Sentence with the word freeze

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It has to be very fast in order to ‘freeze‘ the image against the turbulent atmosphere.

Большая скорость выполнения снимков необходима, чтобы «заморозить» изображение в турбулентной атмосфере.

Try to ‘freeze‘ or disable the app that looks suspicious and see if the phone auto-connects with the WiFi network.

Попробуйте «заморозить» или отключить приложение, которое выглядит подозрительно, и посмотреть, не подключится ли телефон автоматически к сети WiFi.

This ‘freeze for freeze’ agreement was held up since.

Это соглашение «замораживание ради замораживания» соблюдалось.

We must erase the word ‘freeze‘ from our vocabulary.

Мы должны стереть слово «замораживание» из нашего словаря».

colour and they can even ‘freeze‘ the picture.

С помощью короткой выдержки Вы можете «заморозить» изображение

Russia wants to ‘freeze‘ conflict in Donbas — ex-chief of intelligence service

Россия стремится «заморозить» конфликт на Донбассе — экс-глава Службы внешней разведки Украины

The U.S. will probably declare the ‘freeze for freeze’ agreement dead and restart its maneuvers.

США, вероятно, объявят соглашение «замораживание ради замораживания» мертвым и возобновят свои маневры.

A new way to ‘freeze‘ cells promises to transform the common cell-freezing practice

Новый способ «заморозить» клетки обещает трансформировать обычную практику замораживания клеток

In this study, which is the largest long-term follow-up study of this procedure, we’ve shown we can ‘freeze‘ a patient’s disease — and stop it from becoming worse, for up to 5 years.

В ходе работы — ставшей крупнейшим долговременным исследованием рассеянного склероза — мы продемонстрировали, что способны «заморозить» болезнь, как минимум, на пять лет».

Trump implements de facto ‘freeze for freeze’ with North Korea as nuke talks stall

Трамп де-факто осуществляет «замораживание для замораживания» с Северной Кореей, поскольку переговоры о ядерных бомбах

But make sure you follow any instructions on the pack — such as ‘freeze on day of purchase’, ‘cook from frozen’ or ‘defrost thoroughly before use and use within 24 hours’.

Но в этом случае соблюдайте инструкции на упаковке, например, «заморозить в день покупки» или «готовить из замороженного состояния», или «тщательно разморозить и использовать в течение 24 часов».

Kurds offer to ‘freeze‘ independence referendum result&resolve conflict via talks with Baghdad

Курды готовы «заморозить» итоги референдума и начать диалог с Багдадом

To make changes, a system administrator must ‘thaw’ the protected partition by disabling Deep Freeze, make any needed changes, and then ‘freeze‘ it again by re-enabling Deep Freeze.

Чтобы внести изменения, системный администратор должен «разморозить» защищённый раздел, отключив Deep Freeze, внести необходимые изменения, а затем вновь «заморозить» его ещё раз, и повторно влючить утилиту.

Newly Invented World’s Fastest Camera Can ‘Freeze Time’

Читать ещё: Создана самая быстрая в мире камера, способная «заморозить время»

Agents acting on behalf of the British courts petitioned the DIFC Courts to take control of the yacht and the Dubai court ruled on February 8 to ‘freeze‘ Luna and the ship was seized while moored in Dubai.

Британские судебные исполнители обратились в суд DIFC с просьбой взять под контроль яхту Ахмедова, и 8 февраля тот постановил «заморозить» «Луну» в порту Дубая.

The World’s Fastest Camera Can ‘Freeze Time’, Show Beams of Light in Slow Motion

Самая быстрая в мире камера может «заморозить время» и показать, как движется свет

«U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated that Russian authorities intend to ‘freeze‘ the situation in Donbass.»

Специальный представитель США по Украине Курт Волкер заявил, что Россия намерена «заморозить» ситуацию в Донбассе.

Horses can appear docile at auction because they are so confused they ‘freeze‘.

Лошади могут казаться послушными на аукционе, потому что они настолько смущены, что «замораживаются».

Some mailing ‘freeze‘ for a few weeks or months, while others cease to exist at all.

Одни рассылки «замирают» на несколько недель или месяцев, другие вообще прекращают свое существование.

If using task Manager failed to remove ‘freeze‘, you must resort to drastic measures.

Если с помощью диспетчера задач не удалось снять «зависание», следует прибегнуть к радикальным мерам.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘ freeze

Результатов: 18601. Точных совпадений: 67. Затраченное время: 323 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Freeze?



  • «Blocked funds»; «freeze the assets of this hostile government»
  • «the legislation has now been revived after ten years in the deep freeze«
  • «deep-freeze the food»
  • «a freeze on hiring»
  • «a halt in the arms race»; «a nuclear freeze«
  • «I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on»
  • «freeze the leftover food»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word freeze, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use freeze in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «freeze».

Freeze in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word freeze in a sentence.

  1. The government’s response was to issue a price freeze.

  2. If it became too cold, parts of Columbia might freeze.

  3. If he tried to sneak through the forest, he would freeze to death.

  4. This indecision led Krauss-Maffei to freeze its bid for the Lince.

  5. This indecision led Krauss-Maffei to freeze their bid for the Lince.

  6. Crystals can be used against enemies to freeze, burn, or otherwise harm them.

  7. Replacing staff was nearly impossible, as Groves had ordered a staffing freeze.

  8. Slow lorises are particularly vulnerable because they tend to freeze when spotted.

  9. Outside, the temperature was so low that the camera lenses would freeze and break.

  10. They are formed when it is high enough to be cold and freeze the water drops into ice.

  11. A freeze has been recorded for every month of the year including all the summer months.

  12. All orphaned chicks will rapidly become weaker and die of starvation, or freeze to death.

  13. Additionally, the «strap-ons» can set opponents on fire, electrocute them, or freeze them.

  14. At 10:05, Nunes approached the guard, pointing a handgun at his chest, causing him to freeze.

  15. A price freeze was placed on emergency supplies such as wood, nails, batteries, kerosene, and lanterns.

  16. She can use it to flick, smash, freeze, or send lightning bolts to enemies, as well as lift certain items.

  17. The island’s horse population is monitored by freeze branding numbers onto each animal’s left hindquarter.

  18. The running mates, never close, detached as Garfield continued to freeze out the Stalwarts from his patronage.

  19. Here, locals advised them that they would have to wait for the river to freeze before attempting to reach Bulun.

  20. Officials closed all schools, banned the sale of alcohol, and ordered a freeze on the price of emergency supplies.

  21. However, Governor Ronald Reagan lifted the associated freeze in construction at the state level a few weeks later.

  22. In Indonesia, slow lorises are called malu malu or «shy one» because they freeze and cover their face when spotted.

  23. Naval officials to freeze live fire exercises with the guns until the investigation into the explosion was concluded.

