Sentence with the word dust

Synonym: clean, powder, sprinkle, wipe off. Similar words: industry, dustpan, dust storm, lick the dust, bite the dust, industrial, industrious, industrialize. Meaning: [dʌst]  n. 1. fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air 2. the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up 3. free microscopic particles of solid material. v. 1. remove the dust from 2. rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape 3. cover with a light dusting of a substance 4. distribute loosely. 

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1. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. 

2. The dust raised by the sheep does not choke the wolf. 

3. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. 

4. He licked the dust and got fainted.

5. He flicked the dust from his suit.

6. A lot of dust had blown in.

7. God formed man of the dust of the ground.

8. The passing car kicked up clouds of dust.

9. Everything was covered with a fine layer of dust.

10. The leaves are powdered with dust.

11. Dust on the surface brushes off easily.

12. The dust has been swept away.

13. There is a lot of dust on this table.

14. This is the dust of our ancestors.

15. The workers wear masks to avoid inhaling the dust.

16. The helicopter stirred up clouds of dust.

17. The carriage left a trail of dust.

18. Promises are often like the dust.

19. All the furniture was covered in dust .

20. Dust could stick to the clothing easily.

21. His clothes were covered with dust.

22. Everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.

23. The old furniture was covered in dust.

24. The furniture was covered in dust and cobwebs.

25. His footprints were clearly evident in the heavy dust.

26. All the dust has made my eyes sore.

27. A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.

28. There are particles of dust in the air.

29. Of all the possessions of this life fame is the noblest; when the body has sunk into the dust the great name still lives. 

30. If a jewel falls into the mire, it remains as precious as before; and though dust should ascend to heaven[], its former worthlessness will not be altered. 

More similar words: industry, dustpan, dust storm, lick the dust, bite the dust, industrial, industrious, industrialize, industrialisation, industrialization, industrial capitalism, at dusk, exodus, modus operandi, lust, just, oust, must, rust, trust, gusto, crust, robust, locust, ouster, custom, thrust, just now, hustle, just as. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


These impurities are metal dust, dust, sand, fibrous matter, and the like.

Этими примесями являются металлическая пыль, пыль, песок, волокнистые вещества и тому подобное.

Prolonged contact with certain chemicals (silica dust, vinyl chloride, coal dust, some organic solvents).

Длительный контакт с некоторыми химическими веществами (кварцевая пыль, винилхлорид, каменноугольная пыль, некоторые органические растворители).

This is dust returning to the dust.

Это — прах, и он возвращается в прах.

An example of organic dust is dust that arises from handling grain.

Примером органической пыли, является та пыль, которая возникает в результате работы с зерном.

This dust is sometimes called exozodiacal dust by analogy to zodiacal dust in the Solar System.

Эту пыль иногда называют экзозодиакальной пылью, по аналогии с зодиакальной пылью в Солнечной системе.

Under these particular conditions iron dust becomes the main component of the dust formed by these stars.

В этих особых условиях железная пыль становится основным компонентом в пыли, образованной этими звездами.

If the matter were in much smaller particles such as dust, the infrared emission from the dust would be easily detected.

Если бы вещество находилось в гораздо меньших частицах, таких как пыль, инфракрасное излучение от пыли было бы легко обнаружено.

Another important aspect of dust control for primary contractors on the renovation project is preventing the spread of dust from subcontractors.

Другим важным аспектом борьбы с пылью для основных подрядчиков проекта реконструкции является предотвращение распространения пыли от субподрядчиков.

From dust we are made and to dust we depart.

Lunar dust or regolith contains a large amount of oxygen mixed with dust in the form of oxides.

Лунная пыль или реголит содержит огромное количество кислорода, смешанного с пылью в виде оксидов.

Models that simulate the region’s wind and dust patterns over 150 years show that dust deflects substantial amounts of sunlight.

Используя модели для воспроизведения ветров и пыли в регионе в течение 150 лет, они обнаружили, что пыль отражает значительное количество солнечного света.

The star’s remnants, carbon-rich «dust» similar to graphite, therefore become part of the interstellar dust.

Поэтому остатки звёзд — богатая углеродом «пыль», похожая на графит, становится частью межзвёздной пыли.

You come from dust, and to dust you shall return.

Вы пришли из праха, и в прах вы вернетесь.

From the dust we are to dust we return.

Из праха мы созданы… и в прах обратимся.

The dust will be vacuumed horizontally into the water wall without the fabricator breathing any of the dust.

Пыль будет пылесосить горизонтально в стену воды без того, чтобы изготовитель дышал какой-либо пылью.

From dust you came, to dust you will return.

Из праха ты взят, и в прах возвратишься.

Aspiration channels are designed to separate light impurities, dust and grain dust from all kinds of grains.

Аспирационная веялка предназначена для отделения легких примесей и пыли с зерна всех видов культур.

Our animal part belongs to nature and returns to the dark regions as dust to dust.

Наши животные части принадлежат природе, и возвращаются в темные сферы, прах к праху.

From dust to dust, they say.

Humans come from dust and return to dust.

Человек появляется из праха и возвращается в прах.

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Sentences with the word Dust?



