Sentence with the word employment

Synonym: employ, engagement, exercise, usage, use, utilisation, utilization, work. Similar words: unemployment, employ, employee, employer, payment, implement, accomplishment, accomplishments. Meaning: [ɪm’plɔɪmənt]  n. 1. the state of being employed or having a job 2. the occupation for which you are paid 3. the act of giving someone a job 4. the act of using. 

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(1) These are the terms and conditions of your employment.

(2) Neither of them is currently in paid employment.

(3) She was offered employment in the sales office.

(4) The steelworks provided employment for thousands of people.

(5) We can’t guarantee our workers’ regular employment.

(6) She is looking for permanent employment.

(7) I went to an employment agency last week.

(8) She was unable to find employment.

(9) He left his home to look for employment.

(10) A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.

(11) The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.

(12) They were seeking employment.

(13) I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.

(14) She was in continuous employment until the age of sixty-five.

(15) Older people are an untapped resource in the employment market.

(16) Her remarks on the employment question led to a heated discussion.

(17) With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.

(18) Her theory is that disillusionment with employment leads to reappraisal of career goals.

(19) Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.

(20) Employment is the direct embodiment of the citizens’ right to work.

(21) Full employment is the will-o’-the-wisp that politicians have been chasing for decades.

(22) Housework is negatively valued as a retreat from a disliked alternative — employment work.

(23) These conditions must be expressly incorporated into the contract of employment.

(24) Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find employment.

(25) The company was one of the first to offer meaningful employment to the blind.

(26) He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.

(27) They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment.

(28) They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.

(29) The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment.

(30) Many graduates tell of months spent in search of gainful employment.

More similar words: unemployment, employ, employee, employer, payment, implement, accomplishment, accomplishments, implementation, deploy, temple, commencement, amendment, contemplate, entertainment, sentiment, mentor, comment, moment, mention, mentally, element, segment, ailment, basement, momentum, comment on, fragment, monument, document. 

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Prisons and chain gangs have full employment.

Тюрьмы и каторжники в кандалах, скованные общей цепью, также имеют полную занятость.

They formulate policy to attain full employment.

Ее ст. Они должны проводить политику, направленную на достижение полной занятости.

The J-1 visas provide employment authorization.

Тем не менее, некоторые J-1 визы не дают разрешения на трудоустройство.

Liberals say we should end employment discrimination.

Либералы говорят, что мы должны положить конец дискриминации при приеме на работу.

Job club is a short-term employment scheme that helps participants gain ordinary employment.

Клуб по трудоустройству (профессиональный клуб) — это краткосрочная программа занятости, которая помогает участникам найти работу.

Occupation and employment also means access to specialized training, access to employment and to various occupations and conditions of employment.

Работа и занятость также означают доступ к специализированному обучению, возможность трудоустройства и получения различных профессий и условий трудоустройства.

Employment services facilitate the engagement in employment of persons who seek employment and assist employers in finding a suitable labour force.

Employment services organizations include employment services centers and enterprises operating in employment services.

Second, you should avoid initiating employment lawsuits after a merely brief period of employment.

Во-вторых, вам следует избегать возбуждения судебных исков о трудоустройстве после короткого периода работы.

Among those who remain and register at employment centers, one in three needs additional guarantees in the promotion of employment.

Среди тех, кто остается и регистрируется в центрах занятости, каждый третий нуждается в дополнительных гарантиях в содействии трудоустройству.

In 2004, employment in the private sector represented 2/3 of total urban employment.

В 2004 году занятость в частном секторе составляла 2/3 всей городской занятости.

Moscow every year it becomes an increasingly promising field for employment and permanent employment.

Москва с каждым годом становится все более перспективным полем для трудоустройства и постоянной работы.

Mothers in this group also have resources that support their employment, specifically personal and family histories of employment.

Матери в этой группе также имеют ресурсы, которые поддерживают их трудоустройство, в частности личную и семейную историю трудоустройства.

The decline in employment in heavy industry, mining and occasionally agriculture often increased regional employment disparities within countries.

Сокращение занятости в тяжелой промышленности, горнодобывающей отрасли и в некоторых случаях в сельском хозяйстве зачастую усиливало различия в занятости в зависимости от тех или иных районов стран.

Training leading to employment would be mentioned separately as a means of managing employment.

Подготовка, обеспечивающая трудоустройство, будет упоминаться отдельно как один из способов обеспечения занятости.

