Sentence with the word conventions

convention — перевод на русский


And now, dear Mr. Warren, after receiving your kind acceptance of our invitation to speak at our convention, we decided unanimously to just surprise you in advance with the most treasured relic in our little museum.

А теперь, дорогой мистер Уоррен, после принятого Вами приглашения выступить на нашей конвенции, мы решили единогласно удивить Вас, и преподнести одну ценную реликвию для вашего маленького музея.

I’ll see you at the convention.

Увидимся на конвенции.

— She’s at an Elks convention.

— На конвенции в Элксе.

I have a copy of the convention and would be glad to let you glance through it.

У меня есть копия этой конвенции и я буду рад позволить вам просмотреть ее.

I must call your attention, Colonel Saito to Article 27 of the Geneva Convention.

Я должен привлечь ваше внимание, полковник Саито к параграфу №27 Женевской конвенции.

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I’m sorry it had to happen at a time like this, V.S., with the convention just starting.

Извини, что так получилось, В.С. самое неподходящее время, съезд уже начинается.

— You sent 12,000 racegoers to a temperance convention in Wales.

— И ты отправил 12,000 любителей скачек на съезд Общества трезвости в Уэльсе.

Spats dug up a couple of Wyoming types in town on a convention.

Спатс откопал двух типов из Вайоминга, у них съезд в городе.

Lars and I are going to the SCARD convention.

Мы с Ларсом идём на съезд ОООД

If we all come in there together, it’ll look like a convention.

Мы приедем вместе, это должно выглядеть как съезд.

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I left the middle of May for a mortician’s convention in Atlantic City.

Я был на конференции в Атлантик Сити. Еще с середины мая.

What exactly is the function of this convention you’re attending?

Какова, собственно, цель конференции, на которую вы прибыли?

He pretended he was part of that police convention.

Он притворялся участником конференции полицейских.

According to the rules laid down by the Geneva Convention.

согласно правилам Женевской Конференции.

Let’s now talk about the Bruges Convention, doctor.

Поговорим о конференции, доктор.

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— I know, it’s a convention.

— Я понял, это собрание.

What’s this, a convention?

Что здесь, собрание?

Any official visit, any convention any theatre company that just so happened to step foot inside our walls the De Matteis family would always and inexorably throw a party.

Любой официальный визит, любое собрание, любое театральное представление, которое может произойти в наших стенах, семья Маттеис всегда устроит вечеринку.

There was a village idiots’ convention in Minsk, and Berdykov was planning to attend.

Там было собрание деревенских идиотов, Бердюков хотел присутствовать.

And look at the Warren Commission, a Shriner convention without go-carts.

Посмотрите на комиссию Уоррена, это же собрание храмовников, только без паланкинов.

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Should we just abandon convention and introduce ourselves?

Может, мы просто оставим условности и представимся друг другу?

Why, you know, Dan, in a place like Stoningham… you can’t ignore convention and ─

Вы же знаете, Дэн, в таком месте как это ты не можешь игнорировать условности.

Secular conventions, crowd, handshakes…

Светские условности, толпа, рукопожатия.

Look, we avoided conventions during Totalitarianism.

Слушай, мы боролись против условности при тоталитаризме.

Social conventions, like phony, fake smiles;

Социальные условности, понимаете?

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ln 1848, the National Convention decided to rename… the Isle of Bourbon the island of Reunion… to commemorate the «reunion» which took place… on the 10th of August, 1792, between the volunteers… from Marseilles and the National Guard defending the Tuileries.

В 1848 году Национальный конвент решил переименовать остров Бурбон в Остров Реюньон, в память о соединении добровольцев, поющих Марсельезу и национальных гвардейцев, защищающих Тюйлери.

The Convention voted to arrest Heron.

Конвент проголосовал за указ об аресте Эрона!

The Convention approved the charges.

Жорж, Конвент одобрил обвинительный акт. Банда трусов!

The Convention will answer it after I tell them what I think of it.

Конвент ответит на ваше письмо после того, как узнает, что я об этом думаю.

