Sentence with the word danger

Antonym: safety, secure. Similar words: endanger, in danger, dangerous, out of danger, endangered, anger, dangle, angel. Meaning: [‘deɪndʒə]  n. 1. the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury 2. a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury 3. a cause of pain or injury or loss 4. a dangerous place. 

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1. Power invariably means both responsibility and danger

2. What is not wisdom is danger

3. Fear is often greater than the danger

4. Danger is next neighbour to security. 

5. Without danger we cannot get beyond danger. 

6. All is not lost that is in danger

7. Danger itself is the best remedy for danger. 

8. Rewards allure men to brave danger

9. Out of debt, out of danger

10. A common danger causes common action. 

11. A danger foreseen is half avoided. 

12. The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf. 

13. In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. 

14. There is more danger from a pretended friend than from an enemy. 

15. Love fears no danger.

16. Films like this are a danger to public morals.

17. She dared the danger of bankruptcy.

18. His first instinct was to run away from danger.

19. She shows a blithe disregard for danger.

20. She had a foreboding of danger.

21. The sheep dog protects the sheep from danger.

22. I cautioned him against the danger.

23. The plant is now in danger of extinction.

24. In war, life is full of danger for everyone.

24. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

25. Danger did not daunt the hero.

26. Bridges over railroad tracks root danger out in crossing.

27. When we have gold we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger

28. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

29. He that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger

30. When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger

More similar words: endanger, in danger, dangerous, out of danger, endangered, anger, dangle, angel, range, finger, singer, longer, orange, change, arrange, no longer, any longer, exchange, passenger, tangential, changeable, disarrange, arrangement, unchangeable, in exchange for, dan, dance, pedant, dancer, mundane. 

Sentences with the word Danger?



  • «danger heightened his powers of discrimination»
  • «apprehensive for one’s life»; «apprehensive of danger«
  • «retribution is at hand»; «some people believe the day of judgment is close at hand»; «in imminent danger«; «his impending retirement»
  • «averting danger was his responsibility»
  • «he was blissfully unaware of the danger«
  • «Familiarity with danger makes a brave man braver but less daring»- Herman Melville; «a frank courageous heart…triumphed over pain»- William Wordsworth; «set a courageous example by leading them safely into and out of enemy-held territory»
  • «I had a brush with danger on my way to work»; «he tried to avoid any brushes with the police»
  • «he had walked the full circumference of his land»; «a danger to all races over the whole circumference of the globe»
  • «a clear and present danger«; «a clear explanation»; «a clear case of murder»; «a clear indication that she was angry»; «gave us a clear idea of human nature»
  • «we were clear of the danger«; «the ship was clear of the reef»
  • «the roof is in danger of collapse»; «the collapse of the old star under its own gravity»
  • «individualism is in danger of being swamped by a kind of corporatism»
  • «you are in no danger«; «there was widespread danger of disease»
  • «He moved out of danger«
  • «he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime»; «there was a danger he would do the wrong thing»
  • «he was particularly fussy about spelling»; «a particularly gruesome attack»; «under peculiarly tragic circumstances»; «an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger«
  • «an extreme example»; «extreme temperatures»; «extreme danger«
  • «words fraught with meaning»; «an incident fraught with danger«; «a silence pregnant with suspense»
  • «she blushed in his presence»; «he sensed the presence of danger«; «he was well behaved in front of company»
  • «We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics»—Franklin D. Roosevelt; «heedless of danger«; «heedless of the child’s crying»
  • «seemed unaware of the scrutiny»; «unaware of the danger they were in»; «unaware of the newborn hope»; «the most unaware person I’ve known»
  • «People who smoke incur a great danger to their health»
  • «redirect your attention to the danger from the fundamentalists»
  • «a sense of security»; «a sense of happiness»; «a sense of danger«; «a sense of self»
  • «she endured the stresses and strains of life»; «he presided over the economy during the period of the greatest stress and danger«- R.J.Samuelson
  • «planks were in danger of being torn from the crossbars»
  • «The clouds threaten rain»; «danger threatens»
  • «unattended women»; «problems unattended with danger«
  • «he underestimated the work that went into the renovation»; «Don’t underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river»
  • «days of danger and nights of waking»
  • «Ward off danger«

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He is a DANGER to his kids

Он представлял опасность для своих детей

This is a REAL DANGER, not only for Americans, but for all of us, as the law — if approved — will affect the whole planet.

Это реальная угроза не только для американцев, но и для всех нас, так как закон — в случае одобрения — повлияет на всю планету.

A SECOND DANGER is facing the Far East.

Вторая угроза назревает на Дальнем Востоке.

Basically, the big DANGER sign is DEPENDENCY.

Главным признаком группы риска является зависимость.

In this case, you’ll be in DANGER.

В этом случае вы подвергаетесь опасности.

IN THE FACE OF DANGER, scorn or ridicule, I will remain courageous and calm.

Перед лицом опасности, презрения или насмешки я буду сохранять мужественное спокойствие.

Always store it in a sturdy air-tight container which is clearly labelled «DANGER! — Sodium Hydroxide».

Всегда храните его в прочном воздухонепроницаемом контейнере с четкой надписью «ОПАСНОСТЬ! — Гидроксид калия».

print and display signs saying: DANGER — HIGH VOLTAGE!

Все вокруг гудит и предупреждает об опасности: высокое напряжение!

DANGER — Risk of electric shock: Do not leave electrical appliances, such as a lamp, telephone, radio or television within 1.5 m (5 ft) spa.

ОПАСНОСТЬ — РИСК ПОРАЖЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКИМ ТОКОМ: Не допускайте использования внешних электрических приборов, таких как свет, телефон, радио, телевизор и т. Д., В пределах 5 футов (1,5 м) от спа-центра.

THE MAGIC AND THE DANGER OF FICTION IS THIS: it allows us to see through other eyes.

Опасность и магия художественной литературы состоит вот в чем: она дает нам посмотреть на мир чужими глазами.

As part of the training, the personnel were brought to the «MILITARY DANGER» level of combat readiness

В рамках занятий, личный состав приводился в степень боевой готовности «ВОЕННАЯ УГРОЗА«

Add a fourth sub-item to the subparagraph with the title «NATURE OF DANGER» as follows:

В раздел под заголовком «ХАРАКТЕР ОПАСНОСТИ» добавить четвертый подпункт следующего содержания:

Nevertheless, the label on the unit I used read, «DANGER: This device is capable of killing you without warning!»

Хотя предупреждающая табличка на устройстве, которое я использовал, гласила: «ОПАСНОСТЬ: Это устройство способно убить вас без предупреждения!»

All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the words «DANGER«, «WARNING» OR «CAUTION».

Все сообщения о безопасности следуют за этим символом и словами «ОПАСНОСТЬ» или «ВНИМАНИЕ».

one of three signal words: DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION.

Каждое предупреждение озаглавлено одним из трех сигнальных слов: ОПАСНОСТЬ, ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЕ или ОСТОРОЖНО.

DO NOT remove any safety alert labels such as DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION.



Мое мнение: Опасность, Уилл Робинсон!


I know, DANGER, Will Robinson!

Мое мнение: Опасность, Уилл Робинсон!

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат DANGER

Результатов: 64531. Точных совпадений: 64531. Затраченное время: 130 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples of how to use the word “danger” in a sentence. How to connect “danger” with other words to make correct English sentences.

danger (n): the possibility of harm or death to someone

Use “danger” in a sentence

I’m afraid that you’re in danger.
He is a danger to society.
I was not fully aware of the danger.
What dangers do we face?
She deliberately exposed him to danger.
A red sign usually indicates danger.
There is no visible danger.
The church roof is in danger of collapse.
Do you realize the danger you’re in?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

