Sentence with the word come across

  [ kʌm əˈkrɒs ]  

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно
2. Производить впечатление
3. Быть понятым
4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

1. Встретить или найти что-то случайно

Заголовок BBC с фразовым глаголом   come across

Sheep dog attacks not a nice thing to come across.
Нападения собак на овец не очень приятная вещь, с которой приходится сталкиваться.

В этом варианте перевода у Come Across есть синонимы Run Across и Run Into, которые по-русски звучат абсолютно одинаково: внезапно встретить, наткнуться. Но есть одна особенность применения.

I came across a word I’d never seen before.
Я наткнулся на слово, которого никогда раньше не видел.

She came across some old photographs in a drawer.
Она наткнулась на старые фотографии в ящике стола.

This technology’s unlike anything we’ve come across.
Эта технология не похожа ни на одну из тех, с которыми мы сталкивались.

2. 2. Производить впечатление

She comes across as very self-confident.
Она выглядит очень уверенной в себе.

He came over as a sympathetic person.
Он показался мне отзывчивым человеком.

3. Быть понятым

What comes across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
То, что сквозит в его более поздних стихах, – это огромное чувство печали.

He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.
Он говорил долго, но смысл его слов на самом деле не доходил до меня.

4. Снабжать чем-то по необходимости

В этом варианте перевода используется конструкция Come Across With something.

I hoped she’d come across with some more information.
Я надеялся, что она поделится еще какой-нибудь информацией.

You had better come across with what you owe me. You owe me money, and I wish you would come across.
Тебе лучше признаться в том, что ты мне должен. Ты должен мне денег, и я бы хотел, чтобы мы встретились. (тут фразовый глагол выступает в двух ипостасях)

  •     Фразовые глаголы с COME
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом ACROSS
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом WITH

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


In the streets, restaurants and bars you come across voyagers of every nationality.

На улицах, в ресторанах и барах вы можете встретить путешественников из разных стран.

Your long distance relationship can come across some problems.

Между тем, взаимоотношения на расстоянии могут столкнуться с некоторыми проблемами.

Or, perhaps you’ll come across some lost treasure yourself…

Или же, может быть, ты и сам наткнешься на какое-нибудь потерянное сокровище…

This technology is unlike anything we’ve come across.

Майор, эта технология является непохожей на что-либо, с чем мы сталкивались.

Quite unlike any burns we’ve come across.

Совершенно не похоже на все сожжения, с которыми мы сталкивались раньше.

You can come across a fraud easily.

В этом случае очень легко можно столкнуться с мошенничеством.

You may usually come across new words whenever you read through.

Вы, как правило, сталкиваемся с новыми словами, когда вы читаете.

I come across something that excites me emotionally and aesthetically.

Но сейчас я занимаюсь вещами, которые приносят мне эстетическое и эмоциональное удовлетворение.

Investigators often come across situations that seem unbelievable…

Следователи часто сталкиваются с ситуациями, которые кажутся им невероятными.

Who knows, you might come across something you like.

Кто знает, возможно вы найдете там что-нибудь, что вам нравится.

Perhaps they expect somebody to come across.

Может быть, они ждут, когда кто-нибудь обратится.

I really haven’t come across any negatives.

На самом деле я не столкнулся ни с каким негативом.

Don’t just choose the first family lawyer you come across.

Не нанимайте первого же адвоката по семейным спорам, с которым вы встретитесь.

Nowadays, we often come across a term depression.

В наше время мы очень часто слышим такой термин, как депрессия.

Sometimes you come across even filigree packed nuts on branches.

Иногда вам попадались в поле зрения даже филигранно упакованные орешки на ветках.

Here you can come across two tens of entertainment venues with acceptable prices.

Потому что здесь можно наткнуться, как минимум, на два десятка увеселительных заведений с приемлемыми расценками.

You may have come across this product already.

Хотя, возможно, вы уже успели познакомиться с данным продуктом.

When you answer questions, think about how you come across.

Когда будете отвечать на вопросы, подумайте над тем, как они составлены.

Another term you may come across is digital discipleship.

Другой термин, с которым вы можете столкнуться, — это цифровое ученичество.

For instance, I come across websites that look outdated.

Время от времени мы все еще видим сайты, которые выглядят явно устаревшими.

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Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: attain, chance on, chance upon, come over, come upon, discover, encounter, fall upon, happen upon, light upon, meet, resonate, run across, run into, see, strike. Similar words: across, get across, put across, cut across, cross out, gross, come at, come about. Meaning: v. 1. find unexpectedly 2. be perceived in a certain way; make a certain impression 3. come together 4. communicate the intended meaning or impression 5. be received or understood. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Perhaps I shall come across him in France.

2. Why don’t you come across to our house this evening?

3. You must have come across some real characters, working in the circus.

4. I’ve never come across anyone quite like her before.

5. This is the worst place I’ve come across.

6. These themes come across very strongly in the novel.

7. Your speech didn’t come across; nobody understood your opinion.

8. I perhaps come across him tomorrow.

9. He’s the most unpleasant man I’ve ever come across.

10. We must hang in whenever we come across difficulties.

11. Come across to my office this afternoon.

12. Be careful when you come across the street.

13. I hoped she’d come across with some more information.

14. The robber told the woman to come across with her purse.

15. Let us know if you come across anywhere that has something special to offer.

16. I never remember having come across a man like that.

17. Anna approached several builders and was fortunate to come across Eddie.

18. We’ve just come across an old friend we haven’t seen for ages.

19. By pure accident he had come across the very man who could solve the mystery.

20. The refugees come across the border in vast numbers .

21. We still hope the company will come across for us.

22. Turn up your dictionary when you come across difficult words.

23. You should come across the river with us. Then you will really see what’s what.

24. They worked him over because he hadn’t come across with the information.

25. I don’t think he’ll ever come across with all the information.

26. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not come across.

27. The papers were stored away in a secret place[](, and there they will probably remain until they are come across by someone who realized their importance.

28. He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come across.

29. He owes me five pounds but I doubt if he’ll ever come across .

30. He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn’t really come across.

More similar words: across, get across, put across, cut across, cross out, gross, come at, come about, by no means, at home and abroad, come home, sacred, crop, toss, crops, crowded, at a loss, mean, possible, morose, each, beach, reach, react, teach, overcrowded, prospect, teacher, preach, the same as. 

натолкнуться, повстречаться, набрести, выложить, случайно встретиться


- быть понятным, доходить до собеседника

your speech came across very well — ваша речь произвела большое впечатление

- театр. пользоваться успехом

she came across — публика её приняла

- (as) разг. показаться, произвести какое-л. впечатление

he came across to me as a very nice person — он показался мне очень приятным человеком

- (with) амер. разг. отдать требуемое, расплатиться

I’ll make him come across with the money — я заставлю его выложить деньги

- сл. согласиться на половую связь (тк. о женщине); отдаться

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Did his speech come across?

Его речь была понятна?

The first candidate came across really well.

Первый кандидат произвёл очень хорошее впечатление.

He comes across as someone who means what he says.

Кажется, он из тех, кто говорит то, что думает.

You came across as being angry, not just disappointed.

Ты выглядел рассерженным, а не просто расстроенным.

Come across (with the money)!


I don’t always come across with consistency.

Я не всегда последовательно излагаю свои мысли.

He waited in silence until I came across with the truth.

Он молча ждал, пока я не расскажу правду.

I’ve never come across such a strange case.
Я ещё никогда не сталкивался с таким странным случаем.

Imagine for a moment that you have come across a trove of marvelous devices left by an ancient civilization.
Представьте на мгновение, что вы наткнулись на клад замечательных устройств, оставленных древней цивилизацией.

~ Ever come across Michael Woodruff?
~ Когда-нибудь попадались Майкл Вудрафф?

But, in less than two months, the almost mythic power of the region’s most powerful army has been dented, and Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s leader, has come across as a steadfast and determined leader, in sharp contrast to the usual behavior of heads of Arab government.
Но в течение меньше, чем двух месяцев, почти мифическая мощь самой могущественной армии в регионе оказалась подорванной, а Хасан Насралла — лидер «Хезболла» — производит впечатление твердого и решительного лидера по контрасту с обычным поведением глав правительств арабских стран.

I’ve come across them at the organizations that everybody raves about as being best in class.
Я натыкался на нее в организациях, которых все считают лучшими в своей области.

You see, in my meanderings I’ve come across something rather unpleasant.
Видите ли, в моих блужданиях я столкнулся кое с чем довольно неприятным.

Hey, if we come across a little old lady skeleton in a wig in a rocking chair down here, it’s every man for himself.
Эй, если мы наткнемся здесь на скелет старушки в парике в кресле-качалке — каждый сам за себя.

When they come across three Azerbaijani boys, they don’t hesitate.
Когда на их пути попадаются трое азербайджанских мальчиков, они не колеблются.

Now, theyв ™ll certainly — when they come across something new, theyв ™ll certainly ask, «What is it?»
Так вот, они наверняка — когда они сталкиваются с чем-то новым, они наверняка спрашивают: что это?

The one time I come across Michael Woodruff — hey, what a bastard he is!
В одно время мне попадались Майкл Вудрафф — Эй, какой он ублюдок!

If you don’t come across, he’ll tell the D A Let the stool pigeon sing!
Если вы не сталкивались, он скажет Д А Пусть стукача поёт!

Aimee Corrigan, a very talented and young photographer, and Robert Caputo, a friend and a mentor, who is a veteran of National Geographic, and told me, «You know, Franco, in 25 years of covering Africa, I don’t know if I have come across a story that is so full of hope and so fun.»
Эйми Корриган — юный и очень талантливый фотограф, и Роберт Капуто — друг и наставник, долгое время работающий в журнале National Geographic. Он то и сказал мне: «Франко, я уже 25 лет пишу об Африке, но ни разу за все это время не попадалась мне история, настолько увлекательная и обнадёживающая».

I have not in all of that time ever come across any software that was not trivial in which no errors were found during operations.
Я никогда не сталкивается с программным обеспечением, за исключением тривиального, в котором не было бы найдено ни одной ошибки за время работы.

This is unlike anything I’ve ever come across, so I decided to take the different approach, and look at incredibly rare poisons I was unfamiliar with.
Это не похоже ни на что, с чем я сталкивалась, поэтому я решила применить другой подход, и начать искать невероятно редкий яд, который мне незнаком.

One of the great advantages of trading at UFXMarkets is this: The only time you will ever come across slippage — and this is extremely rare — is when you trade stocks.
Одним из преимуществ торговли на UFXMarkets является то, что вы можете столкнуться с проскальзыванием — и то очень редко — только в торговле акциями.

And one of the most beautiful descriptions I’ve come across in this research of how minds interpenetrate was written by a great theorist and scientist named Douglas Hofstadter at the University of Indiana.
Одно из самых красивых описаний, с которым я столкнулся в этом исследовании того, как умы переплетаются, было дано великим теоретиком и ученым Дугласом Хофштадтером из Университета Индианы.