  24. The streaks flow downhill in Martian summer, when the temperature is above −23° Celsius, and freeze at lower temperatures.

  25. The letter also apportioned blame to Barrington, and openly questioned his mistaken belief that sea water could not freeze.

  26. At the equator, temperatures can drop to −240 °C (−400.0 °F; 33.1 K), causing nitrogen to freeze as water would freeze on Earth.

  27. The canal would often freeze in winter, so an icebreaker was used to ensure the canal remained navigable during the cold weather.

  28. However, such hypothetical organisms would be required to metabolize at a deep freeze temperature of −179.2 °C (−290.6 °F; 94.0 K).

  29. Among others, he learnt the use of freeze frame shots from François Truffaut, and jump cuts, fades and dissolves from Jean-Luc Godard.

  30. Another approach is to use a hotpoint drill, saturating the snow and firn with melted water, which will then freeze and seal the borehole.

  31. The bid for the project was awarded to Novo-Rados Construction in October 1975, as one of the final projects before the construction freeze.

  32. The processing area is isolated from surrounding groundwater by a freeze wall consisting of wells filled with a circulating super-chilled fluid.

  33. Meyer and the production staff were adamant about not using freeze frames for the transporter, as had been done in the original television series.

  34. As the cumulonimbus cloud in a thunderstorm grows vertically, the liquid water droplets freeze when the air temperature reaches the freezing point.

  35. Alternatively, certain local officials have defied and evaded court orders or have simply closed their registration offices to freeze the voting rolls.

  36. The Baltic Sea began to freeze over by the end of December, impeding the movement of warships; by mid-winter, only ice breakers and submarines could still move.

  37. She continued to support the Army until the water in the Gulf of Riga threatened to freeze over at which time she retired to the port of Kuivastu to winter over.

  38. Driven mad, the boss places the baby in a deep freeze room next to Max’s corpse so the baby can be with his son, prompting Thongs and Octopus to fight for the baby.

  39. The financial difficulties forced a freeze on public sector expansion and hospital developments, and there were claims of theft and mismanagement in the health system.

  40. The mixing ratio is much lower in the upper atmosphere due to its extremely low temperature, which lowers the saturation level and causes excess methane to freeze out.

  41. To reduce costs, Borman convinced employees to accept a wage freeze in 1976, with an eight percent raise in 1977, and then a five-year Variable Earnings Program (VEP).

  42. The matter was brought to the Court of Holland, which ordered each city to freeze tulip agreements, investigate the matter, and then act according to its own judgment.

  43. Bach has the music almost freeze on the first words «den Tod» (death), and the word «gefangen» (imprisoned) is marked by a sharp dissonance between the soprano and alto.

  44. The following week, the legislature’s all-party Standing Committee on Member Services extended this to all MLAs by voting unanimously to freeze MLA salaries for the fiscal year.

  45. Haynes solved the problem by creating a refrigeration device that would cause the moisture (which was a diluted form of gasoline) to condense, freeze, and fall into a reservoir.

  46. On Day 8, after being asked to follow a new procedure passed up from the ground that caused the computer to freeze, Eisele radioed, «We didn’t get the results that you were after.

  47. Purchase agreed to keep the body in the mortuary refrigerator at a temperature of 4 °C (39 °F) any colder and the flesh would freeze, which would be obvious after the body defrosted.

  48. Pluto, conversely, being closer to the Sun, would be warm enough that methane would freeze only onto cooler, high-albedo regions, leaving low-albedo tholin-covered regions bare of ice.

  49. On 13 August 2013, 1,700 employees at the Elizabeth plant in South Australia voted to accept a three-year wage freeze in order to decrease the chances of the production line’s closure in 2016.

  50. Her relationship with Patti was the most contentious; Patti flouted American conservatism, rebelled against her parents by joining the nuclear freeze movement, and authored many anti-Reagan books.

Synonyms for freeze

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word freeze has the following synonyms: freezing, frost, halt, block, immobilize, immobilise, freeze out, freeze down, stop dead and suspend.

General information about «freeze» example sentences

The example sentences for the word freeze that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «freeze» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «freeze».

another year with the coming of the sterile freeze

He pulled it out of his pocket and the caller ID made him freeze

I freeze and the room spins as her words hit me

Cracks, that fill with water and freeze in winter,

They sense the danger and freeze

It therefore comes as a shock when Jake turns to his father and says, ‘Dad, when will you be moving in with Jo?’ I freeze as he continues

it’s too much for one person so I’d have to cook it up into something and then freeze down half of it

Look Mya, there is a raging storm about to hit us; if we are caught in it we will freeze in a

He hit him with the tangle gun before, during and after the freeze, and again after the slice

“No, let’s see, that happened when the freeze process is activated

“The shamen have predicted a late freeze this week,” he said, “and I do have a foot warmer under that table

filled before the first freeze

He always walked to the office, as outdoor as he could, even if it was in the freeze of mid Dawnsleep

“You can’t freeze the transfer when the check is cashed?”

