Sentence with the word failing

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word failing, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use failing in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «failing».

Failing in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word failing in a sentence.

  1. His Monte Ne was also failing.

  2. He is infallible but always failing.

  3. And we enjoy the sound of our failing!

  4. Given Feiner’s failing health, John W.

  5. The judge fined him for failing to answer.

  6. By this time Berlioz’s marriage was failing.

  7. And either failing or succeeding brilliantly.

  8. It sold 59,000 copies, failing to reach the Top 10.

  9. William was probably in failing health by this point.

  10. After failing to enter Sichuan, Wuzhu retreated to Yanjing.

  11. Potter’s eyesight was failing and she refused to develop it.

  12. It was canceled in August 2003 after failing to appear at E3.

  13. At the same time his peace of mind was undermined by his mother’s failing health.

  14. In summer 1857, Smetana came home to Prague and found Kateřina in failing health.

  15. In March 1885, as his health was failing, he testified against both Ward and Fish.

  16. At this time, Doonan’s active ministry came to an end due to his failing eyesight.

  17. She returned on 1 May, after failing to load new aircraft because of poor weather.

  18. Wyn died in 1967, and the company grew financially overextended, failing to pay its authors reliably.

  19. Although they won the game by 68 runs, the team was criticised for failing to bat out their 50 overs.

  20. Riel is expelled from Parliament for failing to sit, but wins his seat again in the next by-election.

  21. In 1875, he headed a cabinet for the last time, and after years of failing health he died in May 1880.

  22. In repeatedly failing to save the old homeless man, Phil is also forced to accept that he is not a god.

  23. Adams’s tenure in Britain was complicated by both countries failing to follow their treaty obligations.

  24. In a letter of February 1844, he slighted the Prime Minister for failing to send him a Policy Circular.

  25. As of 2021 the Rwanda–Uganda border remains closed, with the two leaders failing to resolve the dispute.

  26. In his appointment to Evesham, he was accused of immoral behaviour and failing to follow monastic rules.

  27. She was appointed a Senator after failing to defend her parliamentary seat in the 2008 general election.

  28. The viceroy responded by attempting to arrest Chamaraja IV, failing, and letting the taxes remain unpaid.

  29. They infiltrate the Bahamut, and find Larsa failing to dissuade his brother Vayne from his plans for war.

  30. In May 1973, with his third marriage failing, Sellers went to the theatre to watch Liza Minnelli perform.

  31. Wonder Stories was also failing, and in November 1935 it started publishing bimonthly instead of monthly.

  32. After failing to gain a first down on two consecutive rushes and an incomplete pass, Florida State punted.

  33. Although he continued to work, his failing health kept him at home often, and he began pursuing more domestic activities.

  34. The laws themselves demonstrate Ine’s Christian convictions, specifying fines for failing to baptize infants or to tithe.

  35. People are often as concerned about failing to keep a partner satisfied as they are about meeting their own sexual needs.

  36. They labeled him an unqualified marksman and often caught him napping while on duty and failing to report for bed checks.

  37. Although he had received a military exemption owing to his father’s failing health, he wanted to serve in combat missions.

  38. The 2015 season saw Malmö FF failing to retaining the title and missing out on the top-four for the first time since 2009.

  39. Thousands died as a result of failing to heed Blackburn’s advice to boil potentially contaminated water before drinking it.

  40. Of the five SOLRAD/GRAB missions, only SOLRAD/GRAB 1 and SOLRAD 3/GRAB 2 were successes, the others failing to reach orbit.

  41. They then attempted to drill holes into the safe and explode it with gunpowder, but failing that, cut off one of its sides.

  42. Hotchner found Hemingway to be «unusually hesitant, disorganized, and confused», and suffering badly from failing eyesight.

  43. The 1988–89 season saw him make 32 appearances in total, scoring six goals, with Watford finishing fourth, but failing to progress past the 1989 Football League play-offs.

  44. This incident led to a mass brawl involving almost every player on the pitch; both clubs were later fined by the football authorities for failing to control their players.

  45. After earlier failing to hold or retake Franquenée and Taviers, Guiscard’s right flank had become dangerously exposed and a fatal gap had opened on the right of their line.

  46. After the Challenger disaster as a result of an O-ring failing at low temperature, the SRBs were redesigned to provide a constant seal regardless of the ambient temperature.

  47. A ship near the southern coast reported a pressure of 931 mbar (27.5 inHg), and the cup anemometer at San Juan reported sustained winds of 160 mph (257 km/h) before failing.

