Sentence with the word distance

Sentences with the word Distance?



  • «emotional distance«
  • «a tower conspicuous at a great distance«; «wore conspicuous neckties»; «made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening»
  • «a determinate distance«; «a determinate number»; «determinate variations in animals»
  • «a dim figure in the distance«; «only a faint recollection»; «shadowy figures in the gloom»; «saw a vague outline of a building through the fog»; «a few wispy memories of childhood»
  • «things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause»; «the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations»; «the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles»
  • «I could see it in the distance«
  • «if that happens it will be at some distance in the future»; «at a distance of ten years he had forgotten many of the details»
  • «the distance from New York to Chicago»; «he determined the length of the shortest line segment joining the two points»
  • «the distance from birth to death»; «it all happened in the space of 10 minutes»
  • «we have to distance ourselves from these events in order to continue living»
  • «an air-cooled motor was more effective than a witch’s broomstick for rapid long-distance transportation»-LewisMumford; «effective teaching methods»; «effective steps toward peace»; «made an effective entrance»; «his complaint proved to be effectual in bringing action»; «an efficacious law»
  • «Can you express this distance in kilometers?»
  • «the more remote the body the less the gravity»; «the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them»; «gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love»—Albert Einstein
  • «a long road»; «a long distance«; «contained many long words»; «ten miles long»
  • «I talked to her by long distance«
  • «the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers»; «men first stepped on the moon in 1969»
  • «it was not dull grey as distance had suggested, but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green»
  • «it’s a right smart distance«
  • «nine is the second power of three»; «gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance«
  • «a visible object»; «visible stars»; «mountains visible in the distance«; «a visible change of expression»; «visible files»
  • «we talked for some time»; «he was still some distance away»
  • «distance was marked by standards every mile»; «lamps supported on standards provided illumination»
  • «Keep your hands off my wife!»; «Keep your distance from this man—he is dangerous»
  • «the shortest distance between two points is a straight line»
  • «a unitary method was applied»; «established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations»
  • «walking distance«; «the factory with the big parking lot…is more convenient than the walk-to factory»
  • «work equals force times distance«

расстояние, дистанция, дальность, даль, отдалять, обойти, владеть перспективой


- расстояние

- большое расстояние; отдалённость, отдаление; даль

- спорт. дистанция

long [medium, short] distance — длинная [средняя, короткая] дистанция
distance advantage — преимущество в дистанции
to hit the distance — пробежать дистанцию
to run the distance at record time — пройти /пробежать/ дистанцию в рекордное время

- спец. глубина

penetration distance — глубина проникновения (излучения)

- ав. пробег

take-off distance — взлётная дистанция (с воздушным участком)
stopping distance — тормозная дистанция, тормозной путь

- дистанция огромного размера; несходство, различие

mental distance — несходство интеллектов
the distance between the culture of two countries — различие в культурах двух стран

- степень отдалённости кровного родства
- сдержанность, холодность; почтительное расстояние

to keep one’s distance — а) знать своё место; держаться на почтительном расстоянии; б) не допускать фамильярности; быть сдержанным (с кем-л.)
to keep smb. at a distance — держать кого-л. на почтительном расстоянии; указать кому-л. его место

- промежуток, отрезок, период

distance of time — период времени
the distance between two events — промежуток времени между двумя событиями
at this distance of time — по прошествии этого времени
over a distance of 40 years — на протяжении 40 лет

- перспектива (в живописи)

middle distance — средний план

- предфинишная черта (скачки)
- дистанция (фехтование)

closed distance — закрытая дистанция
fencing /striking/ distance — боевая дистанция

- воен. дистанция; интервал
- тех. зазор (тж. separation distance)

to go /to last, to stay/ the distance — держаться до конца


- помещать на (определённом) расстоянии
- оставлять далеко позади

to distance one’s rivals [pursuers] — оставить далеко позади своих соперников [преследователей]

- владеть перспективой (о художнике)

Мои примеры


the distance from birth to death — расстояние от рождения до смерти  
a dim figure in the distance — тусклый силуэт где-то вдали  
long-distance bus — автобус дальнего следования  
long-distance / trunk call — междугородный телефонный вызов  
to follow smb. at a discreet distance — следовать за кем-л. на безопасном расстоянии  
good / great / long distance — большое расстояние  
safe distance — безопасная дистанция  
short distance — небольшое расстояние  
shouting distance — предел слышимости  
out of distance / beyond distance — вне досягаемости  
within listening distance — в пределах слышимости  
to cover a distance — покрывать дистанцию  

Примеры с переводом

We followed them at a distance.

Мы последовали за ними на расстоянии.

I see an object in the distance.

Я вижу вдали какой-то предмет.

We drove a long distance.

Мы проехали большое расстояние.

I heard thunder grumbling in the distance.

Я слышал, как вдалеке грохочет гром.

The distance covered was close on twenty miles.

Пройденное расстояние равнялось почти двадцати милям.

You can just make out the farm in the distance.

Вдали можно разглядеть ферму.

Our oxen scented the water at a distance.

Наш скот издали почуял воду.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I could see it in the distance

Bells jingled in the distance.

