Sentence with the word clean

Synonym: cleanse, purify, tidy, wash. Antonym: dirty, unclean. Similar words: uncleanliness, lean, lean on, clear, leaned, unclear, clearly, clear up. Meaning: [kliːn]  n. a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead. v. 1. make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from 2. remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits 3. clean and tidy up the house 4. clean one’s body or parts thereof, as by washing 5. be cleanable 6. deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc. 7. remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely 8. remove while making clean 9. remove unwanted substances from 10. remove shells or husks from. adj. 1. free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits 2. free of restrictions or qualifications 3. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims 4. free from impurities 5. without difficulties or problems 6. ritually clean or pure 7. not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination 8. (of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers 9. free from sepsis or infection 10. morally pure 11. (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections 12. (of a surface) not written or printed on 13. exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play 14. thorough and without qualification 15. (of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense 16. not carrying concealed weapons 17. free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed 18. free of drugs. adv. 1. completely; used as intensifiers 2. in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating. 

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1 A clean hand wants no washing. 

2 A new broom sweeps clean.

3 New brooms sweep clean.

4 I hope these black marks will clean off.

5 Clean your finger,before you point at my spots.

6 We are pegging out in a very clean spot.

7 The sky was blue and clean.

8 It irks him to have to clean his house.

9 Use a damp flannel to clean the skin.

10 Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.

11 It’s her room.The room is bright and clean.

12 The hotel was spotlessly clean.

13 You can take the mixer apart to clean it.

14 Keep your room neat and clean.

15 The air smelled sweet and clean.

16 The beach had been washed clean by the tide.

17 The room is very clean.

18 The whole house was spotlessly clean.

19 Could you please clean up the living room?

20 Unload everything from the boat and clean it thoroughly.

21 His clothes were always neat and clean .

22 I’ve asked the children to clean out their drawers.

23 The showroom had been emptied and swept clean.

24 Ask the hour maid servant to clean the floor.

25 That shirt is dirty,( here is a clean one.

26 He wears clean socks every day.

27 Clean the rug by sponging it gently.

28 Don’t cast out the foul water till you bring in the clean

29 Cast not out the foul water till you bring in the clean

30 If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 

More similar words: uncleanliness, lean, lean on, clear, leaned, unclear, clearly, clear up, clear out, clear off, nuclear, clear away, clearing, bean, mean, ocean, means, meant, jeans, Korean, one another, peanut, uncle, cycle, clerk, demeanor, here and now, protean, pageant, muscle. 

Sentences with the word Clean?



  • «blank pages»; «fill in the blank spaces»; «a clean page»; «wide white margins»
  • «clean bouncy hair»; «a lively tennis ball»; «as resilient as seasoned hickory»; «springy turf»
  • «I can breathe better when the air is clean«; «The patient is respiring»
  • «they were careful when crossing the busy street»; «be careful to keep her shoes clean«; «did very careful research»; «careful art restorers»; «careful of the rights of others»; «careful about one’s behavior»
  • «the char will clean the carpet»; «I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write»
  • «children with clean shining faces»; «clean white shirts»; «clean dishes»; «a spotlessly clean house»; «cats are clean animals»
  • «a clean voting record»; «a clean driver’s license»
  • «a clean test flight»
  • «a clean getaway»; «a clean sweep»; «a clean break»
  • «after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years»
  • «led a clean life»
  • «a clean bill of health»; «a clear winner»
  • «efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings»; «clear laughter like a waterfall»; «clear reds and blues»; «a light lilting voice like a silver bell»
  • «fair copy»; «a clean manuscript»
  • «clean water»; «fresh air»
  • «he landed a clean left on his opponent’s cheek»; «a clean throw»; «the neat exactness of the surgeon’s knife»
  • «a clean fight»; «a sporting solution of the disagreement»; «sportsmanlike conduct»
  • «a clean fuel»; «cleaner and more efficient engines»; «the tactical bomb is reasonably clean«
  • «a clean (or uninfected) wound»
  • «good clean fun»; «a clean joke»
  • «clean forgot the appointment»; «I’m plumb (or plum) tuckered out»
  • «clean the spots off the rug»
  • «clean grain before milling it»
  • «clean up before you see your grandparents»; «clean your fingernails before dinner»
  • «clean the stove!»; «The dentist cleaned my teeth»
  • «clean the turkey»
  • «clean up before you go to the party»
  • «a clean-cut and well-bred young man»; «the trig corporal in his jaunty cap»; «a trim beard»
  • «as clear as a whistle»; «clear footprints in the snow»; «the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather»; «a spire clean-cut against the sky»; «a clear-cut pattern»
  • «clear water»; «clear plastic bags»; «clear glass»; «the air is clear and clean«
  • «dirty unswept sidewalks»; «a child in dirty overalls»; «dirty slums»; «piles of dirty dishes»; «put his dirty feet on the clean sheet»; «wore an unclean shirt»; «mining is a dirty job»; «Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves»
  • «a dowdy grey outfit»; «a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room»
  • «they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe»; «he had to clean up the leak»
  • «clean expository writing»
  • «the thieves made a clean getaway»; «after the expose he had to take it on the lam»
  • «a healthy diet»; «clean healthy air»; «plenty of healthy sleep»; «healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy»; «the salubrious mountain air and water»- C.B.Davis; «carrots are good for you»
  • «clean off the dirt»; «he shaved off his mustache»
  • «he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks»
  • «clean it well, preferably with warm water»; «I’d rather be in Philadelphia»; «I’d sooner die than give up»
  • «replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it»; «please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them»
  • «clean-scented laundry»; «a manure-scented barnyard»
  • «clean up the spills»
  • «steam-clean the upholstered sofa»
  • «they skimmed over the surface of the water»; «a brush small enough to clean every dental surface»; «the sun has no distinct surface»

чистый, ровный, чистить, очищать, чистка, уборка, начисто, полностью


- чистый; опрятный

clean sheets [fingernails] — чистые простыни [ногти]
clean habits — чистоплотность
to keep oneself clean — быть опрятным
to keep one’s house clean — держать дом в чистоте

- мед. чистый, асептический; незаражённый

clean wound — чистая рана
clean bill of health — а) чистое карантинное /санитарное/ свидетельство; б) оправдание, реабилитация

- чистоплотный; приученный (о домашнем животном)

clean puppy — приученный /благовоспитанный/ щенок

- добродетельный

clean heart — чистое сердце
to lead a clean life — вести добродетельную жизнь

- незапятнанный; нескомпрометированный

to have a clean record — иметь чистый послужной список; иметь хорошую репутацию

ещё 22 варианта


- чистить; очищать

to clean teeth [nails, shoes] — чистить зубы [ногти, ботинки]
to clean a room — убрать комнату
to clean a window — вымыть /протереть/ окно
I must have these clothes cleaned — мне надо отдать в чистку эту одежду
to clean one’s plate — съесть всю тарелку
to clean the town by getting rid of criminals — очистить город от преступников

- промывать (золото); очищать (от примесей)
- потрошить (рыбу, птицу)
- обрабатывать начисто
- полировать (металлы)
- сглаживать
- трепать (лен)
- взять вес на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

to clean the slate — избавиться от старых обязательств
to clean smb.’s clock — а) набить кому-л. морду; б) победить кого-л. (в драке, состязании)


- разг. чистка, уборка

a good clean — основательная уборка
she gives the room a clean every day — она каждый день убирает эту комнату

- спорт. чистое взятие веса на грудь (тяжёлая атлетика)

clean and jerk — толчок
two hand clean and press — жим двумя руками


- совершенно, полностью

I clean forgot about it — я совершенно забыл об этом
clean broke — совершенно разорённый, обанкротившийся; без всяких средств
he is clean mad — он совсем рехнулся
clean gone — пропал, исчез без следа

- прямо

the bullet went clean through the shoulder — пуля прошла через плечо

- разг. начисто

to scrub floor clean — отскрести дочиста пол

- честно, добросовестно

play the game clean — вести игру по правилам
to come clean — полностью признаться (в чём-л.); ≅ расколоться

Мои примеры


the char will clean the carpet — уборщица почистит ковер  
a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room — чистая и светлая, но совершенно безвкусная комната  
clean boxer — боксёр, дерущийся по правилам  
to make a clean breast of it — чистосердечно сознаться в чем-л.  
to brush smth. clean / down — отчистить, вычистить  
clean stroke — ловкий удар  
to clean up — убирать, чистить  
to wipe clean — вытирать дочиста  
to fight clean — честно сражаться  
clean joke — ловкая шутка  
to put on clean sheets — постелить свежие простыни  
clean sheet — безупречное прошлое, незапятнанная репутация  

Примеры с переводом

Is it easy to clean?

Легко ли его чистить?

Are your hands clean?

У тебя руки чистые?

This stove cleans easily.

Эта плита легко отмывается.

The car needs a good clean.

Автомобиль нуждается в хорошей чистке.

The room must be clean swept.

Комнату надо хорошенько подмести.

Cats are naturally clean.

Кошки по своей природе чистоплотны.

We scrubbed the tables clean.

Мы дочиста отмыли столы.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The boys cleaned the sandwich platters

Wipe that sink clean when you’re done.

The other players cleaned him completely

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

clean down — чистить, сметать
clean out — очистить, вычищать, обчищать, опоражнивать, обворовывать
clean up — убираться, убирать, прибирать, приводить в порядок, заканчивать

Возможные однокоренные слова

cleaner  — уборщик, чистильщик, средство для чистки, мойщик окон
cleaning  — очистка, уборка, чистка, обогащение, чистящий, очищающий
cleanly  — чисто, целомудренно, чистоплотный
cleanness  — чистота
unclean  — нечистый, грязный, неопрятный, отвратительный, аморальный
cleaned  — убранный, очищенный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clean
he/she/it: cleans
ing ф. (present participle): cleaning
2-я ф. (past tense): cleaned
3-я ф. (past participle): cleaned

срав. степ. (comparative): cleaner
прев. степ. (superlative): cleanest

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


First — clean air, clean ocean, virtually no harmful industry.

Во первых — чистый воздух, чистый океан, практически отсутствие вредной промышленности.

I remembered something you said about staying clean.

Я вспомнил кое-что, что ты говорил мне о том, как оставаться чистым.

A person must have clean clothes and clean body.

На моленьях у всех должна быть чистая одежда и чистое тело.

Pharmaceutical clean facilities and clean air devices are classified under ISO 14644-1.

Чистые помещения и устройства с чистым воздухом должны классифицироваться в соответствии со стандартом ISO 14644-1.

It’s clean, clean, clean.

Loan interest only becomes clean capital when it is paid to the lender, although clean capital given as a loan always remains clean.

Процент по займу становится чистым капиталом только при его выплате заимодавцу, хотя чистый капитал, впоследствии предоставляемый в виде займа, всегда остается чистым.

Nowadays the global trends are clean technologies, clean vehicles, clean trains, and replacing hydrocarbons with clean fuel.

Сегодняшний тренд в мире — это чистые технологии, чистые автомобили, чистые подвижные составы, это замена углеводородов на чистое топливо.

Clean air and clean environment we can preserve only using clean energy.

Чистый воздух и чистая окружающая среда мы можем сохранить только с помощью чистой энергии.

Only if we take clean food, our mind would be clean.

Если пища, которую мы едим, чистая, то и ум наш становится чистым.

We have clean roads and a clean locality as a result of their efforts.

У нас имеются чистые дороги и чистая местность в результате их усилий.

Perhaps among all clean energy alternatives, nothing can be as clean as hydrogen.

Возможно, среди всех альтернатив чистой энергии ничто не может быть таким же чистым, как водород.

In some cases, some manufacturing and use of coal is considered clean and called clean coal.

В некоторых случаях производство и использование угля считаются чистыми и называются чистым углем.

I am clean and will always be clean throughout my career.

Я чист и всегда буду чистым на протяжении всей моей карьеры.

He’s always been a guy who pushed for clean eating and clean sport.

Он всегда был парнем, который выступал за чистое питание и чистый спорт.

If you provide a clean vehicle they’re much website more inclined to make sure that it stays clean.

Если вы предоставляете чистое транспортное средство, они гораздо больше склонны веб-сайт, чтобы убедиться, что он остается чистым.

This could threaten the expansion of clean energy needed to meet energy security, climate and clean air goals.

Это может угрожать развитию чистой энергетики, которая необходима для достижения энергетической безопасности, целей в области климата и чистого воздуха.

China wants clean air and clean energy.

Environmental problems seem far away, since we only use clean energy and clean production methods.

Экологические проблемы кажутся далеко, поскольку мы используем только чистую энергию и чистые методы производства.

In addition, several organizations contribute to the promotion and dissemination of clean energy technologies, including clean coal technologies.

Кроме того, ряд организаций вносит вклад в пропаганду и распространение чистых энергетических технологий, включая чистые технологии на основе сжигания угля.

So have a clean bucket or clean containers on-hand.

Так что есть чистое ведро или чистые контейнеры в наличии.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат clean

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

How to use clean in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «clean» and check conjugation/comparative form for «clean«. Mastering all the usages of «clean» from sentence examples published by news publications.

