Sentence with the word conqueror

завоеватель, победитель


- победитель, завоеватель

the Conqueror — ист. Вильгельм Завоеватель

- спорт. разг. решающая партия, игра

Мои примеры


abandon oneself to the conqueror’s mercy — сдаться на милость победителя  
be under the sway of the conqueror — находиться под фактической властью завоевателя  
conqueror ‘s sovereignty — суверенитет завоевателя  
grand conqueror — великий завоеватель  

Примеры с переводом

William the Conqueror

Вильгельм Завоеватель

They conquered all their enemies.

Они победили всех своих врагов.

William I had the surname❝the Conqueror❞

Вильгельм I носил прозвище «Завоеватель»

We have not time to play the conqueror at whist.

У нас нет времени сыграть решающую партию в вист.

The people were subjected to the conqueror’s rule.

Люди были подчинены власти завоевателя.

The citizens were forced to render up their town to the conqueror.

Город пришлось сдать завоевателям.

He finally conquered his drug habit.

Он окончательно преодолел свою наркотическую зависимость.

Scientists believe the disease can be conquered.

Ученые считают, что эту болезнь можно победить.

The city was conquered by the ancient Romans.

Город был завоёван древними римлянами.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…has a distinguished genealogy that traces back to William the Conqueror…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): conqueror
мн. ч.(plural): conquerors

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He remained a liberator not a conqueror.

Она всегда приходила, как освободитель, а не завоеватель.

Yet-once again-the conqueror came from the south.

People forget that the greatest conqueror is he who conquers himself.

Люди забывают, что самый великий победитель — это тот, кто побеждает самого себя…».

The great conqueror of pains and sorrows arose and proceeded back to his birthplace.

Великий победитель страданий и печалей поднялся и отправился обратно к месту своего рождения.

He is the cosmic conqueror… The destroyer of worlds.

Он космический покоритель, разрушитель миров.

These conqueror impassable roads will become a sort of younger brother of his predecessors X4-X6 as a sports version.

Этот покоритель труднопроходимых дорог станет своеобразным младшим братом своих предшественников X4-X6, являясь их спортивной версией.

The Spanish word «conquistador» means conqueror.

Conquistador в переводе с испанского языка означает «завоеватель».

Conquered Greece took captive her barbarous conqueror.

По свидетельству культурологов «пленная Греция пленила своего варварского завоевателя«.

It stems from conquest or from largess on the part of a conqueror.

Оно порождено завоеванием или щедростью завоевателя.

The one, who reached it first, was the conqueror.

The army resolutely and definitely refused to see meaning in the distant enterprise, and the conqueror had to yield.

Армия решительно и определенно отказалась видеть смысл в дальнем предприятии, и завоевателю пришлось уступить.

Become a real emperor and conqueror in this fantastic world.

Станьте настоящим императором и завоевателем в этом фантастическом мире.

It was a dream worthy of a conqueror, and it had precedent.

То была мечта, достойная завоевателя, и она имела прецедент.

We believe that this is the best form of nobility, justice and tolerance from the conqueror‘s side towards the vanquished.

Мы считаем, что это лучшая форма благородства, справедливости и терпимости со стороны завоевателей к побежденным.

This will either create internal conflict or it will attract an outside conqueror who will attempt to take over.

Это либо будет создавать внутренний конфликт, либо привлечет внешнего завоевателя, который попытается поработить вас.

Despite the reputation of the conqueror of women’s hearts, inside he feels the need for love.

Несмотря на репутацию покорителя дамских сердец, внутри он ощущает потребность в любви.

At any party, he wants to show himself and gain a new victory, because his instinct for a fighter and conqueror must be satisfied.

На вечеринках он желает показать себя и одержать новую победу, ведь его инстинкт бойца и завоевателя должен быть удовлетворен.

Became a symbol of female statesman and conqueror.

Стал символом женской государственного и завоевателя.

However they were soon to realise that he was a cruel conqueror.

Однако вскоре они поняли, что он был жестоким завоевателем.

To go through it as a conqueror was therefore important and symbolic.

Пройти через них в качестве завоевателя было важно и символично.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат conqueror

Результатов: 1547. Точных совпадений: 1547. Затраченное время: 65 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

conqueror — перевод на русский


Attacked without a word of warning by a ruthless conqueror.

Безжалостный завоеватель атаковал её без предупреждения.

They were put to the sword twenty years ago by a great Mongol conqueror called Hulagu.

Нет, Сьюзен. Их казнил двадцать лет назад великий монгольский завоеватель Хулагу.

I mean, I don’t know much about history, but I do know that William the Conqueror did win the Battle of Hastings.

Я имею в виду, я мало знаю об истории, но я знаю, что Уильям Завоеватель победил в сражении при Хастингсе.

Baiazid the Lightning, the conqueror of Europe!

Байазид гроза, завоеватель Европы!

He is a conqueror.

Он завоеватель.

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Today the Kaled race is ended, consumed in a fire of war, but from its ashes will rise a new race, the supreme creature, the ultimate conqueror of the universe, the Dalek!

Сегодня раса Каледа исчезла в огне войны, но из ее пепла поднимется новая раса, высшее существо, окончательный покоритель вселенной, Далек!

Killer of men,conqueror of nations.

Убийца людей, покоритель наций.

Who’s the dragon conqueror?

Кто из вас Покоритель Драконов?

How many hostages do you think a dragon conqueror is worth?

Скольких заложников, по вашему, стоит Покоритель Драконов?

I want the dragon conqueror.

Мне нужен Покоритель Драконов.

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«Who entereth herein, a conqueror hath been.

«О ты, сюда вступивший, ты победитель будешь,

Long live the conqueror of the Dragon!

Да здравствует победитель Дракона!

Mike the Conqueror.

Майк Победитель.

I was telling the world. I spoke as a conqueror, my enemies crushed… God’s plan.

Я говорил на весь мир, говорил как победитель, мои враги пали…по Божьей воле.

«And they bestowed upon him the name Ramek… conqueror of beasts.»

И тогда назвали его Рамек победитель чудовищ.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word conqueror, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use conqueror in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «conqueror».

Conqueror in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word conqueror in a sentence.

  1. Antigonus entered Sparta triumphantly, its first foreign conqueror.

  2. He dealt with the Japanese people not as a conqueror but a great reformer.

  3. The traditional negative assessment of Sennacherib as a ruthless conqueror has faded away in modern scholarship.

  4. His bravery and devotion to duty were noted in several later accounts: the Baltimore Sun called him «a conqueror of death.

  5. One applicant was the 20-year-old Roald Amundsen, future conqueror of the South Pole, whose mother stopped him from going.

  6. He likely used his other epithet Dionysus to associate himself with the Greek god of wine in his role as conqueror of the East.

  7. Defeated animals run into the bush with their hair and tail erect, their conqueror in pursuit and biting their victim’s rear where possible.

  8. Yazid reappointed Uqba ibn Nafi, the conqueror of the central North African region of Ifriqiya whom Mu’awiya had deposed, as governor of Ifriqiya.