Lithuanians feel that they are being discriminated against for age, gender, physical and mental disabilities, and 7.5 per cent of respondents indicated that during the previous two years they had come across cases of persons being discriminated against because of race or ethnic background.
Литовцы считают, что они подвергаются дискриминации по признаку возраста, пола, физической и психической неполноценности, и 7,5 % респондентов отметили, что за последние два года они сталкивались со случаями дискриминации лиц по признаку расы или этнической принадлежности.

If a migrant does not understand the language, says Sebelev with certainty, he is doomed to come across unconscientious people, who, pretending to help, will force upon him a «ticket» to terrible, cramped barracks where many others like him will suffer without food and documents, slaving away 12-14 hours a day.
Без понимания языка, — уверен Себелев, — будущий мигрант обречен сталкиваться с недобросовестными людьми, которые под видом помощи всунут ему «путёвку» в жуткий тесный барак, где он и десятки ему подобных будут месяцами томиться без еды и документов, вкалывая по 12-14 часов в сутки.

To be totally honest I’ve never held Boris Nemtsov in particularly high regard, largely because the demographics section of his highly touted “white paper” about the disastrous consequences of Vladimir Putin‘s time in office contained one of the most startlingly dishonest summaries of the issue that I’ve come across.
Честно говоря, я никогда не испытывал чувств глубокого уважения к Борису Немцову, что в основном было вызвано разделом о демографии из его на все лады расхваленной работы о катастрофических последствиях правления Владимира Путина. В этой главе излагаются самые бесчестные выводы из тех, с которыми мне когда-либо приходилось сталкиваться.

The next question was Have you come across instances of the restriction of rights by law-enforcement bodies on the ground of nationality or ethnic group: 54.5 of respondents answered “No”; 7.8 per cent said that such instances occur frequently; and 35.1 per cent thought that only isolated instances occur.
Далее следует вопрос: сталкивались ли Вы со случаями ущемления прав со стороны правоохранительных органов на национальной, этнической почве: 54,5 % респондентов ответили » нет «; 7,8 %- такие случаи часто встречаются; 35,1 %- такое бывает в единичных случаях.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

How to use come across in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «come across» and check conjugation/comparative form for «come across«. Mastering all the usages of «come across» from sentence examples published by news publications.

