Sentence with the word creeping

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But the creeping fear of food isn’t just for women who look like pilates instructors.

Но ползучий страх еды есть не только у женщин, которые похожи на инструкторов по пилатесу.

That he knows creeping immoral women to seduce the reapers how he hates licentiousness.

То, что он знает ползучий безнравственные женщины соблазнить жнецов, как он ненавидит распущенность.

Moreover, democracies under pressure can still pose obstacles to creeping authoritarianism.

Более того, даже демократии, испытывающие давление, могут все же ставить некие препоны ползучему авторитаризму.

This phenomenon illustrates what I call the creeping therapeutic state.

Это явление иллюстрирует то, что я называю ползучим терапевтическим государством.

There is an alternative, he says, there is another way aside from the creeping shift in power that we are currently witnessing.

Существует альтернатива, утверждает он, есть иной путь помимо ползучих изменений во власти, свидетелями которых мы в настоящий момент являемся.

The greatest risk, which will grow along with funds and reserves, is that of the open or creeping politicization of investment.

Самый большой риск, который будет расти вместе с увеличением размера фондов и резервов, — это открытая или ползучая политизация инвестирования.

There is certainly a need for a new and universally applicable treaty that will halt and prevent creeping militarization of space.

Конечно, есть необходимость в заключении нового и универсально применимого договора, который позволил бы остановить и предотвратить ползучую милитаризацию космоса.

The only cure for this creeping inertia, is to ignore the body and take your joy in the livingness of service.

Единственное средство от этой ползучей инерции — игнорировать тело и находить радость в жизненности служения.

It is a creeping type, so it can be quite long.

Оно ползучего типа, поэтому может быть довольно длинным.

There was one part of the wall where the creeping dark green leaves were more bushy than elsewhere.

Существовал одна часть стены, где ползучие темно-зеленые листья были более густыми чем в других местах.

As the dump has grown, so has the dissatisfaction of communities living ever closer to its creeping boundaries.

С ростом свалки выросло и недовольство местного населения, живущего всё ближе к её ползучим границам.

The creeping degeneration of a brain throughout many generations reduced thought processes of the Russian liberal intellectual to the level of simple instincts.

Ползучая дегенерация головного мозга на протяжении многих поколений низвела мыслительные процессы российского либерального интеллигента до уровня простых инстинктов.

It is also well known that some initiatives have been taken on the British side to counter this creeping loss of national sovereignty.

Также хорошо известно, что с британской стороны были предприняты некоторые инициативы по противодействию этой ползучей утрате национального суверенитета.

In particular, the main security challenges for Georgia are the occupied regions and the so-called ‘creeping occupation’.

В частности, основной угрозой безопасности Грузии названы «оккупированные территории и так называемая «ползучая оккупация».

Protée is France’s only companion, and through their asymmetrical alliance we feel the creeping evil of colonialism.

Проте — единственный компаньон Франции, и благодаря своему асимметричному союзу мы почувствовать ползучее зло колониализма.

One of the effective tactics of creeping socialism, especially in America, has been the annexation of words with favorable connotations.

Одной из эффективных тактик ползучего социализма, особенно в Америке, была аннексия слов с благоприятными коннотациями.

But given the creeping commercialization of the holiday, some Mexican Americans have expressed ambivalence about celebrating it.

Но учитывая ползучую коммерциализацию праздника, некоторые мексиканские американцы выразили двойственное отношение к празднованию этого.

Of course, the greatest risk factor — the inevitable, creeping, tick-tock clock of chronological age — cannot be changed.

Конечно, большой фактор риска — неизбежность, ползучее, тик-так часы Хронологический возраст — не может быть изменен.

Sansevieria kirkii (Star Sansevieria) is an unusual species with creeping underground stems.

Sansevieria kirkii — необычный вид с ползучими подземными стеблями.

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1. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.

