Sentence with the word dangerously

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Yet most people have dangerously wrong ideas about these products.

Тем не менее, большинство людей имеют опасно неправильные представления об этих продуктах.

And we perfect, most dangerously, our children.

И, что наиболее опасно, мы пытаемся сделать идеальными наших детей.

By June 2016, she was dangerously underweight and mentally unstable.

К июню 2016 года она начала угрожающе терять вес, психическое состояние стало нестабильным.

NEW YORK -Today, the provision of public goods and services at the global and regional level is dangerously inadequate.

Нью-Йорк — На сегодняшний день предоставление общественных благ и услуг на глобальном и региональном уровнях угрожающе неадекватно.

World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future disaster…

Планета «опасно не готова» к будущим стихийным бедствиям и катастрофам.

Selectivity is not only unacceptable, but is in fact dangerously impractical.

Селективность в этом вопросе не только неприемлема, но и, по сути, опасно непрактична.

What Norman does address is the danger that artificial intelligence can become dangerously biased…

То, что Норман делает, — это опасность того, что искусственный интеллект может стать опасно предвзятым.

Currently, our prison facilities are dangerously overcrowded.

Тюрьмы и без того уже опасно переполнены.

They can be forgotten, but also dangerously overvalued.

Их нельзя недооценивать, но и опасно переоценивать.

Andromedotoxin simultaneously causes part of the heart to beat quickly and part to beat dangerously slowly.

Андромедотоксин одновременно заставляет одну часть сердца биться быстрее, а вторую часть опасно медленно.

Until lately, scientists believed that volcanoes also required thousands of years to become dangerously active again.

До недавнего времени ученые считали, что вулканам также требуются тысячи лет, чтобы стать опасно активными.

Any incorrect move can cause the collapse of the systems that are maintained artificially, despite the public legitimacy that is dangerously insignificant.

Любое неверное движение может привести к краху систем, которые поддерживаются искусственно, несмотря на опасно незначительную общественную легитимность.

The personal view of technology is dangerously limited.

Личный взгляд на технологии опасно ограничен.

He thought you were dangerously crazy, but that has nothing to do with power plants.

Он думал, что ты был опасно ненормальным, но это не имеет ничего общего с растениями силы.

She was worried that something might have gone dangerously wrong with the blood vessels in his brain.

Она беспокоилась, что что-то может стать опасно неправильным с кровеносными сосудами в его мозгу.

And while virtually no-one was dangerously deficient, over 40% had levels that would be considered high.

И пока практически не у кого не было опасно недостаточного уровня, более 40% имели уровни, считающимся высокими.

And especially to those who require to went to him for advice, dangerously multiplying the number of global centres of decision-making.

И особенно тем, кто сам требует, чтобы к нему ходили за советом, опасно умножая число мировых центров принятия решений.

Now we are getting dangerously near to that «point» where debt does matter.

Но теперь мы подбираемся опасно близко к тому «пункту», когда долг действительно имеет значение.

When it comes to avoiding the most dangerously prepared dishes, locals know where to go.

Когда дело доходит до того, чтобы избегать наиболее опасно приготовленных блюд, местные жители знают, куда идти.

Though it was often used improperly and even dangerously, the method is still used today in the treatment of certain mental illnesses.

Хотя он часто использовался неправильно и даже опасно, этот метод все еще используется сегодня для лечения определенных психических заболеваний.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат dangerously

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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1 Some of the information was dangerously misleading.

2 The tower is leaning dangerously.

3 Edwards was a dangerously volatile character.

4 The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers.

5 The boat drifted dangerously near the falls.

6 The ship plunged dangerously in the rough sea.

7 Stocks of coal are running dangerously low.

8 Her body had dehydrated dangerously with the heat.

9 The fire is sparking dangerously.

10 The baby was dangerously underweight at birth.

11 The wall was dangerously unstable.

12 In 1776 these were considered dangerously democratic principles.

13 Mel enjoys living dangerously .

14 Some people like to live dangerously.

15 She was standing dangerously close to the fire.

16 He likes to live dangerously.

17 His father is dangerously ill .

18 Appearances can be deceptive?dangerously deceptive.

19 Max warned her she was sailing dangerously close to the wind and risked prosecution.

20 Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts.

