Sentence with the word doctor

доктор, врач, эскулап, шабер, скребок, лечить, фальсифицировать, подделывать


- доктор, врач

doctor’s overall — медицинский халат
family doctor — домашний врач
ship’s doctor — судовой /корабельный/ врач
to see a doctor — сходить к врачу
to send for a doctor — послать за врачом; вызвать врача
to call in a doctor — вызвать врача
who is your doctor — кто вас лечит?

- знахарь
- доктор (учёная степень)

Doctor of Philosophy [Law, Medicine] — доктор философии [юридических наук, медицины]
to take one’s doctor’s degree — получить степень доктора

- законник, законовед, знаток законов
- учёный богослов, теолог

ещё 12 вариантов


- разг. лечить, врачевать

to doctor smb. (for rheumatism) — лечить кого-л. (от ревматизма)
to doctor oneself with tranquillizers — лечиться транквилизаторами

- заниматься врачебной практикой
- лечиться; принимать лекарство
- разбавлять (напитки)

to doctor beer with water — разбавить пиво водой

- фальсифицировать (продукты)
- подделывать

to doctor accounts [election returns] — подделывать счета [результаты выборов]

- подправлять, чинить на скорую руку; ремонтировать; налаживать (машину)

to doctor a cart — починить тележку
to doctor a photo — вырезать (что-л.) на фотографии

- редк. присуждать докторскую степень

Мои примеры


a doctored photo of the actress — поддельная фотография этой актрисы  
the lone doctor in the entire county — единственный врач на всю округу  
to call (in) a doctor — вызвать врача  
doctoral / doctor’s degree — докторская степень  
head doctor — главный врач  
doctor’s office — кабинет врача  
to doctor an old clock — чинить старые часы  
doctor on duty — дежурный врач  
to go to the doctor’s — пойти к врачу  
doctor of divinity — доктор богословия  
doctor blade coatings — наносимые ножевым устройством покрытия  
doctor blade mechanism — механизм ракеля  

Примеры с переводом

The doctor will see you now.

Доктор сейчас вас примет.

The doctor must see him at once.

Врач должен немедленно осмотреть его.

My head reels, doctor.

Доктор, у меня кружится голова.

You want to see a doctor.

Тебе следует пойти к врачу.

Let me by, I’m a doctor.

Пропустите меня, я доктор.

The doctor is off-duty today.

Это врач сегодня не принимает.

Next the doctor examined his back.

Потом врач осмотрел его спину.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He refused to go near a doctor.

Has your doctor been certified?

…ran posthaste for the doctor…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

doctoral  — докторский
doctorate  — докторская степень, докторат, присуждать степень доктора
doctorship  — положение и функции доктора, положение доктора наук,

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: doctor
he/she/it: doctors
ing ф. (present participle): doctoring
2-я ф. (past tense): doctored
3-я ф. (past participle): doctored

ед. ч.(singular): doctor
мн. ч.(plural): doctors

Examples of how to use the word “doctor” in a sentence. How to connect “doctor” with other words to make correct English sentences.

doctor (n): a person with a medical degree whose job is to treat people who are ill or hurt

Use “doctor” in a sentence

You’d better see a doctor about your headache.
The doctor advised me to take a complete rest.
I’d like to become a doctor.
Do you prefer a male or female doctor?
You’d better see a doctor about your headache.
Do you prefer a male or female doctor?
My other sister is a doctor.
Although he’s young, he’s an outstanding doctor.

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Synonym: cure, heal, medic, physician, remedy, treat. Antonym: patient. Similar words: doctrine, actor, factor, sector, factory, director, inspector, collector. Meaning: [‘dɒktə]  n. 1. a licensed medical practitioner 2. (Roman Catholic Church) a title conferred on 33 saints who distinguished themselves through the orthodoxy of their theological teaching 3. children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician’s office 4. a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution. v. 1. alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive 2. give medical treatment to 3. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken. 

Random good picture Not show

1. When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out. 

2. Where the sun enterd, the doctor does not. 

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 

4. Diet cures more than the doctor

5. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease. 

