Sentence with the word crime

Synonym: evil, sin, vice, wrongdoing. Similar words: acrimony, prime, recrimination, experiment, discrimination, experimental, from time to time, rim. Meaning: [kraɪm]  n. 1. (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act 2. an evil act not necessarily punishable by law. 

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1. Poverty is not a crime.

2. Successful crime is called virtue.

3. Let the punishment fit the crime

4. The greater the crime, the higher the gallows. 

5. She was found innocent of any crime.

6. The punishment should be proportional to the crime.

7. The police are planning sterner measures to combat crime.

8. It is a crime to counterfeit money.

9. There’s too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV.

9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. He has committed a crime.

11. People are fearful of rising crime in the area.

12. The latest crime figures are a complete sham.

13. Better street lighting might help to reduce crime.

14. It’s a crime to handle stolen goods.

15. We will unite in fighting crime.

16. Police are planning sterner measures to combat crime.

17. He was acquitted of a crime.

18. The police prevent and detect crime.

19. The governor announced a new plan to reduce crime.

20. The brutality of the crime has appalled the public.

21. Murder is the most abominable crime.

22. They taxed him with a crime.

23. I have never committed any crime.

24. Police have to be realistic about violent crime.

25. The President described the killings as an abominable crime.

26. His crime has gained him naught.

27. Crime often symbolizes a wider social problem.

28. The statistics don’t reveal of course unrecorded crime.

29. Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is[], the more difficult is it to bring it home. 

30. Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law a -gainst insaity. 

More similar words: acrimony, prime, recrimination, experiment, discrimination, experimental, from time to time, rim, grim, trim, shrimp, interim, primary, grimace, crispy, script, critic, crisis, ascribe, primarily, describe, criteria, critical, hypocrisy, subscriber, criticize, description, prescription, time, financial crisis. 

Sentences with the word Crime?



  • «he was charged with being accessory to the crime«
  • «He alleged that he was the victim of a crime«; «He said it was too late to intervene in the war»; «The registrar says that I owe the school money»
  • «murder is an atrocious crime«; «a grievous offense against morality»; «a grievous crime«; «no excess was too monstrous for them to commit»
  • «an atrocious automobile accident»; «a frightful crime of decapitation»; «an alarming, even horrifying, picture»; «war is beyond all words horrible»- Winston Churchill; «an ugly wound»
  • «he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime«
  • «a barbarous crime«; «brutal beatings»; «cruel tortures»; «Stalin’s roughshod treatment of the kulaks»; «a savage slap»; «vicious kicks»
  • «The confession of one of the accused brought the others to admit to the crime as well»
  • «dam buster»; «sanction buster»; «crime buster»
  • «the crime capital of Italy»; «the drug capital of Columbia»
  • «This crime carries a penalty of five years in prison»
  • «poverty as a causative factor in crime«
  • «perpetrate a crime«; «pull a bank robbery»
  • «all those concerned in the bribery case have been identified»; «named three officials implicated in the plot»; «an innocent person implicated by circumstances in a crime«
  • «The police handcuffed the suspect at the scene of the crime«
  • «he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime«; «there was a danger he would do the wrong thing»
  • «a diagnostic sign of yellow fever»; «a rash symptomatic of scarlet fever»; «symptomatic of insanity»; «a rise in crime symptomatic of social breakdown»
  • «often drugs and crime are not dissociable»; «the siamese twins were not considered separable»; «a song…never conceived of as severable from the melody»
  • «distressing (or disturbing) news»; «lived in heroic if something distressful isolation»; «a disturbing amount of crime«; «a revelation that was most perturbing»; «a new and troubling thought»; «in a particularly worrisome predicament»; «a worrying situation»; «a worrying time»
  • «She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime«; «The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I»
  • «The circumstances extenuate the crime«
  • «a flagitious crime«; «heinous accusations»
  • «instrumental in solving the crime«
  • «indulgent parents risk spoiling their children»; «too soft on the children»; «they are soft on crime«
  • «he felt incensed that Tarrant should have been treated so leniently given his crime«
  • «She made out that she know nothing about the crime«
  • «the situation called for strong measures»; «the police took steps to reduce crime«
  • «the total Nazi crime«; «the Nazi interpretation of history»
  • «a noteworthy fact is that her students rarely complain»; «a noteworthy advance in cancer research»; «a remarkable achievement»; «a notable increase in the crime rate»
  • «a premeditated crime«
  • «the punishment ought to be proportional to the crime«; «earnings relative to production»
  • «the police returned to the scene of the crime«
  • «it is a crime to commit suicide»
  • «stimulated a surge of speculation»; «an upsurge of emotion»; «an upsurge in violent crime«
  • «caught in the tentacles of organized crime«
  • «a tidal wave of nausea»; «the flood of letters hit him with the force of a tidal wave»; «a tidal wave of crime«
  • «would he forget the crime and let it go unpunished?»
  • «the war on poverty»; «the war against crime«
  • «I questioned him about his whereabouts on the night of the crime«

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word crime, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use crime in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «crime».