How to use danger in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «danger» and check conjugation/comparative form for «danger«. Mastering all the usages of «danger» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Warning labels should be applied when a danger is clear, a danger is large and a danger is avoidable.
Putting all of America and our citizens in danger, great danger.
She saw the danger — you look at — it just looks like danger.
That said, danger of panic still far exceeds danger of corona imo.
If I didn’t go out to meet danger, danger would come find me.
Certainly that’s the danger of the summit, the danger of an early summit.
«Here there is danger, on the other side there is danger,» he said.
Being quiet will not only danger today, it will also danger the future.
«I think that meeting really did crystallize the danger that some of the people in the SETI community perceive—not a danger from ET but a danger in the reputation of the organization, a danger of losing funding,» Vakoch says.
Somebody that only represents a danger because [Gaston] says that he represents a danger.
Danger, danger Some have nicknamed her «Lion Queen,» while others simply question her motives.
«That is not creation of the danger, that’s allowance of the danger,» he said.
«Migrants are not a danger — they are in danger,» Francis told his young audience.
People see the danger but can’t see the danger in not helping and ignoring.
They’re not going to get themselves in danger because you put yourself in danger.
This is a global danger and the world should be together to fight this danger.
Sure, that danger is probably decades away if it’s even a real danger at all.
His most recent projects included Henry Danger, Game Shakers and The Adventures of Kid Danger.
They put us in greater danger, and they can put you in greater danger, too.
The danger of one big wall is that if it fails, we’re all in danger.
He’s not just a public danger; he’s an existential danger to the fabric of our republic.
NATO faces both an old danger to the east and a new danger to the west.
«I saw the danger, and people used to warn me about the possible danger,» he recalled.
«Stop running those ads which are creating fear and causing danger, literally putting people’s lives in danger
There was a real danger when combining Karen O and Danger Mouse that things could get too theatrical.
They suggest a power and a strength and a danger, and in this case the danger is unclear.
My mother wept and insisted I was putting myself in danger, but she could never articulate the ‘danger.
Remaining White Helmets in danger «We are still in danger,» Abu Muhanad, another White Helmet member, told CNN.
But if you don’t know what the danger is, in that moment everything is full of danger. Everything.
«We focused on, instead of religion, danger — the areas of the world that create danger for us,» he added.
JM: Really the danger — the enormous danger — and the toxic environment were physical hurdles that were really life-threatening.
» Manafort did not pose a physical danger, she said, but he presented a danger to «the administration of justice.
Greater danger Every day, firefighters in Los Angeles receive a brush burning index report that indicates the fire danger.
Their maps assess whether your home is in danger or not, but cannot help you understand how much danger.
But research finally showed that the danger of losing parents was far worse than the danger of imperfect sterility.
Antimicrobial resistance is a big danger to humanity and is as big a danger as climate change or warfare.
If you really want to talk about danger, take a gander at these nostalgic death traps: Tiny balls of danger.
Much of Building the Wall is about the danger of such individuals, and the danger of loose words, in general.
By this point your life is in danger because you are starving and I have systematically put it in danger.
Dennis Reynolds «Implication» Enamel Pin «No ones in any real danger, it’s the Implication of danger» With free D.E.N.N.I.S System!
We cannot underestimate the danger of that — a danger from within our own societies that we must face with all vigilance.
If that’s your starting premise, does that mean you think there’s a great danger in overreacting to the danger it poses?
Constant incendiary media coverage contributes to the sense of danger, which leads to heightened fear and further escalation of perceived danger.
While it might not be a danger to the world financial system like Libra, it could be a danger to itself.
Even when the danger is over, small things that remind the person of the danger can trigger cortisol to be released.
She said there was no danger to those who respected the warnings from the authorities and stayed away from danger zones.
If the status quo remains unchanged, «then the danger in parliament won’t be me, your danger will be your people», she said.
It’s «intense» in the way a rollercoaster is intense: something designed to make you feel danger, but never introduce you to danger.
The AP portrayed concealed handgun permit holders as a danger to others while editing out information showing that no such danger exists.
The president’s obsession has become so habitual that we are in danger of becoming accustomed to it, and thus ignoring its danger.
If the EPA determines that carbon is a danger to public health, the court said, it must regulate carbon to reduce that danger.
The story lines typically featured female leads getting into danger, getting out of danger, brandishing guns, giving chase in cars, and battling villains.
This is the statistic that is looking to claim our aging, musty bodies: the danger that befalls people in flight from other danger.
«His life was in danger, he acted upon that danger, and unfortunately a man lost his life,» defense attorney Jay Daniels told jurors.
«If anything’s in danger, I would say the thing that’s probably the danger is that textbooks are going to go away,» he said.
«It puts us in danger, it puts our patients in danger,» Kelley Cabrera, an emergency room nurse in the Bronx, told The Times.
But the same people most in danger from a Trump presidency are also in danger from the bitter-end anger of disappointed Trumpists.
«That is fraught with danger, political danger,» said John Feehery, a Republican strategist who served as spokesman to former Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert.
But Vasher argues the danger she faces on the road is far greater than the danger she faces while parked at a truck stop.
«These risks aren’t drug-toxicity risks,» he adds, meaning there’s no danger of the children overdosing—but that’s not to say it’s without danger.
Escapism must either specify a danger or prove so irresistible that you could plug in any danger and reach for the same escape hatch.
Was that—now that the attacks are much more about his danger—you talk about the danger to the public— TIM MILLER: Mm-hmm.
Fear is when you’re detecting that there’s a danger present, but anxiety is when you’re feeling like you should be on the lookout for danger.
If you believe alligator is in danger and/or a danger to others, you should contact a wildlife rescue professional and Animal Control  for assistances.
Unlike most horror novels and films, it’s not the uncertainty of danger that has you on edge, but exactly when that danger will finally happen.
Not only is there the danger of ordering a bathrobe by mistake but also the danger of buying something that will make you look ridiculous.
Those seats behind the dugout can present a real danger to fans — more danger, in fact, than the seats Manfred has asked teams to protect.
The Lost Boys and the Darlings face profound danger throughout both book and play, but Peter tends to find the danger entertaining rather than frightening.
Danger listened as Manning experimented with her voice, «putting it in different pitches in an effort to find out what felt right,» Danger told me.
Typically, civil danger warnings are rarely broadcast as they are used to alert residents of imminent danger, such as a military strike or terrorist attack.
«Today, the American soldier is in danger, tomorrow the European soldier could be in danger,» Mr. Rouhani said in a speech, Agence France-Presse reported.
The danger of hateful feedback (in addition to the possibility of actual danger) is that to repel it, you risk numbing yourself to constructive criticism.
She has been doing some stuff that puts her site in danger, and puts herself in danger of what’s happening in the Philippines, which is reprehensible.
«We are not the danger for this country … those that are destroying it for 30 years are the real danger,» she told the crowd on Saturday.
Instead of making us safer, these DHS memos only expose us to more danger—the danger of forgetting America’s immigrant heritage and eroding basic American values.
That danger is probably not comparable to the danger Trump’s policies would do for them (particularly for unauthorized immigrants and Muslim Americans) if he is elected.
«You’ve now heard from legal scholars from a variety of schools of thought, from a variety of political backgrounds, but they do have a common theme with a dire warning — danger, danger, danger,» Sekulow said, using a phrase that he repeated several times on the Senate floor.
«It is not a crime if somebody acts to defend herself … She was in danger, and she tried to avert this danger with her actions,» Sipos said.
Danger rating: High—if you’re a North Korean with an anti-authoritarian streak, or the idea of people living crushingly soulless lives makes you feel in danger.
You are willfully spreading misinformation to an enormous audience, misinformation that could put their health in danger or put the health of those around them in danger.
Any lag in snapping into gear — like thoughtlessly touching their mouths while traveling — could put them in danger of infection, and hence in danger of infecting others.
«We have to empower people to get help for family or loved ones who may be a danger to themselves or a danger to others,» he said.
«The delay never put us in a situation where any kids’ lives were in danger, any teachers’ lives were in danger,» Pustizzi said at a news conference.
«The delay never put us in a situation where any kids’ lives were in danger, any teachers lives were in danger,» Pustizzi said at a news conference.
This not only represents a danger to people in the area, but a particular danger to areas that may not be prepared for the sudden rise of water.
And frankly, if we are going to be blunt and honest here, it is a clear and danger to our — clear and present danger to our constitutional republic.
Where companies see potential opportunity, we see danger; and there is no greater danger than the plethora of financial, legal, and reputational risks attached to Iranian business ventures.
That line that is repeated often these days — that the police run toward danger as the public runs away from it — applies even when the danger is invisible.
Trump represents a clear and very present danger, and it is in the face of that danger that courage and truth are made more necessary and more perfect.
It is our responsibility and our duty to confront this danger together, because the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows and the fewer the options become.
On past reporting trips, safety directives centered on keeping me out of danger, but on this one the overarching concern was keeping me from putting others in danger.
