Sentence with the word conclude

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The two parties to part-time employment may conclude an oral agreement.

Стороны при найме на неполный рабочий день могут заключить соглашение в устной форме.

Egalitarians may thus conclude that distributive justice is always comparative.

Таким образом, сторонники эгалитаризма могут заключить, что дистрибутивная справедливость всегда является сравнительной.

Ukrainians are sufficiently intelligent to conclude honest, transparent contracts.

Украинцы достаточно умны для того, чтобы заключать честные, прозрачные контракты.

It encourages States to conclude bilateral, regional or multilateral agreements to further protect overseas domestic workers.

В Конвенции содержится призыв к государствам заключать двусторонние, региональные и многосторонние соглашения, с тем чтобы обеспечить дополнительную защиту тем, кто работает за границей в качестве домашних работников.

From this one could conclude that he finances his political activities.

Из этого можно было бы сделать вывод, что он сам финансирует свою политическую деятельность.

Someone might conclude that sharks are not for them.

Кто-то может сделать вывод, что акулы — это не для них.

Authors conclude that violence by women is not primarily defensive.

Авторы заключают, что женское насилие, прежде всего, далеко не оборона.

Thus, they conclude that genetic divergence precedes species divergence.

Таким образом, они заключают, что генетическая дивергенция предшествует дивергенции видов.

He used these observations to conclude that the figurines were not ancient.

Он использовал эти наблюдения, чтобы сделать вывод, что фигурки не были древними.

They should also undertake to conclude corresponding international and legally binding instruments.

Они должны также предпринять усилия для того, чтобы заключить соответствующие международные юридически обязательные документы.

I must conclude you are deceased.

I conclude they are in favour of inequality reduction by magic.

Из этого я заключаю, что они хотят сократить неравенство с помощью волшебства .

Parents or other legal representatives conclude transactions on behalf of minors aged under 14.

От имени несовершеннолетних, которым не исполнилось 14 лет, сделки заключают их родители или другие законные представители.

Therefore, officials hesitated to conclude that simultaneous implementation worked well for them.

Поэтому эти сотрудники не были готовы заключить, что одновременное осуществление в их случае прошло удачно.

We conclude that electronic cigarettes show tremendous promise in the fight against tobacco-related morbidity and mortality.

«Мы заключаем, что электронные сигареты показывают огромные перспективы в борьбе против заболеваемости и смертности, связанные с табачной зависимостью.

So we conclude 3) that everything was accomplished.

Таким образом, мы заключаем З., Что все было выполнено.

Thus we can conclude that it is autosomal Dominant.

Таким образом, мы можем сделать вывод, что ген волшебства является аутосомным и доминирующим.

Companies conclude these contracts with Governments which represent the State.

Фактически, фирмы заключают договоры с правительствами, которые действуют от имени государства.

From this we can conclude that Ferdinand very well sponsored it.

Из этого можно сделать вывод, что Фердинанд очень даже неплохо его спонсировал.

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заключать, выводить, заканчивать, заканчиваться, делать вывод, решать


- заканчивать, завершать

to conclude a lecture [an argument, a chapter, a letter, a composition] — закончить лекцию [спор, главу, письмо, сочинение]
to conclude a sitting [a meeting, a trial] — закончить /закрыть/ заседание [собрание, судебное разбирательство]
he concluded his address with a poem — он закончил свою речь стихами
to conclude — итак, в заключение (в конце речи)

- заканчиваться, завершаться

the meeting concluded in uproar — собрание кончилось бурно
the concert concluded with the National Anthem — концерт завершился исполнением государственного гимна

- заключать

to conclude a treaty [a contract, a bargain, peace] — заключить договор [контракт, сделку, мир]

- прийти к заключению, (с)делать вывод

what do you conclude from his behaviour? — какой вы делаете вывод из его поведения?
the jury concluded from the evidence that the defendant was not guilty — на основании материалов дела присяжные пришли к выводу, что подсудимый невиновен

- решать, принимать решение (что-л. сделать)

I concluded not to go — я решил не ехать
it was concluded to bring him to trial — было решено привлечь его к суду

Мои примеры


to conclude an agreement — заключить договор, соглашение  
to conclude peace — заключить мир  
to conclude / sign a contract — заключить, подписать договор  
to make / conclude / close / clinch a deal with smb. — заключить сделку с кем-л.  
to come to / conclude / enter into / negotiate / reach / work out an agreement — заключить договор  
to conclude a lecture — закончить лекцию  
to conclude a sitting — закончить /закрыть/ заседание  
to conclude examination — закончить допрос  
to conclude a treaty — заключить договор  
conclude a contract — заключать контракт  

Примеры с переводом

The meeting concluded at noon.

Встреча завершилась в полдень.

Each chapter concludes with a short summary.

Каждая глава завершается кратким резюме.

We concluded the meeting on a happy note.

Мы закончили встречу на счастливой ноте.

Their effort to conclude an agreement was a success.

Их попытки заключить соглашение увенчались успехом.

Many studies have concluded that smoking is dangerous.

Многие исследования пришли к выводу, что курение опасно.

They concluded an economic agreement.

Они заключили экономическое соглашение.

To conclude, I’d like to express my thanks to my family.

В заключение, я хотел бы выразить благодарность своей семье.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We concluded a cease-fire

She concluded by saying she was proud to be from Salford.

Francis, having concluded his business with James, left for Miami.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

concluding  — заключение, заключительный, завершающий, конечный, окончательный, последний

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: conclude
he/she/it: concludes
ing ф. (present participle): concluding
2-я ф. (past tense): concluded
3-я ф. (past participle): concluded

What do you conclude from that?
Что вы заключили из этого?

Trade negotiations are hard enough to conclude.
Торговые переговоры довольно трудно завершить.

In your opinion, could one conclude this was done for sexual gratification?
На ваш взгляд, можно сделать вывод, что это было сделано для сексуального удовлетворения?

Some people conclude that markets are simply irrational.
Некоторые делают вывод, что рынки просто иррациональны.

But more importantly, have you made me want to know how it will all conclude in the long-term?
Но даже не это главное. Вы вызвали во мне желание узнать, чем всё закончится?

Let us conclude with an agreement.
Давайте заключим с ним соглашение.