Synonyms for failing

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word failing has the following synonyms: failed, unsuccessful, unsatisfactory, flunk and weakness.

General information about «failing» example sentences

The example sentences for the word failing that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «failing» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «failing».

failing — перевод на русский


The coup d’état has failed.

Переворот провалился.

I failed, you know.

Вот видишь, я провалился.

-The Spearhead has failed.

— Копьеглавый провалился.

The plan has failed.

План провалился.

In short, I succeeded where you failed.

В итоге, я преуспел там, где ты провалился.

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When you needed me most, Ena, I failed you.

Ты так нуждались во мне , Эна, а я тебя подвел.

I should have been looking for the good in you. And I— — I failed you.

Мне следовало искать в вас доброе… а я… я подвёл вас.

Now you have failed me, therefore you are expendable

Теперь ты подвел меня, поэтому тебя можно использовать

Your Majesty, I’m sorry that I failed you.

¬аше ¬еличество, мне жаль, что € подвел вас.

He has failed me once but never twice.

Раз он меня уж подвел, в другой — не оплошает.

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Now, come, sir, we’ve all failed and there’s no reason for expecting any of us to bear the whole brunt.

Не думаю, сэр, мы все потерпели неудачу, и нет причин полагать, что кто-то один возьмет на себя все расходы.

He seems to be winning Robert’s confidence where everyone else has failed.

Похоже, он завоевал доверие Роберта когда остальные потерпели неудачу.

So, you succeeded where all the others failed.

Итак, значит ты преуспел, там где другие потерпели неудачу.

They told me you’ve talked to dozens of girls here in Montmartre and you’ve never failed yet.

Мне рассказывали что вы беседовали с десятками подобных дев с Монмартра, и еще ни разу не потерпели неудачу

Other expeditions have tried and failed.

Наши экспедиции пробовали, но потерпели неудачу.

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Я чувствую, что потерпел неудачу.

I have a sense of having failed here, but…

С ощущением, что я потерпела здесь неудачу, но…

Does the mem want me to say she has not failed?

Я должна сказать мэм, что она не потерпела неудачу?

hoping i could do something for him. You feel you’ve failed.

Ты чувствуешь, что потерпел неудачу.

— It can’t fail.

— Он не потерпит неудачу.

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I’m afraid we have failed to hold the full attention of our audience.

Боюсь, не удалось удержать внимание аудитории.

Larsen failed to work a miracle so he is not to be allowed another chance, is that it? Yes.

Ларсену не удалось сотворить чудо, поэтому он не получил еще одного шанса, так?

But I failed to kill myself.

Но мне не удалось покончить с собой.

— No. It failed, JR.

— Мне это не удалось, Джей Ар.

Therefore, having failed to catch them in the act,

Ясно, что раз не удалось застать их с поличным,..

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You can tell your masters that I have failed in my experiments.

Можете сказать своим хозяевам, что я провалил свои эксперименты.

He failed a psycho-simulator test.

Он провалил тест на психосимуляторе.

I was overwhelmed with a feeling of embarrassment and malaise, as if I had failed an exam.

Я был сильно смущён и обескуражен произошедшим, словно провалил экзамен, и всё рухнуло.

Sounds stupid, but… because I’m failing shop.

Звучит глупо, но… потому что я провалил труд.

I failed the University Entrance Exams.

Я провалил университетские экзамены.

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mean that I have failed to reach most of you with the lesson I was given to teach.

показывают, что я не смог многим из вас преподать урок, которому меня поставили учить.

You’ve got to find him. I failed, but you won’t.

Я не смог, но у вас получится.

The last slide I examined, I failed to make the necessary adjustment

Последний слайд. Я не смог произвести расчеты

There is the reason why Two failed to complete his message to us.

Вот причина, почему Второй не смог закончить сообщение для нас.

It has failed to activate the Time Destructor therefore it is not Taranium.

Он не смог запустить Деструктор Времени, значит это не Тараниум.

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If we fail at that point, it’ll be just too bad for you and that missus of yours.

Если у нас не получится этот пункт, это будет плохо для тебя и твоей миссис.

If this also fails we’re drowning.

Если и там не получится — мы тебя утопим.

Everyone will be sorry if we fail!

Мы все расстроимся, если ничего не получится!

If he and Foster fail, it’ll be up to us.

Если у него и Фостера не получится, то следующая очередь будет наша.

Even if you fail… at least you’ll be alive in some past world somewhere.

