Sentence with the word cousins

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cousins, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cousins in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cousins».

Cousins in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cousins in a sentence.

  1. Rolf is me and all of my cousins.

  2. Antiochus X faced fierce resistance from his cousins.

  3. The two cousins had been raised together and shared a close relationship.

  4. Despite their bulk, ravens are easily as agile in flight as their smaller cousins.

  5. Bollywood actresses Parineeti Chopra, Meera Chopra, and Mannara Chopra are cousins.

  6. Obama also has roots in Ireland; he met with his Irish cousins in Moneygall in May 2011.

  7. Makeba lived for a while with her grandmother and a large number of cousins in Pretoria.

  8. At the age of 16, Johnson stayed with his cousins, the Fords, at Pedmore, Worcestershire.

  9. Helena and Christian were actually third cousins in descent from Frederick, Prince of Wales.

  10. The couple were first cousins and publicly married when Virginia Clemm was 13 and Poe was 27.

  11. Sir Joseph comes on board, accompanied by his «admiring crowd of sisters, cousins and aunts».

  12. They played with their cousins, the children of the Prince of Wales, who were similar in age.

  13. Due to family difficulties, Wheatley acts as the guardian of two cousins and his half brother.

  14. In 1922, a Royal Navy ship was sent to Greece to rescue his cousins, Prince and Princess Andrew.

  15. Episode 2: Mr William Collins, a sycophantic dimwitted clergyman, visits his cousins, the Bennets.

  16. Through the Hesse family, Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg were first cousins once removed.

  17. Back in England, Tony’s death is accepted; Hetton passes to his cousins, who erect a memorial to him.

  18. The Beaumont twins and their younger brother and cousins received the majority of these new earldoms.

  19. By his own wish he was buried at Malmesbury Abbey, where he had buried his cousins who died at Brunanburh.

  20. Intrigued, she ordered copies of his work, and she read them with her cousins and friends around Volhynia.

  21. Names of aunts, uncles and cousins are commonly referred to in the names of mothers, fathers and siblings.

  22. Marriage between distant cousins (fourth cousins and beyond) is a common practice that strengthens kinship.

  23. After Parkes’s family moved to Scotland, the three cousins often spent their school holidays together there.

  24. After Alfonsina’s death in 1520, Catherine joined her cousins and was raised by her aunt, Clarice de’ Medici.

  25. Introduced to rugby at the age of around 14 by his cousins at Otakou, Ellison later wrote of his first game:.

  26. A few primitive breeds of sheep retain some of the characteristics of their wild cousins, such as short tails.

  27. Marriage was always endogamous and typically between cousins, and arranged by the parents of the young people.

  28. Although his mother visited on occasion as he was growing up, his grandmother raised him, along with two cousins.

  29. They were second cousins once removed through King Christian IX of Denmark and third cousins through Queen Victoria.

  30. In 1844, she and her mother moved back to Munich, where the family lived with Spitzeder’s half-siblings and cousins.

  31. Nosanchuk writes that the young boy lured his cousins into his bedroom, locked them in a closet and threatened them.

  32. At the age of 16, Johnson was given the opportunity to stay with his cousins, the Fords, at Pedmore, Worcestershire.

  33. Among those present are his cousins Zita and Simone, his poor-relation brother-in-law Betto, and Zita’s nephew Rinuccio.

  34. During the summer, she would write and direct her own home movies in which she cast her cousins and filmed in her garage.

  35. Sir Edward and his wife, though they were fond of their nephew, did not consider marriage between first cousins desirable.

  36. Among her mother’s cousins was Charlotte Despard, a well-known campaigner for women’s rights, suffragism, and Irish home rule.

  37. The Adams cousins remained friends, but Samuel was pleased when Jefferson defeated John Adams in the 1800 presidential election.

  38. Another obstacle was the Rothschild family itself: it was their custom to marry cousins to keep their fortune within the family.

  39. Brady’s sister, by then Frances Brady Ackley, died on December 14, 1993; her obituary mentioned only cousins among her survivors.