Guns thundered in the distance.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: distance
he/she/it: distances
ing ф. (present participle): distancing
2-я ф. (past tense): distanced
3-я ф. (past participle): distanced

ед. ч.(singular): distance
мн. ч.(plural): distances

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

And he was shot under the left eye, and fell down dead without finishing the word «distance«.

Его подстрелили под левый глаз, не успел он закончить слово «расстояние«.

But the paragraphs above inform us that the word «distance» in the last sentence must be carefully interpreted, since it can have two different meanings, only one of which conforms to our traditional notion.

Однако, как говорилось выше, слово «расстояния» в предыдущем предложении должно быть аккуратно определено, так как у этого слова два различных значения, и только одно из них соответствует нашему традиционному пониманию.

Другие результаты

As in many academic pursuits that are still in a state of development, there have been debates not only about the definition, but also about the words distance and learning themselves.

Как и во многих академических занятиях, которые все еще находятся в стадии разработки, были споры не только об определении, но также и о словах «дистанция» и само обучение.

The word originally meant the distance a person could walk in an hour.

They took the words in each sentence and scrambled them so that related words had random distances between them.

Они выбрали слова в каждом предложении и перемешали их так, чтобы каждые близкие по смыслу слова имели произвольные расстояния между собой.

If the toddler is not on his hands, it is also very important, accompanying the words by actions to distance themselves.

Now, a word about distance.

Key words: distance form of learning, educational process, professionalism, informational technologies, educational tools, factors.

Ключевые слова: дистанционная форма обучения, образовательный процесс, профессионализм, информационные технологии, учебные средства, факторы.

More progressed Alzheimer’s patients confuse what day it is and where they are, and find words and distances difficult to discern.

Пациенты с прогрессирующей болезнью Альцгеймера путают дни недели, им трудно понять, где они находятся, а также различать слова и расстояния.

In other words, the distance from the poles is half the distance across the equator.

In other words, the distance of these stars is immeasurably great.

The Synagogue’s entrance hall is acoustically unique — one can hear whispered words at a distance of more than ten meters.

Вестибюль синагоги обладает уникальной акустикой — слова, произнесенные шёпотом, можно услышать на расстоянии более 10 метров.

Between words and deds — distance is huge…

In other words, the distance to the nearest stars is 3 billion times the diameter of Earth.

Иными словами, расстояние до ближайшей звезды равно примерно З миллиардам диаметров Земли.

In human affairs, in other words, the distance between the leaders and the average is a constant.

В сфере человеческих отношений дистанция между лидерами и середняками есть величина постоянная.

In other words, the distance from the poles is half the distance across the equator.

The distance between words and lines According to the American graphologist Dorothy Sarah, a dense arrangement of words suggests a man of thrift.

Расстояние между словами и строками По мнению американского графолога Дороти Сары, плотное расположение слов свидетельствует о бережливости человека.

In other words, the great distances within the atom can shed light on the possible emptiness of the universe.

Иными словами, огромные расстояния внутри атома могут пролить свет на вопрос о возможной пустоте Вселенной.

Never let distance or words come between you.

In other words, they quickly distance themselves from vertical barbarism.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 122630. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 803 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples of how to use the word “distance” in a sentence. How to connect “distance” with other words to make correct English sentences.

distance (n): the amount of space between two places

Use “distance” in a sentence

Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.
That was a considerable distance.
We can see the island in the distance.
Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?
It’s just a short distance from here.
You can see the tower in the distance.