I was such a fan that in 1995, I traveled ten hours by bus to a sci-fi convention in Jackson, Mississippi, wearing my star flee academy cadet uniform in order to meet Wil Wheaton and get him to autograph my mint in-package Wesley Crusher action figure..

Я был таким фанатом что в 1995 я проехал 10 часов на автобусе на научно фантастический конвент в Джексони, штат Миссиссиппи, одетый в униформу кадета академии звёздного флота чтобы встретиться с Уилом Уитоном и получить от него автограф на моей запакованной фигурке Уэсли Крашера

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…the first all-union convention of young pioneers opened in Moscow French Prime-minister Poincare has resigned…

…в Москве проходит первый всесоюзный слет пионеров. …председатель французского Совета Министров Пуанкареподал в отставку.

Ah, the annual nurses’ convention.

Ах, этот ежегодный слёт медсестер.

Freebo’s dead, and now there’s a tree-trimmers’ convention in here.

Фрибо мертв, а у нас слет ландшафтников.

Weaponry convention, huh?

Оружейный слет, да?

I’ll also go with you to the five-day fan convention in the desert.

Я так же пойду с тобой на пятидневный слет фанатов в пустыню.

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It was called the Wildlands Project, — but it was also a key cornerstone of the United Nations — convention on Biological Diversity.

дикой местности и заповедники. Названо это было Проектом Диких Земель. Но ключевым краеугольным камнем ООН также стало соглашение по Биологическому Разнообразию.

Beyond that, the Virginia convention has given us no instructions.

Кроме того, соглашение по Вирджинии не включало никаких инструкций.

And on another note, I’ve got a small convention of agents in my courtyard and my team is in a meeting.

И, вот еще что, у меня есть маленькое соглашение с агентами собранными на моем внутреннем дворе, и моя команда на высокопоставленном собрании.

Our convention.

А наше соглашение?

In fact, they are merely conventions.

В сущности, это просто соглашения.

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A trade show convention.

Торговая выставка.

The greatest weapons convention in the world.

Величайшая оружейная выставка в мире.

The chocolate convention.

Выставка шоколада.

Video game convention!

Выставка видеоигр!

are you telling me that they actually have conventions for porn?

Ты хочешь сказать, что у них на самом деле есть выставки для порно?

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Remember that ass-bag, Hugo, from the convention?

Помнишь Хьюго, того хрыча с фестиваля?

Hank Mills, convention security.

Хэнк Миллс, охранник фестиваля.

Looked like he came right from the convention.

Выглядит так, словно он пришел прямиком с вашего фестиваля.

Anezka gave us this, from a gaming convention a few months back.

Анежка дала нам это, с игрового фестиваля, несколько месяцев назад.

Now, you said that you were at the convention.

Вы сказали, что были на фестивале.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conventions, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conventions in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conventions».

Conventions in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conventions in a sentence.