2. The mountain is so unlike creeping in people’s feet.

3. I could hear someone creeping around downstairs.

4. You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that!

5. Fatigue was creeping up on her.

6. It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping.

7. Someone was creeping around outside my window.

8. The disease results in creeping paralysis.

9. Fog was creeping into the valley.

10. The traffic was creeping along at a snail’s pace.

11. I heard someone creeping around the house.

12. She felt a creeping guilt about her family.

13. Slowly and stealthily, someone was creeping up the stairs.

14. We are totally against any form of creeping Socialism.

15. House prices are creeping up again.

16. Funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate.

17. That idea has been creeping into our consciousness for some time.

18. You did give me a scare(, creeping up on me like that!

19. You gave me quite a turn, creeping up on me like that!

20. More and more foreign words are creeping into the language.

21. She felt a dull flush of anger creeping into her face.

22. The inflation rate has been creeping up to 9.5 per cent.Sentence dictionary

23. I heard my landlady creeping stealthily up to my door.

24. We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness.

25. I felt a terrible anxiety creeping over me.

26. I could feel soldiers creeping towards us.

27. Creeping in from both sides was a freezing fog.

28. Had they been creeping south with the harsher winters?

29. The damp was creeping into the living room.

30. The average number of students in each class is creeping up from three to four.

More similar words: weeping, sleeping, housekeeping, sleeping bag, sleeping partner, out of keeping with, creep, keep in mind, keep in touch, deep in thought, keep in touch with, screening, screeching, sheepish, sleepily, sheepishly, step in, decrepit, creek, creed, decree, screen, screed, screech, decreed, discreet, sunscreen, discreetly, indiscreet, screenplay. 

ползучий, ползающий, медленный, пресмыкающийся, раболепный, раболепствующий


- ползающий (о насекомых и т. п.)
- ползучий (о растениях)
- медленный; расслабленный

creeping gait — медленная походка

- раболепствующий, холуйствующий

creeping sycophant — подхалим

- ползучий, медленно надвигающийся

creeping urbanization — медленный, но неотвратимый рост городов, непрекращающаяся урбанизация
creeping Jesus — подхалим, подлиза

Мои примеры


a train creeping through the town — поезд, проползающий через город  
new words creeping into the language — новые слова, проникающие в язык  
creeping inflation — ползучая инфляция  
creeping speed — замедленная скорость; ползучая скорость  
creeping stem grass — корневищное травянистое растение; корневищное травяное растение  
creeping stem grasses — корневищные травянистые растения  
creeping stem — стелющийся стебель; ползучий стебель; ползучий побег  
creeping strength — сопротивление ползучести; предел ползучести  
creeping substitution — замещение ползучим трансплантатом  
creeping thistle — осот полевой  
creeping thrombosis — прогрессирующий тромбоз; ползучий тромбоз  
creeping-type failure — постепенный отказ  

Примеры с переводом

Fog was creeping into the valley.

Туман окутывал долину.

Time is creeping on and we have done so little!

Время идет, а мы так мало сделали!

I caught him creeping down the stairs to the kitchen.

Я поймал его крадущимся вниз по лестнице на кухню.

After I’ve been writing for two hours, mistakes start creeping into my work.

После двух часов непрерывной письма, в мою работу стали вкрадываться ошибки.

You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that!

Ты здорово меня напугал, когда вот так подкрался!

Darkness was creeping up as the travellers left the forest.

Сгущалась тьма, когда путешественники вышли из леса.

Funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate.

Забавно, как религия вмешивается в споры о загрязнении окружающей среды.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…at this creeping pace of progress we’ll never have the float ready for the parade…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

creep  — ползучесть, мурашки, крип, донный трал, ползать, ползти, подкрадываться, красться
creeper  — рептилия, ползучее растение, пресмыкающееся животное, драга
creepy  — пресмыкающийся, ползучий, бросающий в дрожь, ползающий, вызывающий мурашки
creeps  — содрогание


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Something is emerging from the woods—a hundred bodies are creeping from the darkest shadows outside of Juneau

The thug, and I was assuming this was Sammy the Shark, would have cut a ruggedly stylish figure except for the filthy looking street tattoos all over his arms and creeping up the visible side of his face to the left temple

Slowly, as if a soft, breezeless tide were creeping up a gently sloping sandy shore line, I became aware of waves in the distance, and slowly I tuned into the echo of my exhalations

Kara woke to find morning light creeping around the window blind

creeping in and out of chair legs,

furnished with mud and creeping ivy

While Alessandra studied the handle, I found another door leading down to the crypt and although it might be a little bold to go creeping about like a burglar, I had to investigate

So, instead of creeping about I took a deep breath and bellowed out his name into the nearest hovel which caused a rattled flock of partridges to explode and clatter into the air right in front of my face almost knocking me over in their escape

walls decorated by climbing or creeping plants that Tom did not

“Good question, young Harry,” the old man praised with a hint of a smile now creeping into his delivery

