Sentence with the word doubting

In China there is a saying:» when you are in your 40s, there should be no doubting and questioning any more about your life».


, this constant doubting, controlling, manipulating, etc. is harmful, stressful, and a complete waste of our energies (not to mention it decreases metabolism and increases fat storage, not helping the cause!).


What sets Campbell apart from most contemporary film makers is not only the nimble camerawork and a lightness of touch that belies his seriousness of purpose, but his relentless doubting, a constant sense that he’s not sure, that he wants to know more, that he needs to see the subject from another angle.


The toughest part is the constant doubting and wondering exactly how I’m failing.


Kojima is a genius, there is no doubting that much, but like every genius, Kojima also needs someone or something to hold him back from delving too deeply into crazyland.


In the «doubting» stance, peers pose as if they doubt everything in the writing and identify problems and counter-arguments.


Many people who are suffering or have needs are suspicious of, or doubting of, people who have never experienced what they are going through.


One had to do with atheism and doubting, questioning and abandoning a god that never seemed to exist to begin with.


There is now a lot of soul-searching about the direction of the Republican Party and much doubting of its future viability if does not adapt itself in some way to an electorate that has (it is said) fundamentally shifted over the last few decades.


But the narrative is totally unified in what it centrally and magnificently affirms: that Moses knew, past any possible doubting, the firm call of God to «Bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.»


His lone score occurred at the close of the third quarter on a 49 yard pass that was reviewed, but ultimately deemed to be a good catch, despite the announce team doubting if he controlled the ball.


At some point or another, most Christians go through at time of intense doubting or spiritual turmoil.


«If» If you can keep your head when all about you men are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you but make allowances for their doubting, too.


There’s no doubting, though, that an upgraded version in the form of a Galaxy Note 9 packing an in-display fingerprint sensor, as well as Samsung’s new dual-aperture camera system, AR Emoji and upgraded Bixby smart AI assistant would be a very, very tantalising proposition.


I would add less shaming, less doubting, and less numbing to a list for me.


Thank God your expression of the truth is smart enough to keep the atheist doubting.


But despite the seeming widespread acceptance of tossing a bag of ice on an injured ankle or aching shoulder, there seems to be a doubting of icing’s efficacy across the internet and in several magazines.


But there’s no doubting, that Wenger is a major player with the problems at Arsenal.


Climategate, Al Gore and the general idea that consensus was the right way to look at scientific issues solidified my doubting of the science.


(1) I have no particular reason for doubting him.

(2) There’s no doubting her ability.

(3) There was no doubting his virility.

(4) There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man.

(5) She’s a bit of a doubting Thomas she won’t believe you’re back till she sees you.

(6) You are obviously feeling down or doubting your abilities.

(7) There were many difficulties, but there is no doubting that Labour’s national organization began to improve.

(8) But for the sport’s elite there’s no doubting it’s tough at the top.

(9) People had become disinclined to believe without doubting what was revealed to them.

(10) And doubting her husband on this point, she wondered if Timothy Gedge’s future was as bleak as he had forecast.

(11) There can be no doubting their experience, their confidence, and the classic simplicity of their world view.

(12) Hang about, I hear you cry, doubting Toms that you are.

(13) In 4.2 I gave reasons for doubting the existence or if not the existence the usefulness of infallible beliefs.

(14) Relief and remorse for doubting him flooded her as his hands moved to relieve himself of his jeans.

(15) But one might be forgiven for doubting if this is the most likely cause of the toxic side-effects of direct drilling!

(16) There are, however, reasons for doubting whether financial objectives were quite as secondary as these points suggest.

(17) There was no doubting Hearts’ superiority in this goalless affair.

(18) Doubting Thomas, I stared for a couple of seconds before plunging my hand in.

(19) There was no doubting the family’s dynastic ambitions.

(20) There is no doubting them now.

(21) But make allowance for their doubting too.

(22) To believe with certainty, we must begin with doubting.

(23) I would challenge any doubting Thomas in my pea patch.