So I want to conclude with two things.
Так что я хотела бы завершить двумя вещами.

From these uncertainties, we can conclude that the West is not a geographic entity.
Из этой неопределенности можно сделать вывод, что Запад — это не географическое образование.

But it would be premature to conclude that traditional banking has yielded to new financial platforms.
Но было бы преждевременно делать вывод, что традиционный банкинг уступил новым финансовым платформам.

Conclude this so-called «development round» successfully, and you will lift hundreds of millions of farmers in poor countries out of poverty and ensure that globalization remains alive.
Предполагается, что если так называемый «Этап развития» закончится успешно, миллионы фермеров бедных стран выйдут из бедности, а глобализация продолжит идти своим чередом.

Compulsion to conclude a marriage shall be prohibited”.
Принуждение к заключению брака запрещается».

The process of adopting its regulating texts will conclude next February.
Процесс принятия документов, регулирующих ее деятельность, будет завершен в следующую пятницу.

They might conclude similarly that E.U. sanctions do not represent its members’ interests.
Точно так же они могут сделать вывод о том, что санкции ЕС не представляют интересов его членов.

Manning and Cohen conclude, “premarital cohabitation was not linked to marital stability for women or men.”
Мэннинг и Коэн делают вывод о том, что «сожительство до брака не влияет на прочность семейных отношений как среди женщин, так и среди мужчин».

Recalling that the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People would conclude in December 2004, several favourable institutional developments had been established that would benefit indigenous peoples, both internationally and at home.
Напоминая, что Международное десятилетие коренных народов мира заканчивается в декабре 2004 года, Верховный комиссар замечает, что оно было отмечено многими благоприятными для данных народов организационными улучшениями на национальном и международном уровнях.

We recommend that you conclude a service contract.
Мы рекомендуем Вам заключить договор на сервис.

It is currently projected that the demining operations could conclude in 2007.
На сегодня расчетная дата завершения операций по разминированию — 2007 год.

I can only conclude that you somehow revived my father and then spirited him away.
Я могу сделать вывод, что вы каким-то образом воскресили моего отца и затем его и след простыл.

Nonetheless, it would be a mistake to conclude that weakening competition is driving these unusual economic trends.
Тем не менее, было бы неверно делать вывод, будто эти необычные экономические тенденции вызваны ослаблением конкуренции.

Possibility to conclude REPO and REVERSE REPO transactions;
Возможность заключения сделок РЕПО и REVERSE РЕПО;


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

And, let us conclude the negotiations on a convention against forced disappearances.


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А также давайте завершим переговоры о конвенции по борьбе с насильственными исчезновениями.


We therefore conclude that for purposes of diversity jurisdiction,

Americold’s members include its shareholders.


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Поэтому мы делаем вывод, что для целей юрисдикции разнообразия,

члены Americold включают своих акционеров.


We conclude our walk in the Gothic Quarter, near the beach.


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Завершим нашу прогулку в Готическом Квартале недалеко от пляжа.


The Conference will, in a few days, conclude its 1995 session.


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Через несколько дней Конференция завершит свою сессию 1995 года.


The General Assembly will continue and conclude the debate on this item tomorrow afternoon.


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Генеральная Ассамблея продолжит и завершит прения завтра во второй половине дня.


This will conclude her investigations programme.


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Этим будет завершена ее программа по расследованиям.


Before we conclude for today, I just want to make some brief remarks.


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Прежде чем мы завершим сегодня, мне просто хотелось бы высказать коекакие краткие замечания.


In the end, we conclude that making seeds grow is hard work.


The Committee will continue consideration of and conclude this item at its meeting tomorrow morning.


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Завтра утром Комитет продолжит и завершит рассмотрение данного вопроса.


Ix. authority to negotiate and conclude agreements for.


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IX. Полномочия по ведению переговоров и заключению соглашений.


Hence, I conclude that a programmer wanted to reset the buffer,

but occasionally nullified the pointer.


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Отсюда я делаю вывод, что хотели обнулить буфер, но случайно обнулили указатель.


If it does not

bear the feel of truthfulness then you may conclude that it is false.

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Если нет ощущения правды, тогда можете делать вывод, что это ложь.

With this I conclude the business of today.


Each year, we conclude our summer with a very special presentation.

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Каждый год мы завершаем наше лето… особым представлением.

We never conclude any agreements with our Competitors of fixed prices or restrictions on trade.


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Мы не заключаем с Конкурентами соглашений о фиксированных ценах или ограничении торговли.


I conclude my speech, therefore, on this note of hope.


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Поэтому я завершаю свое выступление на этой ноте надежды.


Conclude and sign memoranda of understanding with relevant organizations,

institutions and federations;


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Заключает и подписывает меморандумы о взаимопонимании с соответствующими организациями,

учреждениями и федерациями;


With this I conclude our business for today.


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На этом я завершаю наши дела на сегодня.


From this I conclude that the vacuum does exist.

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Из этого я заключаю, что вакуум действительно существует.

You conclude this because it acts as a body.

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Вы заключаете это исходя из того, что оно ведет себя как тело.

In most cases, parties that conclude a business agreement prepare and sign the agreement.


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Чаще всего стороны, заключающие деловое соглашение, составляют и подписывают договор.


From which I conclude the departed’s name is Ned.

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Из чего я заключил, что имя покойного Нэд Мэйсон.

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Таким образом, мы завершаем свою работу на сегодня.


With those brief remarks, I conclude our business for today.


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Этими краткими замечаниями я завершаю наши дела на сегодня.


The tasks of the republican action»Conclude an employment contract» are.


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Задачами республиканской акции« Заключите трудовой договор» являются.


Aristocrats conclude an agreement that loser side have to perform.


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Аристократы заключали соглашение, о выполнении каких-либо обязательств проигравшим спор.


I conclude that he does not belong On the waiting list.

I conclude with some thoughts about what all this means for UNCTAD.


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Завершаю я свой анализ некоторыми соображениями по поводу того, что же все это значит для ЮНКТАД.


Conclude a bet and earn fame and fortune,

plunging into a game full of excitement.


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Заключай пари и зарабатывай славу и богатства,

погружаясь в игру, полную азарта.


