Sentence with the word flies

софит, колосники


- софит

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Your flies are undone.

У тебя ширинка расстёгнута.

There are no flies on him.

Его не проведёшь.

The flies torment us sadly.

Мухи нам ужасно досаждают.

Leftover food attracts flies.

Остатки пищи привлекают мух.

A flag flies / flutters.

Флаг трепещет, развевается.

The fishermen tied their flies

Рыбаки вязали мушек.

It’s 10 miles as the crow flies.

Это десять миль по прямой линии.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.

In “I ran” and “The bird flies,” “ran” and “flies” are intransitive.

…the mare brushed away the flies with a sweeping swish of her tail…

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Фразовые глаголы

fly around — суетиться, метаться, , облетать
fly away — улетать, убегать
fly in — влетать, доставлять по воздуху, впорхнуть
fly off — отлетать, соскакивать, отскакивать, уклоняться, поспешно убегать
fly on — набрасываться с бранью, нападать
fly out — вылетать, вспылить, рассердиться, выноситься
fly over — перемахнуть через, перепрыгнуть через
fly round — облетать, облететь, кружиться, крутиться
fly up — внезапно подняться, о шторе, рыскать к ветру, поднимать в воздух

What is a good sentence for the word flies?

Flies sentence example

  • “The flies never trouble me,” said the Saw-Horse.
  • He turns into a bird in his hands and flies away.
  • Can flies know not to bite?
  • Pliny knew that flies emerge from galls.
  • He flies to Persia, evades the pursuers whom Astyages sends after him, and begins the rebellion.

How do you use the word fly?

Using Flies in a Sentence When to use flies: Flies can act either as the plural form of the insect, fly, or the third person singular conjugation of the verb fly. Flies is also an accepted alternative spelling for a zipper fly and a baseball fly.

How do you use fly as a noun in a sentence?

[countable] a small flying insect with two wings….insect

  1. A fly was buzzing against the window.
  2. Flies rose in thick black swarms.
  3. A fly settled on the butter.
  4. I swatted the fly with a newspaper.

What is correct flies or flys?

In general, flies is the only correct version of this word today. If you were writing unusually detailed period fiction about 19th-century Great Britain, you could use flys as a plural noun to refer to a specific mode of transportation.

Is it correct to say time flies?

Time flies is correct. The simple present tense of “fly” is “flies” and not “flys”. The simple past tense is “flew” and the participial form is “flown”.

How do you write flys?

Flies is the plural form of the noun fly and a present tense form of the verb fly. Flys is a spelling variant of flies when citing plural one-horse carriages.

Whats is fly?

Fly, (order Diptera), any of a large number of insects characterized by the use of only one pair of wings for flight and the reduction of the second pair of wings to knobs (called halteres) used for balance. The term fly is commonly used for almost any small flying insect.

What is another word for flies?

What is another word for fly?

glide soar
wing flit
flutter mount
hover aviate
plane wheel

What is the opposite word of fly?

What is the opposite of fly?

walk run
trot trudge
dart pace
plod prance
prowl rove

What is the meaning of time flies?

saying. C2. used to mean that time passes surprisingly quickly: Time flies when you’re having fun.

What is another name for running?

What is another word for running?

continuous incessant
ceaseless unbroken
continual continued
continuing nonstop
ongoing sustained

What is a stronger word for run?

SYNONYMS. sprint, race, dart, rush, dash, hasten, hurry, scurry, scuttle, scamper, hare, bolt, bound, fly, gallop, career, charge, pound, shoot, hurtle, speed, streak, whizz, zoom, sweep, go like lightning, go hell for leather, go like the wind, flash, double. jog, lope, trot, jogtrot, dogtrot.

What is another word for running fast?

What is another word for run fast?

pelt rush
scoot sprint
whizz barrel
bolt flash
hasten scramble

Are Run and Walk synonyms?

Synonyms | Go, Run and Walk For each word (go, exit, trot, run, hurry, rush, walk, roam, dawdle.) you will find about 10 to 40 synonyms. Antonyms are included in the sense, that the words consists mostly of pairs which have the opposite meaning.

What is a word for walking confidently?

What is another word for walk confidently?

strut swagger
stride swank
sweep grandstand
march mince
walk walk arrogantly

What’s a word for walking angrily?


What means sashay?

sashay sa-SHAY verb. 1 : to make a chassé 2 a : walk, glide, go. b : to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner. c : to proceed or move in a diagonal or sideways manner.

What means shimmy?

1 : to shake, quiver, or tremble in or as if in dancing a shimmy. 2 : to vibrate abnormally —used especially of automobiles.

