Sentence with the word colloquial

Whether new to The Iliad or familiar with its riches, listeners are in for an unexpected treat with this splendid abridged audio of Lombardo’s 1998 translation, which employs modern language and colloquial jargon without sacrificing the majesty of the classic poem or the narrative’s well-loved images and metaphors.


Governor Alexander, who would go on to become secretary of education under President George H. W. Bush and is now a U.S. senator, was more colloquial in his description, calling the program «an old-fashioned horse trade with teachers.


In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, Japan’s PM, Shinzo Abe’s «Abenomics» (which is just Japan’s colloquial term for our own QE that Bernanke put in motion), has caused the Yen to devalue by over 50 % against the dollar since the beginning of 2013.


Deriving from a colloquial term from the artist’s Cajun upbringing, this seminal series has developed over the past 40 years.


The Chinese space program is developing rapidly, and further progress should come this year when taikonauts, a colloquial term for Chinese astronauts, visit the Tiangong-1 space module.


The title of the piece references a common early 20th century colloquial farewell at the Okinawa docks as ships carried family members away to South America in search of a better life.


This blog answers questions about the legal system in Illinois in a straightforward colloquial manner.


«Mapping» in a colloquial sense isn’t just about making maps, it’s about how humans make sense of the world.


Luck plays a role in each life, whether a person believes in the concept or simply wishes a colloquial «Good luck!»


Robert, you are, in the colloquial, mispicking fly sh!t from pepper.


This summation of the «colloquial uses» of «hide the decline» and «trick» makes me wonder if I really received a good British education.


Most women who have ever developed a post-antibiotic yeast infection are familiar with the now colloquial idea that antibiotics kill important regulatory bacteria.


Given that I never heard of the Fourth Party you mentioned, you are probably getting a colloquial third and fourth messed up with a more technical version.


Anthropologists use the term «archaic» to describe such hominid groups, but this is not in the colloquial lower-level sense.


Farsi Linguist (Government Services Group) 8/1/2004 — 8/1/2007 Leidos — Reston, VA Processed materials and translated complex text containing difficult, idiomatic, and colloquial writing.


Written in the first person in a colloquial and down to earth style, Tuffy shares his history and exploits as a mouser.


And although Wilson Follett labeled some contractions «colloquial» in Modern American Usage (1966), he didn’t outlaw them.


«Brightness» has a very generic colloquial meaning to ordinary people in ordinary usage; but if being used loosely in photometry, and perish the thought ultra loosely in radiometry, it has a very specific meaning; namely the Luminance or Radiance; and no other quantity; which is why its usage is greatly to be discouraged.


Her direct and deceptively casual prose is the combination of the colloquial and formal, something she says she learned reading Delmore Schwartz.


The researchers said the word «God» could be used in more of a colloquial sense like «I swear to God, I’ll pay you back» which could imply a level of financial desperation.


Aguas Calientes got its colloquial name after its hot springs (auga = water; caliente = hot).


They lament their state in colloquial American English, as opposed to most of the human characters, who talk in Japanese without subtitles.


Although the purpose of a confinement which does amount to a deprivation of liberty is clearly relevant to whether it can be justified under Art 5 (1)(a)—(f), their lordships have gone further by holding that purpose is also relevant at an earlier stage; in determining whether the relevant containment has crossed the threshold so as to amount to a deprivation of liberty in the legal rather than the colloquial sense.


Rather, he’s referring to today’s colloquial meaning of «posse» — a group of folks with whom you surround yourself for personal support, or in the case of the workplace, to help you meet your career goals.


These words are meant purely as loose, colloquial metaphors, to be understood much as «spoke» is in the title of the anthropologist Nora Groce’s lovely book, Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language.


1) the colloquial usage: a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption: conjecture


(France, colloquial) to French kiss, make out (kiss (a person) while inserting one’s tongue into his or her mouth).


This appetizing salad hails from traditional Texas home cooking, hence its colloquial name «Texas Caviar.»


In a colloquial form, we can say that the primary driving force for most new inventions is a need.