  • «eagles were soaring aloft»; «dust is whirled aloft»
  • «blown clouds of dust choked the riders»; «blown soil mounded on the window sill»
  • «brush away the crumbs»; «brush the dust from the jacket»; «brush aside the objections»
  • «a quick and certain remedy»; «a sure way to distinguish the two»; «wood dust is a sure sign of termites»
  • «the test tube held a column of white powder»; «a tower of dust rose above the horizon»; «a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite»
  • «and mix with our connatural dust«- John Milton
  • «under a covering of dust«; «the fox was flushed from its cover»
  • «the dust storms in Korea are the result of rapid desertification in China»
  • «colors dulled by too much sun»; «greyed with the dust of the road»
  • «the furniture was covered with dust«
  • «astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust«
  • «dust the cabinets»
  • «dust the bread with flour»
  • «the table was covered with a film of dust«
  • «wood with a fine grain»; «fine powdery snow»; «fine rain»; «batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave»; «covered with a fine film of dust«
  • «golden lads and girls all must / like chimney sweepers come to dust«-Shakespeare; «fortunate son»
  • «kick up dust«
  • «a barely palpable dust«; «felt sudden anger in a palpable wave»; «the air was warm and close—palpable as cotton»; «a palpable lie»
  • «dust settled on the roofs»
  • «the choking June dust«; «the smothering soft voices»; «smothering heat»; «the room was suffocating—hot and airless»
  • «The solar wind protons must sputter away the surface atoms of the dust«
  • «suspended matter such as silt or mud…»; «dust particles suspended in the air»; «droplets in suspension in a gas»
  • «an inch thick»; «a thick board»; «a thick sandwich»; «spread a thick layer of butter»; «thick coating of dust«; «thick warm blankets»
  • «the top was thick with dust«
  • «flour-thickened gravy»; «dust-thickened saliva»

пыль, прах, пыльца, сор, презренный металл, пылить, вытирать пыль, запылить


- пыль

- пылинка
- щепотка
- туча, облако пыли

to raise the dust — поднять пыль столбом
the dust settled — страсти улеглись

- шум, суматоха

to make /to raise, to kick up/ a dust — поднять шум, учинить скандал; поднять суматоху /переполох/
the dust settled — страсти улеглись

- прах, бренные останки; тлен

the dust of one’s ancestors — прах отцов
dust and ashes — прах и тлен
to rake over the dust and ashes of the past — ворошить прошлое, копаться в прошлом
to shake the dust off /from/ one’s feet — отрясти прах от своих ног

- разг. деньги, звонкая монета

down with the dust — выкладывай денежки

- австрал. разг. мука
- бот. пыльца


- стирать, смахивать пыль; выбивать, выколачивать пыль; обметать; стряхивать, счищать (тж. dust off)

to dust a table — вытереть пыль со стола
to dust furniture — протирать мебель
to dust the floor — мести пол
to dust clothes — выбивать одежду
to dust off the specks — смахнуть пылинки

- посыпать, обсыпать (порошком, мукой); опылять

to dust a cake with sugar — обсыпать торт сахарной пудрой
to dust oneself in the road — копошиться в пыли (на дороге) (о птицах)

- сыпать, подсыпать

to dust a little pepper over smth. — немного поперчить что-л.

- запылить

to dust one’s feet — запылить ноги

- амер. разг. нестись, мчаться; перегонять, оставлять позади (тж. to dust it)
- разг. втирать очки

to dust smb.’s coat /jacket/ — вздуть кого-л.
to dust smb.’s eyes — пускать пыль в глаза, втирать очки кому-л.

Мои примеры


to carry off dust — разносить пыль  
to dust a man’s coat (for him) — вздуть, поколотить кого-л.  
boots defiled with dust — ботинки, испачканные пылью  
fine / powdery dust — мелкая пыль  
a trail of dust — шлейф пыли  
volcanic dust — вулканическая пыль  
house dust — домашняя пыль  
to raise dust — поднимать пыль  
to be allergic to house dust — иметь аллергию на домашнюю пыль  
dust collects — пыль собирается  

Примеры с переводом

I dust at least once a week.

Я протираю пыль, по крайней мере, раз в неделю.

The floor was covered with dust.

Пол был покрыт пылью.

The dust made him cough.

От пыли он закашлялся.

Dust it with flour.

Обсыпьте его мукой.

Dust the pan with flour.

Присыпьте сковородку мукой.

Dust had settled on everything.

Повсюду лежала пыль.

Down with the / your dust!

Деньги гони!

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The crops will be dusted with pesticide.

He got to his feet and dusted his knees.

A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

duster  — пыльник, пыльная тряпка, тряпка для вытирания пыли, непродуктивная скважина
dusting  — вытирание пыли, побои, морская качка
dustless  — беспыльный, безукоризненно чистый, без единой пылинки, свободный от пыли
dustlike  — тонко измельченный, пылевидный, пыли, подобный гигиеническая пудре

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: dust
he/she/it: dusts
ing ф. (present participle): dusting
2-я ф. (past tense): dusted
3-я ф. (past participle): dusted

Though the mountains may fall, and the hills turn to dust, Yet the love of the Lord will stand As a shelter to all who will call on his name Sing the praise And the glory of God.


He said the time to discuss the November elections and challenges to GOP candidates will come when the «dust settles» on the September primaries.


Even if you create a beautiful product, wonderfully written with professional presentation, if no one hears about it, your book will sit untouched online, gathering virtual dust.


The fact that the battle is over and you have to load your save once the protagonist bites the dust is very frustrating.


The surface won’t really be wipeable, but you can dust it off.


For dust prevention, the receiver was packed in a cleanroom.


As he says, «Economic activity is part of the life of men, those creatures who are described in the Bible as being made both from «dust from the ground» and a «breath or spirit from God» (Genesis 2:7).»


Organic wool or organic cotton are both good for keeping moisture and dust out of the mattress.


Despite the stress of the unknown (and risk factors), you can feel the magic dust in the air.


It is IP52 certified, making it resistant to water splashes and dust.