(24) Any form of scientific endeavour must attempt to transcend its time and place to sustain an independent, doubting stance.

(25) I was teaching economics and watching people die on the streets when I began doubting what I had learned from the textbooks.

(26) The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything. Clarence Darrow 

(27) Whether or not one feels they are equipped to advise headteachers it is difficult to avoid doubting their skills at inspection.

(28) Johnny’s signet ring was somewhere in the hall; there was no doubting it.

(29) Thy sunshine smiles upon the winter days of my heart, never doubting of its spring flowers.

(30) Logic such as knowledge logic, belief logic, deontic logic and so on, can be regarded as ‘positive’ logic, and doubting logic can be regarded as ‘negative’ one.

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is

I faltered to a stop, suddenly panicking, doubting the outcome of this thinking

“It tastes like black licorice,” she said still doubting the power of the drink

there was no doubting the relief on his face

there was no doubting the position would be a step up from

There was no doubting the Bailli was a good man – but he

There was no doubting that his captor was

She continued on, ignoring the exhaustion and the pain, never once doubting that the blue flame would be there to bind her wounds

was no doubting that the place looked much better from

There was little doubting that there would be a great deal of shake-up, as it were, as part of the inquest

He enjoyed the process of doubting, turning things over in his mind, finding new angles

Then comes Descartes, and his infamous „Discourse on Method» in which he said, among other nonsense things, that he would begin by doubting everything except his own thinking and therefore his own existence

’s mother kept stoically pouring, driven by guilt at questioning and doubting her son

“You’re being chased too?” She accepted the bottle and, doubting he would be impressed if she went and found glasses, took a sip

” No, wait, she had to explain why she was doubting him

There had been no hesitation: she wasn’t doubting him in the slightest

Raul listened with a jaded ear, seriously doubting Truman’s sincerity, while simultaneously praying that there was, at least, some truth to his stated intentions

Truman looked at the man in frustration, doubting that he could remain conscious long enough to provide the answer

After a great organic lunch at Whole Foods, I drive home, processing, doubting, and hoping

But I’ve been doubting our future together, and I don’t think it’s a good sign

money, while doubting the promised reforms

doubting that He is truly God and if He is for you or

Doubting all, refusing all,

the fact that he was doubting

It brainwashes you into doubting yourself, your senses, your mind

” He also reflected, for the doubting lawmakers, that: “The bishop has authority to teach, and he has authority to teach you!” He also recently decried how “this tendency for the government to claim for itself authority over all areas of human experience flows from the secularization of our culture

The title Doubting Thomas, endures till today because of Thomas’ one moment of doubt and unbelief

Anyone doubting the validity of his science might argue, but in the end no one was brave enough (or stupid enough) to

Of your negative doubting moments

I tapped his feet, doubting that it would do anything and

If you start doubting reality and follow that thinking to it’s ultimate expression, you end with the supposition that yours is the only consciousness that exists, and that you are hallucinating everything that you experience, and you do not realize this because you hide that truth from yourself to protect your sanity, or perhaps because you are already insane

It is the thoughtless and doubting that it turns away

He says to me «Put away doubting from you and do not hesitate to ask of the Lord saying to yourself ‘How can I ask of the Lord and receive from Him seeing I have sinned so much against Him?’ Do not thus reason with yourself but with all your heart turn to the Lord and ask of Him without doubting and you will know the multitude of His tender mercies; that He will never leave you but fulfil the request of your soul

For He is not like men who remember evils done against them; but He Himself remembers not evils and has compassion on His own creature Cleanse therefore your heart from all the vanities of this world and from the words already mentioned and ask of the Lord and you will receive all and in none of your requests will you be denied which you make to the Lord without doubting

But those who are perfect in faith ask everything trusting in the Lord; and they obtain because they ask nothing doubting and not being double-souled

Consider this doubting state of mind for it is wicked and senseless and turns many away entirely from the faith even though they be very strong

