Sentence with the word fishes

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fishes, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fishes in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fishes».

Fishes in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fishes in a sentence.

  1. Porbeagles are among the few fishes that exhibit apparent play behavior.

  2. It is often absent in fast-swimming fishes such as the tuna and mackerel.

  3. It is one of the most abundant fishes in the muddy areas of Port Philip Bay.

  4. Clupeiformes consists of 350 living species of herring and herring-like fishes.

  5. The goblin shark feeds mainly on teleost fishes such as rattails and dragonfishes.

  6. The cerebellum of cartilaginous and bony fishes is extraordinarily large and complex.

  7. In general, teleosts tend to be quicker and more flexible than more basal bony fishes.

  8. Their diet consists primarily of small aquatic prey, such as insects and small fishes.

  9. Other vertebrates include cladotherian mammals, a pipoid frog, and ceratodontiform fishes.

  10. The fishes are represented by the two species Melvius chauliodous and Myledalphus bipartitus.

  11. The washstand is red and gold; its tip-up basin of marble inlaid with fishes is silver and gold.

  12. The porbeagle is an active predator that predominantly ingests small to medium-sized bony fishes.

  13. Marine mammals and commercial fishes, including tuna and mahi-mahi, also inhabit the Sargassum mats.

  14. Unlike most fishes, American paddlefish hardly respond to overhead shadows or changes in illumination.

  15. Sunfish are generalist predators that consume largely small fishes, fish larvae, squid, and crustaceans.

  16. Tilapia also consume vegetation which would normally be used by young native fishes for cover and protection.

  17. The tadpoles also exude noxious substances which deter fishes from eating them but not the great crested newt.

  18. It fishes by sight and can swallow small fish while submerged, but larger specimens are brought to the surface.

  19. Ostariophysi, which includes most freshwater fishes, includes species that have developed some unique adaptations.

  20. The open waters are inhabited by fishes, molluscs and crustaceans living on sea grasses or who prey on each other.

  21. Teleost fishes have been frequent subjects in art, reflecting their economic importance, for at least 14,000 years.

  22. Tadpoles retain the lateral line system of their ancestral fishes, but this is lost in terrestrial adult amphibians.

  23. In ray-finned fishes (by far the largest group), the optic tectum has a layer—the marginal layer—that is cerebellum-like.

  24. Aside from humans, octopuses may be preyed on by fishes, seabirds, sea otters, pinnipeds, cetaceans, and other cephalopods.

  25. In the 1980s, biologist Ed Murdy named a genus of gobiid fishes of New Guinea Zappa, with a species named Zappa confluentus.

  26. Although usually smaller than the cerebrum, in some animals such as the mormyrid fishes it may be as large as or even larger.

  27. He discovered, described, and named more than 1,000 vertebrate species, including hundreds of fishes and dozens of dinosaurs.

  28. This species hunts for teleost fishes, cephalopods, and crustaceans both near the sea floor and in the middle of the water column.

  29. In the ocean, predators of the loggerhead juveniles include portunid crabs and various fishes, such as parrotfishes and moray eels.

  30. Wading in the water, he fishes the shallows; he lands a trout that «was mottled with clear, water-over-gravel color» that he releases.

  31. Clear, cold water released by dams has significantly changed characteristics of habitat for these and other Colorado River basin fishes.

  32. Numerous vertebrate groups are from this formation, including fishes, crurotarsans, ornithischians, saurischians, pterosaurs, and turtles.

  33. Other animals include gastropods, bivalves, bony fishes, chondrichthyes, lissamphibians, lizards, turtles, crocodilians, birds, and mammals.

  34. The porbeagle is an opportunistic hunter that preys mainly on bony fishes and cephalopods throughout the water column, including the bottom.

  35. It has a varied diet, consisting mainly of bony and cartilaginous fishes and also including crustaceans, molluscs, sea snakes, and cetaceans.

  36. It feeds mainly on bony fishes and cephalopods, and has been known to drive them into compacted schools before launching open-mouthed, slashing attacks.

  37. There are substantial fossil records of jawed fishes across the K–Pg boundary, which provide good evidence of extinction patterns of these classes of marine vertebrates.

  38. Unlike the planktivorous American paddlefish, Chinese paddlefish were strong swimmers, grew larger, and are opportunistic piscivores that feed on small fishes and crustaceans.

  39. Comprising 7,822 km, the geopark highlights the geological heritage of the area such as Cretaceous dinosaur tracks and bone bed and fossils of Triassic fishes and marine reptiles.

  40. Other vertebrates include crocodiles (such as Deinosuchus and Brachychampsa), turtles (such as Adocus and Basilemys), pterosaurs, lizards, snakes, amphibians, mammals, and fishes.