Если и не получится, вы хоть выживете в каком-то прошлом мире. — Есть.

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We have failed?

Мы проиграли.

All the others before me have failed.

Все мои предшественники проиграли.

We’ve failed.

Мы проиграли.

You’ve failed, Your Highness.

Вы проиграли, ваше высочество.

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«Without money, lacking real initiative, «without mastering English, «he is doomed to fail, and deservedly so.»

Без денег, без плана, без знания английского его затея обречена на провал.

Allverticalthrustisa fail !

Каждыйвертикальныйзаход есть провал.

But I’m not going to fail in your bathroom.

— Тогда, провал Но я так легко не сдамся

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Similar words: ailing, wailing, ceiling, beguiling, boiling water, multilingual, fail, failed. Meaning: [‘feɪlɪŋ]  n. 1. a flaw or weak point 2. failure to reach a minimum required performance. adj. 1. unable to meet financial obligations 2. below acceptable in performance. 

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1) Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 

2) Failing to plan is planning to fail. 

3) It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. 

4) It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. 

5) She was conscious that her memory was failing.

6) This computer has one big failing.

7) Vanity is her worst failing.

8) By failing to prepare,[] you are preparing to fail.

9) She feels shame at failing in the exam.

10) The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.

11) The regime has been criticized for failing to uphold human rights.

12) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent.

13) My father’s business is failing; he’s mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.

14) The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.

15) Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.

16) She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future.

17) The police pulled him over for failing to stop at a red traffic light.

18) The plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence for failing to wear a crash helmet.

19) Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.

20) He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.

21) Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people’s home.

22) There are worse calamities than failing your driving test.

23) Jealousy is a very human failing.

24) There’s no risk of her failing/that she’ll fail.

25) Newspapers attacked the government for failing to cut taxes.

26) Nowadays even efficient, lean(, well-run industries are failing.

27) The mother licked the child for failing the examination.

28) Failing instructions I did what I thought best.

29) She was disqualified from competing for a year after failing a dope test.

30) The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.

More similar words: ailing, wailing, ceiling, beguiling, boiling water, multilingual, fail, failed, fail to, failure, mudslinging, lingering, availability, fling, cling, sling, linger, ruling, willing, rolling, yelling, sibling, hauling, curling, inkling, milling, dangling, buckling, swirling, stifling. 

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Owing to failing health he gave up his lectures in 1904, and in May 1906 resigned his mastership, in which he was succeeded by James Leigh Strachan-Davidson, who had previously for some time, as senior tutor and fellow, borne the chief burden of college administration.

By vigorous measures and inspiriting speeches he restored their courage, though his own heart was nearly failing him, and in his distress he abjured the use of wine, to which he had been addicted.

In 1893 loss of health and failing eyesight obliged him to give up the active duties of his chair, and a deputy professor being appointed, he went to live in London, where he died on the 15th of March 1897.

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We are not so unreasonable as to blame him for failing to make his pages picturesque or thrilling; we do not want sunsets and stars and roses and ecstasy; but there is a certain standard for the most serious and abstract subjects.

The first recognition of a disease may be at a necropsy, but then usually by irresponsible pathologists; it is another matter when the physician himself comes under rebuke for failing to seize a way to cure, while the chance remained to him, by section of the abdomen during life.

King Alphonso went down to visit the district, and distributed relief to the distressed inhabitants, despite his visib?y failing health.

She did not go out into society; everyone knew that her father would not let her go anywhere without him, and his failing health prevented his going out himself, so that she was not invited to dinners and evening parties.

After an education at St Andrews, and acting as tutor to the children of Lord Darcy, the English warden of the North, he became a Dominican, but was soon in trouble as a heretic. In 1536 he made his way to England, but failing to obtain the preferment he desired at Cambridge, he went on to Italy, where the influence of Cardinal Pole, who was himself accused of heresy, secured him the post of master of the novices in the Dominican convent at Bologna.

To effect a truce, or, failing that, to renew the excommunication of Bruce.

Unfortunately, failing health compelled him to abandon the second or constructive part: the first, a brilliant piece of writing which attempts to show the ethical inadequacy of revealed religion and is marked in parts by much bitterness, was published in 1887 under the title of The Service of Man.

