Sentence with the word get over

Synonym: bounce back, cover, cross, cut across, cut through, get across, get well, master, overcome, pass over, subdue, surmount, track, traverse. Similar words: over and over, stove, over, cover, go over, be over, all over, oversee. Meaning: v. 1. travel across or pass over 2. to bring (a necessary but unpleasant task) to an end 3. improve in health 4. get on top of; deal with successfully. 

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1. I can’t get over losing you.

2. to get over you is the hardest thing in the world.

3. To get over you is the hardest thing in the world.

4. It’s just an infatuation. She’ll get over it.

5. She can’t get over her shyness.

6. Can we get over this difficulty?

7. I can’t get over how well you look.

8. It’s taken me ages to get over the flu.

9. We had to get over many difficulties.

10. They only managed to get over ten kilometers.

11. Grab a cab and get over here.

12. I hope you’ll get over being angry.

13. Tell me again, I can’t get over it!

14. Can you get over the wall?

14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!

15. I can’t/ couldn’t get over.

16. He’ll get over it—young people are amazingly resilient.

17. Most of us get over the pratfalls of childhood.

18. I can’t get over how rude she was.

19. It took her ages to get over her illness.

20. How would they get over that problem, he wondered?

21. I can’t get over that shirt he was wearing.

22. He can’t get over his shyness.

23. It took him a long time to get over his cold.

24. It took her months to get over Rupert when he finished the relationship.

25. We are certain that he will get over his illness.

26. I can’t get over the way he behaved at your party — it was appalling!

27. There are some people in life that you can’t get over.

28. You can’t change what has already happened. So don’t waste your time thinking about it. Move on(, let go and get over it.

29. I needed a lot of retail therapy to help me get over my ex-boyfriend.

30. After his arrest in 1998, he checked himself into rehab to get over his heroin addiction.

More similar words: over and over, stove, over, cover, go over, be over, all over, oversee, overall, give rise to, governor, hand over, lay over, recover, cover up, over there, uncover, run over, moreover, recovery, make over, coverage, overlook, blow over, look over, take over, turn over, talk over, overwhelm, think over. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


He just cannot get over his alcoholism.

И он не в состоянии преодолеть свое влечение к алкоголю.

Eventually he saw a way to get over them.

Но в конце концов он увидел способ, чтобы преодолеть ее.

Simple design is something I can get over.

Но простота дизайна — это то, что можно пережить.

Just give yourself some time to grieve and get over the loss.

Только дай мне немного времени успокоиться и пережить поражение.

To get over Julia saying no.

Чтобы забыть, что Джулия сказала «нет».

A phase that you will soon get over.

Это действительно только фаза, которую вы очень скоро преодолеете.

Guess it takes a while to get over stereotypes.

Я думаю, что потребуется еще довольно много времени, чтобы преодолеть какие-то стереотипы.

Mike helps Harvey get over a personal loss.

Майк поддерживает Харви, пока та пытается преодолеть личную потерю.

Somehow, the two managed to get over that.

In most cases, children can get over an ear infection without having to take antibiotics.

В большинстве случаев дрожжевую инфекцию у ребёнка можно преодолеть без приема антибиотиков.

We also have tools to get over them.

А также инструменты, чтобы преодолеть их.

And that is a sort of hump you have to get over.

Это и будет своего рода трамплином, который вам нужно преодолеть.

You will never get over the lavishness of your dwelling.

Тебе никогда не преодолеть своего предела!» См.

Hopefully we’ll get over this phase.

It was a struggle to get over that.

I hope you get over this stage.

He can’t get over what I did.

I can’t get over how different you look.

Никак не могу привыкнуть к тому, насколько иначе ты теперь выглядишь.

Still can’t get over this office.

And we… cannot get over your skin.

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Перевод по словам

get  — получать, попасть, добираться, потомство, приплод, идиот, дурак
over  — больше, за, над, на, по, чрезмерный, чрезмерно, свыше, излишек, перелет


She got run over outside the school.

Её сбила машина за пределами школы.

Let’s all get together over Christmas.

Давайте все вместе соберёмся на Рождество.

It’s taken me ages to get over the flu.

Мне потребовалась целая вечность, чтобы справиться с гриппом.

She never got over the death of her son.

Она так и не оправилась от смерти сына.

Some lawyers get paid over $400 an hour.

Некоторые юристы получают более четырёхсот долларов в час.

Hey, you over there! Get out of the way!

Эй, ты, там! Убирайся с дороги!

I cannot get over his abominable behaviour.

Я не могу привыкнуть к его отвратительному поведению.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I can’t get over how well you look.  