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How to use distance in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «distance» and check conjugation/comparative form for «distance«. Mastering all the usages of «distance» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«We didn’t add distance just to add distance,» Davis said.
Virtual Distance is a registered trademark of Virtual Distance International.
He needs distance from the behavior and personal foibles — polite distance.
For humans, that distance is 275,000 times the Earth-sun distance.
All we have to slow the spread is distance, social distance.
Specifically, the distance between your clitoris and vagina (C-V distance), or the distance between your clitoris and your urethral meatus, or urethral opening (CUMD).
But distance between photographer and subject translates to distance between viewer and subject.
It’s difficult to measure distance and to match that distance to your ability.
It destroys the physical sense of covering the distance, or devouring the distance.
Not blind to the distance we have traveled and the distance yet to go.
This might just be the long-distance relationship to end all long-distance relationships.
This determination involves two factors: distance from the engines and distance from the lavatories.
Prison has always been the distance between the world and me, but that distance didn’t matter until I realized it also became the distance between me and my sons.
And when you’re talking distance do you mean the literal physical distance, or the feeling?
The distance, and the time he takes to cover that distance, are themselves unusual enough.
A distance of 26,000 miles is about one-tenth the distance between Earth and the moon.
The distance down hardly seemed a distance at all, though the change of perspective was peculiar.
The distance between TRAPPIST-1 and the nearest planet is just 1.1 percent the distance between Earth and the Sun; the second closest planet is 1.5 percent the Earth–Sun distance.
Tesla says that distance will cover «annual long-distance driving needs» of a majority of Tesla owners.
«They say we need to move a reasonable distance without saying what that distance is,» says Trower.
And then they stop at a distance they consider safe — but it is never the same distance.
Select «Activity,» and you can track cycling distance, exercise minutes, flights climbed, wheelchair distance, and many others.
Find the distance between two placesAdd the Distance Between skill to your Echo, then try «Alexa, ask Distance Between» followed by your two places of choice and the mode of transportation you’re using.
By increasing the distance from the hinge (this distance is called the torque arm), you increase the torque.
Compare that to Earth’s average distance of 93 million miles, or Mercury’s average distance of 36 million miles.
That protocol calls for a minimum vertical distance of 1,000 feet and a horizontal distance of 1,500 feet.
The distance between them is 47,780 miles, or one-fifth the distance between the Earth and the moon.
Using this, he determined the distance from other planets to the Sun in terms of the Earth’s distance.
«I asked them what their favorite event is, and I kept getting distance freestyle, distance freestyle,» she said.
But are you surprised that Ledecky is pretty much guaranteed to sweep the mid-distance and distance events?
Like this: With the known distance from the Earth to the Sun (yes, we need that distance still) and the angular shift of a star then we can calculate the distance to the star.
«They originally formed at a distance from the Sun of one-third to three times Earth’s distance,» Bose said.
About Critical Distance: This is a digest of criticism from around the web, curated and archived by Critical Distance.
The distance between the neckline and the top of the head is measured, and this distance is projected downwards.
The distance at which the planets orbit Trappist-1 is comparable to the distance of Jupiter to its moons.
As the distance between Oumuamua and the sun increases, the unanticipated acceleration decreases as the square of that distance.
That algorithm takes into account a worker’s distance from a restaurant, the delivery distance, the order cost, and more.
That means the distance for the gravitational force will not be the same distance as for the centripetal acceleration.
«I now feel like it’s good to have a distance from those hip places, but a very short distance
We don’t take it seriously, but long distance friendship is as hard and as beautiful as a long distance relationship.
If I call this distance «x,» then I can use the following kinematic equation: Now I just need the distance.
But nostalgia also requires some distance from what one is nostalgic for, a distance that isn’t always afforded to us.
Pyramids are a running-workout structure that starts with the shortest distance and increases in set increments until you hit the longest distance; then, you decrease in the same increments until you’re back at the starting distance.
They decided to see if they could invent a way to measure distance on LQG surfaces and then show that this new distance measurement was the same as the distance measurement that came packaged with the Brownian map.
The results suggested that the distance for content to appear «real» is very different from another more commonly discussed distance—the distance at which the pixels on a TV can no longer be viewed by the naked eye.
The sensor can see up to a distance of 15 meters, so you could control your speaker from a distance, too.
The app gives riders all kinds of metrics such as speed, distance, remaining battery level, motor assist level and distance traveled.
In many of those stories characters try to keep the world at an aesthetic distance, only to find that distance collapse.
Acer is also including a built-in interpupillary distance (IPD) wheel to adjust the distance between the display and people’s eyes.
Designed for Android and iOS smartphones, enjoy a sharp, customizable viewing experience with the adjustable pupil distance and sight distance controls.
When asked how they handle their long distance relationship, Raisman, 22, and Underwood, 24, told reporters that distance isn’t an issue.
Aside from adjusting the pupillary distance (the distance between your two eyes), eSight 3 glasses are pretty much plug-and-play.
The ability to close and create distance quickly is an enormous advantage in a professional fight because distance kills every technique.
Kipchoge is a 34-year-old long-distance runner from Kenya who set the world record for the fastest marathon distance.
Long distance touch lamps Let your loved one know you’re thinking about them in real time with long distance touch lamps.
Outcomes in these cases, with many others, will provide some measures of the distance traveled and the distance yet to go.
We’ve had such a lull in the depth of our distance swimmers and good distance swimmers, until this year with Katie.
To complicate matters, his father is a preacher, and Miles’s distance from the church is also a distance from their relationship.
If you want to calculate the distance to an object, you can find it with the size of the angular shift and the distance between the two viewing points with the following equation (assuming the distance to the object is much greater than the distance between observations): Oh, you need that angle measured in radians (not degrees).
On the other hand, it’s passing by at a safe distance, roughly 18 times the distance between the Earth and the moon.
I’ve taken my runs to the half-marathon distance, participated in many long-distance cycling events, and now compete in triathlon races.
SOLO 24-HOUR DISTANCE RECORD However, he beat the record for the longest distance — 536.8 nautical miles — covered solo in 24 hours.
At its farthest, 2015 RR245 reaches a distance of 120 aus, or about three times the distance from Pluto to the Sun.