21 Stripped of their pretentious verbiage,[] his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred.

22 His voice was dangerously quiet as he asked the question.

23 He is dangerously ill.

24 The postponement of difficult decisions left the government dangerously exposed to American influence.

25 The waters of the Yangtze River are dangerously high for the time of year.

26 Food stores are reported to be running dangerously low in the capital.

27 The political situation in the country was dangerously fluid.

28 I don’t think a sane person would drive as dangerously as he did.

29 Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are dangerously poised.

30 Any further cuts in the country’s armed forces would leave its defences dangerously denuded.

More similar words: dangerous, generously, dexterously, treacherously, vociferously, danger, in danger, endanger, endangered, out of danger, ferociously, ingeniously, vigorously, rigorously, endangered species, rapturously, floating exchange rate, anger, manger, ranger, hanger, angered, stranger, tangerine, piously, joyously, callously, famously, bitter orange, dubiously. 



- опасно, угрожающе; в опасном положении или состоянии

dangerously ill — опасно болен
he was dangerously near the edge — он стоял на самом краю (и мог сорваться и т. п.); ≅ казалось, он вот-вот упадёт

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Some people like to live dangerously.

Некоторым нравится опасная жизнь.

He is dangerously ill.

Он опасно болен.

He often drives at dangerous speeds.

Он часто ездит на огромной скорости. (досл. на опасной скорости)

The sun can burn your skin dangerously.

Солнце может вызвать опасный ожог кожи.

The plan was dangerously shortsighted.

План был угрожающе недальновидным.

The city can be a dangerous place to live.

Порой большой город является опасным местом для жизни.

The Metropolitan Club verges dangerously toward a silliness of excess.

Интерьер клуба «Метрополитен» имеет опасную склонность к дурацким излишествам.

She got into a car accident while driving through a dangerous intersection.

Она попала в автомобильную аварию, проезжая через опасный перекрёсток.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The storms may cause dangerous flooding.

He is wanted for assault with a dangerous weapon.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

The two of them walked up the slanted ceiling of the stairwell, keeping their eyes on the dangerously, jagged steps above them

«The will of God,» Moamar Graheb of the Council of Faith and Doctrine said, interrupting dangerously and looking at him like he thought this scientist needed some re-indoctrination

«Letting them live as Satan’s Slaves is defeat,» Moamar said, coming dangerously close to insolence in the face of the Haadij

The posts on the headboard in his bedroom were becoming dangerously weak as he whittled them away to nearly nothing with his little morning notches and aide memoirs

He clenched his fist and came dangerously 1 lose to the TV

A bronze cube had been kicked into the corner, each face etched with a unique (and dangerously powerful) rune

He was brilliant, perhaps dangerously so, but only to those he deemed an enemy

Unfortunately, his success was greater than he anticipated, and he soon found himself dangerously deep within the undead ranks

He knew anything they taught him were dangerously out of

With the Calamity beginning to list dangerously to starboard, Fysto moved in to engage Longleaf, cutlass to cutlass

Instead, she grabbed Longleaf’s arm and began dragging him towards the longboats swinging dangerously in the wind

His left leg was still dangerously dangling

Finally, screwing the report into a tight ball, Grunt leapt to his feet with his fists clenched tightly at his sides, breathing noisily through his open mouth, his face dangerously swollen with suffused blood

She sat staring at the duvet, the contents of her cup dangerously close to spilling

It was to protect her friend, Caroline Steepleton, from a man Sylvia described as dangerously abusive and “guilty as sin

Not only that, but the whole fiasco had driven this guy Walston to murder and come dangerously near exposing the entire operation

He had wanted the timers set for six o’clock sharp, but with the delays, he ordered them set for 6:15, cutting dangerously close their window of escape

A dangerously cunning man

When he began to replace that predator in the world of the hunt, that unseen Something began to take on the form of an Essence of his still dangerously large and powerful prey that gave them abilities that he recognized that he did not possess

through a series of S-bends where the coastal highway edged dangerously along a precipitous drop into the waters of the Pacific

