Sentence with the word current

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Many people already cannot afford current prices.

И сейчас многие страны не могут позволить себе нынешний уровень цен на нефть.

Exporters seem comfortable with current levels.

Добывающие страны, кажется, чувствуют себя вполне комфортно при нынешних котировках.

Real-time emergency monitoring of current status and incidents.

Поддержка аварийного мониторинга в режиме реального времени, включая текущий статус и уведомления о происшествиях.

The current 10-year strategic plan calls…

«Наш текущий стратегический план на следующие 10 лет состоит в том…

First that the current arrangements affecting Dependent Territories need modernization.

Во-первых, то, что нынешние договоренности, затрагивающие зависимые территории, необходимо привести в соответствие с современными требованиями.

The components of current ratio (current assets and current liabilities) can be used to derive working capital (difference between current assets and current liabilities).

Компоненты коэффициент текущей ликвидности (текущие активы и текущие обязательства) могут быть использованы для получения оборотного капитала (разница между текущими активами и текущих пассивов).

These areas are all linked as expected future conditions shape current decisions and those current decisions shape current trends.

Все эти сферы взаимосвязаны, поскольку ожидаемые условия в будущем формируют текущие решения, а эти текущие решения создают текущие тренды.

The less the ratio of cover of current indebtedness is, the more liquid the company is deemed to be because current liabilities should be covered by current income.

Чем меньше показатель степени покрытия текущей задолженности, тем более ликвидным считается предприятие, так как текущие обязательства должны покрыться текущими доходами.

You can find the current ratio by dividing the total current assets by the total current liabilities.

Вы можете найти текущее соотношение, разделив общие текущие активы на общие текущие обязательства.

Trade and current account balances are related to GDP at current prices, converted from national currencies at current dollar exchange rates.

Торговые балансы и платежные балансы по текущим операциям связаны с ВВП в текущих ценах в пересчете с национальной валюты по действующим обменным курсам доллара.

This is understandable because current liabilities arise in the context of current assets.

Следует также уяснить, что текущие обязательства возникают только в контексте текущих активов.

In its current form, bitcoin mining is a profitable business, given the current price of 11,000 dollars.

В его нынешнем виде майнинг биткоина — это прибыльный бизнес, учитывая текущую цену в 11.000 долларов.

But supporters of the current government will probably use this meeting as an argument in favor of continuing the current course.

Зато сторонники нынешней власти наверняка используют эту встречу как аргумент в пользу продолжения нынешнего курса.

A very important month both in terms of implementing current tasks, and for moving to some current goal.

Очень важный месяц как в плане реализации текущих задач, так и для продвижения к некоторой текущей цели.

It assumes that current subsidies expire and that energy policies around the world remain on their current bearing.

Он предполагает, что действующие субсидии истекают и что энергетическая политика во всем мире остается на нынешнем уровне.

That means there are two dollars in current assets for every one dollar of current liabilities.

В этом случае каждый доллар текущих обязательств имеет покрытие двумя долларами текущих активов.

There were no significant changes in the current version has not undergone, and all the time production 280 current aircraft modifications were built.

Каких-либо значимых изменений текущая версия не претерпела, и за всё время производства было построено 280 самолётов текущей модификации.

The current leader has significantly changed the current business model of the corporation.

Нынешний руководитель существенно изменил действующий бизнес-модель корпорации.

Abeyance results when the current owner or holder does not declare a single current beneficiary.

Неопределенности результатов, когда текущий собственник или владелец не объявить единый нынешних бенефициаров.

It can be said that the current market cap of the crypto industry reflects the current state of crypto projects.

Можно сказать, что текущая рыночная капитализация криптоиндустрии отражает текущее состояние криптопроектов.

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Synonym: flow, happening, present, prevalent, stream. Similar words: currently, currency, curriculum, blackcurrant, rent, parent, rental, inherent. Meaning: [‘kʌrənt]  n. 1. a flow of electricity through a conductor 2. a steady flow (usually from natural causes) 3. dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas. adj. occurring in or belonging to the present time. 