  9. Unlike many preceding and later Assyrian kings (including his father), Sennacherib did not portray himself as a conqueror or express much desire to conquer the world.

  10. In 1912, when Roald Amundsen, conqueror of the South Pole, was invited by RGS president Leonard Darwin to dine with the Society, Markham resigned his council seat in protest.

  11. His pioneering work was subsequently recognised and honoured by several countries, and in 1912, he received a handsome tribute from Roald Amundsen, conqueror of the South Pole.

  12. In the west, Sulayman dismissed Musa ibn Nusayr, the Yamani-affiliated governor of Ifriqiya and conqueror of Hispania (al-Andalus), and his son Abd al-Aziz, the governor of al-Andalus.

  13. In the west, Sulayman deposed Musa ibn Nusayr, the conqueror of the Iberian Peninsula (al-Andalus) and governor of Ifriqiya (central North Africa), and had his son Abd al-Aziz, governor of al-Andalus, assassinated.

Synonyms for conqueror

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word conqueror has the following synonyms: vanquisher.

General information about «conqueror» example sentences

The example sentences for the word conqueror that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «conqueror» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «conqueror».

(1) They abandoned the city to the conqueror.

(2) We shall never yield to a conqueror.

(3) The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.

(4) He grovelled at the feet of conqueror.

(5) We shall never surrender to a conqueror.

(6) The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror.

(7) William the Conqueror was the first Norman King of England.

(8) A powerful outside conqueror can hold antithetical groups together.

(9) In 1066 William the Conqueror raised an army and invaded England.

(10) The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror.

(11) The conqueror passed over the bodies into the city.

(12) He easily overcame Garcia, Saturday’s conqueror of Ernie Els.

(13) William the Conqueror, ie King William I of England.

(14) The invasion was led by William the Conqueror.

(15) The conqueror dictated the surrender terms.

(16) England’s feudalism under the rule of William the Conqueror.

(17) He is the greatest conqueror who has conquered himself.

(18) So did William the Conqueror.

(19) The conqueror dictated terms to the surrender.

(20) The summer came upon the country like a conqueror.

(21) The captives prostrated themselves before the conqueror.

(22) He said he would never grovel before a conqueror.

(23) Polo : From William the Conqueror to Elizabeth I(, Britain royal families all had blood ties.

(24) Every Israelite a conqueror that day because of David’s victory.

(25) Edward the Confessor was a cousin of the Conqueror, had more Danish and Norman in his ancestry than Anglo-Saxon.

(26) «He who supplies a conqueror has conquered, » said the Mawlawi Sahib, quoting a verse from the Qur’an, his eyes still fixed at the floor.

(27) After numerous defeats in the boxing ring the conquered finally became the conqueror.

(28) Not impossibly there was a resistance movement in the Fens, as later under William the Conqueror, and ecclesiastics became involved.

(29) For one instant I saw you, erect on tiptoe, ruling your orchestra and transfigured by the expression of a conqueror.

(30) William the First’s Domesday book is both a historical treasure and the tool of a conqueror.

A conqueror is a person who conquers. Conqueror, The Conqueror or The Conquerors may also refer to: (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Or do we try to press into the question and understand the truth that we are a people of rest, that we have been given peace, and that we are more than conquerors in this life also?


The other says, «God will empower me as a conqueror


Its icons are pictures of climbers, shivering and exhausted, labelled «conquerors of Everest».


By A.D. 1398, the Turkic conqueror Tamerlane had hit upon a new trick in his onslaught on Delhi: releasing flaming camels across the battlefield.


They were never conquerors, they were explorers and traders.»


This was in contrast to Europe which resisted unification by determined conquerors such as Charlemagne, Napoleon and Hitler.


«Them» being the English conquerors who seized Irish land then rented it back to the original owners.


Removing the pre-set paths that hampered the still stellar Civ V, Civ VI transforms into a landscape that rewards plucky explorers and confident conquerors with the opportunity to expand their budding society with new technologies and alliances.


There is a genuine feeling of being transported back to a different Ireland replete with warring tribes, some of whom are in league with the Norman conquerors.


One of those games in that Early Access stage is Northgard, a Viking themed RTS that’s captured my attention with its fast pace, accessible and intuitive design, and assortment of victory conditions — though you’re in charge of Vikings, you don’t have to be a mighty, looting conqueror to win — though you do have to be fast with your fingers.


He’s a conqueror on the surface, scarred by racial injustice that Wakanda has avoided, and driven by deeply personal grudge that won’t be revealed here.


There is Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins), a scientist and a princess whose father (Ciarán Hinds) is about to sue for peace by forcing her to marry conqueror Sab Than (Dominic West).


Set in a world ravaged by alien conquerors, you lead the global resistance to chip away at the domineering forces and turn the tide in humanity’s favor.


The Amazon series shrinks from what Dick faced squarely: the raw power of racial hatred, both in the murderous rule of our imagined conquerors and in the answering echo in our hearts.


No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us….


Alexander the Great, a Macedonian king and conqueror, died in 323 B.C. Whatever else you didn’t know about him is told to us by Ptolemy (played in old age by Anthony Hopkins), dictating Greek history to dutiful scribes some years later.


This has left the land open for explorers and conquerors or to put it less poetically, other smartphone players are honing in on the once sacred ground where only the likes of Samsung, Apple, LG, and HTC grazed on.


Speaking of the series, Michal said: «In a way I was searching for the Alexander the Great, son of Heracles, mentioned in the Bible and the Quran, acclaimed conqueror of the whole new world.


With the alien conqueror Thanos likely to play a major role in Infinity War, it’s reasonable to speculate that any threats the Mad Titan might send to Earth would have a significantly easier time making landfall now that the mystic barrier has partially fallen.


But even with the additional modes, the bread and butter of DW8E is in the «Empires» campaign mode, and it is deep enough to satisfy even the hungriest conqueror.


The main character of Michaelmas is St. Michael, known, as the conqueror of the dragon and the saint of strong will; the heavenly hero with his starry sword who gives strength to people.


The final match is between Olympic champions Du Jing & Yu Yang against the conquerors of Wong Pei Tty & Chin Eei Hui in the semi finals which is Ma Jin & Wang Xiaoli.


While they are not in Champions League contention like Bayern’s conquerors nearly two weeks ago were, Dortmund have had an excellent 2015, losing just once since the turn of the year.


I am not a player with a particular taste for victory in battle, I’m much more of an explorer than a conqueror — but even I became obsessed with mastering each of the foes, and can happily retake a Major Test of Strength over and over again, just to enjoy my own martial prowess.


The Spanish cartographer, Valdez, charted these waters in 1793 and named Cortes Island and nearby Hernando Island after the Spanish conqueror of Mexico, Hernando Cortes.


Victim has become conqueror in Kathy Ruttenberg’s Careful What You Wish For, part of her bizarre ceramic menagerie recently on view at Stux.


It was the 14th century Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur who had the most influence on shaping modern Samarkand, the first ruler of the Timurid Empire, he is more commonly referred to as Tamerlane.


