Sentence with the word emphasis

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word emphasis, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use emphasis in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «emphasis».

Emphasis in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word emphasis in a sentence.

  1. No old people; the emphasis was on youth.

  2. Smith states, «[t]he emphasis is different now.

  3. In History class, more emphasis was placed on the Far East.

  4. In each the emphasis is on Gachet’s melancholic disposition.

  5. Rastafari does not place emphasis on hierarchical structures.

  6. A heavy emphasis is placed on track memorization and reflexes.

  7. Heavy emphasis was put on Baptist theology and missionary work.

  8. Aided by his serve, he plays an all-court style with an emphasis on short points.

  9. Although he disliked the Beaux-Arts emphasis at MIT, Pei excelled in his studies.

  10. Individual ship and squadron training followed, with an emphasis on gunnery drills.

  11. The attitudes of his men were a point of emphasis in leading his men back to safety.

  12. In Canada, there was little emphasis on football, much to the disappointment of Rex.

  13. Few visual effects were used in Baby Driver as a result of Wright’s emphasis on practical filmmaking.

  14. His emphasis on dispersal also meant none of his formations were in a position to support the others.

  15. Thomsen’s emphasis on shooting created the basis for the excellent German gunnery during World War I.

  16. Under Dunleavy, the offense used more half-court sets, and the team had a renewed emphasis on defense.

  17. Others hated it for the associated scene, with its emphasis on personal appearance and style of dress.

  18. There, he recorded The Hills of Indiana, a multi-genre (but country-flavored) LP with a vocal emphasis.

  19. With an emphasis on close-passing attacking football, the team embarked on a 10-match unbeaten sequence.

  20. Vladimir Lenin signed a decree to create the school although its emphasis was on art rather than Marxism.

  21. Characteristics of these designs include diagonal emphasis with stretched and distorted botanical motifs.

  22. The sketches placed considerable emphasis on the character’s high-pitched voice and her tendency to whine.

  23. Educational and training programs place special emphasis on the World War II period and on the occupation.

  24. Never a graceful or elegant batsman, Ponsford could with greater emphasis be called sound and workmanlike.

  25. This shallow emphasis on «archaic» combo sequence memorization, said IGN, prevented creative improvisation.

  26. The Warham portrait seems to have informed the indicators of Bertin’s aging and the emphasis on his fingers.

  27. This emphasis conflicted with Protestant beliefs, which held the Commandments as the source of divine grace.

  28. Those closer to the music’s blues roots or placing greater emphasis on melody are now commonly ascribed the latter label.

  29. He believed archaeologists who adhered to it placed a greater emphasis on artefacts than on the humans who had made them.

  30. Some reviewers accused the game of abandoning the genre’s essence by adopting an increased emphasis on action and combat.

  31. New emphasis was placed on previously unexplored themes, such as the depiction of Anarky as an atheist and a rationalist.

  32. After the exhumation the emphasis shifted from the excavation to laboratory analysis of the bones that had been recovered.

  33. In the early 18th century, the emphasis had been on longer races, up to 4 miles (6.4 km), that were run in multiple heats.

  34. CARE began in 1971 as the Nationwide Festival of Light, but was renamed in 1983 to reflect a substantial shift in emphasis.

  35. The emphasis placed on the sweeping roof by the great aisle windows struck a balance to the great area the church enclosed.

  36. Compared to the first cycle, the music has less emphasis on biblical texts, but more on the use of chorale text and melody.

  37. Beginning in Caged Bird, when she gives birth to her son, the emphasis Angelou places on this theme increases in importance.

  38. Under Carlson’s leadership, a «Decade of Harvest» emphasis carried the Assemblies of God into the 1990s with the most ambitious evangelistic goals in the church’s history.

  39. Dewey wrote, «The emphasis is put on helping the child to express his ideas; but such work provides ample opportunity for the required drill in the mechanics of writing.».

  40. As part of their program to suppress Polish culture, the German Nazis attempted to destroy Christianity in Poland, with a particular emphasis on the Roman Catholic Church.

  41. Heavily influenced by Mills’ writings, she began publishing a magazine, The Odinist, which placed greater emphasis on right-wing and racialist ideas than theological ones.

  42. The emphasis on money evoked in the first pages and its contrast with the decrepit surroundings mirrors the novel’s themes of social organization and economic materialism.

Synonyms for emphasis

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word emphasis has the following synonyms: accent, , stress and vehemence.