He followed up a tweet of a paper outlining potential drug therapy options with a tweet insisting that the «danger of panic still far exceeds danger» of coronavirus.
Supporting Iran, with its clear and present danger to the survival of the State of Israel and its promise to bring death to America, is a greater danger.
There was concern about «the danger of escalation and the danger of having a conflict with Iran while we already had our hands full in Iraq,» he said.
He recognizes the danger to his country, he recognizes the danger to his party, and he has chosen to do something about the latter instead of the former.
We are already in danger, there’s more danger to come, and the best we can hope for is to slow and stop the process before the dangers are catastrophic.
Prosecution: Bergdahl put soldiers in danger But government prosecutors said Bergdahl was aware of the risks when he deserted, and that doing so put his fellow soldiers in danger.
«I don’t see real danger in overstating the possible severity of insect decline, but there is real danger in underestimating how bad things really are,» she told the Atlantic.
People have been advised to stay away from a 6-km (4-mile) radius Permanent Danger Zone and a 7-km Expanded Danger Zone on the volcano’s southern flank.
Compared with the immediate danger of regional conflict and even greater bloodshed, the danger to Greece may seem secondary, but it illustrates the unforeseen consequences of impetuous American actions.
It is the danger now, and it is the danger in the future, when the presidency might be held by a would-be strongman smoother and cleverer than Trump.
«The delay never put us in a situation where any kids’ lives were in danger, any teachers lives were in danger,» Pustizzi said at a news conference Thursday afternoon.
Lamar Odom + nightclubs = danger … so says John Salley.
«[He died] running toward danger while others were correctly running away from danger,» continued Israel, who was alongside Feis as a volunteer football coach when his two sons attended MSD.
Danger in the line of duty All over the country, when lives are in danger, law enforcement officers must make difficult decisions like this one, often at a moment’s notice.
Danger of volatility The danger of volatility is not the only reason why Trump might consider being more cautious in tying himself directly to the performance of the stock market.
The person may not know he’s a danger to you, and the only one who isn’t a danger is the one you never meet, the one who stays at home.
The heat index chart also clearly lays out at what point you need to be worried about heat-related illnesses (it’s broken down into: caution, extreme caution, danger, and extreme danger).
The plaintiffs said authorities failed to take the appropriate measures to eliminate the danger of highly corrosive, lead-contaminated water, a danger they were made aware of as early as 2014.
The plaintiffs say authorities failed to take the appropriate measures to eliminate the danger of highly corrosive, lead-contaminated water, a danger they were made aware of as early as 2014.
«We’re gonna fire when our lives are our danger, and there’s a danger to the public,» said Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw when asked why authorities shot at Roemhild’s car.
The danger for the established press, then, is the same danger facing other institutions in our republic: that while believing themselves to be nobly resisting Trump, they end up imitating him.
«Apple doesn’t look like a great risk-reward, not because I think it’s in danger of falling, but I think it’s in danger of stalling,» Schlossberg said during the same segment.
«Maritime ports of Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar have been advised to lower danger signal number seven but instead hoist great danger signal number ten (repeat) ten,» a government weather bulletin said.
The following acts Glöstter Gladiattor and Danger would struggle to keep things civil, but somehow managed to regain the crowd—Glöstter Gladiattor with sheer charisma, and Danger with their humble roots.
But by the time they realized the danger — CHOMP!
» To the Editor: Re «Is Our Democracy in Danger?
He downplayed the danger … well, unless you’re a woman.
«This is the worst day we’ve seen in the history of NSW when it comes to fire danger ratings and fire danger conditions,» Rural Fire Service commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons told reporters today.
That case suggests that power line companies have no duty to warn balloonists of a known danger of electricity when the presence of the power lines was an open and obvious danger.
But if some of the most astute investors of our time — Ray Dalio, Paul Singer and Carl Icahn — are screaming «danger, danger» about the stock market, then who are we to argue?
Even as the Trump Administration stokes the danger from right-wing extremism with reckless language about «enemies of the people,» Congress has an opportunity to head off the danger by acting now.
It’s not just that she can fight her way out of danger—it’s that she’s a vision of what could be possible if women weren’t in danger as often as they are.
When the U.S. government has removed its Peace Corps volunteers from El Salvador due to imminent danger, it is clear that we should not be deporting people back to that same danger.
They made the decision to leave their home countries, assessing that the danger of leaving was outstripped by the danger of facing gang death threats or feeding a family on $173 per day.
«There is no immediate danger for Italy to lose access to the markets, there is no immediate danger of it being downgraded below investment grade, they are still two notches above,» Regling said.
Dozens of activists staged a sit-in outside the Rabat court before the first hearing in her trial, chanting: «What a shame freedoms are in danger, what a shame journalism is in danger«.
Mr. Powell said that gradual rate increases remained the best way for the Fed to navigate between the danger the economy will overheat and cause inflation, and the danger the economy will falter.
I think the danger of AI is much greater than the danger of nuclear warheads by a lot and nobody would suggest that we allow anyone to build nuclear warheads if they want.
And stay inside until officials say that danger has passed.
What parents need to know Stranger danger is an issue.
It senses danger immediately and takes action to save itself.
Maybe those were real meteors and people are in danger?
Meanwhile, Monte ran into some real danger on his ship.
Now net neutrality is in danger, and Wheeler isn’t pleased.
This is the danger of straight kicking of any kind.
After our first summit, all of the danger went away.
For UBS, the real danger lies in local bond markets.
There’s a palpable danger, a sense that anything can happen.
There seemed to be some danger left in that story.
They expressed dismay that Trump viewed them as a danger.
There is danger everywhere you look in the cybersecurity space.
That portends danger — in the Maine hospital case and beyond.
This presents both opportunity and danger for these four candidates.
It’s danger —, » Conway stopped midsentence, catching herself before saying «dangerous.
In the near term, little danger of overheating is apparent.
I honestly feel like my team could be in danger.
So, going back to your friend, their Ficus sensed danger.
There isn’t danger in technological innovation in and of itself.
Even then, there’s a danger of other diseases getting out.
Officers have told CNN the policy puts them in danger.
It’s pure fidgety caprice that puts the country in danger.
Yet explosive devices along the roads presented equally grave danger.
So was the danger that would arise if McGahn acquiesced.
It’s a danger that young people are especially vulnerable to.
You might be in danger of having your account closed.
The prevailing atmosphere wasn’t one of danger but of possibility.
You don’t want them to put your cookout in danger.
NASA reported that the astronauts were never in any danger.
Others were determined to be a danger to the child.
Otherwise, hundreds of millions of lives will be in danger.
It is not just my family who is in danger.
They should be a source of joy – not of danger.
The basic danger that Mr Harari identifies is certainly real.
Perhaps it’s because the motorized selfie camera is a danger?
The element of danger is more exciting than the flavor.
«I think he means he is in danger,» she said.
With unusually dry pasture, the danger of bush fires looms.
Am I putting him in danger, just by visiting him?
Sufferers are still routinely treated as a danger to society.
«If you are in immediate danger, call 911,» RAINN said.
It said she is believed to be in extreme danger.
But I am not in the grip of that danger.
He is live from the Committee on the Present Danger.
Officers told CNN that the policy puts them in danger.
And that, in turn, has put people in increasing danger.
Protesting and facing potential danger is taking the high road.
There will always be contradiction, tension, and danger of overdoing.
The danger is that Brexit hands power to vested interests.
And that, according to Butterfly, is putting women in danger.
And she’s in no danger of running into financial trouble.
Yet despite the clear and pervasive danger, Congress seems stumped.
It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.
That 1977 ruling appears in real danger of being overturned.
Didn’t he charge into danger like an idiot once again?
We liberals are sometimes glib about equating guns and danger.
Take Care Respond to danger, brush up on emergency preparedness.
They also draw attention to buildings in danger of demolition.
Trade is a relatively small danger to the world’s biodiversity.
They ran towards danger to render aid to other officers.
And at the first whiff of danger, he will bolt.
But clearly Ballerini is in no danger of flaming out.
The Henry Danger star proves he’s not afraid of much….
The technological environment is rich with possibility but also danger.
Danger Zone will be the third release from the studio.
There is a danger in having too much of it.
But do you have to put our lives in danger?
The bigger danger for the Goliaths is fear and mistrust.
But that won’t put Roe v Wade in any danger.
However, lest we forget, Bergdahl put other soldiers in danger.
She seems to get off on the promise of danger.
Individually, few if any of the protesters posed a danger.
THE FIRST sound of danger was the roar of motorbikes.
We recognize the danger of hate rhetoric by public figures.
And it’s not like the company is approaching financial danger.
Other options would have exposed the officers to grave danger.
The Raptors were never in any real danger of losing.
Do you think the danger is worth the entertainment value?
But danger, as well as Bernard, is COB’s middle name.
And even the financial markets perceive some danger of default.
The ambiguity of Mr Modi’s beliefs only deepens the danger.
But I knew that I wasn’t in any real danger.
Something always goes wrong with the Danger Room’s safety protocols.
«Thursday is a high fire danger for us,» he said.
» The new warning signs, which appear in red, read: «DANGER.
The world is safer from nuclear danger because of him.
Such is the danger of not owning your music, really.
Airport incursions are not the only danger posed by drones.