All animals however were put into deep freeze or sent to other planets

I wish I had my camera to take this group and freeze it in time

When you freeze your leftovers, be sure that you label your containers with freezer tape and

a fraction of a second? Does he freeze up when he’s

As predicted, the name once more demonstrated its power to captivate, to freeze a fast mover in his tracks

Now freeze! Look at the face of Sisyphus as he stands there, exhausted

conflict and being stuck freeze toward Presence where there are no pathways

With the Gulf Stream disrupted, the world begins to freeze

“No, I can remember climbing into the deep freeze, but after that

If you don’t want to freeze to death in here, you can help to get ready for this storm

“You’ll freeze to death out here

“You’ll freeze without those on

Even if they found spare supplies of oxygen their suits had only another fifty, perhaps sixty hours, before the loss of power meant they’d freeze

“Will their water freeze?” she asked

In winter it would freeze over, by then the

‘You’ll freeze out there without a coat

Thompson was lost in the ice on the Bering Sea during a severe freeze, which also caused thirty-two

Also lost in that freeze was the ship Roman, which was the first ship that Captain Hawes sailed on to begin his whaling career

I took careful aim on Tommy Smiths head and squeezed the trigger I watched as he pitched forward into a shell hole I watched Stanley freeze for an instant as I worked the bolt and shoved another round into the breech

She fixed me with a stare that could freeze the sun and pointed to the chair

Larkey wanted her heart to explode and freeze the heavens and seas at that very moment, she knew she was too far away to do anything

creatures into the streets to freeze, now, would you?»

«And leave the poor children to freeze as well as starve?» said Ann

out to freeze, that’s certain

Freeze 20 minutes before serving

Let dry for about 2 hours on waxed paper, then freeze or refrigerate

Then refrigerate or freeze until serving

waxed paper and freeze about 2 hours

No more winters so cold that the lowest levels freeze

Obviously if the money is in Europe it is much easier to attach and freeze it

Maybe it would freeze or something

Karla felt her heart freeze as the gun was pressed against her temple

“Police, everybody freeze!” he shouted down to the boat

“There, now you won’t have to freeze your brass monkeys

Suddenly I freeze, my cheeks hot

This jungle juice could be dangerous because it seems to freeze your mind in place

“Don’t want your brain to freeze

Then, if anybody’s blood ever did freeze, Faith Meredith’s certainly froze at that moment

Ellen will roast me and you’ll freeze me

When one of the telepaths detects a Magi scan passing through, you will see us all freeze

When you see us all freeze, you will have to rely on your thought shield to keep you hidden

It was early winter, but we still had not had a freeze

We had our first freeze at the same time the grassland gave way to forest

I could see that the river was beginning to freeze over along the banks and the pontoon bridge, a little downstream of my position, was being removed and stored

Time seemed to freeze as Rufus snatched the shotgun from his

This is different from DMAS, these drivers simply freeze, lose all memories on

Elijah: He might freeze to death there

As the ice started to sparkle gorgons attacked Vyry’s soldiers and rivers of blood soon started to freeze near the ice

it will be a cold day in hell before I sleep with you» and take into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in having relations with her, then, #2 cannot be true and thus I am sure that hell is exothermic and will not freeze

episode, the mystery of the “penis freeze” was resolved and Adrian was able to

A friend of mine had his water line freeze on him this winter and get this Monica, the house is brand new

It didn’t freeze in mid air; I just created a shield around Jesse

with a good stiff wind, your skin can freeze in a matter of minutes

” I freeze, refusing to believe what I was seeing

Before we could leave Orinda, they called me with two pieces of bad news: first, my hiring which was announced by a December 24th phone call—our Christmas present that year, was being put on hold by President Ford’s hiring freeze; secondly, if they got it lifted (which they did easily because I was replacing a fired GS-14 and was badly needed), we had to go to Pascagoula

My promotion never arrived, ostensibly due to a) Jimmie Carter’s pay freeze, b) loss of high grade ceiling point to Code 400, the Engineering Dept

Incidentally, Pressly had been exempted from Carter’s pay freeze and was by then himself a GS-14

“Crank on the heat before we freeze our asses off!”

“About two men will freeze to death and all the pipes will burst at our water supply

Ken could hear him clearly as he grumbled, “We’ll freeze our ass surer’n hell

“How did you freeze in that area? You’ve got the long mittens

Except for those few days in Lapland I told you about, and even then I had to keep on the move in order not to freeze to death

as though her very brainwaves could freeze his heart

Cut the dough in half, and freeze one half for future use

I felt my tears freeze where they were

The weather was so cold in this part of our territory for five months of the year that we had to mix calcium chloride in the paste to freeze the poster paper on the boards

At once, Sloth’s muscles freeze and he is unable to move at all

In the barren wilderness of the West Coast of South Africa, she had been in danger because of heat and hunger; and here, she would most probably freeze before her friends were able to find her

We’ll have a Cape Town summer, while the big freeze sets in over the Northern parts

The Great Lakes had been frozen over the most extensively since the severe 1978 freeze

A loud sound like a firecracker blasting in her ear made him freeze in his tracks

Her idea was to freeze or plug the

Your hands will instantly freeze to the nodes

How long did I have to live in here? I’d freeze in few hours

«When you can’t see what’s coming, it’s one type of combat, although a screeching shell or an RPG lighting off can freeze your blood awhile

The question is, how will I or anyone react to seeing some character start toward me behind the point of a long sharp spear? How will one of us react if he looks up and sees hundreds of lethal missiles poised at the top of their trajectory, and all aimed at him? Will he freeze, cower under his shield, run behind a tree?»

It just took one look from Marcus’s dark eyes to make the young soldiers freeze and rethink their movements

«We’ll freeze by then!»

A crunching sound on the gravel ahead made her freeze in her tracks

Refrigerate or freeze

She looks like she’s stuck in one paralyzing thought, like when a squirrel freezes up in the middle of the road

Ricci’s eyes grow wide with alarm, but he freezes with fear in front of the Mercedes

“Last winter before the spring had stolen my opportunity, I went round to that shallow sheltered cove, one of the few places where the Tahoe freezes each year

He grows all sorts of things in his back yard and then freezes

Maybe when we get back, but the length of time between now and then freezes me

For example, in capillaries 1,57 mm in diameter water freezes at

“So, water expands when it freezes, it could burst the tubs, we’d lose some and I don’t think we can afford to do that

Peter freezes with his lips parted, the yawn dead in his mouth

This is a system that condenses and freezes the Mako energy

His mind interprets the signals as brain freezes and cold chills around his body

souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over

Zachary freezes for a few seconds, calmly rubs his eyes, wiping some of the cream off, and then …

At the door, Zachary pulls it open, but freezes on the spot

Since they said the Ring freezes my transformation, I hoped it would stop the thirst too, but I guess I was wrong