  40. While there, Cooper and his brother lived with their father’s cousins, William and Emily Barton, at their home in Houghton Regis.

  41. Jimmy is based on one of his cousins, who was rather feminine and spent most of his time playing with girls rather than with boys.

  42. In marked contrast, their expansion cousins, the Islanders, won only 31 games during their first two years in the league combined.

  43. Simpson rode his first bike, his brother-in-law’s, at age 12, sharing it with Harry and two cousins for time trials around Harworth.

  44. But the cousins disagreed about the fifth and final photograph, which Doyle in his The Coming of the Fairies described in this way:.

  45. Joseph Hinault relented only after his son ran away from home for three days to stay with his cousins, sleeping on straw in the barn.

  46. Kapoor’s paternal cousins are actors Arjun Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor and Mohit Marwah, and maternal second cousin is actor Ranveer Singh.

  47. Clijsters began playing tennis earlier that year after attending a lesson with her cousins and her uncle while her parents were away.

  48. The English also suffered heavy losses, including two of Æthelstan’s cousins, sons of Edward the Elder’s younger brother, Æthelweard.

  49. A devout Christian, Sam had a close friendship with former schoolmate Walter Sisulu; they were cousins, as their mothers were sisters.

  50. Public perception was that Hammerstein had implied that small-town folk were good while their big-city cousins were neurotic and venal.

General information about «cousins» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cousins that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cousins» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cousins».

cousins — перевод на русский

The poor soul is my cousin.

Это мой бедный кузен!

Your loving cousin

До встречи… Твой любящий кузен.


Это Алексис Петрович, кузен Сони.

You see, my cousin George is a greengrocer, milady.

Понимаете, миледи, мой кузен Джордж ведет торговлю зеленью.

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Well, I knew she had it and would love to give it to us and I wanted to get it before your cousin Ruby.

Я знала, что оно у неё, и что она бы с радостью нам его отдала, и я хотела получить его раньше, чем твоя кузина Руби.

Yes, Papa. My cousin’ll help me…

Да, папа, кузина мне поможет…

When I see a good looking guy like you in a fancy car sitting next to an old bag you can tell me ‘she’s your cousin’ and that you’ve been saving up to pay for the gas.

Когда я вижу хорошего парня, как ты, в хорошей машине рядом со старой кошелкой, можешь не говорить, что это твоя кузина из провинции, и что ты экономишь на бензин.

Are you sure that I’m not your cousin?

А ты уверен, что она тебе не такая кузина, как и я?

Cousin Emily.

Кузина Эмили.

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Countess Margit and her cousin, Baron Waldis-Schwartzenberg, lose their way.

Графиня Маргит и ее двоюродный брат, Барон Валдис Шварценберг заблудились.

«Dear cousin, I will obey my father’s desire, but I don’t love you.»

«Дорогой двоюродный брат, я послушаюсь желанию моего отца, но я не люблю тебя»

What’s the matter? Your cousin, Thomas, and his wife, Virginia— they’re here.

У нас дома твой двоюродный брат Томас с женой Вирджинией.

My cousin’s a teacher. He teaches latin in Chicago.

Мой двоюродный брат преподает латынь в школе в Чикаго.

He has been my cousin.

— Приехал мой двоюродный брат.

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I am sure he’s my cousin.

Уверена, что это мой брат.

I wouldn’t be here if my cousin hadn’t got himself in trouble with the law.

А что делать, если мой брат под суд попал?

Yesterday evening, your cousin… he frightened me.

— Вчера вечером твой брат напугал меня.

Good morrow, cousin.

Брат, с добрым утром.

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Why didn’t you tell me that Serafina is your cousin?

А-а, почему же ты мне не сказала, что Серафина — твоя двоюродная сестра?

My first cousin.

Двоюродная сестра!

All of them. Even your Great Uncle Mordechai was there. And er… and your cousin Rachel was there.

Все-все… даже брат прадедушки Мордехай… был там… и твоя двоюродная сестра Рахиль тоже была.

This is my cousin, Carol.

Это моя двоюродная сестра, Кэрол.