  1. Saga simplifies many RPG conventions.

  2. Two conventions were held in the mid-1990s in Liverpool.

  3. Non-city streets may not conform to these naming conventions.

  4. Genre conventions are satirized and mocked throughout the film.

  5. They also voted themselves the power to call future conventions.

  6. The states would begin again by holding constitutional conventions.

  7. Unlike in previous conventions, the momentum for Blaine in 1884 would not be halted.

  8. The film was an early example of efforts to move beyond theater blocking conventions.

  9. As the state conventions drew nearer, Blaine announced that he would not be a candidate.

  10. The Constitution was the product of a series of constitutional conventions in the 1890s.

  11. Black Diamond’s mounted head is still extant and has been exhibited at coin conventions.

  12. Following the Japanese ship-naming conventions for aircraft carriers, Hiryū was named «Flying Dragon».

  13. During these conventions he helped thwart James Wilkinson’s scheme to align Kentucky with the Spanish.

  14. His work retains many 15th-century conventions, but his perspective and subjects are distinctly modern.

  15. Following the Japanese ship-naming conventions for aircraft carriers, Ryūjō was named «Prancing Dragon».

  16. In the interim between the two conventions, Burnett traveled to Hopkinsville, where he and Colonel W.C.P.

  17. He was elected to the organization’s executive in 1919 and chaired its mass conventions in 1920 and 1921.

  18. The plot combined elements of the horror genre with Dungeons & Dragons conventions for the first time.

  19. His disregard for social conventions appealed strongly to her, and she also found him sexually irresistible.

  20. Each instrument served a specific purpose that established present-day conventions in kumi-daiko performance.

  21. As Bizet moved away from the accepted musical conventions of French opera, he encountered critical hostility.

  22. Garrard was a delegate to five of these conventions, held in May and August 1785 and in 1787, 1788, and 1792.

  23. Ishii takes care to avoid set conventions, and his influences are correspondingly very wide and non-specific.

  24. Poe’s best known fiction works are Gothic, adhering to the genre’s conventions to appeal to the public taste.

  25. Following the Japanese ship-naming conventions for aircraft carriers, Sōryū was named «Blue (or Green) Dragon».

  26. Outside of YouTube, BookTubers can be found at book and YouTube conventions like YallFest, BookCon, and VidCon.

  27. The National Silver Party, mostly former Republicans, met at the same time as the Populists; both conventions were in St.

  28. The parties agreed on their respective platforms and nominees at conventions, which met in the summer before the election.

  29. Crowther argues that Gilbert desires to «celebrate» society’s norms while, at the same time, satirising these conventions.

  30. Residents of what is now Kentucky called a series of ten conventions in Danville to arrange their separation from Virginia.

  31. On a broader scale, Resident Evil 4 deconstructed the survival horror conventions the first Resident Evil games established.

  32. Barton Fink uses several stylistic conventions to accentuate the story’s mood and give visual emphasis to particular themes.

  33. Delegates to the county conventions thought he could attract blue-collar voters, and in August 1876, McKinley was nominated.

  34. Originating from conventions in Books of Hours, diptychs typically functioned as less expensive and more portable altarpieces.

  35. He generally avoided the avant garde, and did not challenge the conventions in the way that contemporaries such as Tippett did.

  36. This was in line with the average bounce in conventions since 2004, although it was toward the low side by historical standards.

  37. L’incoronazione di Poppea is frequently described as a story in which virtue is punished and greed rewarded, running counter to the normal conventions of literary morality.

  38. Lasser was willing to print material that lay outside the usual pulp conventions, such as Eric Temple Bell’s The Time Stream and Festus Pragnell’s The Green Man of Graypec.

  39. The dominance of Northern Mannerism in the mid-16th century was built on a subversion of the conventions of Early Netherlandish art, which in turn fell out of public favour.

  40. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from conventions and prejudice, should demand denial of life and joy.

  41. Neal’s voice was one of many following the War of 1812 calling for an American literary nationalism, but Neal felt his colleagues’ work relied too much on British conventions.

General information about «conventions» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conventions that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conventions» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conventions».

Synonym: convening, conventionalism, conventionality, formula, normal, pattern, rule. Similar words: conventional, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, convenience, a bone of contention, conversion. Meaning: [kən’venʃn]  n. 1. a large formal assembly 2. something regarded as a normative example 3. (diplomacy) an international agreement 4. orthodoxy as a consequence of being conventional 5. the act of convening. 

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1) By convention the deputy leader is always a woman.

2) Convention now allows women to smoke in public.

3) They believe it is essential to defy convention.

4) At the recent convention a declaration was adopted.

5) How many delegates have checked in at the convention?

6) The Convention set down rules for deciding which country should deal with an asylum request.

7) Convention demands that a club member should resign in such a situation.

8) Convention dictates that a minister should resign in such a situation.

9) They defied/flouted/broke with convention by giving up their jobs and becoming self-sufficient.

10) It’s just a social convention that men don’t wear skirts.

11) It’s an established convention that the part of the prince is played by a woman.

12) Young people often kick against convention.

13) He felt himself trammelled by convention.

14) He felt hemmed in by convention.

15) They dry-gulched the candidate at the party convention.

16) He likes to fly in the face of convention.

17) Most countries have adhered to the convention.

18) This practice breaches the arms convention.

19) She was at the Democratic convention.

20) He’s determined to speak at the Democratic Convention.