To look clean, to smell clean, to feel clean, to be clean.
You also see clean eating on magazine covers and bookshelves—Clean Eating Made Simple, Clean Eats, Clean, and The Eat Clean Diet are all bestsellers.
So we clean, clean, clean, and pay attention to the member.
A majority of Americans want clean air, clean water, and clean energy.
I move with a clean heart, a clean purpose and a clean soul.
More importantly, though, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act both mandate our right to, you guessed it, clean water and clean air.
We collectively affirm our strong determination to achieve a clean environment, clean air, and clean water.
«The project is about the dream of clean air, clean water and clean energy,» he said.
«Clean up, clean up, clean up, as sanitary provides the most productive gardens,» the video instructed.
We collectively affirm our strong determination to achieve a clean environment, clean air, clean water and healthy soil.
» He added, «If I didn’t say clean, clean .
Clean power, clean cars, clean manufacturing and efficient buildings make everything we want to achieve in our society easier.
That means that clean power, clean water, clean air, clean transportation and energy-efficient buildings will have to be the next great global industry, whether or not there is climate change.
Their confirmations will fill critically important roles in ensuring that all Americans benefit from clean air, clean water, and clean land.
They are so clean, have always been clean, hairless is clean, and you have never seen something dirty in your life.
I need to stay, if not clean, then clean enough.
«So clean clean,» Future finishes, causing his mom to giggle.  
It’s about ensuring we have clean air and clean water.
Just please know that these clean cars don’t clean themselves.
It’s a public health issue, actually: clean air, clean water.
Clean up, that’s the clean up people, during that period.
The President absolutely believes in clean air and clean water.
The president absolutely believes in clean air and clean water.
TRUMP: Because I believe in clean air and clean water.
So, if they want us to clean, we will clean.
«A clean board is a clean life,» Mr. Lee said.
In 2015, the Clean Water Rule clarified the streams and rivers protected by the Clean Water Act, our bedrock clean water legislation.
That’s when the EPA plans to finalize its Clean Power Plan repeal, its Clean Water Rule repeal and its American Clean Energy rule, the replacement for the Clean Power Plan, according to the agenda.
Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Spot Treatment, $6.36, available at Clean & Clear.
«Bersih» means «clean,» and the protesters were calling for clean government.
Texas also illustrates the link between clean air and clean energy.
Most people who are clean just actually care about being clean.
Friends have died, and friends have gotten clean and stayed clean.
Then, I built on that…by eating clean and living clean.
I’ve gotten clean and now it’s time to try living clean.
We do not want our clean water and clean air destroyed.
But clean air is not free, and neither is clean water.
Clean Airs and a clean sweatsuit was the East Baltimore uniform.
That didn’t mean getting clean—it just meant getting clean enough.
It’s about the environmental services that they produce like clean water, clean land, clean food, saving the bees and birds, and contributing to biodiversity.
Apply antibacterial ointment and a clean bandage once the area is clean.
You will also need clean environment, you need clean water, et cetera.
Clean the pan and dishes right away so my apartment stays clean.
Clean air, clean water, and climate change programs would bear the brunt.
I have to clean out the vacuum three times while I clean!
I clean out litter boxes and then clean up in the kitchen.
But none of them will be clean, because clean coal doesn’t exist.
The water has to be clean, the apples have to be clean.
» Other athletes had bibs saying, «I run clean» or «I throw clean.
«I clean because if I didn’t clean, no one would,» she said.
Clean up your living room and you can clean up your life.
As you begin to clean, remind yourself that you’re cleaning to clean.
CLEAN UP Sunday is the day I do my laundry and clean.
«A clean sink is the hallmark of a clean kitchen,» Maker said.
But let’s face it: White looks clean only when it is clean.
Also, what seems clean to you might not seem clean to others.
Malone’s motto was «clean scalps mean clean bodies» because the method worked.
» Later he elaborated: «My priorities are simple: clean air and clean water.
«We’re certainly counting on the American people saying, ‘Wait a minute — we want clean air, we want clean water, we want clean land,'» O’Grady said.
As a nurse, I recognize the important role that clean air, clean water, and a clean environment have in protecting the health of all Americans.
That means that clean power, clean cars, clean manufacturing, clean water and energy efficiency have to be the next great global industries — otherwise, we humans are going to be a bad biological experiment, whether the climate changes or not.
Instead, he repeatedly cited his support for a «clean environment,» which could mean clean air, clean water, or any number of things other than climate change.
To struggle to clean your mind, clean your heart, and clean your spirit of everything that’s chained you and to let loose like a primal scream.
Clean energy, energy-efficient homes, and clean transport are key because we need clean air, and also because of the looming dislocation from climate change impacts.
In the past year, however, clean energy ETFs, iShares Global Clean Energy ETF and First Trust Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy ETF QCLN, both surged 53%.
I clean the litter boxes (nasty), scrub my hands clean, and double cleanse.
She said he believes in clean air and water and a clean environment.
The clean water rule was issued under the Clean Water Act of 1972.
«The DOJ should again enforce laws requiring clean voter rolls and clean elections.»
«We’re going to have clean coal, really clean coal,» he said in March.
It also takes a whack at the Clean Air and Clean Water acts.
We will continue to enforce that provide for clean air and clean water.
I have made a very clean herring broth, very clean like a tea.
Do the laundry, clean bathrooms, make dinner (but don’t forget to clean up).
«We have a right to clean water and clean air,» Ms. Welch said.
To clean the bag, wipe clean with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
Clean up after yourself while you’re cooking, then clean again when you’re done.
I care about clean water, clean air and I care about my kids.
Clean water, clean air, and a safe environment are rights we all share.
The second is redirecting government support to clean energy, particularly decentralized clean energy.
So we will clean up what is not our duty to clean up.
Daily Burn: 12 DIY Kitchen Projects to Clean Up Your Eating Habits Science Says: Clean Kitchen, Clean Eats Why get your neat freak on in the kitchen?
Clean air, clean water, he&aposs going to poison your kids and your dog.
But he stressed environmental protections for clean air and clean water will be respected.
The Dirty Dozen: The Clean Fifteen: Want to keep your produce clean at home?
Bob Wendelgass is president and CEO of Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund.
In addition to helping our environment, clean energy and clean transportation help our economy.
Probably Sam, he thought, and shouldn’t Sam clean it up, clean all this up?
I helped clean the fish, serve lunch and dinner and clean up at night.
I’m always looking for the intersection between clean air, clean water and job creation.
I believe very strongly in very, very crystal clear, clean water and clean air.
It thrives hand in hand with clean water, clean air and a healthy climate.
We all want clean air and clean water, both today and for future generations.
It can impact whether or not we can deliver clean air and clean water.
They’re trying to clean that up, Dara Khosrowshahi, he’s trying to clean it up.
National Clean Energy Week, a non-partisan effort to highlight the benefits of clean energy led by 13 national trade associations, business councils, and clean energy advocacy groups.
Warren’s clean-energy proposal builds on Inslee’s 203-year clean-energy plan in seeking to implement 220% clean-energy standards in three key sectors of the American economy.
One recent clean energy industry study found that 714,257 people in 12 Midwestern states work in renewable energy generation, clean transmission, energy efficiency, clean fuels and advanced transportation.
You fly off a ‘clean‘ F-235 against a ‘clean‘ F-30—who will win?
We were forced to clean the toilet, but we hardly have any water to clean.
Only drivers that have clean background checks and clean judicial records are licensed, he said.
Then, we clean up our roommates’ rooms a bit before going to clean our own.
Number one, we do have to keep this very clean, so we’re always constantly clean.
China, too, is firmly committed to clean energy and boasts some impressive clean-tech entrepreneurs.
«Clean up the regime and we’ll clean up the square,» shouted protesters as they departed.
YouTube approves a clean ad submitted by a clean account set up by the hijacker.
It is the International Council on Clean Transportation, not the International Center on Clean Transportation.
It gained authority through landmark laws, including the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
We make sure they are clean and the places they live in are also clean.
The Clean Air Act of 1970 is the legal foundation of the Clean Power Plan.
Clean energy: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is delaying a new clean energy incentive program.
Many people found this set easy to clean while others thought it hard to clean.
To clean the Bag Nation bag, spot clean or hand wash cold and dry flat.
It was a doe, it was a clean shot, the best possible, clean and ethical.
Easy to clean: Removable tanks are preferred as they are easier to fill and clean.
To clean your floors, simply spray a small area and clean with a microfiber mop.
We are frontline in terms of their ability to get clean air and clean water.
It would receive counsel from three new advisory panels: the Clean Air and Clean Energy Panel, the Clean Water and Healthy Forest Panel, and the Environmental and Economic Justice Panel.
I am ready to graduate from having a fairly clean apartment to a really clean one.
I feel motivated, so I clean my apartment and put all of my clean clothes away.
Providing clean water and sanitation Organizations like Water Mission provide clean water solutions to Haitian people.
To wit: The GND is centrally concerned with clean energy, but what exactly is clean energy?
You can also switch between five modes: daily clean, gum care, sensitive, whitening, and deep clean.
As a target for industrial policy, clean energy and clean technology make a lot of sense.
You could clean houses during the day, office buildings during off-hours, or clean restaurants daily.
Ren Clean Skincare Clean Screen Mattifying Face Sunscreen SPF 30, available at Sephora and Dermstore, $36
«We want clean water, we want clean air but it has to be fair,» Trump said.
But the Trump administration also promised to refocus EPA on clean air and clean water enforcement.
A bonus after I wipe my glasses clean; I use the wipe to clean my phone. 
Two obvious examples of such laws are the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
But Trump didn’t leave the environment behind completely, promising to protect clean air and clean water.
The Clean Energy Incentive Program is designed as the carrot to the Clean Power Plan’s stick.
If it’s illegal to write clean room implementations of APIs, then no one has clean hands.
The bag is spot clean only, and the material inside and outside does clean very easily.
We should not have to choose between having a clean environment and having a clean home.
«Everybody cares about the environment, and everybody wants clean air and clean water,» Ms. Kautz said.
I clean up the apartment a bit because V. comes tomorrow and I’m a clean freak.
No suffering, no pain, just an end, clean and quick, like his clean, quick, brilliant mind.
I break to try and clean some pieces of jewelry I unearthed during my clean up.
By keeping their paws clean, you&aposre also protecting your family and keeping your home clean.
Green bonds are used to finance climate-friendly projects such as clean transportation and clean energy.
Ready to clean house People inside the West Wing believe Trump is ready to clean house.
These permits are the heart of our clean water protections — clean water’s last line of defense.
And it’s really hard to keep it clean and clean enough to accurately read your thumbprint.
If clean shares aren’t truly clean, the fight to protect investors from unconflicted advice will continue.
«First of all, health and wellness, and clean air, clean water and food supply,» she says.
It’s powerful enough to clean up big messes, and the cyclonic action keeps the filter clean.
Because the selection of clean products is growing and becoming almost as hard to navigate as non-clean products, we’ve put together a list of the best Clean at Sephora products.
President Trump plans to roll back federal policies that foster the growth of clean energy, potentially scrap the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, and eliminate funding for clean-energy research and development.
At another point, he heralded the arrival of clean coal plants, adding, «They are taking out coal; they are going to clean it» — which is not how clean coal plants function.
Unfortunately, some of our federal policies to encourage clean energy, such as the Clean Energy Incentive Program within President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, do not explicitly include or incentivize nuclear power.
Voters will encounter it on the ballot as a plan for «investing in clean air, clean energy, clean water, healthy forests, and healthy communities,» which sounds like a bunch of good things.
The lack of clean drinking water, clean hand washing water (let alone clean bathing water), and much-needed medicine, alongside overcrowded quarters and poor nutrition, have yielded outbreaks of flu and lice.
Invesco Solar (TAN), Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy (PBW), ALPS Clean Energy (ACES), SPDR S&P Kensho Clean Power (CNRG) and Shelton Green Alpha (NEXTX) have all returned more than 40% this year.
If you keep it, not clean, I’m not saying clean, but keep it not ugly, I guess.
James Vichiconti, the Director of the Clean Room, led me on a tour of the Clean Room.
«This is my son, he loves animals, he loves clean air, he loves clean water,» she said.
You can take your pick from daily clean, gum care, sensitive, whitening, deep clean, and tongue cleaner.
It’s rechargeable and features five different modes: daily clean, gum care, sensitive settings, whitening, and deep clean.
One such action was the president replacing the Clean Power Plan with the Affordable Clean Energy Rule.
«I have always been a clean fighter and I always will be a clean fighter,» Alvarez insisted.
Trump appears to use the word clean coal to describe coal generally speaking, which is not clean.
This includes the lack of water to clean instruments, wash lines and gowns, and clean patient wards.
«If Yuzu skates a clean short and a clean long, he will probably be unbeatable,» said Fernandez.
It also makes a mopping robot, a bot to help clean gutters, and one to clean pools.
«They didn’t clean up their apartments for me or clean up their lives for me,» he said.
MORE’s 2015 rule, dubbed the Clean Power Plan, exceeds the agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act.
Clean air and clean water are priceless resources that add immeasurable value to our nation’s natural heritage.
I want clean air and clean water and have been making great strides in improving America’s environment.
«We’re still working on clean air, just not pursuant to the Clean Power Plan,» Mr. Scott said.
The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970, and the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972.
Rolling back the Clean Power Plan In October, Pruitt announced plans to repeal the Clean Power Plan.
With bipartisan support, EPA adopted standards for clean air and clean water, and then boldly enforced them.
There was no clean-up effort around the beaches, so she started to clean them up herself.
This implies that white people are «clean,» and colored people should strive to become «clean,» or white.
Like Volkswagen selling «clean diesel» cars that ran clean only long enough to fool emissions testing equipment.
DANCE YOURSELF CLEAN Location: Teragram Ballroom Headliners: Special Guests Dance Yourself Clean all the way into 2017!
MORE’s 28503 rule, dubbed the Clean Power Plan, exceeds the agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act.
Americans overwhelmingly support clean water protections and agree we need more protection for clean water, not less.
