Sentence with the word cute

cute — перевод на русский


You’re kind of cute when you say that.

Ты такой милый, когда так говоришь.

He was cute… with a lock of hair… that kept falling over his forehead.

Он был милый, со своей небольшой прядью которая спадала на лоб.

— Isn’t he cute?

Милый, правда?

And this scarf’s cute.

А какой милый шарф.

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I think the reason Lydia was attracted to the young guy is because he was so cute. [Laughs]

Думаю, Лидия заинтересовалась тем молодым человеком потому, что он был очень симпатичный.

Cute little fellow.


Well… looks really cute!

— Да, симпатичный.

— He sure is cute, look at that…

Он такой симпатичный, посмотрите на него..

— He’s so cute.

Такой симпатичный

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Ain’t I cute?

Какая я красивая.

Very cute.

Очень красивая.

— I think she’s cute.

Красивая дамочка.

Cute little thing, isn’t it?

Красивая машинка, правда?

You’re cute enough as it is. Comb it yourself!

Ты и так красивая.

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That maid, she’s cute you know.

Та горничная, она хорошенькая.

! — Isn’t she cute?

— Ну, разве она не хорошенькая?

She’s cute.

Она хорошенькая.

So cute!

Такая хорошенькая!

— Isn’t she cute?

— Разве она не хорошенькая?

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She’s cute too.

Вдобавок, милашка.

— She’s cute.

Какая милашка.

How lovely! Cute.

Какая красивая, милашка.

She’s really cute.

Она просто милашка.

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Pierrot’s new girl is cute.

-А она миленькая, подружка Пьеро.

Little Red Riding Hood… You are so cute.

= Красная Шапочка… = … ты такая миленькая!

She’s really cute and she’s loaded too.

Она очень миленькая и тоже в теме.

She’s cute!

Она миленькая!

— Pretty cute, huh?

Миленькая, да?

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Isn’t she cute?

Правда, она прелесть?

Aw, isn’t he cute?

Ну разве он не прелесть?

I think it’s cute.

По-моему, он — прелесть.

That’s cute.

ака€ прелесть.

Isn’t she cute?

Разве она не прелесть?

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He looks so cute. [Laughs]

— Он такой славный!

Very cute.

Очень славный.

You’re cute as a senior citizen.

Такой славный старичок.

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They’re very cute.

Как это забавно. И в самом деле.

The last time I threw a lamp at him he thought it was cute, but tonight he forgot himself and screamed and the neighbors called the police.

В прошлый раз, когда я бросала в него лампу, он думал, что это даже забавно, но сегодня он вышел из себя и начал кричать а соседи вывали полицию.

«Danger. Men drinking.» it’s cute, Stan.

«Осторожно, здесь пьют. » Это забавно, Стэн.

It’s pretty cute.

Очень забавно.

Nailing a man to a cross ain’t so cute, either.

Распять человека на кресте тоже не очень забавно. Да.

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Cute, huh?

Хороша, да?

You know, honey… you’re awful cute when you get riled.

Знаешь, дорогая, ты невероятно хороша, когда злишься.

She’s cute.

До чего же она хороша!

Really cute !

Действительно, хороша !

You see, Vittoria, you’re now 16 years old and very cute.

Виктория, тебе уже шестнадцать. Ты хороша собой. Но что у тебя в голове?