Crime in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word crime in a sentence.

  1. Blackness is the crime of crimes ..

  2. Nonvice crime increased in the city.

  3. Hathaway was not charged with any crime.

  4. Neither was ever convicted of any crime.

  5. The heart was missing from the crime scene.

  6. Sikkim is known for its very low crime rate.

  7. Russell’s crime comedy-drama American Hustle.

  8. Crime is crime is crime, it is not political».

  9. Chandor-directed crime drama A Most Violent Year.

  10. On January 31, 2008, Dutch crime reporter Peter R.

  11. He abandoned crime but soon descended into alcoholism.

  12. It is all folly, madness, a crime against civilization!

  13. Shortly before his execution, he confessed to the crime.

  14. For bedtime reading, she often indulged in crime fiction.

  15. Britby does not appear to have been charged with a crime.

  16. Several aspects of popular crime shows have been criticized as being unrealistic.

  17. The Duke later stated that he had been «accused of every crime in the decalogue».

  18. It has a low crime rate: a 2012 study found it had the second-lowest in the state.

  19. Canberra has the lowest rate of crime of any capital city in Australia as of 2019.

  20. The crime had shocked Londoners and the service showed evidence of their feelings.

  21. Republikflucht became a crime in 1957, punishable by heavy fines and up to three years’ imprisonment.

  22. There is no firm evidence as to James Coterel’s precise motives for embarking on his career in crime.

  23. Other crime figures backing Thompson included Jack Zuta, who gave $50,000 to his campaign, Timothy D.

  24. The crime task force was deemed the largest since the investigation into the assassination of John F.

  25. Rape law was properly codified and defined as a crime within marriage for the first time in Australia.

  26. There was no precedent in the United States for a death penalty that was carried out for such a crime.

  27. Fearing an encounter, both «Vellai» Ravi and Chera decided to give up their lives of crime and reform.

  28. When asked by Nolot if these activities are financed by organized crime, Slim hesitates, then says no.

  29. Around him, his son and nephew also turn to crime, as they have few other opportunities to earn money.

  30. The film is credited for showing the way for realistic crime films in Hindi cinema in following years.

  31. In 1961, a group of citizens from Newport asked Combs for help in cracking down on crime in their city.

  32. She was then drawn to the part of an enigmatic seductress named S in the 2008 crime thriller Deception.

  33. His victims had no relationship with him, nor did they have any known gang or street crime involvement.

  34. Webster’s behaviour after the crime and during the trial further increased the notoriety of the murder.

  35. The low crime rate, brought on by strict laws and tough enforcement, gave citizens a sense of security.

  36. Changeling is a 2008 American mystery crime drama film directed, produced, and scored by Clint Eastwood and written by J.

  37. Later, Lugman is seen bowing under the pressure and blackmail of Don Fortunato who wishes to be the new kingpin of crime.

  38. Williams then took on her first lead role in film since 2013 in Ridley Scott’s crime thriller All the Money in the World.

  39. Now presbyters and other clergymen could be arrested without having even been accused of a crime, and condemned to death.

  40. By this account, Gertrude’s worst crime is of pragmatically marrying her brother-in-law in order to avoid a power vacuum.

  41. However the 2017 crime statistics showed a rise in some types of personal crime, notably burglaries, thefts and assaults.

  42. Commissioner Burrell continues to falsify crime statistics and is fired by Carcetti, who positions Daniels to replace him.

  43. The election was marked by an unusually low level of crime: only one ballot box theft and a negligible amount of violence.

  44. In 2013, Zeta-Jones took on a leading role in the crime thriller Broken City, co-starring Mark Wahlberg and Russell Crowe.

  45. Supported by the Canningites, Hall was by then staying at the Gatehouse Prison, although still not charged with any crime.

  46. Adding to their difficult circumstances, violent crime was an almost constant concern for people living in one of the oldest and poorest inner-city districts in Liverpool.

  47. In February 2001, underworld dons «Vellai» Ravi and Chera, who terrorised the city of Madras (now Chennai) in the 1990s, abandoned a life of crime and took up social work.

  48. The Tenderloin area has the highest crime rate in San Francisco: 70% of the city’s violent crimes, and around one-fourth of the city’s murders, occur in this neighborhood.