Simon freezes, hands clutching at the rounded stones behind, wishing he could vanish entirely into the murky depths of water

He freezes in his tracks

Concepts and information, in a sense, freezes or quantizes dynamic reality within a spacetime grid

The body freezes

As the cucumber freezes and softens in the freezer (which is why I put it in a Ziploc baggie, who wants to clean cucumber guts from inside their freezer?) your man will not be able to perform until you remove the cucumber and bury

Tired and frustrated by Eva’s continuous headaches and «freezes,» confused and disappointed with the new technologies and «improvements» which had seen the passing into history of the steam locomotive and the South Fort Rouge yards, the death of two students on drugs was the end of the road

In an attempt to bring this individual’s conclusion to being more truthful, I have to include this soup, which freezes quite well, provided there’s any left

‘That’ll still be there when Hell freezes over,’ said the man standing next to

populations by initiating pay freezes and dramatic cuts to

In those states with freezes,

There are also fees involved with many credit freezes

He suddenly stops right in his tracks and freezes with fear as he stares down the hall at Diane D! He sees that Diane D has moved several yards closer to him!

Request that a boat gets ready to pick that man up before he freezes to death in the water

water freezes faster than cold water

Time freezes within MTAC

During winters in northern states or in the mountains, where hard freezes occur, a small immersed heater made for that purpose will keep a pond or birdbath from icing over

If a house is fashioned in Christ Hell freezes but we have to do the management

“Slaughter freezes the soul and put the anchor of acceptability”

Shi Chen was startled and freezes in his track

is the day hell freezes over,” I retorted and walked away

This question freezes the young Aaron

He freezes, his hands on the buckle of an arm guard

Unks stops dead in his tracks and freezes still

She freezes instantly at the position of attention, for her body has no defense or recourse against his strong voice

That will probably happen when “you know what” freezes over

It freezes up

Now why could she not talk on this subject without being vehement? There is something about vehemence that freezes responsiveness out of me; I suppose it is what Charlotte would call the oyster characteristics coming out

Still, she freezes in her tracks

Then he hears the worst noise he could possibly hear: the clanking of an approaching guard, and he freezes, every muscle in his body tense

«When water in the ground freezes into ice it expands, and this expansion pushes upon everything in the ground including all the rocks and boulders

Mary freezes in place

• A computer, yes even an old clunky one that «freezes» occasionally

I mean if one freezes to death because you are lost on the moors in the snow when your car has broken down and the heaters out of order, is that death by misadventure or double pneumonia

He freezes the

Willie freezes and stares intently behind the group

Hydrogen freezes on Earth at a temperature, which is the coldest amongst all other elements

It freezes space into the oblivious

By producing the opposing cold that finally freezes the heat to a solid state, we find that is what matter is

By the reducing of space, it can concentrate heat to a fluid state by producing the opposing cold that finally freezes the heat to a solid state

In front of your eyes you witness the sun freezing an atmosphere which the entire solar system shares and which is made up of condensed space that it freezes into squirting liquid that is the flow of heat, as pure as heat can be

When I say the Sun freezes hydrogen to a liquid because my eyes see the liquid squirting from the Sun I am dangerously mentally impaired since the Sun is blistering hot

it is valuing the abstract over the actual that freezes cultures into non-changing, preserved patterns

This time his gaze freezes me

When transparent water freezes: death begins

try to see the soup, our glance instantly freezes it and turns it back into “reality

I guess it freezes up his nostrils

The driver of the tank suddenly freezes as his vision registers how they die

Aliens have never seen such movements and their confident expression freezes

But since salt water freezes only at –2°, I was finally assured that there was no danger of it solidifying

the frost freezes the mortar

After the regulator freezes the CO2 out, the oxygen and nitrogen are still gasses, but they’re −75°C

Christian follows with two sharp thrusts, and he freezes, pouring himself into me as he finds his release

Then they both came down and sat in their places before the window waiting for Grandet, with that cruel anxiety which, according to the individual character, freezes the heart or warms it, shrivels or dilates it, when a scene is feared, a punishment expected,—a feeling so natural that even domestic animals possess it, and whine at the slightest pain of punishment, though they make no outcry when they inadvertently hurt themselves

At the same moment, my system freezes

The big expense here is the refrigerators and freezes, of course

We’ll have two parlours, with the freezes and the kitchen between

She stayed there for three days and came back having ordered an electric generating set, a very large refrigerator, two deep freezes, a stainless steel counter, eight glass- topped tables, thirty two chairs, two sink units, and a mass of minor shop fittings, glasses, plates, cutlery, and furnishings as well as a good deal of electrical fittings and cable

When the wind cuts your face, when it freezes, it is all the same; you must still wash

Then I went in and shot the televisor, that insidious beast, that Medusa, which freezes a billion people to stone every night, staring fixedly, that Siren which called and sang and promised so much and gave, after all, so little, but myself always going back, going back, hoping and waiting until—bang! Like a headless turkey, gobbling, my wife whooped out the front door

This moved the bulk of production out of frost-prone areas and has largely insulated Brazilian production from headline grabbing freezes that plagued the market back in the 1980s and 1990s

Even though the possibility of a freeze occurring prior to harvest still exists, freezes are less likely now than they were a decade or two ago because the bulk of orange production in Florida has moved further into the southern regions of the state

In the 1990s, Florida’s orange crop was ravaged by a series of freezes

These days, it is blight and disease, not freezes, that pose the greatest threat to Florida oranges

If you examine it closely the morning after it freezes, you find that the greater part of the bubbles, which at first appeared to be within it, are against its under surface, and that more are continually rising from the bottom; while the ice is as yet comparatively solid and dark, that is, you see the water through it

at least one can’t call it frost, you can fancy, 150 degrees below zero! You know the game the village girls play—they invite the unwary to lick an ax in thirty degrees of frost, the tongue instantly freezes to it and the dupe tears the skin off, so it bleeds

They took on another load of fuel in the freezing air, stopped for a couple bowls of fish diddle from a cook with a nice warm fire that she huddled close to, clutching her nightcoat tightly

’ I replied all thought freezing instantly

of the state lay in foetal balls on freezing flagstones

The window was wide open despite the freezing cold, but the place stank awfully, like vomit

