Sentence with the word focused

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Some studies show that people are more focused when brushing teeth with electric toothbrushes.

По крайней мере, одно исследования показывают, что люди были более сосредоточены, когда чистили зубы электрической зубной щеткой.

Individuals have reported being highly focused, while increasing stamina and endurance.

Лица, сообщили, что они очень сосредоточены, в то время как увеличивали силу и выносливость.

The number of focused campaigns is limited.

Число кампаний, ориентированных на конкретную задачу, крайне ограничено.

There has to be a more customer focused service.

Должны быть «более современные сервисы, ориентированные на клиента».

And last, always remain focused.

Boggs states he is more focused than ever.

Дуглас говорит, что сейчас он больше чем когда-либо сосредоточен на семье.

This cryptocurrency ban has therefore caused a higher traffic for advertisements via blockchain focused companies.

Таким образом, этот запрет на криптоактивы вызвал более высокий трафик для рекламы через компании, ориентированные на цепочки блоков.

This week finds me more focused than last.

На этой неделе я считаю меня более сосредоточенной, чем последняя.

Two of his three decades in marketing have focused purely on digital and emerging technology.

Два из трех десятилетий, которые он посвятил маркетингу, он был сосредоточен исключительно на цифровых и развивающихся технологиях.

People who never take time off to do nothing are short-term focused.

Люди, которые никогда не берут перерывы, чтобы ничего не делать, сосредоточены на краткосрочной перспективе.

Any joint meeting should be focused and related to issues of mutual interest.

Любое совместное совещание должно быть сосредоточено на вопросах, представляющих взаимный интерес, и увязано с такими вопросами.

Small but very advanced technology focused country with no critical legacy systems.

Маленькая, но очень передовая технология, ориентированная на страны, без критически важных систем.

Beebe has focused heavily on education reform.

Но в основном Биб был сосредоточен на реформе образования.

Its activities are focused mainly on rural development efforts.

Деятельность Организации в основном сосредоточена на усилиях по развитию сельских районов.

He turned to focused completely on Lillian.

Он сказал, что полностью сосредоточен на «Ливерпуле».

Today Arsenal needs me to be focused.

«Сегодня «Арсеналу» нужно, чтобы я был сосредоточен.

If you are focused, people around you become focused.

Just stay focused and see what happens.

Отойдите мысленно в сторонку и присмотритесь к тому, что здесь происходит».

Previous fingerprinting methods focused mainly on computers.

Предыдущие методы работы с цифровыми отпечатками устройства были ориентированы в основном на компьютеры.

There is need for unified and focused dissemination strategy for effectiveness.

Кроме того, существует потребность в разработке единой и целенаправленной стратегии распространения текста упомянутого Закона в целях повышения эффективности этой деятельности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат focused

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focused — перевод на русский


Look at me. I need you to focus, okay?

Вы должны сосредоточиться.

Guys, come on, I know business meetings are boring, but can we just focus for the next half hour?

Эй! Ребята, соберитесь, я знаю что собрания это отстой, но мы можем сосредоточиться в ближайшие полчаса?

We need to focus, okay?

Нам нужно сосредоточиться.

— Norval, try to focus.

— Норвелл, попробуйте сосредоточиться.

My eyes aren’t focusing yet.

Мои глаза ещё не могут сосредоточиться.

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We have to be focused.

Нужно сконцентрироваться.

I can’t focus properly.

Я не могу как следует сконцентрироваться.

The trick is to find one item, one detail… and focus on it until it’s an exhausted possibility.

Вся хитрость в том чтобы найти один пункт, одну деталь… и сконцентрироваться на ней пока она не окажется единственно возможной.

No matter how hard it is, we have to remain focused on the details.

Нам нужно сконцентрироваться на деталях.

I gotta focus.

Мне надо сконцентрироваться.

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If you’re focused, then it doesn’t matter if you close your eyes or not.

Если ты сосредоточен, то не имеет значения, закрыты твои глаза или нет.

You are not focused

Ты не сосредоточен.

More focused.