It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire, ash and dust.


Vaulting over a wall with a dropkick to your enemies face is pure badass, but wait too long behind cover and the incoming enemy bullets will reduce a seemingly steady stronghold to dust, exposing you to the onslaught.


Kristin Nelson’s client Hugh Howey rapidly has earned a reputation not only for sharing his success with the Silo Saga trilogy (Wool, Shift, Dust) with readers and fellow authors, but also for his considered, pointed commentary about the industry at large.


However, hair often carries dander and other allergens such as dust or pollen, which often makes dogs that shed lots of hair harder to deal with.


There is no room for them to do what chickens do — graze, root, dust themselves, or roost, let alone sit.


From tracking in dirt, water and dust, you may stain the floor boards.


The word conjures up images of desolate wastelands, dust, and dogged survival.


Lightly dust the top of the cake with more cocoa powder.


Higher sensitivity to such faint objects should be possible in space, where dust is not a factor.


Maybe forgotten forever to dust and Sand (get-it) unless there is that old Printed Book to pull me back in… It was a wise old wizard that once said…» It is the doom of man that they forget».


We have taken fundamental decisions on gender, capacity-building, migration and sand and dust storms.»


However, in many cases, this is impractical and can sometimes be impossible, for example when the allergen is dust mite.


There’s no dust cover except for a thin strip of cardboard bearing the book’s name that folds inside the cover, and can therefore handily be used as a bookmark.


It’s amazing how much you can brighten up a space just by removing a little dust.


It’s harder for children to separate what they see on screen and what they’re feeling at the time, which makes scene after scene of characters turning to dust a pretty intense experience.


Dust a piece of parchment paper with additional cassava flour, place 1 dough ball on top, add an additional dusting of cassava flour and place another piece of parchment on top.


It can be mixed with resource site runoff water, for example, and sprayed on haul roads for dust suppression.


Eventually, you will leave inflation in the dust.


A natural litter will allow you to breathe easy and avoid cleaning up dust throughout the home.


She now works from home crafting connections between businesses and their target markets, but prefers to focus on collecting smiles, playing with her dust bunnies, showing her diabetes who’s boss and celebrating the little things.


You start rolling it around in the areas where you’re experiencing some dead skin or calluses (I typically reach for this once a week) and it just eats away at them, causing the skin to turn to dust and fly in to the air.


u «The thousands of meteorites that strike the earth each year are generally believed to be either fragments of a disrupted planet (or planets) that originally resembled the earth, or bits of cosmic «dust» such as originally were gathered together to form the earth.»


This view holds that the entire cosmos is around 6,000 years old, that the fossil record was laid down almost in its entirety during a literal, global worldwide flood, that God created humans directly out of dust, and that Adam and Eve are the progenitors of the entire human race.


is wearing a little leftover travel dust consisting of blood, vernix, lanugo and amniotic fluid.


Once the dust had settled on Bigelow’s Oscar, however, the narrative tailed off a bit; with that particular blip on their conscience eased, the industry at large could go back to business as usual.


Take the calculation of A-F letter grades — that’s what started the latest dust up between Ritz and the rest of the board.


When pocket squares burst back onto the menswear scene in recent years, more than a few people thought they were just another short-lived style fad, but now that the dust has settled, it’s obvious that this classic men’s accessory is here to stay.


For precision highlighting and strobing, dust product lightly along the high points of the face with the brush’s tip.


We reserve the pixie dust for situations like this, too.


Days 15-17: The embryo and all the membranes that surround it are no bigger than a speck of dust.


In the summer of 2012, Russ George, formerly of Planktos Corporation, lead the West Coast Haida Nation into a plot to unilaterally dump 100 tons of iron dust into the Pacific Ocean off British Columbia, Canada.


Yes, all will return to dust or to the earth..


For example, you might have to remove hair from the spinning side brush and the main dust rolls on the bottom.


Small magnetic fields generate a kind of turbulent friction that robs the gas and dust of some of its angular momentum, facilitating its infall.


We need more than that and the fact that Arsenal Football Club have something like # 200 million gathering dust in the bank makes Wenger’s decision to only sign Petr Cech in the summer and Mohamed Elneny in the January transfer window even harder for us to take.


Maharbiz and Carmena conceived of the idea of neural dust about five years ago, but attempts to power an implantable device and read out the data using radio waves were disappointing.


The radiation is coming from a huge circular shell of dust surrounds the star extending outwards to 140 AU in radius, much like those that encompass Fomalhaut, Beta Pictoris, and Denebola (van der Bliek et al, 1994).


You might want to wear a mask so that you don’t inhale any clay dust.


They’re usually contrarian, challenging and uncomfortable… by the time the knife has stopped falling, the dust has settled and the uncertainty has been resolved, there’ll be no great bargains left.»


Talcy of wig and heaving of bosom, A Little Chaos promises to dust our Aprils with a liberal helping of period splendour.


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Now, as you well know, it is not seldom the case in this conventional world of ours—watery or otherwise; that when a person placed in command over his fellow-men finds one of them to be very significantly his superior in general pride of manhood, straightway against that man he conceives an unconquerable dislike and bitterness; and if he have a chance he will pull down and pulverize that subaltern’s tower, and make a little heap of dust of it.

In this it passes through four sheets of water, by which it is not only freed from any dust and dirt that may have come over with it from the kiln, but is also cooled to a temperature which permits an air-pump to withdraw the gas from the kiln, through the gas-washer, and force it into the saturators, without overheating.

The miners, to save time, often return to their work after blasting before the powdersmoke and dust have been sufficiently removed.