Rebecca was believed to be in extreme danger, authorities said.
The system seems to be in danger of destroying itself.
The lessons of which are in danger of being forgotten.
I don’t really understand that people associate knives with danger.
Is there a danger of any radical message being diluted?
Existence in Aleppo means that you are always in danger.
«There is no danger to the community,» the spokesman says.
The danger is that partisanship might forestall either idea entirely.
Another danger is the accidental launching of a cyberfinancial war.
The danger is we become numb and it becomes commonplace.
«But there’s no indication that the real danger has passed.»
If someone speaks up about the danger, they are dismissed.
There is a danger that Mr Pompeo will reinforce them.
Even an old horseshoe can become an implement of danger.
Morland acknowledged the danger in a haunting tweet December 26.
But Tura’s childhood in Chicago was also fraught with danger.
It won’t be long before the nonsense tips into danger.
It’s unclear if Miley was aware of the apparent danger.
«America is not in danger from sharia law,» she said.
UGG boot lovers are in danger of a mass conversion.
That is the danger that confronts Giuliani and Trump now.
» «Our digital lives are now in danger every single day.
«I think this may be the danger,» said the source.
You know, the thing that actually put players in danger.  
«un peligro para la comunidad» — a danger to the community.
Not soft or cuddly, but symbols of danger and malice.
This could pose a danger for customers with peanut allergies.
These are full and a potential danger to wildlife. pic.twitter.
As a result, thousands of ordinary people are in danger.
Dropping out puts students in the greatest danger of default.
The difference in this case … putting her son in danger.
She will be more resilient in the face of danger.
«There was no sign we were in danger,» she said.
Are we in danger of colliding with this black hole?
It’s down and dirty and there’s danger around every corner.
The opportunity and danger of a little trespassing was irresistible.
The dark, glittering allure of danger and uncertainty is irresistible.
The big danger comes with mixing benzodiazepines with other substances.
There’s no danger in what I just said— is there?
«It is a danger to the public,» Bruno told CNN.
Last Sunday, it was the highway to the danger zone.
«, and not looking at them like they are a danger
But Bernick said eliminating danger altogether was not an option.
But no, there’s no danger, it’s the East Atlanta Santa.
I hate that these feelings of danger are coming back.
That kind of language puts our troops in danger overseas.
The judge declined, saying Pistol was in no real danger.
The danger, she says, is oversimplifying good and bad experiences.
As for the storyline, danger lurks behind every corner — again.
In a welcome twist, Danger Zone is coming very soon.
Now I wasn’t in danger of being a bad person.
» Israel, Kerry warned, was «heading to a place of danger.
Greater danger occurs above 150 to 200 parts per million.
I’m not in any immediate danger, I’ll say to you.
It was so underground, there was this element of danger.
The danger is they can get stuck in the esophagus.
But the danger of a skewed census hasn’t gone away.
Rescue workers say hundreds are still trapped in danger zones.
Three years later, came Danger Mouse’s seminal The Grey Album.
There is a danger here of succumbing to false equivalency.
The euro area’s weak and distorted recovery is a danger.
Donald Trump’s ungoverned behavior is a danger to us all.
Freedom of religion is in «even greater danger,» Alito said.
Sessions’ immunity doesn’t diminish the danger of Russian interference, however.
The endangered snow leopard is now in even more danger.
Tarkovsky’s Zone of liminal danger threatens to inherit the earth.
It could very well put us all in immediate danger.
Republicans are once again in danger of losing the majority.
The arrangement was always fraught with danger for two reasons.
But the drama these episodes unleashed hid a bigger danger.
Following Carlos Ghosn’s downfall, they are in danger of extinction.
Is there a danger of retrenchment if it doesn’t happen?
Take a look at the landmarks that are in danger.
It’s hard to fully appreciate the danger commandos are in.
The danger now is that pessimism rather than realism rules.
That, like Philip, we’re paranoid, seeing spies and danger everywhere.
They didn’t know it, but they were running toward danger.
Yet an uncontrollable spike in tensions remains a real danger.
Ervin was a realist about the danger of congressional investigations.
In the presence of danger, we are prepared to fight.
But now our futures are full of danger as well.
Oh, and also probably monsters, imminent danger, and certain death.
The danger can come when those roles happen to shift.
She had made him risk danger and charge at fate.
«We are at the maximum point of danger,» he said.
Literally off the charts fire danger in LA on Thursday.
But the United States is now in danger of backsliding.
That brings us to the unappreciated danger of dead bees.
I presumed they, like me, were running away from danger.
Ah, yes, we must keep our women out of danger.
That’s the danger in polls that miss the full story.
As has been said before danger never takes a vacation.
Aside from the flooding, the danger comes from the wind.
The road ahead is fraught with danger, especially for Catalonia.
The danger posed by the threat is amplified by speculation.
The pinned down force was in danger of being overrun.
But being so far from civilization was not without danger.
They are concerned with just one message: Muslim equals danger.
But there was no fire, or any other imminent danger.
And that could be a «real danger,» Baucus told CNBC.
«And they raise the danger of inadvertent escalation,» he added.
But she soon realizes the danger is far from over.
The danger to us and our families cannot be overstated.
The briefing warns, however, that the danger has not abated.
His pulse rate never rises above 80, even in danger.
Danger is everywhere Nothing is safe for the Sky People.
The more nuclear weapon states, the greater the nuclear danger.
And she worries about the danger of being too gloomy.
But isn’t there a danger of laughing at, not with?
First, you have to protect people who are in danger.
Panic is not evidence of danger; it’s evidence of panic.
I was alone and had no sense of any danger.
There was danger of a military conflict erupting in Berlin.
I failed to acknowledge the danger of my own impairment.
Republican strategist Ford O’Connell says the GOP knows the danger.
Please don’t put Deaf lives in danger because you’re clueless.
All three efforts are in danger of delay or defeat.
RELATED: Is your favorite show in danger of being canceled?
«People are worried that Buddhism is in danger,» he said.
People who study collaborative work agree: Often, dirt, danger and
His predicament underscores the grave danger confronting Republicans this fall.
There is a real danger that these policies will boomerang
But the great danger is understanding that everything is flipped.
The difficulty, cost, and danger limited the number of measurements.
There was «at one time a real danger«, said Dod,
But I feel a palpable danger with a Trump government.
The security of our retirement savings already faces unprecedented danger.
He knew he was in great danger of being suspended.
Split second decisions are … needed, and the complexity creates danger.
One of the hosts wore a «Danger: Men Cooking» apron.
The ruling in most imminent danger is Roe v. Wade.
I was newly obsessed with Danger Mouse at this stage.
She also told us Santos’ life is not in danger.
Now, they’re in danger of losing even that limited access.
The result is real danger for the Affordable Care Act.
I believed that the subculture was in danger of extinction.
And perhaps the danger our nation faces will be ameliorated.
«He put our lives in danger,» Herrig told TMZ Sports.
Red brings lots of cultural baggage, too: danger, aggression, desire.
He got nervous, and that is the main danger: fear.
Did I ever feel like my life was in danger?
Is it supposed to somehow underline the excitement and danger?
Cruz is in real danger of suffering the same fate.
Gruden attacked the true danger facing this great game: geniuses.
Go deeper: Why Facebook’s shellacking spells danger for all stocks
But Thomas said what constitutes imminent danger can be vague.
A big danger is movements in the yuan, he said.
«Records really are in danger of extinction here,» Yessel added.
And am I in danger of becoming one of them?
Nor is he ever in much danger of losing it.
The danger for Johnson will be in what happens afterwards.
The rabbit is both out of reach and in danger.
Danger arose if one predominated, so periodic voiding was crucial.
But others think there’s little danger in Trump’s changing messaging.
But from the very beginning, the girls were in danger.
Even so, there’s an obvious danger across the ballet world.
This almost certainly places those relatives in danger of deportation.
Shannon knew she was in danger of losing her home.
There was always a danger of skidding and wiping out.
Political leaders, like everyone else, face personal danger of infection.
He said the knowledge gap around tech’s danger is enormous.
«There’s always danger,» he said of facing the Yankees’ lineup.
Is almost every destination in the world a potential danger?
» «We did not use our football to create more danger.
The Adélie are not recent migrants to the Danger Islands.
«Does the snake represent power or danger?» asked Mr. Baume.
She is no longer listed as missing and in danger.
They could be in danger of deportation beginning in March.
The real danger is not the antics but the policies.
The panel is also putting abortion providers’ lives in danger.
This of course is the insidious danger of Justin Trudeau.
If Democrats win, you and your family are in danger.
Danger was purchased by Microsoft in 2008 for $500 million.
MAH: It is a privilege and it is a danger.
Traditions in danger of vanishing are given a special designation.
Push themselves past the point of exhaustion into mortal danger?
She doesn’t always realize how much danger she is in.
He showed sound judgment and character in times of danger.
There’s a danger that they’ll take advantage of your ignorance.
Many have purposely put themselves in danger through coastal living.
But the danger of it is becoming more apparent, too.
The danger from handling small amounts is inhaling plutonium dust.
She led him down a path of deceit and danger.
De Blasio said there was no danger in giving blood.
There is a danger, however, in overestimating our negotiating leverage.
A bit close for comfort, maybe, but no real danger.
«It’s imminent danger,» said Gina Hawkins, the city’s police chief.
There is danger outside Deborah’s house and inside it, too.
Frantic calls on the police radio warned of the danger.
«You cannot see or even smell that there’s danger coming.»
There’s a danger in careening too far into Hollywood, however.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has insisted there’s no further danger.
At around 104 degrees, you get into the danger zone.
There’s danger in applying strategy to Trump’s whims on Twitter.
Even dogs that avoid the water may be in danger.
Surrounded by danger, Fatherland, we all stand hand in hand.
The bottom line is people’s lives are in danger here.
