Sentence with the word get along

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


These brain processes have evolved to help us get along better in social situations and are usually advantageous.

Эти мозговые процессы развивались, чтобы помочь нам лучше ладить в социальных ситуациях и, как правило, выгодно.

Our kids still get along really well and are usually best friends.

Хорошо ладят с детьми и обычно становятся лучшими друзьями.

We either get along or not, said the president-elect at a press conference.

Мы либо поладим, либо нет», — сказал избранный президент США на пресс-конференции в Нью-Йорке.

Look how well they get along.

Ты только посмотри, как хорошо они поладили.

And, unfortunately, the pessimists are right to question whether capitalism can continue to get along happily with democracy.

И, к несчастью, пессимисты правы, задавая вопрос, может ли капитализм и дальше счастливо уживаться с демократией.

They get along, perhaps even better than our political leaders for many years.

Они ладят, возможно, даже лучше, чем наши политические лидеры в течение долгих лет…

It’s a world where Orcs and other supernatural creatures are real — and don’t always get along.

Это мир, где орки и другие сверхъестественные существа реальны — и не всегда ладят.

There are Russian parts and Ukrainian parts that do not get along.

Есть российские части и украинские части, которые не ладят.

It’s not saying we even want to get along, but that we have to get along together in this world if it is to survive.

Речь даже не идет о том, что мы хотим ладить друг с другом, но мы вынуждены уживаться в этом мире, раз ему не суждено исчезнуть.

Get along and fight with good friends all in the same day.

Ложись и сражайся с хорошими друзьями все в один день.

Get along, little sproutlings, and dig.

Растите, молодые побеги, и укореняйтесь.

Get along and embrace one another.

Get along and enjoy like never before.

Погрузитесь и развлекитесь, как никогда раньше.

Get along in the same Academy difficult because they are constantly fighting with each other.

Ужиться в одной академии им непросто — ведь все они постоянно сражаются друг с другом.

Get along and, like the Vulcans say, live long and prosper.

Просто следуйте им и, как говорили в совсем другой вселенной, живите долго и процветайте.

Get along boys or go to your room.

You said, «Get along until after the election.»

It’ll take you, Queequeg. Get along.

Get along! said several voices, and one of the soldiers, evidently afraid that Pierre might want to take from them some of the plate and bronzes that were in the drawer, moved threateningly toward him.

Убирайся к черту,] — послышались голоса, и один из солдат, видимо, боясь, чтобы Пьер не вздумал отнимать у них серебро и бронзы, которые были в ящике, угрожающе надвинулся на него.

Get along, little buggies.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Get along

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Why Bibi and Vlad Get Along
Почему Биби и Влад ладят друг с другом

Tell me what you need and I’ll tell you how to get along without it.
Скажи мне, в чём ты нуждаешься, и я расскажу тебе как без этого обойтись.

Do you get along with your family
Вы ладите со своей семьей

Did he get along with his parents?
Он ладил со своими родителями?

I get along well with all the staff.
Я лажу со всеми работниками.

You don’t get along with your parents?
Не ладите с родителями?

She doesn’t get along with my parents.
Она не ладит с родителями.

Jimmy is easy for me to get along with.
Мне легко ладить с Джимми.

How do you get along with Cy’s wife?
Как ты ладишь с женой Сая?

We try to get along, but we aren’t BFFs.
Мы пытаемся ладить, но все же мы не лучшие друзья.

In economics, Poles and Germans get along as never before.
В экономике поляки и немцы ладят как никогда прежде.

He was the sort of man you could get along with.
Он был таким человеком, с которым легко было ладить.

“I think I would just get along very well with Putin.
«Я думаю, что буду отлично ладить с Владимиром Путиным.

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande have finally found that they get along.
Ангела Меркель и Франсуа Олланд наконец-то выяснили, что они ладят друг с другом.

Trump has declared his desire: “I want to get along with Russia.”
Трамп заявил о своем желании: «Я хочу ладить с Россией».

I don’t know how to get along with those difficult people.
Я не знаю, как ладить с этими трудными людьми.

We can’t get along with other people, even in our own families.
Мы не умеем ладить с другими людми, даже в наших собственных семьях.

“I know Putin and I’ll tell you what, we get along with Putin,” Trump said.
«Я знаю Путина, и могу сказать, что мы с Путиным ладим», — сказал Трамп.