21) The countries concerned all agreed to sign the convention.

22) He addressed the annual Republican convention.

23) Jones spoke at the teachers’ annual convention.

24) The convention does not apply to us.

25) Originality often triumphs over convention.

26) Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.

27) Where are they holding their party convention?

28) She enjoys sticking two fingers up to convention.

29) Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn’t take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.

30) They have delegated him to represent their city at the convention.

More similar words: conventional, invention, conversation, prevention, intervention, convenience, a bone of contention, conversion, conviction, mention, attention, not to mention, identification, pay attention to, convey, concentration, convert, invent, inventory, continent, investigation, condition, conception, connection, conditions, consumption, contribution, construction, conservation, constitution. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Replace the words «conventions and action plans» with the words «conventions, action plans, regional mountain agreements».

Заменить слова «конвенций и планов действий по региональным морям» словами «конвенций и планов действий по региональным морям и соглашений по региональным горам».

Другие результаты

It should also be noted that the term «framework» had been inserted before the word «Convention«.

Следует также заметить, что перед словом «Конвенция» фигурирует слово «рамочная».

(b) In the third preambular paragraph, the word «negotiation» was replaced by the word «convention«.

Ь) в третьем пункте преамбулы фраза «переговоры должны быть завершены» была заменена словами «разработка конвенции должна быть завершена».

Without intending to predetermine the form of this Instrument, the word «Instrument» has been replaced with the word «Convention» throughout, in an effort to achieve consistency.

Без намерения предопределить форму настоящего документа слово «документ» было заменено словом «конвенция» во всем тексте в стремлении обеспечить согласованность.

He said that in paragraph 4 (b) of the draft text, the date «1997«before the word «Convention» should be deleted, and that it should instead be inserted before the word «Convention» in paragraph 4 (d).

Оратор говорит, что в подпункте (Ь) пункта 4 постановляющей части необходимо исключить слова «1987 года», которые следует вставить в подпункт (d) этого же пункта после слова «Конвенцию».

Mr. AMER (Egypt) said that in article 1, paragraph 1, the word «Convention» should be replaced by «Framework Convention«.

Г-н АМЕР (Египет) высказывает пожелание о том, чтобы в пункте 1 статьи 1 слово «Конвенция» было заменено словами «Рамочная конвенция«.

In indicator (c), after the word «Conventions», delete the words «in force and».

In subparagraph (f), after the words «Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women», insert the words «and its Optional Protocol».

В подпункте (f) после слов «Конвенции о ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин» добавить слова «и Факультативного протокола к ней».

The word «Convention» means, in relation to any particular specialized agency, the standard clauses as modified by the final (or revised) text of the annex transmitted by that agency in accordance with Sections 36 and 38.

Термин «Конвенция» в применении к любому специализированному учреждению означает стандартные статьи, измененные в соответствии с окончательным (или пересмотренным) текстом приложения, представленного данным учреждениям согласно разделам 36 и 38.

The words «so long as they contain, as a minimum, the standards of the Convention» had been inserted after the word «Convention» in the last sentence.

В последнем предложении после слова «Конвенции» были добавлены слова «если они, как минимум, отражают закрепленные в Конвенции стандарты».

The CHAIRMAN suggested that, as a compromise, the words «in the State party» could be deleted, so that the paragraph would end with the word «Convention«.

ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ предлагает в качестве компромисса исключить слова «в государстве-участнике» и закончить данный пункт словом «Конвенции«.

Mr. DIACONU proposed ending the third sentence with the words «the Convention in practice».

Г-н ДИАКОНУ предлагает закончить третье предложение после слов «Конвенции на практике».

Another delegation proposed that the paragraph end with the words «this Convention«, with the subsequent text deleted.

Другая делегация предложила закончить этот пункт словами «настоящей Конвенцией«, а последующий текст исключить.

Add the words «the Basel Convention on Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes» after the words «Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants».

После слов «Стокгольмской конвенции о стойких органических загрязнителях» добавить слова «Базельской конвенции о контроле за перевозкой опасных отходов».