With no ranged units to keep my skirmishers at a distance, my slingers and javelinmen had closed to a lethally effective distance.
After coronavirus, more college students will sign up for distance learning, and colleges and universities will expand their distance program offerings. 4.
Our sources connected to Kourt said the breakup was more about distance between them, since they’d always had a long-distance relationship.
It has increased the distance between Iran and a bomb even as it has reduced the distance between Iran and the world.
My life was completely alien to theirs — the distance that separated us was greater than the distance that separated Canada from Pakistan.
Amtrak canceled all service to and from Chicago on Wednesday due to weather, including short-distance trains and long-distance overnight trains.
Because we also know that light propagates at a constant speed, this means that a light ray that started out at a very early time has traveled a particular distance by today (called the «horizon distance» or the «Hubble distance«).
Horiguchi is one of the best examples of long distance karate in MMA and that style is always built on two ideas: drawing the opponent into overreaching through the exaggerated distance, or bursting in through that distance with alarming speed.
He excelled at many sports as a teenager and at 19 began working with the prominent middle-distance and long-distance trainer Arthur Lydiard, a New Zealand coach who emphasized slow but grueling long-distance training runs to build stamina.
Both bikes connect to an app that provides riding metrics such as speed, distance, remaining battery level, motor assist level, and distance traveled.
During an equinox, the sun is at the closest distance to the equator, while during a solstice it is the furthest distance away.
For distance, the Move slightly overestimated my run at 270 miles, while the Apple Watch delivered a more accurate distance of 270 miles.
ET at a distance of 230,22 miles away and the latter at a distance of 20,24,43 miles early this morning at 24 a.m.
In other words, 203 LF6’s aphelion (farthest distance from the Sun) is still shorter than Earth’s perihelion (closest distance to the Sun).
The stopping distance doesn’t necessarily make the car unsafe — it has about the same stopping distance as a heavy-duty truck, Fisher said.
That’s why Einstein called it spooky action at a distance, because it’s spooky and the particles somehow seem to communicate over a distance.
Since the stopping distance is proportional to the starting velocity squared, doubling the speed would increase the distance by a factor of 4.
Will you do anything for Katie to welcome her into your elite club of sweeping mid-distance and distance events at the Olympics?
The cool thing about a trampoline is that the springs stretch a distance that is different than the distance the trampoline moves down.
Samsung, for example, recommends that you buy a TV that has a diagonal viewing distance of half of your viewing distance in inches.
«That distance of not knowing someone got translated into a kind of distance that happens over many years in a relationship,» Hogg said.
It would stop or slow long distance communication, which is much more common on the internet than long distance travel is on roads.
The Earth’s average distance is 1 astronomical unit (AU), while Venus’ is around 0.72 AU. If you subtract one from the other, you calculate the average distance from Earth to Venus as 0.28 AU, the smallest distance for any pair of planets.
Many are already keeping their distance — either by avoiding outright endorsements or making concerted efforts to distance themselves or outright criticize the presumptive nominee.
The team settled on a distance of 2 kilometers away, but Metzger says the number is arbitrary — there really is no minimum safe distance.
In mixed martial arts, the large distance McGregor maintains, and the kicks he pounds in from that distance, encourages opponents to close the range.
These angular sizes depend on the size of the moon, the size of the sun, the moon-Earth distance and the sun-Earth distance.
And not knowing why we’re suddenly not quite as tight can often make it harder to close the gap between us: distance begets distance.
Social distance is still required Even with the order, California residents who take part in essential activities will have to maintain a social distance.
It’s not just about distance Though it’s important to distance ourselves from others right now, you can relax a little in your own home.
Its mean distance from the Sun is about 80 astronomical units (AU), where 1 AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.
NATO can barely transport any tanks weapons or personnel, any length of distance, any great distance, we have to do it almost all for them.
The word «parallax» relates to distance, the way in which we can measure the distance that separates our own planet from its closest celestial neighbors.
Embracing cultural distance, cultural distance nationalism, means in effect taking the position that our country will be better off with more whites and fewer nonwhites.
Kroton’s CEO said the company is «ready to offer» new distance learnings systems as the use of distance learning is under discussion by Education Ministry.
Long Distance Touch Lamp, available at Uncommon Goods, from $85These sentimental long-distance lamps are perfect for grandkids that live far away from their grandparents.
The new long-distance carrier is a totally different proposition from Jetstar Japan, which «is purely short-distance,» JAL’s new President Yuji Akasaka told reporters.
The debate moderators sat a far distance away from the candidates, who themselves were separated by more distance than they have been in the past.
It takes Earth one year to orbit the sun, and it has an orbital distance of 22 AU (astronomical unit—distance from Earth to sun).
«It’s crazy, I’ve actually always wanted to be a sprinter, but I swam distance in high school, distance my first year in college,» said Ress.
The distance from Yucatan to Tijuana is further than the distance from Barcelona to Berlin, but people in both Yucatan and Tijuana manage to feel Mexican.
Grizzly Bear 963 (GBR-3) — which he had helped develop through many iterations over many years — is long-distance, where Velodyne is «medium-distance,» he said.
People with monovision corrected vision have one eye that is focused at a fixed near distance and another eye that is focused at fixed far distance.
If you immediately obsessed over the long distance touch lamps we wrote about, brace yourself: Another connected long distance gadget is here, and it’s seriously heartwarming.
«I’ve been in long distance relationships before, and it matters your investment in the relationship and it doesn’t matter the distance between the relationships,» Crawley says.
Kara Goucher, an Olympic long-distance runner and Nike Oregon Project whistleblower, voiced her support for middle-distance runner Mary Cain in an interview with Insider.
But all the time, there remains a certain precise and minimal distance between them, and that distance is all wound up in the French word vous.
He made a choice to distance himself from the Democratic Party establishment, and he’s developed a theory of politics that requires him to retain that distance.
In May 2018, S0-2 zoomed past the supermassive black hole at a distance of only about 130 times the Earth&aposs distance from the sun.
American middle distance runner Alysia Montano and British distance runner Jo Pavey both said earlier this month that Nike had stopped their sponsorship payments while pregnant.
Alexander Bell 1st Long Distance Membrane ReceiverPhoto: Bruneau & Co. AuctioneersThis item is described as, «an early example of the first long distance double pole receiver,» so I wouldn’t go assuming that this is the actual receiver used in the first phone call over a long distance.
