Sentence with the word devised

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But he says a system devised in the 1960s needs serious reconsideration.

Но очевидно, что проект, разработанный в 1960-е годы, нуждался в серьёзной доработке.

Early inhalation devices included one devised by John Mudge in 1778.

Ранние ингаляционные устройства включали в себя один, разработанный Джоном Маджей в 1778 году.

Physicists have devised other theories of gravity that make different predictions from general relativity.

Физики разработали несколько других теорий гравитации, предсказания которых отличаются от тех, которые дает общая теория относительности.

New regional and subregional groupings have emerged and devised collective solutions to challenges.

В последнее время возникли новые региональные и субрегиональные группировки, которые разработали коллективные решения для стоящих перед ними проблем.

Thomson devised better equipment and methods than had been used before.

Томсон разработал более совершенное оборудование и методы, в сравнении с теми, которые использовали ранее.

Assante devised a test to prove them wrong.

Ассанте разработал тест, который должен был доказать, что они не правы.

Start-up costs and operational costs are part of the methodology devised for cost-benefit analysis.

Учет издержек, связанных с вводом в действие и эксплуатацией, является составной частью методологии, разработанной с целью анализа затрат и результатов.

Religion was devised to keep people apart and to create suspicion and mistrust.

Религия была разработана для того, чтобы держать людей друг от друга и создать подозрительность и недоверие.

Innovative approaches were devised to allow vaccination in insecure areas.

Были разработаны инновационные подходы, которые позволили провести вакцинацию в районах с небезопасной обстановкой.

Strategies can then be devised to offset any negative effects.

На этой основе могут быть разработаны стратегии борьбы с любыми негативными воздействиями.

Bangladesh has devised plans and policies that go beyond family planning programmes.

В Бангладеш были разработаны планы и стратегии, выходящие за рамки программ в области планирования семьи.

Inventors and engineers devised special equipment to help forces land safely in Normandy.

Изобретатели и инженеры разработали специальное оборудование, которое должно было обеспечить безопасную высадку десанта в Нормандии.

The Mitchell recommendations were devised as a package and must be regarded as such.

Рекомендации Митчелла были разработаны в качестве единого пакета, и к ним надлежит относиться именно как к таковым.

And this is the basic premise of the investment system he has devised.

В этом ему помогала теория стоимостного инвестирования, которую он разработал.

The appropriate United Nations entities have therefore devised development-oriented interventions to prevent relapses into crisis.

Для этого соответствующие подразделения Организации Объединенных Наций разработали комплекс ориентированных на развитие практических мер, направленных на предотвращение повторения кризисных ситуаций.

In the researchers’ simulations, algorithms produced by Remy significantly outperformed algorithms devised by human engineers.

Как утверждают исследователи, алгоритмы Remy намного эффективнее алгоритмов, разработанных людьми.

The Netherlands devised in 1992 the so-called STEK certification system to implement CFC emissions controls.

В Нидерландах в 1992 году была разработана система так называемой СТЕК сертификации для реализации мер контроля над выбросами ХФУ.

University of Iowa researchers devised a computerized test to gauge how readily young adults and older adults realize when they’ve made a mistake.

Ученые из Университета Айовы разработали простой компьютерный тест, оценивающий, с какой готовностью взрослые люди разного возраста осознают собственные ошибки.

Welcome to Rugby Ready — devised by World Rugby.

Добро пожаловать в программу «Готовность к регби», разработанную World Rugby.

The data reveals that the IIFs established within integrated financing strategies other than the ones devised by the GM were slightly more supported than those devised by the GM.

Данные говорят о том, что КИРП, созданные в рамках комплексных стратегий финансирования, не разработанных ГМ, получили несколько большую поддержку, чем те, которые были разработаны ГМ.

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Мои примеры


he devised a stratagem — он придумал уловку  
be devised — конструироваться  
shares of heirs in devised property — доля наследников в завещанном имуществе  

Примеры с переводом

It is a received idea that television is the most powerful medium ever devised.

Общепризнанно, что телевидение — это самое мощное средство массовой информации из всех существующих.