In the twenty-first century social employment meant much more than just employment.

GSK does not accept referrals from employment businesses and/or employment agencies in respect of the vacancies posted on this site.

GSK не принимает рефералов от предприятий по трудоустройству и/ или агентств занятости в отношении вакансий, размещенных на этом сайте.

The territorial Government continued to give serious consideration to the restructuring of employment and decreed that it could not continue to guarantee employment for everyone.

Правительство территории продолжало уделять серьезное внимание вопросу изменения структуры занятости и официально объявило о том, что оно не в состоянии и впредь обеспечить всем гарантированную занятость.

The Government has established four Maori commissions, covering health, education, employment and training, and economic employment.

Правительство создало четыре комиссии по положению маори, охватывающие такие сферы, как здравоохранение, образование, трудоустройство и профессиональная подготовка, а также приносящая доход занятость.

Today, the legal employment of foreigners in Ukraine has become no less relevant than the employment of its citizens.

Сегодня легальное трудоустройство иностранцев в Украине приобрело не меньшую актуальность, чем вопросы занятости ее граждан.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word employment, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use employment in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «employment». In addition, we also show how different variations of employment can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are employment’ and employments. If you click on the variation of employment that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Employment in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word employment in a sentence.

  1. Such employment he can get at home.».

  2. It has diminished its employment and earnings.

  3. Clancey, who talks about throffers in employment.

  4. He regarded Yamashita’s employment of armor as poor.

  5. He continued his employment with Reynolds until 1961.

  6. Since then, tech employment has continued to increase.

  7. Small firms dominate employment in the private sector.

  8. Mark’s, no official records of his employment have survived.

  9. At this session, Satoshi Kawamitsu, an attorney for the employment agency that V.

  10. Other support services for education, employment, and housing are usually offered.

  11. However, during the 1970s employment at Broadheath declined by nearly 40 per cent.

  12. During much of the period, the vice industries provided the majority of employment.

  13. The struggling James petitioned the government in 1827 for some sort of employment.

  14. The number of Australian women in paid employment increased from 644,000 in 1939, to 855,000 in 1944.

  15. In others, such as the US, most study takes place during employment through a series of examinations.

  16. These people were placed in low-pay, low-skill employment, which forced them to live in poor housing.

  17. This is primarily due to the migration of workers seeking employment in the major South Korean cities.

  18. In later episodes, he often began a new job on impulse, without any mention of his regular employment.

  19. After being fired, Mueller accused Swift of lying and sued her for damages from his loss of employment.

  20. The shipyard generated high employment to Jarrow, but the industrial works created a harsh environment.

  21. The proportion in full-time employment is also comparatively low, at 27.7% (against 38.6% for England).

  22. The dockyard and the armed forces provided much of the employment in the area in the early 20th century.

  23. Administrators argued that amateurs were better captains as they were free from worries over employment.

  24. These showed no reference to «Thomas Castro», although the employment of an «Arthur Orton» was recorded.

  25. Resigning his membership in various British societies, he unsuccessfully tried to find employment abroad.

  26. Street papers aim to give these individuals both employment opportunities and a voice in their community.

  27. After her father’s death, she was forced to find employment; she did domestic work, and worked as a nanny.

  28. With intermittent employment, the family often had financial problems, worsened by Henry’s heavy drinking.

  29. On his promotion to vice admiral in July 1936, due to the interwar naval policy, further active employment seemed remote.

  30. The Vehicular Tunnel Commission was established in the Hall of Records in 1919, as was an employment bureau for soldiers.

  31. Impoverished by the death of his father, Riel took employment as a law clerk in the Montreal office of Rodolphe Laflamme.

  32. Lesser improvements were made in combating discrimination in private employment, housing, education, and law enforcement.

  33. Community health programs were expanded, as were higher educational and employment opportunities for those on low incomes.

  34. He obtained his first employment at the age of 18 in 1929, a time of high unemployment, to support himself and his family.

  35. The appointments department noted that by this time most former officers were happy to take almost any employment offered.

  36. Art, tourism, culture and sport provide 16% of employment in Greater Manchester, with the proportion highest in Manchester.

  37. As he waited for offers of employment through the summer and autumn of 1943, Larkin added more works to the Coleman oeuvre.

  38. For this purpose I intended to make practical suggestions regarding the employment of a parachute and an airborne division.

  39. Realising that he had achieved all he could as a non-white sportsman in South Africa, he wrote to John Arlott in England to ask for help finding employment as a cricketer.