Rounds will smash through advanced adversary body armor even at a distance, allowing soldiers to accurately shoot while maintaining a safe distance from the threat whenever possible.
Last week New Horizons broke the record for long-distance deep space photography; this week, the Opportunity Rover broke the record for long-distance deep space roving.
Part of the proceeds will be used by Uniasselvi, which offers distance learning courses, to expand its business through acquisitions and to open new distance learning centers.
If the issue is distance, these point karate style bursts—sacrificing stance and base to rapidly cover more distance—are a means of brute-forcing the issue.
Now assume that we are 603 m (~6.5 ft) tall and floating outside the black holes at a distance equal to the Earth’s distance to the Sun.
The team calculated how much bigger the nose would appear in a photo taken at selfie distance 12 inches away, or regular portrait distance five feet away.
That distance puts it a tenth of the distance between Earth and the Moon, and just above the upper orbital planes of our most distant artificial satellites.
Narkun had never gone the distance before that bout, he hasn’t gone the distance since, and he obviously slowed down in the later second and third rounds.
The ideal TV screen size is 7.5 times your viewing distance — that is, the distance between the screen and the place you’ll be sitting while you watch.
A diagram of the Voyager 2 mission to date, with distance shown in AU, in which 1 AU is the average distance between Earth and the Sun.
In October of that year she returned once more, this time considerably shortening the distance of their long-distance relationship by moving into Mr. Olidort’s Manhattan apartment.
Her twins attend a school within walking distance of the shelter, and her oldest child attends a sought-after charter school within close distance by public transportation.
«At 5 feet, the distance between your nose and the camera and the distance between your facial plane and the camera is almost the same,» Paskhover said.
It is a film that gets inside its protagonist’s head in order to distance him from those around him, and to convey that distance to the viewer.
Not only does this cover more distance and increase the chances of cracking an opponent while he retreats, it also plays with the opponents sense of distance.
There’s no ironic distance between him and the character — and, maybe even more importantly, given how thin the character is, there’s no distance between Reeves and the concept.
Bouncing infrared light off objects can tell you the exact distance of the car in front of you, but also the distance to the bumper, windshield and roof.
Chances are you learned about Hooke’s Law in science class: the force needed to extend or compress a spring by a given distance is proportional to that distance.
«As the distance to the nearest facility increases, at some point that distance just becomes too far, especially for a low-income woman,» Dr. Grossman, of UCSF, says.
King, we have come a distance, we have made some progress, but we still have a great distance to go before we lay down the burden of racism.
But Mattis seeks distance: Even as Mattis announced which bases are going to be used, he sought to distance the military from the controversy over Trump’s immigration policies.
Kipchoge used the sneakers on short distance runs as well as those as long as 40K (just under the distance of a full marathon) to test their durability.
If you’ve ever run a race with a GPS watch, you know that the distance on your watch is rarely an exact match for the advertised course distance.
Tinder recommending to ‘maintain social distance in public gatherings’ to avoid coronavirus feels quite ironic given the nature of the app is to not maintain social distance pic.twitter.
A one-way flight from Shanghai to Harbin, which is a distance of 994 miles (a little more than the distance from Chicago to New Orleans), costs $9.80.
The adjustable focus technology also allows you to adjust the clarity of your VR vision and the distance control allows you to adjust your focal distance as well.
She has several years of long distance skateboarding under her belt throughout New England and Southern California, as well as professional Long Distance Pushing races along both coasts.
Pure electric vehicles are more suitable for urban and short-distance passenger travel, while hydrogen fuel cells are more suitable for long-distance and large commercial vehicles, Huang said.
This is how the smart glasses work: a distance sensor in the bridge of the glasses uses infrared light to calculate the distance between the glasses and an object.
The two twirling stars orbit the third star at a distance of 300 astronomical units (1 astronomical unit is equal to the distance between the Earth and the sun).
They sound so cool that you could use them in a space movie but use it as a time and not a distance (since it sounds like a distance).
The gap in experience at distance was obvious throughout the fight as Hendricks could not close the distance when he wanted to, but Thompson could do so almost effortlessly.
We know that there is no «edge» to the universe out to the distance of the microwave background origin, which is almost the entire Hubble distance away from us.
As far as I’m concerned, portrait photography is about the distance we decide to cover to connect with one another, and the distance we decide to leave in between.
Tesla improved the car’s braking distance by about 20 feet through a remote software update, placing the car within the typical stopping distance for its class, the group said.
For all the talk about how to keep the flames burning during long-distance relationships, there’s not nearly as much out there on how to maintain long-distance friendships.
«She added: «We have implemented proactive measures to protect employees including increased cleaning at all facilities, maintaining social distance, and adding distance between drivers and customers when making deliveries.
The Distance Home , by Paula Saunders (Random House) .
Being five metres from a stonefish is a banality (treading on one—where distance = 0 m —is not) but it’s a fabulously trivial distance to be from a black rhino.
The sum was calculated by averaging the cost of shipping one’s belongings over a distance of 155 miles, the average distance traveled by professionals relocating for work according to Movinga.
The average distance a woman had to travel to get an abortion in 2014 was 11 miles, but in more remote rural areas that distance can be a lot longer.
In the trade of goods, distance matters; «gravity models» of trade, which reckon that trade intensity is negatively associated with distance, do a surprisingly good job explaining actual trade patterns.
Long-distance touch lamps If you and your mum are separated by a lot of miles, let her know you’re with her in spirit with these long distance touch lamps.
«I wear long sleeves in the hot sun and sometimes I’ll park a longer distance from a house so I can jog a longer distance,» Jackie said of the workout.
From there, it’ll be off to Bennu, which orbits the Sun at a distance of 1.6 and 0.8 astronomical units (1 AU is the distance between Earth and the Sun).
Chinzo uses distance as a buffer in the same way as Lyoto—he fights at an exaggerated range and retreats from most of his opponent’s attempts to close the distance.
And when top notch point fighters meet opponents who don’t know how to close the distance or create distance half as effectively as they do, they have a field day.
» Her husband agreed: «We met long distance and here we are three-and-a-half years later and married and still long distance, and in still two same separate houses.