U.S. foreign-policy talking heads will likely speculate on how well the two men get along.
Говорящие головы внешней политики Соединенных Штатов будут, вероятно, рассуждать о том, как хорошо эти два человека ладят друг с другом.

We didn’t always get along, but I always tried to keep Cyril’s good name intact.
Мы не всегда ладили, но я старалась не порочить доброе имя Сирила.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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Synonym: advance, come, come along, come on, do, fare, get along with, get on, get on with, make out, progress, shape up. Similar words: get along with, let alone, along, all along, alongside, along with, long., long. Meaning: v. 1. proceed or get along 2. have smooth relations 3. develop in a positive way. 

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1. I hope I will get along with everyone.

2. I get along well with him.

3. I don’t get along well with her.

4. I don’t really get along with my sister’s husband.

5. We don’t get along anymore.

6. The car could hardly get along on the slope.

7. I can’t get along on my scanty pay.

8. It’s impossible to get along with him.

9. Let’s get along and tell him the good news.

10. We just don’t get along.

11. I want to get along with everyone.

12. Try to get along.

13. Get along with you. It’s a cock and bull story.

14. He is sincere and easy to get along with.

15. We get along like nobody’s business.

15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

16. You can’t get along without water.

17. I simply can’t get along without a secretary.

18. Now we get along just well.

19. Don’t worry, we’ll get along without you.

20. We get along just fine.

21. I just can’t get along without a secretary.

22. We get along just fine together.

23. They seem to get along with each other.

24. How did you get along in your driving test?

25. I have heard him tell people that we get along splendidly.

26. We tried to develop plans for them to get along, which all failed miserably.

27. The boys found it hard to get along with Tom, because he always said some very belligerent things.

28. Frank and I will never get along. We’re chalk and cheese.

29. Do you get along with your boss?/Do you and your boss get along?

30. The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.

More similar words: get along with, let alone, along, all along, alongside, along with, long., long, catalog, at a loss, metal, leave alone, long for, prolong, long since, longtime, no longer, as long as, any longer, so long as, long-term, belong to, before long, long before, in the long run, deal out, a lot of, a load of, dialogue, get at. 

прожить, обходиться, жить, преуспевать, продвигаться, справляться с делом


- жить; прожить; обходиться

- преуспевать, делать успехи

he’s getting along nicely — у него хорошо идут дела
how are you getting along with /in/ your English? — как у вас дела с английским?

- уходить; двигаться; продвигаться

I must be getting along — мне пора идти
get along! — проходите!
Get along with you! — эмоц.-усил. а) иди ты!, ерунда!; не болтай глупостей!; да ну тебя!; б) проваливай!

- стареть (тж. get along in years)
- ладить, быть в хороших отношениях

to get along well with smb. — быть в хороших отношениях с кем-л.
to get along (well) together — (хорошо) уживаться
we do not get along — мы не ладим

Мои примеры


to get along in years — стареть  
get along without food — обходиться без пищи  
get along — продолжать существовать, несмотря ни на что; строить свои отношения; жить  
ability to get along with — способность уживаться с другими; способность жить с другими  
get along in years — стареть  
get along with you — убирайтесь  
get along with — быть в хороших отношениях; уживаться с кем-либо; уживаться  
get along together — уживаться  

Примеры с переводом

I’ll get along somehow.

Я уж как-нибудь устроюсь.

They get along.

Они ладят. / Они хорошо уживаются.

How time’s getting along!

Как летит время!

How is your work getting along?

Как твоя работа, движется?

My boss and I get along very well.

Мы с начальником /шефом, боссом/ прекрасно ладим.

Does he get along with his mother-in-law?

Он находит общий язык со своей тещей?

How is Tom getting along with his new book?

Как у Тома продвигается с его новой книгой?

I think I’ll be getting along now, I want to be home quite early.

Думаю, мне пора уходить, я хочу пораньше попасть домой.

Grandfather is getting along and doesn’t see too well any more.

Дедушка стареет и плохо видит.

Most college students can get along with just a few hours of sleep at night.

Большинство студентов колледжа может обойтись всего несколькими часами ночного сна.

The preparations for the party are getting along just fine.

Подготовка к вечеринке проходит довольно успешно.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word get along, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use get along in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «get along».