” Nico’s voice remained dangerously calm

The routine blood test at clinic that morning registered a count that was dangerously high and the test had to be repeated immediately

I believe this is an extreme method and would only consider it as a last resort for a dog who is jumping up dangerously

The motorcyclist approached dangerously to pair with the car but

deviating dangerously towards the arcing tunnel walls as he

His face apperared dangerously alluring in the light, portrayed now in exterior beauty

“Yes, let’s see how he fares with women once I burn his eyebrows off,” she said dangerously as the brush glided across the paper

My mind was wandering, a clear sign that my body was dangerously close to shutting down

TJ looked into my eyes dangerously, far too subtly for Levi to notice, but I had

I was there with him, vamped appropriately, my eyes swirling dangerously, my fangs ripping at my tender gums

I was beginning to lose my grip on reality the way I had dangerously come close to before and if I hadn’t heard the crackling of leaves, the stems under someone’s light footstep, moving the way only a vamp knew, tracing the forest the way only a vampire could, I would have given in to Levi then and there, without a care for what would have happened afterwards

Aged foliage including crackling leaves and splintering wood was everywhere you looked, scattered on the floor and hanging dangerously, threateningly from the tall century old trees

My sire’s eyes swirled dangerously, pin pricking his whiteness with balls of black, mingling, mixing to make complete darkness

“You should live dangerously for once,” Jen said

She nodded; having Lucky here alone was bringing back dangerously tempting memories

I came dangerously close to losing them both

would sway dangerously and he would have to once again apply the

teeth were dangerously close to falling out

The barge lumbered in dangerously close to the line of trees

He’d come dangerously close to doing so twice before in his life, and he didn’t wish to allow it to happen a third time

Mounting up quickly, he spurred his mount into an instant full gallop down the dangerously steep path, with Caleb close behind

His father was swaying dangerously now and his muttering was rising swiftly to become a chant which pierced Simon’s mind

The bird hissed again, his black beak snapping open, dangerously close to Simon’s face

a clear path, he surmised, would put them evermore dangerously close to the roiling water

dangerously steep path, with Caleb close behind

” Professor Lively came dangerously close to talking back

best positive part and that they can count on it when they are dangerously

For instance, the person could easily stop breathing, or if they’re under-medicated they could have dangerously high blood pressure

The tigress’s eyes glinted dangerously but she responded with quiet dignity

She had always retained a thrill at being dangerously close, whilst remaining unobserved

The blow had landed dangerously close to the solar plexus—not only hurt but jarred the breath out of him

suddenly jumped out into the road, forcing Jan to swerve dangerously to avoid hitting her

Thalia’s expression was dangerously close to Zeus’s, the one time I’d seen him get angry—like any minute, her eyes would shoot a million volts

«I thought you told me differently in your last report?» He asked dangerously

Very astonished they stayed on having seen the fat figure of the Prefect appear, with the half-moon bald patch, dressed in his Sunday sports shirt and wide boot pants, getting out of the official vehicle that was parked dangerously close to the orchard garden

However there are always a stubborn few who are willing to go the extra mile for the cause of stupidity and ask the dangerously unnecessary question: “Or else what?”

She was dangerously close to cracking herself

‘And we like you too Ishbel,’ Peteru responded, deciding that as she was obviously deranged and dangerously violent it would be unwise to remind her that she’d been urinating on him only that morning

What Jersey failed to mention was the fact that it was also SOP in situations requiring the covering of one’s butt that was now dangerously hanging-out

Newspapers rant and rave when one teenager dies of an overdose of Ecstasy at a nightclub on the Gold Coast, but during schoolies week it’s considered normal for thousands of teenagers to become vomiting paralytics because of a dangerously high intake of alcohol

It would only cause problems, especially if the object of that love is the dark, dangerously sensual Duke of Savonne

I move towards him, the dagger catching the light dangerously

If something goes wrong and the pressure goes dangerously high a relief valve blows

Michael looked at Sayeed and saw only the resemblance of the young fellow with cold, dangerously