A colonial mansion perhaps the first Spanish building complex built on an Inca — occupied by the conquerors of Peru and their…


The European conquerors, he notes, had a huge appetite for wood for construction and for smelting operations, and some archaeologists have suggested that this led to the deforestation of the hillsides around Cuzco.


«Yet this Chevrolet Corvette, this 1990 ZR-1 sports car, has been enthroned as king, conqueror and automotive icon — while still months away from showrooms and freeways.


It’s the film that really formalises the would-be conqueror‘s interest in the Infinity Stones, by way of Loki’s «gems for soldiers» deal with the Chitauri.


The women stand in the place of the conquerors, but their objectification suggests they are the ones being manipulated.


Metreveli, his conqueror in Paris, fell in the second round.


Our latest character trailer for Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbrall Star is non-other-than Iskander; a rider class servant and the conqueror of kings.


They might come with force and violence and parade their might and splendour as conquerors.


This unique exhibition brings the costumes, sets and ambiance of the series to Doha, revealing the stories behind the life of the Turkish conqueror and his love for the humble and beautiful Hurrem Sultan.


It is the Italian variation of Victor, which means, «conqueror


One other interesting bit of trivia revealed in the dev diary by lead level designer Constant Gaw: Kyros the Overlord, the iron-fisted conqueror of the world whose will and whim you enforce as a Fatebinder, is in fact a woman.


He is a womanizer, a Romeo, a conqueror.


Chichen Itza was largely abandoned by the time the Spanish conquerors arrived in the Yucatan in the 16th century, but its Cenote Sagrado (Sacred Cenote) continued to be a place of pilgrimage for the Mayans.


Vying to meet either Valencia or Barcelona is Real Madrid conquerors Leganes, and five-time Copa Del Rey winners Sevilla.


«Our Nadya will be a heroine, a conqueror.


Stellaris is a sci-fi grand strategy game from the galactic conquerors at Paradox Development Studio, which allows players to take their personalized empire on their first steps outside of their home system and spread their race across the universe — by diplomacy or by force.


Afternoon fellow sentient humanoids, or if you are reading this in space, potential galactic conqueror slime creatures….


This fun-to-drive yet athletic road conqueror is eagerly waiting for you to get behind its wheel and prove all that you’ve read true to the letter.


37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.


Playing the would-be world conqueror is Colin Farrell, who doesn’t even try to suppress his natural Irish accent.


Not surprisingly, Moghul rule had a greater influence on Punjabi cuisine that that of any other conqueror.


We of course will not be signing all (if any) of these midfield stars, although I hold a strong preference for our conqueror Kondogbia!


And this was how it is supposed to be; five-times conquerors of Europe’s premier competition not only restored to their rightful place, but doing it in a manner befitting of magical nights past on this turf — under the lights — on this stage.


Definition of Conqueror

a person who takes control of a place by force

Examples of Conqueror in a sentence

Alexander the Great was a conqueror who dominated Greece, Egypt, and Persia.


With no back up troops near, the conqueror decided to retreat and take the city the following day.


Conqueror Genghis Khan paved the way for his to become emperor of China.


The conqueror set out to monopolize every area of the British Empire.


Attila the Hun was a successful conqueror but could never take Constantinople.


