Sentence with the word fail

Synonym: decline, fade, flunk, lose out, neglect, weaken. Antonym: succeed. Similar words: fail to, faint, unfair, affair, fairly, fair play, sail, rail. Meaning: [feɪl]  v. 1. fail to do something; leave something undone 2. be unsuccessful 3. disappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsake 4. stop operating or functioning 5. be unable 6. judge unacceptable 7. fail to get a passing grade 8. fall short in what is expected 9. become bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and close 10. prove insufficient 11. get worse. 

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1. Failing to plan is planning to fail

2. If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 

3. Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve. 

4. A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 

5. Whether you fail or fly, at least you tried.

6. If you fail,don’t forget to learn your lesson.

7. I swear I’ll never fail you again.

8. The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.

9. It looks likely that the peace talks will fail.

10. Diligent students occasionally fail this subject.

11. Try and fail, but don’t fail to try.

12. The light was beginning to fail .

13. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

14. I fail to comprehend their attitude.

15. If you don’t work hard, you may fail.

16. You’ll fail in French unless you work harder.

17. It was fated that we should fail.

18. I fail to see the logic behind his argument.

19. The song can’t fail to be a hit .

20. One in ten will fail.

20. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

21. Many diets fail because they are boring.

22. You will fail unless you work hard.

23. If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.

24. The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.

25. She was fearful that she would fail.

26. His disability caused this thing to fail.

27. She expects to fail the exam.

28. It’s no joke when your brakes fail on the motorway.

29. If you fail now, who will pick up the pieces?

30. In life’s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail

More similar words: fail to, faint, unfair, affair, fairly, fair play, sail, rail, nail, jail, mail, trail, daily, retail, detail, prevail, ailment, trailer, retailer, railroad, detailed, in detail, junk mail, available, be available, availability. 

Sentences with the word Fail?



  • «She studied hard but failed nevertheless»; «Did I fail the test?»
  • «he was certain to fail«; «his fate is certain»; «In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes»- Benjamin Franklin; «he faced certain death»; «sudden but sure regret»; «he is sure to win»
  • «if you persist in that course you will surely fail«; «once a nation is embarked on a course of action it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place»
  • «too facile a solution for so complex a problem»; «it was a neat plan, but bound to fail«; «a slick advertising campaign»
  • «I fail to understand your motives»
  • «She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law»; «We must not fail his obligation to the victims of the Holocaust»
  • «Where do today’s public schools fail?»; «The attempt to rescue the hostages failed miserably»
  • «he assigned a series of problems of increasing hardness»; «the ruggedness of his exams caused half the class to fail«
  • «I fail to see the humor in it»
  • «a strange, other dimension…where his powers seemed to fail«- Lance Morrow

fail — перевод на русский


The coup d’état has failed.

Переворот провалился.

I failed, you know.

Вот видишь, я провалился.

-The Spearhead has failed.

— Копьеглавый провалился.

The plan has failed.

План провалился.

In short, I succeeded where you failed.

В итоге, я преуспел там, где ты провалился.

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When you needed me most, Ena, I failed you.

Ты так нуждались во мне , Эна, а я тебя подвел.

I should have been looking for the good in you. And I— — I failed you.

Мне следовало искать в вас доброе… а я… я подвёл вас.

Now you have failed me, therefore you are expendable

Теперь ты подвел меня, поэтому тебя можно использовать

Your Majesty, I’m sorry that I failed you.

¬аше ¬еличество, мне жаль, что € подвел вас.

He has failed me once but never twice.

Раз он меня уж подвел, в другой — не оплошает.

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Now, come, sir, we’ve all failed and there’s no reason for expecting any of us to bear the whole brunt.

Не думаю, сэр, мы все потерпели неудачу, и нет причин полагать, что кто-то один возьмет на себя все расходы.

He seems to be winning Robert’s confidence where everyone else has failed.

Похоже, он завоевал доверие Роберта когда остальные потерпели неудачу.

So, you succeeded where all the others failed.

Итак, значит ты преуспел, там где другие потерпели неудачу.

They told me you’ve talked to dozens of girls here in Montmartre and you’ve never failed yet.

Мне рассказывали что вы беседовали с десятками подобных дев с Монмартра, и еще ни разу не потерпели неудачу

Other expeditions have tried and failed.

Наши экспедиции пробовали, но потерпели неудачу.

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Я чувствую, что потерпел неудачу.

I have a sense of having failed here, but…

С ощущением, что я потерпела здесь неудачу, но…

Does the mem want me to say she has not failed?

Я должна сказать мэм, что она не потерпела неудачу?

hoping i could do something for him. You feel you’ve failed.

Ты чувствуешь, что потерпел неудачу.

— It can’t fail.

— Он не потерпит неудачу.

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I’m afraid we have failed to hold the full attention of our audience.

Боюсь, не удалось удержать внимание аудитории.

Larsen failed to work a miracle so he is not to be allowed another chance, is that it? Yes.

Ларсену не удалось сотворить чудо, поэтому он не получил еще одного шанса, так?

But I failed to kill myself.

Но мне не удалось покончить с собой.

— No. It failed, JR.

— Мне это не удалось, Джей Ар.

Therefore, having failed to catch them in the act,

Ясно, что раз не удалось застать их с поличным,..

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You can tell your masters that I have failed in my experiments.

Можете сказать своим хозяевам, что я провалил свои эксперименты.

He failed a psycho-simulator test.

Он провалил тест на психосимуляторе.

I was overwhelmed with a feeling of embarrassment and malaise, as if I had failed an exam.

Я был сильно смущён и обескуражен произошедшим, словно провалил экзамен, и всё рухнуло.

Sounds stupid, but… because I’m failing shop.

Звучит глупо, но… потому что я провалил труд.

I failed the University Entrance Exams.

Я провалил университетские экзамены.

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mean that I have failed to reach most of you with the lesson I was given to teach.

показывают, что я не смог многим из вас преподать урок, которому меня поставили учить.

You’ve got to find him. I failed, but you won’t.

Я не смог, но у вас получится.

The last slide I examined, I failed to make the necessary adjustment

Последний слайд. Я не смог произвести расчеты

There is the reason why Two failed to complete his message to us.

Вот причина, почему Второй не смог закончить сообщение для нас.

It has failed to activate the Time Destructor therefore it is not Taranium.

Он не смог запустить Деструктор Времени, значит это не Тараниум.

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If we fail at that point, it’ll be just too bad for you and that missus of yours.

Если у нас не получится этот пункт, это будет плохо для тебя и твоей миссис.

If this also fails we’re drowning.

Если и там не получится — мы тебя утопим.

Everyone will be sorry if we fail!

Мы все расстроимся, если ничего не получится!

If he and Foster fail, it’ll be up to us.

Если у него и Фостера не получится, то следующая очередь будет наша.

Even if you fail… at least you’ll be alive in some past world somewhere.

Если и не получится, вы хоть выживете в каком-то прошлом мире. — Есть.

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We have failed?

Мы проиграли.

All the others before me have failed.

Все мои предшественники проиграли.

We’ve failed.

Мы проиграли.

You’ve failed, Your Highness.

Вы проиграли, ваше высочество.

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«Without money, lacking real initiative, «without mastering English, «he is doomed to fail, and deservedly so.»

Без денег, без плана, без знания английского его затея обречена на провал.

Allverticalthrustisa fail !

Каждыйвертикальныйзаход есть провал.

But I’m not going to fail in your bathroom.