  40. It shows his usual harmonious composition and employment of one-point-perspective, especially evident in the geometric forms of the shed’s roof, and his bold use of color.

  41. He left after eight months to take up employment at Saunders’ Jewellers in George Street, Sydney, and enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) on 20 January 1936.

  42. Born in Essex, Petre forsook his early legal career to pursue an interest in aviation, building his own aeroplane and gaining employment as an aircraft designer and pilot.

  43. The widespread violence and destruction that followed the independence referendum in 1999 and the need to provide employment to FALINTIL veterans led to a change in policy.

Employment’ in a sentence

Employment’ is a variation of employment, below you can find example sentences for employment’.

  1. In addition, Australian citizens intending to stay and work in Estonia for up to 90 days can do so without a visa as long as the employer has completed a ‘registration of short-term employment’.

Employments in a sentence

Employments is a variation of employment, below you can find example sentences for employments.

  1. With some irony, Anne’s servant Jean Drummond compared the queen’s reputation to be content among «harmless pictures in a paltry gallery» with the Earl of Salisbury’s «great employments in fair rooms».

Synonyms for employment

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word employment has the following synonyms: employ, engagement, use, usage, utilization, utilisation, exercise and work.

General information about «employment» example sentences

The example sentences for the word employment that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «employment» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «employment».

employment — перевод на русский


Who soon finds employment as a chemist. And under the name of ..

Он находит работу химика под именем…

But, uh…well, all I mean is, if this keeps up, I may have to seek other employment.

Но, это… я лишь имею ввиду… если дальше будет так же, мне придется искать другую работу.

— Yeah, I know a lot of people there, we’ll soon find an employment for you.

— Да, у меня там много знакомыx. Вы быстро найдете работу.

You wish us to find other employment right away?

Вы хотите, чтобы мы нашли другую работу сразу же?

Failing to find employment and with little to do, he finds himself in dire straits and believes he can endure it no further.

Не сумев найти работу, он лишается средств к существованию и решает, что ему не по силам преодолеть сии тяготы бытия.

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Same employment agency send you that sent me?

Тебя прислало то же агенство занятости, что и меня?

Those questions need not necessarily be restricted to the G.I. Bill of Rights… employment, insurance and such.

Эти вопросы не обязательно сводятся к закону о льготах демобилизованным, занятости, страховании и прочих вещах.

And I’ve found the way to full employment:

Интересное решение проблемы занятости!

Statement of tax deductions from 1994. And the list of preferential employment.

Налоговое заявление 94-го года и список льготной занятости.

Throughout the evening, I’ll speak with each of you about your employment prospects.

В течение этого вечера я поговорю с каждым из вас о ваших перспективах занятости.

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Well, I realize that you probably don’t have much in the way of job references from your times in Afghanistan or the former Soviet Republics so I am prepared to offer you full-time employment papers and references.

Я полагаю, что у тебя не такой уж и богатый трудовой стаж. Из-за того времени, что ты провел в Афганистане или в постсоветских республиках. Поэтому я готов предложить тебе работу на полную ставку.

We’ll have the employment contract to you by the end of the day.

К концу дня мы пришлем вам трудовой договор.

With Ilsa-— an employment contract.

С Ильзой… трудовой договор.

Acquaint yourself with Drybeck’s company charter and Stan’s original employment contract.

Просмотри уставные документы компании и трудовой договор Стэна.

I pulled up his employment contract from his personal computer.

Я нашёл его ​​трудовой договор в его персональном компьютере.

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Well, now… And where, may I ask, are you expecting to find employment?

А где, прошу прощения, вы хотите работать?

Some letters were sent to Monsieur Cust, as if from a well-known wholesaler, offering him employment on salary and commission.

Месье Касту отправили письма якобы из известной фирмы с предложением работать за жалованье и комиссионные.

I bet most of them have taken up employment in their former jobs.

Большинство из них будут работать на тех же местах, у тех же хозяев, заключат контракты и так далее.

The studio head is much more vital to your continued employment than the moronic actress who’s starring in my movie.

То, продолжишь ты здесь работать или нет, зависит от главы студии, а не от идиотки актрисы, которая всего лишь снимается в моем фильме.

They submit to employment to pay it off.

Они начинают работать, чтобы выплатить его.

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M.I., masuka. Employment records show she just got promoted to sous chef.