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How to use cute in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «cute» and check conjugation/comparative form for «cute«. Mastering all the usages of «cute» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Cute dresses, cute shoes, cute jacket — all of it is gone.
They’re just cute little creatures who want to hang out on their cute little island, making cute little noises and having cute little porg parties.
The people looked at four categories of pictures in random order, the categories being cute baby animals, less cute adult animals, and cute and less cute babies.
When people use the word «cute,» what they really mean is cute like a baby, cute like a fuzzy puppy, cute like something that could never possibly inspire lust and passion.
Cute aggression Aragon has specifically studied cute aggression — when things are so cute, you can’t stand it and exhibit aggressive behavior.
This dog is extremely cute — so cute, in fact, that it falls firmly into the «so-cute-it-looks-fake» category.
But I thought he was cute, and good, not just cute.
It’s cute and sometimes you need cute to have an edge.
After all, cute is cute, no matter what planet you’re on.
Cute scarves are a dime a dozen, but cute, warm scarves?
Getting your cute fix But we aren’t mindlessly blinded by cute animals.
Sweet Pete’s parents’ meet-cute is almost as cute as he is.
I haven’t met [the twins] yet — I’ve just seen cute, cute pictures!
«They are cute, like a pack of orcas is cute,» Calacanis said.
Alana: The painting was cute, the selection was cute at Bar-Bill’s.
Yeah. KS: We’re a cute country, it’s not so cute elsewhere. Okay.
As Simon, he is charming, tall, approachable, and cute, but not too cute.
As cute as her recently released wedding photos — no lie, it’s that cute.
It’s cute AF and we all deserve something cute AF in our lives.
Today they look cute, they will stay cute, but they will be super smart.
Find cute pictures, throw on a cute caption, and watch the likes roll in.
Try «Starfish & Coffee,» a cute psychedelic folk ballad with a cute cryptic mystical message.
Or simply because they’re cute, in a tiny-alien-robot-cute sort of way?
The fact that you both find hairless, alien-looking dwellers of the deep «cute» is itself very cute — as cute as an albino axolotl in an abandoned pet store.
I mean, I didn’t understand really that I was cute until I wasn’t cute anymore.
Some pictures are too cute for words, but not too cute for a photoshop battle.
If she’s being cute, you’re like, ‘Oh my god, Look at how cute you are!
And nothing is quite as grin-inducing as a cute guy cuddling a cute dog.
Hard to tell if she’s a golden retriever or a lab … but cute is cute.
Like if she’s being cute, you’re like, ‘Oh my God, look how cute you are, dada.
Britney Spears is making 2017 her year with a cute selfie and a cute new dude.
We like a cute proposal story — any ole cute proposal story — as much as anyone else.
I’m newly sober and I’m wearing unwise (but cute, so cute) shoes at the farmers market.
LONDON — Some animals — pugs, for instance — walk a fine line between cute and not so cute.
In a snap posted today, Kardashian revealed that cute tot has an equally cute nickname: Saintie.
The cute couple apparently hung at home and enjoyed Champagne and impossibly cute sandwiches on Sunday.
I also thought it was cute that Mr. Cruz debuted the rom-com standard, MEET CUTE.
Notably, they’re volunteering together (cute!) and Peter K is getting a bit green-eyed (less cute!).
There are already plenty of stories about cute young people who fall in love in cute ways.
Everyone thinks they can do better, there’s always cute girls, cute guys, you have so many options.
They’re cute — but not too cute — and bursting with personality, which comes across perfectly in photographs and videos.
«I was like, ‘He was really cute, this guy was really cute,’ so I called him,» she said.
Sharing baby photos is cute, but are you also using your cute baby photos to encourage social change?
There are cute kids, and then there are kids so cute they make you sick to your stomach.
It makes me feel cute, and I like feeling cute, and that puts me in a good mood.
What started as a simple little cute-off became a national cute-off, and we are not complaining.
It’s cute yet sums up her acting challenge here: Where does cute go after it hits a wall?
I just remember seeing her cute little face and cute little smile and being so affirmative about her beliefs.
GUILFOYLE: So Golden Retrievers — they&aposre a dog — helped this cute, cute little toddler escape from room at night.
«Find cute baby from viral video and bring him to Denny’s … ✅,» read the tweet accompanying the cute clip.
We prank-­called all the cute boys in our class and even some of the not-so-cute ones.
The square-ish regular AirPods case is cute and compact, and lends itself easily to so many cute covers.
I think that’s cute, kind of like when you write your crush’s name on your desk at school. Cute!
Japan may be the master of cute food (and cute everything) but we’re not sure this one’s a sure hit.
«You were a very cute couple, super cute, and you were very sweet then,» Cohen said to a blushing Chalamet.
I want to look cute next to him, but my eyes are red and I don’t feel I look cute.
Oh, yes, and then it also had these super cute, literally the title says, Super Cute Flower Cups 10 Pack.
Math is invading what should be a sacred space for cute puppy photos, cute baby photos, and eerily accurately targeted ads.
And the first step towards motivation is getting some cute workout gear, especially when it’s cute workout gear that’s on sale.
«And for them to say, ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ and ‘I can’t breathe,’ it’s cute, but it’s not cute,» she said.
It looked like I had glowed up to everyone else around me because I looked cute and was doing cute things.
«That’s pretty cute,» Saget said when I finished, cute being a term that’s not generally considered a compliment coming from comedians.
We decide cute-casual so I put on a cute oversized sweater, black jeans, and booties that make me so tall!
So, if it’s a photo of a cute puppy you’re fawning over, your reply will have a sticker of that cute puppy.
The people who thought things were really cute, and felt overwhelmed, had a strong relationship between brain reward response and cute aggression.
«I was like, ‘He was really cute, this guy was really cute,’ so I called him,» she said during a radio interview.
If anything remains unblemished—the one true antidote to our collective influencer burnout—it’s cute animals, and especially cute animals eating food.
The Hello Kitty sundae was cute and tasted exactly like a McDonald’s sundae you can get in the US. Still, very cute!
In The Power of Cute Simon May posits that «cute» is a modern-day iteration of the Renaissance archetype of the monstrous.
When Hanawalt describes the seahorse as «heartbreakingly cute,» you might think you know what she means, since okay, the kid is cute.
Go to Google, search for «cute dogs,» and you’ll be rewarded with an essentially infinite stream of dogs the algorithm deemed cute.
It was very cute, and indeed, two pregnancy tests later, it could be confirmed that I was pregnant — not cute at all.
In these lyrics we learn that the two singers often serenade each other (cute) and plan to until they’re 80 (very cute).
High-as-a-kite octopusesIllustration: Jim Cooke (Gizmodo)Anyhow, let’s transition from cute-looking-animals-being-terrifying to terrifying-looking-animals-being-cute.
There are also two very cute pups in the shot: Noah’s dog Sammy and, in Billy Ray’s arms, an equally cute little guy.
While you might describe a pug as a «cute little grey dog», you probably wouldn’t describe it as a «grey little cute dog».
We all want to look cute on our getaways, but even more than that, we want to look cute specifically for the destination.
In Aggretsuko’s case, it means overpaying at restaurants for cute foods that taste mediocre, or planning trips just to snap a cute picture.
«I was like, ‘He was really cute, this guy was really cute,’ so I called him,» Spears also said on the radio show.
So you see this with cute robots, for example, because being cute is a very effective way to win us over and gain trust.
The Didk Women’s Cute Cartoon Pajama Set features a t-shirt and shorts, and comes in tons of super adorable prints with cute sayings.
It’s not like marketing, brand image, ‘Oh, I’m gonna do the cute dog pictures because everybody likes cute dog pictures and letters to children.
A sling ruins every cute outfit — especially the cute neon Hawaiian printed Mr. Turk jacket I rocked for the presentation to the Kings Hawaiian execs.
I want something cute to wear when my man friend comes to town, so I browse Zara’s website and find this really cute floral dress.
From cute Marmot colorblocked rain coats to Athleta pocket leggings and dusty pink New Balance sneakers, the possibilities of cute work out gear is endless.
Taken altogether, Stavropoulos thinks the brain activity supports Aragón’s original hypotheses: That when people feel overwhelmed by how cute something is, cute aggression comes into play.
The stories are nearly all one-offs, all about 23 minutes long, and all as wry and witty as they are cute… and they’re super-cute.
We eagerly spend fortunes on cute avatars – Kumamon earned $1 billion in 2015, Hello Kitty four or five times that – without ever wondering: What is cute?
They meet up with Yoshi at a restaurant and Abigail can’t stop going on about how cute Yoshi is and how cute he and Shosh are together.
If you can’t wait for Christmas to get in on the cute, Super Cute Yule Log will be available to stream through Animal Planet GO starting Dec. 19.
We’ve long suspected that a dark underbelly lay hidden beneath the cute veneer of Animal Crossing, a Nintendo game about friendship, cute critters, and paying off mortgages (allegedly).
If I’m going to have a cute drink with girls, there’s this bar that’s like pretentious fancy, but it’s so close to my house and it’s really cute.
They’re cute, the way many fish are cute — but wouldn’t it be a touch unsettling to use makeup brushes that have so much in common with a fish?
My husband is still cute, but he is forever cutting it too close when we need to be somewhere, which sometimes makes him less cute in my eyes.
Neither of those side effects are cute, but what’s really not cute is skipping out on protecting your skin from the sun — so finding the right sunscreen is crucial.
Adding AR hipster glasses to my dog is cute, and usually cute animals equal internet gold, but I’m not suddenly convinced that I should now use Snapchat more often.
«Whereas we go, «it’s so cute I want to squish it,» others have one word and it means «you are so cute I want to do harm to you.
«She had told me she liked my outfit and thought I was cute, and I told her I liked her outfit and I thought she was cute,» Papillon said.
«It looks cute on a lot of the girls — I saw Lauren Davis wearing it and it looks really cute,» Crawford said of Davis, who is 5 feet 2.
When it’s used against adult women, we think it’s normal, and because he’s trying to be grown up, we think it’s cute, but obviously it’s not cute at all.
Working to be cute My friend yesterday at this festival had a really cute Tiger Mist top with hearts all over it, but it had off-the-shoulder sleeves.