(a) In the first preambular paragraph the word «Fourth» was added before the words «Geneva Convention«;

а) в первом пункте преамбулы перед словами «Женевской конвенции» было добавлено слово «четвертой»;

At the 10th meeting, on 21 November 1994, the representative of Nigeria proposed to insert, after the words «Convention on the Rights of the Child», the words «particularly article 28, paragraphs 1-3».

На 10-м заседании 21 ноября 1994 года представитель Нигерии предложил включить после слов «Конвенции о правах ребенка» слова «в частности пунктов 1-3 статьи 28».

The words «and its two Optional Protocols» should be inserted after the words «Convention on the Rights of the Child» at the end of the first preambular paragraph.

В конце первого пункта преамбулы после слов «Конвенцию о правах ребенка» следует добавить слова «и два Факультативных протокола к ней».

In the first sentence of subparagraph (a), delete the words «the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities».

В первом предложении подпункта (а) исключить слова «Конвенции о правах инвалидов».

In paragraph 20, the words «to the Convention» had been deleted.

His delegation proposed the addition of the words «where this Convention is applicable» at the end of the first sentence.

Его делегация предлагает добавить в конце первого предложения текста слова «в тех случаях, когда применима настоящая Конвенция«.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples of how to use the word “convention” in a sentence. How to connect “convention” with other words to make correct English sentences.

convention (n): a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job or have a similar interest, or a large meeting for a political party

Use “convention” in a sentence

There will be a convention next Thursday.
Why are conventional language classes so boring?
If you’d prefer a room closer to the Convention Center, please contact us.

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Definition of Convention

a formal meeting or assembly

Examples of Convention in a sentence

A convention was called so that the delegates could vote on the laws.


The convention will be held in the meeting hall so that the company big wigs can discuss important issues.


Without a place to hold the convention, the assembly had to cancel the meeting.


A convention is planned for next month, with the assembly being held from 8 to 4.


Before the law can be appealed, a formal convention must be held with all of the lawmakers present.


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The telegraph lines of Argentina are subject to the national telegraph law of 1875, the international telegraph conventions, and special conventions with Brazil and Uruguay.

In most cases such conventions have created international unions of states for all matters which lend themselves to international co-operation.

Concordats are undoubtedly conventions of a particular nature.

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He was a believer in woman’s rights, but he was lukewarm towards conventions in favour of woman suffrage.

By the 1859 conventions the state railway system obtained an entry into Paris by means of running powers over the Ouest from Chartres, and its position was further improved by the exchange of certain lines with the Orleans company.

Where candidates are to be nominated for a state election, the number of delegates from primaries would be too large, so the state nominating convention is composed of delegates chosen at representative conventions held in.

He followed up his victory; a General Assembly at Perth was obedient to his will: the preachers were forbidden to criticize, from the pulpit, acts of parliament or of the privy council; they were forbidden to call conventions without the royal person or authority and to attack individuals in their sermons.

The frontier towards Mexico was determined by conventions of the 27th of September 1882, the 17th of October 1883, the 1st of April 1895, and the 8th of May 1899.

We trace a natural development in it: we seem to see why with such power and such sympathy He necessarily came into conflict with the religious leaders of the people, who were jealous of the influence which He gained and were scandalized by His refusal to be hindered in His mission of mercy by rules and conventions to which they attached the highest importance.

Nine conventions were held at Danville from 1784 to 1790 to demand separation from Virginia.

It drove her potty having to toe the line of social convention

family, it seemed, although following the convention of the time,

Pritzlaff had just commended the Republican national convention for bringing a fair amount of delegates to the city the month before, and hoped the Democrats would be as forthcoming when they met in a few weeks

He knew it was something quite grave, something requiring a convention of both the Legion’s highest ranks in Skyrim and the Penitus Oculatus

Constitutional Convention that I began to understand what was really happening

Johnson did all of the same things, only more so, starting with the bugging of Goldwater»s campaign headquarters at San Francisco»s Cow Palace during the 1964 Republican convention

The rejoinder of Benjamin Franklin to a lady who questioned him on his exit from the convention of the Continental Congress charged with modifying the Articles of Confederation

