Sentence with the word defendant

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Plaintiff and defendant are former business partners.

Истец и ответчик — известные бизнесмены и бывшие деловые партнеры.

A defendant intending to contest the claim informs the Court.

В том случае, когда ответчик намеревается оспорить иск, он сообщает об этом суду.

Additionally, each defendant was fined $50,000.

Кроме этого каждый обвиняемый был оштрафован на $150 тыс.

On the morning of July 10, defendant was arrested.

На следующий день, 10 июня, обвиняемый был задержан.

A defendant without voluntary confessions is not a defendant.

Residence of plaintiff or defendant becomes irrelevant.

Подать иск по месту жительства истца или ответчика — это не имеет значения.

As stated, the jury convicted defendant.

Как уже говорилось выше, суд присяжных оправдал обвиняемого.

Neither defendant initially admitted ownership of the notes.

Ни один из ответчиков изначально не признал право собственности на ноты.

In addition, investigators or assistants associated with the defence team of every defendant.

Помимо этого, все обвиняемые могут пользоваться также услугами следователей или помощников, входящих в состав групп защиты.

Neither defendant knew these individuals personally.

Ни один из обвиняемых не знал этих людей лично.

Douglas was either plaintiff or defendant in several trials for civil or criminal libel.

Он был истцом и ответчиком в нескольких судебных исках, касающихся его клеветы по гражданскому и уголовному кодексам.

A defendant may be arrested and possibly detained before the trial.

Обвиняемый может быть задержан и, возможно, заключен под стражу до суда.

Proceedings against a defendant have not yet commenced.

Судебное разбирательство в отношении обвиняемого до сих пор не начато.

Regardless, it cannot enforce them against defendant.

В противном случае он не может их взыскивать с ответчика.

Thus, judgment was entered for defendant.

Дело разрешали в пользу то истца, то ответчика.

That same year, defendant was ordered removed.

В тот же день ответчиком издан приказ о ее увольнении.

JS6 stated that virtually no criminal defendant was ever acquitted.

В СП6 указывается, что практически не бывает случаев оправдания обвиняемых по уголовным делам.

The Authority accepted defendant‘s argument that it had not employed gender discrimination.

Оно приняло аргументацию ответчика в отношении того, что он не совершал дискриминационных действий по признаку пола.

Abdallah is not a witness or defendant in that case.

При этом Перский не является ни обвиняемым, ни свидетелем по делу.

Sebastopol was now a defendant in two lawsuits.

В настоящий момент С.Берлускони является ответчиком на двух судебных процессах.

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A defendant is a person accused of committing a crime in criminal prosecution or a person against whom some type of civil relief is being sought in a civil case. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Lawyers of other defendants have presented Ahmed’s birth certificate to the court in hopes of discrediting the investigations that led to their clients» arrests.


It is quite unprecedented in the arena of family law matters concerning children for Japanese courts to issue orders that can be enforced against an unwilling defendant.


I extended the answer to argue specifically for the defendants side now.


Council aides said that poor defendants who can not make bail are often detained for days; they said a bail fund would save the city on incarceration costs and follow a model already used by nonprofit groups.


Furthermore, the injured must prove the behavior or action of the defendant resulted in injury or death to the plaintiff.


Other defendants include Gerald Zirnstein, a former U.S. Department of Agriculture microbiologist credited with coining the term «pink slime» in a 2002 email to colleagues later obtained by The New York Times.


«Although certain witnesses benefit from being able to give evidence by way of a remote link to court or by way of pre-recorded testimony, generally speaking, the physical presence of victims, witnesses, juries, defendants, judges, lawyers and the public, is fundamental to our innate sense of how justice should be delivered.»


(2) In certain circumstances, where the «but for» test is un-workable, causation may also be established where it is demonstrated that the defendant‘s negligence «materially contributed» to the occurrence of the tort victim’s injury.


It is what is experienced by the people who use the system — as litigants, as criminal defendants, as lay people who are trying to get legal help.


Arguing counsel were Richard Della Fera of Florida for the defendant and David White for the government.


Under those circumstances, it is difficult to imagine how such a defendant would suffer any adverse legal problem.