Still, it’s a neat — and extremely cute — experiment.
» — Tara, 229 «Kissed cute fellas at church camp.
» She adds, «I think back on how cute I was — I see pictures and I think, ‘Oh my God I was so cute,’ but I didn’t think so at all.
But while goats are cute I suppose, and otters are DEFINITELY cute, neither of them are all that compelling on an emotional-intelligence level, nor is either a weird icon.
In a paper published in 2015, she named it «cute aggression»—that overwhelming desire you get to crush, bite, or squeeze cute things, but without actually wanting to hurt it.
Indeed, perhaps the only thing they have in common with earlier rom-coms is the aforementioned meet cute, though these rarely adhere to the stipulation that they actually be cute.
Pick up one of its timeless leather handbags like this pink shoulder bag, a cute pair of heels like these pearl-embellished pumps or a cute pair of statement earrings.
The not-so-cute meet-cute Keys and Swizz Beatz (née Kasseem Dean) met when they were teenagers in the ’90s, just as she was kick-starting her illustrious career.
There may be several explanations for why the internet is so saturated with cute animals, and at least one of those answers is totally obvious: duh, because they’re friggin’ cute!
The general public loves live cams for the same reason some people like zoos: because animals—especially baby animals—are cute, and it’s usually the cute ones that get livestreams.
Venus will just need to slip out of its princess dress and throw on its wresting uniform (I’m sure it’s cute; Venus is always cute) while it’s in your sign.
«Sleep loss is hitting your bottom line!» proclaims SHLEEP, a company with a cute name and an equally cute logo of a sleeping cartoon sheep, which specializes in corporate sleep solutions.
«She was so cute in the stands, such a little person, she was so good, it was so cute, I tried not to get distracted, it was really hard,» Venus said.
And Aragón did find that when she showed people pictures of cute babies and animals, there was a relationship between feeling overwhelmed by positive feelings, and the presence of cute aggression.
Maybe it’s because the PS1 had those iconic circular buttons that echoed its game discs and round things are cute like Kirby is cute (Toad, on the other hand, is over).
To honor a food-based meet cute As Arthur from the very romantic film The Holiday, explained, a meet cute is how two characters in a movie (or people IRL) meet.
They were so cute together — they respected each other.
«Rolls, celluLIT & varicose veins are cute bro,» Lorenzo shared.
And, why shouldn’t we — they look cute as hell.
So cute what the heckie ToT (Insta: Opal_escent !!) pic.twitter.
» Liu once called Uber’s negative campaign against Didi «cute.
I know, I know — but it’s actually pretty cute.
» «She’s blonde and cute and perky and endlessly optimistic.
Astrid & Kevin: Cute but nonexistent in this episode. 2.
» Another tweeted, «He thinks he’s being cute and funny.
You’re adorably out of touch … Your life looks cute.
For instance: Cute new boots = 10 hours of babysitting.
It’s so cute, but also scary — maybe even evil?
LAS VEGAS — Polaroid is obsessed with making cute cameras.
«I remember thinking ‘She’s so cute,’ » says Brown, 23.
» He is quoted as seeking «a cute Texas girl.
» One shopper singles out the «snotty but cute cashiers.
Happy Father’s Day Harry … your kid is super cute.
» She added, «He’s not cute at all in person.
«Look how cute this is — ugh I love it.»
«) or violently allergic to it («But it’s so cute!
In the original cute aggression work, Aragón and her colleagues hypothesized that maybe cute aggression, and other dimorphous expressions of emotion, exist to help regulate those positive emotional moments that are overwhelming.
If you thought Pokémon was cute, then prepare to throw your stuffed Pikachus in the bin, because Ooblets is about to take the crown for Best Most Cute Thing Where Monsters Fight.
One theory was that Googling cute pets isn’t the same as asking people to send you images of cute pets because what people really seek is the dopamine rush of a notification.
The term shows up all over the place online (as does everything in the infinite generator of memes and themes) and there are some cute references (Tobey Maguire as Keanu Reeves cute).
There’s a scientific reason why we find ‘Star Wars’ drones so cute Our brains apparently react to their little motions and «beep boops» the same way they do babies and cute animals.
Sanrio’s global empire of cute In the early 1970s, Sanrio began to pump out cute paraphernalia in the form of stationery and plush toys that they could market to these young female consumers.
Perhaps instead of lamenting the death of the meet-cute, we should shift our ideas of what constitutes a meeting worthy of getting excited about—of being deemed «cute» in the first place.
«she’s still barbara and still this stunning and cute if not more so.» we still sing this 🖤 she’s still barbara and still this stunning and cute if not more so ✨ pic.twitter.
It’s pretty cute, and Nova seems to think so, too.
The illustrated vulva couldn’t be too sexy, or too cute.
«This industry is not cute, never has been,» she says.
You were cute, kind and funny, now you’ve lost everything.
And he was like, ‘This is so cute and adorable.
K., Ri, it looks cute but it costs four grand.
Kim thinks George W. Bush was a «cute little president»
It’s a bonkers idea that actually ends up being cute.
But do we really have to make biscuits exta cute?
Ahead, find proof that this couple is actually really cute.
Things like: lightsaber battles, The Force, cute creatures, Droids, etc.
During that sidewalk shuffle, we spied a cute «Gigi» keychain.
There are a lot of cute things about Tom Hardy.
Unlike Boston Dynamic’s nightmare machines, they were cute and friendly.
«I like to make the food look cute –,» says Hannigan.
A new hairdo here, a cute DJ Khaled feature there.
These cute images add emotion, humor, and meaning to messages.
It sounds cute, and I’m sorry to be missing it.
The movie is cute but a little cheesy and underwhelming.
That’s cute, said someone who doesn’t actually like your outfit.
Rory and Lorelai are a very different kind of cute.
It’s as cute in person as it is on Instagram.
I mean, because I post a lot of cute videos.
Plus there are loads of cute shops, bars and restaurants.
Or, at least, the cute lil’ animated version of her.
They now come in cute heart, arrow and star prints.
Rob hasn’t been shy about sharing cute pics of Dream.
The snorts are just as cute as I had hoped.
Family (and keeping a cute bedroom) takes the reigns now.
It supports the parks and makes for cute home décor!
When we do it, it’s uh… also cute… yeah that.
«It is one cute little boy,» Lauer confirmed to
Derek is very cute but just the tiniest bit boring.
It’s kinda cute and really only eats nuts and fruits.
It’s like an axiom: Everybody finds babies to be cute.
And, most importantly, here are the bride and groom. Cute.
«Girl, you looked cute in those glasses!» joked Pell, 56.
This argument is a little too cute for my tastes.
Young, millennial, middle school love is just so damn cute.
Many are inspired by disabled people doing cute, everyday things.
I wanted to plan a cute surprise this time around.
We find a cute rooftop bar and splurge on cocktails.
They might look cute now, but it’s going to happen.
We can’t let go of how cute this panda is.
It’s cute, weird, and well paced for a visual meme.
There are also a plethora of cute reimagined pokémon, though.
Aside from the lifeless eyes, «spy pup» is kinda cute.
«That’s so cute, it’s our first baby gift,» Meghan said.
It was so cute to see how excited they were.
Their messages range from kind of cute to vaguely threatening.
Don’t pretend you didn’t watch religiously; those kids were CUTE.
«He’s so cute,» said JLo in reaction to the moment.
Plus, these Pioneer Woman models have super cute floral designs.
«I wish pumpkin thieves didn’t sound so cute,» she wrote.
«My first thought is that it was cute!» she wrote.
It is so cute and there are lots of plants.
It is admittedly cute, and has a nifty stabilization ring.
This cute bot will roll after you with your stuff.
This is no joke, it’s not cute, it’s not funny!
Adios Wells, we’ll miss you and your cute little face.
Guys will put up with it because she’s so cute.
I just thought Patrick Swayze was cute, that was it.
Her mom caught her quickly but it was very cute.
«My karate kid,» the proud mom captioned her cute post.
Baby pigs — with cute names like Piglet, Squiglet, Hogwart, etc.
And I posted it because I thought it was cute.
Picturing what your future offspring will look like sounds cute.
The third relies on that familiar advertising fallback: cute dogs.
There were no vegan burger joints running cute Instagram accounts.
Other cups will come already finished with a cute design.
To learn how to adopt the cute pup, click here.
It’s time to pay cute neighbor Eddie a little visit.
First thing’s first — the Lena Menstrual Cup is really cute.
Cute cast of ‘Champions’ misguidedly eating off of iPad plates.
Most security cameras are ugly and most definitely not cute.
» Jinger’s husband, Jeremy, calls the tot a «remarkably cute child.
Great graphics and controls, plus smart and cute level design.
She’s so cute, and she knew our style really well.
One cute video shows her dancing around with the baby.
It’s cute to call for a more civil political discourse.
In classic PR crisis mode, Affleck adopted a cute dog.
Have you tried an apology text with a cute emoji?
«I always wanted a cute ass promposal…,» one teen tweeted.
«I wish I was getting a cute promposal,» another said.
I find a cute pair of shoes on sale, too.
The next second he’ll retweet Bark Box or Cute Emergency.
And it doesn’t hurt that he’s got annoyingly cute cheeks!
«I’m going to punch it, it’s so cute,» she said.
Just a subset of people have cute aggression, not everyone.
We each make several cute cards with the provided materials.
«Confusion» is a cute word to use in this situation.
It’s pretty cute, even when she hung up by mistake.
With these cute selections forget living like William and Kate.
I thought it would be cheesy, but it’s so cute.
» Stefani quickly responded, saying he was so «funny and #cute.
«Need a bigger bed ❣️,» Kimberly captioned the cute clip.
It’s cute but only works with 10 emoji for now.
They’re so cute and keep rubbing themselves against my legs.
She doesn’t find that nearly as cute as I do.
«Rollin’ into the weekend #BIRDIEMAE,» Simpson captioned the cute snap.
Do try to get some timely cute newborn photos, though!
Lots of people hate cockroaches but think ladybugs are cute.
So cute, in fact, that he’s already got 26,000 followers.
These two are so cute and nice with each other.
The first generation of Flex Watch was cute and sporty.
The internet also couldn’t contain how cute this video was.
Just like the song, the music video is passably cute.
She is always very smiley and has a cute personality.
Whether she’s cute or creepy is for you to decide.
It’s also about half the size and cute as hell.
She posted a cute video of Disick dancing and singing.
She said Reid was a big puffball and so cute.
She wants to know who I’m dating — it’s really cute.
And look, there’s a cute little shelf for his MacBook.
I want to do really cute things with my baby.