Get along in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word get along in a sentence.

  1. Angelou did not get along with her stepmother.

  2. They also generally get along well with cats and other dogs.

  3. It is marginal, just managing to get along, and in the end deadly.

  4. She disliked going there as she did not get along well with other students.

  5. Aldrin did not get along well with his superior, Brigadier General Robert M.

  6. They had grown apart artistically and did not get along well with each other.

  7. Known as someone who was difficult to get along with, he was not well-liked by his fellow players.

  8. Harvey Frommer described Meusel as a heavy drinker and womanizer who did not get along with his teammates.

  9. He eventually admits he only pretended to get along with Victor to lure him into a false sense of security.

  10. At school he was noted for his intelligence, ability to get along well with others, and quiet sense of humour.

  11. Tibbets did not get along well with Norstad, or with Doolittle’s chief of staff, Brigadier General Hoyt Vandenberg.

  12. His relationships with other players were difficult; teammates and opponents alike found him hard to get along with.

  13. McKinley found Alger inadequate as Secretary of War, and did not get along with the Army’s commanding general, Nelson A.

  14. When Hammond left to tour Australia in 1946–47, Ness-Harvey remained behind with his mother, with whom she did not get along.

  15. South African Minister of Justice Jimmy Kruger visited in December 1974, but he and Mandela did not get along with each other.

  16. He was notoriously difficult to get along with, a major reason he changed teams so frequently in the last decade of his career.

  17. A prospective candidate would need to possess proven managerial skills, command respect, and have an ability to get along with others.

  18. She lived there with her mother, aunt, and grandparents, who did not get along well and consistently spoke ill of her father, to her dismay.

  19. Rockefeller and Barnard were polar opposites in both temperament and outlook and did not get along; Rockefeller was reserved, Barnard exuberant.

  20. Kulikovsky and Marie did not get along; he was resentful of his wife acting as Marie’s secretary and companion, and Marie was distant toward him.

  21. Although Paul Oscar’s family encouraged his musical talent, his parents did not get along with each other, and he was bullied by his schoolmates.

  22. Wendee Pratt was cast as emergency medical technician Joy Tolson, who works to help Lange throughout the episode but does not get along with him.

  23. I don’t know how you get along so fast with the traffic on the roads these days.» Fleming was buried in the churchyard of Sevenhampton, near Swindon.

  24. In spite of his injuries, Hemingway joined Patrick and his wife on a planned fishing trip in February, but he was irascible and difficult to get along with.

  25. We all get along great as we’ve known each other for maybe four years and he already has the experience to take on the circus-like lifestyle we lead as members of Opeth.».

  26. O’Reilly believed that Bradman, with whom he did not get along, was responsible, wishing to expose the English bowling he believed was designed to cause him physical injury.

  27. An introvert, he did not always get along with the more extrovert Hirst, possibly owing to mutual jealousy and some of Hirst’s jocular comments, and was rarely pictured smiling.

  28. Despite his injuries, Hemingway accompanied Patrick and his wife on a planned fishing expedition in February, but pain caused him to be irascible and difficult to get along with.

  29. The team was captained by Victor Richardson, and O’Reilly publicly described it as the happiest tour he had been on—he was one of several players who did not get along with Bradman.

  30. Although she could not get along with Lady Kingsborough, the children found her an inspiring instructor; Margaret King would later say she ‘had freed her mind from all superstitions’.

  31. Despite Hitler’s assurances, Terboven wanted to make sure that there would be no room in the government for the Nasjonal Samling nor its leader Quisling, with whom he did not get along.

  32. Steiger and Palance did not get along during the production, and in one scene Palance threw several record albums at Steiger in frustration, feeling that he was trying to steal the scene.

  33. For the most part, Angelou is able to get along well with whites, but she occasionally encounters prejudice, as when she needs help from white friends to rent a home in a segregated neighborhood.

  34. The orchestra’s principal flute player, Donald Peck, commented that the relationship between a conductor and an orchestra is difficult to explain: «some conductors get along with some orchestras and not others.

Synonyms for get along

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word get along has the following synonyms: do, fare, make out, come, get along with, get on with, get on, progress, come on, come along, advance and shape up.

General information about «get along» example sentences

The example sentences for the word get along that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «get along» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «get along».

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