Лучше. Более сосредоточен.

No reaction, because the guy is so focused, you see.

Ноль реакции, потому что он очень сосредоточен, видите.

You know, I proceed as usual, my mind clear and focused and suddenly, out of nowhere, I see her face and I hear her voice.

Работаю как обычно, голова ясная, сосредоточен и вдруг что-то происходит, и я вижу её лицо и слышу её голос.

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The camera used, the exposure, the focus what kind of film, what kind of paper it was printed on the distance from the camera, and then match it.

Камера, выдержка, фокус… пленка, бумага… расстояние от камеры и после — наложить.

— You’re outta your mind or out of focus.

— У тебя либо крыша съехала, либо фокус.

Maybe it’s been exposed or the wrong focus.

Может экспозиция или фокус не тот.

Focus looks to be 001 to our present heading.

Похоже, что фокус расположен в 001 градусах согласно нынешнему курсу.

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Unquestionably, an immensely powerful field of energy is being generated around here somewhere, but we’re having difficulty focusing on it.

Мощнейшее энергетическое поле генерируется где-то здесь, но нам трудно на нем сфокусироваться.

Les, look, I can’t focus.

Лес, слушай. Я не могу сфокусироваться.

I want to examine one of my fellow men under the microscope and focus in on his essence.

Я хочу исследовать ближнего своего под микроскопом и сфокусироваться на его сущности.

You must clear your mind of everything else and stay focused.

Каждый раз нужно очистить сознание, сфокусироваться.

Jackie-boy loses focus when it turns into sport.

Мальчик Джеки не сможет сфокусироваться, когда это превратится в посмешище.

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It improves focus and promotes goal-directed behavior.

Она улучшает внимание и и помогает сфокусироваться на целях.

Must focus.

Нужно внимание.

And I’ve started to focus out beyond the edge of the board.

И моё внимание всё больше занимает то, что за пределами этой доски.

Why is that always your focus?

Почему это всегда привлекает твоё внимание?

To focus attention today on individuals or families or to attempt to sort out the current holders of power, serves little useful purpose and would be a distraction from the cure. The problem is far bigger than that.

«аостр€ть сегодн€ внимание на отдельных лицах или семь€х, чтобы вычленить тех, кто стоит у власти и виноват, зан€тие бесполезное и лишь будет отвлекать от пути исправлени€ проблемы.

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Relax and try to focus. Let’s go over the show.

Давай соберись, и пройдемся по программе.

Okay, focus.

Ладно, соберись.

Focus, GIR!

Соберись Гир!

Dad, you’ve got to focus.

Пап, соберись.

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I was trying to focus it.

Я пытался сфокусировать.

Transmatter focus probe.

Сфокусировать зонд.

It took a hollow log to bring it into focus. (Mooing) (Squalling)

чтобы сфокусировать такую картину. но теленок просто никак не представлял себе медвежонка в качестве компаньона.

— What? I can’t… I can’t seem to focus my eyes on the map.

Я не могу сфокусировать зрение на карте.

Without a co-radiating crystal to focus the beam, the mechanism will operate at.001% efficiency.

Без координирующего кристалла, способного сфокусировать луч, устройство сработает успешно с вероятностью 0,001%.

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The woman I met and had a relationship with prior to… my marriage… has re-entered my life and… my feelings for her are so… intensified that… I find it impossible to focus on anything else.

В моей жизни вновь появилась женщина, которую я знал и любил еще до женитьбы, и… мои чувства к ней настолько сильны, что я не в состоянии думать ни о чем другом.

I feel like I’ve reached a time in my life when I need to focus on my career.

Я чувствую в себе желание жить и надо думать о карьере.

That would be the sole focus of a true leader, T’than.

Вот о чем сейчас должен думать настоящий лидер, Т’тан.

Oh, God, can’t I just get upset without having to focus on what’s really making me upset?

Неужели мне не может быть просто плохо. Без того, чтобы думать отчего мне так плохо?

There’s only one thing Angelus will focus on.

Есть только одна вещь, о которой будет думать Ангелус:

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Josh, focus on your girlfriend and on your family, okay?