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How to use conqueror in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «conqueror» and check conjugation/comparative form for «conqueror«. Mastering all the usages of «conqueror» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«No other country was more fitted to welcome a conqueror; no other conqueror was more welcome than the British,» he wrote.
Like «Conqueror» is one of those songs I didn’t write alone.
It’s the face of a conqueror at the end of his rope.
«the modern adventurer and conqueror of palates,» for his show No Reservations.
Then Aegon the Conqueror came along and decided to shake things up.
Wisconsin, conqueror of Iowa this week, has lost to Western Illinois and Milwaukee.
By the end, Cruz bitterly labeled his conqueror an «utterly amoral» pathological liar.
It’s obvious that Dany sees herself the second coming of Aegon the Conqueror.
There’s a growing sense that Facebook is no longer an invincible world-conqueror.
Mars is the conqueror—it wants to move forward, not retreat and revise.
He was taken by Rodin’s sympathetic portrayal of Napoleon, an emperor and conqueror.
Chad Le Clos of South Africa, Phelps’ conqueror four years ago, finished fourth.
Hellenistic conqueror Alexander the Great accomplished extraordinary things during his short time on earth.
He grew into a conqueror of rules, and a provider of dreams for millions.
To be an entomologist is, therefore, to become a scholar of your own conqueror.
This is mainly thanks to the first Aegon Targaryen, known as Aegon the Conqueror.
» The ever-popular Monfils could only congratulate his conqueror and note ruefully: «Well done, Novak.
The right of conquest did not depend on whether the conqueror was in the right.
We will support FIFA and in our joint efforts we will try to conqueror [sic] this.
They realize that they have lost a conqueror and a man of great substance and influence.
«Conqueror«—the single which is out now—is more the business part than the heart part.
In 11th-century England, there was the Domesday Book, compiled by order of William the Conqueror.
In December, the company will host a new staging of Verdi’s «Attila,» about the Hun conqueror.
Will Jon Snow fulfill the reputation of the name of Aegon the Conqueror and Aegon V?
He must be what he sees in that window in the South of France: a conqueror.
The conqueror Cortés, old stories go, Abducted Montezuma’s recipeBut found the beans too difficult to grow.
Even by his own ridiculous standards, Trout has been an absolute conqueror of worlds this year.
But we want insurance to be something different: We want it to be the conqueror of scarcity.
The card’s image comes from the painting «The Conqueror» by the artist Addonis Parker, the bank said.
The book in question was a children’s book about the first Norman King of England, William the Conqueror.
His young American conqueror, ranked 39 in the world, saved two break points while closing out the match.
Instead, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht, and first visited the country of his dreams as a conqueror.
And I hope to read the last part of «Duppy Conqueror: New and Selected Poems,» by Kwame Dawes.
Even consider England’s recent conqueror Iceland – their Euro 2016 squad did not include a single home-based player.
Through that self-reflection and self-acceptance, she was able to truly embody a motto of Curvy. Confident. Conqueror.
So was the Domesday Book compiled in 2000, 0003 years after William the Conqueror sailed across the English Channel.
Dimitrov will next face six-times champion Novak Djokovic’s conqueror, Denis Istomin, for a place in the last eight.
This is one Roman conqueror that Leicester folk will follow wherever he takes them, onward and upward into Europe.
«I think it represents a colonial understanding, a conqueror mentality that I oppose,» she said of the proposed transfer.
They had money, power, social status, the best land and a noble pedigree going back to William the Conqueror.
Children paraded in military fatigues and chanted anti-Western slogans, praising Mr. Mugabe as the conqueror of the British.
He was nominated for Oscars for «Pelle the Conqueror» in 1988 and for «Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close» in 2012.
GENGHIS KHAN AND THE QUEST FOR GOD: How the World’s Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom, by Jack Weatherford.
The legend of Genghis Khan has echoed throughout history: A barbarian conqueror, fueled by bloodlust, terrorizing the civilized world.
According to Canetti’s nasty memoir, «Party in the Blitz,» it was Murdoch who was the passive conqueror in their bouts.
Aegon the Conqueror took all seven kingdoms with three dragons, but Daenerys can’t seem to keep hold of her children.
Aegon the Conqueror didn’t forge the Seven Kingdoms with kindness, and Daenerys seems to have decided to walk his path.
Now, much like Aegon the Conqueror before her, Daenerys is in Dragonstone with her eye on conquering the Seven Kingdoms.
The other thing: Dany didn’t exactly refute Daario’s point that she was a conqueror, not a throne-sitter, did she?
Iran’s Minister of Defense unveiled a new short-range ballistic missile called the Fateh Mobin, or «manifest conqueror,» on Monday.
Donald was a straight shooter, a magnate, a playboy, a marrier of Eastern European blondes, a conqueror of distant Manhattan.
GENGHIS KHAN AND THE QUEST FOR GODHow the World’s Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious FreedomBy Jack Weatherford407 pp. Viking. $28.
France’s Gael Monfils, the 13th seed, ended the run of Djokovic’s conqueror Vesely with a 6-1 6-2 win.
The parallels between the original Targaryen conqueror from 300 years ago and his chain-breaking descendant grow stronger by the day.
Based on a poem by Malik Muhammad Jayasi, the film tells the story of Padmavati and the Mughal conqueror Alaudin Khilji.
Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga will be back to complete the fifth set of his encounter against Djokovic’s 2016 conqueror Sam Querrey.
And from the perspective of all the cities she «frees» (including Westeros), she looks like little more than an invading conqueror.
It was founded as a private bath by Mehmed the Conqueror, a sultan of the Ottoman Empire, in the 15th century.
With this quiet act of rebellion at the ­center of the novel, Hicks insightfully examines the dynamic of conqueror and conquered.
There is growing concern, in fact, that China has arrived in Europe not as an economic collaborator, but as a conqueror.
Trifonov the young conqueror of the keyboard revealed himself with a breathless account of Schumann’s joyous Toccata, a notorious finger-twister.
Comprised of drummer J. Read (Conqueror, Revenge, Axis of Advance) with teo members pf Blasphemy—Deathlord of Abomination and War Apocalypse on guitar, bass and vocals (Read’s collaborator in Conqueror), with Nocturnal Grave Desecrator and Black Winds on vocals and effects—rumblings about this project have permeated the underground since its initial announcement back in 2013.
High John the Conqueror is an old root—that’s the root they sing about in a lot of the older blues songs.
Tyrion’s PR strategy to push back against Cersei’s characterization of her as a foreign conqueror was plucked straight out of Aegon’s playbook.
Orys Baratheon was not only the most trusted advisor of the OG Targaryen king, Aegon the Conqueror, but also his half-brother.
Approximately $7 billion of debt, excluding the outstanding Eksportfinans loans and Transocean Conqueror Limited secured notes, is affected by today’s rating actions.
Universal could wipe the slate clean and include other heroes, like Kull the Conqueror (last seen in the 1997 Kevin Sorbo film).
She has a legitimate claim to the throne as a Targaryen and it’s no accident she’s being compared to Aegon the Conqueror.
Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte, a descendant of the famous conqueror, has married an Austrian countess, Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg.
Like a foreign-born conqueror, Schembechler, who died in 2006, was the Ohio-born protégé of the great Buckeyes coach Woody Hayes.
There was a Wayne’s World sequel and plenty of low-budget, forgettable fare like The Immortals, Kull the Conqueror, and Scar City.
In their view, Muhammad was a conqueror first, a politician and a general second, and a man of faith last, and least.
For having won the war, we chose not to behave like a conqueror, but instead to build the foundations of lasting peace.
Instead, rather inexplicably, McGregor will get a rematch of his own against his sole conqueror within the confines of the Octagon in Diaz.
Timurlengia, named for 14th century Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane, was 803-13 feet (3-4 meters) long and about 600 pounds (270 kg).