The representatives at that convention surely exceeded their authority, but look what they have wrought

A further point which is forgotten during the border war was that the SAP were not bound by the Geneva Convention, and thus could have used any ammunition they desired

In civilian language these bullets were called dum dum rounds and are outlawed by the Geneva Convention except for use against savages…or so I heard

Much different from its evil companion which was plain sadistic and should have been banned by the Geneva Convention

The American M16 (and M4) does the same thing, and I have read that the Soviets complained that it was against the Geneva Convention

Anything though is better than the College which had a “duck walk” which was not for educated people and should be banned by the Geneva Convention

One of the keynote speakers at the 1996 Republican Convention was a paraplegic, a decorated New York City police officer gunned down in the line of duty and permanently disabled as a result of his gunshot wounds

Not to be undone at their own convention, the Democrats countered with a disabled keynote speaker of their own, (Christopher Reeves) a fine young actor and quadriplegic whose acting career was tragically cut short after suffering spinal injuries after falling off his horse at an equestrian event

Hence the need for immediate information overruled any thoughts of the Geneva Convention which was anyway never applicable to the police but only to the army

The police units certainly never received any training in the Geneva Convention and were more concerned with the terrorist laying a charge of assault against us for it is of course a crime to use unpleasant methods even if he is unreasonably silent when asked politely (once) for more information and to explain his beastly ways to us

Treated correctly according to the Geneva Convention they unwittingly gave interesting political intelligence to the listeners who planted the microphones before their arrival

This rather dim view of convention is never mindful of the perils of excessive tolerance that must inevitably find expression in an environment where unlimited freedom will eventually be unable to sustain itself

But he got virtually no votes at the end of the Democratic Convention

It somehow reminded me of LAX on a bishop’s annual convention, only this complex appeared to be a lot bigger

“While I respect your feelings in the matter, it should be noted that Hartle is a sentient being by definition of the Convention of ‘667,” said Sim

Conversely many of the recent pronouncements from “Church and Society” sound depressingly like those from a humanist convention, virtually devoid of theological insight, far less appearing to be in any way prophetic

“Once, when Daddy took us to a convention there

ungratified UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention on the Elimination of all

At a UNICEF sponsored convention in 1989 on “The Rights of the Child” some of their conclusions

organization holding the convention will write up

Since Quan’s murder we couldn’t move powder at a baby convention because everyone was giving their business to Dorian out of fear plain and simple

convention that evening in hope of making a contact

downtown to the convention complex

The convention included an exhibit

him to remain in the nearly vacant convention center instead

before the convention closed for the night, i came up and introduced

wife and children come to the convention center the next day for ev-

sunday afternoon as the convention was winding down, and made

convention in new Orleans, this time by myself

They did not see that the few Leftist at the convention would someday dominate the halls of education, government jobs, union leadership and so forth

He said our jihadist enemies did not adhere to any convention or reason and should not be granted citizen status

“And you’d stand out as a bullshitter at a used car sales convention,” she retorted

The London Convention that prohibits the dumping of nuclear material into the oceans

As the document will undergo changes, having a naming convention will only help us separate the document from one another, but not between its own versions

In case of documents, it’s a normal practice for organizations to update the versioning and naming convention in Header/Footer of document and similarly the revision details in the document’s first few pages or in last page, with details on what is revised and when



ing the convention and tourism committee,

Convention and Visitor Council; as an ambas-

and convention business for the region

But no such provision was either debated, or even introduced, at the Philadelphia Convention where the new Constitution was debated and written

the past, as I had already stated, the convention was to use dumb phony accents

away from convention when the Ricardo family moved out New York and into a

Sylvester Stal one is notorious for daring not to comply with this convention

matter of convention and custom and are shunned or wel-

That was the amazing and challenging statement thrown out to the world of the eighteenth century from the American constitutional convention at Philadelphia

The Constitution was adopted by the Philadelphia convention on September 17, 1787, and ratified by the Colonies, which became States in so doing, in 1789

A delegate to a convention came along behind her and helped her

to see that words are mere symbols, related by convention and

That agreement, known by the name of the Nootka Convention was signed in Madrid in 1795