Not only do clean feathers keep birds warmer, «birds can fly better with clean feathers,» said Panetti.
Maintain clean drinking water: As Americans, we generally enjoy clean, pollutant-free water flowing from our taps.
To clean your Oculus Quest headset and accessories you&aposll want clean, dry, and lint-free cloths.
«We need clean water, we need clean country,» Gadrian Hoosan, a spokesman for the Garawa people, said.
But that is only one of the many tools at our disposal, from 100 percent clean grid to clean fuel standards, direct incentive programs, hydrophobic elimination, and building infrastructure for clean public transportation.
I am confident that voices in support of clean air, clean energy, and a safe climate will ring through the hills and hollows of the Mountain State at EPA’s Clean Power Plan hearing.
I would prevent coal companies from using misleading marketing terms like ‘clean coal,’ and look for ways to move coal jobs to clean jobs, while closing coal plants and opening clean energy plants.
Buying clean energy credits through one’s utility is like paying someone to dump clean water into the pool.
Walker has also introduced legislation to block clean energy, resisted Obama’s Clean Power Plan, and postponed pollution standards.
You can clean your brushes by soaking them in distilled vinegar for a few hours then rinsing clean.
«So ignoring climate change doesn’t really contribute to other aspects of clean air and clean water,» Kopp says.
Even if the Clean Power Plan dies, state policies and simple economics will still propel clean electricity forward.
THE AIR in modern homes and offices is pretty clean, but not as clean as it might be.
To them, clean government is like clean water: a boon that it is cruel to deny to anyone.
He opposed the EPA’s Clean Water Rule and Clean Power Plan, and voted against myriad environmental protection proposals.
I clean up more after myself and he doesn’t, and I don’t want to clean up after him.
Then, clean up with an unscented baby wipe, and you’ll have a squeaky clean behind ready for anal.
Savvy real estate agents will tell sellers to clean up, clean out and put away most personal items.
Both of us trying to be clean, or one of us trying to be clean … it was terrible.
Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Treatment Dr. Zeichner’s other top pick is this super affordable option from Clean & Clear.
If the question is asked, ‘Does the president support the environment, does he support clean air, clean water?
State agencies rely heavily on the Clean Water Act to keep our waters clean or hold polluters accountable.
Repealing the clean water rule and attacking the decades-old Clean Water Act put our economy at risk.
A Republican, Nixon recognized that «clean air is not free, and neither is clean water» in his Jan.
Industry pushes Scott Pruitt’s EPA to undo an Obama-era protection for clean water, clean air or climate.
Because this move will allow us to clean up the armed forces, which needs to be completely clean.
The show has offered many products to help you clean your house and belongings, and keep them clean.
But that won’t stop community members from voicing their support for the Clean Power Plan and clean energy.
The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act were enacted when Richard Nixon was president United States.
Most people who are clean just actually care about being clean, and that’s totally different than having OCD.
Amendment 9 was conceived «under the auspices of clean water and clean air,» wrote Florida’s Pensacola News Journal.
Clean was initially created as a sort of clean-freak genie in the late 1950s, according to Adweek.
He is a friend to polluters, not to American families that rely on clean air and clean water.
The documentary also examines the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule which replaced the Obama-era Clean Power Plan.
The law only provides for remedies that clean up the mess and give citizens access to clean water.
«The Lord has a way of making you clean up and clean out,» she said with a laugh.
The «Clean at Sephora» section of the beauty giant brings eco-friendly, clean beauty products to the masses.
CreditCreditShane Young For decades, Frances Gabe did not clean her house, nor did anyone clean it for her.
It asserted that the Clean Air Act gave it wide-ranging powers to fight climate change, and that the Clean Water Act let it clean up many more ponds and rivers than ever before.
I want to launch a Clean Energy Challenge to partner with cities, states, and rural communities that are ready to lead on clean energy, clean transportation, and energy efficiency, and help them go further.
The through-line of all these related trends is not that they’re actually «clean,» but that they feel «clean» — or at least, they do in comparison to the things clean eating wants you to avoid.
A promise to secure access to clean air and water for all Americans becomes a plan to actually use all the teeth of the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act to enforce pollution regulation.
» .. come to find out he was being bullied for not having clean clothes n clean shoes.. I asked «why?
After stopping to clean out my car, I return home and fervently clean my house while listening to podcasts.
He helped ensure the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.
«To the question of what comes first, clean up or growth, I think the answer is unambiguously «Clean up!
The collected money would have been directed toward clean air and water initiatives, as well as clean energy projects.
We really ate clean, no sauces, oils, it was just very clean eating but in no way crash dieting.
Afterward, I clean up the kitchen a little bit and clean out my car for my oil change tomorrow.
Obviously you clean your toilet (right?), but have you ever thought about the brush you use to clean it?
We usually clean on weekends, but we choose to clean this morning because we want to relax this weekend.
She introduced her son to Pruitt, and told him he loves animals, breathing clean air, and drinking clean water.
You’re also able to customize your brushing with five different modes: Clean, white, sensitive, gum care, and deep clean.
Reducing funding for clean air monitors, state anti-pollution programs, and toxic waste clean-up would be a disaster.
Shop the Clean Reserve Skin Perfume, $98If traditional perfume irritates your skin, try a natural brand like Clean Reserve.
WADA has cast aside its responsibilities to clean athletes, sports fans and those who work tirelessly for clean sport.
CULTURE CLEAN-UP But the culture clean-up is more widespread, snaring video games, online bloggers and rap artists.
We all want clean air, but we think other people should pay for groups that lobby for clean air.
According to Dr. Larson, people shower to feel clean, as opposed to being clean, and ultimately for aesthetic purposes.
Without the Clean Base, the price falls to $699, and the Clean Base can be sold separately for $299.
» Ms. Harris’s campaign said she wanted to «restore the Clean Power Plan and fully implement the Clean Car Standards.
In clean energy alone, we’ve already ceded substantial ground in clean energy manufacturing to China, South Korea and Japan.
He single-handedly changed half of the Nation of Islam to clean eating, clean living, caring for their families.
«Keep [your] hands clean and disinfected and then your phone will pretty much stay clean and disinfected,» said Siciliano.
A $50 donation to a charity called Give Clean Water can provide someone with a year of clean water.
He has stacked the courts with judges who oppose women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and clean air and clean water.
You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist?
Habitat is not just for wildlife—it helps to provide clean air, clean water and many other human benefits.
In 0003, the American Council for Clean Coal Electricity spent $40 million to make «clean coal» a household term.
There is an important role for the government to play in ensuring that our children and our children’s children have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean parks and forests to play in.
«He believes in clean air, clean water, a clean environment, and he believes that we have to negotiate better deals for this country and that there’s a balance between environmental protections and economic growth,» she said.
Yet Modi made it a key promise to clean up the entire river by 2020 under his Clean Ganges program.
So there’s one guy who’s built a bicycle that can suck up polluted air, clean it, and releases clean air.
With clean hands, gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and pat dry with a clean, soft cloth.
The Clean Power PlanThe Clean Power Plan, a cornerstone of Obama’s climate legacy, may be first on the chopping block.
And there are five modes to cover your specific daily needs: daily clean, gum care, sensitive, whitening, and deep clean.
The revenue remaining would be divided between clean energy (70 percent), clean water (7323 percent), and healthy forests (10 percent).
Because of the doping program’s sophistication, the logic here is that even supposedly «clean» athletes may not actually be clean.
Today, take the opportunity to clean your dirt trap so that you may breathe clean-ish air until the equinox.
He talks about «clean coal,» but his actions will make it harder for «clean coal» technology to make any headway.
The Clean Air Act of 1963, for example, supposedly underpins the Clean Power Plan, allowing him to dodge the Senate.
CARTER PUSHES TRUMP ON CLEAN ENERGY: Former President Jimmy Carter is pitching clean energy to Trump as a job creator.
Clean Power Plan/Cap and Trade The EPA’s Clean Power Plan established a federal cap and trade program in 2015.
The administration has also scrapped clean air and clean water restrictions for coal mines and oil and gas drilling sites.
Don’t clean aquariums or turtle supplies in your kitchen sink, and disinfect the tub used to clean the turtle habitat.
You don’t want to clean up more than you have to, and you don’t want to clean up not enough.
It also has a 14-day battery life, and five cleaning modes: clean, white, sensitive, gum care, and deep clean.
We must update the infrastructure required to meet basic human needs, including clean water, clean air and a safer environment.
Sephora is making it easy to shop clean skin-care and makeup products with its green Clean at Sephora label.
Everybody wants a safe community, a decent job, a roof over their heads, good public schools, clean air, clean water.
The streets of Vienna are clean, and protesting bodies clad in clean white painter’s suits mimic a façade of peace.
I didn’t think «clean perfume» existed until I tried Phlur, a clean fragrance startup that focuses on sustainability and transparency.
It’s a chance to comment on the Obama Administration’s Clean Energy Incentive Program, part of the Clean Power Plan (CPP).
Clean up the trade war mess The United States has already lost the trade war with China on clean energy.
The consent decrees here involve violations of federal environmental laws like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
The current administrator of the E.P.A., Scott Pruitt, built his political career by attacking clean-air and clean-water rules.
Her proposal also calls for protecting clean energy subsidies from trade retaliation and for sharing clean energy technology across borders.
Kick off the New Year — and do so with a clean slate and a clean run to the finish line.
Luke Metzger is the director of Environment Texas, a non-profit advocate for clean air, clean water and open spaces.
Go deeper: Conservative group: Tax overhaul could help clean energy Updating clean energy tax credits could help commercialize new tech
The clean water rule, completed by the Obama administration in spring 2015, was issued under the 1972 Clean Water Act.
The clean-up After the attack, Frazee allegedly asked Kenney to come and clean up the blood in Berreth’s home.
Shifting those investments away from coal and towards clean energy projects could help hasten Indonesia’s move towards clean energy alternatives.
«We are returning the EPA to its core mission: clean air and crystal clean water,» he said during the event.
The Clean Power Plan’s compliance with statutory limits The «Clean Power Plan» is EPA’s shorthand for a set of «emission guidelines» for power plants that it issued pursuant to Section 28500(d) of the Clean Air Act.
It plans to stop enforcing Clean Air Act greenhouse gas regulations for new and existing coal and natural gas power plants, fuel economy standards, sections of the Clean Water Act, and plans to clean the Chesapeake Bay.
It provides the pathway to engage all Americans to tackle the climate crisis, build a clean economy that creates millions of family-sustaining jobs, and guarantee every person’s right to breathe clean air and drink clean water.
Outline your specific proposal to make the transition to an economy based on clean, renewable sources of energy: clean power standards for vehicles and power plants, support for the Paris climate agreement, investments in clean energy sources, ending subsidies to wealthy oil and gas companies, and a $60 billion clean energy partnership with the states.
«Clean [should mean] safe, non-toxic and verified by a third party,» C2 California Clean co-founder Christine Falsetti told us.
They will see how our individual actions can help give everyone on our planet access to clean air and clean water.
The teacher comes in every morning with clean towels and disinfectant to clean up what was left behind the night before.
No one involved in generating clean energy or procuring it for cities believes there is an actual market in clean electrons.
They have ecological value in terms of being habitats for wildlife, providing clean air, clean water, and things everyone depends on.
Really, the rock and roll guy wants your desk clean, you have to keep your desk clean if he comes by.
To clean tough spots, it comes with a standard canister vacuum cleaner so you can clean the areas the vacuum can’t.
Since rubber mats are more durable and easier to clean, they may keep your interior looking clean and tidy for longer. 
How to clean them:Being made of canvas and rubber, you can clean the Vans Slip-On using just about any method.
«I think everyone deserves a clean start,» Lochte, who recently partnered with PowerBar to announce their Clean Start Pledge, tells PEOPLE.
The Sonicare brush has five modes to choose from — clean, white, deep clean, gum care, and sensitive — depending on your needs.
This advertising campaign belittles the achievements of clean athletes and denigrates those who work to protect clean sport across the world.
She had to go through everything that she had to go through to get clean, to detox, and to remain clean.
Most people actually value things like clean air and clean water and safe food and not getting ripped off by banks.
Just like having a clean home, being flexible can seem unobtainable and overwhelming unless you’re naturally a flexible (or clean) person.
But clean air is clean air, which is why Parikh says joint smoke can cause emphysema and COPD, just like cigarettes.
Global investments in clean energy hit $367 billion last year, beating expectations, according to a new report from Clean Energy Canada.
A recent report from Clean Energy Canada found that global investments in clean energy hit $367 billion in 2015, beating expectations.
A recent report from Clean Energy Canada found that global investments in clean energy hit $367 billion last year, beating expectations.
They support having clean air and clean water … you can’t do that in a budget that cuts the Great Lakes program.
The benefits of a clean environment are deeply popular and the norm that the environment should be clean is well-established.
On Tuesday, Trump announced that he was rolling back the centerpiece of President Obama’s clean energy program, the Clean Power Plan.
To them, the Clean Air Act obligates the EPA to write a stronger rule, on par with the Clean Power Plan.
Also under threat are our rights to breathe clean air and drink clean water – and our ability to tackle climate change.
The Clean Water Rule rectified this issue and represents the biggest step forward for clean water in more than a decade.
I will refocus the EPA on its core mission of ensuring clean air, and clean, safe drinking water for all Americans.
Clean energy will keep growing Once a niche industry, renewable and other clean forms of energy are booming around the globe.
He played a significant role in the ongoing rollback of the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan and its Clean Water Rule.
«From clean air to clean water, it is clear that the courts have a tremendously important role to play,» Sittenfeld said.
Trump has made clear he wants the EPA to get back to its core missions of clean air and clean water.
«I’m super proud of this film about my history and the Mr. Clean brand,» Mr. Clean wrote in the post’s description.