A forfeiture of over $ 344,000 was levied against both defendants in connection with the salary and other attempted payments steered towards Adam.


Here again, States must be suable or liable to be made defendants by this clause, which has a similar mode of language with the two other clauses I have remarked upon.


Although defendants failed to provide documents to participants disclosing the amount invested by the 401 (k) plan via Intel TDPs, the amount was estimated in June 2015 to be approximately $ 3.63 billion.


Elmotec Statomat, Inc. v. Visteon Corp., No. 07-13884 (E.D. Michigan 2009): Counsel for defendant Visteon defending claims of breach of contract, correction of inventorship of several patents, and related claims concerning alternator technologies.


The greater the reputation of the law firm you hire, the greater the likelihood the defendant is going to want to settle the case without litigation.


Represented defendant corporations in class actions where they were accused of violating the Consumer Fraud Act, and other statutory provisions.


Whilst a defendant may apply within ongoing proceedings for security for costs from an insolvent corporate claimant, not doing so does not preclude it from seeking a third party costs order at the conclusion of the case.


«The fact that the defendant is a first-time offender who has never had any brush with the law before until now.


Does a plaintiff have a right to an oral interrogation of the defendant?


Plaintiff, who lived most of the year in Switzerland, sued the defendants for failing to timely construct renovations to her Delaware home.


Investigation determined the defendant did forcibly enter the business and remove property from within without permission or authority.


I noticed that Exhibit AAU the draft MOU, had attached to it a documentation pertaining to a $ 3,000.00 personal loan given to 2nd and 3rd defendants by plaintiff.


Castorina argues that the plaintiffs and others are «being denied their right to vote for a representative in the vacant 11th Congressional District in New York due to the failure of defendant to comply with mandatory provisions of Article I, Section II, Clause IV of the United States Constitution and the New York Public Officers Law Section 42 [3],» according to court documents.


«In an opinion released on May 13, 1997, this court sustained two of the plaintiff’s assignments of error, finding: A review of the trial court’s decision demonstrates that the trial court failed to address the fact that [the defendant] was awarded a significant property settlement of approximately 1.2 million dollars.


Here, defendant sought a protective order or, alternatively, an extension of time to respond.


Some believe that Goodyear didn’t change the law, but the new catch-phrase, «essentially at home in the forum,» could in practice be a boon to defendants.


A recent Court of Criminal Appeals decision held that a murder defendant suffered actual harm from the trial court’s confusingly worded jury instructions on provocation and self-defense.


There may be occasions where the government is a defendant in the car accident lawsuit, too.


Because of an exception that tends to swallow the rule, however, corporate defendants are often disappointed when they attempt to invoke this principle to defeat securities fraud claims.


Ohio About Blog Elfvin, Klingshirn, Royer & Torch, LLC is a Northeast Ohio law firm representing individuals as plaintiffs or defendants, classes of individuals, public entities and companies (employers), in employment law and related practice areas.


Under his direction, LawX developed SoloSuit, an automated software that helps debt collection defendants answer a lawsuit in Utah.


«There was contradictory evidence by the prosecution witnesses on whether the defendant was still the head of service as at the time he chaired the committee.


Nava was a patient at Saddleback, the defendant medical center.


Judges cited the legal principle of in dubio pro reo, which means the court must rule in favor of defendants when reasonable doubt exists.


The court is the second battlefront that a defendant has to fight.


It ranked No. 1 as the defendant, as it fended off 59 patents cases in 2013.


This case should serve as a warning to foreign defendants and particularly local authorities to seek early advice whenever confronted with a claim involving the English Courts.


«Make no mistake: The government’s case is heavily leveraged on Todd Howe,» said Milton Williams, the attorney for Gerardi, who also laid out multiple reasons he thinks jurors should be able to form reasonable doubts regarding Gerardi and the other defendants» guilt.


In that paragraph, the defendant pleads and relies on the doctrine of spoliation of evidence with respect to the plaintiff’s alleged failure, refusal and or inability to produce a small piece of plastic that is central to this lawsuit.


As with an ordinary lawsuit, an adversary proceeding begins when a plaintiff serves a summons and complain on a defendant.