It might come across as new, and it might come across as innovative, and it might come across as progressive, but it’s not.
You never know who you’re going to come across, or what kind of egg you’re going to come across.
It can come across as condescending and shallow in the way that the self-help section of a bookstore can come across.
If you don’t come across generally attractive, you have to at least come across cool, or like you have your shit together.
If you live in Brooklyn, it’s possible you’ve come across or will soon come across a guy and a girl walking around in vagina costumes.
If you’ve heard anyone talk about cooking meat, you’ve probably come across the term — and odds are you’ve come across some confusion about what it means.
The technology executive said while he has come across small towns that are struggling, he has also come across towns that have grown and continue to grow.
We should be careful not to come across as condescending.
It’s rare to come across good vegan food in Scranton.
«It can come across as a bit manic,» she says.
WATTERS: Obama would never want to come across as partisan.
For example, if you come across an attrition role — i.e.
«They come across as just the perfect couple,» he said.
What are some of the weirder kinks you’ve come across?
You’d come across couches and bits and pieces of trees.
If you come across it, please do not share it.
It’s another thing to come across it in the wild.
If banks come across tainted money, they must report it.
Mr Krueger did not come across as the combative type.
But there’s a big difference in how they come across.
I mean, come on, I’m going to come across town.
And that’s the message that I want to come across.
Have you ever come across an app that seemed ideal?
VICE: How did you come across the Riot footage again?
«But one day, you come across an orange,» Lindsay says.
Speidi come across as manipulative villains, while Lauren seems genuine.
James Harrison is a hero unlike you’ve come across before.
For example, how on earth did you come across this?
I didn’t mean for it to come across like that.
But occasionally I’ll come across it, and it’s very disappointing.
He had come across a fallen businessman from Iowa, injured.
It’s very understandable that he would come across as annoying.
But then you have to come across with the goods.
It will come across in how you treat your team.
But sometimes you’ll still come across the odd missing location.
We all come across obstacles as we pursue our goals.
«They come across as decent, honest human beings,» said Graeber.
To some observers, such preparation can come across as excessive.
Brian Merchant: What will come across the border in 2100?
Justin Staple: When did you first come across The Dirt?
How do you come across these famous peoples’ phone numbers?
If I’m watching TV sometimes I’ll accidentally come across them.
When you first come across these things you think, Gross!
How did you decide that he would come across bees?
Come across as someone who is thinking about the organization.
What unexpected stumbling blocks have you come across with it?
When did you first come across this INSANELY INCREDIBLE RECORD?
They come across as either oblivious or as fabricated emotion.
I gave Frantz a picture I had recently come across.
But these themes come across as didactic rather than moving.
You’ll definitely come across as a boss bitch today, Aries.
On social media, I regularly come across all of these.
Seven of the quirkiest cocktail recipes you’ve come across. Go!
The images would come across the monitors, line by line.
«Both of these come across as insincere,» Ms. Sailing said.
He doesn’t even come across full of rage or anguish.
«I come across your stuff all the time,» he said.
It’s amazing to come across something so ‘ordinary’ from him.
Josh had come across the band on a pizzeria jukebox.
Instead, the characters come across as entitled, pretentious, and gossipy.
Or will he come across as a crook seeking vengeance?
But she doesn’t come across as an entirely reliable narrator.
Not many people are aware of how they come across.
You will come across obstacles in life  —  fair and unfair.
People outside India probably have not come across those videos.
I wouldn’t begin to think how that might come across.
The contestants also tend to come across as especially deserving.
So «Africa» may come across a bit cheesy in 2017.
But that message didn’t come across to food cart vendors.
That’s something since day one that we wanted to come across.
And I’m sorry if my blog didn’t come across that way.
So I think he needs to come across to other communities.
Jeff Ludeke has come across his fair share of tractor parts.
Surely you’ve come across some of these devices in the past?
Still, we did come across a few gems in the bunch.
The South Bend mayor doesn’t come across as just another politician.
«I’m worried for those that would come across him,» she said.
I’ll be lucky if I ever come across that ever again.
«I wasn’t hoping to come across as a villain,» he said.
And many months had no such deals come across the wires.
If this sounds familiar, it’s because you’ve probably come across x.
Ripken said he’s come across some parents who harbor outsize expectations.
We’re often most excited when we come across someone very unconventional.
«He didn’t come across as a rabble rouser,» said the diplomat.
It can help you uncover spots you wouldn’t otherwise come across.
As for the B-characters, they don’t come across as particularly
PEOPLE: What are some of the parenting challenges you’ve come across?
This is a situation that I have come across several times.
Have you ever come across this book now feature on Instagram?
I’m open to it, I just haven’t come across it yet.
You’ve almost certainly come across Jay Shetty’s inspirational videos on Facebook.
In Pokémon Go, you just come across eggs with no explanation.
Any more at this point would probably come across as trite.
That is what I wanted to come across more than anything.
How did you first come across China’s pre-wedding photo industry?
This season’s credits, however, come across as some otherworldly love story.
Trees will come across mountains and fish will live on land.
As we drove, we would suddenly come across a reed hut.
«We had never come across that throughout the season,» Mathews said.
They’re afraid they’ll come across as aggressive, pushy, or even greedy.
I wish to God you hadn’t come across this grizzly bear.
To outsiders, Bell had come across as a floundering old man.
«You’ll come across as looking more confident and poised,» Friedman says. 
You don’t want to come across the night marchers of Hawaii.
«The military can come across as a scary organization,» said Col.
Our new friends come across a wounded woman in the woods.
So we had grasp as to how we should come across.
Now they come across a road blocked by zombies chained together.
In that time she’s come across her share of shit heads.
Art fairs come across as soulless playgrounds, comparable to shopping malls.
Do whatever is necessary to make him come across as credible.
What kinds of drugs will come across our borders in 2016?
What is the worst example of nightlife discrimination you’ve come across?
I ask Poonam Muttreja if she’s ever come across such rumours.
That’s what I would ask someone if I come across one.
Have you come across any knee-length down coats for men?
These will appear later when you come across the word again.
Did Ms. Nixon come across as a credible candidate for governor?
«I have never come across anything like this before,» he said.
As a food editor, you must come across many kitchen gadgets.
But they don’t come across as allegories — they look like facts.
But «Mud/Drowning» doesn’t come across as an exercise in nostalgia.
Egomaniacs are always posturing, always worrying about how they’ll come across.
John Cryan: In our business we come across it a bit.
Yiddish-Cuban opera is not something you come across every day.
I would often come across a corpse waiting to be viewed.
And his brash personal style can sometimes come across as reckless.
Currently, the tribe’s foresters come across brown ash mostly by chance.
I have never come across a mind quite like Tyler Cowen’s.
«We come across dogs with horrific injuries,» Edmond told VICE News.
The most impressive example I have come across is former Sen.
FD: Reading DIK I’ve come across quite a few unexpected facts.
It’s not every day you come across a teen who ships her own parents, but it’s also not every day you come across parents as deeply in love with Lisa and Maverick in The Hate U Give.
And when people come across the border illegally, that&aposs number one.
Why do you come across so few Italian names in the South?
Assholes sometimes come across as authoritative, so we go along with it.
If you come across something that speaks to you, follow that instinct.
So far, most of the commentary I’ve come across has been benign.
«It could come across as a little embarrassing at times,» Tomlinson adds.
We didn’t come across anything that would undermine or challenge James’ account.
I’ve come across some astounding charges investigating how emergency rooms bill patients.
It’s hard to not come across it at all, I would say.
Throughout her reporting, Harris has never come across anything like this before.
Here are the ten types you’ll probably come across in the wild.
But you don’t want them to come across as stupid or laughable.
If you’ve yet to come across Hägglund on your newsfeed, don’t worry.
It just doesn’t come across in a photo or a promo video.
When facing such change, women generally come across similar obstacles and misconceptions.
The texture of these lipsticks is among the best I’ve come across.
The lyrics come across clear while the instruments are a bit blended.
It is perhaps the toughest simple problem I have ever come across.
You’d rarely come across a letter as stern, albeit eloquent as this.
«We haven’t come across any of those governmental push-backs,» Adle said.
There are people who come across your path who change you forever.
If they come across anything suspect, they refer it to law enforcement.
Granted, MoviePass has always come across as a company in constant transition.
WATTERS: When you come across the border illegally, that makes you illegal.
«He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever come across,» Braverman says.
Artificially amplify the stakes and the movie could come across as pretentious.
Don’t call just any business listing you come across on Google Maps.
Yet somehow, WIRED’s optimism didn’t come across as saccharine, but as swaggering.
If you use social media, you’ve probably come across Will Littlejohn’s work.
Tinder is encouraging users to share profiles they come across with friends.
Johnson «does not come across with a crisp libertarian message,» Paul said.
Every time you come across the line first you get a point.
After 10 minutes of panicked exploration, I come across a subterranean lake.
Years went by and I didn’t come across any of Green’s work.
It is a crime to come across illegally and children get separated.
Catching Pokémon When you come across a pokémon, the fun really begins.
If you want to come across positively, post posies rather than selfies.
At some point along your trek, you’ll probably come across «dal bhat».
«If we come across the corpse, just walk past him,» Cohen says.
In addition, you come across lots of places that are absurdly understaffed.
So share your thoughts, but don’t come across as insulting or condescending.
What are some of the most ridiculous plate substitutes you’ve come across?
How do you come across the people that you decide to shoot?
Luckily, I’ve come across nothing too personal or inappropriate, yet, at least.
Everyone has probably come across a Twitter porn bot at some point.
H: In your research, how many women artists have you come across?
I’ve just come across this other band called Graveland, who are insane.
«The fathers I come across are all problem solvers,» Dr. Garfield said.
They can also come across as trying to outshine or gaslight others.
Mr. Gantz has to come across as tough to defeat Mr. Netanyahu.
Have you come across any tips or tricks that have been helpful?
And insurance problems come across her desk more than you might think.
She knows that Eliza can come across as merely sassy, spunky, cute.
Of course, I’ve come across many Americans with negative attitudes about ARVN.
Lost in the woods, they come across a supine and unconscious Fernando.
These things may be traditional, but they don’t come across that way.
All that being said, you may come across some odd linguistic quirks.
Give too much stare time and you can come across as intense.
She wanted to come across as calm and poised, and sat tall.
«He didn’t come across as some kind of prosecution puppet,» she said.
And it’s absolutely possible, with enough scrolling, to come across something great.
The work can come across as frisky, bold, dogged, and grim simultaneously.
All of these things, in retrospect, come across as rearranging deck chairs.
What information or features did they come across that most surprised them?
However, in a home space, it can often come across as cold.
How does that language come across to you at this moment, Wesley?
Things not unlike random amalgamations of everyday objects we come across casually.
Ceramic, titanium, and tourmaline are the most common terms you’ll come across.
Unfortunately it was almost impossible to not come across any police barricade.
I moved out and since then, I have not come across her.
If I ignored the inappropriate remarks, I might come across as weak.
At best, such stories come across as saccharine odes to our shared humanity.
«Most neurologists work their entire careers and never come across (this),» he said.
As you hunt for metroids, you’ll often come across areas that are inaccessible.
You might also come across a passenger that tries to hit on you.
Kev’s always come across as a sharp guy, and his insight is interesting.
I then come across a group of women dressed in traditional Bavarian garb.
Despite the recall, there’s still a chance you could come across contaminated melons.
In my research, I didn’t come across a single verified example of this.
Here are a few of the hangover «cures» we’ve come across this year.
Back in the past, British officers come across a man wandering the moor.
If I ever come across $450, you will know where to find me.
Squire, like Balgord, has also reported some of the groups she’s come across.
What didn’t come across is that this was supposed to be a joke.
Is it right away, so that you come across as suspicious and distrusting?
Go report that awful content you come across instead of just scrolling past.
But what makes a Kosky production come across is the execution: joyful, rigorous.
The couple was in Naples, Florida, when they come across the ailing bat.
They come across as youthful and wise, a rare combination in any art.
«It’s not every day you come across a guy like Luke,» he said.
Were you worried about how you’d come across in the film at all?
If you come across an animal in peril, contact your nearest wildlife rehabilitator.
If you say «anything you want,» I’d come across the table at you.
Some users have come across problems sending messages in Messages in iOS 10.
It is certainly true that Becker can come across as laughably po-faced.
After some extensive wandering, they come across the production trailer — and the bodies.
Barbara is quite a difficult character, and she doesn’t come across as warm.
You want to come across as passionate and energetic about getting this promotion.
I actually thought that overall you didn’t come across as very snake-y.
People would try to give me advice like, ‘You shouldn’t come across tough.
This can make you come across as dishonest or uncomfortably searching for distractions.
He was especially anxious that the company didn’t come across as too apologetic.
It’s still pretty easy to come across those and for pretty cheap too.
You may have come across the term «bullet journaling» on the internet recently.
There is no doubt that many recruiters come across as annoying, persistent trolls.
And you’ll still come across news articles that say your vagina is mutilation.
And for all his likability, he does not come across as a heavyweight.
It was as close to typing perfection I’ve come across in a computer.
How often do you come across triple talaqs voiced during fits of rage?
That is the point I was making, albeit didn’t come across that way.
But that doesn’t really come across on your video, does it Mr Beal?
Far from persuading people, these confected claims come across as hectoring and supercilious.
The Brazilian scientists did come across one move unique to the frog kingdom.
I have yet to come across, since January, when was I in Nashville?
But I didn’t want him to come across as every other Korean, either.
«Competitively, we do not come across them,» Potoo Solutions CEO Fred Dimyan said.
Yet even when the film wanes, its subjects still come across as remarkable.
Only in New York would you come across a dinosaur walking his dog.
The country may at times come across as thoughtless or opportunistic or both.