Seen more broadly, Chinese institutions are in danger of decay.
The bigger danger than hokiness or blandness is simple cancellation.
If I respond, could my physical safety be in danger?
Is «ange» an angel, or part of anger or danger?
Was Israel’s special relationship with Germany, too, now in danger?
And the danger won’t end when the fighting is over.
Yet he perceives danger everywhere, and responds to it disproportionately.
Water levels have risen significantly, which added to the danger.
Expanded and intelligently designed pedestrian areas will reduce the danger.
Such danger draws competitors who come to experience rare thrills.
I gave you power and it put me in danger.
The N.F.L. can’t stop reminding people about its inherent danger.
But right now is the danger moment for Laura Dern.
Is there some danger in the numbers we aren’t seeing?
The danger is that these become congealed into mere rituals.
But danger lurks when credit is hassle free and tempting.
This is a danger that Kennedy foresaw, and warned against.
Yet the danger we are facing isn’t really about technology.
Police procedure required that detectives notify Na’im of the danger.
Yet there is also an enormous danger in doing nothing.
Danger weighs on him as it did not decades ago.
Police are only to be called to respond to danger.
Moezzi’s life was already in danger before this latest development.
Now, he might be infected and a danger to others.
It’s a problem and presents a danger to our democracy.
This trend in the animal world carries a double danger.
What if you’re in danger of taking your own life?
The White House is in danger of repeating the error.
An even greater danger lurks on the horizon as well.
Separation from the group, on the other hand, meant danger.
«I want people to recognize the danger signs,» he said.
Violence and danger shimmer in the air like that pollen.
I feel good because I like helping people in danger.
Its sad this man is putting Americans live in danger.
They eat lawns and can be a danger to drivers.
The one constant danger facing children is recruitment by soldiers.
It can lurk far from where you think danger lives.
«One million species are in danger of extinction,» she said.
I saw no combat and was in no real danger.
Are the lives of those who testified also in danger?
«Everything’s in danger right now,» Ms. Mendoza, a Democrat, said.
Had the food been in the «danger zone» too long?
It is in danger of giving birth to its opposite.
Though other industries are in danger, your position is safe.
After further tests, Catalan police said it represented no danger.
In northern Michigan, fracking looms as a danger to rivers.
Split second decisions are needed, and the complexity creates danger.
And in this case, the danger isn’t just to kids.
The real danger, however, lies in another threat: price controls.
The UNFCCC process was in danger of falling apart entirely.
That was the danger in the past couple of days.
Writers can’t simply place Will in danger again and again.
In the 1970s, bald eagles were in danger of extinction.
«They are going to put people in danger,» she said.
It’s got too much danger to call it a sport.
A sense of imminent danger suddenly radiates from your pocket.
I never felt threatened or in any kind of danger.
At some point insurers could withdraw completely from danger zones.
This ring won’t put you in danger on the subways.
I think the danger to the country is already substantial.
Like Oaktree Capital’s Howard Marks, Gundlach is seeing danger signs.
Until Wednesday, I never felt in danger during a protest.
However, heatstroke isn’t the only danger these high temperatures pose.
What they don’t do is idiosyncrasy, hysteria, rawness, danger, breathlessness.
Another danger digital media companies face is that of regulation.
While they weren’t in danger, their fame kept them prisoner.
And as a former TOLO reporter, Samaa faces additional danger.
I had to cross two blocks in the danger zone.
His recklessness also highlights the danger of nuclear first use.
If past is prologue, we are in very serious danger.
Vincenzetti’s emails vividly exploit this sense of danger and alarm.
Was there reason to think we were in imminent danger?
Current conditions suggest little danger of a significant economic downturn.
He also said Islam was a danger to the West.
I also asked for the location of these danger zones.
The veins in his neck seemed in danger of rupturing.
For Babin, that danger could have cost him his life.
«There is a danger that I don’t succeed,» he said.
That was one danger I knew we could never accept.
Until then, we are all in danger of being blackmailed.
The GOP is in danger of alienating a whole generation.
» The High Desert Museum — where signs read «Extreme Fire Danger.
They are not in any danger or anything like that.
But the danger is to derive everything from this tradition.
It has romance and danger and a few funny quips.
The areas of the world that create danger for us.
That is in itself a freedom, but also a danger.
Still others think he’s a huge danger to our species.
Split second decisions are…. ….needed, and the complexity creates danger.
«I felt like my group was in danger,» he said.
But he thinks the danger is real and worth considering.
He first did it with Danger, then again with Android.
Yes — but that is not the only danger we’re facing.
A sense of beauty and intense danger in equal measure.
The «wrong place, wrong time» story necessarily robs the characters of their agency — they’re only in danger because of bad luck — until they choose to do whatever it takes to get out of danger.
«Everyone in high fire danger areas should be cautious and ready to quickly evacuate, since fire danger weather conditions will continue to be dangerously dry and windy over the next several days,» LAFD said.
It’s really our body overreacting to what it sees as a sort of toxic danger and that danger started when the alcohol starts to break down in the body, which creates a domino effect.
But the term «Potentially Hazardous Asteroid,» a label that NASA routinely gives to various space rocks, doesn’t mean that Earth is in danger—or even potentially in danger, at least not any time soon.
Discrimination and ‘looming danger‘ The NAACP advisory — which the organization’s St. Louis County branch opposed — cited several incidents in Missouri as examples of discrimination and «looming danger» for people of color who venture there.
After losing the 2016 campaign on a platform of warning minorities, immigrants, women and gays of all manner of danger, Democrats have shifted gears for 85033, warning against all manner of danger to seniors.
She sticks by her husband when it emerges that Mr Weiner went by an absurd online alias—»Carlos Danger«—and is rewarded with the nickname «Señora Danger» on the front-page of a tabloid.
«There is the danger that these proxy fights between PKK supporters and nationalist, right-wing extremist Turks will escalate because there is a high, hard-hitting potential for danger in both groups,» he said.
Far from the faux election rigging that Donald Trump has been harping on for weeks, this election isn’t in danger of being stolen by Hillary Clinton, but in danger of being stolen from her.
Following men who work as White Helmets, the movie was shot in close proximity to the danger and the rubble, with filmmakers capturing almost unbelievable images of destruction and disaster at great personal danger.
In this light, the court recognized the danger of the «heckler’s veto» — that is, the danger of allowing threats of violence by opponents of a speaker to oblige the government to silence the speaker.
At this point, the show’s attempts to put Glenn in danger come off like sick jokes, as if it’s trying to taunt us with how little danger any of these characters can be in.
Authorities upgraded the forecast for the greater Sydney region to catastrophic fire danger on Tuesday, the first time the city has been rated at that level since new fire danger ratings were introduced in 2009.
«I find that the government has established danger to others and to the community by clear and convincing evidence,» he said, noting that «I doubt that any bail package can overcome danger to the community.»
Russia clearly isn’t the only danger to be worried about – the Swedish leaflet also explicitly refers to terror attacks as a danger, and refers throughout to the risks of unspecified «crisis» as well as war.
But that mishap «never put us in a situation where any kids’ lives were in danger, any teachers’ lives were in danger,» said Coral Springs police Chief Tony Pustizzi, whose officers responded to the scene.
» One funeral arranger told me she was trained at a large Los Angeles funeral home to tell customers that not embalming was illegal, «because of the danger to you and the danger to your family.
Infection during the first trimester appears to pose the biggest danger.
«A cramp is no small danger on a swim,» he cautions.
Her gait was unsteady, and she was in danger of falling.
The news media is complicit in inflating the sense of danger.
Aggravating the refugee crisis is the second danger according to Soros.
Meanwhile, the danger for innocent people caught in the middle intensifies.
What about the danger to children with guns in the house?
In this case, that advice may have put people in danger.
She appeared to be «drugged and in danger,» the caller claimed.
Another danger is that your email provider itself could be hacked.
In her TED talk «The Danger of the Single Story,» Chimamanda
Essentially, King’s Landing is a hotbed of danger (and warm temperatures).
«The only person in any danger here is me,» she wrote.
Climate change and the danger of nuclear war are closely related.
«I like the potential for danger inherent in gunpowder,» Badach says.
But it’s not «in danger» — at least not according to UNESCO.
The Jaime Redemption Train is in grave danger of being derailed.
If so, the idea of America itself might be in danger.
If that were to happen, NAFTA itself could be in danger.
Like I said, there’s no danger to the public with eagles.
«That I think is a clear and present danger,» Groshen said.
Themes of glamour, danger, and playful detachment run through their work.
If it does sense danger, it should be able to communicate.
«The lives of those injured are not in danger,» he said.
«We’re in danger of driving this into the dirt,» he said.
Along the road were brightly painted buildings labelled with «danger» warnings.
Everyone at Winterfell is in danger of dying in this episode.
Otherwise, Arya Stark might run into a new kind of danger.
And the danger of cancer returning in the scalp is real.
And is there a real danger in eating extremely spicy food?
The strategists say it remains below the extreme danger zone, though.
It’s very clear that Fauna is in danger of dying. But!
Your cute, sparkly iPhone case could be putting you in danger.
«There’s no real danger of apocalypse,» he said in an interview.
There’s a real danger to ignoring the latter type of bias.
The recreational pot industry, however, could be in more immediate danger.
«I felt my life was in danger,» he told the station.
Japanese military planners still see North Korea as an immediate danger.
While our republic isn’t in danger of devolving into all-out
«The danger is real and the law is clear,» Spicer said.
Let’s hope we can all recognize this danger before they succeed.
«Her life was now in danger,» said her husband, David Martinez.