His cousin, the girl who lives next door to you….

Его двоюродная сестра, твоя соседка…

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Your, uh, cousin is a very charming young lady.

Ваша сестра — восхитительная женщина.

Neither does my being her cousin… or my being brought up here… to, uh, leave my fingerprints around.

Как и в том, что она — моя сестра или в моем появлении здесь, чтобы я оставил свои отпечатки.

Do you like your cousin?

Тебе нравится твоя сестра?

She is not my cousin.

Она мне не сестра.

Will you play, dear cousin?

Вы будете играть, дорогая сестра?

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My cousin in Utah lost his lease on a gas station.

У меня родственник в Юте не продлил аренду заправки.

Some cousin?


Yes, he is my distant cousin on my mother’s side.

Да, это мой дальний родственник по материнской линии.

Your cousin.

— Твой родственник…


Граф не родственник, однако он профессионал.

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So, anyway, my cousin’s best friend’s older brother’s girlfriend’s sister is gonna be bringing some by this afternoon, and I know it sounds a little stupid, but I’m kind of nervous to pick them up myself.

Так вот сестра подружки старшего брата лучшей подруги моей двоюродной сестры принесёт их после обеда. Я знаю, как глупо это звучит, но я боюсь забирать их сама.

I guess your cousin’s best friend’s older brother’s girlfriend’s sister ripped us off.

Кажется сестра подружки старшего брата лучшей подруги твоей двоюродной сестры нас поимела. — Нас?

You meet Patti’s cousin’s best friend’s older brother’s girlfriend—

Снова встретишься с сестрой подружки старшего брата лучшей подруги двоюродной сестры

Is she her sister, cousin or niece?

Двоюродной сестрой? — Племянницей.

— No, it’s my cousin, svetlana.

— Нет, из-за двоюродной сестры, Светланы.

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My wife’s second cousin… was working up there the entire spring… on a swimming pond he was building.

Троюродный брат моей жены целую весну трудился над купальней, которую он там устроил.

Ah, yes, yes. My wife’s second cousin was not complaining.

Да уж, на это троюродный брат моей жены не жаловался.

I believe he was my father’s second cousin.

Я полагаю, он троюродный брат моего отца.

Jordan, this is my second cousin once removed, Nick Carraway.

Джордан, это — мой троюродный брат, Ник Каррауэй.

— Our second cousin has one of those.

-Наш троюродный брат имеет один из них.

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Right, guys like my cousin, Johnny.

Ага, такие друзья, как мой братец Джонни.

No, not exactly your cousin, Johnny.

Нет, не совсем как твой братец Джонни.

— Your cousin really thinks he’s somebody.

— Твой братец много о себе воображает.

Kiss mine, cousin!

Поцелуй меня, братец!

Want some, Cousin Hubie?

А ты, братец Юб?

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city dwellers who looked down on their cousins from northern Maine as hicks — горожане, глядевшие на своих родичей из северного Мэна свысока, как на деревенщину  
our American cousins — наши американские собратья  
to be cater-cousins — дружить  
call cousins — набиваться в родственники  
cousins-in-law — двоюродные братья мужа или жены; двоюродные сестры мужа или жены  
double first cousins — двоюродные родственники во втором ряду родословной  
first cousins once removed — дети двоюродных братьев или сестер  
first cousins twice removed — внуки двоюродных братьев или сестер  
first cousins — двоюродные родственники в первом ряду родословной  
second cousins — двоюродные родственники во втором ряду родословной  
third cousins — двоюродные родственники в третьем ряду родословной  

Примеры с переводом

Eric went to Seattle to visit his cousins.

Эрик уехал в Сиэтл, чтобы навестить своих родственников.

Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?

Можете ли вы разыскать своих родственников на Среднем Западе?

I see my cousins only at occasional family gatherings.

Я вижу своих дальних родственников только на редких семейных встречах.

One of my cousins is coming over from France with his wife and daughter.

Один из моих родственников приезжает из Франции с женой и дочерью.

I just found out that my best friend and I are related through distant cousins.