Some people think it’s cute, some think it’s incredibly dorky.
In comparison to other cute animals, penguins outrank several pretenders.
Their little boy is super cute and looks like Kim.
Even his date is embarrassed, as is the Cute Guy.
» Why the debate expectations game is a farce «So cute.
Don’t worry; this cute little Mandrake’s cry won’t kill you.
Searching for a perfectly cute and affordable July 279.95th outfit?
So yes, it’s cute and addictive — the ultimate combo. INKS
«This is too cute alright I’m dead,» exaggerated one commenter.
Yes: Mara’s classmates explode, and yes, it is not cute.
The fam will no doubt think of something very cute.
Watch the video for more cute kids and clever answers.
«Cute but she’ll rip your face off,» she captioned another.
Don’t expect the vibe to be cute or cuddly today.
«It was so cute,» recalled the actress and dancer, 37.
After all, being smart and cute on Instagram is hard.
Here’s the cute little kiss itself, for your viewing pleasure.
«Omg lol you’re so cute baby,» another text reportedly read.
Also, $98, so not exactly a cute prank gift. pic.twitter.
Being a cute girlfriend didn’t fit into that powerful moment.
Both were married in the woods in cute, secretive ceremonies.
The cute art style and music are pretty similar, too.
The Cake Boss star’s cute confections are beaming with pride.
Even though they are cute, they can still be dangerous.
«Cute touch: my name & a defaced Jewish star,» she tweeted.
How else do you think that cute puppy feature works?
«We’ve been taught that rabbits are cute,» Mr Bernal lamented.
Her (very cute) son comes to visit, bearing disappointing news.
Someone on Reddit described this one as ‘actually kinda cute‘.
Generally, Clapboss intrigues me only because it’s a cute product.
Meanwhile, Lopez enjoyed a cute picnic with her son Max.
In this world, there is no shortage of cute emoji.
Y’all still think those clear Yeezy boots are cute af?
I’m very happy for the bears because they are cute.
In short, the volume is too aggressively cute and lighthearted.
Also, that succulents are very cute and almost universally beloved.
If they don’t think it’s cute, they’re a bad person.
«He’s so cute,» said J.Lo in reaction to the moment.
Yes, yes that Jacob Tremblay is very cute, isn’t he?
We expect these cute confections to fly off the shelves.
And Bay has something new to offer: a cute Transformer.
Notice something strange about him (her?): he’s kind of cute.
He’s pretty cute, but no I have not talked to.
I worried they were too cute, too calculated, too… Disney.
The Pikachu buddy Easter egg is a cute one. Yep.
If it wasn’t so cute, we might actually be terrified.
Fallon didn’t seem that into the cute baby animals, though.
This cute little bullet vibrator is adorned with chic skulls.
And it helps that they’re just so gosh darn cute.
It’s cute and heartwarming and seemingly neither racist nor terrifying.
Good music and cute workout clothes obviously also help too.
I will never understand why he finds me so cute.
PERINO: And actually, they were very cute little dresses, too.
To others they are so ugly that they are cute.
Dumbo’s problem isn’t really that the animal is too cute.
«Happy birthday to this one,» she captioned the cute snap.
I’m not in this shit to be looking cute, man.
I saw two cute people and I was like, ‘Hey.
But it was also very cute and fun and entertaining.
First off, let me say that I love cute shit.
Xinhua illustrated the importance of reform by using cute cartoons.
Danielle Macdonald and Jennifer Aniston in the wonderfully cute ‘Dumplin’.
Think you’ve seen enough couples being cute for one lifetime?
But to be cute, it’s not necessary to be thin.
I don’t know – it’s just they’re like miniature cute cuties.
«Bria is too cute to be this crazy,» says Lewis.
He’s recorded an album so mannered it’s cute and heartening.
That’s cute, because Alaskans have been going bigger for years.
Say ‘Cute shoes’ or ask, ‘Where did you get that?
And yet, by some miracle, they’re still cute as hell.
Maybe a darker shade of Red, but still SUPERRRR cute!
As kids we’re taught bears are cute and cuddly creatures.
Damn they’re cute: So where does that leave our contest?
I mean, how cute is my mom and the bakery?
No, Comey needs to realize that he can’t be cute.
Sure, they’re cute, but you can do so much better.
I loved the brand and he was kind of cute.
Their introductions ranged from cute to funny to hilariously weird.
It’s official: Blac Chyna’s children are too cute for words.
It’s really cute, really comfortable and great for the summertime!
Here are a few reasons why: Firstly, they’re very cute.
«Sushi time,» the proud grandma captioned the cute family pic.
Cute mascot or not, this little device is a bust.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are too cute #SuperBowl pic.twitter.
And it’s not just robots that look like cute animals.
John Krasinski and Emily Blunt are too cute for words.
They both have a slight diastema, which is very cute.
» Yes, I’m tired of seeing, «She looks so cute pregnant!
Duh, when she looks this cute, of course we can.
For such a cute, simple game, Yomawari is incredibly frightening.
Of course, not all the animals were cute and cuddly.
Truth be told, we still think she looks pretty cute.
It has cute styles at relatively affordable prices, usually $95.
Their latest invention sounds cute: «little pink», or xiao fenhong.
They’re so cute and absolutely disgusting at the same time!
LeBeouf was always cute, but Jupe is a beautiful child.
Man, tech companies really like to be cute, don’t they?
In most «Midsummer» ballets, Puck is a cute little toy.
Plus, they’re super cute when they’re wrapped up in blankets.
«Blue Monday» by Laurie Penny Everyone loves cute animal videos.
» Fellow judge Alicia Keys countered Levine, saying, «That’s cute, Gwen.
There was a cute heart shape traced in the foam.
They look super cute with jeans or dresses and leggings.
A cute little light made the pod feel extra cozy.
How cute is this building complete with horse and carriage?
I also thought it was cute and am so shocked.
Plus: Lots of cute kiddie Illyrians join in the festivities.
A cute sign that works for indoor or outdoor decor
They might look cute, but they are also remarkable predators.
Trader Joe’s also has cute signs that advertise different products.
Jeff Park had only one screen going, which was cute.
A cute kitchen gadget that makes breakfast in a flash
They’ll be thanking you for this cute and clever gift.
«Halsey is just being cute and provocative,» the source said.
I also met this really cute girl the other day.
«Look how cute she is,» Stewart says at one point.
Look how cute this inflatable is with those orange accents.
You can take home this cute pumpkin for just $3.
A cute reusable tote that can fit tons of stuff
I always thought the Emily & Meritt collections were super cute!
He makes floral flared suits look cute instead of gross.
It’s cute, it’s unusual, it’s got that Crocodile Dundee vibe.
It’s not good to be a chaser; it’s not cute.
Look at how cute all of her little Yeezys are.
She has an extremely cute wardrobe and wears clothes beautifully.
There are a lot of cute things in this world.
Look at how earnestly cute and sweet this thing is.
There’s really no cute or punchy way to put it.
Then, the cute and cuddly creatures become creepy, nightmare cats.
Although, these melons might just be too cute to eat.
Others take a few more tweaks, like this cute planet.
Isn’t that Dory screenshot from Finding Nemo cute up there?
Once you get past the weirdness, it’s kind of cute!
Why cute robots are important for the entire tech industry.
These are all forgivable — even cute — characteristics in a child.
I mean, come on, how cute are these product descriptions?
When you’ve got a cute pet, what do you do?
«One day, people think you’re a cute entrepreneur,» he said.
He’s very cute and, yes, he does have a job.
Saving the cute, cuddly endangered seals garners lots of attention.
Pullman, I’ve attached a picture of a cute little squirrel.
«I tried to avoid taking cute animal photos,» she said.
We’re actually recruiting … KS: They try to make them cute.
Sure, Kate and William and the kids are sooooo cute.
«That is so cute,» she smugly sang in a confessional.
You need a really cute hat to make it work.
«You’re so cute when you’re angry,» a stranger told me.
One more question: Is that cute Christmas toy a spy?
My family thought it was cute, but Don Emilio didn’t.
Kathy Iandoli actually does cry when she sees cute puppies.
I also thought the clue for THIMBLE was so cute.
And he is cute, so I sent a friend request.
Eighner disliked the phrase «Dumpster diving» because it sounds cute.
«I was like ‘Hey, Ian is really cute,'» she recalled.
Reality No. 1: Her cute, loving, funny boyfriend is dead.
Plan a cute date or an important meeting another time.
Yes, cute, comfy heel options do exist out there, ladies!
That’s — again, I’m not trying to be cute or coy.
She brags about her baby nephew («he’s very, very cute«).
I worked in children’s publishing and brought home cute books.
While the tiny accessory is cute, it’s just not practical.
I have no energy to try to look cute today.
My nana’s rings, all those cute cards the kids wrote.
My sisters both look cute, so I decide to change.
To populate the world with cute and cuddly 3D characters?
Meet Cute: RomCom podcasts as a new form of fiction
See a cute coffee shop while walking to a museum?
This lemon bath mat is stupidly cute and so soft.
They were so cute together and such a great pair.
I swing by a cute shop for an açai bowl.
Pros: Cute design, durable waxed canvasCons: Only has top straps
But cute online animals are the least of our problems.
«♥️ You girls are cute,» Mascolo said in the comments.
You simply need to follow a bunch of cute animals.
The reader will find this either cute or highly annoying.
Nothing counteracts Mercury Retrograde juju like some cute blush, right?
Instead, you can just look at the birds being cute.
They will thank you for this cute and clever gift. 
I’ve got a cute lil’ friend to focus on instead!
Keep your coffee hot in this cute, retro travel mug.
I also find dish towels and a cute coffee mug.
It’s so cute and I get an amazing chowder ($9.01).
«You look so cute as Kylie,» her sister replies, unfazed.
It comes in a cute little package and everything. Perfect.
Other newly discovered tree creatures aren’t as cute and cuddly.
Baba Is You is both disarmingly cute and confoundingly clever.
He is simply the cute boy Alice is sleeping with.
It’s cute and at $24.99, will probably be quite popular.
It is, comparatively, adorable insofar as governmental scandals go. Cute!
«You’re supposed to be sweet and cute,» she whispers back.
And yet, we choose to look on the cute side!
Be warned: he looks very cute in his baby sunglasses.
Plus, just check out how cute that blue color is.
Not just rows of cute, fuzzy kittens or adorable puppies.
And we’ve found one that’s cute, comfy, and ridiculously affordable.
And he’s not just cute — he’s a real-life rabbit.
«I got this super cute, little blush ottoman,» she says.
Some celebrities play cute games during their late night visits.
Casual vid chat with my friend and his cute dog.
«If it’s cute, it’s from Fashion Nova,» Ms. Wilson said.
«The «Shrek» actress divulged that Raddix is «really really cute!!
«I think it’s kind of a cute idea,» she said.