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(1) The prevailing current flows from east to west.

(2) The swimmer was swept away by the current.

(3) My current level of job satisfaction is pretty low.

(4) A quarter of current inmates have committed violent crimes.

(5) They suggested measures to overcome current difficulties.

(6) A gentle current carried them slowly offshore.

(7) His current account was seriously overdrawn.

(8) Discontent with the current government is strong.

(9) What is the current thinking on this question?

(10) We were rowing against the current.

(11) Letters from viewers express their dissatisfaction with current programmes.

(12) We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends.

(13) The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation.

(14) The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.

(15) The current situation is very frustrating for us.

(16) Education is the current focus of public debate.

(17) Newspapers influence the current of thought.

(18) Check all your wiring before switching on the current.

(19) The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.

(20) The late-night current affairs programme has a new anchorman.

(21) It seems improbable that the current situation will continue.

(22) Many teenagers are surprisingly ignorant about current politics.

(23) Current economic activity is markedly slower than during the go-go years of the mid to late 1980s.

(24) On current projections[], there will be more than ten million people 65 or over in 2010.

(25) The current system just isn’t working — we need to go back to the drawing board and start afresh.

(26) In its current state, the house would be worth £200,000.

(27) The government yesterday reaffirmed its commitment to the current peace process.

(28) Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.

(29) With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.

(30) The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.

More similar words: currently, currency, curriculum, blackcurrant, rent, parent, rental, inherent, parental, apparent, parenting, correspondent, apparently, different, grandparent, entrepreneur, entertainment, sentiment, barrel, arrest, hurry up, occur, curve, hurricane, in a hurry, surround, curtain, curious, correctly, accuracy. 

текущий, современный, теперешний, ходячий, ток, течение, поток, струя, ход


- текущий; нынешний; современный

- циркулирующий; находящийся в обращении, ходячий

current coin — а) ходячая монета; б) распространённое мнение
current opinions /beliefs/ — общепризнанное мнение
the word is in current use — это слово общеупотребительно
long ago it was a current belief that the earth was flat — в стародавние времена было принято думать, что земля плоская

- (Current) австрал. разг. родившийся в Австралии (о белом)
- физ. токовый, связанный с протеканием тока


- течение, поток (тж. перен.)

great ocean currents such as the Gulf Stream — сильные океанские течения, например Гольфстрим
against the current — против течения
to breast the current — идти против течения
to go with the current — плыть по течению

- струя, тяга воздуха

a violent current of air — сильная струя воздуха

- амер. гидр. приливное или неприливное течение; поток
- течение, ход

the current of events — ход событий
current of time — течение времени
current of thought [of public opinion] — направление мысли [общественного мнения]

- эл. электрический ток

alternative [direct] current — переменный [постоянный] ток

Мои примеры


a pungent satire of current politics — острая сатира на текущую политику  
the shoreward tendency of the current — стремление направления течения к берегу  
the current taste for wide trousers — нынешнее пристрастие к широким брюкам /шароварам/  
to carry current — проводить ток  
current bills and coins — банкноты и монеты, находящиеся в обращении  
current thinking — общее, ходячее мнение  
words which are not current in English — слова, которые почти не используются в английском  
current affairs — текущие дела, проблемы сегодняшнего дня  
current week — текущая неделя  
current driving licence — действительные водительские права  
current enters node — ток направлен к узлу  
current divides — ток ответвляется  

Примеры с переводом

Who is your current employer?

Кто ваш нынешний работодатель?

I’m worried about the current political situation.

Меня беспокоит текущая политическая ситуация.

My current status is unemployed.

В настоящий момент я безработный. (досл.: Мой текущий статус — безработный)

Caribbean Current

Гвианское течение / Карибское течение

What is your current heading?