Я только что узнал, что мы с моим лучшим другом в родстве через дальних родственников.

My uncle likes to kibitz when I play poker with my cousins.

Мой дядя любит давать непрошеные советы, когда я играю в покер с двоюродными братьями.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It is not unusual for royal cousins to intermarry.

Her cousins were babbling in an unfamiliar dialect.

The two cousins exchanged greetings (=greeted each other).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cousin  — кузен, двоюродный брат, кузина, двоюродная сестра, родственник
cousinly  — родственный, дружеский, родственному

Sentences with the word Cousin?



  • «archaic forms of life»; «primitive mammals»; «the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe»
  • «Can I bring my cousin to the dinner?»
  • «did you finally connect with your long-lost cousin
  • «a distant cousin«; «a remote relative»; «a distant likeness»; «considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics»
  • «he fell headlong in love with his cousin«
  • «I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant»
  • «such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin«
  • «a cousin once removed»
  • «I don’t know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin«

Commonly, «cousin» refers to a «first cousin» or equivalently «full cousin», people whose most recent common ancestor is a grandparent. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

It’s a machine in what it does, a model of the feel-if-not-the-details school of adaptation (the script was adapted from the non-fiction book by Berg’s cousin, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Buzz Bissinger), and as a survey of the anti-intellectualism and rage at the heart of the heartland, it burns with intelligence and energy.


NY TIMES — Jan 21 — Social networking is a close cousin of the other obsession of the moment: user-generated content.


At any rate, in the movie both characters are just goofy-looking humans with severe intelligence deficiencies, and they happen to be King Koopas cousins.


Market «solutions,» such as, carbon markets, REDD + displacement projects, and deregulation of the private sector in climate investment, have been an inept creature birthed by the conscious breeding of this domineering incest — it is clear which sector is the older cousin.


Like Kepler-452b, Kepler-186f is another one of Earth’s distant cousins.


Raised in Bessemer, Alabama, Lockett was heavily influenced by other self-taught African American artists in his close-knit community, including his cousin Thornton Dial, Sr. (American, 1928 — 2016), who mentored and encouraged him.


Lena’s estranged mother Sarafine (Emma Thompson) has long since embraced the dark side along with Lena’s other cousin Ridley (Emmy Rossum).


My mom and cousin were here keeping me company, and we all loved them!


We should see it at CES with it’s Pine Trail upgraded cousin Ideapad S10-3 Thanks FCC Tweet


The movie claims that in 1999 this flamboyant LA vintage clothes shop owner went on a trip to France and discovered that his cousin was the street artist Space Invader.


Between the two objects, Lee views the steel plates as the distant, factory-produced cousin of the stones.


My cousin picked white and peach flowers with water-suspended roses in large cylinders as centerpieces.


But their tropical cousins live in an area without extreme seasonal swings in temperature and are therefore very specifically adapted to live within a very narrow thermal range.


Like the F-Pace, its cousin from Jaguar, the Velar uses aluminium-intensive construction and shares the same wheelbase, too.


My cousin filed on the 10th and already has a ddd date for the 18.


The oldest is my cousin who is now 19!!!


Compared to its corporate cousin, the Lexus RX 450h, the Highlander comes in at about $ 6,000 less.


The bad news is, our British cousins are bearing the cost of having elected so many progressives for so long, while we wait for their disasterous policies to implode their economy.


I encourage my peers to think about science in this larger context, as a liberal art intrinsically tied to its cousins and aimed at illuminating, improving, and adding meaning to the human experience.


Starting from good old England to Australia, Southern America to China, the famous Japanese tea or even its cousin Burmese, everyone has their own tea culture.


Pygmy chimps or bonobos are both literally and metaphorically our kissing cousins.


Upper Right: Uncle Eddie’s vegan cookie from my cousin (making sure you eat enough to keep up your breast milk supply is a great excuse for late middle of the night kcals)


I don’t know anyone who does this, but my cousin does something similar — he runs a DJ business where he plays songs for parties (of all kinds) and weddings.


