Sentence with the word disaster

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Human beings are worse for wildlife than nuclear disaster.

Люди более опасны для растений и животных, чем ядерная катастрофа.

It undoubtedly threatens life more than any war or disaster.

Это, несомненно, угрожает больше жизни, чем любая война или катастрофа.

Maybe that is another way to express the disaster of shipwrecked faith.

Возможно, это ещё один способ описать это бедствие: «кораблекрушение в вере».

The disaster unfortunately claimed six lives.

Но авария, тем не менее, унесла шесть жизней.

This usually spells disaster for any couple.

Как правило, это ситуации, граничащие с катастрофой для кого-то из пары.

If it erupts it could spell disaster for humanity.

В-третьих, если бы он пробудился, это могло бы обернуться катастрофой для человечества.

Everything possible must be done to avert a humanitarian disaster.

В общем, делается все возможное, чтобы не допустить гуманитарной катастрофы.

When those holding utopian ideologies come to power, they bring only disaster.

Когда те, кто придерживается утопических идеологий, приходят к власти, они несут лишь катастрофу.

If they prefer bad doctrines, nothing can prevent disaster.

Если они предпочитают плохие доктрины, ничто не в силах предотвратить катастрофу.

Otherwise they will continue to be shocked and dazed whenever an actual disaster occurs.

В противном случае они будут продолжать испытывать шок и удивление всякий раз, когда происходит настоящая катастрофа.

They simply could not see or believe impending disaster.

Они просто не могли видеть или полагать, что надвигающаяся катастрофа.

Also, by abandoning any misplaced notion that we can still avert disaster.

Кроме того, отказавшись от неуместного представления о том, что мы все еще можем предотвратить катастрофу.

This is usually only possible through a nuclear disaster.

Это, как правило, возможно только в результате ядерной катастрофы.

What happened in the transport agency is a disaster.

То, что произошло в агентстве по транспорту, — это катастрофа.

A markets reveals that a complete disaster has already begun.

Взгляд на кредитные рынки США показывает, что полная катастрофа уже началась.

Five plane passengers are unable to land after a mysterious disaster happened on the ground.

Описание: Пятеро пассажиров частного самолета не могут приземлиться из-за таинственной катастрофы, произошедшей на земле после их взлета.

Australia’s wildlife can’t battle this disaster alone.

Дикая природа Австралии не может бороться с этой катастрофой в одиночку.

There was also at least one unforeseeable factor-the Fukushima disaster.

Был также, по крайней мере, один непредвиденный фактор — катастрофа Фукусимы.

These efforts were intensified following the Fukushima disaster.

Эта тема стала еще более актуальной после катастрофы в Фукусиме.

You will lose every extra kilogram in the wrath of the disaster and fighting to survive after the disaster ends.

Вы потеряете каждый дополнительный килограмм в гневе бедствия и будете бороться за выживание после того, как бедствие закончится.

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How Effective is Disaster Relief?
Насколько эффективна помощь во время бедствий?

Chinese regulators just approved China’s first new reactors since the Fukushima disaster.
Китайские регулирующие органы недавно утвердили планы по созданию новых АЭС после аварии на Фукусиме.

Hartley’s violin was believed lost in the 1912 disaster, but auctioneers Henry Aldridge & Son say an instrument unearthed in 2006 and has undergone rigorous testing and proven to be Hartley’s.
Считалось, что скрипка Хартли была утеряна в результате крушения «Титаника» в 1912 году, однако представители аукционного дома Henry Aldridge & Son утверждают, что инструмент был найден в 2006 году. После тщательной проверки на подлинность эксперты подтвердили, что эта скрипка действительно принадлежала Хартли.

Haiti’s disaster of engineering
Инженерное бедствие Гаити

Should Americans be worried about a deepwater disaster in Cuban waters sullying Florida beaches?
Стоит ли американцам опасаться возможной аварии в кубинских водах, которая может привести к загрязнению пляжей Флориды?

If the plane disaster can be traced to Russia or the separatists, «It would open the gates for us assisting, finally, giving the Ukrainians some defensive weapons (and) sanctions that would be imposed as a result of that.
Если в крушении самолета окажутся хоть как-то замешаны Путин и сепаратисты: «Это позволит нам оказывать украинцам помощь, предоставив им оборонительные вооружения, а также наложить на Россию санкции.

Suppose Moray’s return brings disaster?
Предположим, возвращение Морей принесет бедствия?

Such policies could include operating policies, disaster recovery plans and user account management procedures.
Такие правила могут включать оперативные правила, планы восстановления после аварий и процедуры ведения счетов пользователей.

