Sentence with the word colors

Sentences with the word Colors?



  • «The colors don’t harmonize»; «Their ideas concorded»
  • «She sailed through her exams»; «You will pass with flying colors«; «She nailed her astrophysics course»
  • «neutral colors like black or white»
  • «it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors«
  • «kept a fire extinguisher available»; «much information is available through computers»; «available in many colors«; «the list of available candidates is unusually long»
  • «sun-bleached deck chairs»; «faded jeans»; «a very pale washed-out blue»; «washy colors«
  • «These dyes and colors are guaranteed not to run»
  • «The colors blend well»
  • «a flash car»; «a flashy ring»; «garish colors«; «a gaudy costume»; «loud sport shirts»; «a meretricious yet stylish book»; «tawdry ornaments»
  • «heard my friend’s characteristic laugh»; «red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn»; «stripes characteristic of the zebra»
  • «your choice of colors was unfortunate»; «you can take your pick»
  • «her dress was a disturbing clash of colors«
  • «These colors clash»
  • «clashing interests of loggers and conservationists»; «clashing colors«
  • «each flavor of quarks comes in three colors«
  • «his tie proclaimed his school colors«
  • «These shoes come in three colors; The furniture comes unassembled»
  • «contrasting (or contrastive) colors«
  • «dark green»; «dark glasses»; «dark colors like wine red or navy blue»
  • «These colors please the senses»; «a pleasing sensation»
  • «dirty» is often used in combination; «a dirty (or dingy) white»; «the muddied grey of the sea»; «muddy colors«; «dirty-green walls»; «dirty-blonde hair»
  • «colors dulled by too much sun»; «greyed with the dust of the road»
  • «This artist’s drawings cannot emulate his water colors«
  • «a faint outline»; «the wan sun cast faint shadows»; «the faint light of a distant candle»; «weak colors«; «a faint hissing sound»; «a faint aroma»; «a weak pulse»
  • «fast colors«
  • «fluorescent colors«
  • «incompatible personalities»; «incompatible colors«
  • «indiscriminate reading habits»; «an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles»
  • «they said nothing of great interest»; «primary colors can add interest to a room»
  • «The colors don’t intrude on the viewer»
  • «The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors«
  • «light blue»; «light colors such as pastels»; «a light-colored powder»
  • «her voice is superbly disciplined»; «the colors changed wondrously slowly»
  • «realistic portraiture»; «a realistic novel»; «in naturalistic colors«; «the school of naturalistic writers»
  • «the northern hemisphere»; «northern autumn colors«
  • «the opposite sex»; «the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors«
  • «the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers»; «the play of light on the water»
  • «pure air and water»; «pure gold»; «pure primary colors«; «the violin’s pure and lovely song»; «pure tones»; «pure oxygen»
  • «screaming headlines»; «screaming colors and designs»
  • «taffeta with shifting colors«
  • «the moon cast soft shadows»; «soft pastel colors«; «subdued lighting»
  • «spectral colors«; «spectral analysis»
  • «trichromatic vision»; «a trichromatic printing process»; «trichromatic staining is the staining of tissue samples differentially in three colors«; «tricolor plumage»; «a tricolor process in photography»
  • «I establish the colors and principal values by organizing the painting into three values—dark, medium…and light»-Joe Hing Lowe
  • «a violent clash of colors«; «her dress was a violent red»; «a violent noise»; «wild colors«; «wild shouts»

Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1. The country is gay with all Colors of bunting.

2. A prism decomposes sunlight into various Colors.

3. Do you think these two Colors will blend together?

4. You can use any two Colors — for example, red and yellow.

5. Life is a palette, you put Colors on it. Let your past make you better, not bitter.

6. The Colors of your coat, hat and muffler shall harmonize.

7. Ted was very particular about the Colors he used.

8. Solid Colors are more slimming than patterns.

9. There are various Colors to choose from.

10. Don’t wash whites and Colors together.

11. His coat was woven from wool of many Colors.

12. The Colors in the room harmonized.

13. Troops raised the country’s Colors in a special ceremony.

14. Warm Colors were all the cry last year.

15. Once he achieved power he showed his true Colors.


Tips to remember how to use «Colors» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Colors».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Colors», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Colors» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The colors and sensations of the immortal world were richer on the senses, but the mortal world seemed raw, untamed.

He glanced around the penthouse decorated in dark colors with flashes of burgundy and brown, attention settling on the familiar skyline visible through the window.

Carmen had chosen the colors pastel violet and light gray, with the theme being hearts and the flowers being forget-me-nots.

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Of other medieval glass may be noted the splendid glass vases for lamps, with Arab inscriptions fused in colors on the outsides.

She wore a rich tanzanite blue-purple that was darker than the colors worn by the people of this planet.

Mutagenesis was invented in the 1920s by Lewis J. Stadler of the University of Missouri who pointed X-rays at some barley seeds and noticed that the resulting plants were all different colors and had a variety of mutations.

The high school student had a pennant with his school colors on his bedroom wall.

She was numb to most of the world, and the colors of the worlds were muted.

The colors represented the four countries of Oz, and the green star the Emerald City.

The extraordinary forms, colors and textures of the true galls have always formed some of the most interesting of biological questions, for not only is there definite co-operation I between a given species of insect and of plant, as shown by the facts that the same insect may induce galls of different kinds on different plants or organs, while different insects induce different galls on the same plante.g.

  • Use the word COLORS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He’s one of our best footballers. He’ll get his colors next term.

The colors have been restored thanks to the method of No├½l Desmet of the Belgian Cin├®math├¿que.