The Clean Water Act and associated Clean Water Rule are intended to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to fulfill its mission.
I was delighted to hear President Trump promise to protect clean air and clean water in his first address to Congress.
We lobbied for smog devices on cars, clean-fuel buses, all the stuff big and small to clean up the air.
«I believe our mandate is to protect all clean athletes, and I believe there are clean Russian Athletes,» Coventry’s statement said.
A new moon in Virgo is crisp and clean like freshly washed laundry—what will you do with this clean slate?
The next day, select another place to clean in your kitchen, and each day after pick a new area to clean.
I unpack and repack the dishwasher and clean up the takeout boxes we were too tired to clean up last night.
You can choose from Daily Clean, Pro Clean, Sensitive, Gum Control, and Whitening, and even get guidance the Oral-B app.
«If he skates a clean short and a clean long, I might think he might be unbeatable,» Fernández said of Hanyu.
Clients pick up clean injecting equipment and go to one of 13 clean, well-lit carrels — mirrored, so staff can watch.
Specifically, Democrats must turbocharge American clean-energy job growth through a combination of additional clean-energy business and consumer tax cuts.
And more people work in clean energy than in real estate or agriculture, says Environmental Entrepreneurs’ (E2) «Clean Jobs America» report.
As a member of St. Louis’ Clean Energy Advisory Board, he advocates for 100% clean energy in the city by 2035.
It is responsible for enforcing numerous landmark laws like the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Superfund Act.
His «216 percent Clean Energy for America» plan to get to 30 percent clean energy in electricity, new cars, and new buildings, which was later adopted by Warren, established a clear timeline: clean energy standard (CES) where all utilities must be carbon-neutral by 271 and be 284 percent «clean, renewable and zero-emission» electricity by 22019.
Over the past year, we have disagreed with Mr. Pruitt on numerous policy items: the Clean Water Rule, the Clean Power Plan, clean air standards, methane rules, toxic chemical standards, ethanol mandates, and most recently the fuel-economy standards.
In 463, Washington passed a clean energy bill that will target 100% carbon neutrality by 2030, and 100% clean energy by 2045.
Protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources will remain a high priority.
There’s a joy in getting in those cracks and making it shiny and clean: clean enough to welcome something fragile and new.
They’re also insanely easy to clean—just fill the pitcher with water, add a drop of dish soap, and blend until clean.
«You could clean up a spill in your kitchen [with Nadkins] if you wanted to, or clean up after sex,» Caccamo says.
The EPA — and environmental regulations like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act the agency enforces — helped change all that.
We worked with Howard Baker, Ed Muskie, and John Dingell to develop and pass the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
They can then sell excess clean energy to other states, negating that state’s need to produce more clean energy on its own. .
Plus, look for poppers that are easy to clean too, so you can enjoy grazing without having to clean up the aftermath.
The notion seemed to originate with the observation that dogs lick their wounds to clean them, therefore their mouths must be clean.
«The doctors told me it went in clean and came out clean,» Sheri Shubert said, adding that this shouldn’t happen to anybody.
Meyer’s Clean Day Scented Soy Candle, $10.26 for two (originally $19.98) [You save $9.72]The Clean Day Scented Soy Candle from Mrs.
I hope that we will work together to build on the proud accomplishments of our predecessors for clean air and clean water.
«Taking a more lenient stance on clean-air or clean-water rules would do nothing to help coal demand,» Mr. Book said.
The law on the books is the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Power Plan is completely consistent with that bedrock law.
For example, policies like the establishment of a federal clean energy standard would be similar to the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.
A robot vacuum is great for those who want a clean home but don’t want to take the time to actually clean.
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies told The Hill that the first step to meeting clean water needs is addressing infrastructure.
The organization has funded more than 30,000 clean water projects in 26 countries, giving nearly 10 million people access to clean water.
I try to clean up by the time she gets home but it doesn’t always work out, so I’ll clean on weekends.
He also led opposition to the Clean Water Rule that defines which streams and wetlands are protected by the Clean Water Act.
Here’s the key problem with the Clean Power Plan: It’s simply not authorized under any realistic interpretation of the Clean Air Act.
But there’s ultimately no beating the real deal, so we recommend Everlane’s dry-clean-only Clean Silk Shirt ($98) to everyone else.
Let’s invest in our crumbling infrastructure, create sustainable green jobs, and protect clean air and clean water as a universal human right.
«This is just a way of very clearly illustrating the benefits of clean water, and indeed convenient clean water,» Glennerster told me.
Cleaning expert and author of «Clean My Space» Melissa Maker breaks down how to clean your home in the fastest way possible.
Clean your electronics Phones and tablets are what the CDC calls «high touch» surfaces, so you’re going to want to clean them.
Fans of clean-cut heroes will be rooting for Jacob, although some of us would rather see devilish Rachel clean his clock.
He acted to scrap the Clean Power Plan, which was designed to keep our air clean by reducing emissions from power plants.
Green bonds, which are used to finance climate-friendly projects, such as clean transportation and clean energy, are attracting increased investor demand.
» Sanders added that companies should pay to clean up contamination and said he would guarantee clean drinking water «as a human right.
The page had listed climate change, clean air, clean water, e-waste, toxic chemicals and strong environmental institutions among its international priorities.
At $3.03 off, you can keep a clean space *and* a clean conscience knowing that you didn’t dish out your life savings.
Apple hopes the scale of the China Clean Energy Fund will give fund participants greater purchasing power to pivot toward clean energy.
In 2015, Obama announced the Clean Water Rule, which sought to clarify which bodies of water fall under the Clean Water Act.
Los Angeles is looking into creating a program that would employ homeless people to clean up litter — similar to the city’s Operation Clean Sweep program, which allows those who need to serve community service to clean up graffiti across the city.
Read our full review of the Instant Pot DuoPros: Easy to clean, safe, stainless steel pot that’s easy to clean, versatileCons: The gasket tends to retain odors, there is a bit of a learning curve, lid can be annoying to clean
We must make clean air a priority, and that includes enforcing laws, like the Clean Air Act and the Regional Haze Rule, that work to clean the air we breathe for the safety and health of people and our national parks.
A coalition of 19 Republican-led states asked the EPA earlier this month to reconsider several rules, including the Clean Power Plan, under a collaborative framework they said was envisioned by both the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
He said he hoped the court would ensure «provision of the constitutional right to a clean environment, for which clean air is key».
It’s easy to find clean songs on Spotify, whether you do it by carefully choosing clean albums or filtering out all explicit content.
How to clean them:Most white sneakers need to stay clean to look good, but the Stan Smith is the exception to the rule.
How to clean them:The Allbirds Wool Runners are machine washable, which makes them one of the easiest shoes to clean on the list.
We like the fact that we have certain things to clean up, but the things we have to clean up aren’t too mental.
He’s led other Republican attorneys general in legal fights against EPA regulations, including President Obama’s Clean Power Plan and the Clean Water Rule.
The ability of other cornerstone laws, like the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, to protect local communities also would be compromised.
I always wash my face with their Deep Clean Gentle Scrub because it doesn’t clog pores and it’s important to clean pores out.
Trump has repeatedly promised to bring back «beautiful, clean coal» and announced he’d replace the Clean Power Plan shortly after he took office.
To improve the human condition — ensuring clean air, clean water, and a robust economy — nuclear energy must be a part of America’s future.
Environmentalists characterized Pruitt’s new policy as an attack on enforcement of environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
In fact, he was a dedicated conservationist who played a central role in passing the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species acts.
Environmentalists characterized Pruitt’s new policy as an attack on enforcement of environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
Pela is also part of 1% for the Planet, and donates a portion of annual sales to clean water and clean ocean initiatives.
Most of the EPA’s regulatory power comes from its interpretation of broad statutes like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Through the Clean Air Act, the authority to regulate clean air is given to the Environmental Protection Agency and to the individual states.
There is no clean water within or near toilets, which means it’s hard to clean up and discreetly dispose of used menstrual products.
Most musicians want a clean sound from their guitar, a special sound from the effects, and a clean sound from the amp/speaker.
Congress passed bedrock laws like the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act.
I’ve taken for granted that we have clean air to breathe in cities, relatively speaking, and most people have access to clean water.
If you keep the station clean, then you keep the roadbed clean, and then you’ll have more on-time performance with the trains.
Also make sure you remove any case that’s on your phone or tablet, clean underneath, put it back on, and clean the outside.
The governing party, led by Mr. Modi, has taken steps to clean up the country with its Clean India Mission, started in 2014.
Provide a working environment that’s as clean as possibleThe space you require employees to come to every day should be safe and clean.
Boom, you have a clean and stain-free bowl, and your hands are still clean — but please, still wash your hands well afterward.
Some companies, like Total and BP, are responding by adding more clean energy to their portfolios or by acquiring clean-energy start-ups.
In February, in his joint address to Congress, President Trump promised to work with both parties to promote clean air and clean water.
Green bonds, which are used to finance climate-friendly projects such as clean transportation and clean energy, have been attracting increased investor demand.
Moms Clean Air Force is circulating a petition addressed to GM, Ford and Chrysler, urging these companies urging support for clean car standards.
Everything turned out really well and clean up was quick and easy, but that’s probably because I’m a clean-as-you-go person.
As long as he continues his one-man war on clean air and clean water, Pruitt can line his pockets all he wants.
BofA expects clean energy and electric-vehicle companies to emerge as winners, estimating the clean energy market to be already worth $24 billion.
At one point, he vowed to protect «clean air and clean water» and, at another, called for Congress to support paid family leave.
«We’ll clean up your industry instead of waiting for your industry to clean up itself,» Peterson told Schruers to chuckles from the audience.
Clean the attachmentThe grinder is much easier to clean if you take care of it immediately after you are done processing your meat.
«It is so nice to clean your apartment and have it stay clean because there aren’t 100 years of dust,» Ms. Sikora said.
Energy firms and Canada’s provincial governments have invested heavily in clean tech research, and according to a report by Clean Tech Canada at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada ranks seventh out of 44 countries for basic research on clean tech.
Combined with other proposals to establish an innovation tax credit and tax exemptions for investment in clean assets we can bring online new clean energy technologies and ultimately assure that a new era of clean capitalism helps us meet global climate change goals.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) recently vowed to «create federal clean water standards that force these companies to clean up their mess,» and like Buttigieg, Sanders and several other Democratic campaigns have touted a need for clean drinking water and tackling lead contamination.
How to keep your towels clean Washing your hand towels in hot water keeps them clean and helps them stay in like-new condition.
The Clean Fifteen Produce that had relatively fewer pesticides and lower total concentrations of pesticide residues was placed on the group’s «Clean Fifteen» list.
Renewable energy skeptics are free to see SB 247 as a uniquely flexible «clean energy standard,» which makes room for other clean energy technologies.
The basic vibe is coffee and porcelain, a washed-out Instagram filter, clean lines, clean surfaces, pastels, mainly in the pink to peach range.
«Companies are required to clean their equipment, but if you’re talking big industrial ovens or baking equipment, that’s really tough to clean,» Taylor explains.
The only thing worse than running out of clean clothes is realizing you’re also out of detergent when it comes time to clean them.
I have a plan to create new jobs, manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy jobs that will make us the 21st century clean energy super power.
The biggest funding cut goes to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is responsible for ensuring we breathe clean air and drink clean water.
Through legislation like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, the EPA has ensured that Americans live in a relatively healthy environment.
I think people should clean up their own messes, and few people have the means to clean up Facebook right now other than him.
For instance, there’s this one: [Clinton] could call for a clean energy competition that rewards states that exceed their Clean Power Plan emissions targets.
Clean Power Plan Trump signed an executive order in March directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reconsider the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.
I’ve worked to find solutions to New Hampshire’s heroin epidemic, and I’ve crossed the aisle to protect New Hampshire’s clean air and clean water.
On the losing end: our broader national economy, which has grown strong with the Clean Water Act and relies on clean water to thrive.
Li said in an interview with The Paper, a local news site, «I will clean now … I will even clean overnight,» the BBC reported.
Americans don’t buy the false choice that we need to sacrifice our clean air, clean water, and wildlife to fix our bridges and roads.
On Tuesday, the city council announced that it was committing to 50 percent clean energy by 2020 and 100 percent clean energy by 2030.
«It’s fantastic and shows great commitment and leadership to ensuring a level playing field, where clean athletes can compete clean and win,» he said.
In the early 2000s, Congress exempted fracking from provisions of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
I used to get clean used shoes on eBay, buy them and clean them up and try to make them look close to new.
Trump administration officials, when rolling out their «Affordable Clean Energy» rule in June, argued that Obama’s EPA went beyond its Clean Air Act authority.
We are challenging to all of you for #trashtag ,in which you have to clean your surrounding area and keep and make it clean.
I’ve done many environmental impact statements over my life and I believe very strongly in very, very crystal clear, clean water and clean air.
The administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule would replace the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, a central part of its efforts to combat climate change.
It also offers five professional cleaning modes, giving users the option to pick from daily clean, pro clean, sensitive, gum control, and whitening mode.
The key is to keep the undergarment clean: Try wearing a clean button-down white shirt, black cropped trousers and transparent dress on top.