The report said less than two-thirds of the city’s population lives within walking distance of a subway station, not that two-thirds of New Yorkers live beyond walking distance.
The report said less than two-thirds of the population live within walking distance of a stop, not two-thirds of the population live beyond walking distance of the subway.
But where Kelley asserted a critical distance between himself and his subjects, Pylypchuk collapses that distance by mining his own experience and emotions to produce a palpable sense of pathos.
To minimize perspective distortion between several objects in a frame, the distance to the phone should be much larger than the difference in distance between the nearest and farthest objects.
«We have implemented proactive measures to protect employees including increased cleaning at all facilities, maintaining social distance, and adding distance between drivers and customers when making deliveries,» the spokesperson said.
You can see that difference below in the photo taken at selfie distance (12 inches) on the left versus regular portrait distance (60 inches) on the right: The reason for the distortion is pretty simple: It’s all about perspective — and how what we see changes depending on our distance from an object.
Entanglement, what Einstein called «spooky action at a distance,» describes things that are separated far in distance yet seem to be inseparable mathematically—measuring one seems to immediately impact the other.
Other changes include a new Inter-Pupillary Distance (IPD) wheel to adjust the distance between the lenses to better match your eyes, and an anti-fog material for the face padding.
These measurements help with calculating the Hubble constant, the expansion rate of the universe over time, as well as strengthening the cosmic distance ladder, which can determine distance in the universe.
The Alice for example holds just nine passengers and two crew members and its maximum flight distance is 650 miles on a single charge, roughly the distance between Paris and Barcelona.
The actual location of Columbus, OhioScreenshot: Google MapsThe distance from Cleveland to Columbus is over 140 miles, but that’s a greater distance than some other major cities with their own airports.
Long Distance Touch Lamps — $150 See Details Speaking of mushy and heartwarming things, another long-distance gift that will cheer mom up on the daily is the Lovebox Spinning Heart Messenger.
If you decide to use it as a tripod, you can even snap some super-long-distance selfies, because it comes with a Bluetooth remote to trigger shots from a distance.
Que Mai has said that she chose to write «The Mountains Sing» in English to gain the distance a second language provides — a distance necessary to approach a disturbing history calmly.
Acer says the StarVR One headset «automatically measures interpupillary distance» (that’s the distance between the center of a person’s two pupils) in order to always deliver image quality that’s in focus.
Their TRGB distance ladder yields a Hubble value of 69.6, well below the measurements using cepheids, quasars and masers and within shouting distance of the prediction from the early-universe data.
A Shenzhen Airlines flight from Chongqing to Shenzhen, which is a distance of 621 miles (about the distance from Cincinnati to New York City), costs $14 and is usually about $276.
Going the Distance Going the Distance: Your friend sounds like an introvert — or she might have some social anxiety — which would account for some behavior which you interpret as being flaky.
«The economic effects are broadening from activities that lack social distance — travel, theaters, etc — to those that lack social distance in production — a much vaster swath of the economy,» Feroli wrote.
Inside them laser beams monitor the distance between two mirrors 2.5 miles apart, looking for a gravitational wave that will squeeze that distance by less than the diameter of a proton.
» Tiny responds, «I love you, too — from a distance.
» MM: «I kept my distance from all of them.
» American businessman, Mark Cuban tweeted «Sniffle distance is important.
He thrills to violence — at least from a distance.
» This is a long distance from Judge Gorton’s «meritocracy.
Hey, those long distance charges can be a bitch …
By pushing the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope to its limits astronomers have shattered the cosmic distance record by measuring the distance to the most remote galaxy ever seen in the Universe.
Here’s the finish at any rate, it was the usual distance fighting stuff—waiting for Cyborg to close the distance, giving ground a few times, and then intercepting with the jumping knee.
The first mile is often understood as the distance between a transportation hub and someone’s starting point while the last mile is the distance between a transportation hub and someone’s final destination.
A shorter distance means information on the processor itself has less distance to travel and requires less energy to do so, which in theory, translates to improvements in speed and power efficiency.
Since nothing propagates faster than the speed of light, the Hubble distance is the furthest distance we can ever observe in principle (unless we discover some way around the theory of relativity!).
NASA say that on October 14, it safely passed our home world at a distance of about 15 million miles (24 million kilometers) — that’s about 60 times the distance to the moon.
So when you press the button and your time comes up, we will equate that time to some distance around the earth, to some distance inside of IEX as an internal process.
Congress was already at some considerable distance from Trump before this meeting, but I think with an election coming up, they are going to be forced to be at a greater distance.
What’s important is that there’s a mother who has a rescue distance with her daughter, and she can’t take care of the rescue distance, because she doesn’t know where the evil is.
Long Distance Friendship Picture Frame, available on Etsy, $22.95When your bridesmaid lives hundreds or maybe even thousands of miles away, this gift can be a nice reminder that friendship knows no distance.
The idea is that by weaving back and forth you increase your total distance traveled, but you might be able to stop in a shorter distance along the road (assuming it’s straight).
Think of it this way: the distance from Grand Bahama (the northernmost island) to Great Inagua (the southernmost island) is about the same distance that San Francisco, California, is from San Diego.
Every Thompson fight is decided by distance: he controls the distance, keeps it how he wants it for a little while, assesses his opponents’ aggression and leads or counters based on that.
By using the average distance between Earth and other elliptically orbiting planets, we show how the distance traveled by Voyager 2 compares to the proximity of other objects in our solar system.
And she shows that when the distance between the House and the Senate grows, it can be more important than the distance between the president and Congress for predicting levels of gridlock.
Then the other thing is the distance from here to here [Reilly indicates the width of the hat’s brim] and the distance from here to here [Reilly indicates the width of his face].
Distance great Farah, who moved to Portland, Oregon in 2011 to work with distance guru Salazar, said the decision had nothing to do with doping allegations surrounding the coach, which have been denied.
Just rotate the cruise control lever on the left side of the wheel to choose a setting from 1-7, 1 being the closest following distance and 7 being the longest following distance.
Read These Stories Next:22 Steamy Sex Hacks For People In Long-Distance Relationships How To Maintain Long-Distance Relationships How To Clean Your Sex Toys — Because, Yes, You Have To Do That