He won’t conclude his business there until Nightday

Feeling about ten years old, I glance conspiratorially at Stephen and conclude from his expression that he feels much the same

I could conclude this chapter

It was last spotted at the exit they took, and it was a no-brainer to conclude the car had traveled to the Watson’s home not two miles away from there

Contemplating the subject one evening as I sweep the hall, I conclude that the one consolation about sex in one’s later years is the fact one cannot get pregnant

How? It is because when you examine the life of Paul and the words that he wrote to the Churches abroad, you find that his character is so Christ-like that we must conclude he and Christ were indeed one

To conclude I will list the five basic Yoga rules for the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease

Some people start with a half-hearted round or two of tapping and conclude that it doesn‘t work, but some issues can be

doubt it for a moment, and was eager to conclude the deal

agitated and impatient to conclude their transaction at

As always, I conclude that, whatever the rights and wrongs of it, I love that man and as long as he wants me I shall be there for him

All that success led her new, more understanding, probation officer to conclude that Hankins’

I shall conclude this long chapter with observing, that though anciently it was usual to rate

Several writers, therefore, being misled by this faulty transcription, very naturally conclude that the middle price, or six shillings the quarter, equal to about eighteen shillings of our present money, was the ordinary or average price of wheat at that time

} to conclude from this, that three shillings was the highest price to which wheat ever rose in those times, and that tenpence, a shilling, or at most two shillings, were the ordinary prices

I shall conclude this very long chapter with observing, that every improvement in the circumstances of the society tends, either directly or indirectly, to raise the real rent of land to increase the real wealth of the landlord, his power of purchasing the labour, or the produce of the labour of other people

conclude the accountants will record in registers

they would conclude the democrats are better

If we follow this line of reasoning, we have to conclude that, at a certain point in the past, there was no time, no space, no energy, and no substance, which leads us to an irresolvable moot point

Hence we are allowed to conclude that ‘Parents are the persons most trusted and in the most favorable situation to help their children improve their condition and abilities’

To conclude on a more optimistic note, here is a

feared that some survivor from her clan would track her all the way to Ithaca, and then conclude she’d perished

We can soundly conclude that

Given the way in which you perceive the world, how much can you really know about it? I hope you can conclude that there is a lot more you could know, right now, if only you open yourself to looking, listening, and experiencing the world as it is

I cannot conclude this chapter concerning bounties, without observing, that the praises which have been bestowed upon the law which establishes the bounty upon the exportation of corn, and upon that system of regulations which is connected with it, are altogether unmerited

From that last thought, you can instantly conclude that the number of opt-ins is gonna be determined by two things ONLY —

Chris was beginning to conclude that it could not be a natural phenomenon, for two reasons

Then the beautiful melancholy of a cliff-faced beach just after an October sunset; as if this is how life should conclude

Whatever human reason could either conclude or conjecture concerning them, made, as it were, two chapters, though no doubt two very important ones, of the science which pretended to give an account of the origin and revolutions of the great system of the universe

So, if the speed of light can be varied, can we conclude with absolute certainty that the beam of light we observe has not been affected by any gravitational influence? How has the second law of Thermodynamics affected the speed of light over time?7 Since we cannot accurately measure the change today, due to a lack of time, is it safe to assume that the speed of light has always been constant?

If the answers to all these questions are “yes”: then we can conclude, without any doubt, that the information contained in the Bible is not just some mythical convolution of ideas conjured up by weird and fanatical people from the past and put together in a collection over many centuries

This is something that throughout history, would have been humanly impossible to obtain; even with the best technology available to us today, can we with absolute certainty conclude that, as mere mortals, we would in no way be able to get even close to reproducing an artefact of similar qualities

Returning to the differences between Evolution and Creationism — given the information as described above — I think it is reasonable to conclude that the differences between the two views are demonstrably irreconcilable

Rom 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law

Great Britain seems to support with ease, a burden which, half a century ago, nobody believed her capable of supporting, Let us not, however, upon this account, rashly conclude that she is capable of supporting any burden; nor even be too confident that she could support

Thus, the results of a recent poll conclude that only 16% of voters believe that congressional incumbents should be re-elected

Remember the Tony Bennett song of the 1950″s? Well, let»s turn it around, considering the Obama administration, and conclude that, if he has his way, it will be the turning of riches to rags

“It’s a leap of logic to conclude that the ship that’s been following us is a forerunner for an

We pray Your Most Gracious Majesty to know that we have appointed our trusty and well beloved, grandson, Prince John Ossoo Ansah, son of the late Prince Ansah, of Ashanti, on our behalf to lay before your Majesty divers matters affecting the good estate of our kingdom and the well-being of our subjects, with full power for the said Prince Ansah as our ambassador extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to negotiate and conclude all such treaties relating to the furtherance of trade and all matters therewith connected as your Majesty shall be pleased to entertain

Then he injected him behind the ear with a compound that would lead the pathologist to conclude that Holland had died of paracetamol poisoning

The transitioning from one form of social and cultural expression to another may properly conclude a chapter in that society‘s historical progression however not the end of that society, per se, although it may very well mark the end of that society as it was formerly understood

Hillenbrand would conclude that an old signal tower, once build upon the place of atavistic pagan

Thus we can conclude there is no duty (by law) on you to escape

I would like to conclude by saying that I wish Mr

Peace talks had been in a stalemate for months, though they would finally conclude in July

Based on the above definition of hatred, we can conclude

He was hiding something about it and walking around with that self-contented smirk that she could only conclude was defiance

“That might have sounded funny to some people in here,” he said, still gazing around the room to indicate he knew who he was talking about and disapproved, “because you conclude every briefing with these words

So, I have to conclude that the only viable course of action at this point is indeed to climb up the summit

All we need is a little time to study Edgar’s files and conclude his investigation

We conclude the subject of judgment with the question which Abraham

“It looked like her face would fall off when you said, in that big business-like voice of yours: ‘We’ll take it; however, it is necessary that we conclude this transaction tomorrow, so please have your attorney call me with the exact total I will need, as we shall pay by certified check,’” and another giggling fit consumed her

“Ugh! Where the hell have you been the last few days?” He was heartsick when he couldn’t find her, and could only conclude that she went out just before their escape from the planet