Clean Power Plan repeal In June, Trump’s EPA replaced the Obama-era Clean Power Plan with a significantly weaker rule to regulate carbon pollution.
That means the protections provided by other important environmental legislation, such as the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act, won’t be revoked.
«If our hearts are truly for the protection of clean athletes, and if these athletes give evidence and it’s compelling, then they are clean
The best way to clean the Rift and its associated hardware is to use a clean, dry cloth and, on certain components, antibacterial wipes.
«We rely on our ad networks to keep the networks clean, and then obviously, the big ethical question is what clean means,» he said.
California has become a hub for clean-tech companies like Tesla, the electric vehicle maker that has benefited from the state’s clean-car incentives.
Cramer has expressed his desire for a small carbon tax that would fund «clean fossil fuel research» and replace the entire Clean Power Plan.
He’s often stated his passion for «crystal clean» water, and promised to «clean up» everything from «the system» at large to the immigration system.
My plan would move us to 100% clean energy, develop new clean cars and buildings in the coming decade, put environmental justice at the center of American climate policy and leverage $9 trillion in investments to create 8 million jobs building a clean energy economy.
«Administrator Pruitt has a closed mind on the questions of whether the [Clean Power Plan] should be repealed, whether the [Clean Power Plan] is unlawful, and whether Clean Air Act … guidelines must be based only on controls imposed directly at the regulated sources,» they said.
Most of North Korea’s twenty-five million people are not permitted to travel abroad, but Pak’s job has allowed him to visit several countries, which he described in terms of their cleanliness: Switzerland (very clean); Belgium (not so clean); Bangladesh (not clean at all).
«If economic stimulus packages drive money away from clean energy investments by infusing fossil fuels industries with short-term capital while ignoring clean energy supply chains … we could see a domino effect that would push us further away from our clean energy goals,» she added.
Warren’s three-part plan would use the federal procurement process to spread clean energy technologies and improve the lives of workers to advance clean energy, pump billions into research and development, and create an office designed to sell U.S. clean energy products around the world.
The CrossWave is also easy to clean up itself with a pet hair strainer, and its two-tank system keeps clean and dirty water separate.
On pollution emissions, Sanders said he would hold factory farms accountable for such pollution by strictly enforcing the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act.
Whenever possible, pet owners should clean and disinfect rodent cages and supplies outside the home — never perform this clean-up in the kitchen or bathroom.
She should come clean and instead of blaming President Trump, she needs to also come clean and let everybody know how they were being hypocrites.
So let’s make new investments in manufacturing and small business, in scientific research, in clean energy — enough clean energy to power every home in America.
As clean air revenues dwindled, political support for the program eroded, raising the question that underlies all environmental regulation: Is clean ____ worth the economic hit?
Trump signed an executive order in March rolling back Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which would have closed coal-fired power plants and promoted clean energy.
But her opposition, the Clean Air Clean Energy WA’s «Yes on 1631» campaign, has only raised about half as much — $15.2 million, per state records.
A lot of money was injected into the fight in Washington: Clean Air Clean Energy WA raised nearly $16 million in support, per state records.
And just as he wanted to keep his turtleneck clean in the ’90s, he is keeping it clean today with that tissue underneath his elbow.
The money raised from the carbon fee — technically it’s not a tax — would fund clean-energy investments and other causes (clean energy would get 70%).
These are the most significant cases brought against large companies violating several major environmental laws, including the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act.
Disinfectant soap is used first to clean surface residue, then a specialized formula made exclusively for TPE silicon is applied to sterilize and deep clean.
«Keeping your KeepCup clean makes the coffee experience great for you, and your barista — make sure you hand over a clean cup,» the instructions continue.
«I am inclined to tell the jury this scenario, that Uber was ordered to come clean and did not come clean,» Alsup said on Thursday.
Conservative opinions on clean energy are still mutable; this is an opportunity to visibly signal that clean energy support is perfectly consonant with conservative identity.
Perhaps it is better to pick a genuinely clean fuel (clean to cook with, not necessarily in the planet-preserving sense) and promote it hard.
A Full Service Clean-Up If you want to deodorize and remove stains, opt for a deeper clean, which will cost around $50 to $60.
So in memory of our beloved Neil, here are some highlights from the time that Neil, the Guy From Clean Bandit, spent in Clean Bandit.
These causes are diarrhea, malaria and pneumonia, which can be prevented using insecticide-treated bed nets, clean cooking fuels and improved access to clean water.
JUDGES TO HEAR CLEAN POWER PLAN CASE: The Clean Power Plan, the main pillar of President Obama’s climate change agenda, is going to court Tuesday.
«We have state departments of environmental quality that have the resources and the expertise to deal with clean water and clean air issues,» Pruitt said.
Everything is clean the way surgical scrubs are clean: hard-washed, well-worn, as if the entire place is dipped in boiling water every night.
Relative to the need for clean electricity or clean vehicles, the need for building decarbonization is woefully overlooked by advocacy organizations, policymakers, and mainstream customers.
They’re going to try showing visual representation like, clean and contaminated toilets, or dirty and clean hands, to see if that has the same effect.
That’s why the current version does not have the support of the nation’s leading clean air, clean water and conservation groups, including the Sierra Club.
Instead of repealing the common sense clean water rule, the administration and the Chamber should prioritize access to safe, clean drinking water over corporate greed.
Just recently, Argentina’s government awarded over 22019,200 Megawatts of clean energy capacity – the U.S. can help provide clean tech and expertise to support these projects.
Initiative to clean up beaches Lawyer and activist Afroz Shah has launched one of the most popular initiatives to clean up plastics on India’s beaches.
Despite progress on clean technology, including solar power and wind, we are still a long way from where clean energy costs less than dirty energy.
» U.S. Ski & Snowboard President and CEO Tiger Shaw: «It demonstrates a strong commitment to the importance of clean sport and the support of clean athletes.
The Supreme Court would have the power to invalidate large portions of laws like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, if it so decided.
Lack of clean drinking water Since the hurricane hit in September, many in Puerto Rico have not had access to clean drinking water or electricity.
As a player who elected not to use performance-enhancing drugs, I used to think that only clean players could help make the game clean.
The Clean Power Plan contains a goal for 20 percent of the nation’s electricity to come from wind, solar and other clean sources by 2030.
The report said the government should introduce a new Clean Air Act which improves existing legislation and enshrines the right to clean air in law.
The ADB said it would also administer $1 million in technical assistance from the Asian Clean Energy Fund under the Clean Energy Financing Partnership Facility.
I’m troubled by Pruitt’s record of working hand-in-hand with the fossil fuel industry to undermine common sense clean air and clean water protections.
Consistent access to clean water is something billions lack, and part of that is the inability to check whether one’s water is clean or not.
I made her clean up, alerted Newark’s gate security, and we had a biohazard team clean the first class area because it smelled so bad.
It’s time to restore an EPA that actually acts to protect our clean air and clean water rather than protecting the profits of powerful polluters.
How to Deep Clean Your Fridge In order to make room for all your ingredients, give your fridge that once-every-so-often deep clean.
» U.S. Ski & Snowboard President and CEO Tiger Shaw: «It demonstrates a strong commitment to the importance of clean sport and the support of clean athletes.
You want low cost American energy also, which means lifting the restrictions on oil, on shell, on natural gas and on clean, very clean coal.
Last year, clean-energy stocks beat the S&P 500, Ron Pernick, the founder of the clean-energy stock indexing site CleanEdge, said by email. 
How to clean your smartphone the right way As Covid-19 spreads, it’s not just your eyes, hands, and mouth you need to keep clean.
«We’ll clean up your industry, instead of waiting for your industry to clean up itself,» said Doug Peterson, Nebraska’s attorney general, at the DOJ workshop.
He has taken aim at the clean water rule protecting American waterways, and the clean power rule limiting harmful emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Mexico will make a similar clean energy pledge at the summit, and Canada already gets 63 percent of its electricity from clean power, CBC said.
Whether you’re a clean-as-you-go or clean-at-the-end, you never want to walk away from the kitchen without having tidied up.
In 2202, Congress mistakenly passed two separate amendments to Section 2628(d) of the Clean Air Act, under which the Clean Power Plan was issued.
But again, where the first one was very clean relative to sources and methods, my initial cut is this one is a lot less clean.
He could carve up the Clean Power Plan, our best chance to clean up dirty power plants, which are the main contributors to climate change.
Such conflicts could affect Pruitt’s ability to render a fair decision on repeal or revision of the Clean Power, Clean Waters and similar deregulation rules.
«I started my career litigating to clean up the air in California with one of the first Clean Air Act cases ever filed,» Nichols said.
«The president is cutting clean air and clean water standards, restricting our ability to regulate car emissions, and denying climate change even exists,» Breed tweeted.
Putting Scott Pruitt in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency is an absolute disaster for every American who relies on clean air and clean water.
«Where the first one was very clean relative to sources and methods, my initial cut is this one is a lot less clean,» Kelly said.
Indeed, this power to delegate regulatory authority to the executive branch forms the backbone of both the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
The scope was far-reaching, applying to possible violations of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and federal laws regulating hazardous waste plants.
The Chinese talk of climate change and carbon footprint but don’t clean up their factories-but they sell us the equipment to clean up ours!
Over time, the required level of self-generated clean electricity rises steadily, until 2045, when all utilities must be self-generating 100 percent clean energy.
Anticorruption and clean government are the people’s heartfelt wish, The party’s work style, the government’s work style, society’s work style, and clean air fill our bosoms.
Check out more videos from VICE: Trump and Congress’ targeting of our environmental safeguards guarantees further threats to our clean air, clean water, and our health.
Before he was appointed administrator of the EPA, then-Congressman Scott Pruitt filed multiple lawsuits against the agency’s clean water regulations, including the Clean Water Rule.
» There are beds with «clean white sheets,» and there are hugs with her mother, who always has «a good smell of clean clothes and perfumed soap.
«Many of the leaders of the clean meat industry are focused on making clean meat available and growing market share as quickly as possible,» Reece said.
Clean Meat tells the story of the past, present, and future of lab-grown meat (though the author prefers the terms «cultured meat,» or «clean meat»).
If you made a mistake or simply want to clean up your lines, use a cotton swab or your smallest clean brush dipped in makeup remover.
Additionally, the Program Manager will provide policy support to NPCA’s Clean Air team to ensure cooperation between energy, clean air goals and climate mitigation and resilience.
But they would succeed in effectively repealing laws like the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Toxic Substances Act by eliminating or kneecapping their enforcement.
Glatt Stove – Glatt Stove distributes clean cook stoves and fuel to save the lives of those who die from lack of access to clean cooking options.
The lawsuit was filed on Monday in Pittsburgh federal court by the nonprofits PennEnvironment and Clean Air Council, alleging violations of the U.S. Clean Air Act.
Ask your town’s mayor to support a 100 percent clean, renewable energy future and add their name to the «Mayors For 100% Clean Energy» endorsement letter!
«I would definitely be very, very skeptical of working with her without knowing that she was clean and committed to being clean,» said the music source.
American taxpayers are already burdened with an estimated $20-$54 billion in clean-up costs for the backlog of hardrock mines sites that require clean-up.
To achieve this states will look to expand clean energy sources, diversify energy generation, modernize infrastructure and encourage people to use clean transport, among other things.
With an average holding of about 40 acres, their forests provide vast benefits to all Americans: clean air, clean water, and habitat for our nation’s wildlife.
The lower figure will, however, make it much easier to repeal the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan and replace it with the Affordable Clean Energy rule.
Clean up effort: Politico reported on a White House meeting with telecom industry representatives where administration officials tried to clean up the fallout from the memo.
Ask your town’s mayor to support a 100 percent clean, renewable energy future and add their name to the «Ready For 100% Clean Energy» endorsement letter.
Climate change was the justification for clean fuel economy standards and the Clean Power Plan, and yet both were expected to reduce air pollution as well.
The House and Senate passed two conflicting amendments to the provision of the Clean Air Act used as the legal underpinning of the Clean Power Plan.
By helping to repeal the Clean Power Plan and propose an inadequate replacement, Wheeler snubbed an opportunity to contribute to the growth of clean energy jobs.
It has taken strides to repeal the Clean Power Plan and has announced intent to rewrite clean car standards put in place under former President Obama.
Some natural laundry detergents don’t really get your clothes very clean, but Puracy’s Natural Liquid Laundry Detergent gets your laundry clean and fresh..Instead, the companyProsCons
So, while prior administrations never stopped enforcing the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, this administration is right to state that these laws should be enforced.
Inslee’s four previous climate-focused policies zeroed in on a clean energy transition, clean job investment, a global climate plan and transitioning away from fossil fuels.
The Clean Power Plan rested on a broad, but ultimately sound interpretation of the Clean Air Act that gives power to executive agencies to create policy.
The Green New Deal should also include subsidies for the adoption and deployment of clean technologies, such as tax credits for clean energy investment and manufacturing.
Society can combat climate change by using existing clean technologies to cut emissions today or by innovating new clean technologies to cut emissions in the future.
The 62-year-old former prime minister’s clean-cut, clean-living image had held appeal in Chartres, run for over 15 years by a conservative mayor.
By the end of 6900, Earth Day had heralded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water and Endangered Species Acts.
And the regulations that the president has rolled back are regulations dear to my heart to protect clean air and clean water in the United States.
«Clean mobility powered by clean energy is our most powerful weapon in our fight against climate change,» Modi said at an industry event in New Delhi.