Джош, сфокусируйся на своей девушке и на семье, хорошо?

Focus on this part of the tongue.

Сфокусируйся на этой части языка.

Get into focus.


Focus on the music.

Сфокусируйся на музыку.

Then focus on the gift you have inside.

Тогда сфокусируйся на даре внутри себя.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word focused, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use focused in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «focused».

Focused in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word focused in a sentence.

  1. Two others are focused on her hands.

  2. Criticism focused on the short length.

  3. He was much more focused about his work.

  4. The work focused on Michael’s homelessness.

  5. Navy was primarily focused on the Atlantic.

  6. Everyone has focused on that song so much.».

  7. He also focused on reducing government waste.

  8. He’s focused, straightforward and compelling.

  9. His review focused primarily upon the Daleks.

  10. Reviewers have focused on love, loss, and time.

  11. Most of Adams’s attention was focused on farm work.

  12. In Nuenen, Van Gogh focused on painting and drawing.

  13. The Knidian school of medicine focused on diagnosis.

  14. The Tales of the Sinestro Corps one-shots focused on:.

  15. Other scenes focused more heavily on the character Pip.

  16. Last of the Summer Wine focused on a trio of older men and their youthful antics.

  17. At Beth Elohim, he focused on programming and services for urban Jewish families.

  18. Clinton has explicitly focused on family issues and supports universal preschool.

  19. He did not know when or where this would be, so he focused on amphibious warfare.

  20. The respondents focused on Justice Gaudron’s decision in Lim, in which she said:.

  21. Analysis of Washington has focused on the decision in the broader context of procedural trial rights.

  22. In one camp were the Mendelians, who were focused on discrete variations and the laws of inheritance.

  23. Niedermeyer, whose goal was to produce qualified organists and choirmasters, focused on church music.

  24. The songs focused on the anger and backlash that the expectations of Frogstomp brought upon the band.

  25. In the weeks leading up to the game, media coverage focused on the achievements of the Buffalo Bulls.

  26. The research program focused on the underlying causes of inflammation rather than specific disorders.

  27. Sunsoft was not interested in the PC market and was focused on the video game console market instead.

  28. Because water was crucial to their survival, Chacoan rituals most likely focused on prayers for rain.

  29. Roosevelt, but his speeches focused more on Wilson’s progressive record than Cox’s fitness for office.

  30. The story was eventually changed, and instead focused on questions such as «What do you do with power?

  31. Some fisheries are focused on removing rainbow trout in order to reestablish native trout populations.

  32. Much of the indignation focused on Bushnell as the only statewide official linked with the insurgents.

  33. He also said the band were not focused at the shows, and thus they did not go as well as he had hoped.

  34. In the 1760s, Johnson established his publishing business, which focused primarily on religious works.

  35. The VNQDD focused on the districts in I Corps in central Vietnam where they were thought to be strong.

  36. Much commentary has focused on the novel’s depiction of njais, a subject common in contemporary Chinese Malay literature.

  37. After a success as Hamlet in London in 1925, Barrymore left the stage for 14 years and instead focused entirely on films.

  38. The study focused on middle and high school students who had no connection or relationship to the victims of the bombing.

  39. Forster’s main interest, however, was again focused on the social behavior of people, as 15 years earlier in the Pacific.

  40. The campaign focused on the candidates’ personalities, as each candidate’s supporters cast aspersions on their opponents.

  41. A government-sponsored programme for economic renewal focused on public works, the most famous of which was the autobahn.

  42. Reynolds initially focused on French and Italian and spent some time at the Università per Stranieri di Perugia in Italy.

  43. The episode itself focused on common elements of ufology, with a setting reminiscent of Area 51 and Nellis Air Force Base.

  44. Critics praised the game’s depth and number of features; complaints focused on its control scheme and monochrome graphics.

  45. Additional spotlights were focused on the audience during filming, and the lighting was dimmed on the stage’s LED display.