There was a burst of machine gun fire, followed by mortar shells landing dangerously close to our position

I realize that I am coming dangerously close to resurrecting the James-Lange theory of

Chunks of metal cascaded dangerously close to the Alliford Bay

People can’t stop taking pain pills and sedatives cold turkey without becoming dangerously ill and most doctors do not understand that

The officer had used the concealed police lights and siren to bully his way through the busy roads, and had hared over surfaces Jane thought must be dangerously slippery

Quonez 2 responded with a shot that hit dangerously close to Ben

Living carelessly, not dangerously, but living without being engaged your ego can become more powerful than your true mind, your true self

puter users’ rights,» he’s issuing a dangerously attractive invitation to us to repeat old failures

The wind started to increase making the rope bridge to move dangerously back and forth

‘Wasn’t it indeed also remarkable that this mysterious and elusive stranger, which the good inspector subscribed to, should arrive on the island just when you were all separated at different localities, leaving Third dangerously exposed and isolated in his own study

David Bianculli – Dangerously Funny: The Uncensored Story Of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour (2009: Simon & Schuster)

The briefer and most of the officers present were dangerously overconfident in Stilwell’s opinion, discounting the Germans as a nearly defeated foe

It’s dangerously thin

When Sam checked it, the outer casing on the vial was dangerously thin

It doesn’t take much thought to realize that even with body protection, ground zero was dangerously contaminated and would be for some time

Do we have the best government money can buy? The Congress is dangerously indebted

The Catholic Pope was also rumored to be miffed with the Overseer, finding her policies in the Holy Land dangerously similar to those of the Communists, whom he was said to hate and dread

The cacophony of emotions drove his fragile mind to the edge of sanity where he now teetered dangerously, unsure of where and how he should proceed given the damning evidence in the inspector’s possession

Burley, who appeared in the doorway and studied the thick, sturdy door that was hanging dangerously from its hinges and threatening to crash to the marble floor at any moment

The barely sensing pulsations were dangerously low, now becoming more faint with every bitter heartbeat

The long haired transient then screamed in agony, spinning dangerously close to the unstable railing

Irritated, Mitchell chucked the knife, dangerously close to Slicky’s face

Some just did a simple, but graceful, approach, flying efficiently, extending their glides as long as possible, while others flew out over the valley with plenty of altitude and executed a spectacular aerobatic display, performing stalls, dives and over the top wingovers, often entering their last manoeuvre dangerously close to the ground

No answer came to him; fuel was dangerously low in the feeding tank and the engine would stop, unless he switched the tank transfer pump

First she had climbed the dangerously dilapidated stairs and now she had almost been suffocated by a door!

The first was dangerously close to Scapa Flow

One of the delicately braided chains had been broken and was lying dangerously close to the drain, almost concealed by the man’s shoulders

My evil brother Gautam had traced me down to India and was dangerously close

While she was muttering all this, she sensed a supernatural presence dangerously close to her

Even with this, though, the task would be dangerously

» And not just because those clever people at Lamborghini are far too sexy and ciao in their approach to fabulous car design to have allowed room for a single supermarket carrier bag, or grubby-fingered child* or dangerously full dog’s ass; more so because it would be a criminal waste

We thanked him even though the medicine in question was obviously a remedy for mastitis and left him swaying dangerously back down the corridor, looking as if he might be in need of medical attention himself by the time he reached the bottom of the stairs

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Dangerously | Dangerously Sentence