The first one is the rabbit, so cute, so charming.
«‘He’s cute that way,'» Ms. Lacewell recalled Mr. Percoco saying.
They’re LOLing, they think it’s funny, they think it’s cute.
But what if they decided to get cute about it?
What is it about babies that makes them so cute?
We don’t usually say this … but damn, this is cute.
It’s a lot of Pokémon Go knockoffs and cute tools.
Using the hashtag, people share photos when they’re feeling cute.
The sensors are cute so they dance The sensors are cute so they dance «Before my work, you had electronics that were very big – over two pounds,» he said in a NASA news release.
The film ends with an embarrassing bland montage of the couple’s cute moments together, which shows those cute moments to be every bit as insubstantial and unmemorable as they looked the first time around.
This may seem like a lot but I love my cute apartment in its cute area.) Student Loans: $248 Car Loan: $250 Utilities (Water/Electric/Heat/AC/Trash/Sewer): ~$150 (Depends on the season.
Most of the time, the mispronunciation is cute, but occasionally it can get you chased to your car, toddler in tow, simply because there are people who don’t realize how supposedly cute it is.
Creating focus with cuteness A similar study in Japan found that participants performed better on these high concentration tasks when they viewed images of cute animals versus pictures of food or other non-cute photos.
I felt terrible saying goodbye to him knowing we would never share a cute moment together again, but on the other hand cute was no longer enough at this stage to remain on my journey.
But then, most of the time, it’s just a cute person whose stylish bag is filled with cute beauty products and fun snacks and impressive books, all laid out super prettily on a white background.
Throw on a cute skirt, bold hoops, and shimmering sandals to seamlessly take the look from the beach to the bar — and be sure to bring along a cute backpack to store all your essentials.
He attacks enemies, takes hits for the party, licks our wounds to heal us (cute) and his owner has an ability called Animal Therapy that heals the team every turn he’s in play (VERY CUTE).
The cute snaps were taken by their mom, Princess Victoria herself!
«My youngest daughter, she’s so cute and labeled everything,» she says.
I like looking down and saying, ‘Oh, you look so cute!
She will be thrilled; it is «sewing» themed and super cute.
Why should you invest in a cute pair of silk PJs?
«How cute was I in this striped bathing suit?!» she wrote.
Whether it’s cute or creepy, what makes Griffin smile the most?
The restaurant is super cute, with colorful lanterns and flowers everywhere.
Each clip included the social media platform’s colorful and cute filters.
I hope I’m still cute and I don’t change that much.
Collins has also appeared on Centineo’s Instagram in a cute way.
The unlikely cute animal of the day today is a rooster.
» Another asked if she had fun, and she answered, «omg cute.
The super cute six are back – and they’re all grown up!
She was really cute and we screamed for a little bit.
Fresh Brothers’ pizza will come with a cute pizza cutter, too.
Her screaming family, so excited to see her, was very cute.
It was slightly less cute when they started grilling me, though.
She was wearing a cute black dress with white polka dots.
» He adds, «I just wanted to do something cute for her!
It even comes with a collar and a cute fluffy tail.
PERINO: And Shannon&aposs rule is you cannot wear cute shoes.
Related: 10 Cute Journals You’ll Actually Want To Write InHave fun.
How about a cute caricature of yourself drawn on your cup?
Hodge Huffington — nicknamed Huff — is a cute little hedgehog from Utah.
I can’t remember what it was exactly, but it was cute.
Here’s a cute picture she posted with best friend Bella Hadid.
The results are cute, curvy, sporty, sharp, and, of course, electrified.
The former The Chew host also revealed her youngest’s cute nickname.
My co-founder buys some cute pineapple candy and rose tea.
«She’s cute, look at those arms,» Aniston said when selecting Lindsay.
I mean, that stuff is kinda like interesting, it’s kinda cute.
«She continued, «We need to give REAL information, not cute hearts.
It is actually very lame, which makes it cute and relatable.
Gaoqiao New Town looks like any cute town in the Netherlands.
And she kicks butt, even while wearing cute, heeled ankle booties.
Your cute, sparkly iPhone case could be putting you in danger.
Folks, it’s just as we suspected — this is one cute baby.
There’s a cute problem I’ve been thinking about for a while.
«His little hands were so cute and so beautiful,» Barden wrote.
Now William and Kate have put out some cute family photos.
I would say no — they’re just being cute and posting that.
» The insider adds, «She looked very cute, and he seemed interested.
While cute, the tracker’s small size makes it easy to lose.
In this context, McDonald’s birthday parties are so cute they’re surreal.
And then I was like, ‘Let me see if he’s cute.
While a cute idea, Lies may succumb to impatience and vanity.
Look at the cute metallic Slime face poking out of there!
«It was really nice, very cute and not violent,» she says.
TikTok’s algorithm taught him what the internet really wanted — cute kids.
A super-cute adventure platformer that looks straight out of Nintendo.
With these cute options, the new season can’t come soon enough.
It was just one of those cute things that kids do.
Jury is still out on whether Fred is creepy or cute.
I would love to find me a nice, cute, smart wife!
We videotaped the whole thing and it was just so cute.
From balloons to confetti, these bachelorette party decorations are super cute.
He shared a super cute photo to his own verified account.
No matter what they use it as, it’s cute as hell.
The picture got Janet Jackson’s attention, who commented, «too cute 💜.»
But it does involve a cute captain-general called Harry Strickland!
This future hooper is too cute with her baby jump shot.
» Reese Witherspoon wrote while comedian Chelsea Handler added, «You’re so cute.
You see a cute face, and suddenly you’re constructing a fantasy.
For an actor, Rachel isn’t in this endeavor to look cute.
«Sorry I’m so cute on my birthday,» she captioned the photo.
At a club recently, I started chatting with a cute guy.
Leave the coy behavior for that cute girl from chemistry class.
His teammate, Matt Saracen, is cute; Riggins, by contrast, is hot.
«I thought I was still his little cute friend,» she said.
I thanked him and told him I thought he was cute.
Even if the scarves are still prototypes, they remain insanely cute.
You can be sure that this meet-cute was carefully planned.
It’s cute without being annoying, which is so hard these days.
Do I need to be cute in addition to everything else?
«She’s such a cute little thing,» Chris Moody said of Sousa.
Is it possible to take a cute — not cheesy — couples picture?
Snap a selfie at this time—it will be very cute.
«Organic waste isn’t cute,» Everson wrote in an October 22 memo.
Plus, there’s a cute little rabbit sprinting across the loading screen.
You have a cute way to showcase your pet this holiday.
Each robot has a task which seems incredibly cute at first.
Controversial opinion, but I think furry Pikachu is cute as fuck.
It’s stunning, it’s heartbreaking, it’s cute af and clever to boot.
Oh my god, so cute, I need a baby right now!
Waking up to a warm kitten napping on your chest: cute.
This isn’t just a cute campaign or a fun internal competition.
Gotta be honest: her «girl holding a balloon» is pretty cute.
I walk around looking for a cute guy to chat up.
«They’re all really cute,» she admits of her nieces and nephews.
From his picture, she’d imagined him as cute, tall, and confident.
Dzimira sent even more cute photos of her pet to PEOPLE.
In fact, Amazon has a slew of cute hamster sleeping supplies.
I don’t know how to find cute strangers in New York.
That’s the theory for Cryptokitties, the notable purveyor of cute cats.
At best, it can seem cute or silly or self-indulgent.
He finds a pair, and I buy a cute yellow top.
Who wants to be in the sun and not look cute?
And winning, apparently, means getting a cute bottle of pepper spray.
The cute pup was adopted by Duff, 29, in early May.
I demoed Kuri yesterday and found that indeed, it’s irresistibly cute.
Kylie imagines that a German Shepard would look cute in photos.
It’s a sea of red, white and cute on social media!
It’s cute, even if I wouldn’t throw my wallet at it.
These two are so cute, between this and their matching tattoos.
Thankfully, there’s no dairy housed in this cute little baby bottle.
Instead of dread, they jumped right back into being cute together.
It is painfully cute, but it is also straight up comedy.
Guys here, they will talk to you like, ‘Hey, you’re cute.
Capitalizing on the aesthetics of a historically oppressed people isn’t cute.
She’s so cute and amazing and we had so many similarities.
The cute couple spent Sunday walking up and down Ventura Blvd.
And that’s Joe, folks: reticent, cute, and ready to mingle, maybe?
Hopefully that means lots more cute photos as they grow up.
On Tumblr, Kloss gave a brief explanation of the cute call.
They’re cute, certainly, but perhaps quite a bit more than that.
It was cheesy, cute, and showed just how intertwined life is.
In reality, specimens found in the thawing permafrost are… less cute.
The kiss is so cute that we might forget that, too.
They’re cute, they’re fashionable, and they each have their own lewk.
They’re super smart, super funny, super cute… and they’re so fluffy!
DeWitt plays the loving mother of a cute little blonde kiddo.
A new photo showed Lorelai and Luke looking mighty cute together.
Points to Google for adding a cute and friendly Easter egg.
You’re feeling very cute and are ready to charm the world.
It’s also incredibly cute and, in my brief experience, surprisingly entertaining.
It’s not just that I thought they would look cute together.
She was so cute and looked like a chocolate chip cookie.
«I really didn’t want to cute-sify the character,» said Bryant.
It was just 45 minutes of cute, silly fun with kids.
I find a super cute Airbnb and book it right away.
As lovers of cute, unique things, we love Etsy so much.
Click here to view original GIFHow cute is that little guy?
They just released a ‘behind the scenes’ video that’s really cute.
I buy a cute pair of Tory Burch slip-on sneakers.
It’s a really cute story, how I met my ex-fiancé.
«So cute and perfect for hiding her face,» said a third.
«Cute #TIMESUP pin James Franco,» wrote actress Violet Paley on Twitter.
«Why is he so cute tho,» Rose wrote in the caption.
Zurich is immaculate and I’m obsessed with the cute Swiss buildings.
«That’s right kiddo, get ready» the athlete captioned the cute snap.
On social media, people began referring to Mr Kim as «cute«.
What does a happy and cute world look like to you?
Tell me that isn’t a perfect Hollywood meet-cute montage sequence.
Meet my friend at a cute Mexican place by my work.
They’re so cute and I can’t wait for them to ship.
Baby True is too too cute in her little pink tutu!
«They’re so cute!» she told the outlet of her partner’s family.
«@blakeshelton [you’re] so funny and #cute,» Stefani tweeted on Jan. 6.
Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank are nothing short of royally cute!
«My loves of my life ☀️,» she captioned the cute snapshot.