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Where bigotry is so blind, reason is but dust in the balance.

Leprosy is common, especially in the inland towns; while ophthalmia is prevalent in the north, especially among the poorer classes, who are compelled to expose themselves to the blinding dust from the deserts and the excessive glare of the sun reflected from the burning sand.

He used to boast that he had cast dust into the eyes of the jury in the case of Cluentius (Quintil.

Whirls of dust are caused by the fairy marching army, as by the being called Kutchi in the Dieri tribe of Australia.

When the dust settles, he can probably get on staff at Keene State.

A still more potent absorption is afforded by calcium prepared in situ by heating a mixture of magnesium dust with thoroughly dehydrated quick-lime.

The dust always hung motionless above the buzz of talk that came from the resting troops.

Protective glasses should be worn while working in situations of heat, light, dust, smoke, etc

I’d imagine there’s quite a layer of dust on it by now, that was thirty decades ago

• Rock Dust: This stuff is so good that I wrote a whole chapter on rock dust and its many uses

See the Rock Dust chapter

Potent! Use as a dust around plants

I prefer the smoking or pipe tobacco instead of the dust

Gone are the scent of his sweat and cologne; gone the cardboard dust aroma from the storage room of his office; gone the smells of his secretary’s strawberry perfume and her perfect, unwithered vagina

She was pretty sure from the depth of the dust that Jorma and Venna had not discovered it either, but Hernon was too wound to listen to that much reason

You dust lightly before and after you vacuum

Dust only your dog(s) with the pyrethrum

Basically you apply a small amount of the boric acid onto the rug and then you brush into rug removing any left over dust with a broom

4 Unlike dusting for fleas, you should dust only in areas where the roaches are seen

They did kick up billows of dust from the powdery soil but rode high above it on their great long legs

The vents can also be dusted to dust the area with

There were tendrils of blowing dust ahead of them

Dust in places such as attic, crawl spaces, around outside house where wood meets the ground or other moisture

Best used as a dust for immediate contact kill

Mix with equal parts DE for an excellent dust

You can also use 20 mule team borax to dust into their tunnels

That is to say they both live in wood, both have wings during mating seasons and they both leave signs(piles of wood dust, wings) which lets us know they are there

That is to say they both live in wood, both have wings during mating seasons and they both leave signs (piles of wood dust, wings) which lets us know they are there

Organic Fertilizer mixes usually contain composted animal manure, plant residues, seaweed and fish products, and minerals (bone and blood meal, cottonseed meal, granite dust, phosphate rock and greensand)

Rock dust also has a high PH (8-9 PH) and therefore must be balanced with a slightly acid mulch/soil, compost

Archimedes had thus far calculated the precise movements of pigeons while mating, the precise outcomes of humans trying to mate, and the effect of pollen dust on bees’ flight patterns

Rock dust will help to increase the energy level of the soil and in turn will quickly raise the roses and the soils energy levels

To avoid the dust, rock dust can be made into a milk like liquid and sprayed on the leaves

Use only 1 tablespoonful of rock dust and 1 tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth

Into this place the mixture TGC+™ (equal amounts of organic tobacco, garlic powder, compost and the + stands for trace minerals such as rock dust)

Trees also love Rock Dust

work with this dust and noise

The process is known as remineralization through rock dust application

By replanting and remineralizing the earth through rock dust applications

The amount of minerals and the quality rock used to produce rock dust depends on the location of the for quarry, and the mining process

Many companies sell rock dust, but it is best to inquire about what minerals it contains and if there are any chemicals added

Some companies simply sell the dust that is left over from manufacturing other products

This may not have the necessary minerals for plants and trees, so it is best to buy rock dust from those companies that make it specifically for this use

Compost Production: Using rock dust in compost production increases its energy level by adding minerals, and increasing the activity of bacteria

Rock dust also helps heat up the compost pile

Add a thin layer of rock dust to the compost pile, alternating between layers of grass clippings, manure, kitchen wastes, etc

• Due to its high mineral content, rock dust helps in all aspects of the plants biological process

•Rock dust is inexpensive compared to other mineral products

• Rock Dust increases mineral content of the soil and the plants growing on it

Adding some rock dust to kitchen waste will help reduce smells and fly’s, and will also increase microbial activity

Again all is covered in dust, but on the kitchen table are two plates, two cups, forks, spoons, a couple used paper napkins,

king-size bed is unmade and covered in dust

Then you will lay your gold in the dust, and the gold of Ophir

Sooty dust motes took to the air as

It’s surprising how much dust accumulates on bookshelves

‘What do you think you’ll do with the house once the dust has settled?’

You will come to understand that we are a speck of dust off the nose of this planet’s tiny moon

Bolt, covered in dust and fresh goat gore, sits on his ass in the mine field

onto the kerchief and, rather than wiping away the dust on his face and lips, he just

and how the cosmic gas and dust coalesced to form the planets

When the dust settles and the true-bloods realise just how alone

ground the chicken bone to dust slowly and deliberately under the heel of his boot

The mattress smelled of dust and damp earth and human sweat

The only thing that remains is dust in space -maybe not even that

record tells us that God created the first man, Adam, of the dust of the earth

‘How about I whisk you off to a nice pub for some lunch instead?’ he countered ‘Assuming I can use your bathroom facilities to wash some of this dust off my hands, that is

I lay like a living corpse, unable to wipe away the sweat and the dust that clogged my eyes

But Gabriella had been dust in her casket long enough to be forgotten, before the Lula’s automated circuits began to thaw him

I even caught a glimpse through my tears of one of our guards wiping a speck of dust from his cheek