Каким курсом вы сейчас движетесь?

To our consternation, the current was turned off.

К нашему ужасу, отключили ток.

The current unemployment rate is six percent.

Текущий уровень безработицы составляет шесть процентов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The library’s current display features locally made crafts.

…the child who fell through the ice was helplessly swept along the raceway, still trapped under the ice, by the current…

…subjoined an epilogue that informs the reader of the current doings and whereabouts of the participants in this real-life mystery…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

recurrent  — периодический, рекуррентный, повторяющийся, возвратный, рецидивный
undercurrent  — скрытая тенденция, низовое подводное течение
currently  — в настоящее время, теперь, свободно, легко

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): current
мн. ч.(plural): currents

Sentences with the word Current?



  • «In the US most household current is AC at 60 cycles per second»
  • «salaries agreeable with current trends»; «plans conformable with your wishes»; «expressed views concordant with his background»
  • «news of current affairs»; «great affairs of state»
  • «trees bent under the fierce winds»; «when there is no wind, row»; «the radioactivity was being swept upwards by the air current and out into the atmosphere»
  • «alternating current«
  • «the river’s roiling current«; «turbulent rapids»
  • «a condition (or state) of disrepair»; «the current status of the arms negotiations»
  • «current events»; «the current topic»; «current negotiations»; «current psychoanalytic theories»; «the ship’s current position»
  • «the current was measured in amperes»
  • «the raft floated downstream on the current«; «he felt a stream of air»; «the hose ejected a stream of water»
  • «two streams of development run through American history»; «stream of consciousness»; «the flow of thought»; «the current of history»
  • «though one of her shoulder straps had slipped down, she was perfectly decent by current standards»
  • «direct current«
  • «electric current«; «electric wiring»; «electrical appliances»; «an electrical storm»
  • «electromagnetism was discovered when it was observed that a copper wire carrying an electric current can magnetize pieces of iron or steel near it»
  • «Elections figure prominently in every government program»; «How do the elections figure in the current pattern of internal politics?»
  • «fleet of foot»; «the fleet scurrying of squirrels»; «a swift current«; «swift flight of an arrow»; «a swift runner»
  • «the current taste for wide trousers»; «a full skirt»
  • «a tray loaded with dishes»; «table laden with food»; «`ladened’ is not current usage»
  • «This story would lend itself well to serialization on television»; «The current system lends itself to great abuse»
  • «the current middle-class norm of two children per family»
  • «she was a surpassingly beautiful woman»; «I will mention only one particular aspect of the current mess because … this one is surely something new and passing strange»—Walker Percy
  • «an amendment to piggyback the current law»
  • «we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians»; «teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events»
  • «current through the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil»
  • «the pull of the moon»; «the pull of the current«
  • «rectify alternating current«
  • «Who are you siding with?»; «I’m siding against the current candidate»
  • «the current state of knowledge»; «his state of health»; «in a weak financial state»
  • «a stiff current«; «a stiff breeze»
  • «leather is the latest vogue»; «he followed current trends»; «the 1920s had a style of their own»
  • «we must not let our civil liberties be subverted by the current crisis»
  • «The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad»
  • «the shoreward tendency of the current«; «the trend of the stock market»
  • «the cash on hand is adequate for current needs»; «emergency police were on hand in case of trouble»; «a visible supply»; «visible resources»

Examples of how to use the word “current” in a sentence. How to connect “current” with other words to make correct English sentences.

current (adj, n): of the present time; a movement of water, air, or electricity in a particular direction

Use “current” in a sentence

I’m satisfied with my current income.
What is your current thinking on this question?
The boat is going against the current.
I want to quit my current job.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



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Definition of Current

happening or being done/used now

Examples of Current in a sentence

Grandma watches the news each night to keep herself up-to-date on the world’s current events.


The current weather forecast calls for rain, but tomorrows looks much better.


Current staff members are expected to come to a meeting to discuss changes taking place this week.