The hard part was getting through the weeks after my boyfriend arrived, feeling the distance deepening between us and talking about that distance but never the other man I’d spent the night with.
The distance between LHS1140b and its host star is about 8 percent of the distance between Earth and the Sun, but the amount of high-energy radiation it receives is still relatively low.
This data strongly suggests that a terrestrial planet is orbiting every 11.2 days, at a distance of 7.5 million kilometres (4.7 million miles), about five percent of the Earth’s distance from the Sun.
Reddy and his colleagues observed the tiny object as it brushed by Earth at a distance of only 20133,000 kilometers (79,500 miles), about a third of the distance from Earth to the Moon.
Beta Pictoris b is currently the closest extrasolar planet to its star ever photographed, with its distance from its own sun being roughly the same as the distance between Saturn and our sun.
The moon is only 14 miles in diameter (around the width of Washington D.C.), and the images were taken from a distance of around 3,500 miles, the distance from New York to London.
According to a 2005 study, up to 75% of college students have been in a long-distance relationship at some point, and 35% are in a long-distance relationship at any one time.
Applying Virtual Distance International’s analytical index to quantify and pinpoint the severity of the problem, the data revealed that virtual distance was the root cause of multimillion-dollar losses and other competitive disadvantages.
There are fighters for whom distance is something to be overcome in order to throw more hands, but for Thompson the fight starts and ends with distance with some strikes landed in between.
I was on this country road, nobody within a distance.
Minutes later, there was another shooting a short distance away.
Mateen unloaded his rifle from a distance until she collapsed.
But despite the distance, the brothers insist they remain close.
Less likely, due to its vast distance from coastal nurseries.
This distance is too far to have the same effects.
They are actually very clear and cover a good distance.
In the distance, the Obamas’ helicopter took to the air.
But doubling the distance didn’t stop him from riding again.
Are you a student within striking distance of Berkeley, California?
Distance in space is replaced by an interval of time.
I already said that the starting distance was 2 meters.
«They want to distance themselves from white supremacy,» he said.
The anonymity and distance helped Philip Morris approach delegates covertly.
Some Democrats have appeared to distance themselves from Waters remarks.
Until then, most brands will keep a safe distance away.
We can only see our hands [at a] short distance.
This gives the intended American audience the comfort of distance.
We didn’t know Ocean Beach was walking distance from Bebo’s.
To his left, a gilded lion stares into the distance.
But what if the distance is longer than 100 meters?
As an artist I’m seeing things from a certain distance.
In the distance a funnel stretches from sky to ground.
That, plus the travel distance, keeps her from seeking help.
Wilmovsky won the world championship at this distance in 2015.
Sometimes a lonely firework would light up in the distance.
«»We can only see our hands (at a) short distance.
Trump instead resumed his attack on Green from a distance.
Sean Hannity’s been reluctant to distance himself from Roy Moore.
«Growing ideological distance is not confined to partisanship,» they conclude.
Distance can’t get Dove Cameron and boyfriend Thomas Doherty down.
From a distance, the aluminum finish is unmistakably a MacBook.
Everyone involved has attempted to distance themselves from the work.
And so the distance between Massi and the audience collapses.
But I had every intention of maintaining a reporter’s distance.
That is less than the distance between the two airports.
They continued a long distance relationship when she returned home.
In the distance, he saw smoke rising from lower Manhattan.
It even has a longer draw distance for agility orbs.
Bourdain, staring off into the distance, was unable to answer.
That dreamy destination is barely a speck in the distance.
They’re designed to circle the shark at a fixed distance.
To my right, illuminated in the distance, loomed modern skyscrapers.
Far in the distance, the silhouette of the mountains looms.
Some people describe Hell as distance from God, from love.
John McCain did his best to distance himself from Bush.
Distance is no match for the chemistry between these two.
There’s also a slider for adjusting the distance between lenses.
In the distance, horizontal lightning began ripping through the sky.
I’d find it a lot harder to publicly distance myself.
Hawley has aimed to distance himself from former Missouri Gov.
We’ve been doing long distance for about a year now.
It’s within day trip driving distance of millions of people.
Steve Bullock (Montana) raised, and within shouting distance of Sen.
«The long distance is tough, but worth it,» she said.
A shout is heard in the distance, a woman’s name.
Two minutes to go, then something appears in the distance.
«I can’t do long distance,» Beer, 18, told PEOPLE recently.
That means its distance from Earth changes throughout its orbit.
The first sound was a snowmobile, somewhere in the distance.
But the feeling of distance from one’s own family remains.
But those images were all still taken from a distance.
In the faraway distance, is that Endor we can spot?
In the distance, U.S. immigration vehicles slowly patrol the border.
The sound of gunshots can be heard in the distance.
Everleigh, who still staring blankly into the middle distance, shrugs.
I wanted to keep moving and put distance between us.
Even PiS has kept its distance, fearing a poor turnout.
Probably not, but best keep your distance just in case … 
A car alarm went off in the distance, then another.
Aspiring Lifeguard: I see a nesting table in the distance.
But there is a big distance between possibly and likely.
What he’s seeing out there in the distance is unknowable.
Shares in both Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co (PLDT) (TEL.
The Hawks began to distance themselves in the second quarter.
Occator Crater at a distance of 920 miles (1,480 km).
Coordinating visits in a long distance relationship is never easy.
The quintessential mountains of southeastern Spain linger in the distance.
Its distance from Washington, DC, fuelled its ability to experiment.
But rather than seek distance from the «establishment» mantle, Mrs.
Bonds and stocks are still at a reasonably safe distance.
But we’ve also seen some people distance themselves from us.
The typical shooting distance for any given sport also matters.
They flinched as explosions could be heard in the distance.
Others will decide they are better off keeping their distance.
From a distance, DeepMind looks to have taken great strides.
It was the long distance that ultimately was the cause.
It continued a short distance before coming to a stop.
They are shooting 36 percent from distance (seventh in NBA).
Attached to transgender people, that smear travels a great distance.
Scientists can measure that distance down to a few millimeters.
He’s got a good understanding for how to control distance.
Farout, by comparison, orbits at three times Pluto’s orbital distance.
CNN has speculated that he’s trying to keep his distance.
Tracks metrics like distance, splits, cadence, pace, and stride length.
But as a therapist, she had to keep her distance.
At some distance, going faster will only hasten your fall.
It’s the same unit of distance, just with a prefix.
There is another distance unit that sounds like a time.
«I’m looking forward already to the next distance,» Kramer said.
The maximum distance they can travel is 50km before recharging.
Plumes of smoke rise, the explosions rumbling in the distance.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