  41. Other vertebrates from the Weald Clay include crocodiles, pterosaurs, lizards (such as Dorsetisaurus), amphibians, sharks (such as Hybodus), and bony fishes (including Scheenstia).

  42. Many of these introductions have resulted in environmental and ecological problems, as the introduced rainbow trout disrupt local ecosystems and outcompete or eat indigenous fishes.

  43. There is evidence North American fishes are unable to digest the tiny but hard shells of the mud snail, and that their presence may result in poor growth outcomes for rainbow trout.

  44. Fossils of Cretaceous plants such as ferns, redwoods, cycads, and ginkgo, and Triassic fishes and reptiles such as coelacanths, Weigeltisaurus, and ichthyosaurs have been recovered.

  45. An apex predator, it feeds mainly on teleost fishes such as croakers, flatfishes, and cutlassfishes, and to a lesser extent on cartilaginous fishes, cephalopods, and decapod crustaceans.

  46. Baryonyx may have had semiaquatic habits, and coexisted with other theropod, ornithopod, and sauropod dinosaurs, as well as pterosaurs, crocodiles, turtles and fishes, in a fluvial environment.

  47. American paddlefish are closely related to sturgeons in the order Acipenseriformes, an order of basal ray-finned fishes that includes sturgeon and paddlefish, several species of which are now extinct.

  48. Siamosaurus lived in a semi-arid habitat of floodplains and meandering rivers, where it coexisted with other dinosaurs, as well as pterosaurs, fishes, turtles, crocodyliforms, and other aquatic animals.

  49. As with fish and turtles on a coral reef, hippos occasionally visit cleaning stations and signal, by opening their mouths wide, their readiness for being cleaned of parasites by certain species of fishes.

  50. It chases down pelagic fishes such as lancet fish, mackerel, pilchards, herring, and sauries, and forages near the bottom for groundfishes such as cod, hake, icefish, dories, sand lances, lumpsuckers, and flatfish.

General information about «fishes» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fishes that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fishes» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fishes».

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It also feeds on bony fishes and smaller sharks.

Также они охотятся на небольших костистых рыб и более мелких акул.

Just thinking that fishes have no neck.

Все мы знаем, что у рыб нет шеи.

Always remember that there are other fishes in the sea.

Поэтому, никогда не забывайте, что есть и другие рыбы, которые плавают вокруг.

And those fishes that you see right now are new species.

А все эти рыбы, которых вы сейчас видите, являются новыми видами.

Those fishes that you see now are new species.

А все эти рыбы, которых вы сейчас видите, являются новыми видами.

Freshwater fishes encounter the opposite problem.

Обитающие в пресной воде рыбы сталкиваются с противоположными процессами.

Many deep-sea fishes can swallow creatures bigger than themselves.

Некоторые глубоководные рыбы способны проглотить добычу намного крупнее, чем они сами.

They caught so much fishes that their net even got broken.

И они поймали такое великое множество рыбы, что даже сеть у них прорывалась.

Each of these unstudied giant fishes needs conservation assessment.

Каждая из этих неизученных гигантских рыб нуждается в оценке возможностей для ее сохранения.

Many fishes that live under unfavorable conditions develop supplementary organs that serve for respiration of atmospheric air.

У многих Рыбы (водные позвоночные), живущих в неблагоприятных условиях, развиваются добавочные органы, служащие для дыхания атмосферным воздухом.

Moreover, they are excellent food sources for fishes.

Ну, а они, в свою очередь, являются отличной пищей для рыб.

They pose no danger to other fishes.

Однако никакой опасности для других рыб они не представляют.

Like 2 fishes brooding each other.

Она напоминает двух рыб, пытающихся заглотить друг друга.

I know also that it has very often rained fishes.

«Я также знаю, что очень часто проливались дожди из рыбы.

These fishes are aggressive towards smaller fish.

Эти рыбы агрессивны по отношению к рыбам более мелких видов.

They’re social animals, like many species of fishes.

«Рыбы социальные животные, по крайней мере, большинство ее видов.

Cold fishes are individuals that easily adapt to low temperatures.

Холодолюбивые рыбы — это особи, которые легко приспосабливаются к низким температурам.

Most fishes are oviparous and show external fertilization.

Большинство рыб, однако, яйцекладущие и демонстрируют внешнее оплодотворение.

Salmonids are fishes that easily adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Лососевые представляют собой рыб, которые с легкостью подстраиваются под меняющиеся условия среды.

Most bony fishes have a swim bladder.

У многих костных рыб есть плавательный пузырь.