— Тогда, провал Но я так легко не сдамся

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How to use fail in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «fail» and check conjugation/comparative form for «fail«. Mastering all the usages of «fail» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Prior to 2012, all I did was fail, fail, fail, fail.
You fail, you fail, you fail, and then you succeed.
It’s a fail to deliver, fail to deliver, fail to deliver situation.
We don’t have any room for fail fast, fail big, fail often.
Over time, I morphed that to, ‘fail often, fail fast, fail cheap,’ and came to realize that people and companies that fail, win more.
And then you say, ‘Yeah it might fail, but I’d rather fail than fail to try.
«Fail early, fail often, fail forward,» Smith said in a series of Instagram story videos on January 7 that went viral.
«Fail to prepare, prepare to fail,» she remembered him saying.
A lot of relationships fail, a lot of marriages fail.
And when muni broadband networks fail, they often fail spectacularly.
Click here to view original GIFThe secret to success is to fail, fail, and fail again, but in different ways each time.
You can fail, and fail, and fail—and the reason I say that is because, for most people, it takes a long time.
We miss, and we make mistakes; we fail and fail again.
When we fail to protect data, we fail to protect people.
We fail as a nation when we fail to protect our children.
«We seem to never fail to miss an opportunity to fail,» Sen.
You will fail, but you’ll fail trying, with Nintendo cheering you on.
Students who share my opinions and fail to develop their ideas fail.
If they were going to fail, they were going to fail hard.
But computers can fail, or humans can fail to use them properly.
Biggest white tee fail: Literally any white tee shirt is a fail.
KARDO BECK London If you are going to fail, fail hard and fast.
«Just no fail-safes.» just no fail-safes A klaxon filled Ray’s ears.
«If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail,» Stork tells People Now.
As the saying goes, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
If I set up to fail, there was no way I could fail.
The old adage «fail to plan, plan to fail» applies doubly to moving.
If you fail, we will fail the next day or the day after.
I think that was a real fail for Amazon, and a big fail.
They didn’t fail to show up in 2016; they always fail to show up.
If we fail, then we fail, but we’re going for it with our voice.
«Fail fast, fail often» is one of the region’s earliest and best-recognized catchphrases.
I don’t want Trump to fail, and I don’t want Melania Trump to fail.
The book, by Matt Lewis, is «Too Dumb to Fail, not «Too to Fail.
«You’ve seen a lot of missile tests fail, most tests actually fail,» he said.
Most empires fail within before they fail to external enemies, and unless we reverse this war on the working class by our oligarchy, our empire will fail too.
We often know what ‘should’ get done, but yet we fail to focus, fail to make the time, and fail to make the necessary changes in our habits.
The Chinese environment is a combination of a huge market, ample capital, and daring entrepreneurs who are the embodiment of «lean startup»: fail fast, fail early, and fail often.
They either fail to notice that Mia has gone missing, or fail to tell anyone.
They live by the «fail fast and fail early» mantra made popular in Silicon Valley.
And for an explanation of how these fail-safes can fail, here’s a good introduction.
Plan, because those who fail to plan, plan to fail — and know what you want.
It requires an ability to set limits and negotiate and to fail and fail again.
The best advice I ever received was from my high school history teacher: » Don’t be afraid to fail, and if you’re going to fail, then fail fast and move on.»
«The next time you fail me will be the last time you fail me,» Daenerys threatens.
«One of my mottoes in business has always been fail fast and fail cheap,» he said.
CP: You’re going to fail because it’s going to be on your night side table. Fail.
«When servicers fail, we fail, and our customers deserve more,» said a department spokeswoman, Angela Morabito.
The censorship model will always fail, and it will fail in ways that hurt marginalized voices.
We outlaw abortion, make contraception harder to come by, we fail to protect equal pay, we fail to raise wages, we fail to enact paid leave, we fail to subsidize child care…there are very easy ways, like it’s not like some distant science-fiction dystopian future.
Our politics fail us when they fail to reflect the baffling, contradictory wonderful complexity of human nature.
After all, there is no such thing as «too big to fail» because large institutions do fail.
«If they fail to do it or do it incorrectly, they fail the test,» Professor Wegman said.
And the more businesses that fail, the more firms that were built to serve them will fail.
» Public policy, Rice argues, is pragmatic, and sometimes a little dark: «We did fail, we will fail.
There are better and worse ways to fail, and it pays to be conservative when trying out new products, most of which fail, or investing in a new business, most of which fail.
Because Plaintiffs fail to allege that Defendants made any projections that were not so qualified, their claims fail.
Trump cannot afford to fail Finally, Europeans should not be scared of Trump: He can’t afford to fail.
They are rooting for America to fail so Trump will fail and lose his bid for re-election.
If these devices fail to entice the smartphone buying public, then HMD will likely fail along with it.
In fact, most later-stage startups that fail after raising large amounts of capital fail for this reason.
Voter registration laws empowered voting registrars to fail anyone they chose to fail, according to SNCC digital records.
What we do is try, experiment, start small, start fast (and) if you have to fail, fail fast.
That is when you make affordable mistakes, but you fail forward fast or you fail forward and win.
Except, should Vincent fail—like fatally fail—in his dreams, he’ll never wake up in the real world.
» She continued, «The system in this country continues to fail black people and will continue to fail us.
Nixon believed that to try and fail was far more honorable than to fail to try at all.
In a YouTube post, the author explains what he has learned through all of his experiences: «You need to fail, learn how to fail and condition yourself to fail» in order to find success.
I-1631 didn’t fail just because of Big Oil, and it didn’t fail because it was an imperfect policy.
Let me start by saying I don’t want anyone to fail, so we don’t root for people to fail.
In the Silicon Valley whose emergence the show chronicles, «fail fast, fail often» has become a glib entrepreneurial mantra.
And while the government may be too big to fail, individual households can, and do, fail all the time.
If smart guns as doomed to fail as I’ve previously argued, why not just let them fail in the market?
«Don’t be afraid to fail, because in life you can’t succeed unless you have the potential to fail,» he said.
Yes, such young people sometimes do stupid things, but as a society, we fail them long before they fail us.
It is one thing to fail for want of trying, but worse to fail when you’re giving it your all.
Most startups do fail, so the odds were that Fanbase would fail, not succeed, but you have a great team.
PARELES Another one from the too-big-to-fail peak-reggaeton era of pop-minded production and fail-safe collaborations.
We’ll fail and fail and fail again as all the problems of space and farming both meet on one patch of dirt—until we get good at it and the failures start coming fewer and further between.
METLIFE ARGUES AGAINST BEING TOO BIG TO FAIL | The «too big to fail» label is finally having its day in court,
We had a clear idea of the many ways «Wayward Sisters» could fail, because we’ve seen Supernatural fail many times before.
Sure, we enshrine motivational mottos like «Fail fast, fail often,» but moving those sentiments into our hearts is anything but easy.
There’s no way to know that you’re going to fail, but if you don’t try, then you’re definitely going to fail.
Until now, I’ve shied away from every fitness challenge I’ve ever seen, assuming I would fail — and I’m no fail-er.
Should one Rolls-Royce engine fail, the higher power demand on the remaining engine could cause the second engine to fail.
Jump, fight, fail, try again, fail more, and then maybe you’ll get the chicken dinner that has been promised to you.
They’re good messages, but watching people fail to heed them, and fail spectacularly at life as a result, isn’t much fun.
«Don’t be afraid to fail because in life you can’t succeed unless you have the potential to fail,» Puzder told CNBC.
I don’t wanna fail my son (Titan), I want to have another child, and I don’t wanna fail my unborn child.
It’s a frightening prospect, but it might take that to really test whether the too-big-to-fail banks can fail.
Oftentimes they fail to get a hand up on closeouts, or just plain fail to jump high enough to bother shooters.
If we fail to log difference, we also fail to see how much tougher it is for some people than others.
Those who fail the exam (it would be a pass or fail score) must wait four years before retaking the exam.
«The system in this country continues to fail black people and will continue to fail us,» Mr. Castile’s mother, Valerie, said.
They both end up finding humor in this promposal fail, which isn’t so much a fail as Alex ends up saying yes.
I would rather take huge risks and fail and fail publicly, but have done it, rather than not tried things at all.
If the Democrats fail to win the House or Senate in 85033, they will likely fail to win the presidency in 2020.
NCATS further clarifies that 30 percent of drugs fail because they are unsafe, and 65 percent fail because they do not work.
» The former senior Google executive said, of accidents involving the public, «That’s the Silicon Valley way, to fail fast and fail often.
A glance at any listicle of TV reboots reveals the obvious truth, that most of them fail and fail for good reason.
They just… fail to meet the person they’re chasing, fail to shut down the First Order’s tracking device, and in the end, fail to clarify either why Rose abruptly has a crush on Finn, or how he feels about it.
Detectives fail to develop and resolve preliminary investigations; fail to identify and collect evidence to corroborate victims’ accounts; inadequately document their investigative steps; fail to collect and assess data, and report and classify reports of sexual assault; and lack supervisory review.
It also penalizes companies that fail to adequately safeguard private consumer information, or fail to make users quickly aware of breaches and hacks.
And you can definitely make it fail if you put on disguises, but I’d rather have it fail than let someone else through.
«Numbers fail to spark emotion or feeling and thus fail to motivate action,» Paul Slovic, the psychologist who pioneered this research, has written.
The company said Friday that in rare cases the vehicles might fail to enter a «fail-safe» driving mode, lose power and stall.
And you have to fail a lot — and when you fail, you have to pick yourself up and learn and change and adjust.
And yet, despite doing everything right, they fail to see the next wave of innovation coming, they get disrupted, and they ultimately fail.
The main opposition, Fianna Fail, appears to be running a close second, suggesting that Kenny will need Fianna Fail to form a government.
Rejection is a huge part of any creative industry, and I have no doubt that I will continue to fail, and fail spectacularly.
There’s a lot of loose talk among whites about black boys making bad decisions, but we fail these kids before they fail us.
I also tell myself there will be better days and that if you try something and you fail, try again and fail better.
Not surprisingly, 25 percent of startups fail within the first year — and 55 percent fail by the fifth year — according to Statistic Brain.
But the truth is that 20 percent of small businesses fail in their first year, and 50 percent fail by their fifth year.