And if you’re not being who you are, it doesn’t come across well.
PricingThe range of prices you’ll come across when shopping for sunglasses is huge.
They don’t come across dangerous wildlife in places like Washington, D.C., he said.
The bots are not the only ones who come across as preposterous impostors.
You don’t want to come across as picking a fight or seeking revenge.
Clinton is likely to come across as a typical politician spouting rehearsed lines.
But the more they discover, the more questions they seem to come across.
In remote regions of South Africa, you may come across a Cuban doctor.
Abraham’s driving and they come across some Saviors, who have blocked the road.
I get offers like that all the time, they come across my desk.
Now other people can come across the consequences of the choice you made.
In all my years of campaigning, I’ve never come across something so wrong.
I haven’t come across an algorithm that was 100 percent bad or good.
Did you come across any unconventional approaches to preventing rape on college campuses?
The scene could have come across like some banal moment of Wagnerian kumbaya.
Additionally they may be afraid to come across as rude, intrusive or incompetent.
But don’t memorize your answers, otherwise you come across as stilted and inauthentic.
They come across as cool and impassive, but they aren’t that at all.
It’s good that we’re not just marrying the first person we come across.
That is the scariest shit I have ever come across in my life.
The point is to come across as (and be) more of an ally.
This board has come across as tone-deaf, emotionless and lacking in compassion.
It’s also likely that you’ve come across one of their wild-ass projects.
«I didn’t want to come across as a baby wimp girl,» she said.
«It’s rare to come across a legal prodigy like Lina Khan,» he said.
First, advocates are often university-educated elites who can come across as patronizing.
«You don’t come across as the stereotype of the private detective,» she said.
These vocal bursts could easily come across as simply effects, or empty virtuosity.
In my travels as an adult, I’ve come across clumsier forms of censorship.
Missing that intensity of mouthfeel, some dry drinks can come across as weak.
«I didn’t want the cards to come across as aggressive,» Ms. Clarke said.
Wiretaps are not the only place that law enforcement might come across encryption.
Without sacrificing their principles, liberals can come across as more respectful of others.
We come across a nice café along the water, so we stop by.
In a certain public rendering I could come across as a brave activist.
In a certain public rendering I could come across as a brave activist.
In both pieces, readers come across questions of desirability, paucity and self-expression.
I’ve never come across someone who regretted saving as much as they did.
You come across a guy on a forest road, he could kill you.
Somehow that hasn’t come across in the history that most contemporary Americans believe.
The replies will be hidden from others who come across that tweet too.
The Red Ring of Death problem was apparently something they didn’t come across.
In order to get past this skepticism, how can politicians come across authentically?
And still, there are more children who come across the border by themselves.
«I wonder which prominent Republican political figures she hasn’t come across?» he said.
For myself, it’s easy to come across actors who are egomaniacs with relational issues.
They’re hard to come across, but once you do, you’ll always stick with them.
Many of my own customers come across borders, seeking our digital and technology services.
I feel like we come across effortless, because we do what’s natural to us.
You don’t come across a deal this reliable and potentially gastrointestinaly devastating every day.
That helps alleviate the sometimes-repetitive nature of the enemy encounters you come across.
That’s why it’s so special to accidentally come across it in the real world.
It’s not everyday that you come across a modern day knight in shining armour.
But there’s still a chance people could come across lettuce grown in the region.
In a less anxious world, Pepper might come across as a cute technological novelty.
Trump may come across as callous to some, but to others at least genuine.
If you maintain a dignified silence to Trump’s jeering, you come across as weak.
The slowdown has come across the company’s business regions around the world, he said.
I’ve just come across the results of a somewhat dispiriting Ranker dot com survey.
But I’m also awestruck when I come across present-day attendees on social media.
You won’t come across paywalls or timers that limit how much you can play.
A few times on Friday, firefighters had come across people staying in threatened homes.
Because of its obvious limitations, even the movie’s stutters come across as charming oddities.
They come across as «relatable,» especially for audiences who could care less about #EmbassyDrama.
LONDON — Sometimes, even the most well-meaning tributes can come across a bit odd.
Forbes explained via Twitter that she had come across the news on Publishers Marketplace.
He is a natural communicator, whose openness and vulnerability somehow come across the airwaves.
It’s not often you come across a video game concept you’ve never seen before.
Nilsson’s paintings come across as youthful and wise, a rare combination in any art.
Several users testing the Pixel 3 XL have come across this issue, including myself.
You can talk to any person you come across in the game, for instance.
Our sources say detectives did not come across any illegal narcotics in the home.
But it’s rare to come across one that holds a license in elephant training.
«Sometimes I think I come across more in the ‘walled off’ arena,» she said.
But people come across differently on social media than they do in real life.
But not everything you come across is safe viewing—for you, or for others.
More impressively, the show humanizes characters that would otherwise come across as merely villains.
If nothing else, I’m now very prepared for any toxic planets I come across.
What’s essentially schoolboy humour somehow doesn’t come across as crude or stupid—it’s hilarious.
During this period, your response time is slower and you’ll come across as distracted.
While wandering if the woods one day, they come across a beautiful old home.
Come across an image like this, and you’d be a weirdo not to investigate.
She’d come across articles about the refugee plight and wanted the family to help.
I’ve come across lots of characters and stories that I otherwise wouldn’t know about.
«I don’t want to say anything that will come across as speculation,» he said.
Maybe he’s trying to come across as a lost soul, haunted by the war.
Sometimes you’ll come across an inscription that is literally impossible for you to solve.
Compiled below are the strangest PokéStop locations people are claiming to have come across.
Head to Settings, then Music, and you’ll come across a new Optimize Storage heading.
I feel like I pull inspiration from all of the people I come across.
Try not to come across as a total weirdo this evening, by the way.
But when you disregard your commitment, you come across as slimy, uncaring, and disrespectful.
Simply put, this was the most interesting thing Jim Allison had ever come across.
I’ve never come across anything with a time device, because it doesn’t make sense.
If you come across this malware scam, do not give up your private key.
You come across as the type of filmmaker that’s already onto the next project.
«Modi needs to come across as strong and nationalistic to his base,» Ganguly said.
Spend enough time on the internet and you’ll inevitably come across Astrology Content™.
Yes it made me have to come across as someone with something to hide.
You’ll come across as even more attractive and charming than usual during this period.
If the issues are not addressed, you come across people who will self-medicate.
It’s also really easy to come across articles that describe the surgery as mutilation.
I have tried to play it cool, but that may come across as cold.
Hedgehogs take a single idea and apply it to every problem they come across.
So when we come across swim brands expanding their size offerings, we’re automatically excited.
If you’re an attendee, expect to come across many fancy hats and colorful dresses.
They feel like they won’t come across anything like this again in their careers.
Here are a few clues that you do, in fact, come across too strong: 
On the plus side, they may come across an impressive kick line or two.
In other words, don’t just grab that first cheap coat you come across online.
«When you come across a find like that, it’s obviously very exciting,» Kitterman said.
We did come across a few complaints from buyers who received damaged soda makers.
This is by far one of the most lucid decks I have come across.
«I don’t want that to come across as a criticism of him,» Tillerson emphasized.
«I don’t want that to come across as a criticism of him,» he added.
But the latest mishap to come across our browsers takes the cake — by far.
At times, I seemed distracted, but I didn’t come across as anxious or distressed.
What’s essentially schoolboy humor somehow doesn’t come across as crude or stupid—it’s hilarious.
Second, Booker can be very energetic, but sometimes that may come across as insincere.
This one was spent, he explained, though he has sometimes come across live ammunition.
A visit humanizes North Koreans, who outside the country sometimes come across as robots.
He said he had never come across such carnage in his 40-year career.
Her coloring was inspired by a Gucci store that Mr. Anderson had come across.
We’ve all come across the underperforming executive who thinks they are an outstanding leader.
I come across a towel hanging on a clothesline that’s covered in brown stains.
In her hands, even my life might come across as momentous and worth pardoning.
Every establishment has its fixtures, but I’ve rarely come across camaraderie quite so palpable.
But in a small dinner, that same quality made them come across as uninterested.
I’d suggest you tell him, first, that you have come across information through Ancestry.
Regardless, it’s the best thing I’ve come across on the internet in recent weeks.
Sure, it’s not the most advanced notes app you’re ever going to come across.
He’s also come across cheetahs with stress-related diseases and obesity due to confinement.
Even Judge Kavanaugh’s friends acknowledged that she had come across as powerful and credible.
Mr. Pape doesn’t come across as abstemious about these sorts of big-ticket expenses.
Perhaps they come across like a weak manager because they’ve never done it before.
It is the most extreme story I’ve ever come across in the United States.
Occasionally I come across things that I think might make for a nice story.
The concept was inspired by D.I.Y. projects that Troemel had come across on Pinterest.
In some films, such detours can come across as merely ornamental or empty showboating.
But Max and the various other alien creatures we come across are physical puppets.
However, there are numerous other terms you’ll come across as you browse TV listings.
«On Gary Johnson, he doesn’t come across with a crisp Libertarian message,» said Paul.
And its French-gallantry-conquers-all plot can come across as propaganda for colonialism.
That is unless you come across a deal that’s worth jumping on, like this.
That’s about as interesting of a tidbit that you’ll come across with this game.
«I’m always very conscious of anything that might come across as peacocking,» he said.
Issue documentaries often struggle to come across as movies, not simply as informational tools.
And what’s not on my desk, I’ve likely come across during my reporting research.
Soko&aposs pieces are unlike anything I&aposve come across when jewelry shopping online.
The synthetic material is among the better faux leather materials TechCrunch has come across.
We’ve all come across something that we just had to have then and there.
With that in mind, I’ll highlight a «scalable solution» we come across each week.
I know Elliot does not come across as charismatic, but to me he is.
It doesn’t help that Rogue One’s characters come across as so lifeless and instrumental.
Basically, if you’ve watched a celeb sex tape, you’ve probably come across Blatt’s work.
To seek harmony in a noisy society is to come across as tone-deaf.
I’ll be flipping around at night, and I’ll come across it, and I’ll watch it.
He&aposs using it to intimidate families so they don&apost come across the border.
When you come across a rare opportunity, you don’t just not take advantage of it.
If you come across something that’s too advanced or not your taste, just skip it.
Screenshot: GizmodoGallerify for Chrome is one of the best tools we’ve come across for this.
Lastly, every pressure cooker model I’ve come across has a sealing ring in the lid.
My friends and I have recently come across a way to keep each other close.
Do not tag your Indigenous friends in all the racist, triggering content you come across.
So if happen to live there and come across a cobra, stay extremely far away.
They come across as complicated men, and that’s what was most illuminating about the movie.
While wandering New York City, they come across a psychic and decide to pop in.
He may come across as a hard-right deal-maker, but not as a thug.
They would still be detained if we hadn’t come across her in the Flores interview.
G. There’s a certain raw intimacy that has always come across in Petra Collins’ work.
Darkness falls, and they come across a dying deer that’s been hit by a car.
Trump’s correct: 90 percent of heroin in the U.S. does come across the southern border.
For Bizz, you can specify who will come across your feed by industry and location.
You might be wondering, ‘Am I going to come across as too aggressive or desperate?
And believe it or not, that’s not even the craziest cutting technique we’ve come across.
You may have come across workout clothing that claims to have «UPF» technology in it.
Sometimes, they come across people who choose not to date them simply because they’re bisexual.
If you do come across something that you find offensive, please report it to us.
You may have come across miraculous-sounding, en vogue implants like B-Lite from Britain.
I just never want to come across … we don’t want to [seem] like we’re angry.
As you travel, you come across all kinds of people, many of whom need help.
It’s hard to intuit exactly how the character of Burns is intended to come across.
And, crucially, none of her intentions or interactions ever come across as condescending or spiteful.
Two months into Justice Kavanaugh’s tenure, no abortion cases have come across the justices’ desks.
Then, they come across an abandoned farmhouse — most likely home sweet home for the hillbillies.
He is encouraged that he has not come across widespread water- or food-borne illnesses.
And who knows—maybe they’ll get lucky enough to come across another crusade of crabs.
I come across an adorable soap/body product shop, so I have to go in.
Head to Settings, All settings and then Account and you’ll come across a Family option.
Compared with the earthy, emotional appeal of populist leaders, liberals come across as bloodless technocrats.
This British duo might be the most meta songwriters I’ve come across in a minute.
It hasn’t been as easy to come across reruns of the Cosby Show these days.
If you’re into rock and roll, then you’ve probably come across Marshall’s audio hardware before.
This is one combination you don’t want to come across in the terrifying Australian outback.
Despite his drug pushing past, Justin insists he isn’t trying to come across as intimidating.
It’s not often you come across a crucified rabbit made entirely out of toast, though.
«I just think it’s one of the most brilliant things I’ve come across,» he notes.
I don’t want to come across as boring or not as interesting as I am.
The organizers had come across an essay he had written, and thought he could help.
Suddenly, we come across a man in blackface with his three children, also in blackface.
That is the point I was making, albeit didn’t come across that way.
But never had I come across an entrepreneur as buttoned-down-boring as this one.
«It’s the earliest reference to a sound causing diarrhoea that I’ve come across,» he says.
«I was driving when I saw [the notification] come across my phone,» Taylor told Seventeen.
One suggestion that we come across again and again for hair growth is castor oil.
What sorts of characteristics do you come across in people who embrace their single life?
I wanted to come across as this really relaxed guy who wasn’t really playing hard.
The best personal finance big win that we’ve ever come across is automating your finances.
I spend a lot of time online and hadn’t come across it until it happened.
It doesn’t come across as ribald or playful; it comes across as cruel and bullying.
It is almost always a greater pleasure to come across a semicolon than a period.
