Sentence with the word get around

Synonym: break, bypass, get about, get out, go around, short-circuit, swing. Similar words: around, go around, all around, revolve around, around the corner, round and round, round, ground. Meaning: v. 1. be released or become known; of news 2. avoid something unpleasant or laborious 3. be a social swinger; socialize a lot 4. move around; move from place to place. 

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1. They didn’t get around to typing up the letter.

2. Cycling is a cheap way to get around.

3. He got the doctor’ s permission to get around recently.

4. We had to use public transport to get around.

5. I typically get around 30 emails a day.

6. He now needs a walker to get around.

7. Does Abell get around a great deal?

8. It’s quite easy to get around London.

9. She doesn’t get around much these days.

10. You certainly get around!Paris one minute, Bonn the next.

11. It may take time, but we’ll get around.

12. I think we should be able to get around most of these problems.

13. The company is expected to get around this problem by borrowing from the banks.

14. It’s hard to get around if you’re in a wheelchair.

15. I hope to get around to answering your letter next week.

16. Tom’s trying to get around his father to buy him a car.

17. I’ll be drawing my pension before he’ll ever get around to asking me to marry him!

18. We rented a four-wheel drive to get around the island.

19. Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.

20. If you want to get around London fast, the Underground is your best bet.

21. That child can always get around you and get what it wants.

22. I can’t get around like I used to — it’s this accursed rheumatism!

23. I get around, as you know.

24. She can always manage to get around her dad.

25. How do we get around the new tax laws?

26. And they also get around New York.

27. To get around this problem, cable companies are actually buying movie production houses.

28. Enter the Internet as a way to get around parental censorship.

29. None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth.

30. Today, wheelchair users are trying to raise awareness of how difficult it is to get around.

More similar words: around, go around, all around, revolve around, around the corner, round and round, round, ground, round up, round off, all round, come round, surround, background, surrounding, middle ground, on the grounds of, bear out, wear out, secretary, clear out, planetarium, the proletariat, founder, compound, profound, boundary, abound in, stare, star. 

подойти, приближаться, становиться известным, распространиться


- навещать, посещать
- приводить (кого-л.) в гости
- распространяться, становиться известным
- = get about
- = get round

Мои примеры


trams and buses make it easy to get around — трамваи и автобусы облегчают передвижение  
get around to doing smth. — собраться  
get around to doing — собраться осуществить намерение  
when will you get around to my question? — когда вы доберётесь до моего вопроса?  
get around the patent — обойти патент  
get around — путешествовать с места на место; бывать во многих местах; распространяться  
get around a patent — обойти патент  
get around the problem — преодолеть трудности; решить задачу  
get around to doing smth — чтобы сделать что-л; найти время  
get around to — удосужиться  

Примеры с переводом

How does she get around without a car?

Как же она обходится без машины?

When are you going to get round to our house?

Когда вы зайдете к нам в гости?

Do get your new boyfriend round to see us.

Обязательно приводи к нам своего нового парня.

Somehow she managed to get around the rules for paying the sales tax on a car bought out of state.

Она как-то ухитрилась обойти правила уплаты налога с продаж на автомобиль, приобрётенный за пределами штата.

Stories have been getting round concerning the government’s secret intentions.

Поползли слухи о тайных намерениях правительства.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word get around, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use get around in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «get around».

Get around in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word get around in a sentence.

  1. To get around this, Berger had to look outside the Reich.

  2. To get around these problems, Minneapolis millers made use of new technology.

  3. They do not generally hop, preferring to fly to get around, and glide only infrequently.

  4. To get around its neutronic properties, it was proposed to use tungsten-184, which does not absorb neutrons.

  5. He did not get around to proposing, but against his father’s advice he mentioned his ideas on transmutation.

  6. The 69-year-old Houston was in his final days and physically feeble, requiring the use of a cane to get around.

  7. Holifield warned her that she would not be able to get around the state fast enough to explain her vote and Nixon would «beat [her] brains in».

  8. Hebbinghaus nevertheless allowed that the design staff had some leeway in warship development that could be used to get around the legal restrictions.

  9. The audit found that McKinzie and the other officials secretly created a second set of financial books to get around the sorority’s accounting policies.