Winter hats: This pom-pom beanie is too cute to handle.
Indeed, DeeDee might not be as cute as its name suggests.
It’s a cute video, but the argument doesn’t make any sense.
Image via Q13 FOXBehind the seemingly cute symbols, something sinister lurks.
The chompers suit her in a cute, nightmarish sort of way.
Jonas’ brother, Nick, took to Instagram to share the cute pics.
They’re (super) cute, they’re minimal, and they make for great photographs.
The kids are very accepting of each other and cute together.
«Their story is really cute,» their granddaughter Sarah Saragusa told ABC.
Or, um, at least add a cute homemade card or something?
I buy a bag of powdered sugar and some cute decorations.
«He’s so cute, you guys, you have no idea,» she said.
Functional silhouettes, cute cutouts, and memorable hues certainly never hurt either.
It was cute the first time you jumped out of nowhere.
VG: That cute little girl Kaylee, he’s threatened to murder her!
I have seen pictures of him, and he is very cute.
There are so many reasons to love a cute crossbody handbag.
«I’m starting off with something very cute and cuddly,» he enthused.
A cute polka dot one piece suit is always a must!
But something about this extremely cute VR proposal just gets me.
Anything you could think of with cute packaging, I had it.
As insecurities and fears raise their ugly-cute heads, take heart.
I think it’s so cute that we all share the banana.
I’m going to give you a really cute, perfect, straight nose.
The couple explored the island and made a cute new friend.
Painted it in bright colors, found more cute music to play.
With disasters this cute, however, Kim doesn’t really seem to mind.
Yes, she wears suits and does cute interviews with Sarah Paulson.
They are so cute 😍 Nina Dobrev & Glen Powell 💕 pic.twitter.
It has live studio audience sitcoms about families with cute kids.
To do that, they’re putting really cute puppies in fMRI machines.
As cute as he is, he’s no good for resale value.
This week, we’ve got everything from cute pups to Gucci Mane.
«Our model suggests it was super, super cute,» Vinther told Reuters.
This older, ‘clever’ meaning lingers in expressions like «don’t be cute«.
This rainbow unicorn onesie is both super cozy and super cute.
Video: How designers make a toy cute Kumamon waves and bows.
Most recently, they shared another cute selfie together around Thanksgiving 2017.
Reddit user Ayayoska posted a photo of the extremely cute incident.
It’s cute as a button, clever as hell and utterly absurd.
We opened presents, had cake and dressed him up really cute.
«They all thought it was so funny and cute,» she said.
Gifts, decorations, super cute clothes… you name it, Nordstrom’s got it.
I guess that’s cute, but Reddit’s still mostly a disaster. 6.
Those few words, however, were so sincere—that was very cute.
Plan a cute date or important business meeting for another day.
Their cute nicknames, their pet voices, their awful inside jokes, etc.
I like that it comes with a cute lil’ carabiner. Fun!
Few things are as cute as a dad helping his daughter.
Swedish minimalism meets French chic here — and the result is cute.
«Their home is so cute and warm,» a source tells PEOPLE.
Yes, bears are cute, but they can also eat your face.
And yes, little Dream is as cute as she is tiny.
The cute mother-daughter moment got approval from some famous names.
Even the «meet cute» story is now a dating app product.
«Something cute like this that resonates brings a lot of joy.»
The carrots were cute (they still had their tops), not floppy.
They might be cute little critters, but they sure breed fast.
Gwen and Miles had a hardcore meet cute in the preview.
So we’re clear, this is not a «oh, that’s cute!» situation.
To use his considerable Twitter following to access cute Antarctic animals.
From cute crop tops to high waisted leggings to yoga pants.
Choosing a doctor costume for your dog can be pretty cute.
He was just that cute boy with the big curly hair.
Feel free to blow up our feeds with more cute content.
Because it’s cute and even ants need a place to chill.
After all, this celebrity couple is so cute it’s borderline disgusting.
It was so sweet, cute, and hot at the same time!
Unclear if she’s Zinger’s GF — but they look pretty cute together.
He just remembers it as a cute memory from their childhood.
Groot has gone from a cute baby to a surly teen.
«It’s so cute, it’s the tiniest little bed,» Lisa pipes in.
I’ll admit, I’ve never been one to sleep in cute pajamas.
There’s a new cook in town, and she’s cute as hell.
The stickers are cute and include a trans flag-inspired design.
Cute kid fist-bumps everyone on his flight That blankie though.
No off-speed pitch to speak of but he’s so cute!
I’m not a nostalgic person so CDJs are cute for me.
A big-screen TV doesn’t sound my cute alarm, you know?
The refs were too privy to buy his cute little dive.
But typically, they don’t look as cute as Facebook’s new offerings.
The speaker bows out a little, and overall it’s quite cute.
Plus, the cute color combinations are just begging to be Instagrammed.
Now he’s sharing the baby boy’s name and cute, crinkly face.
We assume she’s her crush every day, but it’s still cute.
It’s easy, it’s eco-friendly, and most importantly, it’s ridiculously cute.
If you think it’s not cute at all, I won’t disagree.
There were plenty of cute couples on the Oscars red carpet.
On short nails, we think the look could be kinda cute.
Never has the threat of burning to death been so cute.
Don’t plan any cute dates or important business meetings for today!
As you might have guessed: She was a cute little babe.
Lemurs — they’re cute, but they’re probably best kept in the wild.
Somehow, that reveal made the entire situation even more disgustingly cute.
But Robert and Dubu’s love for Halloween goes beyond cute outfits.
The skirt is cute, not too long like some can be.
Walt Disney World and Lyft have a very cute new collaboration.
With the respite, though, come the cute side dish of decisions.
She even posed for a cute photo in Cyrus’ red chair!
Essentially, you are hanging out in a cute, low-poly town.
Was there a cute make out session on the dance floor?
She’s wearing a cute yellow helmet and live streaming her trek.
And calling someone «cute» or praising their confidence doesn’t do that.
It’s such a cute picture that Mark Zuckerberg himself liked it!
And no cute stuff either, the FTC says in the letters.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about another cute gadget prototype.
It’s a cute moment that doesn’t make it into the remake.
He thought she was weird, not the world’s worst meet cute.
It’s super cute and playful but at the same time regal.
All of Ferrera’s recent posts on Instagram have been ridiculously cute.
It’s a cute character,» she says decisively, «but really… it’s not.
We haven’t seen a fangs this cute since The Little Vampire.
It’s a cute line that shows how funny Kim can be.
The robot is cute and has a bit of a personality.
But having investigated, I can confirm that Pumpkin is really cute.
«You’re saying Congress has to be cute about it,» he said.
It’s all very cute and charming, with a middle school vibe.
«They think they’re saying something cute,» Reeves said, shaking his head.
This super-cute sloth ornament from Old World Christmas, that’s what.
A letter board she can leave notes or cute phrases on
«This behavior is not cute or funny,» a police statement said.
It doesn’t hurt that its vintage-inspired style is cute, too. 
You’ll carry this ghoulish yet cute hand cream with you everywhere.
When turned on, these also make a cute, and useful, decoration.
Pokémon Go: fun game with cute monsters, or global geopolitical menace?
You could even pair these with a cute ring to start. 
The matching styles, names, and cute quote are an added bonus.
Boden: We like Boden’s wide range of fun, cute swimsuit styles.
The green iPhone is a cute choice, but not too bold.
Amanda: Yeah, I mean, this is going to look so cute.
But these hand-made mini houses are just so darn cute!
Tokyo, Japan, has a lot of beautiful, cute, and giant foods.
These whale-shaped melon rolls were almost too cute to eat.
It comes in two cute colors—mint green and quartz pink.
«»And that picture of the cute fox and bear exchanging whispers?
Don’t worry, though, I found you a cute cap and blanket.
But all in all, I thought it was a cute idea.
The women stop their craziness and enjoy this cute little baby.
How cute would it be if I wore purple Converse sneakers?
A cute plant in a ceramic pot delivered to their door
They’re not high-fashion, but they’re cute in a wintry way.
This one is huge and would make a cute tabletop decoration.
She loved to do our hair, to make us all cute.
It’s cute, but a mere warm up for Tettzan’s latest work.
Isa Sparkle: It’s the sassy-cute equivalent of Rainbow Aurora. 5.
«»People look at him and they’re like, ‘Oh, he’s so cute.
Someone cute may start joining you as you do your chores!
My sisters and I were so young and curious and cute!
«He is cute,» Dina Lohan told Us Weekly earlier this month.
Yeah, Ron Perlman does look like a less-cute Tom Waits.
She came home and said, ‘Oh, Granny, you look so cute!
But there were no cute tartan sets to be found here.
That wasn’t fun so here is something cute to look at.
It’s kind of a cute effect, but also kind of hellish.
There was a cute boy in Kenya, where Nyong’o grew up.
A cute little dining table with an even smaller interior footprint.
I thought it was cute; a kind of old 1930s tune.
So soft and tender, cute when angry, ready to save us.
I thought that was hilarious and kind of corny, but cute.
You need the cute seal’s face so that it generates empathy.
Don’t be surprised if you see someone cute at the laundromat!
No proof is needed of how darn cute this kid is.
It has a sweet, pastel aliens making cute homes and businesses.
It’s about cute animal children having adventures during their summer vacation.
They upload all that footage right to their cute little robobrains.
They call it Cutie Keys, and it is cute as heck.
Seeing cute little slimes bouncing around chunky landscapes just looks right.
Cairo dressed as a baby bat is too cute to handle.
«I tried to make the drawings kind of cute,» he recalled.
Stack them all onto each other to reveal a cute snowman. 
It’s a cozy, cute gift that any Disney fan will love. 
There’s even a cute lifeguard station that features a Barbie megaphone.
Netflix, with 85 million subscribers, smiled and said that’s real cute.
Some of this self-parodying obtuseness is more cringey than cute.
She’s just too darn cute not to stare at every day.
Also extremely cute: the Hello Kitty/Fruit Mart Happy Meal toys.
She’s cute and kind and I’m so happy I met her.
They are small, cute and sophisticated and I wear them altogether.
There are knit-alongs for chunky cowls and cute fingerless gloves.
And he got a cute little inside joke engraved in it.
«My loves of my life ☀️,» she captioned the cute snapshot.
» Amory: I thought, «He’s not exactly my type, but he’s cute.
Did I tell you about those cute fawns in the yard?
Would he go cute, instead, mining for succor, lovability and «likes»?
One observer oohed and aahed over how cute the car seemed.
I asked my boss if I could slap this cute customer.
He had a cute dog, which made him hot to me.
This unconventional meet-cute launches Perri’s romantic comedy of a novel.