He dates the arrangement back to the time of Saladin, the Muslim conqueror who seized the holy city from the Crusaders in 1187.
PROFESSOR DAVID COLDWELLJohannesburg Pre-conquest England was prosperous enough to attract successive raiders such as Sweyn Forkbeard and Canute before William the Conqueror.
Early on, she pledged to be a benevolent conqueror, not to burn King’s Landing to the ground or occupy cities with foreign troops.
The Macedonians retaliated by changing Skopje airport’s name to Alexander the Great in 2007, after the ancient Greek conqueror claimed by both countries.
As Clara sits in a clanging, rumbling New York City subway train, Shakespeare, William the Conqueror, Chaucer, and Anne Boleyn enter the car.
Drake»Rise Up» — Andra Day»Formation» — Beyoncé «Jumpman» — Drake and Future»Conqueror» — Estelle»Against Us» — Dee-1″We Must Praise» — J Moss 63.
As long as it claimed to have been a victim, no matter how flimsy its argument, the conqueror became the new legal sovereign.
» The journalist and historian Ron Palenski equated Meads with Edmund Hillary, New Zealand’s conqueror of Mount Everest, as «Sir Ed in rugby boots.
There is a decent heavyweight scrap between the pot-bellied Roy Nelson and one-time conqueror of Fedor Emelianenko, Antonio «Big Foot» Silva.
He was a violent conqueror who, after obtaining superior firepower, savagely attacked defenseless natives on the smaller islands of what we now call Hawaii.
Originally billed as UFC 196, Cain Velasquez was supposed to make his attempt to regain his heavyweight title against his conqueror in Fabricio Werdum.
One of the things that astonished him most, however, was a new invention, implemented by Kublai Khan, a grandson of the great conqueror Genghis.
And it was easy to see the affinity a Jewish refugee felt in 1931 for a people forced into internal exile by a conqueror.
It is perhaps the finest surviving example of the thrilling Norman architecture that took hold in England after William the Conqueror landed in 1066.
The platinum-haired conqueror captured the imagination of our experts, sailing off to Westeros with substantial Greyjoy ships, Dothraki fighting hordes, Unsullied, and three dragons.
Iron Throne: as the name reveals, it is literally an iron throne molded from hundreds of swords surrendered in battles won by Aegon the Conqueror.
Windsor Castle, founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th Century, survived centuries of England’s often bloody history and passed through World War Two unscathed.
After shaking hands with his conqueror, Medvedev grabbed his wallet and pulled out some coins before hurling them toward the foot of the umpire’s chair.
In the Targaryen family line, it’s common enough to keep naming men Aegon, after Aegon the Conqueror, the first of the Targaryen kings of Westeros.
Before Aegon the Conqueror (Aegon I) claimed the Seven Kingdoms, the Starks were Kings in the North and ruled over a variety of other houses.
Vanity Fair has an incredibly detailed breakdown of the dragon house’s ancestry, starting with the most famous Targaryen of all, Aegon I Targaryen the Conqueror.
Iran’s other submarines, the Tareq and the new domestically built Fateh (Conqueror), have the same anti-ship capability, IRNA quoted a military statement as saying.
Mongolia is perhaps best known as the homeland of famed 12th Century conqueror Chinggis (Genghis) Khan, whose dynasty amassed the largest contiguous empire in history.
«Macron doesn’t take responsibility for anything but promises everything, with the ardour of a youthful conqueror and the cynicism of a seasoned veteran,» Philippe wrote.
State media said Iran would be testing its new domestically built Fateh (Conqueror) submarine which is armed with cruise missiles and was launched last week.
The confrontation of Occident and «Indes,» conqueror and conquered, is throughout evoked in eerily slow-motion, stylized battles with armored, plastic-shield-wielding security forces.
The British Treasury, which traces its history back to William the Conqueror, is located in a grand building between Buckingham Palace and the British parliament.
Queen Elizabeth II is the 40th monarch in a royal line that traces its origins to William the Conqueror, who led the invasion and occupation.
I remember one of the real old gentlemen talking about how all he needed to straighten his life out was a High John the Conqueror root.
Really: Steppenwolf is a conqueror from the planet Apokolips who seeks to remake the Earth by capturing three pieces of alien technology known as Mother Boxes.
«Rather than being horrified to discover that she’s basically been raped by a stranger, Betty swoons for her nerd conqueror,» The AV Club’s AA Dowd wrote.
While it’s a fantastic camp in the Garden State, there’s one sparring partner which fills Barboza with supreme poise—Pettis’ most recent conqueror in Eddie Alvarez.
She also worked with her brother on Kull the Conqueror, a fantasy character created by Robert E. Howard, who is better known for Conan the Barbarian.
Because Aegon the Conqueror came in with his dragons and the dragons can be seen as your nuclear equivalent, or the cannons in the 15th century.
Who was ultimately more powerful: the conqueror Alexander, who ruled the known world, or the philosopher Diogenes, whom Alexander could neither offer nor threaten with anything?
The Philadelphia Museum of Art has a recently rediscovered and attributed Rodin marble bust of Napoleon, from 1908, in which the young conqueror shimmers like ice.
The organization also said William the Conqueror was a «notorious Scrooge» when it came to making gifts English abbeys — but that Battle Abbey was an exception.
Sentences like «OMG WTF William teh Conqueror pwned Harold at Hastings in 1066!» tend to be written by middle-aged columnists trying to imitate children’s supposed habits.
Fire and Blood confirms a long-held rumor that Baratheon House was founded by Orys, a half-brother and Hand to the legendary Conqueror Aegon I Targaryen.
» At the end, William the Conqueror came on, and held Harold the King’s hand — who he had just killed — and they sang «We Can Work It Out.
THE Norman conquest of England, led exactly 10863 years ago by William, Duke of Normandy («the Conqueror«), was the single greatest political change England has ever seen.
The entertainment industry is often criticized for its continued lack of diversity, which goes back to 1956’s The Conqueror, which starred John Wayne as Genghis Khan.
Aegon Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Conqueror, used his family’s dragons to conquer the mainland of Westeros and become the first ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.
It was a matter of both scale and trust: whether the nation’s retail conqueror should be allowed to roll into yet another industry and potentially dominate it.
She has yet to so much as set foot in Westeros — where people are probably not too keen on welcoming a foreign, female conqueror with open arms.
The castle, with its commanding position overlooking the River Thames, was built originally in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, the king credited with unifying England.
A historic home once owned by Matilda of Flanders, the wife of William the Conqueror, is up for sale at the relative bargain price of $10833 million.
After the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William the Conqueror initiated the Norman period of English history and intensified connections between the continent and the British Isles.
I now know I am a conqueror, I am stronger than I ever could have imagined, and no matter which obstacle I face, I will always overcome it.
Based on an epic poem by Malik Muhammad Jayasi, the film tells the story of Padmavati, the queen of the Rajput warrior clan and Mughal conqueror Alaudin Khilji.
The students scrutinize the ancient wall painting discovered in what may be the Tomb of Philip II of Macedon, conqueror of Greece and father of Alexander the Great.
There’s speculation that Alexander the Great is the subject of «Head of a Youth,» the seductive visage similar to many of the idealized portrayals of the young conqueror.
They’re like if Knelt Rote was into early Morbid Angel instead of Conqueror, and their upcoming full-length, Permanent Destitution, is going to be a a total banger.
Spaniard Garbine Muguruza, seeded 14, beat her Wimbledon conqueror Alison Van Uytvanck 6-13 6-0 to set up a second-round clash with Swiss qualifier Viktorija Golubic.
It also provides details on exactly what the Targaryen history book will cover, namely the reign of their house, from the original Aegon the Conqueror to Aegon III.
The HBO adaptation instead chose to have her captured by the Dothraki and sidelined for half a season before having her belatedly embrace her identity as a conqueror.
He presented himself as the seducer or the seduced, not a conqueror; «Teacher, Teacher,» another newly released vault song, has him fending off a lonely teacher’s unwanted advances.