However, the surreal, epic-type film counterposes its superlative photography with a slim tale of working class protagonists, told with sparse dialogue and the jarring, quirky, drawling, and dispassionate, colloquial voice-over narration of a streetwise, but unschooled 13 year old girl (Manz).


Not only back and forth, but in colloquial terms — like, they rock, baby.


«SPG Amex» has become the colloquial term for the Starwood Preferred Guest ® Credit Card from American Express.


Teaching Pluribo to speak colloquial English hasn’t been easy.


The search function also recognizes some colloquial place names, so suers don’t have to remember full names.


Avoid any jargon or colloquial phrases that won’t «translate» to someone from another culture or someone unfamiliar with the real estate industry.


That style was often warm, informal and colloquial, laced with humor.


I do not mean «love» in any colloquial way, I mean that I was in love with the city, the way you love the first person who ever touches you and you never love anyone quite that way again.»


Perhaps its no longer as surprising, but with 5,000 startups the Silicon Wadi (colloquial Hebrew for «Silicon Valley») of the Mediterranean is certainly worth a mention.


Pulling from popular novels, newspapers, the internet, and colloquial dialogues, she has gathered phrases such as «divinité,» «Mori girl,» and «leftover women.»


While technically meaning have faith, it is a colloquial in Central America that also means there is hope.


Instead of a straight narrative, he engages in the sort of colloquial musicality mastered by New York School poet friends like Frank O’Hara and Frank Lima as well as the atavistic cadences and syntactic reiterations of Gertrude Stein and Samuel Beckett.


@ohwilleke I’m not talking about colloquial or incorrect usage; I’m talking about proper English.


I also recently returned a book that was advertised as 4 1/2 stars (probably by every person the writer knew) but it was poorly written and had such thick use of British colloquial terms I couldn’t take it.


An innovative, richly colloquial poet, Hal was also poetry editor of The Hamilton Stone Review for six years, as well as a member of our editorial board, and his poetry and other writing is widely available online and on HSR.


«She will be right mate» is a colloquial Australian saying.


Excuse my colloquial language, this post is meant to make sense in the great post uploaded by the one and only David G, who has spent every ounce of intelligence collecting available information regarding eBook sales in different stores and compile it in such a comprehensible way you and I can digest and write home about.


Military slang, or informal military terms, are colloquial terms used commonly by military personnel — often as abbreviations or derivations of the NATO Firstly, let me say how much Brian and I enjoyed our tour with Vinarium.


The post used some vivid colloquial language such as referring to the «shock waves» of the decision through the financial-planning community.


Of course, you should not use colloquial words or slang saying something like «Wow!


Culture, for modern scholars (and also in colloquial use), has nothing to do with Matthew Arnold’s deployment of universal standards of reason and taste to identify «the best which has been thought and said in the world.»


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.








What Is Colloquial Style or Language?

How Will Colloquial Searches Affect SEO in 2016?

Как разговорный поиск повлияет на SEO в 2016 году?

The language as it is actually spoken today is called Colloquial Tibetan by Western scholars.

Язык, на котором говорят в настоящее время, западные ученики называют разговорным тибетским языком.

Learning resources on the BBC website (includes several beginner’s courses and a Colloquial Welsh grammar guide)

Изучение ресурсов на веб-сайте Би-би-си (включает курсы нескольких новичков и Разговорного валлийского гида грамматики)

Colloquial names include the U.S. of A. and the States.

Разговорные названия включают США А. и Штаты.

International Colloquial English, or ICE — a rapidly mutating «world» language based on English but borrowing large numbers of words from other languages as well as American «street» slang and text messaging-style abbreviations and even symbols.

Международный Разговорный английский язык, или ICE — быстро мутирует в «Мировой» язык, основанный на английском языке, но заимствования большого количества слов из других языков, а также американский «уличный» сленг и текстовых сообщений в стиле сокращений и даже символы.

Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions.

Краткий словарь американского слэнга и разговорных выражений.

Colloquial Moroccan, on the other hand, is of little use outside the Maghreb.

Разговорный Марокканский, с другой стороны, мало полезен за пределами Магриба.