For this doubting is the daughter of the devil and acts exceedingly wickedly to the servants of God

Despise then doubting and gain the mastery over it in everything; clothing yourself with faith which is strong and powerful

When the doubting man attempts any deed and fails in it on account of his doubt this grief enters into the man and grieves the Holy Spirit and crushes him out

But seeing me altogether agitated and confused he began to speak to me in more gentle tones; and he said: «O feel senseless and doubting do you not perceive how great is the glory of God and how strong and marvellous in that He created the world for the sake of man and subjected all creation to him and gave him power to rule over everything under heaven? If then man is lord of the creatures of God and rules over all is he not able to be lord also of these commandments? For» says he «the man who has the Lord in his heart can also be lord of all and of everyone of these commandments

wasn’t uncertain; he wasn’t questioning or doubting

4 The fruitful earth brings out in due season according to his will abundant nourishment for men and beasts; nothing doubting nor changing in anything from the things that are decreed by him

He told her that if she spent her life doubting everything all

I also accused him of doubting his own dubious theories

There you go again with that doubting stuff, you should know better

Bill: Perhaps I owe Michael a very belated apology for doubting his role in this sordid affair and then again maybe I don’t owe Michael an apology

It’s hard to keep believing in a trading system that hasn’t delivered for some time, and very easy to start doubting everything

It was her mother’s handwriting, there was no doubting that

blame for ever doubting his love

» She gazed at it with approval and I didn»t consider doubting her word

‘He’s right, you two, so stop doubting yourselves

There is nothing wrong with doubting your world, doubting

’ Stephen said nervously, already doubting the wisdom of accepting Zeno’s invitation

Ceder kept her chin down as she labored, doubting whether her tired effort helped at all

The voice still offered the same higher pitched tone that Gaspar had heard in Wizards’ Hall, but there was no doubting now that the speaker was female

He expressed himself as doubting that he would ever enter the marriage state; he said that all such things must await «my hour,» the time when «my Father’s work must begin

Such a God-knowing soul casts no shadow of doubting evil when functioning on such a high spirit level of divine goodness

Would it be consistent with «the Father’s will» for the divine mind to make this concession to the doubting nature of the human mind? Jesus decided that it would not and cited the presence of the Personalized Adjuster as sufficient proof of divinity in partnership with humanity

His great weakness was his suspicious doubting, which he never fully overcame throughout his whole lifetime in the flesh

For a while he succumbed to his doubting depression but eventually rallied his faith and courage

Then said Jesus to all those who stood before him: «O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I bear with you? How long shall I be with you? How long ere you learn that the works of faith come not forth at the bidding of doubting unbelief?» And then, pointing to the bewildered father, Jesus said, «Bring hither your son

Dedicate your life to the great work of showing how the critical material mind of man can triumph over the inertia of intellectual doubting when faced by the demonstration of the manifestation of living truth as it operates in the experience of spirit-born men and women who yield the fruits of the spirit in their lives, and who love one another, even as I have loved you

4 As Mary lingered after Peter and John had gone, the Master again appeared to her, saying: «Be not doubting; have the courage to believe what you have seen and heard

Peter had believed at first but, when he failed to find the Master, fell into grave doubting

James had always inclined to believe in his eldest brother’s mission on earth, but he had long since lost contact with Jesus’ work and had drifted into grave doubting regarding the later claims of the apostles that Jesus was the Messiah

7 They all wanted to rush off to the city to tell the doubting apostles about what had happened, but James restrained them

‖ Motioning them down and kneeling in one motion, never doubting their compliance, the wary Indian fixed his eyes on the cabin; someone was in his shack

“Excuse me, young lady?” Angela said with the angry doubting tones of a parent

“Really?” Feltus said with a raised eyebrow as if doubting the answer

“Of course not,” Feltus assured her, doubting she would make the connection between the window and the murderer’s entrance

� If he was doubting her story, he was not letting it show up

there is no doubting that it is hugely powerful

“God visits the soul in a way that prevents it doubting when it comes to itself that it has been in God and God in it and so firmly is it convinced of this truth