Sentences starting with failing

  • Failing to see this, he is isolated, and, wanting his sympathy, the untutored world mocks at his super-fineness and takes its own rough way to rougher ends. [4]
  • Failing that, they think they will be in a better position to be picked up. [5]
  • Failing health persuades me to sell. [5]
  • Failing to obtain employment by the Virginia company, Smith turned his attention to New England, but neither did the Plymouth company avail themselves of his service. [4]
  • Failing to get employment anywhere, he petitioned the Virginia Company for a reward out of the treasury in London or the profits in Virginia. [4]

Sentences ending with failing

  • True, they allowed themselves only brief intervals of rest, but they were long enough to show her how the sufferer’s strength was failing. [10]
  • I didn’t know that was your failing. [9]
  • There was no repressing it, and the authorities felt daily more and more that their old measures of restraint were failing. [10]
  • I have very rarely, however, found such a coincidence in ideas or expression as would be enough to justify an accusation of unconscious plagiarism,—conscious plagiarism is not my particular failing. [6]
  • I had no pain,—only an over whelming exhaustion,—but the joy of her touch and her presence kept me from failing. [9]
  • And—Heaven help me—my own were fast failing. [9]
  • He was aware of trying to speak sternly, and of failing. [9]
  • They both attacked Mr. Bolton behind his back as a swindler, and circulated the story that he had made a fortune by failing. [5]
  • Since in business matters he never had taken her into his confidence, and since she would not at any rate have understood such things, she had no proof of such a failing. [9]
  • At one time in our domestic history we had a colored butler who had a failing. [5]