She’s most eligible bachelorette of either side of the Narrow Sea, who even broke up with her sellsword bae Daario Naharis to focus on her career as a conqueror.
IF THE best-known emblem of Mongolia is its mighty 13th-century conqueror, Genghis Khan, the second-best-known is probably the humble nomadic dwelling known as a yurt.
In one image found on blocks at Hermopolis, Nefertiti is cast on an equal footing with that of a male conqueror, smiting the enemies of Egypt with a mace.
Yet it appears Mr. Trump wants to play the role of neither conqueror nor courtier, walking a fine line between military threats and diplomatic outreach but committing to neither.
Redolent of social breakdown (and retitled «Edgar Allan Poe’s The Conqueror Worm»), the movie was released in the United States in August 1968, a season of acute political violence.
South of Egypt, in what is what is now the Sudanese Nile Valley, lay the ancient kingdom of Nubia, a cultural rival and one-time conqueror of the pharaohs.
From the ancient Roman conqueror Marcus Aurelius, to statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin, right through to Shay Carl whose Maker Studios was acquired by Disney for half a billion dollars.
By royal decree, the family was hereby to be known as Windsor, after Windsor Castle built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, and a symbol of British power.
Meanwhile, on the same day, Google published a Doodle in India to celebrated one of Urdu literature’s iconic poets, Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan, known most commonly as Ghalib (meaning conqueror).
It has been a royal residence since 1066 when William the Conqueror, the Norman king who invaded England and from whom all subsequent monarchs trace their lineage, built a castle.
He could not make it past the first round, and when it was over, both he and his conqueror, Juan Martín del Potro, were in tears in Rio de Janeiro.
Three men claimed the throne, but eventually it came down to a hilltop fight between William, who would become William the Conqueror, and an Anglo-Saxon king named Harold Godwinson.
Mr. Biden was treated as a conqueror after the best 24 hours of his campaign, with mobs of well-wishers and supporters crowding him as he entered the church building.
» But some of the breeziness is overdone («It wasn’t until that crazy William the Conqueror busted onto the English-speaking scene»), and she overuses «dude» as a synonym for «man.
Before physicists established that the sound came from sand grains rubbing against each other, legends about its origins abounded, some claiming the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan was buried beneath it.
Williams, who suffered her earliest Grand Slam exit since Wimbledon 2014, was given a standing ovation as she walked off Court Philippe Chatrier while sections of the crowd jeered her conqueror.
He needed one break in each set to subdue former runner-up Tsonga and will face either Murray’s conqueror Jordan Thompson of Australia or American Sam Querrey in the quarter-finals.
To that end, it sponsored armed groups that would do its bidding in Syria, groups named for Ottoman rulers like the Sultan Murad Brigade and the Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror Brigade.
In October of that same year, the Norman invasion at the Battle of Hastings took the life of King Harold II, and William the Conqueror was crowned king on Christmas Day.
Rashad Evans You may have deduced by now that Evans was a winner of The Ultimate Fighter himself as mentioned earlier on in this piece—and latterly the conqueror of Griffin.
Three hundred years ago, Aegon the Conqueror and his two Targaryen sisters/wives (yes, he married his siblings) climbed aboard their dragons and conquered Westeros, as one does when one has dragons.
The reference in «Turandot» to a woman abducted and raped in ancient times by a brutal conqueror is distressingly contemporary, as is the idea of a woman coerced by an aggressive suitor.
«As I hammered in the last bolt and staggered over the rim, it was not at all clear to me who was the conqueror and who was the conquered,» Harding said afterward.
Speculation linking the tomb to Alexander the Great set off huge media interest, but archaeologists later concluded that it had probably been built for a close companion of the king and conqueror.
Still, the conqueror of the known world is ranked much higher than other leaders with similar numbers, including the Japanese Shogun Tokugawa, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, and Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart.
«Conqueror» is the pop bait for a more introspective album, full of thoughts about solitude, loss, mortality and the tenacity — signaled by the music as much as the words — to endure them.
Serena and Gauff were joined by four more fellow Americans — Alison Riske, 2017 U.S. Open champion Sloane Stephens, title holder Angelique Kerber’s conqueror Lauren Davis and Danielle Collins — in the last 32.
Piers Morgan, the one-time conqueror of Gene Simmons and Stephen Baldwin in «The Celebrity Apprentice,» has long since appointed himself as spokesman for the most disgruntled faction of Arsenal’s fan base.
It was the laugh of a benevolent conqueror, or of a man who landed the Robinson role within two years of moving to Los Angeles — both rows of teeth, steady eye contact.
Williams’ conqueror in last year’s controversial final, Naomi Osaka, 21, meets tennis’ newest sensation, Coco Gauff, 15, in a highly anticipated clash Saturday and the 37-year-old hinted she’d be watching.
If all goes as planned and he becomes king after the reigns of his grandfather Prince Charles and his father Prince William, George will be the 43rd monarch since William the Conqueror.
It’s ghastly and cruel and one of the few instances when this reader felt authentic emotional recoil because, yes, that is exactly the kind of depravity in which a brutal conqueror might engage.
Putin’s actions in Ukraine, however, may have sufficiently cemented his reputation as a conqueror, so that he can afford to make a limited territorial concession in exchange for much needed financial and political benefits.
When he was paired with fifth-seeded Milos Raonic for the second round of this year’s United States Open, it looked as if the name of another conqueror would be added to his list.
Gauff, the 15-year-old American sensation, set up a blockbuster rematch with her U.S. Open conqueror Osaka by beating Romania’s Sorana Cirstea 4-6 6-3 7-5 at a heaving Melbourne Arena.
The victory in 1066 by Duke William of Normandy, known as William the Conqueror, over Anglo-Saxon King Harold was the start of the Norman conquest which transformed England’s language, laws, customs and architecture.
It’s made out of all the swords surrendered to this dude name Aegon the Conqueror after he conquered Westeros and united the Seven Kingdoms and—sorry, this is all the stuff that is completely unimportant.
From Robert Baratheon all the way back to Aegon the Conqueror, kings have earned their place on the Iron Throne through sheer bravery and fortitude on the battle field—and that’s exactly what Ghost has.
Tuesday’s congestion is also expected to be worsened by crowds flocking to perform the ritual immersion in the sea of idols of the Hindu god Ganesh, the conqueror of obstacles, in a major annual festival.
Launched in the southern Philippines on June 20, the paper, whose name means «The Conqueror» in Arabic, is also distributed in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and southern Thailand, the Straits Times newspaper said this month.
While Djokovic’s unlikely conqueror, the American Sam Querrey, who is ranked No. 41, made the morning-after rounds in television and radio studios, some of the potential beneficiaries tried to play it cool in the sunshine.
«She wanted to learn about every one of them from William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Victoria, George, and of course Elizabeth II.»She has even worked on speaking in a British accent.
Literal interpretation Padukone plays Queen Padmavati, a legendary Hindu queen who set herself on fire to prevent herself from falling into the hands of invading Muslim conqueror, Alauddin Khilji, played in the movie by Ranveer Singh.
He could not make it past the first round, and when it was over, both he and his conqueror, Juan Martín del Potro, were in tears on court for very different reasons in Rio de Janeiro.
«Views» — Drake’s fourth solo album, not counting umpteen mixtapes and other ephemera — finds him a conqueror between territories: fending off attacks from below, maintaining his grip on turf he controls and wondering what might be next.