But, he noted, under the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, the E.P.A. is required to supply operating permits to industrial plants and manufacturers.
California has consistently led the way with bold clean energy goals and developed innovative solutions to address air pollution even before the Clean Air Act passed.
There is no place to properly clean a vehicle late at night, so the driver likely has to clean it themselves or wait until the morning.
He sees promise in clean coal technology and says that «some plants can get back on line» if Mr. Trump dismantles Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
The Trump administration is fighting hard to destroy California’s clean air rules, as if California had no legitimate interest in trying to keep its air clean.
The state recently signaled that it would order nearby Orosi, which has clean water, to consolidate its system with East Orosi to expand clean-water access.
READ: Everything Trump said about clean coal last night was wrong «Clean coal» tech aims to snatch the carbon out of the air as coal burns.
» In both the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, Congress provided that a person who violates the law can include «any responsible corporate officer.
Use a spray bottle with water to clean babies at diaper changes, and pat their bottoms dry with tissues or a clean rag, Dr. DiMaggio said.
States decide how clean their waters will be, and 46 of the 85033 States already implement many day-to-day aspects of the Clean Water Act.
After meeting with him several times, Pruitt ordered his agency to jettison the 28503 Clean Power Plan, a vital rule to clean up dirty power plants.
She was also a fellow with the Clean Energy Leadership Institute, a program for rising experts in clean energy, and recently named a #Solar100 Thought Leader.
He described Dingell as a «tireless advocate» who fought for clean air, clean water, consumer protections and financial regulations throughout his nearly six decades in Congress.
Investors were beginning to dip their toes back into clean tech when, in 2017, Clean Energy Ventures decided to begin raising capital for its inaugural fund.
When the Clean Water Rule was passed in 2628, it included all of the original exemptions from the Clean Water Act, and even added new ones.
Keep it simple, clean and professional The key to building a logo that looks great and makes sense is to keep it simple, clean and professional.
Improve opportunities to clean up after rich people like the ones attending this conference, when we get too old or sick to clean our own bodies?
Clean as they had imagined the ocean, clean as the Oxygen Minute down at the farmer’s market, clean as third day off junk when you’ve already gone down seventy or eighty layers of longing and just chill, alive and empty and alone, before the descent begins again.
Together, with members of Congress of color leading the way, we will fight for justice, by working to act on climate change at the international, national, state and hyper local levels, demanding that every person is provided with clean air, clean water, and even clean street corners.
This is one of those basic issues that is akin to what we’re doing on defense or whether our water is clean or our air is clean.
For example, it’s exciting and inspiring to see annual competitions like the recent Clean Tech Open, which is the largest accelerator of early-stage clean-technology companies.
Despite the criticism from those on the left, the current administration aims to bring about clean air and clean water, alongside strong economic growth and job creation.
» He then highlighted the fact that clean energy means good business: «Most business people have come to understand that investing in clean energy makes simply economic sense.
But that fraction is expected to keep shrinking in the coming years, especially if Obama’s Clean Power Plan pushes utilities to clean up their carbon-dioxide emissions.
Exxon has tried to brand itself as a leader in clean energy research, though it only spends half a percent of its revenue on clean energy research.
Silver is the managing partner at Tax Equity Advisors, which invests in clean energy projects and the CEO of Greenbanc Global, a clean energy investment/consulting firm.
«If reports are accurate … this is a sledgehammer to the Clean Water Act,» Geoff Gisler, a lawyer at the Southern Environmental Law Center’s Clean Water Program, said.
Use your finger to dap this easily-blendable shadow onto the middle of your lid, then buff out edges with a clean brush or second, clean finger.
That includes steep cuts to the grants the EPA provides to states to help implement environmental regulations like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
If people cannot always obtain clean fuel, they will probably revert to dirty stuff, says Radha Muthiah, the departing head of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves.
The problem was that when an iPhone is wiped clean, Apple insists that it be wiped one hundred percent clean for the purposes of protecting customers’ privacy.
The Clean Water Act of 1972 mandated that every municipality in America must clean its sewage before discharging the water back into rivers, lakes, or the ocean.
At the regional level, Coalition Clean Baltic puts an emphasis on ocean clean up, sound fishing policy, and marine biodiversity, through a collaboration of Baltic-based NGOs.
Wheeler «hasn’t demonstrated a desire or a will to make any meaningful progress on clean drinking water standards and has rolled back clean air standards,» he said.
«It’s only now that I realize how lucky we were in the village to have clean air and clean water and all that space,» he said wistfully.
Completely defunding the Clean Power Plan, the Clean Water Rule and the Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort won’t do anything to help working-class and middle-class Americans.
Wheeler «hasnt demonstrated a desire or a will to make any meaningful progress on clean drinking water standards and has rolled back clean air standards,» he said.
Maybe Flying Lotus could do with a little clean up, you know, but I wouldn’t want to see what the reaction to the clean studio would be.
With the right leadership in Congress, we can build a clean energy economy, creating jobs in America while also protecting our clean air and combatting climate change.
Overhauling the EPA is a surprisingly difficult task that involves navigating a complex bureaucracy bound by powerful laws like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
She turned a district blue for the first time in American politics running on clean air, clean water, and green energy, among other things, in rural Maine.
She is also, increasingly, an outspoken advocate for clean air, and she is working with community organizers to urge the Clairton plant to clean up its act.
This week, dozens of clean energy companies and trade associations have come together in a new way to show the power of clean energy to our economy.
The Clean Water Rule helps remedy the source portion of this dilemma: it is an indispensable tool for keeping our water clean before it enters our pipes.
It’s smart to clean your airplane seat and the surrounding area before sitting in it for hours — airlines don’t clean the seats or tray tables between trips.
Expect extensive discussions of the EPA’s new Clean Water Rule, also known as waters of the United States — and, probably, the stay of the Clean Power Plan.
As it turns out, Jonathan is a pretty clean dude — he told the magazine he likes to do a deep clean of his place every two weeks.
Whether it’s Clean Air Act issues, Clean Water Act issues—even some of the regulations that came out of the Deepwater Horizon accident were trashed by them.
The Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act include specific provisions that give the agency legal powers, and changing that would require action by Congress as well.
A new study argues that PtG could help California, and by implication other jurisdictions aiming for clean grids, reach ambitious clean-energy targets without spiking electricity costs.
Instead, it incentivizes their continued use by setting a «clean energy standard» for power plants that would count fossil fuels like gas as a clean energy source.
The sponge is about 30% larger than the original Mr. Clean Eraser so it’s big enough to clean both a bathtub and the surrounding fiberglass or tile.
My friends order salads, pasta, and fresh fish and every single plate is essentially licked clean by the end of the meal (one was literally licked clean).
When I attempt to clean those spots with some liquid cleaners, the cleaner runs down the panel before I can get my cloth in there to clean.
Two years ago, the federal government incorporated the program into its Clean India Mission, which aims to clean up streets and roads in communities throughout the country.
«We’re not going to enact an appropriations law when you put in riders undermining the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and firearms law,» he added.
Warren also linked her environmental justice plan to her green manufacturing strategy to clean up the industrial sector and help workers adapt to a clean energy economy.
And, you know, I’ve done many environmental impact statements over my life and I believe … very strongly in very, very crystal clear, clean water and clean air.
If you want to start 2019 with a clean slate, Netflix’s new original series may provide some inspiration, courtesy of the minimalist queen of clean Marie Kondo.
Their teardown is underway with a specific focus on decimating a variety of clean water-related laws currently working to try and keep our drinking water clean.
«Unlike the Clean Power Plan, ACE [the Affordable Clean Energy rule] adheres to the Clean Air Act and gives states the regulatory certainty they need to continue to reduce emissions and provide a dependable, diverse supply of electricity that all Americans can afford,» Wheeler said at the press conference.
«Rate design done without a bigger-picture context in mind can absolutely have a chilling effect on the growth of clean energy and consumer-driven clean-energy resources,» said Sara Baldwin Auck, regulatory program director at the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, a nonprofit policy group that supports clean energy.
Trump is in the White House, but with public demand for clean energy on our side, we will fight to ensure that, rather than allowing wildlife-friendly renewable energy growth to be stopped by Trump’s presidency, the clean energy revolution results in a clean and equitable energy future.
«While the environment division continues to examine areas to achieve efficiencies and cost savings, we anticipate adequate funding to continue our core mission in safeguarding clean air, clean land and clean water for all Americans, including the important work on the nation’s Superfund sites,» he said in a statement.
That came from a sort of realization that what happened with the plant-based meat, and clean meat — so, meat grown directly from cells, we call it «clean meat» as a nod to clean energy — what happened was people had an idea, and then they had a company.
Others have tried clean-needle exchanges, which let drug users obtain clean needles if they trade in dirty ones — to avoid the risk of HIV or hepatitis infection.
The clean-energy pact promises to be big business for Canada, which is already setting itself up to be a huge clean energy exporter to the United States.
Make sure you have rubbing alcohol, clean the areas, make sure you have clean fingers or  gloves are ideal, and try to use as sterile instruments as possible.
The first time you get with someone, you should know that you are clean and safe to have sex, [and] they are clean and safe to have sex.
DO: Clean OftenDirt and dust show up faster on hardwood than on carpet, so you’ll need to frequently sweep and dry mop to keep the floor looking clean.
You can also clean with foodstuffs like ketchup, softened butter and wine — and while you’re looking for cleaning supplies in the refrigerator, consider giving it a deep clean.
Warren also supports more funding to environmental justice communities and adjusting permitting rules to the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act to better measure environmental health disparities.
Gustavo: The key to a happy and healthy world would be where consumers have access to clean food, and farmers have clean environments—non-toxic environments—for working.
According to Rodchenkov, athletes stockpiled clean urine for months before the Sochi games, and he personally snuck around during the Olympics, replacing tainted urine samples with clean specimens.
Jack’s father Tom (a particularly surly Robert DuVall) held the seat before him, and his messes are proving hard to clean up — not that Jack’s hands are clean.
Called the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, it would replace the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan, which the White House called «overly prescriptive and burdensome» in a statement.
The total number of actions for violations of Clean Air and Clean Water Act regulations was 24, up from 17 by this time last year, the data showed.
To keep that squeaky-clean status, new head of Instagram Adam Mosseri is rolling out a new set of tools designed to clean up toxic content on Instagram.
The U.S. Department of Energy plans to fill in the tunnel with clean soil and the effort to clean up the site, which started in 1989, will continue.
«If the question is asked, does the President support the environment, does he want to have clean air, clean water — the answer is of course, yes,» he said.
You will have to remember to remove and refrigerate it each morning and clean it every few days or it could clog up—clean-up is easy, thankfully.
The most important issue, Lin said, is the degree to which the Clean Power Plan is «transformative» and a significant departure from what the Clean Air Act allows.
Van der Vaart has been an outspoken opponent of the Clean Power Plan and the Clean Water Rule, two of Trump’s biggest targets for repeal at the EPA.
So that includes the Clean Power Plan and the «Waters of the United States» rule [which redefines which rivers, streams, and lakes fall under Clean Water Act protection].
Kilmeade noted that although Trump has promised «really clean coal»—or coal mining that’s better for the environment—there’s the argument that clean coal does not actually exist.
Some station agents «aren’t motivated» enough to clean the coffee container every morning, and even if they wanted to, they’re not given the «proper supplies» to clean them.
We believe that clean energy jobs are the future for better air quality, livable wage jobs, and breaking down historically experienced barriers in this growing clean energy industry.
«It’s a mind-set that says that environmental rules designed to keep your water clean or your air clean are optional or not that important,» Mr. Obama said.
Clinton said the United States should invest in clean energy, build up to half a billion solar panels and work toward powering every American home with clean energy.
While, I want passionately to have clean air and clean water for generations to come, I don’t think it should be at the expense of growth and development.
For more information on how to properly clean your Apple Watch, check out our article, «How to properly clean your Apple Watch, including its band and Digital Crown.»
They say they want clean drinking water in schools, businesses, and homes, but the the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to undermine the Clean Water Rule.
That includes the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and passage of groundbreaking clean air and clean water bills.
In reality, the 85033,400 deaths number really has nothing to do with CO2 emissions, which is what the Clean Power Plan and Affordable Clean Energy Plan both address.
Trump, though, also promised to support EPA actions that protect clean air and clean water, and to fight against drinking water contamination like what happened in Flint, Mich.
Kaplan always begins her closet clean outs — which she recommends doing at least twice a year — by taking everything out to do a deep clean of the space.
It’s widely suspected the Clean Power Plan, intended to reduce state emissions through low-carbon infrastructure, will not survive, but this won’t change state-level clean energy trends.
It sets a clean energy standard (CES) whereby all utilities must deliver carbon-neutral power by 2030 and 100 percent «clean, renewable and zero-emission» electricity by 2035.
» When I clean an area, rather than blare a horn at someone and tell them to move, I ask, «Would you let me clean your area for you?
Lightly spray the commercial wood floor cleaner onto the floor in a small section and use a clean microfiber mop to clean following the grain of the wood.
The DOC has sent out messages to prisoners via paper handouts instructing us to keep our hands clean, not to touch our faces, and to clean our cells.