More example sentences with the word failing in them

  • Many a strong-limbed young man and many a blooming young woman have I seen failing and dropping away in or before middle life, and many a delicate and slightly constituted person outliving the athletes and the beauties of their generation. [6]
  • With love to you both, Ever yours, S. L. C. In the foregoing letter we get the first intimation of Mark Twain’s failing health. [5]
  • Now, for some years it has been inadequate, frequently unintelligible, often grossly misleading, failing wholly to give the real spirit and meaning of the most important discussions; and it is as dry as chips besides. [4]
  • It was not without its natural influence upon him; but he regarded it most as a comfortable advertisement, and he lamented every day that this never- failing gas well was not near a large population, and he still its owner. [11]
  • He was satisfied with the day’s success—a success exceeding his expectations, but the old man’s strength was failing him. [2]
  • Lord Delaware remained with the colony less than a year; his health failing, he went in pursuit of it, in March, 1611, to the West Indies. [4]
  • Whatever failing there was on his critical side was due to this somewhat uncritical attitude; for it is from his particular friends that the writer is apt to get the most dispassionate consideration and sometimes the coldest commendation. [4]
  • We were failing under the accumulated fatigue of days and days of ceaseless marching. [5]
  • She learned all unconsciously (by suggestion, as it were) to take delight in them; a delight that was to last her lifetime, a never failing resource to which she was to turn again and again. [9]
  • Eda, though failing to apply this poetic parallel, when alone in her little room in the Welsh boarding-house often indulged in an ecstasy of speculation as to that man, hidden in the mists of the future, whose destiny it would be to awaken her friend. [9]
  • The invention of this plan overstrained the author that is plain, for he straightway shows failing powers. [5]
  • Two days after this letter was written we get a hint of what was the beginning of business trouble—that is to say, of the failing health of Charles L. Webster. [5]
  • In February, 1832, the wife of his youth, who had been for some time in failing health, died of consumption. [6]
  • By the callings, the swimmer was approaching, but some said the sound showed failing strength. [5]
  • The manager of the menagerie had tried for her affections, had offered a price for her friendship; and failing, had become as good a friend as such a man could be. [11]
  • The whole of the laws which were required to be faithfully executed were being resisted and failing of execution in nearly one third of the States. [7]
  • Chester halted in the doorway, his face brick-red, words utterly failing him, while Joe sat horror-stricken, holding aloft on his fork a smoking potato. [9]
  • Below us, round the curving bay, lies white Chillon; and at sunset we row down to it over the bewitched water, and wait under its grim walls till the failing light brings back the romance of castle and prisoner. [4]
  • I have told the bishop so, but he is failing so rapidly from old age that I might as well not have wasted my breath. [9]
  • She always said that she liked simplicity—a common failing among people who are not compelled to observe it. [4]
  • Certain it was that he was failing fast. [9]
  • A failing, he supposed, but not the worst of failings. [6]
  • The great procession stopped near a little house by the Aqueduct of the Failing Fountain, and spread round it, and the leader stepped forward to the door of the little house and entered. [11]
  • This stout column, stiff as a flagstaff, with its feathery head of mist gleaming like silver in the failing light, had the most charming effect. [4]
  • His top was spinning hard, but already the force of the gyration was failing, and he must presently make his exit with what the Prime Minister called his Patent, or turn the key in the lock and enter upon his kingdom. [11]
  • For this—for this sinking sense, this failing body, this wear and tear of mind and heart, this constant study to be possible where she had once been declared by the world to be impossible. [11]
  • He tried to say something, but failing, departed heavily for the mill. [9]
  • For a despotic ruler is like a fiery steed; the latter endeavors to kick him who touches his wounds with intent to heal; the former punishes him who lays a hand on the weak or failing points of his diseased mind. [10]
  • The fiery liquor revived his failing strength, brought the color to his cheeks, and lent a strange lustre to his eyes. [10]
  • This step was rendered necessary by Mr. Bronte’s great age, and failing sight, which made it a paramount obligation on so dutiful a daughter as Charlotte, to devote as much time and assistance as ever in attending to his wants. [14]
  • Deeply moved, she put it on her finger; but Andreas pointed to the motto, and said with failing utterance: «That is your road—and mine—my father’s motto: Per aspera ad astra. [10]
  • Quiet night and pretty comfortable day, though our sail and block show signs of failing, and need taking down—which latter is something of a job, as it requires the climbing of the mast. [5]
  • After the usual preliminaries, the divinity-student said; in a kind way, that he was sorry to find him in failing health, that he felt concerned for his soul, and was anxious to assist him in making preparations for the great change awaiting him. [6]
  • To talk against pie and still eat it is snobbish, of course; but snobbery, being an aspiring failing, is sometimes the prophecy of better things. [4]
  • And which of our old folks, knowing all this, thought, as the spring subsided, of their own failing strength, and lessening life? [12]
  • The prevalent failing of this profession has been, on the contrary, to lend a too credulous ear to ambitious and plausible innovators. [3]
  • Everyone spoke loudly of the field marshal’s great weakness and failing health. [2]
  • Mine end is now at hand: so say these warnings, and my failing pulses do confirm it. [5]
  • If there are not there, we have only the chance, for a few days, of a stray ship, for we cannot eke out the provisions more than five or six days longer, and our strength is failing very fast. [5]
  • But for the nervous force in him, the latent vitality which renewed with stubborn persistence the failing forces, he was dead. [11]
  • I knew from my father, whose father built a new portion of the Palace, of a secret way by the Aqueduct of the Failing Fountain, even into the Palace itself. [11]
  • Sudden at the moment of its occurrence, we had long been more or less prepared for it by his failing health. [6]
  • Gering tried by many means to draw Iberville’s attack, and, failing to do so, played more rapidly than he ought, which was what Iberville wished. [11]
  • We took many little fragments of stone from here, because it is well known in all the East that a barren woman hath need only to touch her lips to one of these and her failing will depart from her. [5]
  • I feel now like a man who has redeemed a failing reputation and shed luster upon a dimmed escutcheon, by a single just deed done at the eleventh hour. [5]