She and Dario discuss her next move: «You’re a conqueror, Daenerys Stormborn,» he says, lending some credence to the theory that Dany might in fact turn out to be the power-hungry villain of our story.
This will make for a very quiet New York Fashion Week, even taking into account Philipp Plein, whose characteristically humble self-titled show «Space Invasion: Conqueror of the Universe» will feature a guest appearance by Migos.
By the time Pop Smoke arrived at Canarsie Park, a basketball tournament was in full swing, and he was greeted as a returning conqueror, the crowds crammed around the court melting a little in his wake.
William the Conqueror, who seized the English throne by winning the Battle of Hastings in 1066, is believed to have built Battle Abbey on the site of his victory over Harold II, the Anglo-Saxon king.
Croatian Borna Coric, conqueror of world number one Andy Murray in the third round, plays Dominic Thiem of Austria later on Friday with the winner meeting German Alexander Zverev or Pablo Cuevas of Uruguay in the semis.
The Malaysian’s conqueror at successive world championship finals in 218-15, the rangy Chinese was majestic in the 21-18 21-18 title-decider, soaking up fierce pressure and smashing through Lee’s defenses at a heaving Riocentro.
The typically reserved Krickstein took a moment to inform her that he had actually been a top-10 player, the winner of nine ATP events and the first-round conqueror of Andre Agassi at that 1991 Open.
Von Sydow played Father Merrin in The Exorcist and was nominated for two Oscars during his career (the only Swedish actor to be nominated), for Pelle the Conqueror in 1987 and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close in 2011.
There, I paid homage to one of the few extant copies of the 1215 Magna Carta, as well as the original Domesday Book from 1086, a survey of British lands and people commissioned by William the Conqueror.
Venus Williams’ eighth-seeded conqueror Bacsinszky, describing herself as «a chameleon» who can adapt to «every type of court», will next face Dutch outsider Kiki Bertens who downed American 15th seed Madison Keys 7-6(4) 63-3.
Over e-mail, he writes at length about the Persian conqueror Cyrus the Great and argues that the violin (common in Western classical music) was copied from a Middle Eastern and Central Asian stringed instrument called the rebab.
A lot of that belief comes in the knowledge that should he navigate his way past Cilic, waiting for him in the semi-finals will be either Djokovic’s conqueror, American 28th seed Sam Querrey, or Canadian Milos Raonic.
The EP’s seven tracks took the band nearly three years to craft (understandable given the members’ other commitments and well-documented perfectionism) and exist as a sort of dual continuation of both Conqueror and Blasphemy’s now-classic sounds.
Lourdes Caban, 41, a hairdresser who works at a salon near the Triangle, said she grew up in Puerto Rico with the belief that Columbus was more of a conqueror of the native Taino people than a discoverer.
Aside from being the most impassioned fleet — an  important quality for pre-modern militaries — Dany’s proven herself a conqueror with the most diverse army; the Dothraki’s equivalent to huns or mongols, and her Unsullied equivalent the elite Persian Immortals.
After Aegon the Conqueror united Westeros under one king, the Targaryen dynasty continued to use dragons to enforce their rule until a civil war called the Dance of the Dragons decimated the population of royal Targaryens and dragons alike.
Anna Claire Cantrell hasn&apost let her age stop her from learning everything there is to know about the British royal family, or from educating her classmates on every royal throughout history, from William the Conqueror to Meghan Markle.
The bespectacled 21-year-old, conqueror of six-times Australian Open winner Novak Djokovic, suffered from blisters on his foot before retiring from the match while trailing 6-1 5-2 against 19-times grand slam champion Roger Federer.
Among other objects, William the Conqueror is thought to have gifted relics of several of the Holy Innocents — infant boys slaughtered in Bethlehem on the orders of King Herod — to the monastery, according to a statement from English Heritage.
And so a broad reconsideration of Bloomberg’s news and media offerings fell to Mr. Micklethwait, 53, a relative of the Duke of Norfolk and a descendant of William the Conqueror, the nobleman who led the Norman Conquest of Britain in 1066.
His Swiss conqueror snatched a pulsating fourth-set tiebreak 22013-9 before winning 6-7(4) 4-6 20013-3 7-6(9) 6-3 to reach his 11th Wimbledon semi-final and keep up the tilt for an eighth title.
To give you an idea of how grand and ancient this place is: William the Conqueror chose the location after invading England in 1066 because it was near London and had a sweet forest for hunting right on its doorstep.
A son of William the Conqueror, who ascended to the throne after the death of his elder brother William II, Henry has been described as a usurper because he seized the crown while another elder brother was away on a Crusade.
The next day, he visited the tomb not of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey’s founder, but the tomb of Mehmed II, known as the Conqueror, the 15th-century Ottoman sultan whose imperial armies marched westward from Constantinople as far as Bosnia.
MELBOURNE (Reuters) — Rafa Nadal paid the ultimate respect to his Australian Open conqueror Dominic Thiem on Wednesday, seeing something of himself in the hard-working Austrian after falling short in a quarter-final classic under the lights on Rod Laver Arena.
OXON HILL, Md. — President Donald Trump arrived at the Conservative Political Action Conference as a conqueror, not just of Hillary Clinton and all other 2016 contenders, but of any rival visions for what the modern Republican Party should stand for.
A velociraptor surveys a sprawl of suburbia from the top of a ridge like an arriving conqueror, while the aquatic nightmare that is the mosasaurus emerges out of a wave by a beach, poised to devour surfers like so many passed apps.
How the Seven Kingdoms match up nicely to the seven kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons (the Heptarchy period), how the real life Vikings were like the Ironborn, and who Aegon Targaryen might’ve been (William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England).
The tiebreak left Kohlschreiber running on empty in the third set and Murray needed just another 30 minutes to secure a meeting with seventh-seeded Frenchman Lucas Pouille, who beat Federer’s Russian conqueror Evgeny Donskoy 6-4 5-7 7-6(2).
But, the conqueror of Rousimar Palhares opted to pull out of the fight with Ayari due to receiving medical treatment prior to signing with the UFC—treatment which could have been at odds with the UFC-accredited US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).
His offices are full of reminders, as if arranged by a set decorator, that Icahn is a conqueror: the walls are lined with oil paintings depicting famous battles, as well as framed stock certificates and other trophies from companies that he has subdued.
That Luiz — a player who, more than most, this summer came to symbolize English football’s spendthrift culture, its obsession with acquisition, its buying for the sake of buying — still finished on the losing side, though, felt instructive, given the identity of Chelsea’s conqueror.
Zverev, who did not face a break point all tournament, broke again right at the start of the second but squandered the chance of a double-break two games later as Thiem, conqueror of Rafael Nadal in the last eight, hung on.
They are named 1086 after the year the Nyetimber estate was cited in the Domesday Book, the survey of England ordered by William the Conqueror, and are priced well beyond other English wines, about $190 for the white and $20163 for the rosé.
To be fair, one could say the same of Camus, when he asserts, in «The Myth of Sisyphus,» that «the absurd man» should try out, in the name of freedom, a variety of roles: the conqueror, the seducer, the actor, and the writer.
Playlist: «She Tides the Deep» / «Procession a la Guillotine» / «Hiroshima» / «Siberia» / «Seth» / «Spoils to the Conqueror» / «Undertow/Lambs — Part 4» / «Queen of Antlers» /»Torch» / «The Mountain» Spotify | Apple Music The fact is, there’s no way to recreate Jucifer’s live show in the studio.
The legendary Aegon the Conqueror on his ferocious dragon, Balerion the Black Dread This one comes with an asterisk because while the summary for Fire and Blood explicitly teases learning the «origin of Daenerys’s three dragon eggs,» Martin later shied away from outright confirmation.
Mr Murray’s conqueror, Mischa Zverev, is one of the few active players to rely heavily on the serve-and-volley tactic, and Coco Vandeweghe, the American who eliminated Ms Kerber, has used a cannonball serve to record her only career titles on speedy grass courts.