In every interview with Zendaya, the actress does come across as incredibly real — and woke.
Some of the most interesting and vital work I come across exists only in pixels.
Her friends have moaned forever that her sense of humor doesn’t come across on stage.
Even more sympathetic subplots have a tendency to come across like a war movie cliche.
They come across a man with his grandson, maybe 3 years old, on his shoulders.
Imagine sitting in your exam silently suffering with an ED and you come across this.
«Hopefully people will get the message … and not [come] across the border unlawfully,» Sessions said.
As he dug, the momentousness of what he had come across slowly dawned on him.
You’d rather come across as a workaholic — in fact, you’re quite proud of that title.
They want to get ivory and, if you come across them, they will open fire.
Others — like his occasional childhood misbehavior and a bruising college fracas — come across as padding.
Think, for example, about how many more American weed nerds you’ve come across than British.
Spend any time reading about sex online, and you’ll come across Girl on the Net.
His rhetorical style will come across to young and independent voters as smarmy and oleaginous.
Brakey’s opponent at the time, Mike Hein, thought he’d come across some serious political ammo.
His manners and demeanor have always been top tier but has never come across saccharine.
To many, that image might have come across as beautiful, or at least, merely gross.
However, it didn’t address how users would come across these apps in the first place.
What’s the worst example of something being incorrectly called «hand-crafted» that you’ve come across?
But he was surprised to come across victims who greeted him with suspicion and insults.
Have you and Earlonne come across subjects that are too sad or fraught to cover?
Of course, investigators could at any time come across evidence that reveals Mr. Paddock’s thinking.
This could alleviate anxiety for candidates and won’t come across as too pushy, he added.
They don’t always understand American slang and norms, and so can come across as bumbling.
I’ve come across many people in my reporting who have attested that it’s life-changing.
They all come across my desk, but where did you get the concept for Sorry?
It is trying to counter the militants but not come across as too anti-Islamist.
It’s not often you come across a reflection on metatarsal fractures, though they are common.
I know I’m a funny cunt but I’d just come across like a rude cunt.
I’m looking for the $0 options and come across the only one, a smoking package.
It’s not every day that you come across a dog that looks like a sheep.
Instead, they pound date stamps on the pages of filings that come across their desks.
As they identify various countries on a map, the girls come across the Arabian Peninsula.
A dog who happens to come across as an intelligent and good-hearted old librarian.
She’s a very friendly and caring person, which may at times come across as flirtatious.
«I like her ideas, but she doesn’t come across as strong to me,» he said.
She studies disinformation, she said, but Mr. Trump produced one claim she’d never come across.
While getting my laptop out, I come across these «belly buds» my aunt got me.
Ask them to tell you where, specifically, your real voice and personality come across best.
Swen Vincke, who was controlling Astarion, had come across his first choices in the game.
We have come across impressive deals from the likes of JVC, Philips, Samsung, and more.
One thing that doesn’t come across in pictures is the sheer volume the V903 occupies.
You do not want to come across or stop any person walking on the range.
Without these first-person insights, Violet and Finch come across as inauthentic, immature, and unrealistic.
He wanted the story to come across as authentic as possible, which meant doing research.
This unlikely association «was surely the most ‘wow’ moment I’ve come across,» Dr. Chakrabarti said.
I’ve not come across someone who could give constructive comments in such a clever way.
It has also come across in her work, with Jill Biden, to support military families.
She saw everything from international drug cartel to national security cases come across her desk.
«To outsiders, this may come across as crude and even comic propaganda,» Mr. Lee said.
But she said her 19-year-old twin daughters had never come across the suspect.
When you lack emotional intelligence, it’s hard to understand how you come across to others.
«When I need a big heart operation, then I’ll come across town,» she told me.
After spending an entire day in their establishments, I hadn’t come across any of this.
It’s troubling how many tax preparers I’ve come across who are unaware of this exemption.
JB: They deserve it because—and sorry to come across like the supply teacher that Lisa Simpson falls in love with or something—they’re proof that if you’re really fucking good at something, and come across as halfway decent human beings, you’ll eventually get somewhere.
If you’re active on Instagram, you’ve likely come across a photo of Chefchaouen at some point.
You’ve probably come across the phrase «blind as a bat» at some point in your life.
Two Hawaii scientists believe they’ve come across one of them, and it’s a jaw-dropping wonder.
«My role was to come across to the cartel as a credible money launderer,» Mazur said.
If you follow the news, you’ve probably come across terms like encryption, zero day, or airgap.
But without some context, Trump’s video can come across as tone-deaf, with some absurdist undertones.
McKnight told FOX26 some of her neighbors have come across ATM&aposs thrown in the woods.
Meanwhile, traditional parental control software can come across more like spyware rather than policy management tools.
He was very quiet and didn’t come across as dynamic as he does when he sings.
She has to be a leader, but she can’t come across as overly threatening or pushy.
Instead, you just come across, no one asks for your ID. There is no barrier there.
It’s a boring idea and a lot of the characters just come across as demanding jerks.
As with state law, the kind of policies you’re going to come across will vary considerably.
This actually isn’t the most unusual item employes have come across while sorting donations, Boury said.
So I truly hope it does not come across, in any way, that I’m mocking Randy.
Time and time again, we come across investors who are paying exorbitant fees in their portfolios.
It’s also why you may come across a pokéstop connected to something that no longer exists.
You come across as extremely dominant in bed and that’s just something I can’t deal with.
The vast majority of people who’ve come across his audio archival efforts are supportive, Koi said.
The cuts will come across all business units, with half out of its HQ in Espoo.
You may also come across financial professionals with an alphabet soup of designations after their names.
Obviously, he was aware of his own intelligence, which may have come across badly to others.
Camden’s probably too young to be on Instagram, so he may never come across this post.
She didn’t necessarily agree, but was worried that her nuanced belief would come across as hate.
And I’m currently dealing with the most emotionally challenging, continuous parenting hurdle I’ve ever come across.
«We put this down to emoji predictions surfacing emoji users hadn’t come across before,» she added.
A little bit of digging into Australia’s history and you’ll soon come across some dark stuff.
»  «I do enough spiralling when I come across a post of an ex I’m already following.
I sometimes come across old photos in my phone of Plant in its youth and sigh.
Once I even come across an entire freighter, cracked in half, resting on the sea floor.
IMAGINE you are walking in a park and come across a boy drowning in a pond.
But she doesn’t want people to see only her disability when they come across her image.
If you’ve been on social media lately, then you have probably come across the #microwaveturkey hashtag.
Ms Whitman describes it as «one of the most disruptive» ideas she has ever come across.
Spend enough time in Alas Purwo and you’re bound to come across all kinds of wildlife.
For example, you’ll almost definitely come across your Gemini cousin in the playroom with the kids.
Or, perhaps, «We’re getting a ’90s vibe,» to describe basically any choker we’ve come across, ever.
Recently they have come across a new way to ramp up the pressure: a buyers club.
«To those who don’t know the ‘good’ meaning, it can come across as negative,» he said.
Do you have any suggestions of something you’ve come across, or do you have something yourself?
I haven’t come across a gaming laptop with better speakers, so it’s definitely a welcome surprise.
I don’t normally watch many NASCAR races, but I do come across some NASCAR videos online.
I can’t believe I’d never come across this before, let alone even heard of the band.
Weiner doesn’t necessarily come across poorly in the film—he simply comes across as Anthony Weiner.
My protagonist finds another layer beneath this concert venue, and they come across an air duct.
Any student of the currency markets will quickly come across the idea of «covered-interest parity».
Clinton, meanwhile, is a cool and accomplished debater but can come across as dull or dispassionate.
The source said Kim did not come across as overbearing, describing the spouses as appearing «equal».
Labo is one of the most fascinating products to come across my desk in recent memory.
Most of the time, we come across food stories that stand out for being totally weird.
From time to time, you come across images on the internet that simply cannot be unseen.
And the sheer number of multi-page resumes I come across is worrying, if nothing else.
I live here as a woman and I’ve never come across anything that wouldn’t happen elsewhere.
Whether you’re a writer or a reader, you’ll come across words and images that are graphic.
Sources say her security team did, in fact, come across a hooded man on the roof.
The only thing is that you must be careful, since words can come across as aggressive.
There’s only one superhero that I’ve ever come across to help with dry, flakey skin: SQUALANE.
I hope he enjoys his retirement and keeps on amusing all those who come across him.
«Investigators would not come across these children when they visit homes for data collection,» said Sekar.
When she did finally come across a version she liked, it was a $900 Alaïa top.
Joshua James is one of the more eccentric characters I’ve come across in this here industry.
A dozen hours in, every change I’ve come across so far has been for the better.
There’s a lot of battles going on in my head of how it should come across.
They come across a young, homosexual, Vladimir Putin, whom they suspect of being a KGB spy.
The two are certainly shown to be venal – but they also come across as ludicrous clowns.
It gives depth to the queen, who might otherwise come across a simple fairy-tale villain.
«If I come across something that I think it’s worthy then I might donate,» she said.
Click here to view original GIFIt’s not often you come across a real-life mad scientist.
Gogol told her he had never come across the ring but would keep her in mind.
Steele told him that Orbis sources had come across unsettling information about Trump’s ties to Russia.
As videos come across our screens, Americans deserve to know when a video has been altered.
People expect men to be tough, but women suffer when they come across anything but maternal.
Some comments, like asking the baby’s gender, might seem well intentioned but come across as invasive.
Here, pointing out someone’s religion or ethnicity can come across as questioning whether they’re fully French.
I don’t think I know a single person who doesn’t want to come across as confident.
He said that making demands or giving ultimatums can come across negatively during the negotiating process.
She didn’t want to come across as either weak, or a «tightly wound witch,» she said.
«Kameron had the biggest heart of any boy I have ever come across,» she told KSAT.
But there are other cold «remedies» you might come across that, well, just aren’t as helpful.
How do they navigate all the bumps in the road that we come across every day?
So many times in our work we come across things that don’t have a coherent narrative.
If you come across a bush fire, you should be thinking about your safety, not selfies.
If you’ve been on the internet recently, you’ve probably come across the Lush Bath Bomb meme.
SARA RUKMINI CALLIMACHI I have not come across any stories of Yazidi complicity in the violence.
It’s better to sound frivolous than to be flat-out offensive or come across as insincere.
«He’s very extremely managed, but for some reason has come across as very uncanny,» Hwang said.
So I made the first prototype and immediately felt something I had not come across before.
Living in LA, I frequently come across these seemingly unnecessary meditation accessories with ludicrous price tags.
The number one motive I’ve come across — although it’s not for everyone — is love of children.
But it is by far the most interesting piece of technology I’ve come across this year.
In my own experience as an Uber passenger, I have only come across one female driver.
They finally come across some men in the country, who end up not being so nice.
They tend to make things worse by overthinking, and can come across as cold and calculating.
We sometimes come across newspapers that make up their own stories, just to sell the paper.
Once in a while I come across a company that seems like a complete no-brainer.
Think back to August 1—this won’t be the first time you’ve come across this situation.
Personally, I hadn’t come across them online before their debut (they haven’t done loads of press).
Over the years of interviewing him, Mosseri has always come across as sharp, serious and empathetic.
How often do you come across a «featured answer/snippet» in Google that is just wrong?
Such monikers come across as vestigial metafictional winks (or tics) — hey, this is just a story!
As they advance under the gathering darkness, they come across the body of a fallen comrade.
I think on many of these issues they often come across as flat-footed or disorganized.
But this doesn’t come across as prurience, or a desire to make the show kid-friendly.
I come across a lot of queer people, and we’re all in it for the cheese.
In one home, the father and son come across a couple whose daughter had Down syndrome.
And while doing some late-night internet surfing for African music, Santana had come across Buika.
Before operating on Mr. Manzini, neither Dr. Enicker nor Dr. Harrichandparsad had come across his music.
And it’s definitely how you will come across if you continue in the manner you suggest.
«It was an awesome creature, it would have been terrifying to come across,» Mr. Mullaly said.
Don’t overdo this: You don’t want to come across as if you’re launching some paranoid investigation.
It can easily come across as glib: the contour formulaic, the flourishes more calculated than graceful.
Where her opponent, Steve Marchand, can come across as glib, Ms. Kelly is cautious and conservative.
That’s the only way for women to come across as effective and yet not appear threatening.
Your brain struggles to find responses that don’t ring hollow or come across as a cliché.
I could write that — «he rubbed his beard» — but it doesn’t come across the same way.
«The face is that of somebody you could come across in the Metro,» Dr. Hublin said.
I didn’t want to come across as a pompous tourist, but I couldn’t stand it anymore.
Increasingly, the arrests are collateral: Officers detain people they come across while looking for somebody else.
«If I see someone come across a poem of mine, I don’t say anything,» he said.
Because it can come across as rude when you fail to hear someone more than once.
«Underrepresented groups come across additional challenges in workplace by virtue of race or ethnicity,» Greenwood says.
Catch:2 Wireless Charger, available at Courant, $150This is the prettiest charging pad I’ve come across.
For an exceptionally successful person, Mr. Acosta can come across as exceptionally ambivalent about his success.
«It was exciting to come across this book that had such quiet certainty,» he told me.
Most of the names that you’ll come across when searching for a printer are pretty established.
But I have yet to come across anyone with such an enthusiastic reaction as these guys.
In researching opium addiction in late-19th-century America, I’ve come across countless stories like Henderson’s.
Then there are some women I’ve come across in the entertainment industry — agents, managers, club bookers.
Most social media users have likely come across a VSCO girl or two on their feeds.
Trilobites If you come across an old elk in southwestern Canada, chances are it is female.
Mary-Alice Dodge is one of the mutest protagonists I’ve ever come across in a book.
In the basement, she’d come across rollers, brushes, and a five-gallon container of white paint.
People who seek to please every possible person will come across every possible conflict of interest.