  • Obeying us, thy lady shall keep thine estates untouched; failing obedience, thou wilt make more than thy prince unhappy. [11]
  • The death-bed was just the same,—breath failing, etc. [14]
  • The purport of it is that we lost the late elections and the administration is failing because the war is unsuccessful, and that I must not flatter myself that I am not justly to blame for it. [7]
  • Peter was an invalid, and the whole weight of the perplexing affairs of the failing firm fell upon the one who detested business, and counted every hour lost that he gave to it. [4]
  • There is something in failing health—ill-health without disease—which sharpens and refines the faculties, and makes the temper exquisitely sensitive—that is, with people of a certain good sort. [11]
  • Through those generations, however, there was a gradual disuse of this power, following upon a failing recognition of its possession. [5]
  • The condition of his health, though at that time not very obviously failing, a good deal arrested my attention, as I thought I could perceive in the occurrence of the haemoptysis, and in the cardiac hypertrophy, the early beginnings of vascular degeneration. [6]
  • And words failing him, he sought by a gesture to disclaim such a sinister motive for inaction. [9]
  • But now he had other and nearer things to occupy him, for in the fierce struggle towards the shore Lacey found himself failing, and falling down the stream. [11]
  • For years he had done no good for himself, trying his hand at many things—sugar, salt, cotton, cattle, but always just failing to succeed, though he came out of his enterprises owing no one. [11]
  • The Little Chemist had decided that the change in him was due to bad circulation and failing powers: which was only partially true. [11]
  • She did not go out into society; everyone knew that her father would not let her go anywhere without him, and his failing health prevented his going out himself, so that she was not invited to dinners and evening parties. [2]
  • With his gray glance cold on the Mormons, with the restive bit-champing of the horses, with Jane failing to repress her mounting agitations, with Venters standing pale and still, the tension of the moment tightened. [13]
  • I was absent from home at the last, but heard by daily postal-card of his failing condition; and never again saw him alive. [4]
  • The cattle moved forward with drooping heads and dragging feet or rolled on the ground till the shepherds’ lash compelled them to summon their failing powers. [10]
  • The Maxims were fired until they grew too hot, and, water failing for the cool jacket, five of them jammed and went out of action. [5]
  • He has been failing very fast since you saw him yesterday, and now—» They had been walking softly and talking softly down the aisle between the long rows of beds. [8]
  • The one never failing test of a son, my dears, lies in his treatment of his mother, and from that hour forth I had not a doubt of John Paul. [9]
  • The one prevalent failing of the medical art is to neglect the causes and quarrel with the effect. [3]
  • He, and the failing light and dying fire, the time-worn room, the solitude, the wasted life, and gloom, were all in fellowship. [12]
  • Above the prying eyes of men, above the world itself, he held her, striving to realize some little of the vast joy of this possession, and failing. [9]
  • Is it the dying glow of my failing fortunes, is it the pale dawn of a coming and more glorious day? [10]
  • Some faint, premonitory divination of what they represented of immutable love in a changing, heedless, selfish world came to her; rocks to which one might cling, successful or failing, happy or unhappy. [9]
  • On the last day of 1874, the beloved wife, whose health had for some years been failing, was taken from him by death. [6]
  • As for those courtesies which the old need, to soften the sense of declining faculties and failing attractions, the younger pastor bestowed them in public, but was negligent of them, to say the least, when not on exhibition. [6]
  • Dietel obeyed the command without delay—nay, when he heard the famous leech whisper to the other gentlemen that the sufferer’s life was but a failing lamp, his feelings were completely transformed. [10]
  • Aunt Hannah brought comforting news to the failing mother, and a happy note, which said again, «We have but a little time to wait, darling mother, then we shall be together. [5]
  • Her plan was characteristically businesslike, and her statement of it as characteristically simple and straightforward: «I would have taken English prisoners enough in France for his ransom; and failing that, I would have invaded England and brought him out by force. [5]
  • I shall pass by every wicked means that you took first to ruin me, to divert me to a dishonest love (though I knew not what you meant at the time), and, failing, to make me your wife. [11]
  • The pallid or burning cheek tells of the failing or leaping fountain which gives it color. [6]
  • His memory had been failing for some time, and his mind as you know was clouded, but the old charm of his voice and manner had never left him. [6]
  • Branwell’s constitution had been failing fast all the summer; but still, neither the doctors nor himself thought him so near his end as he was. [14]
  • Licentiousness may also be added to the foregoing checks; but this does not follow from failing means of subsistence; though there is reason to believe that in some cases (as in Japan) it has been intentionally encouraged as a means of keeping down the population. [1]
  • Mr. Flint looked at his counsel once more, and wondered whether he could be mentally failing. [9]
  • The Frenchman was as ready as ourselves for a brush, and tried to get the weather of us, but, failing, she shortened sail and gallantly waited for us. [11]
  • These natural and apparently adequate means all failing, what will convince them? [7]
  • It was the anniversary of my poor brother’s death, and of my sister’s failing health: I need say no more. [14]
  • I glanced around, and my failing confidence revived. [5]
  • We tried it, and made a success of it, though the king slipped, at the junction, and came near failing to connect. [5]
  • With failing strength and heightening resolution, there had sprung up a purified and altered mind; there had grown in her bosom blessed thoughts and hopes, which are the portion of few but the weak and drooping. [12]
  • So busy were all the others that they did not see how her strength was failing. [11]
  • And all harmonious, all in perfect taste; never a discordant note; never a color on any person swearing at another color on him or failing to harmonize faultlessly with the colors of any group the wearer might join. [5]
  • Perfectly secure now, against failing to accomplish any detail of the pilgrimage, they felt like drawing in advance upon the holiday soon to be placed to their credit. [5]
  • He had many a time heard of this thing succeeding but never of its failing before. [5]
  • At least one (and I think more) of those who are now trying to have him retained was himself an applicant for this very office, and, failing to get my recommendation, now takes this turn. [7]

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