Sentence with the word events

Synonym: episode, experience, happening, incident, occurrence. Similar words: seventh, eventually, in any event, even though, prevention, in the event of, even, eleven. Meaning: [ɪ’vent]  n. 1. something that happens at a given place and time 2. a special set of circumstances 3. a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory 4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. 

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(1) It is easy to prophesy after the event

(2) It is easy to be wise after the event

(3) We never thought of demagoguing the event.

(4) A thousand balloons were released to mark the event.

(5) He was the most timorous person in that event.

(6) At the beginning of June an event occurred.

(7) People were giving out flyers advertising the event.

(8) The exact date of the event has escaped me.

(9) Next day the newspapers reported the event.

(10) The new event threw them into confusion.

(11) The event was held in some park or other.

(12) The election was the main event of 1999.

(13) Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead.

(14) This is the biggest event we’ve ever catered for.

(15) It is an event in which she reigns supreme.

(16) The school trip has become an annual event.

(17) The event was widely covered by the mass media.

(18) Your birthday is an annual event.

(19) Leaving home was a major event in his life.

(20) He is the centre of this event.

(21) That was antecedent to this event.

(22) The event was an undoubted success.

(23) The event changed the trend of public opinion.

(24) A new book by Grass is always an event.

(25) My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.

(26) He is the center of this event.

(27) School is an everyday event for most children.

(28) The event passed unnoticed.

(29) The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.

(30) The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event.

More similar words: seventh, eventually, in any event, even though, prevention, in the event of, even, eleven, even now, even if, revenue, even when, invent, venture, invention, inventory, convention, conventional, intervention, development, developmental, entertainment, sentiment, oven, vendor, vendetta, give notice, ever, convenience, fever. 

Examples of how to use the word “event” in a sentence. How to connect “event” with other words to make correct English sentences.

event (n): anything that happens, especially something important or unusual

Use “event” in a sentence

The movie is based on actual events.
That was an entertaining event.
This story is based on actual events.
In the event of rain, the game will not be held.

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  • Use the word Events in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Our nutation calculations were correct, but in calculating the rate of the earth’s spin, I completely forgot to account for the seismic events that alter the balance of the earth’s mass.

We’re preparing some special events for the end of the year sales drive.

So, this will be the sequence of events.

«Your daughter appears to have been under a hypnotic spell But she’s awake now, and knows nothing of the past events

The evening on which these events took place was no ordinary evening.

The events of these last days will now probably clear up!»

In an amazing turn of events the candy boy became a noble heir.

Helen is, by strange events, enslaved by her love and the people of Troy, who consider her to be a saint.

After these events, while Seti was in the desert …

At the same time as these events At #7 Melchior St. Mr. Alonso Canez de Valparaiso arrived at the Hotel Carlton.

The events in this film are taken from life.

The screenplay to this motion picture was inspired by actual events that occurred during a twenty year period in the life of the great mountains.

The ski racers go to the cottage, to celebrate the day’s events.

Kempelen had built numerous machines that reminded him, in a tangible form, of the various events of his extraordinary life

But we forgot to tell how did Paranya come to Moscow… and the events that took place the day before…

Shortly after these events

Unaware of the events that were about to occur, the couples were carried away by the beat of the music …

Dear colleage… if we don’t get the papers within the next 24 hours, we cannot avert the course of events .

You know your Hamlet? Every line of it, sir. Then let me suggest for your consideration the series of events embodied in act 3, scene 2.

St. John in Revelation predicts more terrible and awe-inspiring events.

I think… Great events are imminent.

She’ll be happier up there looking down on events.

They haven’t heard the events So we’ll tell the story to you.

Resign yourself to events.

A death is one of the rare events in these miserable villages.

Now, please… tell briefly events of sad night.

I think Mr. Jardine… can tell events that took place after quarrel.

…better luck next time… that’s 3 events taken in a day, the one from Utah !

Hey Buddy ! ain’t you the whooper snapper that won most of the events out there today ?

that’s one of the last events tomorrow.

I want to announce in time that the high man from yesterday’s events was the man from Utah.

in the events for today, the contestants will contest riding, roping and bull dogging, ending in a thrilling demonstration of horsemanship.

Certain events of my life… and I don’t know if it happens to you too… return to my mind when I think of a song.

The cycling events, in addition to the undeniable sports value,..

To stop and prevent events send soldiers.

We’re going to broadcast these events tonight. — Very interesting.

Well, you see, certain events occurred which made me feel that the place was not quite suitable for a young person like my wife.

We followed our mothers’ example and let men rule, but today’s events have opened our eyes

In all events, we know the trouble is far behind the ears.

I will remind the jury of the easy habit of putting on foreigners events that disturb our conscience.

Those are the two exciting events of my day.

I’m here. I keep watch and await events.

You wait for events and they finally happen.

It suggests an author’s perfect knowledge of events.


Every six months he sends a letter to me here in my exile, about the most interesting events in society, and…

events of the day have killed all appetite.

Such events are rare these days, and this one’s of particular interest to me.

Definition of Event

an occasion or happening taking place that may be important

Examples of Event in a sentence

The Special Olympics is an event for disabled athletes where each year they come together to compete in sporting games.


Buying a house over the weekend caused me to miss work on Monday due to the event taking so much time.


9/11 was probably the worst thing to happen to the United States in modern times since so many people died in the unforgettable event.


Other words in the Active category:

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Love this brazen piece by four teen girls, performed at Youth Speaks» festival Brave New Voices, the largest ongoing spoken word event in the world.


Using extensive financial expertise and Artificial Intelligence, the Arkera app connects real word events and news directly to investment products.


The Pittsfield, Mass.-based WordxWord and Lift Ev» ry Voice festivals collaborate to present serial spoken word events with young adult poets throughout the spring and summer.


[Altadena, California] April 2, 2018 — Actor and child welfare advocate Matt Lillard (Twin Peaks, Good Girls, Scooby Doo) will present his second annual 5JammaSlamma spoken word event on April 21, 2018 at Werkartz in Los Angeles.


The plot is set in a fictional history of real word events and follows a centuries old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control.


Beat Poets is a project by Martin T. Higgins at Foke in Manchester to help promote a recent spoken word event based on the «beat generation» poets.


Maldonado is an emerging actress, painter and spoken word artist, and hosts a monthly spoken word event that takes place in different locations across New York City.


Artful Stories Thursday 6th April Kicking off an exciting new series of spoken word events in the new Cheltenham art gallery, Chapel Arts, I was pleased to have been invited to read my short story «The Impressionists», taken from my flash fiction collection Quick Change.


To recognize the specificity of this form of discourse, therefore, is to guard ourselves against a certain narrowness of any theology of the Word which only attends to word events.


This ongoing project uses an assembly of printed matter from pamphlets to newspaper cuttings to his own works on paper to highlight Tillmans’s continued interest in word events and how they are communicated in the media.Tillmans feels that the art community that exists is a strong force to be reconded with and art as a great traditional communicator is a strong and valid voice.


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