That takes the argument back to the 17th century: People appeared to be clean by wearing clean underwear that showed over their outer clothes through collars and cuffs.
Only four of the 6900 House Republicans who backed the clean debt ceiling in 2628 suggested they would consider voting for a clean debt hike this year: Reps.
Move the dough over to one side and scrape your work area clean of any excess flour, especially any hardened bits, and then clean your hands as well.
«Strong clean energy and climate policies, like the Clean Power Plan, can make renewable energy supplies more robust and address the serious threat of climate change,» they said.
Disposable cleaning wipes have changed the way we clean thanks to the simplicity of grabbing a damp cloth to clean up a mess and then tossing it away.
Paul Shapiro, author of Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World, says the first clean burger in 2013 cost about $300,000 dollars.
Trump’s replacement for the Clean Power Plan is called the Affordable Clean Energy rule and allows states to set their own emissions standards for coal-fueled power plants.
«We Indians need to stand up for our right to breathe clean air, and demand improvement and implementation of the (environment ministry’s) Clean Air Programme,» Greenpeace India said.
But if we stifle our progress on clean energy here, China will move forward unchallenged in becoming the global leader in manufacturing clean energy products, including electric vehicles.
The Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, and Clean Air Act were all passed during Republican administrations (though it’s worth noting that Nixon vetoed both of the latter).
That effort is run by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves project, which aimed to provide 212 million homes with clean and efficient stoves and fuels by 573.
Access to affordable, reliable, clean energy has sweeping ramifications for economic opportunity, education, clean and reliable health care, safe homes, communication — things Americans can happily take for granted.
She also teaches them to clean between their fingers and around their fingernails and to use a clean paper towel or a hot air dryer to dry off.
«Poll after poll shows people are demanding action on climate change, clean water and clean air more than ever before,» said LCV President Gene Karpinski in a statement.
E.P.A. enforcement officials nationwide rely on provisions of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts that enable them to order polluters to test their emissions for legal violations.
Meanwhile, technological progress toward clean-energy solutions has been nothing short of remarkable, giving the lie to the old denier argument that clean energy inevitably means fewer jobs.
The news comes on the heels of Meek’s reckless driving case — where his arrest record will be wiped clean if he keeps his nose clean for 6 months.
Lever one: decarbonize the global energy system with efficiency and renewables Step one is achieving 100 percent clean electricity by 2030 and 1.53 percent clean energy by 2050.
And the Energy Department budget eliminates two programs providing loans for companies working on clean energy and clean vehicles, respectively, as well as ARPA-Energy, a widely praised agency created in the 2009 stimulus bill that provides early-stage funding for clean energy research and development that venture capital often won’t.
Unfortunately, as soon as the EPA released the Clean Power Plan in August 2015, opponents filed suit, arguing that the Obama Administration’s authority under the Clean Air Act did not extend to regulating carbon emissions from power plants – or at least not in the way that the Clean Power Plan did.
Maryland aims to achieve a 40% greenhouse gas emissions reduction by 2030, and proposed legislation encourages 0003% clean electricity by 2040 through a new Clean and Renewable Energy Standard.
The new proposal could also undermine the case for regulations under other EPA tentpoles, like the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Clean Air Act.
It will be up to young city and community leaders to take a leading role in shaping the direction we need to take on clean air and clean energy.
Check and clean your air filters every two months to ensure a clean system with proper airflow, especially during the summer months when your AC gets the most usage.
Parsons spoke about the importance of using a clean filter, and Dr. Stricklen warned that even a clean filter might not prevent the transmission of all viruses and bacteria.
Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari said last month that the Ganges will be 70 percent to 80 percent clean within three months and 100 percent clean by March 2020.
This involved entering false results into computer records to make them appear clean or, during the Sochi Games, physically replacing «dirty» urine samples with clean urine stockpiled in advance.
As a result, these clean-energy deployments will benefit all users of the grid, not just those homes and businesses that have the opportunity to implement clean-energy projects.
Helpfully, the anti–clean energy side is represented by Trump, a figure loathed by many Republicans, while the clean energy side is represented by a longtime, rock-ribbed Republican.
These 21 young people and their legal team demand the right to a clean environment and for the government to take responsibility in keeping it as clean as possible.
The Good Food Institute, a non-profit promoting meat alternatives and clean meat, is operating as a think tank and accelerator for the plant-based and clean meat sector.
Jay Duffy, a legal associate at Clean Air Task Force, said lifting the carbon emissions limit failed to satisfy clean air law requirements for the best available emissions technology.
Policy is essential to the development and deployment of clean energy, and we need stiffer mandates for emissions reductions and the clean energy transition from every level of government.
ARPA-E, which researches advanced clean energy technology, is being terminated, and the DOE’s Office of Science, which also funds clean energy research, is facing a 16.6 percent cut.
That means that it’s the Cat Nanny’s job to clean out the litter boxes, wash and clean bedding and make sure the felines roaming the café are physically healthy.
In the developed world, many of us take clean drinking water for granted, but millions of people face a real struggle to get access to a clean, safe supply.
«Clean energy works every time and it doesn’t alienate the base,» said Jay Faison, Chief Executive of ClearPath, a group that aims to help elect Republicans supporting clean power.
TB: And just finally, when can we have a world, what year can we have a world with access for the whole world to clean water and clean sanitation?
Clinton said that she liked clean energy, wants America to be «the 21 century clean energy superpower,» and also wants to make sure coal country folk keep their jobs.
The EIP analysis is based on public records of settlements that resolve violations of the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and other environmental laws, not including Superfund cases.
«As attorney general of Oklahoma, Scott Pruitt has tried to undermine the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts, putting the public health of millions of Americans at risk,» Sen.
The science-based laws enforced by the EPA, like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act, are popular and valuable, with a long tradition of bipartisan support.
Its Clean 200 list, which is updated every six months, identifies the publicly-traded companies that are doing the most to transition to clean energy, based on its research.
The Superfund program today operates under a regulatory scheme that allows clean ups to get bogged down in years of data gathering and analysis rather than actual clean up.
The country needed a national solution, and the Clean Water Act delivered, setting consistent clean-up standards nationwide and giving local officials and citizens powerful tools to meet them.
Politicians eager to clean streets Members of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party announced they would clean a street in Kolkata to celebrate the birthday of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The scorecard asserts a similar divide on support for clean water protections, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, the Affordable Care Act and raising taxes on the wealthy.
This includes not only Obama-era policies like The Clean Power Plan, but also the Clean Water Act, which was first signed into law in 1972 by President Nixon.
Thus, with the public comment period now open for the 2017 to 2022 Outer Continental Shelf leasing plan, clean energy and clean coast advocates have momentum on our side.
The Trump administration’s rollback would reverse that progress, undermining auto industry clean car investments and triggering the loss of between 89,000 and 202,000 of tomorrow’s clean vehicle technology jobs.
Wednesday also saw Khan sign London up to the Breathe Life Coalition, which has been organized by the WHO, UN Environment and the Clean Climate and Clean Air Coalition.
I’m sure there are lots of riders that expect a moderately clean vehicle but feel that they shouldn’t have to pay extra just because the vehicle was ultra-clean.
«China’s long-term clean air vision requires the cleaning up of both the industrial structure and energy structure,» said Tonny Xie, director of the Clean Air Alliance of China.
Democrats have put forward proposals to increase clean energy investment and production, price carbon, improve energy efficiency, fund federal research in clean energy innovation, and improve the regulatory landscape.
The 85033 economic stimulus bill passed in the president’s first weeks in office included $90 billion in clean energy spending, the biggest single investment in clean energy to date.
This is why it needs to be soaked in clean water a full three times to clean it, as opposed to the quick rinse I’d give to boxed greens.
Pruitt has started to roll back nearly all of the major elements of the Obama administration’s EPA agenda, such as the Clean Power Plan and the Clean Water Rule.
This machine’s large-capacity dual 1.75-gallon tanks allow you to clean an entire room before pausing to empty the dirty water tank and refill the clean water tank.
This means defending the progress we’ve made, increasing public demand for clean energy and calling for renewed commitments from state and local governments to pursue strong clean energy targets.
Kondo is best known for her clean-up philosophy, the KonMari method, which encourages you to clean your house regularly and to only keep items that give you pleasure.
The key criticism of the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy Plan is that it does not attack CO28503 emissions as strongly as the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan did.
Both the Saeco and DeLonghi user manuals also ask you to remove their brewhead and clean them once a week, and also do a deep clean once a month.
Environmentalists blasted the plan, saying it would return America back to 1977 when smoggy skies and polluted rivers pushed lawmakers to strengthen federal clean air and clean water laws.
In the current state legislative session, Inslee is pushing for 100 percent clean electricity statewide by 2045 and a clean fuel standard in line with other West Coast states.
Not disappointing that they had clean water—but now I’m thinking that there are families out there that don’t have clean water that really could have benefited from this.
«Clean» has been a buzzword in the food industry for months, used in connection with everything from Taco Bell cutting artificial ingredients to McDonald’s unveiling a «clean» Chicken McNugget.
Obama’s EPA created the Clean Power Plan by expanding the 1963 Clean Air Act, which already regulates emissions of pollutants, such as mercury, to cover carbon dioxide as well.
It also took about the same amount of time to clean the brushes with the Sigma mat than it did to clean them on the palm of my hand.
In meetings with Mr. Trump, he has come away convinced that the candidate is actually a reasonable, well-tempered man who is committed to clean air and clean water.
Chlorine bleach, however, should not be used to clean phone screens; it may be used to clean the back of phones and/or cases, though color loss may occur.
Critics, though, say that Mr. Pruitt’s goal is not academic rigor, but to undermine much of the science that underpins modern environmental regulations governing clean water and clean air.
The night before I leave I’ll just put detergent in the bath and clean all my clothes, hang them in the shower, and come home to all clean clothes.
David Zwick, who was instrumental in writing and securing passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972, and who founded the advocacy group Clean Water Action, died on Feb.
We all want our children to grow up healthy, to have a good education, have decent jobs, drink clean water and breathe clean air, and to live in peace.
The last thing we should do is turn back the clock, weaken the Clean Water Act and further fray our national commitment to clean water and a healthy environment.
» UEFA executive committee member Karen Espelund of Norway said: «We needed someone credible, we needed a clean winner, a clean man, and I believe we have that in Gianni.
In three years we have raised $1.8 billion through cap and trade that were reinvested through our climate change action plan into energy transition, clean jobs, and clean tech.
» Sierra Club’s Kirin Kennedy told The Verge, «Lack of clean air due to pollution put out by extractive industries means lack of clean air for human populations as well.
«Asbestos is a killer, so we have to be very careful with how we clean the buildings, clean the streets, and that’s what we’re doing right now,» he said.
«The way that we communicate about the issues to achieve clean air and clean water should be bringing our country together regardless of party registration or ideology,» he added.
Pruitt is also trying to throw the auto industry in reverse with his plan to roll back clean cars standards that save consumers money and clean up our air.
When the Paris Agreement was signed, it became our best chance to ensure our children and grandchildren have a planet with clean air, clean water and a healthy climate.
«We need the extra clean cars to meet the standards set by the federal government,» Mary Nichols, California’s top clean air regulator, said at a news conference last week.
Watch how VOCs compare to vehicle emissions, with the comforting thought that if we managed to clean up our cars, perhaps we can clean up our homes as well.
Just as CAISO must put clean resources first in its wholesale-market load order, the OA-DSO would put clean, local resources first in its retail-market load order.
Democrats have put forward proposals to increase clean energy investment and production, price carbon, improve energy efficiency, fund federal research in clean energy innovation and improve the regulatory landscape.
Raising the budget caps and making investments in federal programs that ensure fundamental health protections — like clean air, clean water, safe food, and biomedical research — should be no-brainers.
The airline industry has some of the dirtiest hands in this, where people who deliver food to airlines, who clean the planes, clean your planes which is critical work.
It’s a mindset that says environmental rules designed to keep your water clean or your air clean are optional or not that important or unnecessarily burden business or taxpayers.
I’m careful to keep the grill really clean and I brush it between everything with a wire brush and always wipe that immediately after with a clean, dry towel.
» — Rachel, 238 «Everything about the phrase ‘clean eating.
» — Allie, 27 «He licked his dinner plate clean.
» — Cecily, 34 «Can’t cook, can’t drive, won’t clean.
Finding clean fuel for planes, ships and other forms of transport hard to plug into a clean energy grid remains one of the biggest challenges for reducing climate changing emissions.
It’s hard to imagine a more spectacular way to beat out Sir Bobby Charlton’s all-time goal-scoring record of 249—reaching a clean 250 on a clean-ass shot.
Jay Duffy, a legal associate at Clean Air Task Force, said the weaker carbon emissions level would not satisfy federal clean air law requirements for the best available emissions technology.
He did not mention the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act, two of the EPA’s most prominent enforcement tasks, nor the threat of climate change, in his speech.
The actress and author of The Clean Plate cookbook makes a party dish ‘so flavorful you won’t believe you’re eating clean‘ ¼ cup liquid from 1 (15-oz.) can organic chickpeas
«If he is going not to enforce the Clean Air and the Clean Water Act in the name of jobs, then that’s not a guy you vote for,» Biden said.
After doing that for a while, you realize, I know how to carry a tray and I know how to polish glassware and I know what’s clean and not clean.