…don’t quibble over who gets to sit in front…  

She is still trying to get over the attack and the resultant injuries.  

…still trying to get over being jilted by his longtime girlfriend…  

Once we’ve got over the first few months, we should be making a reasonable profit.  

The right reader of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound—that he will never get over it  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Let’s get over to the Git ‘N’ Go and back.

So maybe she wouldn’t get over what she’d seen as fast as she should.

Meanwhile, however, the truth about the Eudemian Ethics in general is that it was an earlier rudimentary sketch written by Aristotle, when he was still struggling, without quite succeeding, to get over Plato’s view that there is one philosophical knowledge of universal good, by which not only the dialectician and mathematician must explain the being and becoming of the world, but also the individual and the statesman guide the life of man.

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Of course, those who were stationed nearest to the head of the line, where they could most see and be seen, and have the first blow at him, paid the highest prices for their places; and the few straggling inhabitants in the outskirts, where long gaps in the line began to occur, and the traveller could get over walls or turn aside into cow-paths, and so escape, paid a very slight ground or window tax.

She couldn’t get over seeing a grown man acting like a teenager.

No, so I could get over it.

A second group of systems may be said to consist of those proposed by Lehmann-Haupt, Marquart, Peiser, and Rost, for these writers attempted to get over the discrepancies in the data by emending some of the figures furnished by the inscriptions.

Now get over here and I’ll give you a hand up.

Zeller tries to get over this difficulty of cross-reference by detaching Metaphysics, Book A, from the rest and placing it before the Physics.

He’d get over these butterflies about letting her run the business when he discovered she could do it without his direction.

It’s in print, there is no do-over, so I need to get-over it. ❋ ____Maggie (2008)

They do not need to be sold that Obama-hearts-the-Muslim-community, if anything, that might be an additional thing they need to get-over. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I think the show Ugly Betty in particular, Vanessa Williams — someone I never thought I’d be praising for anything does a great job in tendering nasty, get-over, back-biting characters whom you are equally welcome to enjoy or despise. ❋ Arbogast (2008)

“This town is all about the get-over, isn’t it?” she said. ❋ LOLITA FILES (2000)

[I would rather] listen to bass [boosted] justin bieber voice cracks for 5 hours instead of finishing [getting over it]. ❋ Fuck My Ass And Call Me Mary (2017)

Boi: [Oh boi], we got to [getting over it]! We are getting over the Orange Hell! (Adrenaline kicks in, hand and mouse are sweaty as fuck)
*Makes a mistake*
Boi: *smashes computer, fires his [house on fire]* ❋ Overwatch Comp Is Still Broken (2018)

Friend: My ancestors were the victims of [Halocaust]
Me: That was the past, get over it.
Friend: But I don’t wanna [forget about it].
Me: No, I meant don’t let the past [screw up] your life. ❋ PepsiMonday (2010)

Your boss is trying to get over on you. He just took that report you spent three months writing, erased your name and put his on it. Looks like he’ll get a big bonus for it.
My former [tenants] really got over on me. They stopped paying rent, so I had to take them to court and [evict] them. It took months and cost me tens of thousands of dollars in lost rent, hiring a lawyer, and repairing the damage they caused. [Meantime] they lived in a three bedroom house for only two months’ rent. ❋ Hot East (2012)

[Hehe], [He’s] [getting over it] ❋ WayyBah (2022)

[deal with it]!
get over it! ❋ Debhhmjgfjgfmxfnj (2008)

«We gotta get over before we go under.» [James Brown]
«United we can get over, and yet we’re still apart.» Willie [Hutch]
Sentence: «There’s nothing I won’t do if it means [getting over] for another day.» ❋ A Lone Jazzman (2011)

Wife:You [have been] [wanking] when I have been out havent you?
[Husband]:Get over it ❋ Jools22 (2006)

[Liverpool] Supporter: [Manchester United] were lucky to win [the league]
Response: Get over it! ❋ Lensyat (2011)

1. Azn gets booted from the Xbox Live party, infuriated over the act. He rejoins the party.
Azn: «Hey guys, I can’t believe you booted me, you bk’s.»
Jeff: «Get over it…»
Random guy in Halo 3 dies.
RG: «[That’s bull], that’s a headshot!!!!»
Killer: «Get over it…»
(Beats down)
2.[Beebe] is upset over a discovery that his friend sold [GTA IV]
Beebe: «Well we could play GTA IV…oh wait, Jeff doesn’t have it.» (Clearly upset)
Jeff: » Get over it.» ❋ The Moonmaster (2009)

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