  46. However, Hamasaki’s lyrics, introspective observations about her feelings and experiences that focused on loneliness and individualism, resonated with the Japanese public.

  47. Historically, research on Barnard’s Star has focused on measuring its stellar characteristics, its astrometry, and also refining the limits of possible extrasolar planets.

  48. Delia Bacon’s The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded (1857), the first book focused entirely on the authorship debate, also proposed the first «group theory».

  49. The effects crew focused on using in-camera tricks to realize the probe; post-production effects were time-consuming, so lighting effects were done on stage while filming.

  50. The art historian Reginald Wilenski likens the memorial to the work of Frank Brangwyn, who focused on depicting the physical labour of soldiers and workers during the war.

Synonyms for focused

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word focused has the following synonyms: adjusted, centered, centred, centralized, centralised, concentrated, focussed and convergent.

General information about «focused» example sentences

The example sentences for the word focused that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «focused» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «focused».

Similar words: focussed, focus, focus on, locust, accused, the accused, suffocate, focal point. Meaning: [‘fəʊkəs]  adj. 1. of an optical system (e.g. eye or opera glasses) adjusted to produce a clear image 2. being in focus or brought into focus 3. (of light rays) converging on a point 4. concentrated on or clustered around a central point or purpose. 

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1. Suspicion focused on her husband.

2. The study was criticized for being too narrowly focused.

3. He focused his mind on his lessons.

4. The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.

5. The discussion focused on three main problems.

6. The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.

7. He focused the sun’s rays on a paper with a burning glass.

8. Life never stops pushing forward. Stay focused and never slow down with regrets.

9. He focused his binoculars on the building in the distance.

10. He focused his blue eyes on her.

11. It’s as if all eyes are focused on me.

12. I quickly focused the camera on the children.

13. Piaget’s research focused on children’s thought processes .

14. The department undertakes highly focused research.

15. All eyes were focused on him.

16. His eyes focused slowly in the dark room.

17. Research has focused on improving the car’s aerodynamics.

18. Althusser’s writings are focused mainly on France.

19. He focused his binoculars on the building opposite.

20. The camera was focused on an old woman.

21. Media attention focused today on the prince’s business affairs.

22. He found the binoculars and focused them on the boat.

23. Business managers are focused on increasing their personal wealth by any available means.

24. The company has gradually focused on its current areas of specialization.

25. They’re making judgments based on a narrowly focused vision of the world.

26. Media coverage of the march focused on the few fights that broke out.

27. Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank she might have captured a vital scene.

28. I think it is time you woke up and focused your thoughts on more worldly matters.

29. She should do well in her studies this year—she’s very focused.

30. These big general issues should be broken down into more narrowly focused questions.

More similar words: focussed, focus, focus on, locust, accused, the accused, suffocate, focal point, jocund, procure, oculist, autocue, jocular, locution, document, binocular, innocuous, inoculate, elocution, recuse, accuse, excuse, caucus, abacus, custom, circus, monoculture, altocumulus, documentary, cushion. 



- сфокусированный; фокусируемый

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

All eyes were focused on the young actress.

Все взоры были устремлены на эту молодую актрису.

We focused our attention on this particular poem.

Мы сосредоточили внимание на этой конкретной поэме.

The light focused.

Свет сфокусировался.

All her energy was focused upon her children.

Вся её энергия была сосредоточена на детях.

His life lacks a focus.

Его жизнь бесцельна.

I wasn’t able to focus the camera.

Я не смог сфокусировать камеру.

The company’s corporate culture is focused on increasing profits.

Корпоративная культура данной компании ориентирована на увеличение прибыли.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His eyes narrowed as he focused on the words in front of him.

…the whole contexture of Las Vegas is focused on escapism…

After the war, the government focused on its own domestic affairs.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

focus  — фокус, центр, очаг, средоточие, сфокусировать, фокусироваться
focuser  — прибор для фокусировки, фокусировочный объектив, фокусирующее устройство
focusing  — установка на фокус, фокусировка, фокусирующий, сосредотачивающий
unfocused  — несфокусированный, ненаправленный, несосредоточенный

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