In particular, the public was more sensitized to the environmental dangers of oil transportation following the Torrey Canyon disaster off the coast of England on 18 March 1967 and subsequently an oil spill in 1969 off the coast of Santa Barbara, California.
В частности, после крушения судна » Торри кэньон » вблизи берегов Англии, которое произошло 18 марта 1967 года, и последующего разлива нефти в 1969 году у побережья Санта-Барбары, штат Калифорния, общественность стала более остро воспринимать опасности, связанные с перевозкой нефти.

A Global Strategy for Disaster Risk
Глобальная Стратегия для Предотвращения Стихийных Бедствий

The Section will also focus on risk avoidance, disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
Секция сосредоточит также внимание на предотвращении рисков, устранении последствий аварий и планировании непрерывного процесса работы.

The amount of oil pumped into the Persian Gulf by the Iraqis in 1991, probably to prevent an American Normandy-style landing, was over a million barrels and most likely close to 1.5 million tons – fifty times the amount released from the tanker «Prestige»‘ off the Spanish coast last fall and forty times as much oil as ravaged the coast of Alaska in the 1980’s, after the Exxon «Valdez» disaster.
Количество нефти, выброшенное Ираком в Персидский залив в 1991 для того, чтобы помешать Американцам высадиться в так называемом «нормандском» стиле превышало миллион баррелей. Это в 50 раз больше, чем количество нефти, вылившееся прошлой осенью из танкера «Престиж» вблизи Испанского берега, и в 40 раз больше чем выброс нефти около берега Аляски в 80-ые годы, после крушения танкера «Валдез», принадлежавшего компании Exxon.

A new mission for veterans — disaster relief
Новая миссия военных — помощь во время стихийных бедствий

The situation of children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster will be assessed and monitored.
Будет проводиться оценка и отслеживаться положение детей, пострадавших в результате аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС.

It was an unmitigated disaster that ended in hyperinflation.
Это было полным бедствием, которое завершилось гиперинфляцией.

Japan’s demand for natural gas has increased since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March of 2011.
После аварии на Фукусиме в марте 2011 года выросли потребности Японии в природном газе.

The argument for investing in disaster preparedness is simple.
Аргументация для вложения средств в подготовку к стихийным бедствиям проста.

These copies allow businesses to resume quickly after a disaster or a system outage, with or without user intervention.
Эти копии позволяют компаниям быстро восстанавливаться после аварии или остановов системы, при этом восстановление выполняется под руководством пользователя или автоматически.

Take any fire, any earthquake, any major disaster, then wonder.
Возьмите любой пожар, любое землетрясение или бедствие, летающие тарелки всегда ни причем.

It means eliminating the risk that a natural disaster could lead to the discharge of dangerous chemicals, as happened in Houston.
Это означает, что надо устранять угрозы аварий, к которым может привести природная катастрофа, как это произошло с утечкой опасных химикатов в Хьюстоне.


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disaster — перевод на русский


Seriously, this is a disaster.

Серьёзно, ведь это катастрофа.

Disaster, honey!

У нас катастрофа, дорогая!

It’s a disaster.

— Но это катастрофа!

You see, if the reactor blows, the rift opens, phenomenal cosmic disaster but this thing shrouds you in a force field, you have this energy bubble, so you’re safe.

— Это транспорт. Понимаешь, реактор взрывается, открывается рифт, катастрофа космических масштабов, но эта штука защитит тебя силовым полем, будто ты в энергетическом пузыре, в нём ты в безопасности.

This is a disaster.

Нет! это катастрофа!

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Take any fire, …any earthquake, any major disaster, …then wonder.

Возьмите любой пожар, любое землетрясение или бедствие, летающие тарелки всегда ни причем.

— Anselmo is a disaster.

— Никогда. — Ансельмо — бедствие.

My dreams have always been right and they foretell disaster.

Мои сны всегда сбывались, и они предсказывают бедствие.

It’s a disaster.

Просто бедствие.

At the peak of our plans to go, a sudden final disaster struck us down.

Когда мы собирались улететь, последнее бедствие поразило нас.

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Disaster upon us is!

Великая беда!

I hope you realize what a disaster we have in the first violinist.

Я надеюсь, ты понимаешь, какая у нас беда с первой скрипкой?

I feel it — the disaster is coming.

Чую — беда идет.

This film is a $20-million disaster.

Это картина — беда стоимостью 20 млн. дол.

A disaster comes as it will, without warning.