October, 2007, Issue 6: Why do jurors award higher damages against corporate than individual defendants?


Judges must inform defendants that «Do you understand that you have the right to proving the existence of mitigating factors in your case.»


«The upside for the defendant is they avoid having a criminal record and don’t have to deal with the court process, and the upside for NE is that this helps the environment.»


And, in the video below, Melendez, talking to a local TV reporter like all smart defendants do, maintained that he wasn’t «stumblin» stupid drunk or nothin»»:


The court stated that there was nothing to suggest that privilege had been waived by the defendant; confidentiality had been lost through no fault of the company.


CRIMINAL JUSTICE: Eliminate longstanding practice of requiring defendants to post monetary bail in misdemeanor and non-violent felony cases.


Anton has extensive and varied experience of hearings in this jurisdiction and abroad, including a 12-week Commercial Court fraud trial against 19 defendants, a long-running arbitration involving claims valued at US$ 30 + billion relating to gas fields in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, an arbitration in Dubai, appearing in the Supreme Court (and Court of Appeal) of Gibraltar, and a trial in the Chancery Division concerning the authenticity of a Russian oil painting.


If the plaintiff can prove that the driver or trucking company did not employ a reasonable degree of carefulness to prevent injury to drivers, passengers or pedestrians, and if this lack of care caused the plaintiff’s injuries, the defendant can be considered negligent and liable for compensation.


Basically, his «small part of a larger picture» work doesn’t aid lawsuit defendants to say their fossil fuel product isn’t responsible for increased CO2 emissions that cause bad outcomes.


Sentences with the word Defendant?



  • «She was declared incompetent»; «judge held that the defendant was innocent»
  • «his story confirmed my doubts»; «The evidence supports the defendant«
  • «The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution»
  • «a biased account of the trial»; «a decision that was partial to the defendant«
  • «The plaintiff’s lawyer complained that he defendant had physically abused his client»
  • «he ruled that the criminal record of the defendant could not be disclosed to the court»; «the prostitute had a record a mile long»
  • «damaging to career and reputation»; «the reporter’s coverage resulted in prejudicial publicity for the defendant«
  • «Ms. Smith will represent the defendant«
  • «just wanted to take it easy»; «the judge went easy on the young defendant«
  • «incontrovertible proof of the defendant‘s innocence»; «proof positive»; «an irrefutable argument»
  • «a preponderance of evidence against the defendant«
  • «the resolution died on a technicality»; «the defendant was acquitted on a legal technicality»
  • «a defendant unadvised of her legal rights»

Your Honor, the defendant is narrating.
Ваша Честь, подсудимый повествует.

Why did the defendant not receive an honorable discharge?
Почему подсудимый не получил почетную отставку?

The defendant was found not guilty by reason of insanity.
Подсудимый был признан невиновным по причине невменяемости.

Every victim was encouraged to tell his story and the defendant listened.
Каждому потерпевшему было разрешено поведать свою историю, а подсудимый должен был это слушать.

Do you find this defendant guilty or not guilty of inflicting grievous bodily harm?
Вы находите этого подсудимого виновным или не виновным, В нанесении тяжких телесных повреждений?

The actions of the defendant should be qualified under the Act 206, part 2.
Действия подсудимого надо квалифицировать по статье 206, часть 2-я.

Hang Seav Heang, 28, described the defendant as a gentle man, a good father.
28-летний Ханг Сеав Хеанг, описывал подсудимого как мягкого человека, хорошего отца.

On 12 January 2000 the sentence was given in this case: the defendant K.Ś.
12 января 2000 года по этому делу был вынесен приговор: подсудимый К.С.

You know, hypothetically, if I had read it, could I talk to another defendant about his relationship with.
Вы знаете, гипотетически, если я ее прочитал, я мог говорить другой подсудимый о своих отношениях с.

Clearly, he had a chip on his shoulder and had it in for the defendant from day one.
С первого дня было видно, что он негативно настроен по отношению к подсудимому.

The defendant Theodore Driscoll on the charge of manslaughter in the second degree, how does the jury find?
Подсудимый, Теодор Дрискол, по обвинению в неумышленном убийстве второй степени, что решили жюри?