Записи о трудоустройстве показывают, что ее только что повысили до шефа-повара по соусам.

Employment records.

Записи о трудоустройстве.

Employment record?

Сведения о трудоустройстве?

The civil service employment act requires a three-year commitment to take a job at the D.A.’s office.

Акт о трудоустройстве на гражданскую службу предполагает обязательства в течение 3 лет работать в офисе окружного прокурора.

There’s no employment records, no Internet presence, nothing.

Нет ни записей о трудоустройстве, ни активности в Интернете, ничего.

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Terms of employment.

— Условий найма.

In fact, is not your performance here a continuation of that employment?

На самом деле, не я вляется ли ваше присутствие здесь продолжением этого найма?

The longer she lived, the less profit for you. In fact, according to the terms of employment of this place, if she outlives the value of her life insurance policy, the money comes out of your pocket. So it seems like… you would have incentive to want her gone.

Фактически, в соответствии с требованиями найма этого места, если она переживет стоимость своей страховки, деньги уйдут уже из вашего кармана.

Look, it… Okay. It… it is a condition of my employment to cooperate with the police, okay?

Послушайте… условием моего найма было сотрудничество с полицией.

I will make it a prerequisite of my employment.

Я сделаю это обязательным условием своего найма.

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— Previous employment.

Предыдущее место работы.

Employment, marital status, home address.

Место работы, семейное положение, домашний адрес.

You seemed to have your pick of employment, including here.

Вы могли выбирать место работы, в том числе, и это самое место.

And then we try to find them alternative employment.

А потом мы пытаемся подыскать им приличное место работы.

Getting ESD to check in on her last employment, but so far, it’s nothing.

Попросили специалистов проверить ее последнее место работы, но пока ничего нет.

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My employment file lists my given name:

В моём рабочем файле указано имя, данное при рождении:

Nice reminder of intellectual theft to hang at your new place of employment.

Милое напоминание о краже интеллектуальной собственности, которое можно будет повесить на новом рабочем месте.

He was thrown away like a piece of garbage, and all this happened at your place of employment.

Его выкинули, как мусор. И, заметь, это всё на твоём рабочем месте.

Ah, I will see you tomorrow at our place of employment.

Так что увидимся завтра на нашем общем рабочем месте.

They’ re evading his employment patterns.

Они уклонятся от его рабочих образцов.

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My brother Joshua gets an employment contract?

У Моего Брата Джошу А Контракт… Он Получает Минимальный….

Have you ever read your employment security contract?

Вы вообще читали свой контракт?

Five-year employment contract for both of them.

Пятилетний постоянный контракт для них обоих.

Harvey Specter has refused to take a mandatory drug test, leaving me no choice but to terminate his employment.

Харви Спектер отказался пройти обязательный тест на наркотики, не оставив мне иного выбора, кроме как прервать его контракт.

No, no. We use at-will employment contracts across the board.

Мы используем контракты «по желанию» [Контракт, который любая из сторон может разорвать без последствий.]

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I heard the Sengoku were so impressed that they offered him employment.

Я слышал, что Сенгоку были столь изумлены, что предложили ему службу.

And not for their amusement, sir, but as a guide to those seeking employment.

И не ради развлечения, а как руководство тем,.. кто поступает на службу.

Somehow I doubt Jack will consider employment the same as being free.

Чтобы Джек оценил королевскую службу как свободу? Вот уж сказки.

It is not possible for me to offer you employment… Francis.

— У меня нет возможности предложить вам службу, …Фрэнсис.

The Queen recently took you back into her employment.

— Недавно королева приняла вас к себе на службу.

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Sentences with the word Employment?



  • «his social sphere is limited»; «it was a closed area of employment«; «he’s out of my orbit»
  • «casual employment«; «a casual correspondence with a former teacher»; «an occasional worker»
  • «a paying job»; «remunerative work»; «salaried employment«; «stipendiary services»
  • «they are looking for employment«; «he was in the employ of the city»
  • «he is looking for employment«; «a lot of people are out of work»
  • «he was preparing for future employment opportunities»
  • «today isn’t any other day»- the White Queen; «the construction of highways and other public works»; «he asked for other employment«; «any other person would tell the truth»; «his other books are still in storage»; «then we looked at the other house»; «hearing was good in his other ear»; «the other sex»; «she lived on the other side of the street from me»; «went in the other direction»
  • «training is a necessary preliminary to employment«; «drinks were the overture to dinner»

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