It’s always freezing cold and wet standing in the churchyard but I suppose it’s a small thing to suffer compared with what the soldiers had to go through

It hadn’t been below freezing yet

it’s freezing out in the shed

’ She said, her expression freezing for an instant … ‘Yes, that was thoughtful of you

It was freezing in there

freezing the blood of boys in the winged shell of her smile

With great care he took hold of my hands and walked backwards into the water, drawing me after him until the freezing sea was above my knees, ‘There

My knees were freezing and I swore never to sniff at bikers in all their padded glory again

and freezing cold in winter, but very warm, even too hot in summer

The raw wind probably made it seem colder than it actually was, but he had felt warmer in below freezing conditions

With freezing certainty he knew he had been in denial

Why on earth should she remember that so clearly? She shrugged lying in the bed – freezing all movement remembering her sleeping husband … but he didn’t stir

It was freezing cold as Jacob stood by the back door of the

During the summer, fall, and spring—basically anytime it wasn’t freezing

The leaves were completely unfurled by now, with the sun on them they were well above freezing but the ground in the shade was not

Roman pressed the remote, freezing the images of the faces on the screen

It was below freezing, but somehow Johnny was hot

meant practices outside anytime it wasn’t freezing, even though there’s not much

When Jim open the door and let a great gust of wind and snow in, she realized just how cold she really was, even the tips of her toes were freezing

Today I was looking at lots of snow and it was cold below freezing

By the way, how are you doing? Hope you still survived from the freezing cold out there

Her toes still were freezing and she just couldn’t figure out how to keep her cast on the thin seat and still feel comfortable

How could he have expected her to take it any less serious? Was that why he hadn’t been around? Had he thought she would just allow him to have his way, without a commitment? Had she been too willing to slip into his sleeping bag? She’d been freezing

freezing conditions (it was only twelve degrees) until we

freezing rain and unceasing wind

only guests staying in the tiny hostel, and the freezing

wolves and exposed to the freezing temperatures of the

She shivered as his eyes of white and gray turned to her, freezing her heart with his gaze

A complication and freezing

But as we all know, paintings capture life’s journey at a standstill, forever freezing that unique moment in the annals of time

It’s only the president talking about freezing salaries and

The light-blue dolphin had pulled him underneath the freezing cold waters

Frost resistance of concrete is ability to keep strength and working ability at action of cyclic freezing and thawing in the water saturating conditions

At present, there is no general theory explaining the reason of frost destruction of concrete though it is obvious that finally, strength decrease of damp concrete at cyclic freezing and thawing is caused basically by formation of ice in concrete pores

Diffusion of water to area of freezing creates additional pressure

The temperature of freezing of water in concrete depends on the sizes of capillaries

Strength decrease of concrete after freezing and thawing is possible only at its water-saturation above the certain value

The standardized method of an estimation of frost resistance of concrete is characterized by number of cycles of freezing and thawing of specimens under standard conditions of test without essential strength decrease

The system of normalization of frost resistance offered by us according to which number of cycles of freezing and thawing (F) of laboratory specimens is not given; a class of frost resistance of concrete is more rational

) and then approximate number of cycles of freezing and thawing of concrete

water freezing at -200C in the concrete

The nights haven’t gotten below freezing yet but that doesn’t mean another cold snap isn’t on the way

60-150 MPa, frost resistance – more than 600 cycles of freezing and thawing, water absorption – less than 1-2%, abrasiveness – no more than 0

The memories began with a freezing day in the middle of winter when he was probably ten

That would mean starving to death and he was not sure whether he preferred that to freezing to death

Although the colony had a very tough start; conditions were hard, temperatures freezing and resources limited, after a couple of years it began to thrive

” I tried to turn and run but my legs wouldn’t work and an icy cold had come from nowhere and I was freezing as I watched in fascination as its ice cold hand caressed my cheek with the touch of the grave and I screamed like a little girl

He considered the other option of waiting to be rescued for a moment, but the freezing cold water that was slowly climbing up his calves reminded him that they were running out of time

“Where are you off to lad it’s only early yet and I don’t want you going home in that frame of mind so sit yourself back down and get warm in front of the fire you look freezing

“Just the usual, it was freezing here today

One could make the case that America at least in some sense invited the Pearl Harbor attack by imposing the trade embargo on Japan and freezing their financial assets

The changing room was freezing

Bodies exploding and freezing

The freezing temperatures gave the fruit the authority of stones, as evinced by a number of bruises swelling on the man’s face

He had the last laugh as I had to dive in after him fully clothed to hold his head above the freezing water while dragging him back to dry land after I realised that swimming did not come naturally to him! Obviously his mom (a good police dog too) failed to teach him to swim properly as a youngster

poor souls out, leastways, not in this freezing winter weather

While bonbons are freezing, line a cookie sheet or flat surface with waxed paper

«Brrr, it’s freezing cold in here

Sometimes a thaw, usually brief, sends the temperatures soaring up to ten or twenty degrees above freezing! Freak weather, but there is also the season where winter is not over yet, and it’s just mud, mud, mud

Without a fire, it was freezing in there, he knew

In that horror that is so real I can hear the freezing Arctic wind slashing at the bedroom windowpanes

There was a forest of chimneys, and somehow I just knew that the place would be freezing in winter

And it’s better when you are freezing not to wear much, creates more warmth in the insulated space, and Kara, she had only her dress

Now he was running through a freezing forest, to where he did not know

Now, I’m not going to ask you to hurt those insects in there, but I want you to turn the temperature down to freezing point

‘Estimated time until freezing point is seven minutes,’ said Aidme

ing appropriate for the freezing weather and told me about a wonder-

helped keep Kevin and me from freezing on those cold winter nights

the church helped me prepare it for freezing

The temperature was below freezing, so we stayed in the car with the motor running

Amelia, you must be freezing

«Do you think I could see any one freezing to death without helping them if I could? It wouldn’t be right, especially when my father’s a minister

The water was freezing and he tried to float on

Her body shook in the freezing conditions, and she could barely make it up the

We left the sweat lodge in silence and plunged into the freezing river

freezing was barely able to hold on as the boat was sucked around one more corner,