What is a synonym for sashay?

Synonyms. jaunt expedition excursion outing journey journeying pleasure trip airing field trip junket.

Is it sashay or Chasse?

Chasse noun – (ballet) quick gliding steps with one foot always leading. Sashay is a synonym for chasse. In some cases you can use “Sashay” instead the word “Chasse” as a noun or a verb.

Is sashay a real word?

To sashay is to walk with an exaggerated flounce. Fashion models sometimes sashay down the runway. When you sashay, you’re showing off — but in a deliberately casual way. Kids playing dress up might sashay, and the most popular middle school students might sashay into class on the first day.

What does Chasse mean in ballet?

The chassé (French: [ʃase], French for ‘to chase’; sometimes anglicized to chasse /ʃæˈseɪ, ʃæs/) is a dance step used in many dances in many variations. All variations are triple-step patterns of gliding character in a “step-together-step” pattern. The word came from ballet terminology.

Who says sashay away?

List of terms and definitions

Term Definition
resting on pretty
sashay away phrase used by RuPaul when eliminating a bottom queen
serve presenting a specific concept or idea

What does Sashay Shantay mean?

Sashay away means essentially to walk away in a powerful and feminine way. Shantay is generally considered in the drag scene to be a shortened form of “enchanté”, or enchanted, so it is just a positive way of saying that you’re enchanting, so you’re not eliminated.

What is a Sache in dance?

When a dancer is doing a chassé, they have one foot extended forward, the back foot then “chases” and meets up with the front for a quick moment before the front foot shoots forward again, all while traveling forward. The step is called chassé because the back foot literally looks like it is chasing after the front.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Around the fire squatted negroes, driving away the flies with long branches.

These are discussed by Mr Howard in the paper referred to, but in brief they all amount to measures of general hygiene, and the isolation, prompt removal, or proper sterilization of the animal or human excrement in which these flies breed.

These later stages, comprising the greater part of the larval history, are adapted for an inquiline or a parasitic life, where shelter is assured and food abundant, while the short-lived, active condition enables the newly-hatched insect to make its way to the spot favourable for its future development, clinging, for example, in the case of an oil-beetle’s larva, to the hairs of a bee as she flies towards her nest.

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He flies into diabolical passions sometimes.

Ants, bees and wasps of many species, and flies and gnats abound, particularly during the summer rainy season, and at all elevations.

From the sea-coast as the crow flies and 16 m.

He was indefatigable, in war as in peace, in parading and inspecting; the weary and starving soldiers were forced to turn out amid the marshes of the Dobrudscha as spick and span as on the parade grounds of St Petersburg; but he could do nothing to set order in the confusion of the commissariat, which caused the troops to die like flies of dysentery and scurvy; or to remedy the scandals of the hospitals, which inflicted on the wounded unspeakable sufferings.

At the present time the Dutch flag flies nowhere on the mainland of India, though the quaint houses and regular canals at Chinsura, Negapatam, Jaffna, and many petty ports on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts remind the traveller of familiar scenes in the Netherlands.

As a rule flies are of small or moderate size, and many, such as certain blood-sucking midges of the genus Ceratopogon, are even minute; as extremes of size may be mentioned a common British midge, Ceratopogon varius, the female of which measures only 14 millimetre, and the gigantic Mydaidae of Central and South America as well as certain Australian robber-flies, which have a body 1-11n.

If she flies off, he starts up in an instant to arrive before her at the next place of alighting, and all his actions are full of life and spirit.

The most important of them, the block system for egg collection and replica plating in flies is my first Drosophila publication, in Drosophila ❋ Unknown (1996)

If an acronym flies out of your mouth before you can stop it, spell it out, and move on. ❋ 85broads (2011)

The idea of dry flies is to make them look like they are drifting, not swimming. ❋ Unknown (2009)

From her «foreign policy experience» (because Putin flies over Alaska on his way to visit us) to now nuclear disarmament – good grief! ❋ Unknown (2010)

Your long term best bet for flies is to tie your own but the start up cost for vise, tools and material can get expensive not even mentioning the rather long learning curve. ❋ Unknown (2009)

IMO the biggest problem casters have at turning over their flies is poor casting, and open loops not the butt section although you are right that can cause the problem. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The character described in the poem comes “alive awhile” through the attentiveness he pays the simplest of events – a bird flies from a branch. ❋ Maxine (2009)

GENTLE READER — Even before the inviter says, «Please shut the door — you’re letting in flies«? ❋ (2010)