  • He was dangerously ill.
  • And this most dangerously in matters of religion.
  • He was not even dangerously wounded.
  • They are dangerously near the sheds now.
  • He is not even dangerously hurt.
  • Dolly flushed dangerously for a moment.
  • You mean dangerously ill?
  • His wife had been taken dangerously ill.
  • And they came dangerously close to succeeding.
  • His voice had grown dangerously tender.
  • Do not linger in dangerously isolated positions.
  • The sea broke heavily and dangerously over the vessel.
  • Though not desperately ill, he is dangerously so.
  • Beale was coughing blood, though not dangerously wounded.
  • There are none as yet dead, but diverse dangerously hurt.
  • Your father is very ill; dangerously so, he thinks.
  • Brother Dick is dangerously ill.
  • The charging Ganymedans were dangerously close now.
  • To Moses, she was dangerously impure.
  • Scott had called on Meg and found her dangerously ill.
  • The agent who sat with Cody was also dangerously wounded.
  • This city is dangerously unhealthy, your Majesty.
  • The suggestion was dangerously broad, and Marks turned it.
  • Enemy driven off, one American dangerously wounded.
  • The House of Commons was dangerously in want of new blood.
  • But at that time Mrs. Carroll was dangerously ill.
  • He agitates more and more dangerously until he is threatened with prosecution.
  • There is nothing more dangerously fascinating than etymologies.
  • And the method which he employs is one which is dangerously unjust.
  • Then the three rolled on the rock dangerously near the verge.
  • He was dangerously excited with the fever of the old crusader in his veins.
  • It was well-nigh impossible to realise that she was dangerously ill.
  • She was supple and slender, but not dangerously thin anymore.
  • The boat will hold no more, and is dangerously loaded even now.
  • This he swears to himself, with white lips and eyes dangerously bright.
  • The paddle turned so violently that the canoe came dangerously near upsetting.
  • He shakes his head despondingly; his manner is dangerously fawning.

How To Use Dangerously In A Sentence?

  • He was so dangerously injured that he was left to die in a small town in the interior.
  • He became conscious that the candle and the letter were drawing dangerously close.
  • It needed but a glance to know that here was a man dangerously near to his death.

Definition of Dangerously

In a dangerous manner.

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On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Dangerously in a sentence

Dangerously sentence

sentence with Dangerously

Dangerously used in a sentence

Dangerously make sentence

make sentence with Dangerously

make sentence of Dangerously

Dangerously sentence in english

  • Use the word Dangerously in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Nanny is dangerously ill.

With a child dangerously ill, the telephone will be disconnected!

Flower Belle likes her men strong, daring, what live life dangerously.

He’s dangerously intoxicated, a threat to the safety of the community.

I experienced a severe shock during the s├®ance, a dangerously high voltage.

Such theories come dangerously close to…

That car is dangerously slow.

You’re living stupidly, and for you, dangerously.


Deirdre, I have never made a practice of slapping people… but I’m dangerously close to slapping you right now.

I realised from Miss Hooper’s telegram that he was dangerously ill, but this sordid…

If you’ve ever worked… for a long time… long and dangerously… you’ll know how it feels when you believe… that in a little while… in a little while, you’ll finish what you have to do.

Senor Gerard, I’ve been dangerously candid with you this evening.

Who wants to live dangerously?

Kid lives dangerously, doesn’t he?

We should live dangerously.

I wanna live dangerously.

And I was telling you to live dangerously.

Mibs, don’t you think maybe you’re living a little too dangerously?

All my life, I’ve been advising my friends, «Live dangerously

Well, you’re living dangerously.

Charles, at times your charm wears dangerously thin.

Live dangerously, take the whole day.

I started to follow him. Every so often he would take a stroll in the garden. And I surprised him once or twice, dangerously close to the roses.

This beast is dangerously radioactive.

And tells me that Inger is dangerously ill.

They’re wing to wing and dangerously close as they make for the lake pylon.

Remain calm, for a horse has a highly developed sense of smell and can react dangerously when he smells fear.»

Yes! To live dangerously.

But the struggle between the Capones and the Nesses witnessed by a public that remains dangerously indifferent goes on and on.

You’re living dangerously these days.

He was already dangerously disturbed, had been since his father died.

You believe in living dangerously. I can see that.

She’s showing dangerously sentimental tendencies.

You go from one journey to another living dangerously in the gleam of an unsheathed sword.

Yes, they’re dangerously cunning, these people, but that’s not all.

Without your brain, we would fall dangerously behind.

The public loves to live dangerously.

It seems to me, we are getting off to a dangerously poor start, darling.

He wasn’t dangerously wounded, and I hope the great look of astonishment will not disappear from his face.