‘’Without wanting to insult you by doubting your word, miss, could we have copies of those recordings?’’ Asked one of Misawa’s officers, a tall African woman

though the doctor was doubting his sexual credibility

But I told myself to quit doubting

All manifestations will assume a hostile character and we will rebel bitterly against our fate, bemoaning our luck, to the point of doubting the very value of life

I would have expected it of Doubting Thomas, of course, but not of him

Halfshaft started doubting the

When he was finished, we sat back up on our chairs and he said, as soon as he sat down, “I guess I am your Doubting Thomas!”

seconds, but there was no doubting what we saw

Now he’s doubting the revelation he got

“Of course, but isn’t that too obvious?” I asked, doubting that is the place where she would be, especially after school hours

” I said, doubting her claim

” I said doubting her intentions

I am afraid there are myriads of true Christians in this condition, who go trembling and doubting toward heaven, with Despondency, and Much-Afraid, and Fearing in the Pilgrim’s Progress, and fear they will never get to the Celestial City at all

We grow up being told, «don’t be a doubting Thomas — take it on

doubting self, and I represented my focus and drive self

Doubting Thomas didn’t believe Jesus Resurrection but when confronted face to face with the Resurrected Christ, he changed his mind

would even consider doubting that “God” exists, that “God” created human beings

She tends to be mistrusting and doubting, self-opinionated and interrelated in internal mental life

them to be, that doubting did not lead me to attempt to write any philosophical essays

He said that he knew the spiritual path that they’re leading and following were true but throughout his productive time; he acted as a doubting Thomas and thus wavered in his beliefs

The doubting Thomas in us may forever remain doubting

сомневающийся, колеблющийся


- сомневающийся; колеблющийся; нерешительный

doubting heart — робкая душа
doubting Thomas — Фома неверный /неверующий/

Мои примеры


mutagen doubting dose — удваивающая доза мутагена  
doubting insanity — помешательство сомнений  
doubting sanity — бред сомнения  

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He said he could do it, but I couldn’t help doubting him.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

doubt  — сомнение, сомневаться, усомниться, колебаться
doubtful  — сомнительный, сомневающийся, недостоверный, подозрительный, неопределенный
doubtless  — несомненно, вероятно, несомненный
doubtable  — вызывающий сомнения, сомнительный, неопределенный, неясный
doubter  — скептик, сомневающийся человек, сомневающийся
doubtingly  — с сомнением, сомневаясь, нерешительно, с опаской

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Cleophon, however, perhaps doubting whether the offer was sincere (cf.

Eratosthenes, indeed (276-196 B.C.), attached great value to his authority as to Britain and Spain, though doubting some of his statements; but Polybius (c. 204-122 B.C.) considered the whole work of Pytheas a tissue of fables, like that of Euhemerus concerning Panchaea; and even Strabo, in whose time the western regions of Europe were comparatively well known, adopted to a great extent the view of Polybius.

The geography of the region in which the mountains of Cochin-China and Siam join Tibet is still imperfectly known, but there is no ground left for doubting that the great river of eastern Tibet, the Tsanpo, supplies the main stream of the Brahmaputra.

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She crossed to it, doubting the locks would cooperate with her this time, either.

There is no reason for doubting that the disease described above is identical with the European plagues of the 14th and subsequent centuries.

He did not think of doubting Freemasonry itself, but suspected that Russian Masonry had taken a wrong path and deviated from its original principles.

In his reign (813-833) Aristotle was first translated into Arabic. Orthodox Moslems, however, distrusted the course on which their chief had entered, and his philosophical proclivities became one ground for doubting as to his final salvation.

Though there seems to be no conclusive reason for doubting the existence of Aristomenes, his history, as related by Pausanias, following mainly the Messeniaca of the Cretan epic poet Rhianus (about 230 B.C.), is evidently largely interwoven with fictions.