Having come across a 17-carat sapphire, called the Dancing Girl of India, he knew Mrs.
They go room to room, shouting commands and training their rifles on anyone they come across.
Ultimately, real empowerment would be not having to think about how we come across at all.
When you dig into the science on hand dryers, you’ll come across reason to be concerned.
You won&apost always find partner availability and sometimes you might come across «phantom» award space.
In the wrong context it would’ve come across as mean, but it was actually really cathartic.
But it’s also a true one: these low-res images are something we come across daily.
Strolling through Bolzano that day, Simonelli had come across a small right-wing anti-migrant protest.
Now, drivers are aggressively recruiting riders they come across while operating on Uber and Lyft’s platforms.
«I love Heidi because she’s the most special angel I have ever come across,» he says.
As you zip about the school, you’ll come across people and things that you can interact with.
It might not be business as usual, but it certainly doesn’t come across as a big deal.
That’s where we come across the quivering and uncertain symbols that play across the—surface, is it?
But there’s an old joke about two barefoot guys in the woods who come across a bear.
It’s these sort of teething troubles that you’re likely to come across as you dive into Crostini.
When you come across behavior that violates your expectations in consumers, that’s usually when you double-down.
But does a U.S. president Twitter-screaming in ALL CAPS come across as stable and in control?
Bart may have never committed a crime had he not come across Annie Laurie Starr (Peggy Cummins).
You might even come across the co-founder and chairman of Tinder itself, eligible bachelor Sean Rad.
The issue last week is there&aposs about 420 families every night come across the border illegally.
Let it breathe a little bit and let them come across hunters and aliens as they explore.
Investigators come across a scene and then have to piece together what happened from the available evidence.
Truly one of the most genuinely sweet and gentle people I’ve ever come across in my life.
They knew that when you meet or come across an overdose victim, you don’t prey on her.
Similarly, Instant Ideas is meant to provide inspiration based on the objects users come across in pins.
I smile back, trying to express «Good luck» but probably come across as simply looking very full.
When you come across a political ad or meme, do you check to make sure it’s true?
I’d come across the allegations early in my research, and asked Gu about it in our interviews.
If you’ve been researching menstrual cups you’ve probably come across the DivaCup, oh, half a dozen times.
But at some point, you invariably come across a headline, image macro, or GIF that demands sharing.
Most TikTok users have probably come across Paige Niemann, even if her name doesn’t ring a bell.
Scientists have come across alien dust in our solar system before, so the discovery is not unprecedented.
The next time you come across an Amazon product with hundreds or thousands of reviews, look closely.
«In the wrong hands, those scenes specifically could have come across in the wrong way,» he said.
Drive an hour or less in any direction and you’ll come across many incredible places to explore.
But during one speech, to officers in Belfast, Me., he realized he might come across as soft.
«They’re not something to fear but it’s best if you come across them to leave them alone.»
He says everything with such conviction that even the most absurd statements come across as eternal truths.
Mr Wagner will occasionally speak up for Mr Trump, but it may not come across as sincere.
Meanwhile, Ezekiel and Team Kingdom are prowling when they come across Morgan, who had gone rogue earlier.
Scientists have come across what they claim to be the earliest-known human drawing in South Africa.
«That’s what, when I come across them, gets my heart beating a little bit faster,» she added.
Critics have said the message the show is trying to send does not come across at all.
Now, I don’t want to come across as Pollyannaish, in either the American or the Israeli case.
Being very still If you come across as super stiff, that might look odd to the interviewer.
The weaker episodes, though, can come across as shallowly scolding, or worse — just a little too obvious.
If you like science fiction or concept art, there’s a good chance that you’ve come across ArtStation.
Some day the right script will come across my desk and I’ll be in the director’s chair.
Yes, but: There are certain nuances in members’ perspectives that don’t come across in a straight tally.
McLeckie says she’s seen a lot of games come across her desk, but Amos’ find stands out.
«Otherwise, whoever is chief executive, they will come across the same thing again and again and again.»
How does a fashion editor come across a small Icelandic brand like Kalda in the first place?
Johnson: This is all hypothetical, of course, and we don’t want to come across as mindless cheerleaders.
It keeps the night interesting, waiting to see what is going to come across my screen next.
A: At any given time, you come across as certain or empathetic or whatever it may be.
When people come across honest and crisp reasoning they stop and think:  Oh, I get it now.
Plus, it’s not likely that you’ll be able to identify every piece of artwork you come across.
These windowless houses come across as lacking souls — not just blind, as the title suggests, but eyeless.
By now, you’ve probably come across at least one report forecasting impending catastrophe at the Summer Games.
LONDON — It isn’t uncommon to come across random items when walking down your average street in London.
I was just trying to come across and try to stop him from getting to the net.
We’ve all come across babies who seem older than they really are — by about, um, 70 years.
Those objectives are clearly admirable in theory, but such noble experimentation can come across differently in practice.
Avoid mentioning any personal details about the interviewer you might have come across in a Google search.
Despite being a mass murderer, there were moments when Chupeta actually managed to come across as charming.
He is the single biggest liar I’ve ever come across…and I’ve seen some of the best.
Thankfully, I haven’t come across radio interference on the city streets that would cut out the connection.
Ajit Pai doesn’t come across as the sort of guy who’d be crossing swords with Silicon Valley.
While certainly revisionist, Dean’s account doesn’t come across as nearly as biased as, say, Unger’s Monroe bio.
It’s not just that so many of the movie’s heavy-handed Feminist Moments come across as disingenuous.
But there are several Austern recommends that you’re at least slightly less likely to have come across.
Music of all genres, like rock or pop, come across clear and just as the artists intended.
It was called a Southside cause Sasha [Petraske] must have come across it in a book somewhere.
For extra hiker bonus points, pick up any other litter you may come across on your trek.
We don’t know about you, but we don’t come across better than half-price deals very often.
You can only come across as being weak and we all know what happened to Jeb Bush.
But you can come across something and say, «Oh, that’s extraordinary,» but I’m really bad at names.
Some involve visualization, others involve filming yourself while talking to see how you speak and come across.
Nobody wants to come across like a desperate, warty old maid, so we pretend we’re not lonely.
If you come across a blogger and find someone who’s really good, you’re going to hire them.
Every so often we come across something more fundamental and lasting than a trend: a seismic shift.
But sometimes you come across something so unbelievably wrong that you have to unpack it a little.
By now, you’ve probably come across one or more of our many heartfelt odes to Trader Joe’s.
But that tweet could also come across as a culture war attack against mostly African-American players.
I didn’t come across a single investigator or anyone associated with those cases who had any doubt.
Virgos can come across as poised and reserved, but beneath the refinement is a force of sensuality.
At the very least, you will come across as more friendly, which can help you get ahead.
And maybe just getting better and bigger speakers might help the spoken dialogue come across more clearly.
Authorities only wanted to send an urgent message to witnesses, but ‘it didn’t come across that way’
On the other hand, networking tends to be more superficial and can come across as self-serving.
«I want the message to come across visually with methods of tradition and traditional ways,» said Nomura.
The strategy can come across as elitist to veteran advertisers who aren’t used to working that way.
In contrast, those who post «posies» (photos of themselves taken by someone else) come across far better.
«I’ve come across so many veterans that are struggling to get their lawn mowed,» Smith told ABC.
Tommy Kosto is a drug addict … probably one of the most severe addicts I’ve ever come across.
That’s why it feels weird when I come across articles calling the women on the show evil.
If he doesn’t come across a company that meets all three of his criteria, he doesn’t invest.
But the locals you meet here come across as eager to chat and happy you are here.
When women stand up to a bully like Trump, they can come across as measured and tough.
«If you put resources into it, you will come across something like this,» he told the Post.
If you search the web for rare Apple prototypes, you’ll likely come across the name Hap Plain.
So any obstacle we come across, one of us can think of a way out of it.
«Flirting on LinkedIn isn’t just counterproductive — it can come across as wildly inappropriate,» writer Jane Burnett urges.
When sitting static on the page, many of these designs come across as random, or simply confusing.
«They do not come across as the sharpest tacks in the tack-box-factory,» said the source.
Do I fully express what I’m feeling inside, and come across as a jittery, nervous, sweating mess?
This choice by a lesser-known candidate might come across as cocky and send the wrong message.
Describing pieces of music with words like «fuck» and «shit» can come across as infantile and basic.
«I hadn’t come across a writer that I loved and who I thought fit me,» she says.
I could spend hours cataloging the often strange, sometimes adorable, always interesting alien creatures I come across.
True, when such grievances are expressed by conservatives, they can often come across as routine, partisan demonization.
We’ll frequently update this guide because we’re continually testing mineral-based sunscreens as we come across them. 
Beyond Houston, one need not scan headlines very far to come across stories of deadly flooding elsewhere.
Since it was usually reserved for serious crimes under Chinese law, I hadn’t come across it much.
Though many acquaintances credit him with being charming, he can also come across as remote and desultory.
The bustle of the urban alleyways and the restiveness of the small towns come across credibly throughout.
You don’t want to come across as condescending, and you also don’t want to underestimate Mr. Kemp.
He said showing autopsy photos in this case could come across to the jury as heavy-handed.
When you don’t know much about a subject, sometimes the first advice you come across appears solid.
We gotta say … it’s been a while since we’ve come across a guy like Andy Jr. here.
There are many moments I might not remember until I come across a picture or a video.
One major positive for Twitter: I didn’t come across a single nasty tweet during the whole game.
It’s easy for the character of Golde, Tevye’s wife, to come across as just another nagging spouse.
But in performance this wrenching, mysterious and episodic 37-minute piece did come across like program music.
On the contrary, the Japanese royals have come across as studious, empathetic and almost unnaturally well behaved.
It is also one of the darkest and bloodiest plays you are ever likely to come across.
From the beginning, Reyez, 28, has come across with palpable sincerity and a sense of emotional transparency.
From the beginning, Reyez, 28, has come across with palpable sincerity and a sense of emotional transparency.
If you actually haven’t come across this news yet, we’re kind of impressed, because it’s absolutely massive.
And I wanted that to come across, that she’s just comfortable and kind of sugary and warm.
Some of its efforts, though, come across as little more than pressuring women to marry and reproduce.
The following is a list of the best, most useful offers that we’ve come across so far.
No one knows how many jellyfish there are, but scientists regularly come across vast hordes of them.
And there are aspects of how we work — and how we come across — that definitely warrant adjustment.
«Dixon told Essence magazine’s Jasmine Grant that it was not her intention to come across as «racist.
But I can be seen counting letters on my fingers whenever I come across an interesting phrase.
Even though Taiwanese patients get a good deal on health care, they don’t come across as entitled.
Somehow, this doesn’t come across either as counter-factualism or denialism, but as a kind of magic.
Those checking the football score may come across it, posted on Twitter, YouTube and other big platforms.
You’ll come across a ton of other Dyson vacuums we didn’t mention above and for good reason.
I’ve definitely come across turmoil … being judged for really no reason at all, just based off associations.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD33) An outdated measurement benchmark, but you may come across it.
What did the Pratt Institute student Margaret Daly come across that she felt was worthy of saving?
«I haven’t come across a patient yet who wouldn’t recommend it,» Dr. Twells said in an interview.
This will help to recollect where are the places you visited and the people you come across.
Mr. Ali’s conceit is that Viola and Sebastian are Cuban refugees, but that doesn’t come across onstage.
You&aposll come across little inconveniencesTaxSlayer does allow you to skip around in the e-filing process.
Other times we come across something that is $2,000 off — and that’s a really fucking good deal.
As you scroll down the For You page, you’ll come across your podcast recommendations and personalized playlists.
Denim might create a more casual look; an all-black outfit might come across as more sophisticated.
Arun Mathew, a partner at Accel, says he doesn’t come across companies like 1Password all that often.
That’s why when they joke about death, it can come across like a friend’s sharing intimate secrets.
«Seeing that come across let everyone know, hey, people have our backs on this,» said one Republican.
This is meant so that if someone searches for Bon Appétit, they’ll come across the magazine first.
So I was trying to inform our readers of work that perhaps they hadn’t come across before.
«I got super nervous when Dygert started to come across because she is special,» Van Vleuten said.
I expected it all to be more playful, but for some reason that doesn’t ever come across.
«This is not something we come across every day, and this is really uniquely terrible,» Martin said.
Occasionally, members will also use the group to share any quality raptor memes that they come across.
As a teenager, you come across different street obstacles, but that’s life coming up from over there.
That raises the question: What should you do if you come across an unidentifiable beached sea creature?
There’s also one of the most charming features we’ve ever come across: A private lakeside tea house.
There’s so much anger and defensiveness out there right now about any story where men come across badly.
In our industry, we constantly come across children in dire need of life-saving or life-altering surgeries.
I knew I was making a «solo record,» but I didn’t want it to come across that way.
I think I come across in a way that might not seem bullying or offensive in any way.
From the app menu click Settings then Advanced and you’ll come across a Media autoplay drop-down menu.
Anyone can contribute a spoiler, though, so you may come across a fair amount of questionably accurate synopses.
SHAPIRO: But actually when the parents come across the border knowing what the status of the law is.
And if Buffett doesn’t come across a company that meets all three of his criteria, he doesn’t invest.
Negahban has been steadily working for the last two decades, so you’ve definitely come across his work before.
You don&apost let people come across willy-nilly without prosecuting, detaining them and then deporting them back.
Since the fire, Berard-Zaletel has been feeding and rescuing cats she’s come across following the tragic disaster.
I also get that sense of joy when I come across Gabby Sidibe and Jussie Smollett’s candid moments.
Don’t go looking for 3D effects here, as Red’s 4View tech simply doesn’t come across in regular photos.