I’d not got any further than the idea that maybe, just maybe, he could stay the night instead of creeping out in the early hours of the morning

She is pinned to the harsh walls of the domestic mausoleum by creeping vines, smothered in the leaf mould decay covering the floor of the untamed land at her feet

Could she trust him with her troubles? She didn’t want to be the first to bring up the eroticism creeping into her thoughts

Night was creeping in, further darkening the dreary grey sky

«I don’t understand,» he said, creeping backward

Fists were raised and court action promised as the noisy passengers slide down the yellow slides, that is once the air hostesses have managed to peel away the tar that was insidiously creeping through the doors

creeping cautiously between the beds, inspecting each

Adros felt the darkness creeping in, his mind slipping to unconsciousness

Past the half-constructed wall of melted block-like chairs, X’ander saw the dead creeping down the hallway

Now, where do we do this shifter thing without creeping out the regular people?”

No one knew how many casualties their city would endure by the end and if Cyrodiil would itself remain physically untouched by violence creeping down from the north

” Brows knitted and furrowed even more deeply with creeping anger

The Breton looked over at the Nord, whose own dark eyes now shone with the wavering glint of creeping tears

“Whatever is the matter with it, Johnny?” she asked, annoyance creeping into her tone

Gen 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things

He realised that being old was a creeping disease and

” After the briefing was finished we got once more to attack the mocked up trenches but this time we had men with flags simulating the creeping artillery barrage whilst we walked in a line behind it and wondered to ourselves what this would be like with more than seventy pounds of equipment on your person

And another more terrifying thought was creeping up on him

«Tell me a ‘tory,» said baby Jeanneton, creeping to her knee a little later

“This is more of a distraction than I had in mind,” he said, fear creeping into his voice

At last creeping up to the

Crawling along the advanced ridge, I could see the Spaniards creeping forward, and the recapture of the position from our thin lines seemed imminent

Near the angle, two troopers pointed out a suspicious something in a palm-tree, and creeping along the creek bank, we fired several shots, until first a rifle, then a body, fell crashing out into the bush

Hair sprays fumed in plumes and I was very grateful for Glenna’s suggestion earlier as I sneezed several times from the fumes creeping up my nostrils

Crouching down, creeping forward as quietly as I could, I reached the gate and the voices became clearer

“I was there in Nicaragua, miss, doing what the entire country should have been doing: defending itself against creeping communism

“Well, for starters, I have a fiancé,” she said, with the hint of a blush creeping up her cheeks

Creeping onto the monstrous bed, on her hands and knees, I could not believe what she did next

The plane accelerated down the runway and I felt the old terror creeping over me again

The man was too engrossed in what he was doing to notice Payne creeping up behind him

I told him that I had yet to meet the stepbrother, Terry, but doing so was slowly creeping up on my list of things to do

Hilderich nodded silently and appreciatively before heading off to a nearby log of wood half of it rotting away, creeping with maggots and worms, what he had been taught was the basis of a healthy and fertile ground

He felt an unknown stranger creeping up on him: an intense feeling of well-being

That was his biggest failing, the breaking point when he had been canceled; when he had been turned into a shadow, a creeping thing that should cease to be

He asked the Prosops, real fear creeping up in his voice, his instincts waking up to realise the intensity of a completely unknown situation

The DTS, a bastard shark creeping the city

The other one just dashed towards a low-walled flower fence and jumped over, creeping away back into a semblance of adequate cover

One was the creeping darkness

He had not wanted to admit this even to himself, but he could feel it slowly creeping up on him

Boroszki asked Colling to join him in the wheelhouse, and he was amazed when he climbed the ladder to the deck to find the first tendrils of fog creeping in from the sea

The recognition came creeping into her heart and sent shocks through her whole body as it became conscious

Darkness was creeping in and the head of the storm had drifted farther to the north

A maple-tree grew beside it with a curiously gnarled and twisted trunk, creeping along the ground for a little way before shooting up into the air, and so forming a quaint seat; and September had flung a scarf of pale smoke-blue asters around the hollow

Yes, it was creeping down over the dyke, as no calf ever did or could creep

25 So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts

The fault for Dad’s creeping fell squarely on his own shoulders

doorway, the shadow of his lean form creeping over the benches

gnawed on by things creeping out of the Earth; and when they eat them and their clothes, they feel it not

radiance creeping over the stone

10 So I went in and saw; and see every form of creeping things, and

The first traces of morning sunlight were creeping over the

the sea, and the fowls of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep on the Earth, and all the men that