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Предложения, которые содержат fishes

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fishes — перевод на русский

Okay, so I’ve been up all night and I hung the fish, painted the walls, put up the mural, cleaned out the fridge, redid the grout in the bathroom and for the finishing touch…

Я не спала всю ночь, повесила рыбу, покрасила стену, повесила плакат. Помыла холодильник, переделала шов в туалете и последний штрих… Вам понравится!

The one about the big fish that jumped over the boat.

[МАЛЫШ] Про огромную рыбу, которая перепрыгнула лодку.

This is all swell, but you’re peddling your fish in the wrong market.

Всё это круто, но ты продаёшь свою рыбу не на том рынке.

You may serve the fish.

Можете подавать рыбу.

You better eat that fish while it’s got a fever.

Ты бы ела рыбу, пока она еще горячая.

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That’s all of us going on a fishing trip.

Мы поехали на рыбалку.

We’ll go fishing, stay away until she’s gone.

Уедем на рыбалку и не вернемся, пока она…

— I’m going fishing.

— А я собираюсь на рыбалку.

I’m just saying what I see. Every day they go fishing together.

Каждый день они ездят на рыбалку.

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Oh, yes, but these lovely little fish!

Какие милые рыбки!

A fish won’t do anything but swim in a brook ¶

Рыбки плавают в воде

But do have some of that fish.

Возьмите же еще рыбки!

Have some more of that fish, and don’t worry about your bills-of-exchange, Rogozhin has just bought them.

Отведайте рыбки и не беспокойтесь больше о ваших векселях, Рогожин их перекупил.

That would make our little green men actually little green fish.

Получается, что наши маленькие зеленые человечки на самом деле маленькие зеленые рыбки.

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But my favorite sport is fishing.

Но я гораздо больше люблю рыбачить.

You’ll have no trouble learning to fish with this equipment.

Вы с легкостью научитесь рыбачить с нашим снаряжением.

Too bad I’m not fishing for curtains.

Как жаль, что я буду рыбачить не занавески.

I still bet he can’t fish.

Могу поспорить, он не умеет рыбачить.

Don’t you ever ask me to go whale fishing.

Больше не проси меня рыбачить.

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And will you believe it, I even bet you didn’t fish?

И поверите ли, я даже поспорила, что вы не умеете ловить рыбу.

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel, anyway.

В любом случае, это как ловить рыбу из бочки.

Setting traps, fishing and hunting.

ставить капканы, ловить рыбу, охотиться.

Setting traps, fishing and hunting.

Ставить капканы, ловить рыбу, охотиться.

He can drink while fishing.

Пусть выпьет, пока будет ловить рыбу.

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They use fish heads too.

Они и рыбные головы используют.

— Wednesday’s fish sticks.

— Среда — рыбные палочки.

Fish sticks?

Рыбные палочки?

— There’s four fish sticks.

— Здесь четыре рыбные палочки. — Ну и что?

There’s beef burgers or fish fingers.

Есть гамбургеры и рыбные палочки.

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— Shoot grouse, fish for salmon, bathe in Kiloran Bay, picnic at Pig’s Paradise.

— Охотиться на куропаток, ловить лосося, купаться в Килоранской бухте, устраивать пикник в Свином Раю.

But who would be fishing when there’s no one to be buying?

Да и кто станет ловить, если покупать некому?

So he would have to start buying before anyone would start fishing.

Значит, ему придется платить за то, чтобы другие начали ловить.

You see? He’s collecting a troop to go fishing.

Ишь, дружина ему надобна рыбу ловить.

Nice not to fish.

Хорошо, что не приходится ее ловить.

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Want to go fishing with me?

Не хотите порыбачить со мной?

He’s already invited me for a weekend of fishing.

Он уже пригласил меня на выходные порыбачить.

Gonna get in a week of fishing and boating.

Хотим недельку порыбачить и покататься на лодке.

Wouldn’t you like to go fishing with me?

Ты бы хотел пойти порыбачить со мной?

You wanna go fishing?

Хотите порыбачить?

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— Did you ever eat fish heads and rice?

— Ты ела хоть раз рыбьи головы с рисом?

— Do you eat fish heads?

— Любите есть рыбьи головы?

I like fish eyes!

Я люблю рыбьи глаза!

— All those fish heads, all that blood.

Все эти рыбьи головы Вся эта кровь

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Golf, tennis. And where, may I ask, is his fish pole?

Гольф, теннис, а где, интересно, его удочка?

— Hey, your fishing pole.

— Эй, вон твоя удочка.

— Oh, my fishing pole?

— Ох, моя удочка?

The fishing rod is also the work of human hands.