He rebranded the objectification of women as both intellectual and cute.
«They were like, ‘What a cute lemonade stand,'» Mr. Huang said.
You give the cute animated characters haircuts or change their color.
It’s cute, but I’m mostly distracted with all this coronavirus stuff.
Suddenly, it’s not a cute new top from your favorite brand.
Perhaps the phrase’s interpretation is a bit stretchy, but still cute.
And if I can belong while wearing a cute pink harness?
You have created cute and comfy «jeans» that are very affordable!
Cute artifacts «are not interested in parading their truthfulness,» writes May.
Like, she’s just so cute and she doesn’t understand reality yet.
The pair met cute during Rudolph W. Giuliani’s 2008 presidential bid.
And the little one covered in Bambi spots sure is cute.
So, for what it’s worth, the CryptoKitties themselves are awfully cute.
Specially Selected Chocolate Truffle Hearts are a cute Valentine’s Day gift.
Mr. Peck’s «Murder Ballades,» for six dancers, is neat, cute, fast.
But are they cute enough to be the new Gerber baby?
Mr. Quaid and Ms. McGroder have a quirky meet-cute story.
In The Force Awakens, there was the absurdly cute BB-8.
Also, the Pixel Bud case looks like a very cute egg.
So I find a cute one to add to my collection.
I got a glimpse of it, and it is extremely cute.
And I’m like, oh, that’s funny, you know, that’s cute, whatever.
And not scientifically speaking, all the study subjects were equally cute.
They might have cute nicknames, but these snowstorms have been harsh.
The bottom lineThe kits are incredibly cute and feel well-made.
Is this just a cute little nod to past events, then?
He was a cute, woodsy guy who made really good ciabatta.
They should be the girl next door — cute, friendly and caring.
Raccoons are cute, but they do not like to be petted.
Welcome to the Great National Cute Animal Tweet-Off of 2017.
The theme is cute, and all of these examples seem good.
«They would talk about this cute guy at Stanford,» she said.
Caught a glimpse of yourself looking cute in the club bathroom?
Their meet-cute story is one of the best anecdotes here.
And dare I say it: my flip flops were actually cute.
Here’s what the speaker looks like, from the filings: It’s cute!
He wasn’t the stereotypical guy who would say, like, ‘Cute pic.
«That extra chromosome certainly made her EXTRA cute,» Campos-Duff wrote.
Without the bull, she’d be just another cute little bronze figure.
The future is uncertain, and I’m not being cute about that.
Very cute bras, but the sales girl fitted me completely wrong.
To some Britons, American gotten is a cute or irritating invention.
I’m not into PDA, but he’s cute and a great kisser.
It was cute, sexy, feline — it was slinky and mysterious catty.
It’s cute as hell, and streaming live on YouTube 24/7.
It’s cute like old perfume or looking at a silent movie.
Absolutely. Shameless animal video There’s always time for cute animal videos.
«I get that that’s a cute question to ask,» he said.
We walk around my cute little town playing PokemonGo for awhile.
It’s all just so cute, even the one-eyed jumping spiders.
» It even contains the awkward (but cute!) phrase, «mistletoe-y kiss.
Throw these two shiny, pretty people together in a meet-cute.
It’s a mashup of creepy and cute, but mostly just unsettling.
Shameless animal video There’s always a time for cute animal videos.
This reusable straw is as cute as it is environmentally friendly.
Just like that cute selfie you’re agonizing about whether to like.
«You can get way too cute in a hurry,» Holmes said.
«Most people like squirrels and find them really cute,» he added.
Gone were the cute, dancey tracks and the bombastic club bangers.
«I wish I hadn’t been cute and bought more,» he said.
«They’re all really cute,» she admitted of her nieces and nephews.
One was a sword, and one was a cute teddy bear.
My partner and I have a very cute Brussels Griffon dog.
«They’re very cute little creatures,» Ms. Fitzgerald in a telephone interview.
There are also those sweaters that are neither cute nor revolting.
No, not those cute animals with the horns and the beard.
It’s a considerable shift from cooing over cute corgis or piglets.
How cute, a theory that probably won’t end up hurting someone!
I don’t know why—maybe it’s how cute Ewan McGregor is.
«Most adults probably think it’s cute that children protest,» he said.
Sallie Krawcheck doesn’t think it’s cute — she thinks it’s a trope.
What he may have thought was cute, she thought was creepy.
They can symbolize love or simply make for cute body art.
» Strzok said in another, to which Page replied «That’s cute. Thanks.
The couple tried some cute banter … but the boos didn’t stop.
That relationship was cute, it was realistically ambiguous, it was heartfelt.
About how cute and smart his and Geneviève’s sweet kid is.
It sounds cute until you realize that these things are enormous.
The Super Bowl is a place for cute animals behaving cutely.
Some are cute and jellylike, while others are ferocious and cunning.
She dismissed Dan’s barbs as «cute» and part of their banter.
It’s one of those common moments every dad goes through with their baby, it’s cute and funny,» while a fifth user said, «Is it weird I thought it was cute and funny and kind of sweet?
Even though this video was filmed a few weeks ago, this baby’s laughter at the simple act of paper crumpling is enough to remind us that the world goes on and cute things are still cute.
While many fans are excited for Sunday night’s Game 7 and the pivotal match-up of Steph Curry versus Lebron James, there’s a new undercard battle in the series and it’s cute kid versus cute kid.
Quaint, Exquisite pairs well with fellow Princeton-University-Press title The Power of Cute, which, by contrast, details the way the ambivalent version of «cute» that is the Japanese concept of kawaii dominates contemporary, worldwide aesthetics.
Though this wasn’t far off from how I would normally style the dress (I would do the same with a cardigan), the blazer added a nice, professional touch — transforming the look from comfy cute to classy cute.
If someone has little quirks and cute things they do that they are embarrassed of, that you think are cute, you might never know that and see the real them because you never had a real conversation.
Orlando Bloom can’t get enough of the beach… or his cute dog!
Air plants are small, cute, and pretty easy to take care of.
«They were so cute and she looked incredible,» an onlooker tells PEOPLE.
Next stop: Kourtney’s super cute boyfriend and the yacht they’re staying on!
Dan Boeckner: No. I had a couple of cute San Jose moments.
It’s not as cute and funny as the showrunners think it is.
What’s the secret to a perfect pair of comfortable but cute undies?
Kim Kardashian West has a very cute dynamic duo on her hands.
The Food Network host’s cute rice cereal bars are wrapped in fun.
Then I scroll on Instagram, where I see some really cute earrings.
Then he just goes and drinks coffee, like he’s cute [and] normal.
But the league has never seen a meme as cute as this.
Don’t plan a cute date or important business meeting for this day.
Dorfman and Murray were too cute, however, mocking each other’s funny faces.
It may look cute and bright, but don’t let it fool you.
But other than being cute, this robot literally doesn’t do anything else.
She handed me a cute little bag with candy and a card.
As pestering as the joey is, he is still pretty damn cute.
Like, ‘What do you mean you want to punch a cute animal?
They have such cute things, and they offer in-store pick-up!
«It’s a really cute movie and it makes me happy,» she adds.
And I didn’t do anything cute like wallpaper my room with rejections.
Spotify is celebrating LGBT Pride Month with a cute little easter egg.
They’re very cute together, but Hays can’t dawdle around with her today.
Indulge your kids with cute Whoville-themed T-shirts from Old Navy.
Frizzy hair in its cartoon form is cute, not annoying, after all.
Also, you end up creating a really cute robot, so everyone wins.
His 4-year-old son will, though — and it’s cute as hell.
Sometimes they’ll say something so super-cute that your heart nearly bursts.
We mean… Look at the cute flowers she drew around the message!
What a difference a year – and a really cute little girl – makes.
And there’s some very cute footage of Blue and Bey holding hands.
They don&apost want Harley-Davidson getting cute to make $2 more.
The kid, who’s about to turn 3, is just too damn cute.
Some of them are cute stories, some of them are policy ideas.
It’s a cute family photo until you realize that JLaw is peeing.
Sure, this photo is cute and all, but it looks rather posed.
Last week, Cardi B posted an Instagram Story of Kulture’s cute feet.
Your bare feet are not bohemian and your chipped toenails aren’t cute.
Robinson situation, but look at this cute li’l outfit Aubrey tossed together.
In any case, this has been a good week for cute animals.
I mean, they’re not actually revolting—some of them are super cute.
«All aboard the pony train,» wrote Cavallari, 31, alongside the cute photo.
It’s kinda cute, but I’m going to need a couple more drinks.
Painfully cute and nearly lifelike, but you never have to feed them.
Kardashian simply captioned the cute snap, «Him» with a red heart emoji.
That whale was cute and cartoonish, perfect for this early romantic stage.
«The Republican leadership thinks they are too cute by half,» said Pocan.
Xperia agent making coffee and fielding notification is still cute af pic.twitter.
They’re nice, and they’re cute, and they are, frankly, cheaper than therapy.
Dusty is already a huge fan of her «so cute» baby sister.
GUILFOYLE: And this is a quinceanera party, and it&aposs very cute.
By the end of the night, these two are super cute together.
I wore a cute blue dress that ended just at my knees.
I’m adding cute little seashells and ocean-themed patches all over them.
I was like ‘What is that?’ and she goes ‘Aren’t they cute?
I like the hardwood floors, the music — it was a cute brand.
They’re usually pretty petrified, and that’s cute—until it gets very annoying.
He has a wife, Rachel, and a cute little boy named Carl.
He’s basically her new Mark — a cute, Black, gay voice of reason.
The internet’s candy — cute animals, YouTube parodies, Harry Potter listicles — is wonderful.
Precocious and all-too-cute, the Colorado native was a fan favorite.
These NICU babies dressed up for Halloween are the epitome of cute.
Plus, you can dress Boxboy up in all kinds of cute outfits.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend have already made one super cute kid.
Plus, in a cute coincidence, Mather was also born on July 4.
Look at how in-focus this cute deer in Nara Park is.
All I ask is that we keep the cute couple pics coming.
She recently slid into fans’ social media accounts to leave cute comments.
We met on Bumble and he seems super cute, nice, and smart.
While there are no cute gingerbread men involved, we’re sure it’s delicious.
Coffee mug These are actually pretty cute; we’re kind of into these.
They are super cute, and her two-year-old loves her toy.
We can’t wait to see what cute skills Luna shows off next.
It’s such a cute and happy game—except when it REALLY isn’t.
It was pretty cute and spacious, with a nice balcony and view.
It wasn’t aggressive or angry, but it wasn’t cute or sarcastic, either.