The White Sox are currently 19-8 and in first place — like their North Side cousins — in the AL Central, though, and they can thank Quintana for much of that.


Lisa submitted DNA to three websites, and when matches to second and third cousins were found, two of the relatives agreed to upload their DNA profiles to GEDMatch, which allows comparisons of information from the databases of multiple companies.


The English was characterized as being taller and with a longer head than its American cousin, with a coat that was not as profuse.


Vastly outnumbered by their noisy cousins, these types of games come along rarely.


Our last party of the weekend we found ourselves out at my uncle’s house for my cousin‘s high school graduation party.


The new Paperwhite e-reader is up for pre-order and will start shipping before its more high-end «cousins», on November 19.


My heart breaks at the image of the boy trying desperately to get help for your cousin and being ignored.


But for right now, because of that problem, the Switch version is notably worse off than it’s PC cousin — you’re better off picking up that version instead.


Edwards, perhaps too enthralled by his subject, gives us a languorous story narrated by an older cousin who esteemed him greatly, and lovingly shot in black and white that simply does not engage us.


I have recommended your site to other ladies at work and also to my sisters and cousins (about 13 of them).


Years ago these cousins and best friends were inseparable, creating adventures that would last a lifetime.


I have a cousin that is mentally disordered… Nobody would do such a thing.


High-quality interior surfaces abound, and much like its Jeep Grand Cherokee cousin, the 2014 Durango feels decidedly upscale for its class.


It is also about sharing and giving love with long-lost friends, that cousin you never really liked, hard-working colleagues at your office, or perhaps that barrista that always makes you that iced-soy-low-fat-half-decaf drink every morning.


«Through my cousin Woody Oakes, my wife and I have become a big «fan» of your products.


Next Level Chocolate Espresso Hazelnut Granola, the heartier, crunchier, more uplifting cousin to Nutella.


First, many law enforcement agencies have pointed out that it is difficult to distinguish between hemp and its close cousin, marijuana.


Curiously, the researchers found that between 1800 and 1850, people traveled farther than ever to find a mate — nearly 12 miles (19 kilometers) on average — but were more likely to marry a fourth cousin or closer.


In this adaptation of Flora Thompson’s memoir of her childhood, Laura Timmins leaves the Oxfordshire hamlet of Lark Rise for a job in the market town of Candleford, where her mother’s cousin, effervescent Dorcas Lane, is postmistress.


Earthworms are kin to lobsters and flatworms are cousins of roundworms.


The Moto X, by contrast, features a curved back that rests gently in your hand, and the phone feels much more compact compared to its Droid cousins.


My grandfather was Icelandic and I have cousins there and in most of Scandinavia.


My cousins and girlfriend helped him open and announce all the stuff.


Cara Loughran, 14, was an excellent student who loved the beach and her cousins, according to her family.


They were fortunate that they had a mass of cousins they could stay with in the «holidays» and thus actually probably had a much happier time of it than they would have with their parents, but those without family in England would end up having no where to go so they would spend all year at boarding school.


Seat, the Spanish cousin in the Volkswagen family, is not always missed on these shores, but this is different.


My sister lives in southern Florida and my cousin in DC… so me up in New England is hard.