Investigation proves that the supply of food left in the area is running dangerously low.

Alan isn’t through yet, and we’re dangerously near the ground.

That I’m getting dangerously close to being discarded in that ditch, right?

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Titus Grady

Score: 4.5/5
(32 votes)

1 Some of the information was dangerously misleading. 2 The tower is leaning dangerously. 3 Edwards was a dangerously volatile character. 4 The Royal Airforce sill remained dangerously short of bombers.

What word is dangerously?

/ ˈdeɪn dʒər əs, ˈdeɪndʒ rəs / PHONETIC RESPELLING. See synonyms for: dangerous / dangerously on adjective. full of danger or risk; causing danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe. able or likely to cause physical injury: a dangerous criminal.

What adverb is dangerously?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishdan‧ger‧ous‧ly /ˈdeɪndʒərəsli/ ●○○ adverb in a way that is dangerous The boat was dangerously close to the rocks. dangerously high/low He’s suffering from dangerously high blood pressure. I am used to living dangerously (=doing things that involve risks).

How do you use extreme in a sentence?

most distant in any direction.

  1. Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.
  2. His political ideas are rather extreme.
  3. She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.
  4. We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.
  5. You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.

What are examples of extreme?

An extreme is defined as something which is the farthest or highest, or things that are very different or far apart from one another. An example of extreme is the top of Mount Everest. An example of extreme is the range of feelings from depressed to very joyful.

19 related questions found

What is adverb for good?

Summary: Good is an adjective. It modifies a noun. Well is an adverb.

What is the verb form of danger?

Dangerous is the verb form of danger.

What is the adverb for easy?

“I climbed up ten flights of stairs easy.” Comfortably, without discomfort or anxiety. Without difficulty.

What is the adjective form of dangerously?

/ ˈdeɪn dʒər əs, ˈdeɪndʒ rəs / PHONETIC RESPELLING. See synonyms for: dangerous / dangerously on ? Elementary Level. adjective. full of danger or risk; causing danger; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe.

What is another word for scarily?

Scarily synonyms

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for scarily, like: frighteningly, startlingly, unnervingly, terrifyingly, nauseatingly, weirdly, shockingly and maddeningly.

What type of adverb is easy?

Adverbs of manner: Angrily, happily, easily, sadly, rudely, loudly, fluently, greedily, etc.

What is the adverb for polite?

in a polite manner.

Is Lazy A adverb?

lazily -​zə-​lē adverb We walked lazily down the path.

What is the verb of dark?

darken. (transitive) To make dark or darker by reducing light. (intransitive) To become dark or darker (having less light). (transitive) To make dark or darker in colour.

What is the verb for equality?

(transitive) To make equal; to cause to correspond in amount or degree. (obsolete, transitive) To be equal to; to equal, to rival.

What is the verb form of strong?

The verb form of the word ‘Strong’ is : Strengthen.

What is a adjective for good?

great, satisfying, exceptional, positive, acceptable, satisfactory, valuable, superb, marvelous, bad, wonderful, favorable, excellent, respectable, honest, useful, talented, efficient, reliable, able.

What kind of adverb is interesting?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishin‧terest‧ing‧ly /ˈɪntrəstɪŋli/ adverb 1 [sentence adverb] used to introduce a fact that you think is interesting Interestingly, none of their three children ever married. Interestingly enough, Pearson made no attempt to deny the rumour.

What is the noun of extreme?

noun. /ɪkˈstrim/ 1a feeling, situation, way of behaving, etc. that is as different as possible from another or is opposite to it extremes of love and hate He used to be very shy, but now he’s gone to the opposite extreme (= changed from one extreme kind of behavior to another).

What does it mean if a person is extreme?

Adjective. excessive, immoderate, inordinate, extravagant, exorbitant, extreme mean going beyond a normal limit. excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable.

What does maximal mean in English?

1 : being an upper limit : highest. 2 : most comprehensive : complete. Other Words from maximal Example Sentences Learn More About maximal.

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  • Sentence with the word current
  • Sentence with the word crossing
  • Sentence with the word crime