I — Io); and the apparition to the ten joyously believing apostles (19-23) and then to the sadly doubting Thomas (24-29) together correspond to Luke xxiv.

Strange, isn’t it, General? he said, evidently not doubting that this remark would be agreeable to his hearer since it went to prove his, Napoleon’s, superiority to Alexander.

  • Use the word DOUBTING in a sentences

Sentence Examples

My problem was doubting the Lord’s work, instead of standing tall

Not until that casket is in the ground and you apologize for doubting the deep feelings of sadness this family is experiencing right now.

Profesor Challenger threatens to sue my paper… for doubting his yarn about live dinosaurs.

Forgive me for doubting you.

doubting you the way I did.

But of course it is. Are you doubting me?

My dear Mr. Blake… how can you ever forgive me for doubting your integrity?

Just a moment, Digby. Are you doubting the word of King Arthur?

Are you doubting that that’s gold?

I apologize for doubting your capabilities.

Are you doubting‘ my word, sir?


Now, please state to the court in your own language your reasons for doubting that your husband is really ill.


Bernadette, never will I forget those first days of trial and tribulation… when practically we alone stood side by side, facing a doubting world.

It’s a doubting world, kind sir.

Perhaps he did, but perhaps they were all doubting Thomases like Dr Van Straaten.

Gentlemen, you’re doubting me again.

When I was doubting myself .

No one here is doubting your honour.

I owe you an apology for doubting you.

Bronson tells me Ottinger and the other doubting Thomases have jumped over to our side ofthe fence.

This is no time to start doubting the ship, doc.

Don’t let me start doubting myself.

If history remembers us, let it say that we stood fast in faith, giving freely what little we had and what little we were. Never doubting that we spent ourselves for the general good.

There’s no doubting that I’m dumb.

# To the doubting Thomases #

He said you were to get a stout stick and beat me well foe doubting you.

We come, like Thomas, not doubting… but dogmatically refusing to believe unless we see… as ifwe could pour God into a test tube… as ifintangibles had to become tangible… in order to prove that they were intangible.

Agrippina, are you doubting my sincerity?

Has it ever occurred to you that it might get blown up into something big for tom, too- that it might affect him for the rest of his life and make him unsure and doubting— tom’s father put him in this house

You accuse me of doubting too deeply.

We are still doubting the testimony of idiots who have been offered a trip as witnesses for the prosecution.

I don’t like this, doubting each other.

Now, don’t start doubting yourself again.

A mere shadow of a man… doubting his very self.

I’ve been doubting it myself.

I’m just doubting that you are.

He’s doubting his old friend.

To keep his disciples from the doubting cities.

Sampei, I have formed the habit of doubting people. I couldn’t make up my mind.

It’s a fine line between doubting them and regretting that we came.

You doubting our intentions?

Not doubting, Mama’s boy.

I’m not just doubting your word.

And you’re doubting that the one who drafted it has forgotten what it is about.

The one who is Doubting is that godliness.

Must begin by Doubting whatever can be doubted.

Here I was Doubting.

Doubting charms me not less than knowledge.

Just stop Doubting yourself.

But make allowance for their Doubting, too;

The Doubting mind is the problem.

Not that people were Doubting.

I never saw this so I am Doubting.

But make allowance for their Doubting.

Doubting your own ability-.

Doubting your ability to be a good mother.

It gets them questioning and Doubting themselves.

Even I have started Doubting its authenticity?

You keep Doubting yourself, Diana.

It is in which you were Doubting.

This is that concerning which you were Doubting.

Rene Descartes(1596-1650) began by Doubting all established values.

Doubting that was even possible.

Believing first and Doubting later.

To their minds there is no Doubting-.

Enough comparing and Doubting.

He knows people are Doubting him.”.

I started Doubting everything.

You’re Doubting Ah Ra?

Everyone were Doubting us.

Yes, I’m not Doubting it.

Are you Doubting our friendship?

And you stopped Doubting yourself.

And here I was Doubting you.

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