With a moving performance of Estelle’s «Conqueror,» the 16-year-old singer, who nearly died in a fatal plane crash, once again impressed Howie Mandel, Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum and Mel B during night one of the 12th season of the NBC reality competition show.
We don’t know a lot of details about Kamehameha’s violent campaigns — since less developed societies did not write as much down as, say, Christopher Columbus or Thomas Jefferson — but we can assume that he, as a king and conqueror, oversaw mass enslavement, rape and torture.
Domesday Book, through which William the Conqueror made legible the English lands he had invaded in 1066, was concerned almost entirely with primary landowners; peasants are listed by first name—a very vague form of identity—along with other assets such as land and mills.
He could withstand the grappling pressure of the likes of Benson Henderson and Gilbert Melendez—who are both great wrestlers in their own right—but Pettis couldn’t withstand the wrestling of Alvarez nor the constant pressure provided by his conqueror as champion in dos Anjos.
It was as if keyboardist Danalogue the Conqueror and drummer Betamax Killer crafted the setting for saxophonist King Shabaka to come in with his raw, wailing horn, taking us to distant realms we were able to sense, somehow, on more than an auditory level.
Viewers are first greeted with sweeping views of the glass-and-steel skyscrapers and bridges of the London skyline, before Mr. Eyre’s camera alights on the Tower of London, a symbol of military might since William the Conqueror erected fortifications on the site in 1066.
Progressive historians — admittedly in the minority still — are trying to educate Pakistani students about their country’s ancient history and religions, after years of being told that Pakistan’s history begins only with the invasion of Sindh by the Arab conqueror Muhammed bin Qasim in A.D. 711.
It starts with Aegon the Conqueror, the first Targaryen king of Westeros who conquered Westeros with his siblings, and it goes all the way through Aerys II, the Mad King, who GOT fans will recognize as Daenerys’ father and the last of the Targaryen kings.
In the books, Nymeria’s deadly wolf pack is causing all sorts of mayhem in the Riverlands, and it’s speculated she’ll either come back to fight alongside Arya in the battle against the dead or even fight in a battle against a different conqueror, Daenerys Targaryen.
CreditCreditLynsey Addario for The New York Times In an old part of Istanbul, in a district named Fatih for the Muslim conqueror, tucked inside ancient Byzantine walls in a neighborhood known as Karagumruk, there is a narrow barbershop with pistachio green and glittery countertops called Golden Scissors.
The disembodied narrator also muses on the interplay between the cultural understanding of such events and their lingering effects, such as how years after shooting the 1956 Genghis Khan film The Conqueror near a former nuclear test site, John Wayne and 90 other crew members developed cancer.
With Trump’s incessant self-congratulating reveries about his Electoral College upset, he presents himself as some magical conqueror, but his tally of electors was decidedly un-magical in the context of the last four decades and even less charmed when one examines the vote count behind it.
She is a bundle of paradoxes that naturally occur all the time in real life but less frequently on the big screen: damaged yet strong; prickly yet vulnerable; brilliant about so many things, yet apparently clueless when it comes to human interaction; both a victim and a conqueror.
«Fire & Blood» starts off with Aegon the Conqueror, creator of the Iron Throne, and goes on to recount the generations of Targaryens who fought to hold the throne, all the way up to the civil war, known as the Dance of the Dragons, that nearly tore their dynasty apart.
Against the backdrop of Italian, Chinese and European flags, a host of Chinese and Italian ministers and business leaders signed 29 separate agreements at the Villa Madama, marking the culmination of Mr. Xi’s visit to Rome, where he was welcomed as a prized ally and, critics said, conqueror.
Evander Holyfield — the former four-time heavyweight champion and two-time conqueror of Mike Tyson who amassed hundreds of millions of dollars in his boxing career — went to the closet in a hotel room across from Kennedy Airport on Wednesday afternoon and retrieved an iron and ironing board.
LONDON — The Bayeux Tapestry, an 19663th-century treasure showing the tale of how William the Conqueror came to invade England in 1066, is set to be displayed in Britain after France agreed it could leave the country for the first time in 950 years, French officials said Wednesday.
Cotton fields flashed by in the blue of morning until we finally reached Samarkand, a city as old as Rome or Babylon, whose architectural riches surpass even Bukhara’s — many built by Timur (also known as Tamerlane), the Turco-Mongol conqueror of the late Middle Ages who made it his capital.
On the contrary, we admired the heroic names that Rukorera had given to his big, strapping sons—the names of famous ancient warriors in epic poems: Impangazamurego, he who is armed with a powerful bow; Rugeramibungo, he who has perfect aim; Rutiru-kayimpunzi, he who never flees; and Rwasabahizi, conqueror of conquerors.
But rather than using a horn to turn the tide of battle, TV-Euron simply got to fight a dragon-less fleet and has made no mention of any such horn — suggesting a significantly simplified role in the show plot that positions him as an ally to Cersei rather than a sovereign conqueror.
Aegon the Conqueror took Westeros with three dragons and a relatively small number of troops by offering the great lords of the realm a simple deal: Either bend the knee (as the scions of Houses Stark, Tully, and Lannister did) and keep your lands and titles or else be burned to death.
«America’s love affair with sport hunting,» Dray writes, «led to enhanced appreciation of the great outdoors, and to public acceptance of the need for management of wildlife populations and wilderness; but it also contributed to the wholesale slaughter of birds and animal species,» and fed the myth of the American as heroic conqueror.
Then, with the prince still in earshot — still climbing his way back to the castle because William the Conqueror built his fortress on a hill, and so the road leading to its modern gates is steep and awkward to navigate in dress shoes — a wave of furious boos swelled up from the crowd.
According to NPR, the full title was His Excellency President for Life Field Marshal Al Hadji Dr. Idi Amin, VC, DSO, MC, King of Scotland Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and UGANDA in Particular.
In her latest novel, Sarah Dunant returns to the Borgias, that flamboyant family of 15th-century clerics and cutthroats, a larger-than-life clan that includes Pope Alexander VI, also known as Rodrigo; his son Cesare, a reluctant cardinal turned conqueror; and the infamous Lucrezia, whose reputation Dunant has done much to restore.
Henley’s Dream» ( The Getty Address), «Not Having Found» ( The Getty Address), «Tour Along the Potomac» ( The Getty Address), «Drilling Profitably» ( The Getty Address), «The Bride» ( Bitte Orca), «Gun Has No Trigger» ( Swing Lo Magellan), «Just From Chevron» ( Swing Lo Magellan), «Maybe That Was It» ( Swing Lo Magellan), «Keep Your Name» ( Dirty Projectors), «Zombie Conqueror (Feat.
This is a thing that greatness can do to people, and it is a reason why most happy people, at some point in their lives, realize that they would prefer to be good—to be kind, to be present, to be a friend or a partner or a helpmeet, instead of being a conqueror.
He skirts styles like Laurel Canyon folk-pop in «You’re the One,» the Beach Boys in «Blue Bird,» British trad-rock in «Zombie Conqueror,» pop-soul in «What Is the Time» and Gil Evans-tinged ensemble arrangements in «(I Wanna) Feel It All,» though he skews all of them toward asymmetry and surprise tangents.
Ultimately, for these books and show to come to a satisfying end, someone needs to become a Robert the Bruce or a William the Conqueror, a medieval politician who understands the right balance of genuine public spiritedness, utter ruthlessness, general competence, coalition-building, loyalty-maintenance, and charismatic leadership to win as both of those men did.
History is political, because it’s about power and the victor, the conquered and the conqueror, the ‘savage’ and the ‘civilized’ and in the telling of Africa’s history, ‘savages’ and losers don’t write history so the names of many philanthropists, teachers, healers, artists, activists, scientists, creators, queens and kings of societies in Africa have ceased to exist.

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