Daniel’s photographs leave him with uncomfortable questions amidst shadows of danger.
Image: APThe diver’s death underscores the danger of a rescue attempt.
But there’s also a danger in going too far, he said.
The danger in the Northwest is expected to persist through September.
With M. analis, in fact, the danger is not as obvious.
We’re not supposed to think she’s in danger because she’s female.
Of the 6,700 worldwide, approximately 40% are in danger of disappearing.
Erdogan points to a danger from Islamic State and Kurdish militants.
But the First Amendment in the United States isn’t in danger.
Some are afraid of being in danger of deportation by affiliation.
«They knew that basically, there was a danger,» the photographer said.
The amplified sounds of footsteps and breathing signal that danger lurks.
Not as a representative for those who are actually in danger.
European countries have recently passed laws to combat this environmental danger.
It also could be a danger for the United States economy.
Clearly, Target’s new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters.
They are currently in danger, and the world has taken notice.
Not to freak you out, but you’re literally always in danger.
Another aspect of baths that can put your skin in danger?
The calculation for the Democrats rests on the danger of defeat.
Foolish financial crowds had better wise up to other danger zones.
At these cold temperatures, frostbite and hypothermia are a real danger.
We were just kids — how could we fully comprehend the danger?
«There’s some danger in setting the bar too high,» he said.
Trippel Lock, Third Maus, Third Danger, Spore of Gold and Drammnt.
Its job is to look out for danger, in other words.
Other ratings agencies have noted the danger to further intensifying relations.
The danger is that the doctor turns into a social worker.
Spanier argued his actions did not put any child in danger.
«This successful Brexit is a danger to risk assets,» Gross said.
One of the buildings was in danger of falling down completely.
That is both a colossal wasted opportunity and an unnecessary danger.
That’s not shocking, since fewer people want to live near danger.
These local difficulties could have added up to a national danger.
«There’s a danger in making a chip too specific,» says Demler.
VICE: When did you first realize that you were in danger?
Mr Trump’s dislike of global trade and immigration presents another danger.
The whole point is to make the danger vivid and concrete.
But, in a twist of irony, this visibility also brings danger.
Several retirees are in safe red districts and face little danger.
Officers repeatedly told CNN that the policy puts them in danger.
Is Donald Trump in danger of losing his «billionaire businessman» prefix?
But Trump may also end up in danger of losing his.
Defense attorneys say the soldier felt his life was in danger.
What is the biggest danger Trump poses to the Republican Party?
The next time it erupts, there could be danger, USGS suggests.
The biography that beguiles his supporters is replete with danger signals.
Threat level: The danger of this particular outbreak, which began Aug.
But one comparatively modern example suggests the danger could be low.
In Uganda the greatest danger has come from politicians bearing gifts.
But Republicans are also responding to a more immediate political danger.
Seems like the danger is getting amped up in this thriller!
He explained there is «clearly danger» for officers in the area.
It might also help in moving orbiting spacecraft out of danger.
Not that Germany is in much danger of hitting the target.
Running an NGO in Afghanistan is fraught with danger and difficulties.
Characters find themselves much closer to danger than they’d initially thought.
Another AI danger could be its impact on jobs through automation.
The danger is compounded by Italy’s membership of a currency union.
We see him put people in danger because of teenage stubbornness.
NASA is clear that this mission poses no danger to humans.
Kourtney Kardashian is in danger of losing her «Kardashian privileges,» apparently.
A great party is in danger of becoming a fanatical sect.
However, some say those markets are in danger of becoming overheated.
Now the units are in danger of disappearing, says Mr Muggah.
There is a danger of reading too much into local elections.
The main task of averting the danger falls to Latin Americans.
I think the danger is to start changing what you’re doing.
«The danger [of this exhibition] is, of course, huge,» he concedes.
So unless you’re right near FSU, you’re likely not in danger.
That is where the second danger comes in: the Libra’s governance.
We believe this guy could be a danger to women hitchhikers.
And so we didn’t literally feel like we were in danger.
Space weather can also pose a danger for astronauts in space.
Is it a genuine conviction [of the danger of climate change]?
«We’re not aware of any danger to the community,» Beth said.
Friday morning, they realized too late that they misjudged the danger.
But even after the surgery, Teegan’s life was still in danger.
It could be an ostentatious statement of toughness, rebellion, even danger.
Mr Levitsky and Mr Ziblatt go beyond anxious scanning for danger.
Perhaps more worryingly, Kenya’s faltering democratic progress is also in danger.
But the survivors have a new danger to consider: space brain.
Look, if we did it — SCHOEN: Every American is in danger.
But with success comes longevity, and with longevity comes the danger.
Key fob hacking isn&apost the only danger to modern cars.
She is sleeping peacefully, oblivious to the danger all around her.
But by showing us violence up close, Martínez skirts the danger
It said there was no danger to people or the environment.
When we encounter danger, the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system.
No students were in any danger, Wilson said in a statement.
There is also the danger of winning at an untenable price.
But more than anything, this law has put us in danger.
«There’s a lot of danger in what we do,» Dillon said.
But none of the books are remotely in danger of flunking.
Attorney Lee Gelernt says the regulations will put families in danger.
Polonetsky says the real danger lies in devices that constantly record.
The challenge isn’t without a certain high-wire danger for Ryan.
The Secret Service said no one had been put in danger.
«It represents a danger to our rule of law,» he said.
But they definitely will do it in the presence of danger.
«It’s impossible to overstate the danger associated with this,» he said.
She was careful to add that I wasn’t in any danger.
Therein lies the special danger of seeing politics through Star Wars.
A forgotten danger Falls are one of life’s great overlooked perils.
No Immediate Danger is written as a letter to the future.
There is a reasonable danger that this will be all talk.
We’re told he had no intention of putting anyone in danger.
To guarantee the waterworks, a loyal dog is put in danger.
Lead paint doesn’t pose an immediate danger unless it is deteriorating.
Another 673 rural hospitals are in danger of shutting their doors.
There is a danger of the political polarization of military service.
A loss would also have placed Turnbull’s personal position in danger.
For most iPhones, the danger comes from criminals rather than feds.
It is now allowed if a mother’s life is in danger.
This shows the danger in buying devices reliant on backend services.
«In the Coast Guard, you don’t run from danger,» he noted.
The puck trickled harmlessly through his skates and away from danger.
But even if it does, it’s no danger to us earthlings.
The danger for Trump in all this is hard to overstate.
The danger is that Trump’s reckless language could spark a resurgence.
Yet the danger is still real as speeds continue to rise.
But there’s a danger of waiting to go public as well.
A shift to the cloud reduces that danger, but brings others.
The other danger of a UBI is what it would destroy.
Police later determined that Manziel was safe and not in danger.
«His [Hayes’] life was in danger,» Daniels said in his statement.
Terminations are only permitted when the mother’s life is in danger.
It’s like The Fast and the Furious, but without the danger.
Birds in transit, such as migratory formations, are also a danger.
Where not just women are in danger, but all marginalized people.
He was willing to put my life in danger as punishment.
And that makes the danger of miscalculation — and war — infinitely greater.
But newer, fresher lava shooting out from fissures spell more danger.
Running back into danger The massacre started at about 10 p.m.
Now Big Island residents have yet another danger to worry about.
Is there a danger of taking advantage of financial free lunches?
«Where there is a danger, we have to stop,» Chiba said.
«Don’t put your life in danger,» the Guards navy representative says.
What danger did they pose by selling eggs in the street?
Trump poses a danger due to his shallow and inconsistent thinking.
A consensus approach dilutes the danger of one potentially destabilizing rule.
By that metric, at least, we seem in danger of underperforming.
Cilic served away the danger and studiously avoided Edmund’s bazooka forehand.
«There’s always danger in borrowing against a 401(k),» McClanahan said.
In the Southwest, hot, dry winds will bring extreme wildfire danger.
Even so, Xfund is in no danger of immediately shutting down.
This distrust creates more, not less, danger for mothers and babies.
The authorities are forecasting catastrophic fire danger in the surrounding area.
Everything we have built up is in danger of being destroyed.
The greatest danger facing mainstream journalists in this country is irrelevancy.
«We know the special counsel office is in danger,» Booker said.
We bring you news even in the face of severe danger.
«He’s in danger,» said the voice, and then a click. Silence.
His reaction — a deep breath, exhalation, nervous laughter — confirms the danger.
You’re dealing with a boat with 60 people in constant danger.
George was in danger of losing the ranch to back taxes.
Republican incumbents long thought to be in danger include Illinois Gov.
There was always danger and exhilaration, and there were always consequences.
And that idea of danger being close to home is exciting.
There was a danger of global incredulity at these incredible scenes.
That investigation puts the survival of the Trump presidency in danger.
Veterans have run toward danger to protect the rest of us.
Fears of danger have followed big new tech products for centuries.
The soldier points to the real and immediate danger he saw.
There is a degree of danger and intrigue in this work.
First is a fresh awareness of the danger of quick fixes.
Yet the danger still remains, Goldman warned in a Tuesday note.
The real danger, of course, is the ice on the road.
But it also puts you in real danger of identity theft.
Here’s where a shopper’s internal danger meter might begin flashing yellow.
That extremist passion, however, creates the danger of a political backlash.
There is nobody under greater danger than the people from ICE.
They didn’t want to put people in danger to save them.
They are also in danger of being replaced by something better.
These suggest acute situations of danger at a very personal level.
Those huge policy blunders have now put German democracy in danger.