You’re done with doing things behind the scenes and you may come across as more confrontational than usual.
If you come across a super-zealous, detailed review, look at what else the reviewer has been saying.
«My usual blend of British sarcasm, provocation, and gallows humor might have come across as flippancy,» he said.
Things get weird when they come across a woman (Nae Yuuki) naked and nestled in the forest floor.
Although the body talk from their coaches was meant to be positive, it didn’t come across that way.
Things like Zuckerberg’s earnest question to his house AI, pondering «Who should we tickle next?» come across… weirdly.
It’s easy to lose myself for hours clearing out every side quest in each settlement I come across.
He’d come across the scene while police were sealing off the area, the bodies still in the street.
It’s a total send up of the genre, but never does Collins come across as cruel or snarky.
If you’re watching network television, you’ll likely come across DC Comics series like Supergirl and the new Powerless.
It’s clear that Porter hasn’t come across a piece of outwear that he didn’t know how to rock.
We wanted to make sure that for Ali’s character that she didn’t come across as super broad strokes.
At Sqirl, Ms. Koslow has pioneered day starters that come across as simultaneously comforting and disorienting, on purpose.
When you come across a human specimen like Bachelorette super-villain Chad Johnson, it’s hard to look away.
Along the way, I come across a non-functioning ski lift that leads to exactly where I’m headed.
And if there’s anywhere you definitely don’t want to come across as a liar, it’s a job interview.
A dentist from Pennsylvania had come across these three cases over the course of two to three decades.
He&aposs urging people to put any octopuses they come across in the future back in the sea.
In games, the Mate 20 Pro has given me the best performance I’ve yet come across on Android.
The improvement in his numbers has come across age groups and gender lines, and from all geographic regions.
It was refreshing to come across someone who did what he did without shouting it to the gods.
This is a good perk of Sweatstyle: You get to try brands you otherwise may not come across.
«Obviously we don’t want to come across as rude,» Dave Ferguson, co-founder of Nuro, told The Verge.
«What has come across is a pervasive sense that racial bias remains pernicious on our campus,» Beilock said.
We’ve come across high heels and strollers out here, people had no idea what they were getting into.
Along the way, you’ll come across neat equipment that’ll make the game all the more fun to play.
They also say that when it comes to Amazon’s core consumer business, Carney can come across as uninterested.
I love how clean the streets are kept too, even if it can come across a bit stuffy.
The child was designated an «unaccompanied alien child» — as if she’d come across the border on her own.
Instagram is making it a lot simpler for people to buy things they come across in their feed.
I&aposll tell you this is by far the worst most notorious gang that I ever come across.
It’s odd to come across these unpopulated part of Pokémon Go, especially in a big city like London.
If you’ve not come across their hilarious but bizarre jokes with Lily, bring yourself up to speed now.
The Priority Chef sharpener is without a doubt, the easiest to use, rapid sharpener I have come across.
It’s rare to come across a game that has adjusted their freemium pricing packs to the local GDP.
When we’re about to leave, we come across a dog who we think is one of his siblings!
But if you look at it not knowing the context, it’s doesn’t come across as a humorous photo.
Driven ceaselessly to the margins, some of them have come across Wells’ channel, and heard his siren call.
If seamless, VFILES XO is definitely one of the only wearables I’ve come across that truly is stylish.
No matter where you go in life, you’re bound to come across toxic people — especially in the workplace.
Jean added Hawking’s cameo put the scientist’s ideas to people who may not have ordinarily come across them.
It’s fair to question the tone such image, which could come across as «tacky» or opportunistic to some.
We’ve come across dozens and dozens of chocolate cake recipes out there that claim to be the best.
«She needs to come across as optimistic without being too hawkish and cautious without being negative,» said Masters.
In front of a hidden camera, passengers get into a Lyft car and come across a purple purse.
It’s not uncommon to come across locals with overdrawn lips, bold, filled-in brows, and precise cat-eyes.
For candidates who’ve spent their entire political career doing this, it’s no wonder they come across as calculating.
«I’ve worked in homelessness for 23 years now and I’ve never come across anything like it,» she says.
But even mother and daughter, at times, come across as more judgmental and petty than they did before.
«When I saw his name come across, I just knew,» T.J. Smith, in tears, told reporters on Wednesday.
You’ve probably come across the phrase «leaky gut syndrome» floating through the alternative medicine circles of the internet.
The brownie flavors change daily, but if you come across the lemon bars or peanut butter brownies, pounce.
Did you come across any home studios that involved the kitchen as part of the recording set-up?
Now there’s one application we haven’t previously come across — building up heat maps of the world’s tropical forests.
Your teen may not even need to follow users who are posting explicit stuff to come across it.
His life changes drastically when two women, portrayed by Mia Goth and Olwen Fouere, come across his shack.
Sadly, the result is that often they don’t come across as believable and are therefore threatened with deportation.
Right there by the house, if you walk up through the woods, you’ll come across seven coal mines.
Great stuff: I’ve just come across what may be the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Anthem doesn’t come across as merely action competent for a BioWare game, it’s legitimately a good action game.
And the sweet, umami-pungent smell that hits your nostrils is nothing like anything you’ve come across before.
Beyond those two, the rest of the world’s estimated 1.6 billion Muslims come across as two-dimensional caricatures.
«There’s a ton of new material and new information that no one has come across before,» Eig said.
Every once in a while, you may come across something on RTR that you love enough to buy.
What might have come across, to today’s tastes, as a clunky knight’s castle instead feels stately and inviting.
Unsure how to interpret these results, Blanke had searched the literature and come across some papers by Metzinger.
Bennett said Grande was «miserable» during her previous tour because the lighting didn’t come across well on Instagram.
It’s honestly unexpected to come across a portrayal of police this harsh in a piece of mainstream media.
«You statements can come across as accusatory and blame ridden,» says Jen Brown, Founder + Director, The Engaging Educator.
The legend continued through the mid-20th century, with mountain explorers eager to come across the infamous creature.
That’s tricky enough, but what happens when you come across someone who makes your workday a living hell?
You just won’t have 14 days to ask for a differential refund if you come across something lower.
One of the officers could see my intentions were pure—they’d never come across something like this before.
Follow along with the Okeanos Explorer’s mission logs here to see what new finds NOAA teams come across.
We’re not all lucky enough to come across a sexy daikon on a supermarket stroll, as SoraNews24 notes.
It’s also the fair where you’re most likely to come across a Banksy, so keep your eyes peeled.
He and Genking say that they come across both male and female fans copying their hair and outfits.
It’s the lens through which I view nearly everything I come across in this world, including this interview.
I’ve been in this business for many years, I’ve never come across such a reason to smash things.
Four «musts» for Trump, based on conversations with advisers: Come across as someone who can get stuff done.
«If they were going to come across the world, we needed to make it really special,» he said.
A few of these attempts have come across as just as out of touch as the meme’s targets.
Avoid asking questions that pertain to topics like benefits or vacation days because you’ll come across as presumptuous.
«If you want to come across as a literate writer, you should adhere to those standards,» he said.
Still, A.C.O. concerts, rather than feeling like exercises in special pleading, typically come across as celebrations, Tuesday’s included.
One sequence involves them exploring the ruins of the dwarven planet, only to come across the lone survivor.
Maybe we’ll have children, and we’ll name them after the isolated islands we come across on our travels.
From a distance, this proclivity for violence against family members can come across as unhinged to Western observers.
Every few months I’ll come across my box of postcards and I’ll dive into all of the memories.
«We didn’t come across much literature suggesting that there were big downside risks to doing this,» Kilmer said.
THE LIEBy William Dameron Google «40-year-old white man» and you’ll invariably come across William Dameron’s photograph.
Over the years, he and his colleagues have come across Geobacter in many places far beyond the Potomac.
So back in the pole position, Biden just needed to come across better than he did last time.
Dr. Eliezer M. Van Allen, a cancer researcher at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, has come across one clue.
They come across as seams, places where the surface could fold, as they might elsewhere in a work.
Every time I returned home, I would come across a new item and spare it from the trash.
The parts of screenplays that aren’t dialogue don’t always come across as carefully crafted as the dialogue itself.
Just like public speaking, the more you practice, the more confident you will come across in your delivery.
But Ms. de Cadenet knows that young people come across, and search for, pornography at extremely young ages.
I don’t want to come across as overbearing and condescending or out of touch with their financial realities.
If it helped make her sometimes come across like a stereotypical diva, so be it, Ms. Norman felt.
PEOPLE: What was the biggest challenge you’ve come across working on your line throughout the last 10 years?
I am lucky enough in my life to come across some of the most talented athletes in soccer.
And while her filmmaking style can sometimes come across as staid, her sense of pace is always acute.
Then you come across a team like this and realize what being lean and moving fast really means.
The staging not only sounds different from any «Night Music» I’ve come across but also looks startlingly fresh.
Blomfield counts Y Combinator’s Continuity fund as a Monzo backer, having first come across the investor at GoCardless.
«I wanted them to come across as what they were, which was essentially a hippie family,» she said.
«I think the secret is that I come across as an ordinary guy, which I am,» he said.
You want to make sure you don’t come across as phony, dishonest or out of touch, Welch says.
«If any OkCupid members come across people involved in hate groups, please report it immediately,» the company tweeted.
More than that, and replies seem to be pointless and might come across as combative rather than persuasive.
Did you come across any stories or links that raised questions of veracity for you for any reason?
The iPhone 11 is still available with one of the cheapest Black Friday deals we have come across.
Clue All day long I come across articles I want to read but don’t have the time for.
There’s no single way that people come across these treatments, since the hypothyroid community exists across various platforms.
And because we can’t see very broadly past ourselves, I come across to you as angry and annoyed.
While you can find the Inspire HR at other retailers, this is the best price we’ve come across
Or maybe he’d come across reviews of me online and knew already that I’m arrogant, ignorant and cruel.
«Robroek has come across clothing, ancient books, and tools used in services while photographing these «houses of God.
Strolling the quiet streets, this visitor was pleasantly surprised to come across Ezo, tucked in a residential courtyard.
He could sometimes come across as reserved, even cold, several people who have worked with him have said.
They don’t always express it in ways others perceive as anxiety, instead they come across as being controlling.
It works by notifying people when they come across fake and biased news stories, The Associated Press reported.
«As a producer I know I can come across as very direct,» Mr. Fabre said in the statement.
For now, though, these launches come across as compelling one-offs rather than a cohesive online commerce strategy.
And any financial crimes the investigators come across would fall squarely within the second part of his charge.
Yes, but: Many companies already have stop-loss insurance, meaning these additional services could come across as redundant.
I can never resist snow-pea shoots, and have never come across any as delicious as Hwa Yuan’s.
I can imagine you come across critics who are not sympathetic to the plight of people in prison.
That they come across as turgid landscapes of expressionistic phallic fecundity may be more than a side issue.
«Finding these is not frequent but we do come across them from time to time,» shares the conservator.
So imagine if they come across a family that doesn’t want ‘overdose’ or ‘heroin’ on the death certificate.
I don’t think I’ve ever come across an advert in Asia that promotes the message to love yourself.
Mars enters your sign today, too, boosting your energy—and possibly making you come across as more aggressive.
Of course, Google and Facebook are now putting in work to come across as privacy defenders as well.
«I come across it from time to time but not as often as I used to,» she said.
«When you come across this rough draft of history, it’s compelling,» said John Thorn, Major League Baseball’s official historian.
«Mandy is the kindest, most talented, most beautiful soul I’ve come across in a long time,» says Ventimiglia, 39.
Exploring means more resources, but it also means you’ll come across more TransStar employees who didn’t survive the breach.
Mainstream users, meanwhile, will likely come across Siri Shortcuts for the first time when using their favorite iOS apps.
It says people have been killed by then, often when subsistence farmers come across the animals in their fields.
Imagine it — hitting the beach in Queensland, Australia for a quick surf, only to come across a freakin’ tiger.
I doubt that you will come across another painting anytime soon that is as simultaneously measured, stark, and ravishing.
Rangers beat reporter Levi Weaver come across the glitch in the Matrix, when he must have felt cross-eyed.
Your mom and dad come across in the book as having both influenced your love of comedy and politics.
Lady Stoneheart and the Brotherhood Without Banners come across Brienne, her former protector, who now carries a Lannister sword.
The Teamsters were ultimately able to come across more as working guys fighting for their cause than mafioso caricatures.
This isn’t to say the «SexyBack» singer doesn’t come across as incredibly earnest and off the cuff — he does!
Others don’t know anyone who uses heroin but want to be prepared should they ever come across an overdose.
Even if you’ve never seen Cabaret or Chicago, you’ve likely come across mention of Fosse’s signature move: Jazz hands.
Many of the voters No Means No, Ruben, canvassers have come across aren’t aware of the allegations against Kihuen.
What could you do differently next time to come across even more effectively and really improve your meeting mojo?
That’s always a concern as a female artist, you don’t want to come across as näive or not prepared.
Sarah Hyland recently took to Twitter to call attention to the double standard’s she’s come across as a woman.
It also said it did not intend for the meme to come across as sexist or as objectifying women.
And other refinements that Google might’ve made here (like improved sound quality) aren’t going to come across in images.
This is the best earphones case I’ve come across outside of the one Apple has crafted for the AirPods.
There are a few weather geek terms you’re likely to come across when following this blizzard on social media.
Investors searching for a needle-in-a-haystack stock that has limited exposure to tariffs might come across Okta.
It’s very difficult to have that come across when you have, like, a slick produced audio and visual thing.
But I hate that it can come across as pretentious and only showing the best snap shots in life.
Usually, they come across as contrite and polite and definitely not cocky, because that would be a bad look.