He devised a stratagem.

Он придумал уловку.

She devised a new filing system.

Она разработала новую систему учёта и хранения документов.

…she quickly devised a new scheme when the first one failed…

…она быстро разработала новый план, после того как первый провалился…

They devised a plan to reduce costs.

Они разработали план с целью сокращения расходов.

They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.

Разработан новый метод преобразования солнечного света в электричество.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

While men plotted wars or devised philosophies, women were confined within their homes …

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

devisable  — могущий быть придуманным, могущий быть завещанным
deviser  — завещатель, изобретатель
devising  — изобретение, придумывание

Our world merely says that, leaving it once, you cannot ever return: such is the only punishment it awards you, for it knows, this wise old world of ours, that such is the bitterest punishment which could ever be devised for you.

Such was the cleverly devised circumstance that now intervened between my neighbor and an indigence distressing to think about.

Some way must be devised whereby the Reverend Winthrop Oaklander could be made to perceive that Tutt & Tutt meant business, andequally imperative whereby Georgie would be impressed with the fact that not for nothing had she come to themthat is, to himfor help.

Curious that in the universal adaptation of means to ends something a little less flimsy could not have been devised for the tropics.

But no retort that he could have devised could have had a more crushing effect.

If there had been more time he might have devised some better means of attaining his end than occurred to him just then.

Not only so, but at the heart of this complexity lay the gigantic cog of the judiciary, which was obviously devised to stop movement.

A small fire flickered beneath a quaintly devised mantel, though it was summerfor the mists crept up the hill at night and chilled the souls of the books.

Whatever could be devised by Mr. and Mrs. Thrale to promote the happiness, and establish the health of their guest, was studiously performed from that time to the end of Mr. Thrale‘s life.

For the ingenious quadruplechoice method devised by this observer showed that mature monkeys exhibit fairly adequate types of response.

Lorenzino had, in his villainous scheme, devised a cunning decoy to accustom neighbours and passersby to noisy behaviour.

There was a table in the body for writing, and pockets up and down devised to hold documents, also two armchairs, and a suspended contrivance which showed the hour, the temperature, and the fluctuations of the barometer; there was also a speakingtube.

As this is a departure, for a special purpose, from the general principles of our system, it may merit consideration whether an arrangement better adapted to the principles of our Government and to the particular interests of the people may not be devised which will neither infringe the Constitution nor affect the object which the provision in question was intended to secure.

The day of Dick‘s arrival with his companions was a great day in the annals of the Mustang Valley, and Major Hope resolved to celebrate it by an impromptu festival at the old blockhouse; for many hearts in the valley had been made glad that day, and he knew full well that, under such circumstances, some safetyvalve must be devised for the escape of overflowing excitement.

They said the Government bonds must be paid in precisely the currency specified by the Congressional enactment, and Talleyrand himself could not have devised how not to say anything better than the Republicans did at Chicago on that question.

If in addition to these expedients an eligible plan could be devised for promoting civilization among the friendly tribes and for carrying on trade with them upon a scale equal to their wants and under regulations calculated to protect them from imposition and extortion, its influence in cementing their interest with ours could not but be considerable.

But the estate of CanonsAshby, which should have accompanied the title, had been devised by Sir Robert Driden, the poet‘s first cousin, to Edward Dryden, the eldest son of Erasmus, the younger brother of the poet.

They do not, it is true, enrich the science of jurisprudence with any large or wise additions, but we do not look for such luxuries as justice, reason, and beneficence in ordinances devised to prop up iniquity, falsehood, and tyranny.

Palladius (VII, 2) goes more into detail: «The people of the more level regions of Gaul have devised a method of harvesting quickly and with a minimum of human labour, for thereby a single ox is made to bear the burden of the entire harvest.

« The prisoner, who gave his name as Anton Garta, was now examined in regard to the schooner Arato, her extraordinary cruise, and the people who had devised it.

He had devised a little scheme of his own, which had detained him longer than he had expected, and he was not ready to go back with them.