Determining whether she was in danger was not a simple task.
This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles.
The closure will remain until sufficient precipitation eases the fire danger.
There is nobody under greater danger than the people of ICE.
Without bold and focused action, their future is in critical danger.
Hundreds of thousands of Nigerian children are in danger of starvation.
You simply can’t know their hidden danger until it’s too late.
Knowing this, they still willingly and eagerly put themselves in danger.
There is something about these brushes with danger that feels reassuring.
Challenging the president’s campaign could be fraught with danger, some said.
And now, he said, it’s in danger of all falling apart.
Interestingly, he thinks the real danger is quite a different one.
It is a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly.
And that’s where the danger lies if this story isn’t true.
For the novelist, there’s a danger in this kind of language.
Daily, and conspicuously, Trump proves the danger of his continued service.
They’d argue that the real danger is far-right racist politics.
And the GOP is in danger of the very same affliction.
Virtually every interaction with the outside world is defined by danger.
Part of the allure is the danger — you’re playing with fire!
But most Americans, even progressive activists, weren’t aware of the danger.
Kangaroo danger is by no means limited to Lake Macquarie, though.
«This is a bigger danger than Tamil separatism,» Vithanage told Reuters.
Me enjoying this weather but knowing our Earth is danger pic.twitter.
Hotter summer temperatures also favor more frequent extreme fire danger days.
«That means they are in real danger of dying,» said Jensen.
And the lives of their future generations are put in danger.
«This madness is a danger to our national security,» he added.
But I don’t want to put those around me in danger.
That’s the danger in illusion, especially one cast by the NFL.
On the flip side, there is danger for Republicans in inaction.
Nor are students who go on these trips immune to danger.
Those survivors who need protection face danger 24 hours a day.
They are a danger to law enforcement and to our communities.
And is Bannon really in danger of losing his Breitbart platform?
«Parliamentary elections are in danger of becoming a formality,» she added.
The whole machinery feels in danger of racing out of control.
That doesn’t mean that there is no danger of a crash.
Danger for Brazil there, as they lost Chicharito down the left.
There’s a danger that you might fall asleep for a moment.
One-day market drops are not the greatest danger, of course.
It has been in danger of disappearing almost since the start.
Look for hidden sugars Think the pantry is now danger free?
It is not a distant danger — it is already with us.
The video doesn’t sugarcoat the danger … it explains it especially well.
Or, more precisely, what kind of danger was little Felix in?
Making more dangerous weapons available to more people increases our danger.
We make our peace with this present danger — or we don’t.
«There’s a danger with Garry that people will forget,» he said.
Generally, phase three is not a major danger for male stars.
The internet is in danger of stopping us from being human.
A harsh reality about the danger of life on the road.
The escalating price means HS2000 is in danger of being derailed.
Without them, the craft would be in danger of dying out.
In practice, they pose a particular danger to a weak president.
The catch is simple: You’re always in danger of being killed.
«We go,» he said, referring to firefighters who rush toward danger.
Few outside counterterrorism experts believed Sri Lanka was in imminent danger.
So, I don’t feel in danger when I’m in the bush.
Their lives, like so many other Syrians, remain in grave danger.
And there’s still a danger that Bolton could outmaneuver the isolationists.
He’s a blight, a danger to himself and the entire crew.
The real danger comes in thinking yourself above such human limitations.
We are in danger of going back to those old policies.
And therein lies the danger of this greedy and reckless administration.
«Maybe as human beings we need a little danger,» Giuffre says.
This prospect is an existential danger for the entire Zionist project.
You’re utterly exposed and in immediate danger of real physical harm.
The House bill never appeared to be in danger of failing.
Her familiarity with addiction sharpened her ability to spot danger signs.
We take prescription drugs despite the danger of abuse and addiction.
But the State Department and privacy experts disagree on the danger.
«We’re used to danger,» Ms. Amanpour said by telephone from London.
That danger could also prove critical for Mr. Hammond’s Conservative Party.
About 100,000 people are believed to live in the danger zone.
The gravest danger to the wounded heart is an isolating silence.
The danger is that, after the latest debacle in Brussels, Mrs.
Investors in collateralized loan obligations are ignoring the signs of danger.
But there’s a danger for the reach that Charles Murray has.
He represents a clear and present danger to our national security.
And when the ice softens early, it can spell serious danger.
«To be in Mississippi is to be in danger,» she said.
They are in danger of becoming victims of their own success.
«Did you feel you were in danger?» a Bulgarian TV host
The roof of the building seemed in danger of blowing away.
«The real danger to Europe is the League,» declared the former.
But the danger of allowing governmental suppression of truth is real.
Some trees warn other trees of danger by releasing chemical drifts.
Such maneuvering, and proximity to danger, is common on Vietnamese roads.
His sense of frivolity came with a coating of stranger-danger.
» Danger of another sort lurks in Amanda Petrusich’s essay «Nuclear Family.
If the discontent spreads, her leadership position could be in danger.
Theaters seemed a more unequivocal danger, but Copeland eschewed total closure.
People are being sent back to danger, even to their deaths.
But that did not end the danger to the attorney general.
For the psychological, the desert became synonymous with freedom and danger.
Go deeper: Shrinking German economy signals danger for global financial health
Would this reveal their location and put them in grave danger?
Climate change has also increased the danger of catastrophic forest fires.
For Florida’s environment, the signs of danger and damage are everywhere.
«The danger is that it actually trivializes the threat,» he said.
There is nobody under greater danger than the people from ICE.
What is the danger facing Africa now with the novel coronavirus?
There is grave danger to this country like never happened before.
But officials emphasized that the greatest danger lay in the water.
Sisi justifies these measures by pointing to the danger from extremists.
That may be the real danger with these batteries, says Fogelman.
Only the neighborhoods in lower areas were in danger of flooding.
But the body language is brilliantly loaded with apprehension, turmoil, danger.
People generally suffer PTSD only after they’re no longer in danger.
» Ed from Maine commented: «This was always the danger with Trump.
In the fall and early winter, the danger becomes more potent.
«I genuinely feel our republic is in danger,» Mr. Pritzker said.
First, don’t promise confidentiality to people in danger of state persecution.
Fear is literally how we translate perception of danger into action.
Danger lurks everywhere in Gilead, often under the pretense of kindness.
The authorities said the danger of a major eruption had subsided.
Derq is developing systems to better understand where danger spots are.
But you want to avoid the danger of being Roger Taney.
Football is in no danger of becoming a game of centimeters.
That’s the real danger that has come out of this election.
Where she saw danger and desolation, I saw a thriving community.
There’s a danger, though, that this teachable moment will be lost.
Religious minorities in the Middle East today face real existential danger.
As such there’s a danger that if you have market turmoil.
It represents a great danger for about an estimated 70,000 people.
By mile four, my thoughts were filled with bears, snakes, danger.
The big danger is being buried and running out of air.
Excitement, danger, and braggadocio hang in the air, all distinctly disembodied.
The main things mitigating the danger are his incompetence and cowardice.
There is a danger in the rush to remove these statues.
My family has been running from danger for nearly 100 years.
«I am not a danger to my patients,» Dr. Koller wrote.
Read more about these creatures and why they are a danger.
The danger that communities face because of their speech isn’t equal.
«I thought I was in danger of not finishing,» he said.
But meth was still encircling those experiences, bringing danger and fear.
But there’s a danger in universalizing the figure of the migrant.
But slide too far toward safety, and you’re back in danger.
It’s easy to believe that your anxiety means you’re in danger.
That is the danger of the DOJ’s misinterpretation of the law.
A bigger danger is invisible to the untrained eye: rip currents.
Well, the Danger Islands are fairly remote, even by Antarctica standards.
Since then it has oscillated, never again reaching this danger point.
«Right-wing rule is in danger,» he said at the time.
It’s hard to know which poses the bigger danger to democracy.
Both the subject matter and the approach are fraught with danger.
Almost half a million people live in the volcano’s danger zone.
But of nastiness, giddiness, sarcasm or danger, there was precious little.
My family and I were in danger of losing our home.
And there’s the danger for Senator McConnell and his cheering section.
They truly believe they’re in danger because they know too much.
He offered a new assessment: «The danger is greater than before.»
The whistleblower’s lawyers said these comments put their client in danger.
But the danger to the party as a whole is real.
Independent institutions came to be seen as sources of intolerable danger.
They won awards for their scoops but were put in danger.
One cannot belittle the danger inherent in an anti-Semitic discourse.
He’s also been warning people about its potential danger for years.
That’s a danger point for us when it comes to valuation.
He and neighbors honked horns to alert others to the danger.
The real danger oftens comes from the seemingly innocuous housekeeping questions.
Now imagine this danger — the expungement of free will — were imminent.
The people most hurt and put in danger were ordinary Americans.
«Freedom of religion is in even greater danger,» Justice Alito said.
Ms. Salman, she said, was in extreme danger from her husband.
«You are always in danger of being shut down,» she said.
Finally, there is the danger of diseases deliberately spread by terrorists.
That danger came to the Tree of Life synagogue this weekend.
Matsumoto said Shkreli represented a danger because of his bounty offer.
Naturally, Danny wants to join him, and the danger ratchets up.
The danger lies in contempt’s peculiar ability to dehumanize its target.
They also understood the pending danger of Chris and Rose’s relationship.
There would always be the danger of the North Koreans cheating.
Wildfires don’t discriminate — they are a rural, suburban and urban danger.

