев, но…

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Has an animal’s habits.

У него повадки животного.

But we understand the habits of yours.

Но мы знаем ваши повадки.

Toward their lying and degenarated habits and costumes. Precisely this… would summon the beast which would curse… every feeling of well being for his wild, wolfish nature.

Тогда в нём настораживался человек, и человек следил за волком, называл его животным и зверем, и омрачал, и отравлял ему всякую радость от его простой, здоровой и дикой волчьей повадки.

They have all those bad gallic habits, it’s in their blood.

У них чисто галльские повадки, это в крови.

I want to study its habits.

Рано. Хочу изучить её повадки.

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— This drinking habit…

— Чертова зависимость…

— My habit’s a fuckin’ curse.

— Моя зависимость просто проклятие.

I mean, in my experience, a heroin habit Isn’t really good for muscle tone.

Насколько я знаю, героиновая зависимость не очень способствует мышечному тонусу.

Maybe she had a drug habit, too.

Может, и у нее была зависимость.

That’s a pretty heavy habit.

— Это довольно тяжелая зависимость.

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