Good evening, I happened to be doing some research and came across your blog, that goodness that I did.


If you’re a single doctor who’s been hoping to come across your dream girl or guy at the local ER or in the office, say goodbye to that fantasy.


A 285-Horsepower 3.6-Liter V6 Engine under the hood powers an 8-Speed Four-Wheel-Drive Automatic Transmission so that you can tackle just about any driving condition that you may come across along your many adventures and reach all of your destinations with ease.


Speech was natural and distinctive, while effects came across as accurate and tight.


While I’m not complaining, you have to know that these are not only AMAZING lemon poppy seed cookies, but they are also the base for the absolute BEST vegan sugar cookies I’ve come across in years.


PLUS, if I come across a blog post, article, image, etc. on the internet or on another blog that I love, I always make sure to share the love and pin it!


Next time you come across conjectures about bond ETFs, it helps to take another look.


So glad I came across this information!


UTX has been one of the most consistent dividend stocks I have come across over the past decade.


I came across this on Pinterest, and made it last night.


So as not to forget any information he comes across, it has to be taken, either in photograph or tattooed to his body.


I was actually running research on different formulas and I came across Munchkin Grass Fed as a new premium alternative.


Please add any other tips that you know or come across in the comments section at the bottom of the page.


Upon reading yesterday’s Toronto Star newspaper, I came across a disturbing article that talked about cigars being dressed up to look like treats for children.


It’s an amazing combination of flavors that I first came across several years ago in Kim Boyce’s «Olive Oil Cake» from her inspiring and innovative cookbook, Good To the Grain.


Nice to haev come across your site, hope to come for more soon.


Recruiters are thrilled to come across candidates who excel and rise to the occasion.


That is why you will mostly come across lenders advertising secured loans for bad credit.


Having now published over 1,300 posts, I can no longer remember all of them, so reading this early post (written just four months after the launch of my blog in May, 2010) was like coming across a forgotten baby picture.


I am searching for a different way of explaining faith, but haven’t come across it yet….


You will come across variants in cap toe, plain toe, and wing tip made with the timeless leather and versatile suede.


• As I shop for clients (and myself) I come across a few items that as soon as I spot them, I can tell they are guaranteed to sell out — THIS TOPSHOP DRESS is one of them.


I think the best piece of blog writing advice I ever came across was to write as if you were chatting to a good friend.


I came across your this post while searching for details about blog-related research… It is a good post..


I came across a sermon about parenting from a famous preacher.


This by far was the best when I came across.


Therefore, you will not find it as a difficult task to come across the perfect match.


Sometimes you come across a brand that just makes you happy.


My biggest pet peeve in reviewing is coming across a book which obviously hasn’t benefited from professional editing.


The followings are some of the items that I have come across and loved and think are worthy of recommendation!


More so than in your 30s, you need to avoid coming across as a couch potato in your profile because the majority of singles on senior dating sites seek active mates.


I have come across a few cons in using them for almost a year, the fine mesh inner that allows the cover to air dry can absorb the smell of urine from a really wet diaper and make your baby’s bottom a little stinky upon reuse.


If you come across some similar references on early and mid stage company director compensation, please add a comment or send me an email.


Don’t be shy about requesting a different nurse if yours is particularly troublesome — but be sure to appreciate the amazing ones you do come across!


Living in India you don’t normally come across these supplies so as I’m huge on DIYs this is just amazing: Dim a totally sequins girl, metallic, pretty pastels, you name it and i have have it.


Exteriors — Among the Nexon, EcoSport and the Vitara Brezza, it is the Nexon that comes across as a more appealing design with lots of swoopy curves.


I found exactly what I was looking for when I came across Blush Creative Studio.


I used to love red velvet cake but have never come across a vegan recipe for it — thank you for this!


Be proud and write confidently and it will come across a lot better than you probably think that it does.


Lucky me I came across your site by accident (stumbleupon).


I kept coming across your recipe and would be like, «But I have a pizza stone.


Especially as a community grows, you will come across more and more daily spam.


I’m so happy I came across your page and daily recipe emails!!


A little while after writing this, I came across a poem by an eighteenth century Persian poet called Hatif Isfahani, which praises Christianity for its affirmation of Divine Unity.


It was while sifting through this overflowing cupboard that I came across my last jar of homegrown pickled jalapenos.


I have come across a recipe for Tuscany Spinach Pie..


While visiting our local farmer’s market yesterday, we came across these beautiful baby eggplants:


You already hate tax season, and as you move wearily through the cold calculations of the 1040 form, you come across a familiar checkbox.


Until I came across a sign cautioning me that there was…


I came across this recipe in the award-winning book At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen: Celebrating the Art of Eating Well by Amy Chaplin.


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