As a result, Kazowskis was more difficult to deal with, and Colling had a continuing concern as he spoke to the man that he might not be able to conclude the purchase

It took but one swallow to conclude that Toña brand was her favorite in the whole world

This leads one to conclude an inference that Cain, the firstborn, with the higher status of the two was engaged in that more important occupation

From these we can conclude that the parents, Adam and Eve, “talked” to God while in the Garden of Eden, but there is no clear statement that they did after they left

We can also conclude from the Bible, as well as from other sources, that shepherding was a largely solitary occupation that could lead to many hours of contemplative thought

All that we can conclude, as the scene abruptly shifts, is that Cain must have carried a grudge away from that confrontation

He then urged him to continue with a nod in his direction, seeing that he had been waiting for a signal to conclude his briefing, his brief pause merely an element of style:

It did not take Colling long to conclude that Pankovski was not merely curious, but that his task might be to extract information from Jerry Krazinsky

The reader may simply conclude that the writer is crazy, and that doesn’t change what happened that day at all

” It is logical to conclude that Obama understood the background and beliefs of Lisa

Jackson who he appointed as head of the EPA and it is also logical to conclude that he approves of what

We have to conclude that this attraction was

were obliterated it is easy to conclude that these bureaucrats should all be removed

From this we can conclude that the people in charge are rotten

After which he, “became…more strongly convinced that the Bible was the sole authority in the church, and he went on to conclude that the religious authority and particularly the primacy of the papacy blocked the relationship of the Lordship of Christ in the hearts of Christians and that the pope was therefore the antichrist

He continued with how his background had led him to conclude the following

So once again I will try to conclude that which probably cannot come to a conclusion within Man’s range of understanding

It is interesting to compare and conclude that this creation is totally different from the original, the first

and where they were more important, thus it is possible to conclude that there a

It took sixty-three thousand American troops, forty-three hundred American deaths and an estimated six hundred thousand Filipino deaths on Luzon alone, to conclude this unenviable chapter

There is so much more to be said, but I will conclude with the words of Yahshua:

If we accept the idea of past lives in eternity, then we can conclude that we ourselves have created every possible type of karma, both positive and negative, since time without end!

Conclude the meditation by dedicating the merit of the meditation

Some people conclude that life is unfair

Furthermore, we could conclude that this incorruptible entity can appear in the world in different bodies and at various times

He was sure they would soon conclude that I had indeed gone to the old land and give up the surveillance

«sound speech, that cannot be condemned;» Now if we are supposed to watch what we say, should we not also conclude that we are to watch what we hear?

“What about GI Jo-Jo? Did you conclude that having a demolitions expert, who just had a fight with the victim, is completely irrelevant?”

I let him know that my attorneys estimated the length of time to conclude that type of case, after appeals, to be approximately three years, and that during that time the new CD could not be released and the band could not play any of the songs in concert

As the Council was having its meeting to conclude the ending of the arrests, four shadows entered the room

I will conclude with a few remarks about preparing greens, cauliflowers, etc

We may conclude that “America” or the United States of America — not

Q: From what you say I conclude that without the body there

would have to conclude that matter is actually just a mass of stabilized light, where mass =

We can conclude consciousness is not composed of matter

Thus, one might conclude the viability of the commandment to love one’s neighbors as oneself,

Isn’t it? This time it’s going to conclude horribly for everyone

attempting to conclude in connection with the OPS investigation

It would be most appropriate to conclude here this chapter, as indeed the whole work, with a sonnet on the present book expressing the author’s wishes for the readers

Since Doc appears human, I can only conclude the answer lies with your father

No, it’s not a good time, I conclude, stepping closer to her

Emily, I conclude, staggering to the intercom

It is logical to conclude that Obama understood the background and beliefs of Lisa Jackson who he appointed as head of the EPA and it is also logical to conclude that he approves of what she is doing

As I stare at that red car, I conclude Sean couldn’t have given Zachary a better birthday present

In the 1970‘s the temperature cooled and led some ―scientists‖ to conclude that we were heading into a very bad – even cataclysmic – cold temperature that would be devastating to us

In fact we are able to conclude that he will actually take action that will reduce our energy supply

us the ability the produce wealth, they concluded that

The rest of the team was crazy, Nancy concluded instantly

“Good, because there’s no point in worrying about what’s inevitable,” Vinnie concluded

It was their faces that unnerved him the most, Scar concluded

’ Jeremy said warmly, managing to convey that he not only knows about the trials of the last few days but also that he is pleased they have concluded positively

“I felt very liberated when I had sex with two men at the same time, and I had no problem that one of them was my lover’s best friend! Now it is all crystal clear to me: Love is one thing, sex is another! There can be sex without love!” she concluded with an air of expertise

However, «Majority and/or Minority Rule» is not concluded in many churches of our Lord today

“Nondas told me the guy was making fun of us because we were talking nonsense,” she concluded

“Tomorrow morning I will let you know about our next outing!” she concluded smiling

He also acknowledged my discovery about the awareness of time and space; “Yet, if your Ego is satisfied by it, you are in danger of losing the way,” he concluded

“I don’t understand what’s the meaning of this all! Frankly, I can’t understand why this woman lives! She goes to one place; she goes to another place; so, what? All this is nothing but nonsense for people who have no reason to live!” she concluded, full of contempt for old-maid Ivy

He concluded that within the universe he was encapsulated in, there was no store of five thousand frozen zygotes, just as there was no heaven of five thousand mothers

“She will eventually regain everything; she will probably need a considerable span of time for that, but she will return,” he concluded with certainty

«The adventure I look for is orgies,» Nlara concluded

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

review – they concluded that my son was depressed

“So, there you have it, I’m afraid”, he concluded

Once the business with Shaun was concluded and Ted Line’s cards were marked, he slipped out the back door, choosing discretion rather than confrontation

“I’ll clean it up later on, then,” Alistair concluded, returning the

She wants more but she has concluded that the muscles in her father’s face have wasted away

After a few minutes indecision, he concluded

say,” Bram concluded, glancing meaningfully at his father

This, Tom concluded, was a euphemism for

She concluded that this route was less frequented than the other path she had investigated