General information about «emphasis» example sentences

The example sentences for the word emphasis that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «emphasis» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «emphasis».

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Many of us put emphasis on what is common between partners.

Многие из нас ставят акцент на том, что общего есть между партнерами.

The new emphasis on national interests clearly has costs and risks.

Новый акцент на национальных интересах, конечно, имеет свои издержки и риски.

Several delegations welcomed the emphasis given to monitoring and evaluation.

Несколько делегаций приветствовали тот упор, который делается на наблюдении и оценке.

Greater emphasis must be placed on a sustained and consistent drive against child abuse.

В этой связи больший упор необходимо делать на постоянные и последовательные кампании борьбы против совершения надругательств над детьми.

The emphasis is on regional strategy development.

В этой связи особое внимание уделяется разработке региональной стратегии.

Notice he repeats it for emphasis.

Мое понимание заключается в том, что он повторяется для акцента.

He puts emphasis on certain points that he believes are primarily important.

Он делает акцент на мысли, которые, по его мнению, являются основными.

The third substantive recommendation in the in-depth evaluation proposed greater emphasis on newsletters and bulletins.

В третьей основной рекомендации, вынесенной по итогам углубленной оценки, предложено усилить акцент на информационных вестниках и бюллетенях.

Another trend is the shift in emphasis from development to relief activities.

Другая такая тенденция связана с перенесением акцента с развития на деятельность по оказанию чрезвычайной помощи.

She believed, however, that the emphasis placed on discrimination was unjustified.

Однако она считает, что упор, который ставится в нем на дискриминацию, является неоправданным.

The emphasis has shifted towards operationalization of the routes.

В настоящее время упор делается на вопросы, связанные с введением этих магистралей в эксплуатацию.

The emphasis must shift from process to outcome.

Акцент необходимо перенести с самого процесса на его конечные результаты.

Madonna changed it back-with an emphasis on the female.

Мадонна сменила её обратно — с акцентом на женский вокал».

Our emphasis on solutions is quite intentional.

Акцент, который мы делаем именно на решениях, вовсе не случаен.

Russia also still puts emphasis on its nuclear arsenal outweighing thus its relative conventional weakness.

Также Россия все еще делает акцент на своем ядерном арсенале, который компенсирует ее сравнительную слабость в области обычного вооружения.

Note the emphasis in these articles published in mid-July.

Обратите внимание на акцент в этих статьях, опубликованных в середине июля.

One group followed a Mediterranean diet with an emphasis on olive oil.

Одна группа людей питалась, строго следуя средиземноморской диете, с акцентом на оливковое масло.

Transmission emphasis would shift to the Internet wherever it becomes available.

Везде, где будет появляться доступ к Интернету, упор в организации вещания будет делаться на его возможности.

To develop a documented National Disaster Management Plan with an emphasis on disaster reduction.

Разработать документированный национальный план по управлению деятельностью, связанной со стихийными бедствиями, с упором на уменьшение их опасности.

Delegations welcomed UNDP emphasis on system-wide coherence.

Делегации приветствовали акцент, который делает ПРООН на согласованности действий в масштабах всей системы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат emphasis

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

In typography, emphasis is the strengthening of words in a text with a font in a different style from the rest of the text, to highlight them. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«Hollinsclough Primary is an outstanding school, the only one in the country which makes practical emphasis on individual development both by allowing flexi-schooling as a general school policy.


However, if you don’t have a relevant title and aren’t well-known in your field, it may be better to place emphasis on a few important keywords instead of your name.


It would be natural to assume that this new emphasis on disclosure, transparency and dialogue will pave the way for strategic communications to play a bigger and more obvious role in Japanese business.


That’s fine — my objective is, and always has been, to share our analysis with an emphasis on the complete market cycle.


Good communication is essential to any relationship, and good communication between parent and child is the emphasis of this book.


There’s an impressive array of technology, and as long as you’re OK with a stiff ride — a byproduct of the Q70’s emphasis on driving performance — you’ll have little to complain about.


While I would probably recommend viewing The Departed over Infernal Affairs to the uninitiated viewer due to its increased emphasis on character, there’s just something about the way that the Hong Kong original develops its ending that makes the film feel more sinister and unsettling.


The power exercised by the state therefore needs to be decentralized, participatory democracy encouraged and a greater emphasis placed on social justice and environmental sustainability.


I think our society puts too much emphasis on what other people think about us.