Беда приходит без спроса.

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This is a disaster.

Это ужасно.

Hey, a real disaster, like always.

Э, ужасно, как всегда.

This is a disaster, Mayfield.

Это ужасно, Мэйфилд.

— It was a disaster.


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She prayed for disaster to come to the Van Ryns… and she swore that when it came, she’d always be here to sing and play.

Она молилась о том, чтобы ван Райнов постигло несчастье. И поклялась, что когда оно придет, она всегда будет здесь, петь и играть.

Anyone as superstitious as Gilda, out loud, asking for disaster.

Такая суеверная девушка как Гилда ни за что не стала бы сама напрашиваться на несчастье.

— This is a disaster!

— Это несчастье!

If Professor Horner opens up that barrow, he will bring disaster on us all!

Если профессор Хорнер вскроет этот курган, то навлечет на нас всех несчастье!

Well, there’ll be a disaster if he doesn’t get a shift-on!

Ну, будет ему несчастье, если он не поторопиться!

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Your life isn’t a disaster.

Твоя жизнь вовсе не кошмар.

— It’s a disaster.

— Это кошмар.

What a disaster!

Какой кошмар.

I mean, this is a disaster.

Это же кошмар!

God, what a disaster.

Боже, какой кошмар.

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Kirk, you should have known! You are responsible for turning the development project into a total disaster!

Вы ответственны за полный провал проекта развития!

Colonel, your campaign’s a disaster.

Полковник, вся эта операция — провал.

But by what logic do you cover such a disaster by disguising a rotting body as a museum piece?

И зачем скрывать провал,.. …маскируя гниющее тело под музейный экспонат? Я вижу огни.

This is gonna be a disaster.

Это будет провал.

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It would be a disaster for us to laugh.

Если мы будем смеяться, это будет просто катастрофа.

This is a disaster.

Это просто катастрофа.

I’ve just tried the wedding video and it’s a disaster.

Я только что посмотрела свадебную кассету. Это просто катастрофа

What a disaster.

Просто катастрофа.

He’s a bloody disaster.

Он — просто катастрофа.

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All natural disasters, all created by forces not acting from inherently aggressive motives.

Все стихийные бедствия, созданы силами не отличающиеся по своей сути от агрессивных побуждений.

Disaster has been like a wolf a hungry one that attacks and goes, devouring the people where he passes by, letting the people live where he has not passed.

Стихийные бедствия, что голодный волк, который приходит и уходит пожирая людей там, где прошёл, оставляя жить тех, кого не задел.

You got your natural disasters?

Ты пробовала стихийные бедствия?

The consumption of animal products has killed more people over the last century than auto accidents, all of the natural disasters and all of the wars combined.

Потребление продуктов животного происхождения за последнее столетие убило больше людей, чем автокатастрофы, все стихийные бедствия и все войны вместе взятые.

— Does he cause natural disasters?

Он устраивает стихийные бедствия?

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South is a fucking disaster for us.

Юг для нас — полная катастрофа.

Palmiri, F, the usual disaster.

Пальмири! Двойка, как и раньше, полная катастрофа.

This is a fucking disaster.

Это полная катастрофа!

This is a fucking disaster.

Это была полная катастрофа!

This is a fucking disaster!

Это полная катастрофа!

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A disaster is a serious disruption, occurring over a relatively short time, of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental loss and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

When BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster blackened much of the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, Professor Chung was determined to become Professor Clean.


A new report by the environmental group Greenpeace reveals that residents living in areas affected by the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters continue to suffer from the adverse effects of radioactive contamination.


New York Magazine columnist Jonathan Chait, a strong supporter of charters, warned on Wednesday that Moskowitz’s appointment could spell «disaster for the cause of education reform» by tying the movement to Trump’s administration.


Of course, the event turns into a disaster.


In fact, I liked the experience so much that I wrote a book about the whole glorious disaster that is us.


The row flared up after Nuttall admitted that claims on his website about losing «close personal friends» during the disaster were untrue.


«During the 9/11 disaster, our customers in New York City were able to make calls over the Internet all over the world,» says Richard De Soto, AltiGen senior vice president.


We’ve had the Iraq disaster, failure of trickle-down, neoliberal economics and, most importantly of all, we’ve had 2008.


I’ve had a lot of success with their cupcake recipes and having had a couple of disasters with Nigella’s recipes before I thought it might be a safer one.


We have all heard horror free dating sites uk stories about dating disasters, and you don’t want to be a victim.