Other words in the Time category:


Rush hour



















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An electric current produces a magnet, and _a magnet also may be made to produce an electric current_. ❋ James W. Steele (N/A)

Now when a current acts by induction upon conducting matter lateral to it, it probably acts upon the electricity in that conducting matter whether it be in the form of a _current_ or ❋ Michael Faraday (1829)

# Alternatively, we could just use makeobj in the commands below … current = ` pwd ` if [ «$srcFolder» = «$current«]; then cb fi ❋ Fulldecent (2010)

* @param string $current is the current value of the option in use (used to set the selected option in the list) * @param string $options should be an array of the options to be generated function generate_option_list ($current, $options) $list = «»; foreach ($options as $curopt) $sel = «»; if ($current = = $curopt) $sel = «selected = » selected «»; ❋ Unknown (2010)

# substitute build dir with src dir dest = ` pwd | sed — e s, $KDE_BUILD, $KDE_SRC, ` current = ` pwd ` if [ «$dest» = «$current«]; then cd «$KDE_SRC» else cd «$dest» fi fi ❋ Fulldecent (2010)

{remove x from list} return {break} end else {x not yet found} current: = current↑. next end end end; {DELETE} Fig. 4.12. ❋ Unknown (2009)

x then goto add; {break} current: = current↑. next end; add: {current is now the cell after which x is to be inserted} new (newcell); newcell↑. element: = x; newcell↑. next: = current↑. next; current↑. next: = newcell end; {INSERT} Fig. 4.6. ❋ Unknown (2009)

We needed to be inventive about wording in the communique in consideration for a country that did not want to use the term ‘current account balance’… ❋ Unknown (2011)

If it is a type that sensenses an imbalance in current from the hot line to the neutral, then, it would work. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Sunday, Mar. 19, 2006 @ 03: 10 mood: satisfied current music: another jay zhou song, dunno the title current — reminsce — envision — archive — guestbook — contact links soccernet the onion break. com newgrounds wikipedia somethingawful talkingcock maddox my ebaystore ❋ Jaimewolf (2006)

Friday, Feb. 11, 2005 @ 04: 04 mood: overloaded current music: One of Jay Zhou’s songs, forgot the title current — reminsce — envision — archive — guestbook — contact links soccernet the onion break. com newgrounds wikipedia somethingawful talkingcock maddox my ebaystore ❋ Jaimewolf (2005)

In order to define the intensity of a current, the term current intensity (formula sign I) has been introduced. ❋ Unknown (1991)

OK, MP, can you deconstruct the British English — why the use of the term current? ❋ Unknown (2009)

The newspaper said the CIA declined comment on the report, which also quoted what it called current and former British officials as saying British special forces and intelligence officers were in Libya. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The newspaper said the CIA declined comment on the report, which quoted what it called current and former British officials as saying British special forces and intelligence officers also are in the North African nation. ❋ Unknown (2011)

GIRL1: who’s your currentGIRL2: [ben]
BOY1: bro, are you guys [dating] yet?
BOY2: [nah man], shes just my current ❋ Catsanddogasruleee (2019)

Proffesor: The current here is [stronk]
Student : the fuck is a current?
Proffesor: [sea] [wind]. ❋ Budi Budi (2014)

[Yes] currently.
[I’m here] currently. ❋ Confused As Fuck (2016)

I tried to currentize an otherwise [bland] outfit with a couple of leather [belts] worn [stacked] around my waist. ❋ Savvy_much (2016)

[That guy] is so [CURRENT] ❋ Hmchmc83 (2016)

He’s [literally] [so cute], he’s [the current]. ❋ Fab-me-lus (2015)

[hahah] [Furrent] lol ([current] and furry) ❋ AngelicAnimal (2021)

Girl 1- «I love her [outfit] it’s like [hipster], but new!»
Girl 2- «Yeah! She’s so [current] !» ❋ Gabby Jane (2016)