To the right, it seemed to end at a slight jutting headland; after a moment’s reflection, she concluded that the cove must be on the other side of that

“However, with real knowledge, the knowledge that is the inalienable property of a man such that he is his knowledge, the consternation with which you have concluded is no more likely than if you were suddenly unable to remember how to make coffee in the morning

“I’m guessing, of course,” Fred concluded, “It was more than just

“After all,” Alistair concluded, “You wouldn’t want half of you

When they had both recovered themselves, the old man patted him on the back, “Having all the bits measured, cut, stacked and hidden, ready to go was a brilliant stroke my boy, simply brilliant,” concluded White Feathers

After a few moments study, he concluded that, although the

James hesitated, clearly not wanting to lie outright … clearly Chas had told him about it in a public place, the Inspector concluded

concluded that it was probably better not to know

“So the upshot of all this,” Bram concluded, “Was that the Boards

Spelman with a hint of a sigh, and that concluded the discussion

He concluded his morning meeting with heads of departments and rushed home to fetch Harry along to the railway depot for an impromptu trip back to the college

Harry concluded his story and its aftermath with the explanations as they reached a little farmhouse next to a bend in the river; he allowed himself no expectations for the exercise he’d just delivered

» Jesse concluded, taking a seat on the high backed sofa

Jameson concluded, “If you think Mr

majority of the vegetable markets having concluded their

issue and was quickly concluded

» she concluded, «Of course he’s been here a bit longer than the rest of us too

When at last all provisions for the property and estate were concluded, they boarded the train for Tahoe and did not look back

How very appropriate, do you not think? Considering also our own community’s native industry and reliance upon that season?” She concluded with the question, and left it to the group before her

” He concluded, to the younger man’s appreciation and enthusiasm for the proposal

Harold concluded his business in the city as quickly as possible and joined his wife before their daughter’s birth

Harry concluded and sat back down

texts simultaneously! He concluded that it must be the

Once that business was concluded, Saint O’Connor went over who wished to be seated where at tonight’s dinner, and asked everyone to begin requesting their seating at the ‘dinner in God’s heaven’ he was planning for the coming Sunday

“And that young man is how to begin a story,” concluded the guest

He also concluded that she’d broken her leg; of which she had no doubt, and separated her shoulder

interest in this matter concluded with the arrest of

I concluded that the plane had probably been stolen

We concluded that such encumbrances (the

A plentiful subsistence, therefore, it has been concluded, relaxes, and a scanty one quickens their industry

«That’s an odd sort of creature?» Theodorous said, having finally concluded his debate

Seth had conducted many experiments in his Earthly travels and had concluded that, with a small amount of concentration, the human beings saw the Fair Folk as tall, well muscled, handsome and blond versions of themselves

«These expeditions are long term,» Alan concluded, «but I think it is just about over now

they concluded it would be wiser to use it, with some

concluded with philosophical ideas, which I’ve

them concluded prayer without that something

, he concluded a long time ago

that the action of ejectment was invented, by which the tenant recovers, not damages only, but possession, and in which his claim is not necessarily concluded by the uncertain decision of a single assize

We have an audience with him hereafter,” he concluded in a high-pitched voice

I’m sitting in the back part of a van or something, he concluded

“There is nothing more you can do here and he’s in good hands,” he concluded with a gentle smile

Ravena hesitated then announced, “If our primary business is concluded, I would dearly love to offer a tour of my gardens

“Let’s just see if any of our pirate prey have adopted this particular neighborhood;” the Elf concluded and continued to watch each of the scenes before her—simultaneously

It is upon this principle that the treaty of commerce between England and Portugal, concluded in 1703 by Mr Methuen, has been so much commended

“So? Thank you for my birthday party,” the Elf concluded sincerely

The longer the way was by the east, Columbus very justly concluded, the shorter it would be by the west

” Tei concluded as briefly as she could manage, the others were already gathering round the smorgasbord laid out in the kitchen and out on the patio tables

“That’s who!” she concluded

She was sucking his cock! How could she be doing this while he had her tit in his mouth? Was her tit that long? It must be, he concluded

Life on Earth is about learning, and after the latest human incarnation, the spirit proceeds to a place where a review of the recently concluded life takes place

It might dispose them not only to respect, for whole centuries together, that treaty of commerce which they had concluded with us at parting, but to favour us in war as well as in trade, and instead of turbulent and factious subjects, to become our most faithful, affectionate, and generous allies; and the same sort of parental affection on the one side, and filial respect on the other, might revive between Great Britain and her colonies, which used to subsist between those of ancient Greece and the mother city from which they descended

our memory of recently concluded life

In the hereafter, there will be a review of our past incarnation, whereby the process will show clearly how we have impacted others in the recently concluded life on Earth

He mulled it over for a while longer and then gave up and concluded it was just the stress and cold getting to him

While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl, And concluded the banquet–]

A Mars trip would have taken no more than a few hours, but until the space agency had concluded their investigation, all ships were grounded

Amos» eyes looked as bright as stars themselves, as he concluded

” He reached over, patted Jesus and concluded, “I»m sure this Little One will have something to do with changing that

Logic was taught first; ontology came in the second place; pneumatology, comprehending the doctrine concerning the nature of the human soul and of the Deity, in the third; in the fourth followed a debased system of moral philosophy, which was considered as immediately connected with the doctrines of pneumatology, with the immortality of the human soul, and with the rewards and punishments which, from the justice of the Deity, were to be expected in a life to come: a short and superficial system of physics usually concluded the course

As we entered, one of the priests had just concluded a statement and looked in our direction

“We invaded at 4:30am so it was concluded that a barrage wasn’t necessary because any Turks we encountered would only be guard units

It was in the war which began in 1668, and was concluded by the treaty of Ryswick, in 1697, that the foundation of the present enormous debt of Great Britain was first laid

In the war which began in 1702, and which was concluded by the treaty of Utrecht, the public debts were still more accumulated

The Spanish war, which began in 1739, and the French war which soon followed it, occasioned a further increase of the debt, which, on the 31st of December 1748, after the war had been concluded by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, amounted to £78,293,313:1:10¾