опасность, угроза, гроза


- опасность

- угроза

danger to a country [to peace] — угроза стране [миру]
the dangers to health — вещи, вредные для здоровья

- риск

to be in danger of smth. /of doing smth./ — подвергаться какому-л. риску (предпринимая что-л.)
the dangers of a journey — опасности, подстерегающие путешественника
the boat was in danger of sinking — казалось, что лодка вот-вот потонет

- мор. подводный риф, скала
- уст. власть

within smb.’s danger — в чьей-л. власти

Мои примеры


lent a fillip of danger to the sport — придало этому виду спорта толику опасности  
cowardice in the face of danger — трусость перед лицом опасности  
careless of danger — не думающий об опасности  
to court danger — подвергать себя опасности, ставить себя под удар  
imminent / impending danger — нависшая опасность, надвигающаяся угроза  
grave danger — серьёзная опасность  
to create danger — создавать опасность  
to expose to danger — подвергать опасности  
to avert danger — предотвращать опасность  
to be a danger to society — быть угрозой для общества  
inured to danger — привыкший к опасности  
be in danger of smth. — подвергаться какому-л. риску  

Примеры с переводом

He smelt danger.

Он почувствовал опасность.

Red is for danger.

Красный цвет означает опасность.

His life was in danger.

Его жизнь была в опасности.

The danger has passed.

Опасность миновала.

He woke to danger.

Он осознал опасность.

He is off the danger list now.

Теперь его жизнь вне опасности.

He is aware of danger.

Он отдаёт себе отчёт (осознаёт) о грозящей опасности.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…a nagging presentiment of danger…

She’s in danger of burning herself out.

The bridge was in danger of collapsing.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

dang  — проклятье!, черт возьми!,
dangerous  — опасный, рискованный
endanger  — подвергать опасности

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): danger
мн. ч.(plural): dangers

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Danger | Danger Sentence

  • And where does the danger lie?
  • The only danger is in being too clever.
  • There was no danger of starvation.
  • There was no danger of being overheard on that bench.
  • The thought of your danger is like a nightmare to me.
  • I feel now that our danger of losing the place is past.
  • The danger passed, luckily, without noise.
  • If there’s danger of thee, My life’s in danger too.
  • Could it be that there was so much danger in working in the mine then?
  • Be of good comfort: there’s no danger there.
  • Jerry saw his danger and was wildly gesticulating for his men to turn back.
  • For, indeed, there was about as much danger of a hold-up as of an earthquake.
  • The Indian chief had scented danger and was strictly on his guard.
  • If danger came, it would be by that road that Harry calculated to retreat.
  • Alas, alas! am I in danger then Of losing ev’n my very principal?

How To Use Danger In A Sentence?

  • There was nobody in danger except stragglers around on the flanks of that mark.
  • The danger of mistaking distorted for exalted views of the divine sovereignty.
  • But he could not shake off that premonition of evil unrelated to the mere danger of the situation.
  • The danger is that they may be too much for us, and obscure our appreciation of facts.
  • It was weeks before Lawrence fully knew of the danger from which the old man had saved him.
  • Section V. The danger of mistaking distorted for exalted views of the divine sovereignty.
  • Well; if you dread this, I’ve another way, Which you shall both own has no danger in’t.
  • Because of its nearness to the trail there was little danger of its becoming a lair for wild beasts.
  • In the retrospect the danger that we had escaped seemed even more terrifying than in the hurry and excitement of the fire itself.
  • The girl warned him by saying that by his course he was bringing not only danger on himself, but on her father as well.
  • They hurried on their course with such zeal that they did not even send out scouting parties to warn them of danger and prevent surprise.
  • Bruno had hardly given a warning of danger ahead when these four came around a bend in the road at full gallop.
  • This was clearly the only entrance, and he did not mean to be taken unawares by whatever danger there might have been lurking outside.
  • We got off our horses and stooped over the man, forgetting for the moment that danger might lurk in the surrounding thicket.
  • The seamen endeavored to dissuade her, but the imminence of her danger on shore, and the magnanimity of her spirit urged her on.
  • The people of Paris seeing the danger organized militia companies to defend their representatives.
  • Tilly was assiduous in her attentions, and until he was out of danger could hardly be persuaded to leave the bedside, even for rest.
  • But the powder on her face and the sham diamonds in her ears seemed to hang out danger signals, and my first impulse was to show her the door.
  • Apart from anything which Dick might do, you are in terrible danger here, all the more if you really have accomplished something.
  • Once on the ground, I began to think we were in no immediate danger of getting our throats cut for the sake of the treasure.
  • He had come to that part where she was invested by the royal forces in the chateau of Dieppe, and in imminent danger of falling into their hands.
  • They started back on the run, but Bruno soon gave notice of danger and they hid while four men passed them.
  • After that, mamma became very very ill, so ill that there seemed great danger of death, but with a great deal of good care she recovered.
  • And so great is my love for you that I believe that if you should call me in a time of danger I would hear.
  • It all took place so quickly that I had scarcely time to realize the danger before I was called upon to act.

Definition of Danger

(obsolete) To claim liability. | (obsolete) To imperil; to endanger. | (obsolete) To run the risk.

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Danger sentence in english

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