“It’s freezing,” said Yukino, pulling the hood over her head

Cupping the freezing water amixure of H20, gold bath powder and blood in his hands he could taste the essence of her life force in it, but of course it didn’t have anywhere near the effect that fresh live blood has

thousands of people are homeless and trying to survive in the freezing conditions

Despite the freezing cold conditions, I could feel spheres of sweat rolling down my neck as I gulped in fear

The air outside was freezing, the sun had left his children a long time earlier to fend for themselves without his warmth for the rest of the night

That can cause tornadoes, planet shifting, axis changing, weather changes, and deep planet freezing

No small feat in the freezing cold conditions we stood in

source of the freezing

«Holes in the plaster and the water line freezing were only two of Bill’s problems during last winter,» said Bob, «he had a few more

Moreover, with the sudden changes in the atmospheric condition and the freezing winds that frequently resound furiously throughout the zone, visitors have no other choice than to confine themselves to their quarters and feel protection from the cold

As the amount flowing through the pipeline slows down there is much concern that the slower flow will result in the oil freezing or forming into a waxy mass and thus raise the risk of interruptions and spills

Doc had to think that the cycle of freezing, then thawing all

With the nights dropping below freezing by the end of

He directed me to change the locks on our two BR duplex in Groton and throw Mike’s stuff out into the freezing cold and deep snow

above freezing for only about two more days if they had to keep it

tears were freezing to his cheeks

afraid of the horses being attacked than of them freezing to death

I was freezing; the students who were going hunting in WY were dressed much more warmly

It was zero outside and below freezing inside the cab but sweat glistened on his forehead

Upstate New York’s five months of severe weather is hardly conducive to maintaining and servicing the units, inflicting wind and storm damage to the boards along with freezing temperatures on the men

Johnny froze in the act of pouring the milk onto his cereal

He held the phone up and her breath froze in her teeth

‘Yes, she was sobbing herself silly before they brought him out but when he started on her she just froze

Betsy froze in shock

I froze on the spot, my heart in my mouth

The whole house shook, several pictures fell off the walls, and she froze in mid step

They chatted among themselves, and were trying to decide if they should make some kind of sled for the camp to use during the winter months when suddenly Daniel, who was in mid bite of a sandwich, froze

But just as my hands rubbed the back of my head, I felt a soft, sticky lump and I froze

The only ones who never made it here to heaven are those who froze their brain and put it in that gol darned atom slicer

Boras froze where he stood

Tom froze, trying not to move and to keep his breathing as soft

“Remember last winter the pipe under the street froze; so it’s best that we have a back up supply system

Me and Sally froze in out tracks

But he froze all at once, a

told her to speak to him but she froze

His hands froze immediately in the soapy water

The soldiers took positions behind the startled council members and froze in place gauntlets gripping the hilts of the jagged edged swords hanging at their sides

She was scrambling for the switches, then froze, then lurched forward again thru a couple more time slices, then froze

Imorbis froze, as did the three shadowed forms around the imprisoned elf

He was about to continue, then abruptly froze

The weedy man’s arm froze where he’d cocked it for a second strike

Her expression was as icy, as the flames Savannah froze

He froze as she said that, wondering where the conversation was heading

But both froze in their tracks when the rumbles they had heard earlier grew louder and were joined by a chorus of scampering feet

happy theses guards can be, so he froze and

Dane froze as a wave of tumbling terror crashed into him across his bond with Athens

One of the standers further up the road turned to look towards me, and I froze, but it made no other movement

I froze for a few seconds, monitoring Doug’s behavior

I stepped out first, but when Joss made an appearance, Jeremy froze in his tracks

’ The image froze, seemingly stopped in mid-sentence

He could see no one and he froze

It fired the device at Roidon, but instead of disintegrating, he simply froze

His arm froze on the lever

Jack froze in the doorway

The gunny’s hand froze mid-air

Shelagh’s fork froze half way to her mouth

Jack froze with his mug still to his mouth

The hissing stopped, and Amadeus froze

He heard the speakers crackle around the room and a voice burst through the air, “Contender number one today is an up and coming star, Raven!” He froze on the walkway, blinded by the spotlights shining upon him

Khan froze, disbelieving, before his body slumped to the floor at Raven’s feet, the hilt of the knife still protruding, covered in blood

She froze in the doorway and turned to face him

She froze with her back to him

Raven froze, rooted to the spot, looking wide-eyed at the floor – shocked and strangely moved

The crowd around them froze with Raven – then turned to look at the stage

Her neck twisted nearly to snapping, Amaranthe froze

My heart skipped a beat and I froze

Both combatants froze in tableau

She need not have bothered, for he froze at the first touch of cold steel

Amaranthe froze, hands on the wall

She froze, toast halfway to her mouth, heart beating wildly

” Arbitan’s gaze pinned her and she froze

His body froze

He froze midair and plumped onto his face

The hand stroking her hair froze for a long moment, and when Reese spoke again, there was a note of understanding mixed with the calm

At her right, Reese froze, and she instantly pulled in alongside him, holding up a hand to alert the others

«There’s the milk, and I near froze gettin’ it,» said he, addressing

Darkburst lent forward to begin rearranging the Sacred Roots into the pattern he’d discovered, but as he touched the first one, he froze and glanced back up at Grey, his snout wrinkled in agitation

The distant echo of a dog’s howl abruptly shattered Broshee’s reflections and she froze for a moment, her hackles rising

‘Hello,’ said that familiar voice I knew so well, I was sure it was that voice and I froze instantly

She froze, withdrawing the key from the cheese immediately, wrapping it in the fabric of the back of her dress, trying with only minimal movements to wipe any cheese remnants off the key

The men surrounding her froze in a tableau of shock, hands partway to their weapons, locked in place by the blade against her throat

He pressed the knife into her throat and she froze in place

William froze in his steps

Suddenly there was silence as everyone froze in their seats listening to her amazing voice

Stepping out into the hallway, he froze when footsteps sounded overhead — somebody moving about upstairs

I jumped at his voice and froze

There were perhaps twenty, and he was nearing the end of the pile when he suddenly froze

Frank froze, all thoughts of calling the emergency services gone when he felt the gun pressed against his cheek

Frank froze, his hand on the knob, his heart beating wildly

That discovery froze me in place, struck with a bone-deep terror

A sudden shadow appeared against the sea on his left and he froze, hunkering down on the beach