Or to put it a bit differently, when Trump threatens to «let Obamacare fail,» what he’s really threatening is to make it fail.
So if this is going to fail, it makes a lot more sense to have it fail before that vote-a-rama ever starts.
Tech workers now use terms like «soft landing» (to fail gently without career harm) and «failing upward» (to fail with an immediate career upside).
For every one percent of GDP growth we fail to generate in any given year, we also fail to create over one million jobs.
Under the guise of ending the era of ‘too big to fail‘ financial institutions, Dodd-Frank actually codified ‘too big to fail‘ into law, contributing to further consolidation in the banking industry, and forcing hardworking American taxpayers to bail out mega businesses, should they fail.
Systemically important financial institutions and «too big to fail» Title II of Dodd-Frank gives FSOC the ability to take over and dismantle troubled «systemically important financial institutions» often called «too big to fail,» that could cause a global financial crisis if they fail.
That has set the stage for the thrice-rejected fail to fail again if, as planned, it is put to vote in parliament next month.
Many of us are deeply afraid to fail; conveniently, it’s impossible to fail at coloring (straying outside the lines is an artistic choice, of course).
«Remember that there are folks who want to see this president fail; there are folks who want to see this administration fail,» Price said Saturday.
If I fail a drug test or I fail to comply with the whereabouts forms, I as an athlete am subject to penalties without exception.
When you fail, you fail for the audience, and when you succeed, it’s like, look you succeeded, and you give it back to the audience.
More students fail to complete high school on time, more fail to move on from high school to college, and more drop out of college.
Polls suggest Fianna Fail may lead another minority government propped up by Fine Gael from the opposition benches, as Fianna Fail has done since 0003.
Too big to fail is an important concept and one where we made some progress post-financial crisis to deal with too big to fail.
In «Love» and «Community,» two of the strongest chapters of the book, Hall explains how we can fail each other and, in turn, fail ourselves.
Billionaire investor George Soros called Trump a would-be dictator and said Trump will fail «I personally am convinced that he is going to fail,» , Switzerland.
No conversation about the great directors of today would fail to include Barry Jenkins, who wrote and directed «Moonlight,» or would fail to include Ava DuVernay.
And the moment I tell you to stop, and you fail to stop, and then I say, «leave,» and you fail to leave, now you’re trespassing.
«If some companies and industries fail to adjust to this new world, they will fail to exist,» the policymakers said in their open letter on Wednesday.
Initially, Apple claimed that Face ID will only fail once in every million attempts, a huge leap from the 1-in-50,000 fail rate of TouchID.
«Corporations have a vicious, clear-eyed view of the bottom line, which is a very healthy thing,» Kwast said, before adding: «Companies that fail should fail
For those who fail to file and fail to pay anything at all, the penalty can be as much as 25 percent of what you owe.
That has set the stage for the thrice-rejected fail to fail again if, as planned, it is put to vote in parliament in early June.
I was sort of expecting the same from You Fail Me, because there was only three years between Jane Doe and You Fail Me. Yet I feel like the way we play our instruments on You Fail Me is very true to how we still play.
What anchors Mosset’s work firmly on the latter is his insistence on painting’s propensity for failure: objects never fail as objects, but paintings sometimes fail as paintings.
If we fail to do this, if we fail to see what’s happening in front of our faces, we will not be prepared for what comes next.
Firms that fail to comply with new energy efficiency targets would be given six months to rectify and would be closed if they fail to make progress.
In fact, America largely subsists on a steady diet of media — if we fail to represent trans lives in media, we fail to represent them at all.
If he pulls in 100 possible hires, most of them either fail the drug test or don’t show up for it because they know they will fail.
Those who believe this is merely reductionism should consider the words of Jesus: Do you have eyes but fail to see and ears but fail to hear?
Our problem is not that we fail to treat people who use drugs as criminals; it’s that we fail to treat them as people with health needs.
Some insurers have «fail first» policies, which mean that people have to try less-intensive treatment and fail at it before more comprehensive care will be covered.
If we fail to stay true to that governing North Star of leadership, as we did during the Vietnam War years, we will again fail our country.
Eastwood shows us again and again that men caught up in triumphalist masculinity fail to achieve erotic happiness and often fail in their intergenerational relationships with women.
What he has seized on, perhaps instinctively, is the essential truth with which we must contend going forward: If you fail to articulate a policy — you fail.
«There’s all this pressure to succeed in the world, and we wanted to let them fail, and fail spectacularly,» Ms. Baie, the museum’s director of programming, said.
When we fail to target these root causes through economic, immigration, and criminal justice reform and the provision of housing and social services, we fail to fight trafficking.
There’s a risk that you’ll start to stagnate because a smaller pond might fail to stretch your skills or fail to send a strong signal about your abilities.
Without land reform, the A.N.C. and Mr. Ramaphosa will fail to lift a majority of the black people from abysmal poverty and will fail in ending social apartheid.
But one thing is certain: if the audits are allowed to fail, the Prison Rape Elimination Act will fail, and the shameful scourge of prisoner rape will continue.
However, not only do these technologies often fail to function at critical moments, but they also often fail to protect the security and integrity of the votes cast.
Fianna Fail facilitated the last Fine Gael-led minority government from opposition but the Fianna Fail leader said on Thursday that he favored a full coalition this time.
«The 2008 housing collapse … really did send a big, strong signal throughout the economy to say ‘things can fail,’ and when things fail, people lose jobs,» McGreggor said.
«We need to have the big emitters understanding that their role is essential, because if the big emitters fail, everything will fail,» Guterres told Reuters in an interview.
A fail safe system will protect the consumer, and if any of the systems fail, the drone will either go into hover mode or find a safe landing spot.
Even in pure engineering terms, sea gates and seawalls can impart a false sense of security: They can accelerate coastal erosion, and if they fail, they can fail catastrophically.
Critics argue the authority effectively gives some firms «too big to fail» status, which could encourage them to take on more risk and necessitate government intervention if they fail.
His obsession with the novelty of his approach points to this: «If we fail, we don’t want to fail the way it’s been done in the past,» he says.
If you think they’re gonna fail, then why not just let them fail and then you can just say, ‘Hey, next time let’s do a little better than that.
Trump’s infrastructure plan could rely on public-private partnerships that often fail Trump’s infrastructure plan could rely on public-private partnerships that often fail This segment originally aired Jan.
Some have even succeeded: After initially switching to an opt-in pass/fail system, Harvard Law implemented mandatory pass/fail grading in response to a letter expressing student concerns.
To fail him would be to fail the lost child in myself, the memory of the anger I had and my desperate desire that someone love me through it.
«I’d rather fail my exams than fail my generation,» she added, in defense of her choice to skip school on Friday to join fellow students in weekly climate strikes.
So Republicans must fail — badly — at the polls.
But just as our adversaries and enemies of the past learned here in Poland, we know that these forces, too, are doomed to fail if we want them to fail.
The way to best fill in the shadow presence of Black fathers is with real versions of these fathers who every so often fail to catch their children when they fall, or fail to say the thing that buoys them up, or fail to anticipate the needs that the child cannot quite articulate.
Literally everybody in the House of Cards universe cares only about power, and if they fail, they fail because they don’t care as much about it as Claire and Frank Underwood.
A desiccated muppet valiantly struggles through tech fail after tech fail to eventually be anointed as Donald Trump’s cyber czar and, maybe, finally have a chance at becoming a real boy.
The United States has plenty of existing laws targeting sex trafficking, but we fail to consistently enforce them, such as when courts fail to mandate financial restitution to sex trafficking victims.
If Al-Hadid sculpts faces without seeing them, announcing how we fail to see our own heads, she puts places under erasure to show how we fail to inhabit them permanently.
The startup world, with its seeming preoccupation with the repeated-ad-infinitum Beckett quote, «Fail again, fail better,» paints failure as a trophy, a way to gain entry to the club.
«Cities that fail to embrace technology today, that fail to embrace a data-driven approach, those cities will be in the digital Rust Belt 20 years from now,» Mr. Bennett said.
«She was selected by the boys because they were afraid to fail; they decided to choose her because she could fail,» said Angelika Huber-Strasser, a managing director at KPMG Germany.
The chip in a toy can both cause the toy to fail or melt down, as well as be part of a botnet army that could cause whole systems to fail.
«We need to have the big emitters understanding that their role is essential, because if the big emitters fail, everything will fail,» Guterres told Reuters at a climate conference in Madrid.
The major risk is that talks are held but fail to reach an outcome acceptable to the US. And if the US continues its insistence on denuclearization, talks will inevitably fail.
«You fail to live up to my morals» is an impotent attack in a diverse society; «you fail to live up to your own morals» is an impossible indictment to escape.
» Earlier, Trump said he wants to «let Obamacare fail.
» He added, «It makes us want them to fail.
«They said, ‘Fail fast and move on,’ » he said.
But also — to some extent — you’re going to fail.
A rocket mission designed to fail — then to fall
They were right — I’d been convinced they would fail.
What else did we have … Oh, fail or predictions.
Trump warned of big losses at the ballot box if Republicans fail to repeal and replace Obamacare, and the White House insists there is no alternative legislation or plan if they fail.
«One piece would fail over and over and over again and once we’d finally get it working something else that had been working the entire time would fail,» Calmus told Huffington Post.
«Registrants are sent a notice because of that initial failure, but they are not removed unless they fail to respond and fail to vote for the additional period,» the new brief said.
We should try things that might not work, set up experiments that are safe to fail instead of fail-safe and learn to cherish hard-earned lessons instead of complaining about them.
Biggest white tee fail: Unless your shirt is dirty or smelly or actually more yellow or gray than white, I believe there’s not really a way to fail in a white tee.
We propose phasing out the contentious existing revenue sources, to the extent possible, that fail to maintain necessary and stable funding, and that fail to preserve existing infrastructure or advance modern infrastructure.