This suicide is unforgivable because you can not repent for it malarkey seems to place more emphasis on a technicallity than on God’s reason for sending his son.


The harsh reality is that this new emphasis on increased academic rigour and memorising ever increasing amounts of information has been targeted at the most distracted generation.


Senators focused on the cost and benefits of Pell Grants, Duncan’s emphasis on funding certain competitions, education in high-demand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields and No Child Left Behind.


A lot of the writing in IPE [international political economy] tends to see relationships in competitive but positive-sum terms, but in the sub-field of security the emphasis is on rivalry and zero-sum outcomes.


At first, The Evil Within 2 feels like it will follow a similar path, with an emphasis on exciting set pieces and chase sequences outrunning buzzsaw-wielding foes.


With this growing need for accumulated knowledge, companies and employees are placing a special emphasis on workplace education.


Tonobu Itagaki’s games were a bit looser on timings than the Virtua Fighter series, but the biggest differentiator was the emphasis on countering mechanics.


For student outcomes, greater emphasis on the selection and retention of high-quality principals would appear to have a very high payoff.


However, there’s always the risk DRIVECLUB could be sucked into the wormhole that engulfed Test Drive Unlimited 2, another title that had an emphasis on open world racing and the community spirit.


A variety of strategies for building background knowledge that can be implemented, K-12, will be explored, modeled, and practiced, with special emphasis on the Six-Step Process for Teaching Academic Vocabulary in each discipline.


In addition to our camps for grades 3 — 10, Akeela offers Beyond Akeela, preparing 11th and 12th graders for life after high school, with an emphasis on social skills, independent living skills, community service and FUN!


In FF in 2012, the emphasis is on creditworthiness, rather than earnings or cash flows.


Shea was rewarded for his «dedication, commitment, and positive contributions,» with special emphasis on his commitment to preparing his students for post-high school success as global citizens.


No surprise, then, that getting Franklin to grab less and push more would become a teaching point of emphasis in training camp.


I think the emphasis and perhaps freakout about sexbots is obscuring other discussions about how robots likely will be intertwined in our relationships, romantic or not.


My goal with this book is to emphasis that you can decorate any space, right now.


That means over-the-shoulder gunplay, paired with emphasis on action rather than survival horror.


A bit more emphasis is placed on the pre-animation stages such as concept art and maquettes, but this is still a satisfying piece.


The new top model puts full emphasis on Mercedes technology on the drive side.


With the NCLB emphasis on testing and progress, special education students may first be viewed as a demographic rather than individuals with challenges.


We will examine the characteristics of the RNA contained in exosomes in the aqueous humor with special emphasis on its function in exfoliation glaucoma, including the most common form of secondary open-angle glaucoma.


As we shall see, this difference in emphasis has consequences.


In the years leading to the opening of Soka University of America (SUA), Dr. Ikeda put special emphasis on the importance of the creation of this institution.


Advocating for all Albertans is something that my colleagues and I in the UCP caucus understand deserves to be taken up earnestly and honestly with an emphasis being put on democracy.


The latest report by the Education Select Committee about the recruitment and retention of teachers argues that the Government should place greater emphasis on improving teacher retention.


Practical cookery and food education is also firmly back on the curriculum, with an emphasis on providing pupils in key stages one, two and three with the skills to prepare a range of savory dishes and apply the principles of healthy eating and nutrition.


Although Lat Pulldowns are technically a compound exercise, most of the emphasis is on the Latissumus Dorsi, or «lats» for short.


Its website says there will be «an emphasis on academic achievement, with daily Hindu prayers, a vegetarian diet and opportunities to practice yoga, meditation and the arts».


There’s a wide range of cultural attitudes within the U.S. Large parts of the northeast U.S. tend to be achievement-oriented, while in the South, there is an emphasis on honor, Basáñez says.


In July 2017, the Trust launched its «Your Character Counts» strategy which places an emphasis on providing opportunities for students to develop important character traits and employability skills.


I’m somewhat overweight but have been losing by eating paleo and exercising with an emphasis on weights but I do fair amount of cardio too.


Self funding should be mentioned because of our societal emphasis on saving.


Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations the expression Persona Non Grata is only used for diplomats, being the expression «not acceptable» reserved for all other members of the mission (emphasis mine):


Good nutrition can solve so many problems faster than medication ever will, which is why we put such an emphasis on personalized testing and health coaching.


Indeed, whenever in the Gospels the question of the in-breaking of God’s Kingdom comes up, Jesus» emphasis is not on prediction, not on prophesying, but on readiness.