Colloquial expressions and conventions in the source language, can cause humour or result in a strange interpretation from the listener or reader in instances when they are not translated into equivalent expressions or conventions in the target language, and instead are translated mechanically or word-for-word.

Разговорные выражения и конвенции в исходном языке могут вызвать юмор в странной интерпретации для слушателя или читателя в случаях, когда они не переведены в эквивалентные выражения или конвенции в целевом языке, а вместо этого переведены механически или слово в слово.

Blue chip: Colloquial name for any of the ordinary shares in the most highly regarded (rated) companies traded on a stock market.

Голубая фишка — (blue chip) Разговорное название любой обыкновенной акции компаний с высокой репутацией, котирующих свои ценные бумаги на фондовом рынке.

Functioning of the Phraseology in the Moksha Colloquial Language and Its Semantic Grouping

Функционирование фразеологизмов в мокшанской разговорной речи и их семантическая группировка

Russian Colloquial Words and Phrases Which You Should Know

Разговорные русские слова и фразы, которые вы должны знать

In searching for a suitable literary and educational standard, some argued for the use of the Classical language with its rich history while others argued for the use of the Colloquial varieties that were more natural and less cumbersome to learn.

В поисках подходящего литературного и образовательного стандарта некоторые выступали за использование классического языка с его богатой историей, в то время как другие выступали за использование разговорных разновидностей, которые были более естественными и менее громоздкими для изучения.

On the streets of Singapore many speak Singlish, a patois language called Singapore Colloquial English by academics.

На улицах Сингапура многие говорят Singlish, язык патуа, который называется сингапурским разговорным (Singapore Colloquial English) английским для ученых.

Colloquial names are the «U.S. of A.» and, internationally, the «States».»

Разговорные названия являются «США А.» и на международном уровне, «государство».

Colloquial soccer was caught on in the United States in the first decade of the 20th century and was used in particular to distinguish the game from American football, a hybrid form of European football and rugby.

Разговорное soccer прижилось в США в первом десятилетии ХХ века и стало использоваться, в частности, для того, чтобы отличить игру от американского футбола, гибридной формы европейского футбола и регби.

Colloquial and slang Indonesian generally drops any indication of time and tense (of which there are few), prepositions, and helper verbs, and a sentence may be as little as a word or three.

Разговорный и жаргонный индонезийский язык обычно отбрасывает любое указание времени и времени (которых их мало), предлогов и глаголов-помощников, и предложение может быть всего лишь словом или тремя.

Other posts for this topic: Meeting, Business Russian, Work, Colloquial Russian

Другие новости на эту тему: Встреча, Деловая лексика, Работа, Разговорный русский

In 1573, Zhang presented the Wanli Emperor with a commentary on the Four Books of the Confucian canon, entitled «Colloquial Commentary on the Four Books» («四书直解», Sì Shū Zhíjie).

В 1573 году Чжан представил императору Ваньли комментарий к четырем книгам конфуцианского канона, озаглавленный «разговорный комментарий к четырем книгам» («四书直解», sì shū Zhíjie).

Colloquial expressions in the familiar register

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Предложения, которые содержат Colloquial

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Definition of Colloquial

casual and conversational language

Examples of Colloquial in a sentence

Because a job interview is such a serious event, one should not speak to the interviewer in a colloquial tone.


Since I am from a different country, I have a difficult time understanding the colloquial language in this country.


In the play, Eileen portrays a Southern woman whose use of colloquial language made her unpopular with her upper class peers.


The author makes use of colloquial speech to highlight the differences in upbringing between the novel’s hero and heroine.


While my father always speaks formally at work, he addresses us in colloquial terms at home.


The award-winning article compares the colloquial writings of the mountain people with the formal writings of the educated elite.


Because of her wealthy upbringing, Eva found it difficult to speak the colloquial dialect used by the kids in her urban school.


Despite her skills, the elderly school counselor was unable to understand the students’ colloquial speech.


As an adult woman used to proper etiquette, I was shocked that my daughter’s teenage friend spoke to me in such a colloquial manner at our first meeting.


Margaret had no idea that she was not supposed to address the members of the royal family in such a colloquial manner.


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