Random good picture Not show

1. Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 

2. An elderly cousin had left her a small legacy.

3. Don’t haze the new roommate, he’s my cousin.

4. He is a cousin of Mike’s.

5. The house belonged to my cousin.

6. I tried again to get ahold of my cousin Joan.

7. He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The latter was sick.

8. She has relinquished the post to her cousin, Sir Edward.

9. The Alaskan brown bear is a close cousin of the grizzly bear.

10. She was betrothed to her cousin at an early age.

11. He was first cousin to King Philip VI.

12. My cousin and I joined the same Guide company.

13. Sakota was her cousin and bosom pal.

14. She is a distant cousin.

15. She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen.

16. My cousin remembered me in her will.

17. Mark boosted his cousin into a better job.

18. Eric was my cousin Edward’s boy.

19. That guy turned out to be Maria’s second cousin.

20. He is my cousin or rather my ‘father’s cousin.

21. He’s a distant cousin of mine.

22. I’ve got my dreaded cousin coming to stay!

23. He feeds on his cousin.

24. His cousin was soon cursing luridly.

25. She is a distant cousin of mine.

26. His cousin just came for him.

27. She’s my first cousin once removed.

28. The story’s about a man smitten with love for his wife’s cousin.

29. George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin.

30. She is determined to wreak vengeance on those who killed her cousin.

More similar words: housing, business, on business, businessman, courageous, music, musical, musician, music stand, exclusive, since, conclusion, exclusively, singer, casino, single, missing, single out, ever since, long since, supposing, coup, court, promising, insinuate, increasing, couch, could, course, surprising. 

  • Use the word COUSINS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Fitzpatrick Motors, currently run by the far superior cousins Ruptal.

Her cousins, the Tremonts, were giving a bridge whist party the afternoon of Anna’s arrival.

Edm├®e was in the clutches of her impoverished cousins, a fearsome band of outlaws and reprobates!

Why, he let them cousins keep me on the farm and work me to death like a dog.

Didn’tI write you, year after year, how rotten it was and what a dirty slave them cousins made out of me?

-But one thingi never wrote you it was one of them cousins that you think is such nice people that started me wrong.

That makes you and me cousins.

Some cousins are sure affectionate.

My housekeeper and Linden’s maid are cousins.

As the eldest member of the family, on behalf of all our cousins, aunts and relatives, and even of our dead, I have traveled through the night to express our joy. It’s a boy.

Mrs. Packard, may I present my cousins

Yeah? These are my two cousins.

Goodbye, dear, dear cousins.

To meet a couple of country cousins?

These are some American cousins who may help us out.

He’s one of your German cousins.

He’s one of your other cousins.

I have two cousins in the Foreign Legion.

You’re going to be cousins.

They are the cousins of Owen and Owen at the post.

Dear, haven’t I been like a mother, a father, an uncle, a brother, a sister, two cousins?

cousins are always thicker than fleas in the mountains, Dave.




And these are your cousins, both named Sasha, and Aunt Natalya.

Yes, one of Max’s cousins.

He had women by the dozens and he swore they was his cousins

-The Wilkeses always marry their cousins.

I once knew a woman who appeared to have 7 cousins and 14 aunts.

Let’s stand in the spirit of Christmas and be cousins.

Our cousins had a child with them.

Her sisters, also your cousins, are brilliantly allied with the Duke of Buckingham, the Earl of Huntington, the Earl of Arundel, the Earl of Essex… and Lord Strange of Knokyn.

I lived with some cousins near Exmouth.

My cousins, the Ullswaters.

Against my express orders… you went behind my back and complained to your cousins.

If I had written, which I didn’t… do you suppose I’d say a word to my cousins against my husband?

Honorable brothers and cousins, dear allies… I request that we consider whether this Federal Assembly may declare war… by a two-thirds majority or a simple majority, as I propose.

Your cousins think you want… to wed one of them!

I give up dressing like Isabel and… all the archducness cousins!

I have no aunts nor cousins, leave me alone!

Yes, one of many cousins!

Now look here, Dr. Griffin, I’ve supported this laboratory in the tradition of my cousins and their humanitarian ideas.

Brothers, cousins, parents…

Examples of how to use the word “cousin” in a sentence. How to connect “cousin” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cousin (n): a child of a person’s aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a distant (= not close)relation

Use “cousin” in a sentence

He went to stay with his cousin.
I have a cousin who is a lawyer.
She is a cousin of Nick’s.

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Study Vocabulary Words cousin
the child of an aunt or uncle

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Used with adjectives:

«She is my first cousin.«
(first, second, distant, close)

«My baby cousin is ten years old.«
(baby, little, older, younger)

«I have five female cousins.«
(female, male)

Example sentences:

«How many cousins do you have?«

«Is she your cousin?«

«You look like your cousin.«

«He’s my cousin on my mom’s side.«

«She is my cousin.«

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