He would settle in a city of the north and try to find work and fail, and try to find a hostel and fail, and seek again the needle’s tip and solace.
They decided that if they were going to fail at this, they were going to fail fast, over the course of a month or two, not waste a year on the project.
JL: Our forecast is it would fail, and part of the reason it would fail is the economic hardship that the UK is about to go through in the coming months and years.
Ryzova complains that the local, self-fashioned collectors fail to acknowledge photographs as material objects embedded in social and cultural contexts and fail to acknowledge the proper value of photographs for academic research.
Nike’s one product fail will not bring down a behemoth brand, but its one product fail may just lead to a shift in Zion Williamson’s career and possibly the business of college athletics.
RELATED: Bruised Republicans regroup after Obamacare repeal fail «Well, I think all of us realize that if we fail on taxes, that’s the end of the Republican Party’s governing majority in 2018,» Sen.
Thanks, in part, to a playlist of TED talks on the productivity of failure, the dictum to «fail harder, fail faster» is now being peddled in fields from scientific research to elementary education.
Critics, including Republicans in Congress, argue the authority effectively gives some firms «too big to fail» status, which could encourage them to take on more risk and necessitate government intervention if they fail.
I think 10-20 percent of companies should totally fail and 30-40 percent of companies should kind of mostly fail, because if you’re not trying things that … No, I get that idea.
You’ll lose your perspective, and that means you will fail.
It takes a lot of patience, and I fail sometimes.
No. Democrats are cheering for America to fail right now.
The elites on the left want this president to fail.
The blockbuster videogame is now officially Too Big to Fail.
Superman is the character who cannot fail in his morals.
Standard genetic testing might fail to catch cases like this.
The train’s air conditioning could fail in the summer heat.
Many fail to see any silver lining to the handout.
It’s almost as though Trump’s critics wanted him to fail.
Of course, my childhood swim team days didn’t fail me.
They will ‘hope to,’ they’ll ‘try to’ and they’ll fail.
If the talks fail, there is a risk of violence.
Some are going to succeed, some are going to fail.
The freedom to fail gives people the freedom to succeed.
Consumers may fail to buy the best product on offer.
Twitter accidentally suspends their own CEO’s account Oops, fail whale!
A shocking number of people fail to notice the gorilla.
They also fail to take responsibility when things go wrong.
Others, still, fail to meet standards set in their contracts.
Negotiations between Mahmoud Abbas and Netanyahu would almost certainly fail.
«Epic fail tonight at @jerseycity waterfront,»  one Twitter user wrote .
If you fail, consult your state laws and company policy.
Just as his organs begin to fail, he passes out.
The greatest successes come from having the freedom to fail.
Sufferers often fail to tell their doctor about their condition.
In reality, most companies embarking on this journey will fail.
They hate him so much, they want him to fail.
If you fail to do so, you’ll become an afterthought.
«I fail to see the point of it,» he said.
Apparently I’d fallen asleep again while watching the news. Fail.
The targets are too important to fail, capping the downside.
Human vision isn’t perfect, and our eyes often fail us.
Its syndicate members face charges if they fail to comply.
There are no easy pass / fail grades on this one.
In commercial terms the system is too important to fail.
The agency said they could fail during a crash event.
If you fail to do so, you’ll lose health points.
But they fail to see the forest through the trees.
Fail to apply a thumbprint in situations that require one?
Members don’t want to vote on something that will fail.
The nuclear deal must not become ‘too big to fail.
Many of the embryos, even when implanted, fail to develop.
Court records fail to indicate whether Loftis has an attorney.
But the bill was destined to fail on the floor.
Too often in Africa, they fail at these basic tasks.
This is something a lot of people fail to understand.
Now perhaps tomorrow’s one will fail to produce one too.
Both national party committees routinely fail to meet these conditions.
It’s complicated — but where words fail, your olfactory glands won’t.
That’s something that in the West we fail to grasp.
It’s not that Returns’ more emotional moments fail to land.
The bond will be forfeited if they fail to comply.
This was an epic fail by Oregon Coach Mark Helfrich.
It’s not like founders are expecting to fail, he explained.
Some fail to pay wages on time, or at all.
But Mr Maduro has set up his plan to fail.
«Having the procedure fail is a major risk,» she said.
If they fail to do so, fresh elections look inevitable.
And sometimes you fail because it’s your own damn fault.
For her to fail, just one has to go wrong.
S. trade could deepen if talks between the two fail.
Who wants to succeed in business and fail at home?
Those who fail to comply will get the boot, too.
In horror movies, it’s often necessary for institutions to fail.
Having him fail to try just makes him a fool.
This example might seem doomed to fail for legal reasons.
These public forums fail miserably to interest 21st century citizens.
How did the education system to thoroughly fail this goofus?
The vicious attempted coup of July 2016 deserved to fail.
No one assumes that their firm is going to fail.
What do you think conservatives fail to understand about structure?
But only one has been deemed too big to fail.
So, in that sense, every writer is ‘allowed’ to fail.
«I fail to see the humor in it,» she said.
That pregnancy is something one can succeed or fail at.
Courts that formal businesses rely on often fail to help.
«Jane Eyre really did FAIL big time». 7. «Rubbish». 203.
Remember that the bill didn’t fail because of agriculture policy.
Fail to do so and you will be booted out.
The majority of those fail to produce a successful pregnancy.
Barsch retired in 2016 after his kidneys began to fail.
Do you have a hard time letting your children fail?
So you instantly don’t fail once you feel that way.
Satire thrives where the usual checks on human folly fail.
It can fine institutions that fail to make sufficient headway.
If it’s not any cheaper, it will probably fail miserably.
Gurria told CNBC he hoped the deal would not fail.
What they fail to realize, they think they’re being charitable.
I worried that I — or the system — would somehow fail.
Vicente Fox: U.S. auto companies will fail if NAFTA does .
If I fail here, I will not get funded again.
Tim Cook DM fail just before the Apple event pic.twitter.
Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson.
All presidents try to prevent leaks, and all presidents fail.
Hunger erodes willpower, and that’s the reason most diets fail.
There was always a risk that the talks might fail.
If they fail to do so, however, they get nothing.
This is not who I am, I’m not gonna fail.
Still, it’s always a bummer to see a product fail.
In addition, SKT would face reputational risk should SKB fail.
It even predicted feelings of schadenfreude when other groups fail.
Unfortunately, these studies fail to consider the participants’ caffeine habits.
Bett is the latest Kenyan to fail a drugs test.
Do you have a favorite song on You Fail Me?
Will the You Fail Me Redux include any bonus material?
Why does Silicon Valley effectively fail to police their platforms?
International efforts to find a peaceful resolution continue to fail.
Was I nervous to fail in front of an expert?
Consumers and businesses, meanwhile, often fail to deploy a fix.
They’re not too big to fail in the banking sense.
If they fail, his improbable pathway starts to disappear entirely.
Companies are also stepping in when policymakers fail to act.
The vote will fail if held Thursday night, he added.
The plague of rationalization There are many reasons startups fail.
Of those that try to raise VC funding, most fail.
Even many of the great modernists fail to do so.
On several occasions, we’ve seen the house’s circuit breaker fail.
Did she fail to read him enough mommy bedtime stories?
Free to own businesses, see them fail, then move on.
Take it and fail, his bright future is instantly diminished.
S. trade talks fail to relieve some of the pressure.
I’ve seen that fail in the White House right now.
They will call up a million reasons why you’ll fail.
Most drug discovery programs cost hundreds of millions and fail.
Crucially, AYAOTD was also willing to let their heroes fail.
If you fail to deduct it, people can sue you.
If supporters want Bradley to fail, it will surely happen.
Almost without fail, he (and it’s usually a he) succeeds.
And, for leaders especially, this strategy … dooms you to fail.
Do not assume Donald Trump’s presidency is doomed to fail.
Now I’m used to it and now I rarely fail.
Innovators need to keep innovating or their businesses will fail.
We will fail that test if this budget passes Congress.
Investors can sue advisers who fail to meet those standards.
Imagine, for a moment, that Spurs fail to beat United.
You have to try and fail and try again. 18.
Clearly, Bella’s not sweating the epic fail that went down.
Most Americans want Obamacare fixed — not set up to fail.
Everyone who is doing that strategy is going to fail.
Without fail, Jenner’s irritated reaction was hilarious every single time.
And by their own standards, they fail on all three.
I try (and fail) not to look over the abyss.
Elites need only make sure that the victims’ efforts fail.
Without groups like these on board, independence day will fail.
We prepared for the concept to fail and fade away.
We fail to see the root cause of sexual assaults.
She makes crucial distinctions that urban planners fail to make.
A Trump administration may fail to investigate abusive police departments.
But Fugate said many small businesses fail after natural disasters.
If Saint Valentine’s efforts end in a fail, fear not.
The second reason we fail is what they called ineptitude.
We were trying everything and we were willing to fail.
Greater talents than Mr Farron would fail in his shoes.
Appropriation (budget) bills routinely fail to be approved on time.
If you fail, you’ll chastise yourself for your irredeemable sloth.
If they fail, they should proceed with the Haines solution.
And when you fail to do the work, it shows.
But Charlotte’s sisters were not going to let her fail.
Women who fail the tests can land up in jail.
He recognizes that many of his journeys will fail him.
Sometimes, a business can do everything right and still fail.
Did witnesses fail women in the care of USC gynecologist?
Now let’s help children who are too small to fail.
I would love for those results to fail to replicate.
The tag «too big to fail» requires more stringent regulations.
Back at American Century, Richie continues to fail at sobriety.
» Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, «Words fail this morning.
Still, drugs that work in mice often fail in humans.
«Literally, you succeed because you refuse to fail,» she said.
We fail to take proper mitigation steps to protect property.
Train systems like Atlanta’s MARTA could fail in extreme rains.
And if you fail, you can just get a divorce.
«Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again,» he tweeted.
I am not to press it unless other disengagements fail.
But does that mean machine learning is doomed to fail?
They also fail to see that they’re treating you unfairly.
«You want to talk about designed to fail?» she said.
Drill instructor: No, I’m tired of watching you freaking fail.
Many struggle, and about half still fail within five years.
» Nobody says, «I wanna go out and fail at life.
«The war on drugs is an epic fail,» he concludes.
In other words, even if they know it would fail.
And it has continued to fail for the same reason.
«The reality is that predators usually fail,» Mr. Fothergill said.