милый, привлекательный, умный, миловидный, сообразительный, находчивый, остроумный


- амер. разг. привлекательный, миловидный

cute hat — прелестная шляпка
cute baby — очаровательный малыш

- амер. неодобр. претенциозный; жеманный

cute dialogue — диалог, претендующий на глубину, остроумие и т. п.

- арх. умный, сообразительный; проницательный; смышлёный; остроумный

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The baby’s so cute.

Ребенок такой милый.

She’s ever so cute.

Она всегда так прелестна.

He’s real cute.

Он — просто прелесть.

The flat was so cute.

Квартира была так хороша.

What a cute puppy! Is it a he or a she?

Какой милый щеночек! Это мальчик или девочка?

Her daughter has cute blonde curls.

У её дочери милые светлые локоны /кудряшки/.

Tell us about this cute guy you met!

Расскажи об этом симпатичном парне, c которым ты познакомилась.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…at this point the pudgy toddler is still cute, but she will have health problems if she continues to be overweight…

…she’s very nice, but she’s not afraid to get cute when there’s something she wants…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cutty  — короткая ложка, безнравственная женщина, коротенькая глиняная труба
cuteness  — остроумие, ум

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): cuter
прев. степ. (superlative): cutest

Definition of Cute

adorable with a youthful appearance

Examples of Cute in a sentence

Smiling down at the cute puppy, the little girl fell in love with its pretty eyes and begged to take him home.


Without a cute dress to wear to the dance, the girl decided she would rather stay home than look frumpy.


Coming off as adorable in her audition, the cute kid was offered the role without hesitation.


Bunnies and other furry animals are often adopted as pets because of their cute and lovable appearance.


The cute girl’s megawatt smile and long dark hair earned her the most attractive title in the yearbook.


Other words in the Amazing, Lovely, Impressive category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

A sentence with the word nephew?

my nephew is really cute

How do use the word tunic in a sentence?

«He was wearing a red tunic.»
«That tunic looks really cute!»

How do you punctuate this sentence oh how cute you are a comedian?

Oh, how cute; you are a comedian.

What is the antonym for the word cute?

An antonym for the word ‘cute’ would be ‘ugly’.

How do you use the word flamingos in a sentence?

Flamingos are birds.The most popular garden ornament in the US are plastic flamingos.I think flamingos are cute.

  • Meanings of words and phrases

  • Example sentences

  • Similar words

  • Translations

  • Other types of questions

The meaning of «Cute» in various phrases and sentences

What does cute mean?

Generally it means childlike/girlish/attractive. Clothes are cute if you think they will look good on you and match your style. A boy is cute if he has a handsome face…etc.

What does cute mean?

Someone that has a nice face. They are adorable. ^^

What does She not cute like you. mean?

«She’s not cute like you» means that the person talking thinks you’re cuter than someone else

Example sentences using «Cute»

Please show me example sentences with cute.

Wow, she’s pretty cute
Look over there! That dog is so cute!
Do you like my shoes? Yeah, they’re cute.

Please show me example sentences with cute .

you look cute. she is so cute. the puppy is cute. so it basically means kawaii

Please show me example sentences with cute.

«Your top is so cute

«You look cute today.»

«Do you think that guy is cute

«I need something cute to where to the party tonight.»

«That looks cute on you.»

«That’s a cute little toy.»

Please show me example sentences with cute.

This kitten is so cute!

Synonyms of «Cute» and their differences

What is the difference between So cute and Too cute ?

They usually mean the same thing:

That kitten is so cute!

That kitten is too cute!


However, “too…” can also mean “~すぎる.”

So in some situations, “too cute” can be used in a negative way.


These graphics are too cute to use in a business document.

What is the difference between cute and adorable ?

Adorable and cute have the same meaning, but adorable is a bit more than cute. It’s a step above, like hot is more than warm.

What is the difference between cute and handsome and good-looking and pretty and cool ?

@takasama: It’s hard to use example sentences so I’ll just explain:
Handsome is mainly used to describe attractive men (if used to describe a women it means that she has intriguingly manly features). They are clean and usually strong or professional and also confident.
Cute is a bit childish in nature. Both girls and boys (but with boys it can sometimes be condescending -to mean looking down on them or making fun of). Cute has smiley feel.
good-looking is general attractiveness to male or female.
Pretty is mainly used to describe an attractive girl (or feminine but good-looking guy).
Cool is about personality to describe popular boys and girls.
-Hope that is clear!

What is the difference between cute and pretty ?


これが「cute flower」です:

これが「pretty flower」です:

What is the difference between cute and pretty and lovely ?

Cute: «That baby is so cute!» (Used for more, baby-ish stuff. Like puppies and babies or pink stuff, small items).

Pretty: Looks good, not really used for male things. Not only used for baby things but not as strong as beautiful. «Annie is pretty, but May is beautiful»

Lovely: Hard to explain. Typically something good which you enjoy. Can be used to describe personalities unlike pretty & cute. «Wow, you look lovely!» «You have a lovely personality.» «You are lovely to be around.»

Hope I’m not too complicated :)

Translations of «Cute»

How do you say this in English (US)? so cute

Check the question to view the answer

How do you say this in English (US)? so cute

Check the question to view the answer

How do you say this in English (US)? cute

Check the question to view the answer

How do you say this in English (US)? cute

You can use cute or adorable.

How do you say this in English (US)? cute

Other questions about «Cute»

cute fairly で合ってますか?fairly の前にa or the は必要ですか?

“it’s a cute fairy”と言って大丈夫です。

You’re so cute Does this sound natural?

Check the question to view the answer

Please show me how to pronounce you’re so cute.

Check the question to view the answer

Please show me how to pronounce cute.

Check the question to view the answer

You’re so cute as ever. Does this sound natural?

You’re as cute as ever!

Meanings and usages of similar words and phrases

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she’s very nice, but she’s not afraid to get cute when there’s something she wants

we’re having a serious discussion here, so cut the cute remarks

Recent Examples on the Web

This was cute and straightforward.

Andy Hoglund,, 2 Apr. 2023

The Rainbow Crystal Choker by Emma Pills This cute, fun jewelry brand has oodles of items to choose from.

Nadja Sayej, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Aw, cute Van-and-Taissa moment!

Emma Specter, Vogue, 27 Mar. 2023

Some are funny, some are cute, and all are one line to keep things short and sweet.

Kelly O’sullivan, Country Living, 25 Mar. 2023

The cut is really cute and makes the bootie pop which is quite a bonus for us 56-year-olds!!!

Women’s Health, 24 Mar. 2023

There are tons of options out there that will feel just as cloud-like and un-stretch-out-able, look just as cute, and make your legs look equally as good — for a sliver of the price.

Kelsey Stiegman, Seventeen, 21 Mar. 2023

Made of 100% coconut coir fiber, the doormat not only looks cute, but also, the stiff bristles will clean the bottom of shoes before entering your home, catching dirt and debris, too.

Gabriela Izquierdo, Better Homes & Gardens, 17 Mar. 2023

The almost 2-year-old looked too cute in her personalized Australia Zoo uniform that features her name stitched on the front.

Alexis Jones, Peoplemag, 15 Mar. 2023

How friggin’ cute is that?

Marci Robin, Allure, 16 June 2022

This is high-octane cute.

Ali Barthwell, Vulture, 25 Aug. 2021

With a backyard this cute, who needs a trip?

Hadley Keller, House Beautiful, 13 Oct. 2020

Duff credited photographer Laura Moll for the cute snap.

Tracey Harrington Mccoy, Peoplemag, 21 Dec. 2022

And through it all, for two decades, a so-ugly-he’s-cute saber-toothed squirrel has been trying to get his grubby mitts on an acorn.

Perseverance Apr. 14, Vulture, 14 Apr. 2022

These animals are not the same as their cute-and-cuddly ringed seal counterparts: Leopard seals are toothsome beasts that can grow to nearly 10 feet long.

Sara Novak, Discover Magazine, 7 Dec. 2022

For Your Secret Santa With over 48,000 ratings on Amazon, these cute-as-can-be sponges are just the best.

Cailey Lindberg And Brigitt Earley, Good Housekeeping, 6 Dec. 2022

Made of comfy, breathable cotton, the rompers are available in sizes ranging from 0 to 24 months and feature cute-as-can-be prints, from happy fruits to animals.

Ashlea Halpern, Condé Nast Traveler, 22 Apr. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cute.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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