*[electricity] [outage] occurs*
“Man [the current]’s off again” ❋ Cyc123 (2019)

[Tracy Grimshaw]: The public has been outraged over (some infamous baddie) being left in peace.
Cue shitty footage of some male reporter harassing baddie at their place of residence.
Tracy Grimshaw: There’s been some new evidence that suggests cats prefer the colour red.
«Expert» (flipping pages): Uh well we’ve been seeing a lot of new evidence that cats like red.
[Random cat] lady: «My old [Mittens] loves red things.»
Street random: «Yeah I like cats.»
Tracy Grimshaw: Next week on A Current Affair… ❋ PomiWells (2012)

  • Use the word CURRENT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A current in the form of an erotic impulse travels from the cerebral cortex to the control center in the diencephalon.

This is it, the Andenato current.

And so, a small power unit goes here, on your uh, spiny thing, which sends electrical impulses to your muscles and ligaments and stuff, which I will fuse to a vanadium alloy endoskeleton, replacing your current, um, legbones.

current location, sector zed niner.

But thanks to our current understanding of nature’s natural processes one man has built up a nutrient rich soil upon this dry undesirable clay forming the foundation for a thriving ecosystem

I am Elder McKinley, current district leader for this area of the Uganda mission.

And I believe that the current President of the Church, Thomas Monson, speaks directly to God!

But it looks like his current engagement might really work out this time.

And news is what has given LSD its current reputation

Irmgard Vanderheit n├®e Svensen with whom I married in the Church of Saint Nicholas on the 5th of August of the current year.

The end of «Backward current

Moses spread his arms toward the sea and the current was split into two

«We must hurry… maybe we will manage to get the boat before the current takes hold of it.»

Tore felt how the current got hold of him and used his last ounce of strength… to avoid falling prey to the enormous forces of nature.

It’s an inquiry into the current whereabouts of the troupe with which Miss Baring was at work.

There was a strong current of cultural xenophobia in the 1890s, and many Britons felt threatened by waves of immigration.



A blood reaction, by high frequency current, as well.

Throw on the current the moment you are ready.

Multiply superficial wounds of the left and right thigh …… left and right knee and right foot….. profound wounds of right knee and foot in current line of duty. Next patient please.

Although the accused has been unemployed a long period, the Bonike couple could have paid the overdue rent with a bit of good will. Their current difficulties must be seen as their own fault.

And by the way, probably the current drag this house.

The current gets her in deeper, and tried to pull her out, a shaft snaps in two… like a stick of macaroni.

A sharp contrast: these slums with no light are located at the base of pylons carrying cables with enormous amounts of electrical current.

In the current of the waves offshore, the memories gradually disappear.

Down current just dropped me 2000 feet.

Air current. Dropped me into a canyon.

Another thing, it is the common belief that when the current is thrown on the lights go dim all over the prison and all the other inmates howl and cheer.

We get our current from a separate dynamo.

The current, created by the changing tides, grows stronger and sometimes breaches the dike deeply and those holes are then plugged plugged by unloading boats.

The current Minister of Commerce was No. 4 oar.

Across mounts and valleys my poor cart flew, its load of hope made the wheels crush sorrow, and as I crossed the deep valley and its slow current, new pain was born, making my impulse stop in its track.

This action only responds when the current is applied.

Shall I increase the current?

Direction of current indicate… water flow under rock.

If there’s a current, that means this water comes from the Nile.

Journey of life like feather on stream… must continue with current.

I wrote to the editor of current Review to find out the name of the genius who was the author.

Get in that current and cramp her sharp!

Who is the current judge of Minami-machi?

How much do you think he has on current account?

-The current will take you to Lohara.

«Accompanying them on this cruise will be Connie’s current favorite…

The treasurer reports a deficit of $180,000 for the current year.

During two days, the current drives them southward.

Two days and two nights, the current carries them southward.

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