»… Fire Emblem is a traditional turn-based strategy RPG that puts more emphasis on battlefield tactics than raw customization.»


The Panel puts special emphasis on integrating the economic, social and environmental dimensions of development, and argues for the introduction of a «new political economy» in order to achieve sustainability.


Others noted the emphasis in the communique on mobilising substantial financial resources from the private sector and multilateral development banks, suggesting this was an attempt to shift the burden from cash-strapped finance ministries.


With increased emphasis on assessment-led pedagogy and accountability, teachers are improving their skills in data collection and analysis.


They also place greater emphasis on helping students understand not only the products of science — science content — but also the processes and practices used to create new knowledge.


The government also promises to put a new emphasis on math skills after half of all Grade 6 students failed to meet the provincial math standard this year, continuing a steady decline in test scores over the past five years.


emphasis — перевод на русский


Then why do I detect a rather tactless emphasis on that «old boy»?

Тогда почему я слышу довольно бестактный акцент на «старина»?

— Design emphasis behind this weapon.

— Дизайн акцент за этого оружия.

And better athletics, and alumni job assistance, and an emphasis on academics.

Да, и лучшие занятия спортом, и помощь с работой после выпуска, и акцент на учебе.

Emphasis on the bed and the breakfast.

Акцент на постели. И на завтраке.

Cool H-Whip, I’m putting emphasis in the H.

СлиФФки. Я делаю акцент на В.

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Emphasis on free !

Ударение на «Вольный»!

Emphasis on «now.»

Ударение на ‘этом’. Том…

Emphasis on old.

Ударение на старых.

Emphasis on the man.

Ударение на мен (англ.мужчина)

Emphasis on the lost…

Ударение на потеряли…

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I’ll say it three times for emphasis:

Я скажу ее три раза для выразительности:

Pause for emphasis.

Пауза для выразительности.

— Posture, shoulders in, for emphasis.

Его положение, плечи сжаты для выразительности.

Although that’s not numerically possible, for emphasis, it totally works.

И хотя количественно это невозможно, но для большей выразительности — работает.

— I have a COMPSTAT presentation coming up, and I was toying with the idea of using hand gestures, for emphasis, so I went out on the roof to practice…

Как вы её потеряли? У меня скоро выступление по статистике, и я подумывал над тем, чтобы применить жестикуляцию для выразительности, поэтому пошёл на крышу попрактиковаться…

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Shot through the head with an emphasis feet in the stomach !

Бросок через голову с упором ноги в живот!

There is emphasis on science and technology.

С упором на науку и современные технологии, а не примитивные устные лекции!

I believe there will always be a need for us to have a well-articulated innovation policy with emphasis on human resource development.

Я глубоко убежден, нам постоянно нужна ярко-выраженная инновационная политика с упором на разработку человеческих ресурсов.

It was a public school with a liberal arts emphasis.

Это была государственная школа, с упором на гуманитарные науки.

— Much greater emphasis on field work. — Really?

— Больший упор на полевую работу.

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Sometimes I think you place too much emphasis on how men look.

Временами мне кажется, что ты уделяешь слишком много внимания внешности мужчин.

You put so much emphasis on that one day and forget about the rest of your life.

Ты уделил так много внимания всего одному дню, что совершенно забыл об остальной своей жизни.

Well, since taking over the committee, I’ve been evaluating pay structures, and I think it’s high time that this firm put a larger emphasis on billable hours.

Возглавив комитет, я начал изучать структуру зарплаты и думаю, что фирме пора обращать больше внимания на оплачиваемые часы.

Maybe I’m just like accentuating some emphasis at a different angle.

Возможно я как-бы акцентирую внимание под другим углом.

I imagine hand-to-hand combat was a particular emphasis.

Полагаю, особое внимание уделялось рукопашному бою.

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Sentences with the word Emphasis?



  • «the red light gave the central figure increased emphasis«; «the room was decorated in shades of grey with distinctive red accents»
  • «She put too much emphasis on her the last statement»; «He put all his efforts into this job»; «The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story»
  • «the vehemence of his denial»; «his emphasis on civil rights»
  • «Put your things here»; «Set the tray down»; «Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children»; «Place emphasis on a certain point»
  • «the defensive line braced to stop the run»; «the coach put great emphasis on running»
  • «sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests»
  • «shift the emphasis«; «shift one’s attention»

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