Wars would, in general, be more speedily concluded, and less wantonly undertaken

He then concluded that the ship that had

concluded this was down to the drugs he was taking for Aids or

Captain Waddell concluded that he should board her and have a

” Frank returned from the bar with the bottles of wine and passed them out amongst us I took a long pull from the bottle and nearly spat it out the bloody stuff tasted like vinegar but after what we had supped in Egypt I concluded that it was not bad

Constitutional scholars have generally concluded

And,” I concluded, “that’s pretty much the

The authorities probably concluded that it was cheaper to cater

” I then smelled the booze across the desk and concluded that Superbowl Champion Coach Charles Francis Warren, Notre Dame, USMC…was

“No, Mister Imbrahim,” he concluded, “the deaths of her parents certainly had something to

Gerrid would be compelled to provide interesting suggestions and not contradict anything L-Seven-Six concluded

Petersburg selling memberships and houses in Moscow? And,” she concluded,

When I tell her I earn no more than 160,000 drachmas per month, she looks at me scornfully and says: “You work in the production department, I work in the sales department -that’s the difference! There is only one kind of work that’s worth the while today, and this is sales!” she concludes triumphantly

“Anyway, what is a would-be doctor good for? You should wait for him to finish his studies, and that could take ages! Like an old friend of mine, who had an affair with a medicine student, she waited for him to take his diploma, she even helped him financially to open his surgery, and in the end he dumped her! So, what did you expect? It’s a fortunate thing that he hasn’t called!” she concludes with a shrieking voice and her usual air of importance

It is at this that the age concludes and the Great White Throne judgment commences

He concludes with a notice about missing kids

He concludes, “God alone constitutes man’s happiness

below, concludes in the next chapter

After all, any book that begins: „The creation of the United States of America is the greatest of all human adventures,» and concludes with: „America is still the first best hope of the human race» shows a true lover of America and the humanity it stands for

It (MR) advances the proposition that no single value (or moral) is exceptional in itself; that is to say, (conventional) moral or ethical assumptions do not properly reflect objective or universal truths, and concludes with (N) rejecting moral authority altogether

Thus it seems that the SAP, in later years, during the 1980s, equipped their Riot Units with ineffective weapons to kill humans with and that concludes my point

Cowl concludes his argument by stating that the ―real world‖ of inner city 145

The court concludes that the parents isolated the children to their emotional detriment

―While Keith is connected to his biological family, the court concludes that, on the whole, his parents have not played and do not play a constructive role in his life

Geisler concludes with these words:[171]

“…and that concludes my report, sir

“That concludes our meeting

Sadly, Chase concludes, while public concern for improving the environment increases, public understanding of how to go about it is diminished

In his book Coercing Virtue: the Worldwide View of Judges Judge Bork concludes that what he calls the

Lomborg concludes that the world’s environment is not deteriorating, as the fund-raisers for environmental groups argue, but is in fact improving, just as Simon had said

” What Lomborg has revealed, Ridley concludes, is “a narrow but lucrative industry of environmental fund-raising that has a vested interest in claims of alarmism

He concludes that no one is willing to pay the enormous cost of reducing the CO2 emissions said to cause global warming to the degree that the frantic global warming crusade would require

So, Hayward concludes, as Lomborg might, “Deal with it

” Gaffney, President of the Center for Security Policy, concludes that Obama may have managed “the most consequential bait-and-switch” since Adolph Hitler played the trick on British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain at Munich in 1938

This concludes my free five-chapter sample of The Hidden Truth

of school-reform efforts undertaken by the 50 states, concludes that public schools are “rife with mediocrity

Maimonides concludes that if Aristotle could prove the preexistence of the universe, that he (Maimonides) would interpret scripture accordingly:

All that shit you told me Friday didn’t mean a thing”, she concludes

” Teresa leaves the room as Torin concludes his meeting and is surprised to see Sue seated in the waiting room

concludes that the shit is still ending up being real

“That concludes the presentation of gifts, with the exception of the home we others of the immediate wedding party will build in First Valley

Interestingly, this is even how Zechariah concludes his book

and that concludes the old business, gentlemen,” said the chairman

After declaring that these experiences are ‘not outside of the range of normal brain function,’ Newberg concludes that, ‘In other words, mystical experience is biologically, observably, and scientifically real

He concludes from his experiment that visual consciousness must be non-local

He concludes, ‘There must be a deeper meaning in these physical facts, a deeper truth about the simultaneous interconnection of all things

6 Gabriel Lafrenière concludes that even magnetic and electric fields may be considered standing waves

These rat studies and other studies like them, he concludes, makes it clear that there is a fundamental division in an animal’s contact with the world

Snyder’s findings support Aldous Huxley’s eliminative theory of the brain and also the extended theory presented in this book which concludes that it is due to the impairment or shutting-off of specific parts of the brain that results in mystical and psychic states; and access to information which would not normally be associated with our everyday state of consciousness

report concludes that most of these sightings were due

This concludes our discussion on morality — for the time being

He concludes that there is evidence that direct

And that concludes the ten essential rules for creating a successful newsletter

spectrum with their ‘auric eyesight ’ He concludes that from this study,

concludes that ‘anything that can interpenetrate a wall must have very lit-

Burr concludes that the fate of any group of cells in an embryo is not

filed by Ford as well as a note saying: ―This concludes my representation

” Connie concludes Jonathan doesn’t have a clue what is really going on

Denson concludes, “Everyone else blew him off too

The author (Richard Johnson) concludes that Gāndhi was correct in saying that responding to terror with terror leads to escalating violence, more terror and insecurity, and we need to explore alternative non-violent approaches

When from this the Master concludes that the

“Well”, Columbus concludes, “all this was created by idealists like myself”

Yet the author concludes that there are only advantages to this

Lipton concludes, our belief filters determine how we perceive our world and therefore how we react and respond to our experiences

‘So there were more indications,’ Jabar concludes

As this concludes our obligations to you, the elders of the Swordsman Church wish that you may live in the favor and light of the spirit of the Shogun all the rest of your days

Ladies and Gentlemen, that concludes our business at this time, have a good day

been implied, Khe Iem concludes the poem with, “but noth-

The Dean caught her breath and said, “I think that concludes today’s exercise

That concludes our short trip into the basic ideas of computer programs and how they work