For if life is a random occurrence, and if morality is just a matter of convention, then no argument can refute our position or block a programme of unrestricted scientific research

First, conventions are what we, the Administrators, declare—and we declare that all life can be sacrificed and that no convention should inhibit scientific research

At the Anaheim Convention Center he was at the reception line for Ted Kennedy who had come to California to campaign for his brother

«The Framework Convention on Tobacco

Declaration and Platform for Action, and its obligations under the Convention on

Convention on the Rights of the Child, and other international human rights

Given Josie’s appeal for whatever is new and different, as well as her vulnerability to be blown by every wind or washed by every wave, Roger had hoped that the religious convention to be held in Anaheim the second week in February that year would have some healing and recovering effects on her

Here is a Catholic convention, he reasoned, to improve understanding between the Church and the Spanish people, and the name of Christ has not been mentioned even once during the whole weekend… That morning, a representative from Washington gave a most disturbing and provoking talk, blasting the Anglo clergy and boasting that his office had been responsible for this gathering of about one thousand people

During the infamous 1968 Democratic convention, while working for Motorola, but still living in South Shore, I stopped at Jimmie’s one weeknight and got blitzed worse than normal

While not strictly related to the above drinking story, the mention of the riots during the Democratic convention reminded me of how strange it felt to drive back to South Shore along either Lake Shore Drive or Stoney Island and see rows of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and tents stretching from Jackson Park to Grant Park to accommodate the National Guard and Army troops who were there to “protect” the citizenry

“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate

‘It is time’ for the States to reestablish what the ‘federal’ government ‘will be’ empowered to do by holding a convention under Article 5, as noted above to:

All functions relating to activities currently established, mananaged and administered by a Federal Department or Agency needs to be reviewed: [I do acknowledge the need (a) for the States to collectively establish standards, that need to be adhered to within all of the various States; and (b) I believe in a ‘small’ federal structure, whose size / functions should be established and funded through a Federal Budget; focused on our defense and international relationships (trade and defense related); but even so, if we must employ a greater breadth of agencies, we should require a ‘review and confirmation’ by a Convention of the States every 25 years

They need to be severly reduced to, in affect, become an advisory rather than governing body with limited administrative / support staff and enforcement bodies, with the understanding that size and duties are to be reviewed ‘from time to time’ by a Convention of the States

I would hope that a Convention of States called under Article 5, would also review the need for ‘term limitations’ within our Federal Court system and the United States Senate and House — limiting Congress Senate in service, a move that will allow all of our representatives to focus / concentrate on performing the ‘service’ they are undertaking rather than ‘building war chests for their next election’ — more in line with the Founder’s published desires — ‘service’ that was “short” and rules established that would not exempt them from being affected by the rules established

Later, the Convention was dissolved and the Directory took over

One recalls that at this convention the Democrats booed a group of Boy Scouts that were presented on the stage for part of the program

giant of the Constitution Convention, Thomas Jefferson

At the constitution convention in Philadelphia, lawyers such as James Madison, James Wilson, and Alexander Hamilton had all studied the

that at the convention center in New Orleans, beatings and even

The convention was to seek wealth, power and might, but Solomon decided upon a new approach:

Part of my job was to attend a convention in Vegas where his

On the last day of the convention, my dad left

The leave of the Convention was no longer required for the arrest of a member

of this Convention in respect of:

Nothing in this Convention shall affect the implementation of other instruments

Nothing in this Convention shall affect the liberty of the Parties to adopt stricter

with the principles laid down in this Convention;

Exceptions to the principles laid down in this Convention for the capture, the keeping

animals of the provisions and the principles in this Convention

The Parties shall, within five years from the entry into force of the Convention

the Council of Europe to examine the application of the Convention and the

the Convention shall have the right to be represented by an observer in these

Convention including, if they consider it necessary, proposals for the amendment

of Articles 15 to 23 of the Convention

any Party, and to any State invited to accede to the Convention in accordance

This Convention shall be open for signature by the member States of the Council of

This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the

Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 17

bound by it, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month

After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the

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