6. After death, the doctor.

7. Death defies the doctor.

8. He qualified as a doctor last year.

9. Quick! Go and fetch a doctor.

10. The doctor restored him to his sight.

11. The doctor demurred, but Piercey was insistent.

12. The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt.

13. The doctor advised about many things other than medicine.

14. He masqueraded as a doctor and fooled everyone.

15. The doctor has five calls to make this morning.

16. The doctor said she should be taking vitamin supplements.

17. The doctor jabbed the needle into the dog’s leg.

18. The doctor said she’d make a quick recovery.

18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

19. My doctor referred me to a hospital specialist.

20. The athlete is checked by their physio or doctor.

21. The doctor forbids him to smoke.

22. The doctor put her on a course of antibiotics.

23. The doctor diagnosed the illness as pneumonia.

24. If the pain continues, consult your doctor.

25. The doctor is very patient with his patients.

26. The doctor is reading the Journal of Medical Science.

27. The doctor advised him not to drink excessively.

28. If the pain persists, consult a doctor.

29. The doctor had to abort the baby.

30. The doctor told me to avoid bending and stretching.

More similar words: doctrine, actor, factor, sector, factory, director, inspector, collector, contractor, instructor, the private sector, dock, document, documentary, act out, act on, facto, story, motor, pastor, mentor, history, editor, restore, visitor, educator, operator, historic, storage, senator. 

Definition of Doctor

a person who uses medicine to treat people’s health issues

Examples of Doctor in a sentence

The doctor will see several sick patients at his clinic before lunchtime.


Because she wants to become a doctor when she grows up, the little girl always pretends to heal her sick baby dolls.


The doctor prescribed medication to help the patient get over a severe bout of the flu.




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  • Use the word Doctor in a sentences

Sentence Examples

doctor Mudd denied that he’d ever seen Booth.

doctor Mudd denied everything, until I showed him Booth’s boot in his own home.

doctor, when he looked at me and denied me as an enemy, I felt that too.

I’m the doctor at Watchaprague.

doctor, I suggest you closely observe Captain Picard’s life signs, while at each stage Chief O’Brien monitors my positronic-matrix activity.

doctor, I suggest you closely observe Captain Picard’s life signs while, at each stage Chief O’Brien monitors my positronic matrix activity.

Success doctor, next is AIRD approval, right?

I’m the sonographer, not the doctor.

[doctor] The Xybenetrin will help with depression.

This doctor Gnot has the whole town driven crazy with his silly little radio show.

Didn’t you hear it from the doctor

How long did the doctor say I have to live?

Here’s the doctor, he has AIDS ÔÇô Here’s my daughter she has A wonderful disposition!

The doctor said she still had two months more

Well, uh, you, you should probably see the doctor.

You’re unemployed, you’ve never made it to any of the doctor‘s appointments, you’re never around!

I’m going to send over the doctor, so just stay home and don’t go anywhere.

A doctor and a warrior, quite a catch.

Yeah, I’m pissing blood because of that crazy-ass doctor punching me for no reason.

Griff, I don’t care whether you’re a doctor or not.


An evil doctor shouldn’t speak aloud about his feelings

I’ve been a frickin’ evil doctor for thirty frickin’ years, OK?

The project was the brain child of the late Walter Pahnke, a Harvard theological scholar also qualified as a medical doctor.

For more than a year Professor Gesellius, the famous doctor had been in China, the homeland of opium, in order to study this mysterious poison

«Among our guests was a noted European doctor«

Richard Armstrong is the son of a doctor who has been missing in China for 17 years

In the «House of Joy» which he founded, the famous doctor now resides, himself a victim of opium’s loving care

«The doctor speaks of a hereditary disease.»

As a doctor I have to demand at least this time for your further treatment.»

Professor doctor EIGIL B├ûRNE, who, as is well known, has dedicated himself for months entirely to ophthalmology, and who is blessed by hundreds of healed persons, has recently…

Professor doctor EIGIL B├ûRNE, who, as is well known…

Distrusting Hamlet’s insanity, the King has a doctor check his mental condition.

By the time I arrive, it’s too late for a doctor.

The doctor says it’s pneumonia.

Don’t you trust any doctor at all? Some experienced psychiatrist in whom you could confide?

doctor, you were present … when I had that— accident at the card table…

I am very sorry, the doctor is out!

What a strange coincidence, doctor! I have just come from your house.

You have roused my curiosity, doctor

Forgive me just one more question, doctor:

Boss, the «Great Unknown» we are looking for Dr. Mabuse, doctor, gambler, criminal—!

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