Jacobs concludes that the percentage of African-American missionaries who served in Africa before 1960 was relatively insignificant compared to the percentage of white American missionaries who ministered there

Thus this concludes the first and second days or “stages” by God

Thus concludes the fifth day and the beginnings of what is now

This therefore concludes the seventh day, as it is simply stated that existence will be at rest

I always watch the credits after the movie concludes for various reasons, and for this film I noticed that there was mention of the fact that the work was fiction

concludes that the two share many things in common and the only differ-

2, which concludes the traffic section

He concludes by saying “And Jacob begat Joseph

(Using present science, the above concludes time travel is really an undiscovered

Union of the concepts «self» and «other» is relevant to world peace because it concludes that everyoneś life is scientifically unified with all other life beyond the range of our

relevant to world peace because it concludes that everyoneś life is scientifically unified

The initial investigation concludes that Herman Fanjoy had been injected, with what appeared to be, a flesh eating substance

In sports, every game is over in one day and a season concludes each year

angels for the first time, and concludes with a powerful

We start on the Enterprise before it goes in search of Spock, and concludes after Picard returns to the Enterprise

That pretty much concludes the setup

The chapter concludes with some final thoughts from Joshua about

The analysis shown above concludes that a book teaching on how to fry a chicken has better sum than a book hot on intellectual damage with its chemistry

Finally he concludes that she is grieving

his white colleague that eventually concludes in their marriage leaves

The story concludes with ‘Except ye turn and become as little

Thus concludes the First Chapter, in the Upanishad of the Shreemad

Thus concludes the Second Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Third Chapter, in the Upanishad of Shreemad

Thus concludes the Fourth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Fifth Chapter in the Upanishad of the Shreemad

Thus concludes the Sixth Chapter in the Upanishad of the Shreemad

Thus concludes the Seventh Chapter, in the Upanishad of

Thus concludes the Eighth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Ninth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Krishn concludes his revelation of the omnipresent thus:

Thus concludes the Tenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the Shrimad

Thus concludes the Eleventh Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Twelfth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Thirteenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Krishn concludes Chapter 14 with a detailed account of the three proper-

Thus concludes the Fourteenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Fifteenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Sixteenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of the

Thus concludes the Seventeenth Chapter, in the Upanishad of

Almost as though observing from a distance, I watch my other self flounder as doubts about my chances of concluding the quest with any degree of success become definite, bottomless failure; my perennial loneliness becomes an old age of isolation in a world slowly spiralling down into barrenness and desolation as I eek out my days, hated by those who remain here … the few who could not escape across … Berndt’s face stares at me, full of the loathing he feels for my failure

Daniel explained his thoughts to the riders concluding with the fact that he knew, ‘we can’t penetrate their hide, but if we could get a lucky shot and take out one of their eyes, then we would stand a better chance fighting them

I sit silent as Karen and Alastair talk it through, concluding that it’s sensible for Alastair to continue using the house for work … it would also enable him to continue his role of parent much as he does at the moment

He lay on his back under the drowsy influence of the heat haze and pondered his future, concluding that he really must think about settling down

Concluding that there is no ‘tidy’ way of broaching the subject, I plough straight in

future, concluding that he really must think about settling down

I can pad that out to make it a reasonable length, then there’s the Italian years, a section on her life when she came back to look after her parents, the conversion of the house and setting up of the Foundation and the last section would be the last thirty years … I could even do a concluding section about the impact Danvers House has had on various women since it was set up

The path she was used to taking turned off to the right outside the barracks and led down to the cove, a junction part way along leading off to the dig … but what if she went left outside the barracks? With one finger, she traced the route of the path as it wound through the marsh, concluding that it appeared to end up further along the coast at a stretch of beach shown on the map by a splash of yellow … at least she assumed that’s what it meant

Something that old should look different, shouldn’t it? She tried to visualise what it must have been like living here without the benefit of modern housing and facilities, concluding that she would miss the hot water most

Dumping his bag on a chair, he rooted around in it for his wallet, counting the limited cash at his disposal … bugger it! Glancing up at the list on the wall he calculated carefully, concluding with a sigh that even if he could afford nothing else, he would blow some of the cash on a coffee

concluding: ‘No, I haven’t seen the effects of a woman

A sheep fair was concluding as Jean entered the

Prime service was just concluding, and the trio

Dena was just concluding with, ‘

Bob Olson, a former private investigator and skeptic of afterlife and mediums have tested many psychic mediums before concluding that there are indeed genuine mediums who can communicate with the ‘dead’

Finally, I’ll summarize my presentation (before concluding with some recommendations)

A concluding page was devoted to an historical depiction of the political battle

After concluding the conversation, Dorian looked at Abdul Aziz, “I have to stop fucking with these Italians, I don’t think my business is appreciated

ing us to leave, yet giving us no concluding explanation for such a

patrimony with finality of concluding the

Before concluding, the doctor paused and said that the skin discoloration under the hair on the back of the head was curious

Apt concluding words are here taken from The Creation of Health by Caroline Myss:[67]

Cloud turned away, concluding the

Verse 9 shows Paul starting to wind up his presentation, which concluding

medical evidence fails to explain these reports, eventually concluding there was only one

192 Buhlman took this assertion a step farther by concluding the

For some unknown reason, an instinct compels me to complete this concluding task

Before concluding with Maimonides, we must note another side to him

between the two without actually concluding anything

“Well, Yania also agrees, so this measure is approved,” Noiu said, concluding the meeting

already been concluding at different times that my dad was a serial

In concluding his address, he said he could think of no greater honor for an old grad than “being asked back to make a commencement speech

He succeeded and finished the report by concluding that the fast FAC program would prove its worth, and should be implemented as soon as possible

As Youssaf was concluding his observations, Moshe looked toward his men

Moses, concluding his prayer with face lifted up into the night sky, illuminated only by the

However, in 1999, the French government published a study concluding that the United States government has withheld evidence that point to the existence of UFOs

Significantly, this is the only holiday stressed by Zechariah in its concluding chapter…

” He vehemently opposed religion, concluding that all faiths were

What leadbeater said in 1910 is exactly what physicists are concluding

Perhaps this can be explained by concluding that the dark matter coun-

In concluding, let me tell you how very little I appreciate your continued assaults on my character