Creeping down the short hallway, they

thoughts were a whirlwind as he witnessed the flames creeping

beasts of the field and with the fowls of the heavens, and with the creeping things of the ground, and I will break the bow and the

A bitter coldness was creeping into the night

commandment to the Earth, that before you it should bring out beasts, cattle, and creeping things: 54 And after these, Adam also,

I then told them where the enemy were at my last contact and asked why they hadn’t sent out scouts to find them instead of creeping through the forest

Maggie felt a creeping sensation on the back of her neck

She clung to the rock with all her strength, the cold and damp of it creeping into her like an illness

A latticework covered with creeping vines, yellow with the turning of the seasons, formed a shaky ladder to the ground

They had felt this shadow before, this creeping, numbing fear

journey, creeping through the stairs

I continued in this manner for a period of how much time I cannot recollect; meanwhile the creeping had become mechanical and

He couldn’t have doubts creeping in at such a late stage of developments

8 On the fifth day I commanded the sea, that it should bring out fishes, and feathered birds of many varieties, and all animals creeping over the Earth, going out over the Earth on four legs, and soaring in the air, male sex and female, and every soul breathing the spirit of life

26 And the rain was still descending on the Earth, and it descended forty days and forty nights, and the waters prevailed greatly on the Earth; and all flesh that was on the Earth or in the waters died, whether men, animals, beasts, creeping things or birds of the air, and there only remained Noah and those who were with him in the Ark

“Its them, isn’t it?” he said sure of himself “They said something to you, who was it?” he asked, ire creeping in his voice

The macabre scene even appears to be reanimating, for a faint light flittering from the skull oil-burners gives birth to moving shadows and a living creeping terror

“He surely won’t be thinking of eloping?!” Brie said the horror creeping in his voice

24 And God said; Let the Earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and the beast of the Earth after his kind, and it was so

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repents me that I have made them

14 They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after his kind, and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort

21 And all flesh died that moved on the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every man:

23 And every living substance was destroyed which was on the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the Ark

17 Bring forth with you every living thing that is with you, of all flesh, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creeps on the earth; that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on the earth

19 Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatever creeps on the earth, after their kinds, proceeded out of the Ark

21 Yet these may you eat of every flying creeping thing which goes on all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal on the earth;

23 But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination to you

29 These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep on the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoise after his kind,

41 And every creeping thing that creeps on the ground shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten

42 Whatever goes on the belly, and whatever goes on all fours, or whatever has more feet among all creeping things that creep on the earth, those you shall not eat, for they are an abomination

19 And every creeping thing that flies is unclean to you: they shall not be eaten

of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the

every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind, and every fowl

and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and

ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the

of fowl, and of cattle, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth;

21 Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Metamorphosis.It has already been pointed out that each kind of member of the body may present a variety of forms. For example, a stem may be a tree-trunk, or a twining stem, or a tendril, or a thorn, or a creeping rhizome, or a tuber; a leaf may be a green foliage-leaf, or a scale protecting a bud, or a tendril, or a pitcher, or a floral leaf, either sepal, petal, stamen or carpel (sporophyll); a root may be a fibrous root, or a swollen tap-root like that of the beet or the turnip. All these various forms are organs discharging some special function, and are examples of what Wolff called modification, and Goethe metamorphosis.

She turned to see the hall in disarray, a mist darker than night slowly creeping through the crowd.

His solid frame and heat were creeping into her senses, tugging at her resolve to resist.

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The sounds of crackling and the din of falling walls and ceilings, the whistle and hiss of the flames, the excited shouts of the people, and the sight of the swaying smoke, now gathering into thick black clouds and now soaring up with glittering sparks, with here and there dense sheaves of flame (now red and now like golden fish scales creeping along the walls), and the heat and smoke and rapidity of motion, produced on Pierre the usual animating effects of a conflagration.

Calycinum (Rose of Sharon), a creeping plant with large almost solitary flowers 3 to 4 in.

They are generally perennial herbs with a creeping underground stem and erect, unbranched, aerial stems, bearing slender Juncus effusus, common rush.

Of the Old World; it has a short creeping rhizome, from which springs a slender, herbaceous or woody, often very much branched, erect or climbing stem, the ultimate branches of which are flattened or needle-like leaf-like structures (cladodes), the true leaves being reduced to scales or, in the climbers, forming short, hard more or less recurved spines.