Since they arrived, a very thin coating of fine dust had settled on the ship

The dust was drawn to the ship by its own gravity

The erosion was not so bad deep in here, but dust had settled even thicker

He let a few drops fall from his mouth onto the kerchief and, rather than wiping away the dust on his face and lips, he just managed to smear it across his jaw and nose a little more vividly

He would be closer to the stars, and to that damned incoherent moon, and he could sit without interruption, come winter snow or summer dust

A human child is born, erupts through puberty, mellows in maturity, fades with age, and eventually returns to the dust of death

As the wind blew, the ashes and dust were blown into the sky

Dust hacks away at our sleep as the old ones cough

It still had his major’s duty-suit on and that was still relatively clean, not much dust settles in the vacuum of space

They hang, dry as dust,

blow off-white render to dust, pumice on weed strewn tarmac,

with dust collecting in the button pocket shadows,

She dusted the tables and shelves, and dust mopped the rest of the floors

catching swirls of dust on thermals

and in the dust at his feet,

I was so scared, Wiesse, and there was all that dust and stuff …’ I said, my voice cracking as I remember how terrified I had been

above the dust bowl,

All those books would have turned to dust long ago if I hadn’t

folded neatly, catching lines of dust in creases,

It didn’t have fuzz however, it was covered in warty, saggy, skin, dust grey in color

her bones as dust in the soil, her flesh carrion chewed by rats

the image away to dust coated corners as I break

of the boy in the dust, in the rut-dry parched grass,

And we kick up clouds of dust as we make our way along

with boxes and loose dust covers,

and the dust that you breathe in,

the dust that runs out of your nose

They were easy to spot by the dust

Lmore was a tough, weather-beaten herdsman, all sunburn, dust and squint

Nuran had a lot of the same, the squint, more tan than burn but she had washed the dust out her hair, leaving it honey-brown and wavy

Outside a stiff wind blew the spume about the waves where windsurfers danced and bobbed on the water while grit and dust blew everywhere on the land

to the broken shell that lies gathering dust

Four workmen, caked with the paste of cement dust and oil, were packing up for the night after a hard day’s slog right across the road from my veranda

All too soon they were gone, disappearing out of town in clouds of fumes and dust

Jakes rage was instantaneous and the monster was turned to dust before he finished

After his experiences in the dust and heat of war, the soldier looked at the steaming city and saw that it was beautiful

As soon as I began to rub it in, her friends twittered and giggled with gentle laughter and began chattering like the birds and patted their old companion on her arms; well done, another one bites the dust; tales for those long winter nights I supposed

Over in the direction of the winding construction that would bring even more tourists up the mountain, incongruous dumper trucks and excavators rumbled about in clouds of silent swirling dust, chomping a way through the mountain bringing the future to the past and showing little respect, if any, for the feast

The owner, Gary, dusted off his hands

The vents can also be dusted to dust the area with

The Man helped Robbie to his feet and dusted him down, as though nothing untoward had happened

She dusted the tables and shelves, and dust mopped the rest of the floors

amongst the dusted leaves,

In fact, the article generated so much publicity that the young man found himself appearing on television and on radio shows throughout the country and his old but much cherished song was dusted off and given another airing by disk jockeys on every radio station that played popular music

The washing machine is going merrily and the house has been vacuumed and dusted

‘Meet the Australians?’ Omi said as he dusted the counter

The housekeeping crew that had arrived before them had thoroughly cleaned and dusted the room

The man dusted himself off, nodded once again, and got back to his side of the ring

Dave doesn’t see why I should bother, but I insist all the same that the books must be dusted before they are packed

color, dusted and polished to the point of being able to see my reflection

When all is done and dusted this strange man will simply leave Billy to deal with the fall out

There was enough thesh and vedn flour for a good batch of dusted rolls in the open bags and all that fresh rinko to stuff them with

A brand new, modified and customised vehicle dusted down to look like an ageing family car

Elizabeth»s almost unlined face was lightly dusted with cosmetics

I was a bit taken aback, I wasn’t surprised that he knew this, but why would he care? He shouldn’t, if he had dusted Felix, as Felicity had suggested

trying to find a way to return the money, and Felicity dusted him for the dough

The newspaper boy jumped to his feet and took his hat off and dusted his pants with it

Betty sewed on my captain’s badge, and dusted off the medals, of which I had two or three, and put them on my tunic

While everyone around me stood warily their ground, and me knowing full well that this was a distraction my plan had not accounted for I stood up, dusted off my too-tight-for-comfort football pants and replied:

It was a dry but thick layer of dust over me, as if I had been a neglected vase, dusted now and returning to life

That’s why I have dusted off that which had brought about such a jarring experience, and again, once and for all, sought to determine if there is any validity to this biblical as well as historical oddity

woman that knelt on the floor stood up quickly and dusted off her knees

As I stare out at the world, dusted in white, I feel like everything has begun again, and it will be better this time

She wears a coat in Amity red, dusted with snowflakes

and the likeness of her sister so perfectly, the marble dusted with ash

There I dusted myself off and waited while my arrival was announced within

It evidently hadn’t been dusted for some time

cabinets and dusted the carpets and wall hangings

He straightened and dusted his hands off

” I dusted off my hands

He dusted off his jeans, as if he’d planned the whole thing

Tula was a staunch opponent; even more so when the signals from the advent of the next apocalypse were springing up all over the «dusted» streets of Saint Andre

of cream and honey, and without thinking, he bent and dusted a tiny

The chauffeur dusted and serviced the car while I wandered apparently deserted streets