  10. To get around these problems, tented camps were established for the scientists at H1 on Hermite Island and Cocoa Beach (also known as T2) on Trimouille Island.

  11. In previous campaigns, the party’s leader, Tommy Douglas, had to use commercial Air Canada flights to get around during the election, with few people in his entourage.

  12. Truman responded he did not want «to appear to be trying to get around Congress and use extra-Constitutional powers,» and added that it was «up to Congress whether such a resolution should be introduced.».

Synonyms for get around

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word get around has the following synonyms: break, get out, bypass, short-circuit, go around, get about and swing.

General information about «get around» example sentences

The example sentences for the word get around that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «get around» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «get around».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


There are certain limits imposed by physical laws that you simply cannot get around.

Есть ограничения национального законодательства, которые вы так просто не сможете обойти.

As for the other negative aspects of home self-study, many of them really get around.

Что касается иных отрицательных сторон домашнего самостоятельного обучения, то многие из них реально обойти.

You can get around Ashgabat by bus or taxi.

One problem in industrialized countries is that employers can get around legislation by re-labelling jobs.

Одна из присущих промышленно развитым странам проблем заключается в том, что работодатели могут обходить законодательство, реклассифицируя рабочие места.

You can get around censorship and geographical blocks.

Потому что таким образом вы можете обходить цензуру и географические ограничения.

The colony recognition mechanism doesn’t work, somehow they get around it.

Принятый в колонии механизм распознавания соплеменников не распространяется на них, однако они каким-то образом обходят его.

Sometimes the guarantee is worded in such a way that in practice, healthcare organizations can easily get around them.

Но порой гарантии сформулированы таким образом, что на практике медицинские организации могут легко их обойти.

That should help you get around any blocks.

Это должно помочь вам обойти любые блоки.

Today, I would like to first introduce the vehicles that will help players get around the island.

Сегодня я хотел бы сначала представить автомобили, которые помогут игрокам обойти остров.

This new proposal would let some shops get around that rule.

Новое предложение позволит некоторым магазинам обходить это правило.

Many students use them on campus to be able to quickly get around.

Многие студенты используют их в кампусе, чтобы иметь возможность быстро обойти.

But you can get around this difficulty by asking a bed partner to observe your sleep habits or recording yourself during sleep.

Но вы можете обойти эту трудность, попросив партнера по кровати наблюдать за вашими привычками сна или записав себя во время сна.

Such a large layer of culture, which exists on every continent, could not get around the cinema.

Такой большой пласт культуры, схожие черты которой имеются на всех континентах, не мог обойти кинематограф.

To look at everything carefully and get around such a huge territory, it will take several days.

Чтобы посмотреть все внимательно и обойти такую огромную территорию, понадобится несколько дней.

The kids could get around these parental controls with some simple tools, but they don’t know that.

Дети могли обойти эти родительские элементы управления с помощью простых инструментов, но они этого не знают.

The vallet is so small that every tourist can get around it several times a day.

Валлета настолько мал, что каждый турист может обойти его несколько раз за день.

They’re organized spatially so you can get around the system very quickly and see what’s going on.

Они организованы пространственно, поэтому вы можете очень быстро обойти систему и посмотреть, что происходит.

Russia can get around this problem to some extent by boosting labour productivity.

Россия может обойти эту проблему в некоторой степени за счет повышения производительности труда.

By using a VPN, you can get around those restrictions.

Однако, если вы используете VPN, вы можете обойти эти ограничения местоположения.

London is established as the largest city in Europe, yet it is easy to get there and get around.

Лондон признан крупнейшим городом в Европе, но легко добраться туда и обойти его.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат get around

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April 11, 2023
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And when you get around to wondering, Lori had enough respect for you and I that she wouldn’t horn in on our relationship, either.

I’ve met three men in my life that qualify on those grounds, and I don’t get around that much.

They’ve been working for millions of years to get around this one; they’re quite crafty at it.

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We didn’t get around to the other one; the newspaper lady.

No, I’m afraid I didn’t get around to it yet.

She grabbed her purse and followed him to the truck, leaping in quickly so he could close the door and get around to his side.

I’m mayor now, until we get around to having an election.

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