―This week we will be concluding our social

It was his concluding piece, and an apt one at that

3 When Jesus first met with the evangelists at the Bethsaida camp, in concluding his address, he said: «You should remember that in body and mind — emotionally — men react individually

They carried her out in the garden to revive her while Jesus spoke the concluding words of his parting message

And now were they thoroughly angry with him because of his last discourse of bitter denunciation which he had this day delivered in the temple as the concluding portion of his farewell address

The allegations were made towards a wide range of sedatives, concluding that Suprame was as addictive as the other twenty medications

Concluding Thoughts on the Recipients of Baptism

‘I assume that we are all in agreement on the concluding recommendations?’ She scanned the faces of the assembled committee members, looking for any signs of dissent

That’s why they are so interested in concluding the secession negotiations while I am still in office

With these arguments, we are not concluding

(APS) panel of leading psychologists is correct in concluding that:

I related all the terrifying details, concluding, “It was bizarre to say the least

In all there is a concluding chapter on Buffalo, two chapters on Westchester County as well as chapters on Binghamton and Syracuse

Ordinary Heroes In Extraordinary Times, authors Amy Goodman and David Goodman state that, “Many eminent historians and economists are concluding that George W

“You were talking about a final approach,” I said evenly, silently concluding that Kai-tahr’s frequencies and pulses had originated from the source Himself, so compatibility had to have something to do with it

‘’Before I make my concluding remarks on this video documentary, I will now give you a ten minute washroom break, for the benefit of those who have been holding it in and are now dancing on their chairs

I studied my surroundings intently, concluding that my best

Warren acquiesced to Johnson to “save us” from nuclear war and excluded autopsy photos from the report while concluding most of the good witnesses to be mistaken

Ingrid then spent two minutes to tell Bollins about the souvenirs of her past incarnations, concluding with a sentence while looking the captain in the eyes

� Osterkamp was concluding by requesting an all-out rescue effort by the Kriegsmarine to find as many of his pilots as possible before it was too late

Rich in oil, this vilayet was contested also by Iraq and the dispute gave the Soviet Union the opportunity to revive her former standing with Turkey by concluding with her a new Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality

Smithy came to London on 5 October, but the talks with the pipe-smoking Wilson ended with the communiqué concluding that their positions were irreconcilable and on television that night he told Smithy to think again

Jean then told Farah about the plea from the Demaersk, also giving her the data chip with the information on Marie, concluding in a sober tone

introduced the judge, concluding by saying that by the state

and effective concluding organization,

Concluding that ignorance was bliss, he decided to ask no further questions about the nature of how the information was obtained or to what case it specifically related

The concluding section of this segment presents

Concluding the burial service with a last prayer, Frois then signaled to the servants to start filling the grave with dirt

Other than noticing the draft and concluding you may have

They went through the other verses, with Syd concluding: “She can bake a cherry pie; there’s a twinkle in her eye, she’s a young thing and cannot leave her mother

Concluding whatever animal which was making the sound must have left the area, he started to relax when …

As I was concluding I knew that he had passed over

The Prayer-book Service for the Communion of the Sick contains the following statement in one of its concluding rubrics: » If the sick man do truly repent him of his sins, and steadfastly believe that Jesus Christ hath suffered death on the cross for him, and shed His blood for his redemption, earnestly remembering the benefits he hath thereby, and giving Him thanks therefore, he doth eat and drink the body and blood of Christ profitably to his soul’s health, although he do not receive the sacrament with his mouth

‘On March 4th, at the concluding audience for these

him, concluding ‘Later on, it was noticed that the prophecies issu-

Concluding that he was no longer in the Big Bend, he

Concluding his talk he said that Swamiji

Concluding this part of the ar-

We should not make the error of concluding from this that we will

In the concluding verse of the chapter, Krishn adds that he loves those

At the beginning of the eighteenth, the concluding chapter of the

Whilst everyone has experienced times in their life when they felt totally determined to do something, many failing dieters end up incorrectly concluding that they have no willpower

That’s like sitting in a brand new Ferrari trying hard to drive to your destination without knowing how to switch the engine on, and then concluding that the Ferrari is a very low powered car

just begun to reread my concluding notes from the previous day

Concluding with the project of making her bodice straighter, Anne ran her hands down

before concluding, “That is the whole point of your experience here on earth

In this way we are myndkeyed, in that we are told what we should be concluding and thinking, rather than given the information to do that ourselves

showing that truth with an example denoting or concluding this truth, God says:

Concluding that either he has a scanner, can hack into scanners or has someone in the department in his payroll

After concluding his meeting with General Hughes and Dean Jamison, the president

concluding remarks were not what the assembly of American executives, and politicians had

The watchman grinned in reply and babbled a string of Cantonese, concluding that Teller must be fluent in the language if he could use a few words

Gavin thought, concluding that Nicole was terrified of him because of the stories she had, no doubt, heard told of him around the water cooler

In the fourth and concluding feature instalment on the Green Paper, the writer had analysed the pros and cons of political parties

furious face before concluding, ‘The sneer could do with

And so to the concluding summation

In concluding this little work, we could summarize the reasons why many married women are frustrated as follows:


verb глагол

прошедшее время (past simple):


причастие прошедшего времени (past participle):


















  1. заключать

    conclude a contract
    заключать договор

    conclude an agreement
    заключить соглашение

  2. завершать

  3. сделать вывод

  4. заключаться

  5. решить

  6. резюмировать

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений conclude на 1 миллион слов: 8.

Примеры предложений

We have to conclude that the policy is a failure.
Мы делаем вывод, что стратегия провальна.

What do you conclude from that?
Какой вывод вы из этого сделали?

He kept quiet. I thus conclude that he agrees.
Он промолчал. Из чего я заключаю, что он согласен.

The inquiry did not conclude.
Расследование ни к чему не привело.

As he has done a lot of bad things, we can conclude that he is a bad person.
Так как он сделал много нехороших вещей, мы может сделать вывод, что он плохой человек.

From this you can conclude that feminism is still necessary.
Из этого можно сделать вывод, что феминизм всё ещё необходим.

We will conclude our overview, however, with a positive example.
Мы, однако, завершим наш обзор положительным примером.

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