Ambitious plans to teach degree courses online have been condemned as a «disaster» and a «waste of public money» by MPs.


Anyway, I went for it which was based on the historic disaster subject.


The government would shut down because of the disaster created by Republicans in Congress.


While 16,000 people were killed by the natural disaster, a new analysis suggests that relatively few people will suffer serious health effects from the nuclear fiasco (see «Cancer risk lower than feared for Fukushima locals «-RRB-.


Max, a macho, solitary Rottweiler police dog is ordered to go undercover as a primped show dog in a prestigious Dog Show, along with his human partner, to avert a disaster from happening.


Our areas of focus include hunger relief, disaster preparedness and relief, and building strong local communities.


Besides the fact that the temperature was very low, a hard wind started blowing, plus some chaotic snow all around… the recipe for disaster.


In the right home, a Border Collie is a marvelous addition, and can make a wonderful pet, but in the wrong environment a Border Collie can spell disaster.


The texts are all linked to the theme of extreme weather, with a narrative extract from «Blood on Snow» for paper 1, and non-fiction extracts from Captain Scott’s diary (1912) and Simpson’s account of his mountaineering disaster (1988 This could be ideal as a revision workbook or a resource for a unit of lessons.


He can play as cb, lb and rb, but most importantly as lb.Monreal as back up lb in big games is a disaster in making…


Spradlin notes that corporations have less incentive to invest in disaster prevention, planning and remediation than in business growth.


What we can do is make sure that if a natural disaster does occur, we are prepared.


I knew very little about disaster resilience at the time.


The 2015 disaster killed nearly 10,000 people, with total damages estimated at $ 10 billion (50 percent of Nepal’s nominal GDP).


Dennis usually wakes to find what looks like a natural disaster the kitchen.


Until now my yeast breads all ended in disasters.


«We will help those affected by this terrible disaster,» she said.


This can spell disaster for hemorrhoids.


Some changes to insurance offerings can come from such disasters, said Rocco Neglia, vice-president of claims at Economical Insurance..


When asked to provide statistics about how many patients received methadone in hospitals during the disaster, neither Smith nor the two other SAMHSA colleagues on the phone could do so.


So… the past earthquakes, tsunamis, and all other natural disasters were just random acts of violence from «God»… Everything after May 21st will be because of Judgement Day though, obviously.


You can’t say second place is a disaster, but it’s not what we are about.


A track record of poor corporate governance links directly to high-profile business disasters, says Paul Hodgson, spokesman and senior researcher for GovernanceMetrics International, a corporate governance research firm.


5) United Way of Puerto Rico Pictures from our past work and distribution trips includes: All donations to this fund will exclusively support the victims of the catastrophic Hurricane María and Irma in Puerto Rico and provide relief and aid the communities affected by this disaster.


… She connected to nuclear decay, local customs, policies regarding clean up after a disaster etc. (all things she is deeply interested in), and then she talked about her struggles in statistics and how applying the knowledge from chemistry gave context to what she had been attempting to master in statistics.


Apparently the key people at this bank have knowledge of the impending disaster, and encounter some serious moral questions.


Here are some additional photos of the disaster.


In the aftermath of natural disasters, such as the devastating tornadoes that hit Moore and El Reno in May 2013, human beings weren’t the only ones who found themselves without a home.


If you need to make a claim after a covered loss, you’ll be grateful that you stepped up and made the necessary revisions before disaster struck.


Not every new or less experienced driver has impressed, Lance Stroll has had a clumsy season so far and Antonio Giovinazzi impressed initially while stepping in for Pascal Wehrlein but had a disaster in China.


County Legislator Bill Goodman, 13th District, added «With recent flood disasters both locally and around the nation, being prepared is a necessity for our citizens.


This year he was full of wry witticisms about robots from space, Civil War veterans on Mars, vampires and werewolves in love, and what Adam Sandler really thinks of his audience, but he went on to examine how overblown failures impact your local theater in ways you might not have realized, and why trying to create a blockbuster has as much to do with politics or real-life disasters than anything else.


Skowron has participated in AmeriCares disaster relief around the world, including in India, Cuba, Kosovo, and New Orleans, Louisiana.


Barring disaster he will pass the 5th and 6th in Real «s alltime list this season, with Hierro at 601 and Gento at 602.


compared to American responses to other recent crises or disasters, such as the Haitian earthquake, according to Yang, associate professor of communication in the UB College of Arts and Sciences.


The potential for the little finger, toes, arms and legs escaping and being tangled in the holes is tremendous, and any picture that necessitates wrangling a baby into and out of such an item must be doomed to disaster right from the start.