With money from his first novel «One flew over the cuckoos nest» Kesey and his friends bought a second-hand school-bus painted it bright colors and loaded with LSD set off across America.

ÔÇô colors have become quite a lot brighter.

Approximately 777 meters of a U.S. version, whose colors are deteriorating and have a solarized effect, are kept at the Library of Congress.

Look, I am wearing your colors!

Why don’t you hoist your colors and put on your uniform and get up there and fight… like a man, like a sailor, like my brother?

All colors of the rainbow.

And yet I’m not at all sure that my colors were too somber.

Those colors are not yet dry.

The first 3 months of the fiscal year… style 4, all colors, dropped 14%.

Figurin’ on gettin’ called to the colors again?

This man of whom I’m speaking threw himself on a riderless horse… and rode into the thick of it… and by the grace of God came galloping back from the jaws of death… our colors clutched in his hand.

If you refuse, my name is Alexander Smollett I’ve flown my sovereign’s colors and I’ll see you all to Davy Jones.

Now, I can’t have these colors, Mr. Hands and by your leave, I’ll strike them.

Hitler presents new colors to the assembled Party formations… touching each new flag to the Blutfahne, the «Blood Banner»… carried by SS-Standartenf├╝hrer Jakob Grimminger… the same man who carried this flag during the abortive Munich putsch of 1923

The PaImers will have you ruled off the track when they see your colors.

Strike that French flag and hoist our own colors.

But where before You saw the green grass, The flowing brooks, The hills in all their colors, The leaves of the trees…

It’s the green grass And the flowing brooks And the hills In all their colors And the faces Of those people we love-

Mosley Thorpe has been revealed in his true colors.

Up went our colors and our captain hails, «What ship is that?»

«American ship Ranger,» roars Jones, and up go his colors.

You come out in your true colors?

There is a variety of colors amongst geraniums, but the red and white predominate.

Both horses now run under true colors.

Now she shows her true colors.


Good fisherman, like clever merchant, know lure of bright colors.

And these, my colors, you shall wear into battle.

There’s nothing else I can say, except that I’m glad… that before our marriage you showed yourself up in your true colors.

You brought the colors out

I never knew There were such lovely colors

Mother came through her crisis with flying colors.

Most of the time when the sun rises, you’re cold, it’s gray and the colors are horrible.

Aren’t the colors marvelous this autumn?

Only punish my daughter-in-law. And open my son Vasily’s eyes, so he’ll see her in her true colors.

The colors will be presented, Major.

Here, take the colors of the fair Elaine and wear them bravely in the joust, Sir Modred.

-Suggest they lower their colors.

Very well, Mr. Pitt. Show them how to lower those colors.

We have it in pigskin, several different colors and with or without fitted accessories.

Major Barbara will die with the colors!

I must say you passed the test with flying colors.

And we have them in three lovely colors.

Synonym: color, color in, coloration, coloring, coloring material, colorise, colorize, colour in, colouration, colouring, colouring material, colourise, colourize, discolor, discolour, distort, emblazon, gloss, people of color, people of colour, semblance, tinge, vividness. Similar words: flying colours, Color., color, colon, colony, colonial, discolor, colorful. Meaning: [‘kʌlə]  n. 1. any material used for its color 2. a race with skin pigmentation different from the white race (especially Blacks) 3. (physics) the characteristic of quarks that determines their role in the strong interaction; each flavor of quarks comes in three colors 4. interest and variety and intensity 5. the timbre of a musical sound 6. a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect 7. an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading 8. the appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of a person’s perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation. v. 1. modify or bias 2. decorate with colors 3. gloss or excuse 4. affect as in thought or feeling 5. add color to 6. change color, often in an undesired manner. adj. having or capable of producing colors. 

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1, Truth needs no colour; beauty, no pencil. 

2, A good horse cannot be of a bad colour

3, The female changes colour during the breeding season.

4, Either dye or paints are used to colour cloth.

5, Tinted photographs were an early substitute for colour.

6, Do you have a colour preference ?

7, Will the colour in this material fade?

8, My shirt is more ivory colour than white.

9, The horse was almost pure white in colour.

10, Whatever your colour scheme, there’s a fabric to match.

11, The clear, lively illustrations are in full colour.

12, The canyon walls were striated with colour.

13, That carpet is somewhat off colour.

14, The sea was the colour of slate.

15, His hair was the colour of sand.

16, They painted the bathroom a yucky green colour.

17, The garden was a mass of colour.

18, Her hair is a reddish-brown colour.

19, Colour is inconceivable to people born blind.

20, What colour is the sky?

21, Yellow is a cheerful colour.

22, This copier can reproduce colour photographs.

23, The garden is a blaze of colour in autumn.

24, All colour had faded from the sky.

25, What colour is an orange?

26, Colour is often an additive in foods.

27, Pink is her favourite colour.

28, Her dress was a vivid colour.

29, Raw coffee beans are green in colour.

30, Colour flared in her cheeks.

More similar words: flying colours, Color., color, colon, colony, colonial, discolor, colorful, colossal, semicolon, colosseum, ecologist, colostrum, frivolous, ecological, color wheel, colonialism, ecological succession, cold, scold, colt, loud, clout, all out, flour, flout, fall out, blouse, aloud, cloud. 

Definition of Color

to dye something a particular hue or shade

Examples of Color in a sentence

Meredith wants to color her hair red but doesn’t know if it will look natural if she changes its tone.


A deep purple dye was used to color the fabric before it was crafted into a gown.


The children used to crayons to color the white paper several different shades of red and blue.




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