Trump predicted Barra’s actions to remake GM’s business will fail.
We rescued banks because they were too big to fail.
This is what happens when you fail to plan properly.
In doing so, Marçal says, they fail all of us.
I fail to see what national security gains are achieved.
One, a more conservative proposal, is openly expected to fail.
The bad news is that their claims will probably fail.
He will try and fail to have it taken down.
His organs began to fail, and he suffered brain damage.
If you fail in Season 2, you fucked it up .
If the locks fail, their corn doesn’t get to market.
The same as the too big to fail banks pay.
I have studied how businesses thrive and why they fail.
If they fail, the government could default on its debt.
As scenery, ankles and kneecaps fail to afford aesthetic satisfaction.
When you aren’t allowed to fail, you don’t understand risk.
So far, no large lender has been allowed to fail.
Far too often, workers fail to realize thevalueof their time.
This will allow new initiatives to win or fail fast.
It’s not that, should Google fail, the Internet would vanish.
And other companies believe it was someone’s problem, and fail.
Many basic statistics about gun violence stubbornly fail to exist.
But what happens if that flip is a total fail?
Over 80 percent of businesses fail within the first year.
Be smart: China’s government isn’t going to let ZTE fail.
To me, it was designed to fail at some level.
Outside of Thursday (a complete fail), I did pretty well.
«But the vast majority of small companies fail,» she says.
In terms of spooky stuff in general, I fail hard.
And if that’s the ultimate goal, they’ve yet to fail.
All of those things can work, and all can fail.
Y’all both black so you both can’t afford to fail.
The uploads fail due to slow networks and inefficient routing.
They all fail to capture the true nature of Cruz.
Fail U. is out August 9 on St. Martin’s Press.
«Most Cantopop artists will fail, to be honest,» says Lee.
But otherwise, we’re all just here to see someone fail.
I fail to see how this relates to love, exactly.
Day 24: Allow — and even encourage — your employees to fail
So why did the method of gauging with crowds fail?
Some plants get too big and others fail to thrive.
Both these criticisms fail to acknowledge the power of pretense.
«It will be presented on Thursday, without fail,» Sanchez said.
One of the proverbial nine in 10 entrepreneurs who fail.
Schools that fail to make progress can lose their contract.
The Big Mac’s only moisture came from the sauce. FAIL.
Manhattan, for all its charms, can sometimes fail the imagination.
Did our immigration policy fail us, as President Trump asserts?
Too often, we fail to think critically about scientific evidence.
«We must not fail the Rohingya population again,» he said.
European regulators also fear Deutsche could fail U.S. stress tests.
And history is full of examples of protests that fail.
Even years of shared life fail to produce real intimacy.
The horns of that dilemma often fail to jab here.
If the Gavins Point Dam wasn’t helping, let it fail.
I try but fail to make it to the gym.
» And a customer in Arkansas tweeted: «#Target fail again today.
They were told repeatedly — by men — that they would fail.
When you do fail, don’t be so hard on yourself.
Just three months later the bank was allowed to fail.
Until then, I was supposed to have relationships that fail.
So the vote could fail just like past Republican attempts.
Actors need time to fail, to grow, to get better.
Signal that no one cares, and fail to solve murders.
If we fail, it won’t be just the president’s fault.
We fail if we continue to do things as usual.
«I don’t want to see Flint fail,» Mr. Allen said.
» She continues, «It seemed they just wanted Barack to fail.
As long as we didn’t fail him, he implicitly approved.
«I was so programmed to fail,» he told The Guardian.
He has said very openly he wants Obamacare to fail.
Substantial losses are common when loans in the program fail.
Our digital platforms may not be too big to fail.
They often fail and it breaks my heart every time.
And yet at some point we began to fail him.
«I may succeed, I may fail, but I’ll try anything.»
You fail if you try to make a pleasant sound.
Why must we so often fail as lovers, friends, citizens?
You got options, so you can try movies and fail.
And if you fail, well, you’ll get ’em next time.
Birds fail to fly or can do so only briefly.
And we fail to do so at our own peril.
Yet one in three Americans fail the immigrant citizenship test.
If you fail doing that, the whole movie falls apart.
«Turkey is not too big to fail,» the person said.
I think that textbooks fail to teach what causes what.
Starmer said May was on course to fail these tests.
We fail one another when we Americans forget our history.
Many either fail to report, or leave out crucial details.
If they fail to comply, the police will be alerted.
It’s still possible that the vaccine could fail to work.
Beyond a branding fail, this sounds like a logistical nightmare.
Should it fail, the repercussions will be felt for decades.
«No one cares about the men who fail,» Peterson observed.
Late Tuesday, he predicted it would fail in the House.
Why do so many private insurers fail to do so?
Or they could simply fail to find that first meal.
In other cases, though, they just want us to fail.
We dare not fail this test of our constitutional government.
«I don’t want to see Ohio State fail,» Petrie said.
We fail to be the people we’d like to be.
It’s that movements fueled by alienation are bound to fail.
Some shadow banks will fail and should be wound up.
If three Republican senators oppose the plan, it will fail.
I try to talk them down, but sometimes I fail.
Almost everyone thought the business model would fail, Scott said.
Muscles next to the area might fail to work properly.
The American people take notice when they fail to deliver.
We either take a stand against tyranny or we fail.
» She went on: «How could our system fail like this?
They don’t teach you as much to fail by mistakes.
Of course, he could still fail to become Prime Minister.
Firings should be a last resort when those efforts fail.
Both of these claims are likely to fail in court.
In other words, they are not too big to fail.
I want him to fail at treating immigrants as subhuman.
Voucher systems often fail to serve children who have disabilities.
«I think they’re going to fail around integration,» Dar said.
If there is a tie, the motion offered will fail.
Um, I think — even now words kind of fail me.
Even a slightly unusual scene can cause it to fail.
But local law enforcement agencies frequently fail to take action.
It is just another way to fail at measuring up.
The momentum only comes once; don’t fail to use it.
The Americans fail to present an economical alternative to Huawei.
The result is that Saudi is starting to fail economically.
Only losers would think Jared Kushner could fail at anything.
But the revised offer may fail to win over shareholders.
«I am convinced the dam could fail tomorrow,» Adamo said.
Most people are certainly guaranteed to fail in this pursuit.
The FCA thinks crypto amateurs fail to understand all this.
Interest rates as high as 20% fail to attract dollars.
«Super Chat is probably destined to fail,» Mr. Pachter said.
«HUD did fail to comply with the law,» said Rep.
And by the way, if you fail, there’s no parachute.
«This won’t fail because of one party,» the source said.
Relationships start, prosper, and fail for any number of reasons.
They quickly dismissed the idea, which seemed destined to fail.
The word has become so big that it must fail.
«Woman voters fail to follow leaders,» the Times headline read.
These stories never really die — they just fail to thrive.
All manner of startups fail for all manner of reasons.
The talks are in progress, and a deal could fail.
«The men treated me like I would fail,» she said.
On the way there, plenty of causes had to fail.
«Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again,» Trump tweeted.
Three Republicans opposing the bill would mean it would fail.
Whatever they try, they fail; the world conspires against them.
But if we prepare individually, we will certainly fail collectively.
His nomination will only fail if two Republicans oppose him.
Unless Washington does the same, relations are doomed to fail.
«Don’t settle scores with them even if their efforts fail
You know, what percentage of small businesses fail every year?
My mother put our needs second to hers without fail.
At certain points, both sides thought the talks would fail.
You will fail hard if you really want to succeed.
If they fail, we will definitely trail behind the plan.
S. trade matters with other issues is doomed to fail.
«How could our system fail like this?» she asked Friday.
But even they may fail to make a big difference.
Since that’s our frame, we just fail to notice them.
Cuban’s first fail happened while he was still in college.
«The more you fail the more you succeed,» said Giacometti.
I think it’s a dangerous formula and it will fail.
So if active policies fail most of us, what works?
There’s one here, that John Lennon said we’d fail. Yeah.
If mortgages fail, the stocks they supported come crashing down.
Prices just keep soaring while incomes fail to keep pace.
This amateur electrical work could easily fail in another disaster.
But they always fail to take into account critical variables.
You can begin to see how it might fail, too.
Flu science points to another culprit when vaccines fail — us.
Otherwise we fail our mandate as creatives and human beings.
Unbearably large numbers of them fail to survive that journey.
If the vote fails, May might well fail with it.
You either fail fast or whatever, but it’s just, okay.
Brexit campaigners think Labour would fail to trigger an election.
Peterman was set up to fail in his first start.
Does that — what you’re insinuating, does that mean there’s only be then two competitors if this merger doesn’t happen — and one of them would fail or both of them might fail without this merger?
A lot of getting successful in this business or any other is being willing to try and fail, and then try and fail again, and see how much risk-taking you’re ready to do.
They failed to stop Trump from winning the primaries, they’re likely to fail in their efforts to change the rules to stop him, and they’re likely to fail to undercut Trump’s VP choice too.
«Most of these patients are really dying of systemic organ failure — the first effect is the strain on the heart, then the kidneys can start to fail, then the liver can fail,» Mortman said.
Under the state waivers approved to date, beneficiaries would lose their Medicaid coverage if they fail to meet the work requirements or if they fail to pay many income-related premiums that states establish.
Working with clay is like creating a relationship, every time you engage with the material itself, it teaches you volumes, and I am of the mind that you should fail fast and fail often.
«The systems and policies that fail ordinary citizens also fail the vast majority of Chicago Police Department officers who risk their lives every day to serve and protect the people of Chicago,» she said.
Its three explicit and implicit goals for the Trump team, boosting the economy, improving our network of roads, bridges, and airports, and building a virtual bridge to the Democrats will all fail and fail dramatically.
But stepping back, here are two questions for future analysis: How did the Canada fail to understand what was taking place over the past month and fail to take action to enter the negotiating process?
«The systems and policies that fail ordinary citizens also fail the vast majority of Chicago Police Department officers who risk their lives every day to serve and protect the people of Chicago,» Ms. Lynch said.
«First, I hope this venture does not fail and second, I do not expect it to fail either,» Austrian Greens party chief Werner Kogler told reporters when asked whether the negotiations could still fall through.
The misfires, the taciturn Armstrong notes in a rare display of emotion, serve a purpose — «We need to fail down here so we don’t fail up there» — which doesn’t make the casualties any less devastating.