He also devised sundry magic fountains, which are mentioned in other mediaeval romances.

No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things.

A more effectual means could not have been devised to encourage the enemy and protract the war than to advocate and adhere to their cause, and thus give them «aid and comfort.«

As is natural in cases of this kind, there have been hundreds of theories advanced to account for the phenomena of psychic healing, and a still greater number of methods of treatments devised to carry out the principles of the theories.

Devised sentence example

  1. It was Molly, not me, who devised a possible solution. …
  2. He has devised a complete explanation. …
  3. Yet at the time that we devised each plan, we were confident it would succeed. …
  4. The Louisiana deposits are worked by a process devised by Herman Frasch in 1891.

What is an example of devised?

An example of devise is figuring out how to recreate a restaurant’s secret recipe. To form, plan, or arrange in the mind; design or contrive. Devised a new system for handling mail orders.

Is devising positive or negative?

Devise can be positive, too, meaning to find a creative solution: “The design team devised a plan to make the trailer home look like a medieval castle.”

What does deviser mean?

one who creates or introduces something new. Melvil Dewey was the deviser of a new system for organizing books.

What does conceived mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to become pregnant with (young) conceive a child. b : to cause to begin : originate a project conceived by the company’s founder. 2a : to take into one’s mind conceive a prejudice.

What is self devised?

Devised or invented by oneself.

What does the word devised in line 7 mean?

Answer: elevated. please give me likes and stars.

What is difference between device and devise?

‘Devise’ is a verb that refers to the act of making a complex object or plan. ‘Device’ is a noun that refers to a complex object or plan that gets made.

How do you use Practise in a sentence?

I’m quite good at tennis but I need to practise my serve.

  1. The students paired off to practise their conversational skills.
  2. Practise reversing the car into the garage.
  3. Find a partner and practise these new dance steps.
  4. A lot of couples now practise contraception.
  5. He used to practise usury frequently.

What does Directeth mean?

Filters. (archaic) Third-person singular simple present indicative form of direct.

What is the synonym of devised?

In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for devise, like: come-up-with, design, invent, plot, arrange, dream up, plan, prepare, coin, appoint and bequeath.

Will bequest meaning?

A bequest in a Will refers to the act of giving a gift of something you own to a person or organisation. The person or organisation receiving the item is the beneficiary. A bequest is a gift which is made upon your death. A bequest can be made through a Will.

Is Practise a word?

In British English, which is also called International English, practise is a verb and practice is a noun. American English tends to avoid practise altogether, using practice as both the noun and verb form.

What is an example of origin?

Origin is the start, center or beginning of something or the place where a person comes from. An exmaple of origin is when an idea comes to you when you sleep. An example of origin is the ground where oil comes from. An example of origin is your ethnic background.

What does to advise mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to give (someone) a recommendation about what should be done : to give advice to Her doctor advised her to try a drier climate. b : caution, warn advise them of the consequences. c : recommend advise prudence.

Can men get pregnant?

People who are born male and living as men cannot get pregnant. A transgender man or nonbinary person may be able to, however. It is only possible for a person to be pregnant if they have a uterus. The uterus is the womb, which is where the fetus develops.

Are you pregnant from the day you conceive?

Pregnancy doesn’t start the day you have sex — it can take up to six days after sex for the sperm and egg to join and form a fertilized egg. Then, it can take three to four days for the fertilized egg to completely implant itself in the lining of the uterus.

Does conceive mean the day you get pregnant?

When there is an egg waiting, conception can occur as soon as three minutes after sexual intercourse. That said, sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days. 3 This means that the day that you had sex won’t necessarily be the day that you get pregnant.

Is deviser a word?

A person who devises; a planner.

What is the meaning of divisor in math?

The number that is being divided (in this case, 15) is called the dividend, and the number that it is being divided by (in this case, 3) is called the divisor. The result of the division is the quotient. Notice how you can always switch the divisor and quotient and still have a true equation: 15 ÷ 3 = 5.

Are deviser guitars good?