The individual in the photo above is resting on a palm, and you can see yellow pollen dusted on the top of its head

They dusted each other down to remove sticks, leaves and other detritus, put on whatever clothes they’d brought, and three hours and ten minutes after leaving the cabin presented themselves at the Forté’s door

soon as everything had powered down, Chief Bristol dusted his hands off and nodded to them

There was a rag handy and I dusted the box down before placing it

Ducking under an unappetising banner of wet underwear, they dusted off the elegant, excruciatingly uncomfortable wrought-aluminium chairs and sat, clinging to their coffee mugs for support

Already, the coming winter had dusted many mountain peaks with snow

«Power!» Travis sat on the machine and pedalled as Nadya dusted the equipment

The furniture had been dusted and clean towels hung in

A star dusted dream that lost its way

Akin to a crop dusted stale wheat field

I stood up and dusted of myself and spoke before I turned around

“Don’t pick a fight with me,” Jags dusted her hands

“You think they learnt a lesson?” Rani dusted her hands

Lezura quickly dusted off her yota and approached Halirit

An hour can last a long time when you are not doing anything, so Jamie decided the shelves needed dusted

Lezura casually got up and dusted herself

But when she saw that Melquíades’ room was also dusty and filled with cobwebs even though she swept and dusted three times a day, and that in spite of her furious cleaning it was threatened by the debris and the air of misery that had been foreseen only by Colonel Aureliano Buendía and the young officer, she realized that she was defeated

The police dusted for fingerprints and took DNA samples

I could see my breath as mist in the raw, morning air and through the ice-etched window I saw the frosted grass dusted with glittering diamonds in the weak, winter sunlight

I vigorously dusted everything with a pair of

Rubin pulled out his brush and dusted off the surface as he read them

The child dusted herself off,

flick out bark and leaves, dusted off her shoulders

We said our hellos’, asked about each other’s health, dusted our clothes, and followed Andrew to a place that he had waylaid as a temporary lodge while in wait for us

had been dusted with a blanket of white

Not to mention the living room carpet was probably dusted with grains of

She crawled out of the van and dusted herself off

On the steps outside, we dusted ourselves off

When I got up from the ground and dusted myself off, it was as if a burden had been lifted from me: I felt in complete peace; I felt no fear of my attackers (who were still surrounding me and threatening me); and I felt no anger towards them whatsoever

There was a tree completely frosted over, and another dusted with snow from a recent fall

as his wizardly body jumped to its feet and dusted itself down, with Cherry

Samantha got up, dusted the dirt off her green and blue tartan

Everyone nearby helped the woman gather her fruit offering and dusted off her clothing and feelings as best could be done

By the time the elections were done and dusted, Modi had 4

Leaves dusted the corners and littered the bed

The young rider dusted the

Defiant in his attitude Ben got up, dusted himself off and grinned at the staring crowd

It was in that confused state of mind that I dusted the much vaunted Bhagvad-Gita for an understanding of life and death in philosophical terms

Kevin crawled out of the pipe and dusted himself off

as you know, the guys also dusted the rest of the house for possible prints, and we did come up with a few matches

Getting to his feet, he dusted his clothes off

They dusted off the grime from their faces and brandished their weapons so that they could join their comrades in war

Sorren jumped out of a heap of rubble and dusted himself off

still half full, the bar was dusted white

» Aiden answered as he dusted off the knees

With typical Mancunian pluck, the singer dusted himself down and went back upstairs to finish the fight

Knead with fingers, then place on board dusted with confectioners’ sugar and

The young man dusted down his jeans

She perked up her tits a bit, dusted the dirt off her jeans and smiled at the workman

Brock dusted off and rolled up the sleeping bag

” She dusted sand from her bottom

“What?” He sat up and dusted the visions from his head

Olive-skinned, as if dusted with the gold of setting sunlight, black hair cut short in a pixie style and whiskey-colored eyes that didn�t bother to hide the lethal cat she was

Just now Lynch stood from his stool and dusted himself off

It was June, that crowded month for him who has experimental fields; and small discomforts at home, such as ill-served, unpunctual meals and rooms growing steadily less dusted, at no time attracted his notice

He dusted his hands off then looked around the fire hall,

before him as a lone coyote mutely stumbled through the tufts of dusted grass, mesquite and

There was a blazing wood fire, the curtains were drawn, the lamp shone rosily through its red shade, and when Priscilla stood up her hair dusted the oak beams of the ceiling, it was so low

She dusted in silence for a little, and began to put the books she had dusted in the shelves

the moisture that dusted it, and felt dizzy with lust and love

out onto a flat baking sheet that has been greased and dusted with

flat tray that has been greased and dusted with cornflour

Alarmed, but not frightened, it pumped its wings and pushed itself back, closer to the string of dying amaranths that dusted Heaven in cherry red and pink

Scouring the area for hints and clues, some dusted walls, while others took pictures and wrote on their clipboards

Dusting is best for crawling pests such as snails and slugs, spiders, snakes, rats, gophers (place into tunnels), ants, fleas (outdoors only), and will keep, rabbits, deer and coyotes away (sprinkle around property edge)

«Finally,» he muttered, dusting himself off

There are several different dusting formulas which you can use on fleas, this will depend on your preference

I suggest dusting once per month

This dusting will kill any flea eggs as they hatch and will last for a long time

4 Unlike dusting for fleas, you should dust only in areas where the roaches are seen

Avoid dusting rugs, etc

I will explain this later on dusting

Lost in my thoughts, I push open my bedroom door and stop short … one of the girls is dusting the dressing table as I mentally call it – I’m not sure what they call that particular item of furniture here on Errd