Coalition negotiations may take weeks or fail entirely, requiring new elections.
The millionaires Becker studied aren’t afraid to fail and take risks.
Second, states should pass similar fail-safes for the employer mandate.
Even well-designed improvements can fail when they are implemented poorly.
And they never fail to make us swoon over their cuteness.
Unlike in previous years there will be no pass or fail.
Like servants and goalies, pollsters are noticed only when they fail.
Amid such incoherence, a strategy may fail, even if one existed.
Still, 40 percent of its schools fail to meet state standards.
Many bomblets can fail to explode, posing a threat to civilians.
» He said, «In fact, I predict one day Amazon will fail.
And often the characters fail — on both personal and societal levels.
However those that fail to do this will face tough action.
If the floodgates don’t work, the dam could fail, Bynum said.
They fail to recognize these customs, instead favoring design over logic.
Russia (aka Valley Regional High School) wants to see you fail.
If more than 22 Republicans oppose the bill, it will fail.
Any federal action that is blind to these realities will fail.
Marvel movies almost always fail at making even the heroes relatable.
«They could easily fail here,» Kantar Retail analyst Meaghan Werle said.
Such a «noisy Newtonian» system involves probabilistic understandings and can fail.
PTE only issues a score, not a pass or fail grade.
I fail a lot but sometimes I get somewhere really interesting.
The nomination will fail if four Republicans join united Democratic opposition.
After all, half of small businesses fail by their fifth year.
Often the cases fail because the allegedly stolen material isn’t original.
Amazon employees speak up about climate change, but fail to win.
If these fail, the complainant can request adjudication by a panel.
The mastermind mechanic, Lauvergeat, said the bike could fail at anytime.
Officials warned residents that the spillway could fail within an hour.
«If Republicans try this and fail, heaven help them,» Hudak said.
Even those who do often fail to shop around for financing.
So this rabbit hole might fail to end anytime soon.[Bloomberg]
Fallon: I was afraid that the film would fail the superfans.
We have to have nuclear war to get Trump to fail.
We are watching the institutions that make national cooperation possible fail.
I fail to catch, and it hits me in the face.
They both do not care if you succeed or fail affirmatively.
That’s the second way Trump could fail to reach his objective.
I am not rooting for him to fail in North Korea.
Trump’s executive privilege argument is likely to fail on three levels.
«Any strategy or factor that is widely enough used will fail
Without fail, every statement we polled had an overwhelmingly negative impact.
Also like Hubble, those gyroscopes feature mechanical components that can fail.
If we fail, the poorest among us will suffer the most.
You didn’t fail, she didn’t beat you, it’s just not yours.
So many politicians fail on the platform in so many ways.
His plea for unity may fail, even within the European Union.
Sometimes it’ll fail to link two blocks that should be linked.
So Elsevier is science publishing’s version of Too Big to Fail.
Maybe we just haven’t looked at people who fail close enough.
Publications that fail to comply face fines of up to $44,000.
Pence told NASA to «fail smarter» in developing the lunar landing.
But as he saw this approach repeatedly fail, he abandoned it.
Demagogues fall from favour when their policies fail to bring prosperity.
LONDON/CHICAGO (Reuters) — Predicting «peak virus» is often destined to fail.
The one thing the museum doesn’t fail at is attracting visitors.
Characters fail, lie and betray each other all over the place.
It seems they fail to see his own accountability in this.
But as long as human bodies fail, they will need fixing.
What, then, of the risk of disaster should the referendum fail?
I’m not making an excuse or pretending that I didn’t fail.
Step five is «where the majority of us fail,» warns Goggins.
When antibiotics fail, treatment with viruses called phages can sometimes work.
Did she think our love was destined to fail even then?
«We’ll let Obamacare fail,» he said as recently as last month.
What better way to fail than to never exist at all?
Everyone is going to try, and everyone is going to fail.
But the suspicion that the project will fail could be misguided.
Around 60 percent of new restaurants fail within the first year.
Though at least its buttons won’t fail me in the winter.
But it also allowed for bankruptcy-like proceedings should negotiations fail.
So what do we learn from this impressive failure to fail?
When costs fall, consumers in America fail to enjoy the benefits.
Not that it lessens the blow to banks, if they fail.
More troubling, the event’s organizers routinely fail to include women speakers.
Funds that fail to think differently may not survive the competition.
But in the long run, most of us fail to adapt.
Most of us have to fail before we succeed (Olsens included).
Sometimes in business, you fail through no fault of your own.
I learned this the hard way in my own negotiating fail.
Its network fail-safes may have been tripping each other out.
If there is courage in that, I fail to see it.
If they fail to do so, the department could reimpose restrictions.
This would fail unless the DUP supported it, which seems unlikely.
And if you can’t do that, the coverage tends to fail.
But in dozens of those cases each year, the negotiations fail.
The irony is Neumann didn’t really fail to deliver for Son.
«I’m not sure you purposefully fail for five years,» he said.
Yes, most of a president’s efforts to enact change will fail.
These actions would be unconstitutional and should fail in court eventually.
Pet stores often fail to neuter bunnies, according to House Rabbit.
And if you did fail, you got up and tried again.
They have only to abstain for such a vote to fail.
«If you bring your ego into activism, you’ll fail,» she said.
But blocking that information is almost setting companies up to fail.
Many people who download apps fail to read the fine print.
I am not the first to fail at making Yorkshire pudding.
Try and fail to get my daughter to eat some Cheerios.
It’s a question of liability, but it’s also a fail-safe.
His Instagram video posts never fail to make our day. 2.
For the Democrats to succeed is for the country to fail.
I’ve watched them fail to treat one another as human beings.
«Said too big too fail is the bigger issue,» Schwerin wrote.
When you’re going into uncharted land, you’re probably going to fail.
However, that, too, may fail to deliver any real yen weakness.
More new businesses fail than succeed, according to the Kauffman Foundation.
Some of them will fail and many of them will succeed.
Related: Brutally Honest: Is it OK to let your child fail?
When Malhotra purchased his medallion in 2010, it seemed fail-safe.
Go deeper: Trump privately thinks ACA lawsuit will fail in court
House majorities often push legislation they consider doomed to fail anyway.
This defect is crippling and ensures he would fail in office.
He let it fail lest fecklessness seem to bring inadequate retribution.
Amps can get hit by surges and components can randomly fail.
An investor case against VW might fail the jurisdiction test, too.
Doors have started to fail on some of the 200 lifts.
And there’s a good chance the first one will fail spectacularly.
What they did not expect was that the repellent would fail.
But physicists also want to see general relativity fail a test.
Already have a no-fail food packing plan of your own?
You never fail to surprise us with your sweetness and hilarity.
We do not believe that Western culture is doomed to fail.
If they fail to comply, companies face fines up to $300,000.
Instead, it asks them to pay attention, fight, fail, and learn.
Plenty of sceptics will fail to be convinced by this reasoning.
More new businesses fail than succeed, according to the Kauffman Foundation.
If they fail, it will not be for lack of experience.
«If you keep shooting, it’s going to fail,» he told Wired.
Headphones are a gadget that people often fail to fully appreciate.
We’ve seen the modular/upgradable concept fail in other areas too.
Because just as often, we fail with — no, because of — passion.
I fail to understand why we are being asked to leave.
Weeks after launching a 2020 campaign designed to fail, former Sen.
Why New Year’s resolutions fail Why is maintaining resolutions so tough?
So a lot of family businesses, from generation to generation fail.
Of course, it isn’t always the carmakers that fail to partner.
Platforms frequently, and conspicuously, fail to live up to our expectations.
It’s a desperate strategy that is almost always doomed to fail.
Which means that potentially, even mud can be a great fail.
I have seen justice fail time and time and time again.
«I was 21964 percent certain I would fail miserably,» she said.
«Many will fail, but a few will succeed,» Van Valkenburgh said.
Listen, you guys would rather this country fail than Trump succeed.
Court records fail to indicate if Policarpio has retained legal counsel.
When these tests fail however, we generally are not so lucky.
Things get chopped into pieces and connections fail to get made.
If Spurs fail to win tonight at Chelsea, Leicester are champions.
Penalties are painful for those who fail to file an FBAR.
A «Fairy Fail» is a fairy tale with a realistic ending.
Others fail to maintain meritocratic principles through civil servants’ entire careers.
That’s why they’re not afraid to have a go and fail.
But the devices do occasionally fail — most often from user error.
And — Why did my penis fail basic standards of quality control?
It was perhaps the best live TV fail of our time.
There are, of course, likely countless reasons why these plans fail.
It can also implode in a spectacular black hole of fail.
The bottom line is, if Trump doesn’t succeed, we all fail.
A fail for me, however, is a win for the company.
But the plan would fail if any senator stood against it.
But when smaller companies fail, it’s a slow and bitter process.
If they fail to choose well, the onus is on them.
Eventually, things fall apart; cells stop dividing, DNA mutates, organs fail.
Those who fail become resigned and accept themselves as they are.
They’ve done what so many covers fail to do: be original.
The most coveted concoction from Potions class can’t fail you now!
It also establishes civil penalties when they fail to do so.
Their «my way or the highway» attitude condemns Republicans to fail.
If they fail, parliament is dissolved and new elections are held.
«Arbs» place bets on whether corporate acquisitions will fail or succeed.
Be accountable for actions and results Without accountability, you will fail.
But Quattrone couldn’t say that the deal would fail, Doerr said.
At first glance, Apple canceling AirPower seems like a huge fail.
Pascrell’s latest measure is expected to similarly fail along party lines.
Fail to do either, and none of the ads are seen.
Will nearly every ICO launched in the last few years fail?
They knew what a great burden it would be to fail.
There was a lower probability that these support features would fail.
After all, his sultry scents never fail to turn us on.
Autonomous cars have these redundant systems as a technical fail-safe.
Employers who fail to prove pay parity will reportedly face fines.
«I think the potential to fail is grossly underrated,» he said.
Machines, and computers, are at their most human when they fail.
Bad buildings will fall, infrastructure will fail, people will get hurt.
The city didn’t fail the Chargers—the Chargers failed San Diego.
And if Save Hackney Wick were to fail in its effort?
For the next month, I try meditating daily — and fail miserably.
«On some fronts we will fail, that’s for sure,» Bergigui said.
The Texans have already been punting quarterback and watching it fail.
More often than not, however, most of these board meetings fail.
Nothing seems like it will work; everything seems destined to fail.