This time when he swung his head and looked over his shoulder, his heart froze

Steve froze in his tracks and pointed hesitantly at his silly papal hat

It poured down the front of his turtleneck, as his gaze froze on the headline of La Nación folded beside his plate

Then I heard the rueful sound of a gun cocking, and as instinct would have it I froze in place

As she turned around to start walking back towards her house, she froze where she lay when a mailed hand seemed to stretch from a shadowy crevice, some chasm in a wall she hadn’t noticed in her dimly lit surroundings: it was a surreptitious figure that seemed well-disposed towards her, or else she would be already lying in a pool of her own blood for what little coin she carried in her tiny purse

«I understand that you’ve formed a friendship with my Daughter?» Joseph froze

“Is he mocking us?” They all froze, then relaxed as if nothing had happened, unable to meet each other’s eyes for a moment

Beth froze, watching as waves traveled across the water’s surface

The two detectives froze in place for a moment, stunned by the possibility

Argyl stirred and I froze, but he only pulled himself closer to Jade

I froze but he did not wake

Hilderich froze in place, the sudden screech making his hair stand up

The inmates froze

They plunged into the control room and froze

on a night when the stars froze your heart

Enilia froze for a moment just staring at Ebira, then she tilted her head back and laughed aloud

The MC of the contest announced, “Next up today are Phil K Swift and Brock Blazin’ of the Neighborhood Street Rockers” the crowd cheered as we got ready and time had froze and sped up all at once, it was really quite queer

Then everything suddenly froze as she saw Mevarn stand up

I could no longer hear the cheers of the crowd while I was spinning around no handed; time had sort of froze

He froze and would not move or so much as speak because of

Ardara only flicked her eyes at it, and the bullet froze in the air

He froze at the sight of me, hosepipe in hand, looming over him

He faced them with a fiendish smile that froze Artie, among others

they froze, motionless, as if time had stopped in its tracks

step toward the flapping tent exit, a pair of eyes froze her in her tracks, red-

Earth’s exile community here on this planet is small, herself, derived of an Angel downloaded into a native body, Alan, raised from a frozen zygote by the same expedition that brought her, and the thirty one Brazilians that survived cryofreeze, with or without the intervention of the Kassikan

Electronic signals and frozen zygotes brought few pathogens but frozen human beings brought many

He’d reproduced an artifact from his old culture, a culture that had changed beyond his recognition while he lay frozen between the stars

They are likely to look at life from many different angles and perspectives and not get frozen in certain views, typical of certain age groups or become predictable with familiarity

Everyone in the basement now had their eyes on them, watching in frozen anticipation for what would happen when they landed

The Widow Black stood up from her throne and took a step toward Scar and the frozen army of androids around him

Underneath the desk, Ackers was frozen in wide-eyed fear

John and Teekra are still frozen there face to face, transfixed

The poor kid was frozen, stuck to the kitchen chair

Unless the corpses are frozen, all the pressure of the impact builds up in this fluid wave inside a body and within a couple thousandths of a second…

«Forget it!» When he looked at the Chief through the pale, bluish alien blood frozen to her visor, he saw her face turn white in an instant

They had all been collected after he’d been shot, fertilized using his frozen sperm

He had one male and three female embryo’s frozen aboard

’ She said reaching for the biscuit tin and totally missing my frozen look, thank goodness

He concluded that within the universe he was encapsulated in, there was no store of five thousand frozen zygotes, just as there was no heaven of five thousand mothers

They had my frozen zygote with them, but they are all Angels

«What could be real about getting raised in a jar in outer space by ghosts that live frozen into silicon crystals with electricity?» Desa asked him

She was standing frozen to the fore deck in a rictus that would not let her breathe, knowing she should run and unable to do so

There is wilderness like Yoonbarla, but it would be frozen in winter for four of your years out of every six

She took him into the pantry where the freezer was and she opened it up and took out several boxes of frozen cauliflower

reflecting the pale burst of lunatic light, still and frozen

The girls were just as frozen as he was

With a shudder, in this frozen moment, I walk on,

Then they stopped, holding the pose, frozen in the moment, moustaches twinkling in the leather of their faces

of frozen tears, she whispers

They would have frozen for seconds as the crystal switched over

Terry managed to stammer out a high-pitched «Course not», and then he just stood there frozen with embarrassment as the dog played keepie-uppie with all four paws

I stand there frozen … what’s that? … voices coming down the lane … it’s Sally and the kids

His mother might have been frozen and ascended herself, his benefits would have paid for it

There are no biscuits to have with the cheese but, fortunately, there’s a half-baked frozen baguette in the freezer; we have that with the cheese instead

When they rolled back the boulder in the morning the men found the frozen body of an obviously pregnant Snotig, a large cat-like animal indigenous to the area

pitched «Course not», and then he just stood there frozen with

What have I got? A selection of frozen vegetables

penalties for the use of frozen fowl in the commission

We would have frozen to death if not for his aid

“Hey,” Yellelle shouted, turning and letting go of the captain, who remained frozen in place since his time slices had stopped and his personification’s position could not be updated

It was showing the entangled fifth order condensate that had been that Chinese man’s soul before he was frozen in the cryoslicer

“There was a starship full of them in the 55th, before the frozen human one,” Ava said quickly, “and a couple still there on Narullla’s Tear

It would pay out that frozen maiden all right

The water warmed her flesh but couldn’t touch the frozen part inside where she cried for Billy

This was such an abomination, a soul from a world of war and pestilence, living disembodied for half a century while stored as electricity in silicon crystals frozen in outer space

Jenna was frozen to the

He too was frozen on the ground

About halfway along, he’d glanced up and seen Chrissie standing frozen in the doorway of the bathroom

“Look Roman,” Heather said as she took the frozen peas from her face

image of the grieving girl was still frozen on the screen, an image Johnson had

“I stood there frozen, it dropped to the dock

Both with the same frozen looks they

Fear gripped her frozen body

Some of these looked like gigantic branching ferns, some like fountains of green spray, softly frozen