Silver shadows of clouds, hung on the emerging crimson sky, the mountains hazy purple outline, etched with a dusting of newly fallen snow, sent wave after wave of untold joy pulsating through her chilled body

With a little dusting and vacuuming, the place would be ready for furniture too

She was actually dusting the thesh with a handful of flour to help it stick when that hit her and she wafted the flour over the basin while buckling up with laughter

Rafe stood up, dusting himself off, wondering what a ragged mess he must look to her

graves,’ she said, dusting herself down and trying to hide

Clothier appeared with a dusting cloth, flapped it rapidly, glanced at the large brown envelope , and snatched it from poor Mr

«Can’t see the point of dusting off then spreading it about again

dusting flour from her hands as she looked at him

In her boredom amid attempts to sleep, she had taken to dusting off and polishing the bowl as best as she could and the antique rims shone brilliantly once again

The ground had suffered another fine dusting of snow but the sky was clear and comparatively bright

Their journey through the Palace was one of mixed feelings of nervousness and awe at the wonders that lay sprawled wall to wall – paintings of battles and ceremonies of kings, queens, heroes, and legends; tapestries; polished armour standing with spears or swords resting at an angle; mirrors as tall as the thirty-feet-high plaster ceilings worked with golden cornices of grapes and vines or paintings of angels flying through blue skies with white clouds; large chests bound in brass or steel or gold; polished furniture of oak, pine, or redwood; tables; stands; dressers and cabinets; ornaments; artefacts; statues of red-and-blue marble or white stone or gold-and-silver, including dragons and other mythical beasts – all arranged in perfect order and all glistening and gleaming as a result of meticulous dusting and polishing from the hundreds of servants in black livery slashed with red and gold or red and blue who walked busily about the hallways amongst the guards, soldiers, and Guardians who stood at every corner and staircase

Soldiers stood guard around the hallways and servants scurried by busily with tasks of dusting and polishing, bearing trays of bread and cheese, tea, or goats’ milk

He glided to their counter, white flakes dusting his hair and shoulders

Frank dropped the brick and put his foot on it, dusting his palms

The lightest dusting of snow stippled the hills and dales, and frosted the cakes that were people’s houses

“That was beer, wasn’t it?” I said after having got up, still dusting off my behind

Or I’ll be dusting off those old arrest warrants, and you and your mates won’t see daylight in this state again for a long time

I regretfully told my Uncle Wes, “My parents told me I have to get home and do chores around the house, vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting … all of that kind of stuff

She wandered around the flat dusting surfaces and sweeping rooms, like a zombie who had decided to spend eternity cleaning instead of eating flesh

I turned to see that Taisei had whipped out a powder brush and was proudly dusting his photos

All that cleaning, dusting, vacuuming and polishing! It’s not

Depending on how she moved and the angle of the light, it seemed to vary from covering her modestly to concealing no more than a light dusting of flour

“So,” he said, dusting off his hands

Jacobs opened the file after dusting it off against his thigh

Amongst the laughing and the dusting off of each other, he managed to slip the ring on her finger, the ring set with the blue stones that she had so admired back in Scotland

crop dusting planes to carry out biological attacks on the United States

“That would be self evident,” said the Captain, dusting lingering specks of soil from his sleeve

The servant accommodated the quilted pillows in its place and kept on dusting the furniture

and dusting the furniture

Jane stands dusting herself, yards away bullet ridden piles of what used to be security mixed with razed architecture

I was dusting the kitchen table legs, when Harriet got the call

He told me Harriet had said I fell into the table leg when I was dusting

It was covered with a dusting patina of rust, with the odd

a large plate for dusting the dough while rolling it out

That winter was cold and very wet with only an occasional light dusting of snow

There were a few smudges of what appeared to be fingerprint dusting powder on the edges of the mirror

Dusting himself down, Gaspar could not resist making an extravagant bow, such as a showman might make upon a stage, though in truth his heart was racing and his legs were trembling

Picking it up again I turned the exquisite object and there it was: ‘1982’… followed by a dusting of fine scratches

There were times when she could wind him up too saying his dusting skills in the cleaning job they shared were not quite up to her standard

One of which is to apply a light dusting on your face with loose powder

Kara began to take over the housework, preparing some meals, doing the laundry, dusting and vacuuming the bungalow, and so on

Michelle hung up the phone and busied herself by dusting areas of the house that had no dust

Dusting himself off, Harry followed the trail along the river’s edge to the

Colleen was dusting shelves and Jamie was in the back unpacking a few items that had arrived when a soldier walked in the entry

in her dusting at the old church rectory

intended for crop dusting and spraying, but these had been

Ingrid then put back her helmet after dusting off her hair

Atkins finally got up cautiously, dusting himself off while trying to evaluate the damage caused to the Zhongnanhai District

He took out a cotton rag he used for dusting off archaeological artifacts and wiped down the pieces of the guitar, the revolver and silencer, and the walnut chests

I see a white dusting on their leaves, a sprinkling of snow

Going to the nearby room and expelling a maid that was dusting off the furniture there, the King closed the doors carefully before facing his wife and daughter

But why now, what did they say? Have they seen Katie?” James asked him, dusting off his clothes

It took a few seconds of dusting himself off to recover from

Dusting frequently helps keep your place clean

Halfshaft climbed unsteadily to his feet, dusting himself down as he did so

The more they looked around them, though, the more it actually looked as if it could do with dusting

A light dusting of snow

carefully climbed off him, dusting his skin off her legs as she did so

confectioners sugar for dusting

Severus then addressed the group as he stood, dusting his hands off, «No one will think less of you if you decide now to turn back and return home