The Democratic Party will continue to fail unless it understands this.
Policies that fail at their stated goals may serve unstated interests.
Important: Do you understand how badly I would fail this test?
«It will predictably fail,» she said in an interview with Recode.
Because we know special interest crony capitalism is on big fail.
That’s why 66% of all projects fail due to human error.
Companies deserve to be shamed when they fail to protect consumers.
Many start-ups that take crowdfunding money — probably most — will fail.
They don’t mind being seen as they try, and even fail.
When you fail, you don’t automatically assume that you’re a failure.
Should that effort be tested in the courts, it will fail.
And clinical trials are expensive and a lot of them fail.
They believe he’d fail miserably in a general election against Clinton.
Should mediation fail, the case would proceed to trial on Feb.
And most drugs fail because they are targeting the wrong things.
A second is that they complacently fail to upgrade their productivity.
Your body does fail you and your body does break down.
There’s a certain delight many people take in seeing robots fail.
Most horror stories fail to stick the landing, stretching themselves thin.
There are two ways a human body can fail from heat.
Jason: Yeah, I think the physical security would fail most audits.
The experts said many hospitals fail to aggressively pursue red flags.
Even when juggling multiple projects, they reach their goals without fail.
Unfortunately, the House bill managed to fail even where it succeeded.
Fianna Fail rebuffed Mr. Kenny’s effort to form a majority coalition.
For those that fail to do so, the outlook is bleak.
Khushnuma has a go-to tactic that never seems to fail.
You may fail to envision what you want, and do nothing.
An enormous number of rules will likely fail to gain approval.
The majority of them may fail but it doesn’t cost much.
Broad bans on speech at the polling place fail that test.
Republicans can only lose two senators or the effort will fail.
I have no idea if MetLife is too big to fail.
More than 50 percent of peace agreements fail within five years.
Ahead, the no-bull truth about tights that’ll never fail you.
Twitter, naturally, had a field day with McDonald’s social media fail.
READ MORE: Wildfires Fast Facts The tactic might seem fail-proof.
When a company’s valuation skyrockets, investors sometimes fail to scrutinize governance.
Unfortunately, most countries will fail to meet most of these targets.
He’d go before work and order the same thing without fail.
To them, it’s always impossible and that is why they fail.
When this does not happen, we fail and our country suffers.
It remains up to us to make sure that they fail.
Just as last week, that vote will still fail, aides say.
It means you are taking a chance, that you might fail.
If you fail to re-stack it, the game is over.
Generators hum constantly, but sometimes they fail, even at fancy hotels.
Yet, the Senate continues to fail to move the legislation forward.
When others admit fault, we sometimes fail to appreciate their actions.
They fail because they have the wrong people on their team.
Crime rates have been falling almost without fail for 25 years.
This is a fact that healthcare providers often fail to consider.
We never fail, and it will be a great World Cup!
That means set times to work on your business without fail.
When the cards fail, financially vulnerable customers can be left stranded.
Most startups fail — about half don’t even make it four years.
They want them to struggle and fail the way they did.
Fail fast and often, cut your losses, and move on quickly.
«If other nations fail to act during this time,» Trump wrote.
«Most goals fail because we’re missing proven implementation tactics,» Hyatt writes.
However, I’m not going to spend every day hoping you fail.
They’re the mussels, in this fragrant bowl, that fail to open.
In terms of its purported objectives, this was a total fail.
The destiny of aspiring car makers, almost uniformly, is to fail.
If they fail, the US government could default on its debt.
The Senate proposals will fail, barring some sudden and unexpected shift.
«The beauty of it,» he said, «is that it could fail
And now it will likely fail because of the President’s opposition.
This could lead to reputational risk to Axiata should Dialog fail.
Are rental companies supposed to succeed where these checks would fail?
I knew I’d rather die than let him see me fail.
But if benefits fail to materialize quickly, more unrest could follow.
However, films like «Gone With the Wind» fail this exclusiveness test.
Any lifters who fail it will not be allowed to compete.
I can’t fail to mention just how beautiful this place is.
But lawmakers do deliver special treatment for special interests without fail.
If they fail, he said, a new challenge can be brought.
Fail to do so, and Spursiness will reign supreme once more.
Occasionally when things fail, they need a bit of a shock.
The U.S.-Saudi relationship «is too big to fail,» Turki said.
Banks currently build provisions for loans when borrowers fail to repay.
If there are 23 Republican no votes, the bill will fail.
Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail.
As a cannabis startup, there are millions of ways to fail.
«There is no way I can fail at this,» Nichols says.
When he backs bad legislation and bad processes, the bills fail.
But then, maybe you’ll think clearly and your startup won’t fail.
Nonetheless, without fail, Arsenal have somehow managed to fuck things up.
Ultimately, all these sites are doomed to fail from the start.
Trump reportedly thought the lawsuit would fail anyway, according to Axios.
Hundreds of vulnerable children fail to qualify because of this criteria.
If sanctions and diplomacy both fail, military options become more likely.
Both fail to realize that it’s a pretty boring conversation anyway.
We need to help students understand what it means to fail.
Even the slightest malfunction would cause you to fail the test.
Going the traditional route is kind of destined to fail, almost.
If you fail to do so, your lease could be terminated.
Ford: Don’t be afraid to fail, just put yourself out there.
What many fail to recognize is that they’re no Bill Hicks.
«We have an award at NASA called Fail Smart,» Stofan said.
But like the others, this one is going to fail, too.
Perhaps Zoom is just too popular and necessary to fail now.
With these lessons in mind, «Sadie Stein: Bibliophile» can hardly fail.
There are so many ways a game can thrive or fail.
So if you fail at something, you don’t have to despair.
Every new part I do I’m afraid I’m going to fail.
Should the Russian authorities fail to permit laboratory access by Dec.
Faculty also need to be judged on a pass/fail basis.
Unfortunately, nonprofits that fail cannot be so easily replaced or restarted.
It can sound silly, but it’s also tragic when we fail.
If those statements were principle based, then this bill will fail.
Experience is no fail-safe either, but it’s the better bet.
For a start, Mitsotakis may fail to get an overall majority.
It was a plan, they’ll lament, that was doomed to fail.
The collapse occurred after rusting caused an outer bearing to fail.
Child protective agencies are haunted when they fail to save kids.
So we, the next generation, will not fail our own kids.
If they demand significant revisions, the bill is likely to fail.
«We were doomed to fail to this moment,» the lobbyist said.
Many previous alt-farming startups got similar buzz, only to fail.
And many of those programs would fail under the funding ban.
Or, should my hollandaise fail to emulsify, just eggs I suppose.
Remaining as crops fail and children suffer is not an option.
Some succeed; many fail, their bodies riddled with machine gun bullets.
And if we fail, we will go back to the street.
When politicians fail at virtue signaling, it’s painfully awkward to watch.
The original proposal was so exuberant that it could only fail.
It has essentially become, in a way, too big to fail.
No. But also it might be a fail for the media.
«I can try and fail and that’s O.K.,» Dr. Gwiazdowski said.
But the measure is almost certain to fail in the Senate.
Sometimes it can be hard to explain why good movies fail.
I had seen his work vindicate some people and fail others.
That is not to say his extraterrestrial anecdotes fail to entertain.
We paid for more repairs, only for more keys to fail.
Those who fail are subject to withering attacks by Mr. Eichner.
In addition, most banks can no longer fail on «qualitative» grounds.
Most analysts expect her deal to fail, which could force Mrs.
We know what it means to struggle, fail, and try again.
Based on this week’s international McTwitter fail, though, that hasn’t happened.
For decades, legislation opposed by the church was doomed to fail.
It can be morally wrong to fail to look into something.
So Trump’s promise to restore U.S. manufacturing was doomed to fail.
No one wants to prepare for their fundraising round to fail.
Then the power went out, causing the sump pump to fail.
«The attempts of ‘Taiwan independence’ are doomed to fail,» it added.
The movie manages to fail almost all of its cast members.
Scientists thought the Great Barrier Reef was too big to fail.
First, in all three scenarios, power was provided reliably, without fail.
Regulatory agencies exist to protect consumers when economic incentives fail them.
These questions don’t mean that Mr. Zuckerberg’s new plan will fail.
If you fail to pay back your loan, you forfeit ownership.
In unprecedented situations, everyday models and predictions are bound to fail.
They can lose their citizenship if they fail to serve honorably.
The agreement could well fail to spark an dialogue within Afghanistan.
It is to say, however, that eventually the regime will fail.
Defendants could, and sometimes do, simply fail to appear in court.
Senators who fail to do this should not be re-elected.
The scam failed, and you can watch it fail on video.
Or did FilmStruck fail the crucial test of providing sufficient leverage?
This notion can also be used to discover why products fail.
She was the second Russian to fail a drug test here.
If they fail to agree on forming a government by Sept.
Also, if Google search for some reason should fail, there’s Bing.
If you all want to make it fail, that can happen.
Many studies fail to provide a thorough understanding of female physiology.
Markets reward discipline and that is why so many investors fail.
Could they fritter that time away and fail to fund it?
Leaders who fail to see this fatally undermine our national security.
There will always be a comedy that seems doomed to fail.
It has no brake, no fail-safe, no checks, no balances.
Or will the additional cash fail to make a meaningful difference?
Many businesses stumble because they fail to understand their target market.
There’s an easy way to avoid the nine ways to fail.
Perhaps predictably, attempts to meet Harriet fail, but in unexpected ways.
Hearing, hospice counselors tell us, is the last sense to fail.
You have to fail to understand how to get through it.
Patricia Kayuni (Malawi)Authorities fail to protect journalist from protestors’ assault.
And Europe is changing its mindset that it’s okay to fail.
But you can’t fail to notice when the lights go out.
Some of these Risk Takers may ultimately fail in their endeavors.
Backup systems ensure that steering and the engines do not fail.
If Roberts abstains from voting on the motion, it will fail.
I, too, fail to see compelling evidence to support Trump’s charge.
Many, if not most, legal experts expect that challenge to fail.
There’s a good chance they will fail at this, too. Why?
Left to their own devices most of them would probably fail.
Do we still have banks that are too big to fail?
If you fail to file an FBAR, you will face penalties.
They become a good football player, they don’t want to fail.
Ninety percent of drugs that enter clinical development fail these trials.
Like any other technology, these devices can fail in unexpected ways.
Annual efforts to cut funding for long-distance routes routinely fail.
Don’t be afraid to fail, just try to do it smartly.