  49. Not least, argues Bellamy, because of the transporting of the corpse and the attempt at blaming highwaymen, elements of crime which «are rarely found in medieval records».

  50. After the summer of 2020, the department lost 166 officers either to retirement or to temporary leave, many with PTSD, and a crime wave resulted in more than 500 shootings.

Synonyms for crime

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word crime has the following synonyms: law-breaking and .

General information about «crime» example sentences

The example sentences for the word crime that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «crime» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «crime».

преступление, преступность, криминал, карать за нарушение устава



- воен. выносить приговор

Мои примеры


to notify a crime to the police — сообщить в полицию о преступлении  
a subculture of poverty and crime — субкультура бедности и преступности  
accomplice in crime — соучастник преступления  
to convict of a crime — осудить за совершение преступления  
crackdown on crime — решительные, крутые меры по борьбе с преступностью  
to commit a crime — совершить преступление  
crime of passion — преступление, совершенное в порыве страсти / в состоянии аффекта  
crime under investigation — расследуемое преступление  
the crimson crime — кровавое преступление  
degree in the commission of crime — стадия преступной деятельности  
the sheer enormity of the crime — невероятная чудовищность преступления  
conventional crime — обычное, общеуголовное преступление  

Примеры с переводом

Crime doesn’t pay.

Преступление никогда не оправдывает себя. (расхожее выражение)

He will account for his crime.

Он ответит за своё преступление.

She paid dearly for her crimes.

Она дорого заплатила за свои преступления.

Hunger begets crime.

Голод порождает преступность.

My only crime is that I fell in love with another girl.

Мое единственное преступление заключается в том, что я влюбился в другую девушку.

She was jailed for her crime.

За своё преступление она попала в тюрьму.

He designed the perfect crime.

Он спланировал идеальное преступление.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Fear of crime constricts many people’s lives.

Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.

She blends psychology and crime in her new novel.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): crime
мн. ч.(plural): crimes

  • Use the word Crime in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The application for commutation of the death sentence of Edward J. Gallagher for the crime of murder in the first degree is herewith denied.

a woman whose only crime was the protection of her soul… against the avarice of this man.

It was the cleanest crime scene in the history of crime.

This was an accident and I don’t want my son’s memory to be linked to a crime or a murder case.

I don’t want the memory of my son tarnished by having him associated with some crime or a murder case.

It is my duty to tell you that as such you don’t have to answer any questions about the crime and you have the right to have an attorney with you.

You’re left handed. That a crime now, is it?

Now, the brutal murder, last night, of Janice Caldwell is a scathing indictment of the police department’s failure, of our failure, to cope with crime on the most fundamental levels.

Commissioner, specifically what steps are you taking to offset this rash of crime in the Bel Air area?

I’m concentrating my efforts on the robbery aspects of this crime, and you’re right.

He and his family, they will forgive you for your crime?

Besides, I shall deny your accusations I do not believe its a crime and…

One who had committed such a crime could not live among other people.

I’ll leave as soon as I can so as not to commit a crime.

An iniquitous crime against the State.

«He is acting so superior in order to conceal his new crime

You devil, do not request that, before you go to hell, I reveal for all the world to see a crime

Confess your crime, you are the murderer!

«And still we broke them and committed a horrible crime

The new crime was promising new laurels for Kravtsov.

I have the feeling, that these hands are drawing me … to crime ….

The crime-crushing criminologist

I had an appointment with Lia Leid at the scene of the crime.

Mother, I committed a crime and I must pay

Did the man you saw with Mr. Arlington look as if he would commit such a crime?

«For now before the Judge severe No crime can pass unpunished here. «

We’d like to know if you observed anything relevant to the crime committed last night in the house nearby.»

«In your nightmare, the small wound on your wife’s neck flowed together with the crime in the nearby house for this reason you saw yourself condemned as a murderer.»

And I know nothing of this crime

The Rock of Mauprat still harbors strange occupants men who are no strangers to crime!

Bernard is quite capable of such a crime and his past conduct and brutal nature leave him open to suspicion.

for being guilty of the crime of lese majeste.»

As if being rich was a crime!

I will have to convince you that I have nothing to do with the crime.

I knew that the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime.

What a shame … An experiment by a cynical scientist … a daughter of vice and crime.

«Say, crime Wave… why didn’t Blake come?»

Dreaming of fame and money he was ready even to commit crime.

There won’t be any more witnesses of his crime.

Between us we can solve this crime.

Would you take the Inspector and his men to the scene of the crime.

-Now you’re here to pay for that crime… with ten years of your life.

Murderer returns to the scene of his crime.

The crime of murder in England, at least, is judged dispassionately.