Borchers also used an externally heated metal vessel as the cathode; it is provided with a supporting collar or flange a little below the top, so that the upper part of the vessel is exposed to the cooling influence of the air, in order that a crust of solidified salt may there be formed, and so prevent the creeping of the electrolyte over the top. The carbon anode passes through the cover of a porcelain cylinder, open at the bottom, and provided with a side-tube at the top to remove the chlorine formed during electrolysis.

As his grip on her relaxed, she stepped away from him, a flush creeping up her neck.

Solitary polyps are unknown in this sub-order; the colony may be creeping or arborescent in form; if the latter, the budding of the polyps, as already stated, is of the sympodial type, and either biserial, forming stems capable of further branching, or uniserial, forming pinnules not capable of further branching.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Creeping | Creeping Sentence

  • A creeping fear came over them.
  • I felt a creeping sensation coming all over me.
  • The train was barely creeping up to the bridge.
  • The creeping of zinc sulphate salts was very bad.
  • The owl mother finds a mouse creeping about in the grass.
  • They were mostly thymes, in every creeping variety.
  • And I could see the pallor creeping over his face.
  • Beasts, cattle, every creeping thing, man and woman.
  • Emmy Lou even felt envy of Hattie creeping into her heart.
  • What wonder at a creeping ague of the spirit in front of the unknown?
  • The first faint light of dawn was just creeping up the valley.
  • And, save the mute and creeping worm, Nought else was there beside.

How To Use Creeping In A Sentence?

  • She stopped to look at a couple of snails creeping up among the nails in the wall.
  • Yard after yard he beat out the flames, thankful that he had to face only a little creeping fire.
  • Grumbo ran to meet him, barking, wagging his tail, and creeping along the ground with delight.
  • What had the beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds done to excite the anger of God?
  • Far above them Tenlow and Collie could see it creeping round a turn in the road.
  • The next question is, how many beasts, fowls and creeping things did Noah take into the ark?
  • While he lay behind a scrub willow conjecturing, Father Claude came creeping up behind him.
  • Hours afterward, Red Jerry came creeping up from his hiding place, and found her.
  • The paraffin oil sealed cell, or cell No. 4, showed no evaporation and no creeping of salts.
  • But he did not notice a silent figure creeping up to the window of the room in which the rest were dining.
  • His creeping physical disability seemed significant of the cataclysmic overthrow of all his dreams and desires.
  • Much trouble has been experienced in gravity cells due to the creeping of the salts over the edge of the jar.
  • It were hard to say how humble is the creeping thing that does not rasp out some kind of a message to its fellow insect.
  • He confesses to the impulse of creeping away from that pitiful corpse on his hands and knees to the refuge of the ship.
  • Sometimes oil is poured on top of the fluid in the jar to prevent the creeping of the salts and the evaporation of the electrolyte.
  • From the darkest corner of the room he had seen a human figure silently and stealthily creeping toward him.
  • The creeping of salts that took place was only around spots where the edges of the seal were loose from the jar.
  • The hand that had faintly clasped his is slowly creeping up to the broad and brawny chest, so feeble now.
  • Some one was cautiously picking a way through the dry grass of the past winter, was creeping toward him.
  • King wanted to think before he gave an alarm, and he could not think with that scent in his nostrils and creeping into his lungs.
  • It came creeping from the fields beyond the river, from alley to alley, from one college to another.
  • At last the dawn came, gray and depressing, creeping with deadly slowness on the trail of the retreating night.
  • The wax seal loosens around the edges and does not totally prevent creeping of the zinc sulphate salts, although nearly so.
  • There was not a creeping thing upon the whole earth; not a breathing creature beneath the whole heavens; not a living substance.
  • The sunshine had gone, and the storm Sacha had prophesied the night before was creeping like a black beast across the horizon.
  • In the first chapter of Genesis the «green herb» was given for food to the beasts, fowls and creeping things.
  • Over the hills to the east the dawn was breaking, and all the sleeping birds and beasts and creeping things of the forest were stirring into life and movement.
  • A creeping sensation about their scalps was experienced by the two eavesdroppers on observing that they had passed not a hundred yards from a sentinel who occupied a low knoll on their left.

Definition of Creeping

present participle of creep | The act of something that creeps.

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Creeping sentence

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make sentence with Creeping

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