неудача, провал, облом, терпеть неудачу, обанкротиться


- неудача, провал
- провалившийся на экзамене


- терпеть неудачу

to fail in life — быть неудачником (в жизни)
to fail in a suit — юр. проиграть процесс
he failed for want of foresight — он потерпел неудачу из-за своей недальновидности

- не сбываться, не удаваться

all our plans failed — все наши планы рухнули
his attempt has failed — его попытка не удалась
if our hopes should fail — если наши надежды не оправдаются
to fail the height — не взять высоту (лёгкая атлетика)

- подводить, не оправдать ожиданий

as usual, he failed me at the last minute — как всегда, он подвёл меня в последнюю минуту
I’ll be waiting for you, don’t fail me — я буду ждать вас, не подведите меня
his heart didn’t fail him — у него сердце не дрогнуло; он не испугался

- быть недостаточным, не хватать

time would fail me — у меня не будет времени, я не успею
words fail me — я не нахожу слов, мне не хватает слов
his courage failed him in the end — в конце концов у него не хватило мужества /он струсил/
for once his wit failed him — на этот раз он не нашёл остроумного ответа

- испытывать недостаток (в чём-л.)

I fail words to express my thanks — у меня нет слов, чтобы выразить благодарность

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


to fail in respect for smb. — не уважать кого-л., непочтительно относиться к кому-л.  
this novel fails in unity — в этом романе недостаёт внутреннего единства  
he’s a clever man but fails in perseverance — он умный человек, но ему не хватает упорства  
his visit failed in its purpose — его визит не достиг цели /оказался неудачным/  
without fail — непременно, обязательно; наверняка  
I’ll come without fail — я обязательно приду  

Примеры с переводом

My project failed.

Моя затея не удалась. / Мой план провалился.

All our plans failed.

Все наши планы рухнули.

We failed to arrive in time.

Мы не смогли приехать вовремя.

Take care not to fail me.

Смотри не подведи меня.

She failed her exams.

Она провалилась на экзаменах.

The wind failed.

Ветер стих.

I got a fail in history.

Я завалил историю.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

failing  — неудача, недостаток, провал, в случае отсутствия, слабеющий, недостающий
failure  — отказ, недостаточность, неудача, провал, сбой, неспособность, отсутствие
failed  — неудачный, неудавшийся

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fail
he/she/it: fails
ing ф. (present participle): failing
2-я ф. (past tense): failed
3-я ф. (past participle): failed

ед. ч.(singular): fail
мн. ч.(plural): fails

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