We consider, my Lord, that the defendant, Captain Bisset, should compensate the plaintiff, Sir Richard Worsley, the total sum of.
Мы сочли, милорд, что подсудимый, капитан Биссет, должен возместить истцу, сэру Ричарду Уорсли итоговую сумму в.

The jury is still out, however, on whether governments will be given the tools and support they need to rehabilitate the defendant.
Впрочем, пока ещё неизвестно, получат ли власти инструменты и поддержку, которая им нужна для реабилитации подсудимого.

In the South African proceedings the most important question was not the future of the defendant but the past of the victims.
На южноафриканских процессах главным вопросом было не будущее подсудимого, а прошлое жертв.

Your Honor, please excuse the interruption of the eulogy here, but the defendant has not been called as a character witness for the victim.
Ваша Честь, прошу прощения за прерывание хвалебной речи, но подсудимый был вызван не в качестве свидетеля для описания потерпевшей.

The office of the prosecutor is convinced that the defendant acted with premeditation and malice aforethought, which are the conditions to paragraph 211, murder.
Не подлежит сомнению, что подсудимый, действуя из низменных побуждений, совершил преступление, предусмотренное параграфом 211 — убийство.

The defendant before you beat a co-worker to death with a nail-studded 2×4 for finishing the coffee and not starting a new pot.
Предыдущий подсудимый забил коллегу до смерти доской 100х50 с гвоздями допившего кофе, и не поставившего чайник заново.

Herr Rolfe further asserts that the defendant Janning was an extraordinary jurist and acted in what he thought was the best interest of his country.
Герр Рольфе утверждает, что подсудимый Яннинг был выдающимся юристом и поступал исключительно в интересах своей родины.

Without a properly executed search order or the permission of the defendant, any information you have accessed from his private data base may not be admitted into evidence.
Любая информация, добытая без ордера на обыск или разрешения подсудимого из его личной базы данных не может быть использована в качестве доказательства.

Sir Nigel RODLEY proposed that the following words should be inserted at the end of the second sentence: “not entailing actual disadvantage or other unfairness to the defendant”.
Сэр Найджел РОДЛИ предлагает добавить следующие слова в конце второго предложения: » не ставящим подсудимого в фактически невыгодное положение и не подвергающим его иному несправедливому отношению «.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

ответчик, подсудимый, обвиняемый, подсудимый, обвиняемый


- ответчик
- подсудимый, обвиняемый
- уст. тот, кто отвечает на вызов, принимает вызов (в споре, битве)

Мои примеры


a criminal defendant’s waiver of a jury trial — отказ обвиняемого по уголовному делу от суда присяжных  
a defendant unadvised of her legal rights — ответчица, неосведомлённая о своих законных правах  
to call the defendant — вызывать ответчика в суд  
to arraign a defendant — привлекать обвиняемого к суду  
to assign counsel to the defendant — назначить адвоката обвиняемому  
counsel for defendant — адвокат защиты, адвокат ответчика  
defendant’s brief — записка по делу, поданная ответчиком  
case for the defendant — факты в пользу ответчика  
defendant in a criminal prosecution — обвиняемый  
defendant in custody — подсудимый, содержащийся под стражей  
defendant in error — ответчик по апелляции  
defendant not in custody — подсудимый, находящийся на свободе  

Примеры с переводом

The evidence supports the defendant.

Эта улика подтверждает показания ответчика.

Defendant’s age must be considered.

Необходимо принять во внимание возраст обвиняемого.

The defendant has a right to a fair trial.

Обвиняемый имеет право на справедливое судебное разбирательство.

The defendant is too poor to afford a lawyer.

Ответчик настолько беден, что не может позволить себе нанять адвоката.

The defendant later amended his evidence.

Ответчик позже изменил свои показания.

The jury pronounced against the defendant.

Присяжные вынесли подсудимому обвинительный приговор.

The judge directed the verdict for the defendant.

Судья решил дело в пользу ответчика.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The defendant was sentenced and fined.

The defendant is awaiting prosecution.

The judge pronounced for the defendant.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): defendant
мн. ч.(plural): defendants

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