Now there were frozen ponds and streams

stood frozen in the darkness

was dry, or maybe just frozen

How could he relate to steel and plastic corridors, silicon mind and the power structure when he was adrift in a field of violet blooms in the golden light of Kortrax? How could he relate to orders given by a starship captain frozen in stone when there was a golden-skinned naked girl on him, swaying to the rhythm of mental drums, beckoning him into her arms, into her body?

of late summer or in the frozen cold

“No, we have the technological power to make phones that can carry voices over thousands of miles and starships that can carry souls and frozen zygotes over tens of light years, but no mind control more effective than video advertising

The frozen blanket of white that for the last three months had held the

and acceptance he felt at the beginning of the service were frozen solid by the time

frozen in time by the glass cases that housed them

He was the frozen slave for as many cycles as it took, thru all eternity

As she wondered about the pond, dressed in not only her fancy dress but also a full-length coat of velvet and fur, with her hair neatly tucked up, under a stylish hat with a feather dress, she was taken aback by the similar scene that had developed on the frozen pond

» he stopped, whirling to squeeze her frozen arms

I guess I was stupid or whatever and I kind of ignored the fact that there were winters in New Jersey and many times I would go there not even wearing gloves or a real coat, just my suit coat and I would be frozen by the time I got to school

I think many of those rides that made me arrive frozen at the high school were one of the main reasons that led me to go to the University of Arizona after I graduated from Don Bosco High School

One nice thing was that all the schools in the frozen North say like the University of Michigan, would come out to Tucson, Arizona say in February for like two or three weeks and literally that was their spring training

cleanly; crow hopped, and threw a frozen rope for me at home

She had to cut off, but she was frozen, how could she answer these questions? Should she pretend she was sitting in one of the buildings nearby in Zhlindu? Controlling the probe from there? She was just using the asteroid pinball with Narrulla as a convenient prop for a story she wanted to sell? But before she could start to blurt that out, he continued his own line of questioning

One was under the frozen magma of lake Uttumno, the whereabouts and condition of the other was still unknown

Ah! it was colder than ice; it penetrated to his very heart, which was already almost a frozen lump; it seemed to him as if he were about to die—but a moment more and then he felt quite comfortable with her

There he sat quite numb and motionless; one would have imagined he was frozen to death

He was frozen, a corpse

At that point, Emily figured Tetloan had frozen in fear at the sight of the demons’ reemergence

momentarily frozen to the spot, before Jacques finally

It seemed that the only thing that would keep it from just running was the layer of dust that had frozen solid in the dried oil on it

away at a frozen loaf of bread

Angels will raise frozen zygotes the way we did with Alan

daughter standing in the shadow of the doorway, frozen

Sam was frozen to the spot, shaking, his eyes wide in stark horror

“ Of course not, you’ll be me, come on and have some soup you look frozen, and Nimblefax can come, did you bring the cart wheels with you? Rosecare slid down from the wall and peered inside the cart

His personification was still in the room, sitting up frozen in a pose where he was just about to open his mouth and point

The grey and white eyes studied him, and had he been living, they would have frozen his very soul

less developed, frozen in a past time, with people still

Reality is not frozen forever

Frozen and canned vegetables are good for those fruits and vegetables that are out

The amount of protein in fresh and frozen fish and seafood is very high

Such a possibility is very much associated with my own ‘uninformed theory’ and affirmation that reality if not necessarily constant and frozen

What I considered a frozen reality could very well be improved in the future

He said the expression frozen for eternity on

What is first frozen in the sea of chaos?

I had frozen from the cold, I have entered into

The fire that had traveled up the wall was now frozen

“What is it? Ash? Hello, earth to planet Ash?” I waved my hand in his face, but he remained frozen

But no, she couldn’t even claim the frozen solace of a hibernating bear

All lay with mouths open, frozen in a choke or a scream, their unavailing weapons lying nearby

For an instant it looked like he was frozen in time, his face as hard as a rock

Zarko stood frozen to the spot with his hand to his mouth in disbelief

From Eugenia’s teary face and Nerissa’s frozen expression, Miklos could see that

The creatures had frozen her in place, her simultaneous disgust and fear of them seizing her fast

Synonym: chill, refrigerate, stiffen. Antonym: melt. Similar words: breeze, squeeze, free, free of, freely, set free, free from, frequent. Meaning: [frɪːz]  n. 1. the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid 2. weather cold enough to cause freezing 3. an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement 4. fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level. v. 1. change to ice 2. stop moving or become immobilized 3. be cold 4. cause to freeze 5. stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it 6. be very cold, below the freezing point 7. change from a liquid to a solid when cold 8. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets) 9. anesthetize by cold 10. suddenly behave coldly and formally. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Freeze it only until firm but not rock solid.

2. Do your coat up, Joe, or you’ll freeze.

3. When the thermometer is below zero water will freeze.

4. Ice could freeze up their torpedo release mechanisms.

4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

5. They seemed to freeze me out of the family.

6. The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze .

7. In severe cold, your fingers can freeze onto metal handles, so be sure to cover your hands.

8. Why did you freeze me out?

9. «Freeze! You’re busted!»,shout the police.

10. I’ll freeze any food that’s left over.

11. The government has imposed a price freeze on petrol.

12. Can you freeze this cake?

13. When the chicken is cooked I’ll freeze some.

14. Blanch the peas quickly before you freeze them.

15. It’s too expensive to lift the freeze on pay.

16. Do you think it’ll freeze tonight?

17. Every time she opens the window we all freeze.

18. I’ll buy extra meat and just freeze it.

19. A freeze warning was posted for Thursday night.

20. Some fruits don’t freeze well at all.

21. Some fruits freeze better than others.

22. It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.

23. They want the government to freeze prices.

24. They freeze this theory to death.

25. You can freeze the soup at this stage.

26. Suddenly, Ronny seemed to freeze.

27. I heard his scream and felt my blood freeze.

28. Fear made him freeze in his tracks.

29. The weather report advised us to prepare for a big freeze.

30. A hug distance is exactly right for me when thoughts freeze.

More similar words: breeze, squeeze, free, free of, freely, set free, free from, frequent, frequency, freshman, frequently, tree, three, Greek, greet, agree, schadenfreude, screen, street, agree on, preempt, agree to, disagree, screening, agree with, agreeable, the greenhouse effect. 

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