It is certainly the most scientific method of steam-heating, and heat can be made to travel a greater distance by its aid than by any other means.

Though it was restored after the battle of Marathon, on a site at a little distance from its original position, it never regained its former eminence, but it was still the second city in the island.

Darian strode away towards the large jungle gym, out of hearing distance but close enough to watch and react.

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If at that distance you intercept this light with a sheet of white paper, you will see the colours converted into whiteness again by being mingled.

She felt his body heat from the short distance between them and recognized his scent from the sheets.

In reading this letter about Niagara one should remember that Miss Keller knows distance and shape, and that the size of Niagara is within her experience after she has explored it, crossed the bridge and gone down in the elevator.

The Laccadives and Maldives are groups of small coral islands, situated along the 73rd meridian, at no great distance from the Indian peninsula, on which they have a political dependency.

Expecting the enemy from behind and not in front, the French separated in their flight and spread out over a distance of twenty-four hours.

Above its estuarine port of Cameta, for which distance the river is navigable; but above that it is useless as a commercial avenue, except for laborious and very costly transportation.

The carved totem posts of the Haida, standing in front of the heavily framed houses, or at a little distance from them, represent the coats of arms of the respective families of the tribes and generally exhibit designs treated in a bold and original manner, highly conventionalized but always recognizable in their purport by any one familiar with the distinctive marks of the animal forms portrayed.

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