Before their first performance, they are driven here like a criminal to the scene of the crime.

You know how I got lost in crime and sin? Bad company.

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Restraint in the use of the word «crime» in titles or subtitles shall be exercised.

Частота использования слова «Crime» в заголовках или подзаголовках должна быть крайне умеренной.

The word «crime» usually refers to an adult offender.

It could therefore not be explained in a criminal law sense. Moreover, the word «crime» could not be stripped of its usual meaning.

Таким образом, оно не может быть включено в сферу уголовного права, хотя, с другой стороны, нельзя также отказываться от термина «преступления» в его привычном понимании.

Particular attention is drawn to the other language versions of the word «crime» which show that the guarantee is not confined only to the most serious offences.

Особое внимание обращается на перевод слова «сrimе» на другие языки, который показывает, что эта гарантия не ограничивается лишь наиболее тяжкими преступлениями.

The letters of the word «crime» on a comics-magazine cover shall never be appreciably greater in dimension than the other words contained in the title.

Слово «Crime» на обложке журнала комиксов не должно быть больше по размеру, чем прочие слова, содержащиеся на обложке.

Those in favour of including State crime argued that the word «crime» in the law governing State responsibility expressed an exceptionally serious wrongful act that was condemned by the entire international community and caused exceptionally serious judicial consequences.

Сторонники включения преступления государств считают, что в соответствии с правом об ответственности государств термин «преступления» обозначает особо тяжкое противоправное деяние, осуждаемое всем международным сообществом и влекущее за собой особо тяжкие правовые последствия.

Другие результаты

Some delegations preferred to insert the word «war« before the word «crimes«.

When speaking about the suffering of the Serb people he does not hesitate to put the word «crimes» in quotation marks.

Говоря о страданиях сербского народа, он без колебаний ставит слово преступления в кавычки.

Replace the words «crime and terrorism» with «criminal activities».

At the end of the last line, the words «the world crime problem,» should be replaced with the words «crime and seek justice,».

In paragraph 8, after the words «crime prevention and criminal justice», the remainder of the paragraph should be deleted.

В пункте 8 необходимо опустить ту часть пункта, которая следует после слов «предупреждению преступности и уголовному правосудию».

In operative paragraph 1, the word «crimes» before «that are identified in the outcome document» should be deleted and replaced by the word «those».

В пункте 1 постановляющей части слово «преступления» перед словами «которые определены в итоговом документе» следует исключить и заменить словом «те из них».

In paragraph 13.1, we propose the inclusion of the words», crime prevention« after the word «judicial».

В пункте 13.1 мы предлагаем после слов «судебных систем» включить слова «систем предупреждения преступности».

The words «Red Army Crime» were born.

Mr. Chernichenko proposed to replace the words «these international crimes» with the words «these crimes under international law» or «these crimes against international law».

Under expected accomplishment (b) replace the words «emerging crimes» with the words «emerging policy issues as mentioned in General Assembly resolution 64/179».

В ожидаемом достижении (Ь) заменить слова «новые виды преступлений» словами «а также новые проблемы стратегического характера, упоминаемые в резолюции 64/179 Генеральной Ассамблеи».

The word «initiatives» in the first objective in paragraph 74 should be deleted in the first line and be replaced with the words «comprehensive crime prevention strategies».

Следует исключить в первой строке описания первой цели в пункте 74 слово «инициативы» и заменить его формулировкой «комплексные стратегии предупреждения преступности«.

(a) In the third preambular paragraph, the word «premeditated» would be inserted before the words «crimes against women committed in the name of honour»;

а) в третьем пункте преамбулы перед словами «преступления против женщин, совершаемые в защиту чести» вставить слово «предумышленные»;

Thereafter, for the very first time, roughly probably seven and a half months after they came home, was the first time ever that these guys uttered the words «war crimes

Затем впервые, примерно через семь с половиной месяцев после возвращения домой, эти парни в самый первый раз произнесли слова «военные преступления».

It is proposed to replace the words «proceeds of crime» with the words «proceeds of corruption».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 122668. Точных совпадений: 6. Затраченное время: 770 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited.

criminal activity and those engaged in it: to fight crime.

the habitual or frequent commission of crimes: a life of crime.

any offense, serious wrongdoing, or sin.

a foolish, senseless, or shameful act: It’s a crime to let that beautiful garden go to ruin.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of crime

1200–50; Middle English <Anglo-French, Old French <Latin crīmin- (stem of crīmen) charge, crime

synonym study for crime

1, 4. Crime, offense, sin agree in meaning a breaking of law. Crime usually means any serious violation of human laws: the crime of treason or robbery. Offense is used of an infraction of either human or divine law, and does not necessarily mean a serious one: an offense leading to a jail sentence; an offense against morals. Sin means a breaking of moral or divine law: the sins of greed and lust.


crimeless, adjectivecrime·less·ness, nounan·ti·crime, adjectivesu·per·crime, noun

Words nearby crime

crier, crikey, Crile, crim., crim. con., crime, Crimea, crime against humanity, crime against nature, Crimean, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a crime?