And it wasn’t just a dusting

room, dusting the already immaculate room

After this initial “priming” of the canvas with white flower, only a light dusting will be needed in subsequent bakes: whole grain works best

“Three thousand years ago?” He questioned aloud to himself, dusting off his inappropriate clothing

She starts tending to his up-turned collar, dusting debris off it and flattening it down

part of the house, vacuuming, dusting, laundry etc

Faceblasting is like crop dusting; it’s spraying a mist of gossip over a field of acquaintances

vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing the room,

’ The gendarmes then released the merchant, and he got up, dusting off his clothes

Vanessa was cleaning and dusting then she called Glenda to cancel his appointments

Samara jumped up, dusting the snow off his pants he said, “So how

Realizing what was about to happen- that the Oogie was going to do to it as it had done to the Oogie, now knowing that it was not going to die- the Ogre got up off its knees and begun dusting itself off, slyly grinning at the Oogie, its nasty green tongue slithering in and out of its mouth

The day sped by amidst a fine dusting of powdery snow-frosted trees and afternoon brightness gave way to lengthening sundown shadows

It will grow I know sweeter every year, but it is too big ever to be perfect and to get to look so immaculate that the diseased imagination conjures up visions of housemaids issuing forth each morning in troops and dusting every separate flower with feather brushes

A casual dusting off of the hands was followed by a cigarette pressed to his lips

The idea was perfect since she would be able to control her fairy nature thanks to dusting the flowers

Follow with a light dusting of talc powder

Above Jerome, Mingus Mountain still had a faint dusting of snow from the last storm that had passed through

«And Fritzi, I shall have to get some clothes soon,» Priscilla went on, dusting the books as he handed them to her

«He’s still there,» she said, dusting off her hands

She was smiling, the moonlight giving her face a silvery sheen and dusting her eyes with sparkles

I continued dusting the shelves when a girl in a tight black T-shirt, hipster jeans and

I kept up with the dusting

I kept on dusting and began to think it was actually worth risking a few over-the-

I let him go and finished dusting the rather neglected special interest section

“Thank you, bard, but I could’ve done that myself,” he said, dusting himself off, his expensive black armor now coated in dust

“Magnificent rebuttal worthy Indra,” he flattered, dusting off his bare shoulders

The police had spent most of the morning at Michael Sands’ place, taking samples and dusting the furniture, which seems a shame really, because it had only been done just the day before

Continual use of the dusts, sprays and vacuuming mentioned above will provide a form of birth control for fleas

Here are some natural dusts you can use around the house to control termites

He staggers to his feet and dusts himself off before offering her a helping hand

The most beautiful place of the distant Arabian lands, where the gold sandy dusts of the very desert are comparable only with the beauty of the young women from the vizier harem and the evening sunsets of Anuac’s dunes

She dusts off her bottom and proceeds to walk out of the enclave, a snail trail of travelers follow behind at a distance

On this stood a man in rich robes, vague-eyed and blinking, as if he had just awakened and had not yet shaken the dusts of slumber from his brain

When you constantly check your appliances, you would be able to see if there are dusts on certain parts of it, such as the vents, the backs, and such

Dusts and smokes were polluting and spreading every corner of the room

He dusts his pants off

Carpet is very hard to clean and the fibers inside the carpet hold onto mites, dusts, pollen, dander and other particles that could irritate allergy sufferers

They clash, an almighty bang happens, and when the dust has settled a new force emerges, dusts itself down, and sets off in a new direction, until it’s met by a different force coming the opposite way – you get the idea

Further over, a war, an annihilation, had just fallen in its own dusts

Behind him, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche and Spengler and Kafka all leaned on their mad elbows, sank in their dusts, and whispered, yes, what was that all about?

Farther along, ten thousand other blue fires and laurel incenses, black tobacco smokes and fir weeds, cinnamons and bone dusts rose soft as moths through the Martian night

Everything was good and sweet, the air was that blend of the dead and the living, of the rains and the dusts, of the incense from the church, and the brass smell of the tuba on the bandstand which pulsed out vast rhythms of ‘La Paloma

Growing with the tides, growing with the ages, collecting and hoarding and saving unto itself identities and ancient dusts, octopus-inks and all the trivia of the sea

Ah—the ancient dusts stirred sluggishly in the water—isn’t that like a woman? Now, she doesn’t want him, either!

The window of your bedroom never faintly clattered and belled with a high-tossed confetti of small dusts and rocks

Hamstrung, the old old man foundered to his knees, as did his suppliant images, his congregation of terrified selves one week, one month, two years, twenty, fifty, seventy, ninety years from now! every second, minute, and long-after-midnight hour of his possible survival into insanity, there all sank grayer, more yellow as the mirrors ricocheted him through, bled him lifeless, mouthed him dry, then threatened to whiff him to skeletal dusts and litter his moth ashes to the floor

Everything was good and sweet, the air was that blend of the dead and the living, of the rains and the dusts, of the incense from the church, and the brass smell of the tubas on the bandstand which pulsed out vast rhythms of “La Paloma

It had a lot of things in it he couldn’t identify: flowers, chemistries, dusts, winds

/ Where they stood, sand dusts the floor

Examples of how to use the word “dust” in a sentence. How to connect “dust” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dust (n, v): dry dirt in the form of powder that covers surfacesinside a building, or very small dry pieces of soil, sand, or other substances; to use a cloth to remove dust from the surface of something

Use “dust” in a sentence

The floor was covered with dust.
We need to dust the desk.
He dusted the furniture.

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