Deviser Pure Acoustic Guitar is one of the fantastic sound quality guitars within this price range. The volume and dept of this guitar sound is so nice and it shall touch the heart of any guitar player.

What is another word for coming up with?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for come-up-with, like: propose, suggest, supply, originate, discover, offer, find, invent, produce, stumble on and create.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Devised | Devised Sentence

  • So like as Merlin devised it was done.
  • A relief most be devised somehow; Susy devised it.
  • Dr. Elisha Gray also devised one.
  • If only the headman was here, together we might have devised something.
  • The plot is skilfully devised to carry a weighty load of exciting episode.
  • He devised little games for them, and arranged stories to be told.
  • Here he devised his poultry-house, and in it the fowls took up their abode.
  • The scheme that I had devised may possibly have been put into use by others.

How To Use Devised In A Sentence?

  • Joseph gave the explanation which he had already devised for the benefit of his daughter.
  • A college of artists could not have devised a more beautiful location for a city.
  • Property to be subsequently acquired may be devised when the intention is clear and explicit.
  • He described how the land magnates had devised to set themselves up as the law-making class.
  • These are heavy machines specially devised for the treatment of lower grade rubbers.
  • June never, in all her dreams of perfection, could have devised a fairer evening.
  • One of the most cunningly devised impostures of the kind was practised upon King Gustavus III.
  • A number of different methods have been devised for the determination of the percentages of the constituents present in the atmosphere.
  • No more effectual means could have been devised to arouse the spirit of resistance to the highest pitch.
  • One could well have imagined that he would have devised some prompter means to have secured this man if he had been in command.
  • Delightedly she shared the flavor of that secret of the vagabond lady of long ago who had devised this cunning entrance for her lover.
  • Long before any other method of holding ideas and delivering them to others was devised or imagined, speech came.
  • As a result he devised the method which bears his name, and which was used exclusively for many years.
  • Nothing He could have devised to do for me could have been of greater or more direct assistance to me.
  • Later investigators devised means of drawing tungsten into wire; and it is tungsten wire that is now used so generally in lighting.
  • In other words he has «good money» probably the best money that could have been devised by him for his society.
  • It was the perfect expression of a carefully devised luxury, a luxury which for the last eight years had lapped him in slothful ease.
  • However, they reckoned without the plants, which were friendly to man, and promptly devised a remedy for each disease.
  • At length Cosmo devised a means of obtaining observations that were of sufficient value to partially serve their purpose.
  • That is the Liberty motor, probably the most successful motor that has ever yet been devised for an airplane.
  • In the interval Herkimer is said to have devised one of the vilest schemes that has ever been charged against a man of his rank.
  • Subject to the rights of the surviving husband or wife, as declared by law, the homestead may be devised like other real estate of the testator.
  • Chanute, a Frenchman, now devised a biplane glider with which he succeeded in making brief flights of a few seconds.
  • Mithad Pacha’s Parliament was a surprise to the world, and not least to those who devised it.
  • Then came a rice-mortar, a pestle, a bee, and an egg, and together they devised a deep-laid plot to be avenged.
  • If a devisee die before the testator, his heirs shall inherit the amount so devised to him unless from the terms of the will a contrary intent is manifest.
  • However, those who in concert with the czarina interested themselves in his favour, devised the means of urging their suit without incurring the penalty of the prohibition.
  • The compiler comes fresh from his difficulties and the expedients he has devised to overcome them, and it is therefore well for him to explain to the user of the index what those special difficulties are.
  • He wonders if his father has not been in collusion with the senator, and, between the two, if some pretext has not been devised to get him home for a few days.
  • I have heard it said that they were so opposed to images and faces on money that their leader devised this long bar-like shape for his coins to prevent any one from making images on them!
  • The word heir in this section does not include the widow of the testator, and she cannot inherit from a child to whom property has been devised by his father, but who has died before the father.
  • It is, therefore, evident that those who invented all these relics never expected contradiction, or they would not have devised such audacious falsehoods.

Definition of Devised

simple past tense and past participle of devise

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Devised in a sentence

Devised sentence

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make sentence with Devised

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Devised sentence in english

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