Удочка тоже произведение рук человеческих.

A fishing rod and a hill.

Удочка и холм.

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If you enjoy being out on the water, you might like to try catching some fish. Or is that “fishes? Although both are proper ways to spell the plural form of fish, there are rules about how to use them as both a noun and a verb. 

The word fish can describe an animal species, but also represents an action. Both fish and fishes are appropriate to use in both noun and verb form, but they have some specific rules. Let’s look at what this means and how fish and fishes should be used. 

What is the Plural of Fish in English?

Fish can be a plural form and singular form and is used when referring to a single group or collection of a specific species of fish. Fishes is a more scientific use when referring to types of fish in a group or collection. You can also conjugate fish to fishes when used as a verb. 

When to Use Fish

When used as a noun, fish describes as singular fish or multiple fish. It is a common, well-recognized word and does not require the addition of an “s” to make it plural. 

Use fish to describe one fish, a school of fish, or a specific fish species. For example:

  • The fish in Lake Ignace were not biting over the weekend.
  • We saw three Manta-Ray fish during our glass bottom ocean cruise.
  • My fish, Bob, was all alone in the fishbowl before I bought him a snail. 

As a verb, use fish to describe the action of catching or trying to catch a fish. It conjugates as a regular verb. For example:

  • I love to go fishing with my father. 
  • Every chance I get, I fish with my group of friends from High School. 
  • I fished that pond every day after school for a year. 

When to Use Fishes

As a noun, fishes is a scientific term that describes more than one species of fish in a group. Fish can be used in its stead, but fishes helps you recognize there is more than one type of fish being referred to. For example:

  • The biologist was studying the diversity of the fishes in the isolated mountain lake. 
  • We saw 15 different types of fishes on our trip. 

As a verb, fishes is the simple present conjugation of the word. For example:

  • He fishes with a unique cast that allows the fly to hover just above the water’s surface.
  • She fishes with her children every chance she gets. 

How to Use Fish in a Sentence

These fish emit distress signals that are picked up on by the mulloway.  [Fishing World]

The fish are then sold as salted dry or canned. [Food Science, Sari Edelstein]

No fish were registered on Upriver Lakes, where the season has now closed after the 90 percent harvest cap was reached on Sunday. [Fon du Lac Reporter]

How to Use Fishes in a Sentence

Those most in jeopardy were the smaller fishes with specialized eating and sheltering habits. [U.S. News & World Report]

Swim with the fishes at Factory Obscura’s latest art installation. [News 9]

Let’s Review

Fish and fishes are correct spellings and serve as a noun in both singular and plural forms or as a verb. Fish is an acceptable use to describe a single fish or any group of fish. Fishes is used to describe multiple species of fish collectively and is more scientific. 

As a verb, fish describes the action of fishing, and fishes is the simple present tense of the word. 

Synonym: Fish, Pisces, Pisces the Fishes, angle. Similar words: fishery, fishing, raffish, selfish, fisherman, big fish, unselfish, jellyfish. Meaning: [fɪʃ]  n. 1. any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills 2. the flesh of fish used as food 3. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces 4. the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20. v. 1. seek indirectly 2. catch or try to catch fish or shellfish. 

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1. The best fish swim near the bottom. 

2. Fish begins to stink at the head. 

3. Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares. 

4. Venture a small fish to catch a great one. 

5. Don’t climb a tree to look for fish

6. All is fish that comes to his net. 

7. Fish and visitors smell three days. 

8. Fish and guests smell after three days. 

9. Fish always stink from the head down. 

10. The great fish ear up the small. 

11. The sea has fish for every man. 

12. Never fry a fish till it’s caught. 

13. If you swear you will catch no fish

14. Neither fish nor good red herring. 

15. A fish always rots from the head down. 

16. Big fish eat little fish.

17. Never offer to teach fish to swim. 

18. The best [greatest] fish keep [swim near] the bottom. 

19. All’s fish that comes to his net. 

20. There’s always more fish in the sea. 

21. All is fish that comes to one’s net. 

22. Better are small fish than an empty dish. 

23. The great fish eat up the small. 

24. Neither fish nor flesh.

25. He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet. 

26. There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 

27. All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws. 

28. In a great river great fish are found; but take heed lest you be drowned. 

29. There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 

30. Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day… 

More similar words: fishery, fishing, raffish, selfish, fisherman, big fish, unselfish, jellyfish, loaves and fishes, fist, fisted, fiscal, pacifism, fiscal year, confiscate, confiscation, dish, wish, perish, Irish, parish, mishap, banish, fetish, cherish, rakish, polish, dish out, ravish, impish. 

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