Approximately a month later, during the primary debate in Miami when explaining why he considered Common Core a disaster, Mr. Trump said, «I want local education, I want the parents and I want all of the teachers, and I want everybody to get together around a school and to make education great.»


Kids who see disturbing images on TV or hear talk of natural disasters, war, and terrorism may worry about their own safety and that of the people they love.


Naturally, a wrench in thrown into their «happy» little pseudo-marriage: Another stranger comes calling, this one named Caleb (Chris Pine), a miner who also happened to be underground when disaster struck.


When it’s not, it can be a chapped, caked disaster.


an expert in finance who predicts global economic disaster — эксперт в области финансов, который предсказывает глобальную экономическую катастрофу  
the disaster which then befell the human race — бедствие, которое затем обрушилось на человеческий род  
an intangible feeling of impending disaster — неуловимое ощущение надвигающейся катастрофы  
national disaster — национальная катастрофа  
natural disaster — стихийное бедствие  
to experience / meet / suffer (a) disaster — попасть в беду  
to cope with / recover from (a) disaster — справляться с бедой  
to avert (a) disaster — предотвращать беду  
to invite (a) disaster — накликать беду  
to cause (a) disaster — приносить несчастье  
to court (a) disaster — накликать несчастье  
feeling of impending disaster — предчувствие надвигающейся катастрофы  

She is a walking disaster.

Она — ходячая катастрофа.

They’re trying to find a way to avoid disaster.

Они пытаются найти способ избежать катастрофы.

The whole affair was a disaster.

Всё дело обернулось катастрофой.

The dinner party was a complete disaster.

Званый ужин полностью провалился.

The oil spill was a disaster for Alaskan sea animals.

Разлив нефти стал катастрофой для морских животных Аляски.

We can learn / draw important lesson from this disaster.

Мы можем вынести важный урок из этой катастрофы.

The drought could spell disaster for wildlife.

Засуха может обернуться катастрофой для дикой природы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

The new regulations could be a disaster for smaller businesses.

The cuts in funding will be a disaster for the schools.

To have admitted this would have courted political disaster.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

1. The party was nothing short of a disaster.

2. She cannot comprehend the extent of the disaster.

3. The sales campaign was a total disaster.

4. His robust strength made him survive the

5. Last year’s cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.

6. The region has been declared a disaster area.

7. Warnings of disaster may be overblown.

8. It seemed that nothing could prevent the impending disaster.

9. The flood is a disaster.

10. They’re heading for disaster if they’re not careful.

11. Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster.

12. Does this augur disaster for our team?

13. One small error precipitated the disaster.

14. News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.

15. Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on(, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .

16. The town was declared a disaster area after the floods.

17. The reason for the disaster was engine failure, not human error.

18. Only a few scraps of news about the disaster have emerged.

19. Parental love is the greatest.And in the disaster, our soldiers are like our parents, give our boundless love.

20. Survivors of the disaster who lost their relatives are much to be pitied.

21. After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, «Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right.» Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.

22. It was the world’s second worst air disaster, a horrific re-run of the runway collision in 1977.

23. Nothing in life is despair, a series of disaster will be can’t withstand the sunshine nightmare, to be bumpy.Life is the dojo, alive is a kind of practice.

24. The president visited the region in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

25. If the renegade clique of that country were in power , it would have meant serious disaster for the people.

26. The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.

27. The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.

28. He had a prophetic dream about a train crash the night before the rail disaster.

29. As long as two years ago, Mandelson tried to unpick the reasons for the disaster.

30. One hundred and twenty people died in China’s worst air disaster .

Sentences with the word Disaster?



  • «the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity»; «the earthquake was a disaster«
  • «lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system»; «his policies were a disaster«
  • «I might well do it»; «a mistake that could easily have ended in disaster«; «you may well need your umbrella»; «he could equally well be trying to deceive us»
  • «an ecological disaster«
  • «a full game»; «a total eclipse»; «a total disaster«
  • «ill-considered actions often result in disaster«; «an ill-judged attempt»
  • «the situation slid inescapably toward disaster«
  • «an intangible feeling of impending disaster«
  • «the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster«; «the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours»
  • «the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories»; «he had a whimsy about flying to the moon»; «whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it»
  • «he prophetically anticipated the disaster«
  • «The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene»
  • «man is a voluntary agent»; «participation was voluntary»; «voluntary manslaughter»; «voluntary generosity in times of disaster«; «voluntary social workers»; «a voluntary confession»

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