A crime is an act or instance that is considered to be against the morals or laws of society, as in Burglary and grand theft auto are crimes.

A person could also be said to have committed a crime against nature or a crime against humanity if they performed especially offensive or taboo acts.

A crime can also mean illegal activity in general or a frequent committing of such activity, as in The superhero was dedicated to fighting crime.

Crime can also mean a repeated or frequent performing of illegal acts, as in The mobsters lived a life of crime. 

And crime can be used more generally to refer to any offense or sin, as in The man swore his neighbor would pay for his crime of letting his dogs waltz through his yard. 

Informally, crime can be used to mean a regrettable thing, as in It is a crime that the musician died so young. 

The word criminal can be used to mean both a person who commits crime as well as an adjective for things related to crime.

Example: Publishing someone’s words as your own is a crime.

Where does crime come from?

The first records of crime come from around 1200. It ultimately comes from the Latin crīmin-, a stem of crīmen, which means “charge” or “crime.” Crime was as much a problem for the ancient Romans as it is for us today.

Crime exists in every society and probably goes back to primitive humans. It is almost always the job of a justice system to prevent crime or punish those responsible for it. Today, in many societies people who commit crimes are fined, imprisoned, or given even harsher punishments.

There is a lot of debate about the best way to handle crime. In popular culture, it’s common to depict societies that have no crime, such as through the use of technology or harsh methods.

Did you know … ?

How is crime used in real life?

While the vast majority of people are against crime, people often disagree on what should or shouldn’t be considered a crime.

If you win the Powerball now you pretty much have an obligation to become a superhero. Batman, Iron Man, doesn’t matter, fight crime

— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) January 10, 2016

Birmingham-based @ErdingtonRugby crowned Gallacher Rugby Club of the Season. Praised for using rugby to prevent crime and as a tool to offer hot meals to kids who would not otherwise get them.

— Alex Spink (@alexspinkmirror) October 9, 2020

It should be a crime to charge people $1700 a month to rent, with a $600 pet deposit per pet, and a monthly pet fee of $50 per pet.

— Bex 🌈 (@BEXasaurusrexx) October 11, 2020

Try using crime!

Which of the following is a synonym of crime?

A. justice
B. accident
C. felony
D. carelessness

Words related to crime

atrocity, breach, case, corruption, evil, felony, infraction, lawlessness, misconduct, misdeed, misdemeanor, scandal, transgression, violation, wrongdoing, abomination, break, caper, criminality, delinquency

How to use crime in a sentence

  • Facial recognition, cameras that were set up throughout cities to monitor crime.

  • She could also qualify for a legal status known as a U visa, which is intended for immigrant victims of crime.

  • Most crimes committed by documented gang members are crimes of poverty.

  • Those results will now be uploaded to an FBI database to be cross-referenced from results from other crimes to potentially identify perpetrators.

  • In 2020 as in 1998, Disney’s Mulan is a tomboy who disgracefully fails her matchmaker’s marriage test, and in this version, too, Mulan’s deception is a capital crime.

  • Did he denounce the involvement of organized crime in the abduction and disappearance of 43 students in the nearby city of Iguala?

  • But they say its effect on the regular daily operation of organized crime has been negligible.

  • The anti-crime cops began searching the likely path of flight.

  • Which is impossible unless people talk publicly rather than letting each crime be its own isolated incident.

  • Denied parole nine straight times, he insists he is innocent of the crime for which he was convicted.

  • He was thrashed at school before the Jews and the hubshi, for the heinous crime of bringing home false reports of progress.

  • At that moment the crime and inefficacy of bloodshed, in avenging injuries like his, or any injuries, struck upon his soul.

  • He knew that the whole fabric of crime was due to the human reading of His «revelation» to man.

  • Humanity must bench with justice; or punishment itself becomes crime, and degenerates into revenge.

  • It is therefore true that the field of crime is not fixed, is in truth always changing.

British Dictionary definitions for crime


an act or omission prohibited and punished by law

  1. unlawful acts in generala wave of crime
  2. (as modifier)crime wave

an evil act

informal something to be regrettedit is a crime that he died young

Word Origin for crime

C14: from Old French, from Latin crīmen verdict, accusation, crime

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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