Pool diverted to the old one, at the same time motioning to the little maid to flap flies from the other side of him. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I was catching tilapia on small wet flies from a bass pond in southern Alabama last fall while fishing for bluegills. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I hope Sarah Palin flies to San Diego however she can get here so we can cheer her on. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So my blood became as fire, and my heart as light as the froth that flies from the surf to the cliff. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Asian girl said, «Hey, let’s have clothes-on sex!»
[Digitus] replied, «Alright!»
They unzipped their flies, Digitus’ joystick slowly entered the Asian girl’s pussy and started having stand-up sex.
Digitus said, «[You’re tight]!»
The Asian girl moaned, «And you’re [doing me] good!»
As they had raging sex, they heard someone coming towards them.
Digitus said, «Shit! Someone’s coming!»
The Asian girl replied, «Thank god for flies
They [zipped up] their flies as the janitor came in. He said, «Why are you sweaty?»
The Asian girl replied, «It’s the crappy air-conditioners.»
The janitor said, «Yeah, I’ve gotta go something about that..»
The Asian girl and Digitus left the room.
Digitus whispered to the Asian girl, «Thank god for flies indeed.»
The Asian girl laughed as they ran away. ❋ Digitus (2005)

I’m going to [bring] an [umbrella] [for if the flies]. ❋ Hyde8909 (2022)

I can never tell when [Jake] is serious because he [flies] [all the time]. ❋ Lolliepop420 (2019)

Joe-Blow: I did a [tripple] [back flip] yesterday.
Cosbie: Stop those flies.
Joe-Blow: WHAT?! [I R] NUT LIE

[godd] flis [cusack]…..she’s [gay]. ❋ (Flisathon) (2008)

«Bit av [ei] flis så [jeg] kan mekke.»
«[Tok] du med flisa?» ❋ Mr. Skywalker (2010)

Hey [Elvis] you are pretty good at playing [flies]! You had 20 land on your [thumb] last time ❋ Funny Guy 987 (2020)

Can be used as a underneath a post [on social] media. Eg- [fli] 🤷 ❋ Kara_xox (2018)

Do you want to play a game of [flies]?
[Flies] game is a game where 2 (or more) individuals shove there [thumbs up their asses], then expose them to [open air] and see you attracts more flies. The thumb attracting more flies win ❋ Funny Guy 987 (2020)

Did you see how many [flies] were on Carl’s [thumb]? He won [that game] of flies. ❋ Funny Guy 987 (2020)

  • Use the word FLIES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Where flies don’t bite your eyeballs And human life has worth

The witch no longer flies away on her broom over the rooftops.

«A magic horse, Exalted Caliph, which flies through the air»

1,600 miles as the crow flies, 1,800 as the horseflies.

First shots of the Moon 36 hours after the launching. Distance from the Moon : about 40 000 km H.32 flies over the Erastothena Crater at about 1000 km

How time flies… and we haven’t even done anything yet, my love.

He probably wants his flies again!

…so you won’t have to eat flies.

he flies from one woman to another.

I’m glad the French flag flies over those faraway lands, though I can’t say it does much for me.

Would you mind getting up off that flypaper and giving the flies a chance?

That’s what I always say, love flies out the door when money comes innuendo.

Time flies, and so did our three years at school

In the winter forest the birds do freeze their nests like graves amid snowy trees April flies in on the wing A thousand voices bless the spring

Baseball players catch flies.

With our men being killed off like flies there isn’t time to dig trenches.

He shook those men off that log like they were flies.

I bet the Greek’s got them flies trained.

This is a lot of hokum, playing around with flies when a real sucker’s waiting for us, with real dough.

What would you do if you were shut up all day with an old crosspatch who flies off the handle every move you make?

Say, the flies here are terrible. You pick out the ones you don’t like and I’ll kill them for you.


Under your wings, there are no deceits, no lies. Time flies, pain is forgotten.

«He flies through the air with the greatest of ease


Blackie, why don’t you take this chance to get away from those hoodlums that hang around you like a bunch of flies, and from gambling houses and rackets and graft, and all the rotten, vicious things about you?

flies get on her, you know.

They’ll come swarming in here like flies around a pot of honey.

Write that wherever it flies it brings a promise of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

She flies the French flag.

Mother says no flies enter a closed mouth.


My, how time flies when you’re having fun.

These flies are a nuisance lt’s because of your cake

They’re thicker than flies today.

Then my money flies away!

A poor, harmless imbecile who ate spiders and flies.

Like the flypaper attract the flies.

Well, that’s all right. I’ve seen the flies on the flypaper and it seems to me they stick very well.

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