House Democrats recently released the «CLEAN Future Act,» a 600-page proposal that would set a 100 percent clean energy standard by 2050, while significantly damaging the most innovative industries.
He said that to accomplish the previous construction 37 laws were waved by the Bush administration, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act.
A woman who was also in the car, Maria Gonzales, said that when Antonio Muñoz entered the car he «looked clean,» wearing clean clothes, a sweater, hoodie, hat, and jeans.
While the project was set up to create a tool that could be used to clean artworks, the researchers reckon it could in theory be used to clean any surface.
He suggested he’d be tougher on the banks than Clinton and vowed to preserve basic clean air and clean water protections even while rolling back Obama’s actions on climate change.
Ty Dolla $ign’s scored a huge win in his Georgia drug possession case — his record will be wiped clean, IF he keeps his nose clean for the next few months.
Rabbi Genack, Rabbi Price’s boss at the Orthodox Union, initially thought clean meat could be pareve, based on his belief that clean meat was created from an animal’s genetic code.
Schatz said lawmakers would hold Pruitt accountable through the appropriations process and oversight of the EPA, and by making sure he follows the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.
They include lawsuits over the Clean Power Plan and cases in both federal appeals and district courts over the Clean Water Act, which expanded the number of federally protected waterways.
Growing up, my dad was pretty strict about keeping the house clean, but I tried every trick in the book to get out of having to actually clean my room.
Any new regulatory action has to fall within the bounds of longstanding laws like the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act, as well as the general case law.
Consider that most of the major environmental statutes, such as the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act, have not been significantly updated in decades.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers, which administer the Clean Water Act together, first proposed in July 2017 to repeal former President Obama’s Clean Water Rule.
The statutes undergirding E.P.A. policies—the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act—typically set out time frames for making rules or taking action.
«Meghan wears very clean lines, there is never anything fussy, in the way that the Queen, especially now, wears very clean lines,» says Jones, who became an OBE in 2010.
The goal of Trump’s speech, according to White House spokesperson Judd Deere, was «to put the facts out on the president’s record» on clean air, clean water, and climate change.
But I also use clean ones to clean the lens on my smartphone, wipe off my glasses, or dry my hands in bathrooms that have run out of paper towels.
Rabbi Genack, Rabbi Price’s boss at the Orthodox Union, initially thought clean meat could be pareve, based on his belief that clean meat was created from an animal’s genetic code.
Virginia has now become the first state in the South to embark on a clean-energy transition and one of the leading states in the nation on clean-energy policy.
She would also pump in $400 billion over 10 years on clean energy research and development, creating a National Institutes of Clean Energy, modeled on the National Institutes for Health.
Beyond that, though, when Republicans talk about «clean energy innovation,» they generally mean funding efforts by fossil fuel companies to clean up after themselves (specifically carbon capture, use, and storage).
The move is one of several steps taken by Mr. Pruitt to relax or delay environmental regulations issued by the Obama administration under the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts.
«This is the worst-case scenario when it comes to clean air and clean water, to nominate a climate denier to the agency charged with protecting our natural resources,» Sen.
This Clean Email subscription can help you quickly and efficiently manage and clean your inbox with just a few clicks, so you can stop living in a virtual hot mess.
I clean out my closet, scrub my bathroom, clean my kitchen, and write a thank you note to my aunt for a cozy sweater shirt she got me from Everlane.
The top energy firms supplying clean energy to corporate giants in 2019This morning, I took a look at the winners in a record year for corporate buying of clean energy. 
The truth behind the spin is that the Clean Power Plan is consistent with the text of the Clean Air Act and with decades of prior efforts to implement it.
With a robotic vacuum, you can generally forget about having to clean the floors — thanks to the fact that you can schedule the device to clean when you&aposre away.
California was able to push car companies to clean up their new car fleets thanks in large part to emissions standards the state set under its Clean Air Act waiver.
Clean eating—Clean eating, a fairly vague method of consuming strictly «whole» or «unprocessed» foods, was a major addition to the «it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change» canon.
He proposes creating an American Clean Energy Bank with $250 billion in initial capital, which would provide loans and grants to clean energy technologies targeting the middle of the country.
«They’re nowhere near the end of the line on the Clean Power Plan,» said David Doniger, director of the Climate and Clean Energy Program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Wehrum oversaw the most relentless rollback of clean air, climate and health safeguards in E.P.A.’s history,» said John Walke, clean air director for the Natural Resources Defense Council. «E.
Yale also surveyed opinion on carbon controls on power plants (like the Clean Power Plan) and renewable portfolio standards (which require utilities to sell a certain amount of clean energy).
In December, Congress quietly unlocked some federal funding for clean needle exchange programs that provide clean needles to drug users, which have proved to reduce HIV transmissions without major downsides.
David Doniger, director of the climate and clean air program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, remained confident that the Clean Power Plan would ultimately be upheld by the courts.
Suffice to say, most of the money generated by RPS compliance flows out of the state, doing very little to encourage clean energy generation and clean energy jobs within Illinois.
One of the great fortuitous things about when I was starting was every time I took a road gig, because I was clean, I would get paired with these really great comedians that often, I know now, would ask for a clean opener because it’s always better to have a clean opener.
Tillotson repeatedly flushed the wiper fluid tank in his Subaru with clean water to ensure it was as clean as possible before filling it with potable liquids, but this hack probably isn’t something you’d want to try with your own vehicle unless you replaced the wiper fluid tank altogether with a clean one.
Opponents of the Clean Power Plan make three key arguments, which the DC Circuit Court now has to sift through: — The argument over a drafting error: The EPA claims authority for the Clean Power Plan under Section 24(d) of the Clean Air Act, which deals with pollution from existing power plants.
Elizabeth Warren has proposed investing $2 trillion in federal funding in clean energy programs as part of a Green New Deal, including her Green Apollo Program to invest in clean energy research and development and a Green Marshall Plan devoted to encouraging countries to buy and use American-made clean energy technologies.
The IOC wanted to «give clean Russian athletes the opportunity to participate, and give a young and new generation of clean Russian athletes the opportunity to be at the Olympic Games and be ambassadors for a new clean Russian sport,» Bach said in a conference call with a small group of reporters.
He pledged to set up a $200 billion fund to help workers displaced by the transition to clean energy, quadruple federal spending on clean energy research and development, and invest more than $550 billion in the United States and overseas through three new investment funds focused on clean energy and infrastructure projects.
«We often forget that the choices we make on regulations affecting clean air, clean water and enforcement are interconnected with the lives of our vulnerable communities and tribal populations,» he wrote.
Now we are going to have regulation, we&aposre going to have clean water, we&aposre going to have clean air, we are going to have the cleanest water, cleanest air.
This President had us rolling about Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren should come clean about her heritage and she should also come clean about what&aposs going on down there at the border.
From dramatic beach clean-ups in Mumbai to plastic recycling vending machines in Delhi, and public initiatives like Modi’s Clean India campaign, plastic waste is becoming more of a public concern.
Place the dough, seam-side down, in a clean bowl, cover the top of the bowl with a clean kitchen towel, and let rest at room temperature for 45 minutes. 7.
How to clean the wool inside of sheepskin boots:Now it’s time to clean and disinfect the interior shearling of the boot to get rid of bacteria and fungus that cause odor.
In and of itself, energy storage is neither clean nor dirty — it is neutral, as likely to boost the revenue of fossil fuel plants as it is to help clean energy.
But the «transparency» provided under these orders appears to cut one way — in favor dirty industries like livestock and fossil fuels — and against clean air, clean water and healthy wildlife populations.
And one could make similar points about the importance of the other basic economic needs, such as health care, clean water and sanitation, clean energy, and even the availability of finance.
How to clean them:The Primeknit upper and Boost midsole can be hard to clean, so rather than cleaning them, you’ll want to prevent them from getting dirty in the first place.
The charcoal powder sucks up dirt, oil, and buildup to make hair look clean, and white-tea extract imparts a cooling, soothing effect to the scalp to make it feel clean.
Elsewhere, Phase One reckons the camera produces «clean» shots from ISO 50 all the way to ISO 12,800, though what constitutes clean may depend on exactly what you throw its way.
The $1.5 billion program aims to create a new clean energy economy in Uganda, not only creating employment and kick-starting a clean energy economy but new economic development in Uganda.
«It’s only now that I realize how lucky we were in the village to have clean air and clean water, and not be ill from pollution all the time,» he said.
Join the Emergent Plantocene Clean-Up (2019), contains instructions and equipment for visitors to go outside and clean plants growing on or among waste in the shadow of Transit Mix Corp.
Pound felt the clean athletes in Russia would suffer as the systemic state-sponsored doping in the country would make it very hard to determine whether any Russian athlete was clean.
«We must turbocharge our efforts to address climate change and ensure that every American has access to clean drinking water, clean air, and an environment free from pollutants,» the site reads.
Clean Energy Act The EPA added six greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, to its list of hazardous pollutants in 2009, allowing the agency to regulate carbon emissions under Clean Energy Act.
The key to keeping the river clean will be educating people and toughening enforcement of environmental controls, said Oegroseno, who vowed to shut polluting factories and make them fund clean-ups.
OBAMA TOUTS CLEAN ENERGY MOMENTUM: President Obama took to the pages of the academic journal Science on Monday to assure his supporters that the transition toward clean energy has «irreversible» momentum.
Clean energy supporters such as Amin of IRENA expressed hope Perry will continue to see the benefits of nurturing a clean energy industry back home, including in Texas — Perry’s home state.
The heart of the debate of legality of the Clean Power Plan is about an interpretation of the Clean Air Act, the law that allows the EPA to regulate air pollution.
Pay attention to what you’re pouring down the drain, clean with environmentally friendly sprays, and find a charity to support that provides clean drinking water to people who don’t have access.
More on Clean Power Plan litigation: The appeals court hearing the case against the Clean Power Plan rejected a conservative group’s request to file a separate brief in the case Monday.
Apple (AAPL) announced its global facilities are now powered by 100 percent clean energy and nine more of its manufacturing partners have pledged to power their «Apple production» with clean energy.
By some estimates, $85033 billion in private capital is available to fund things like clean air, clean water, and wildlife habitat, and that number will grow if properly supported through legislation.
From solar panel jobs to ride shares and clean energy programs, this program is bringing everyone along for the new era of clean energy, not just the wealthy, powerful and white.
That is, unless we stake our claim to a healthy environment, our freedoms to breathe clean air and drink clean water and our promise to leave our children a better America.
But the process would take numerous steps and prodigious patience: The county contracted someone to clean the property, and environmental testing had to confirm the lot was clean weeks after that.
The American Lung Association and the American Public Health Association are challenging President Trump’s newly unveiled American Clean Energy (ACE) rule, the administration’s replacement for the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan.
Clean India campaign—is focused on cleanliness, like curbing litter and building toilets, it has become more of a political priority at times than underlying issues like access to clean water.
The new moon in Virgo brings a clean slate—sparkling clean, because you know, it’s flawless Virgo—and the full moon in fiery Aries encourages us to confront things head-on.
Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt signed the notice Tuesday, arguing that former President Obama’s 2015 rule, dubbed the Clean Power Plan, exceeds the agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act.
«This is the worst-case scenario when it comes to clean air and clean water, to nominate a climate denier to the agency charged with protecting our natural resources,» said Sen.
Many immigrants do the jobs Americans do not want — they clean our homes, our hotel rooms, grow, harvest, pick, prepare and serve our vegetables, and then they clean the plates afterwards.
Here’s how to clean and disinfect your home properly to stay safe (in three steps): Clean high-touch surfaces — like doorknobs and light switches — using a detergent or soap and water.
The company has been ramping up its clean-energy commitments for years; after Mr. Polis was elected but before he took office, it committed to going 100 percent clean by 2050.
There’s going to be a worldwide need for green technology, ways to clean up the air, ways to clean up the water, and we can be the ones to provide that.
His nominee for the Environmental Protection Agency’s top clean air post, William Wehrum, is a retread from the George W. Bush administration with a deep doctrinal dislike of clean air regulations.
Melissa Maker, host of the Clean My Space YouTube channel, has several hacks for how to get your bathroom sparkling clean without having to put in too much time or effort.
Let’s not forget how many students watched their homes burn during the historic wildfires last fall, and the millions that have grown up without access to clean water or clean air.
If you&aposre dealing with extremely dirty paws, you&aposll want to change out the water between paws, or clean all four and then do a second pass with clean water.
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang called for a «GDP upgrade» that measures quality of life, happiness, clean air and clean water, among other things at a CNN town hall in September.
He should also face detailed questions about where he stands on the right of every American to have clean air, clean water and healthy communities in which to raise their children.
Take clean cars, where the administration isn’t just rolling back a federal clean car standard, but issuing California to take away their right to set their standards for pollution from vehicles.
«Clean air and clean water and getting the nuclear waste off our coast … are not partisan issues,» said Levin, who also opposes the Trump administration’s plan to rollback environmental emission regulations.
The proposed rule would extend to all permits issued by EPA  under the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, Resources Conservation and Recovery Act and the Clean Water Act.
The proposed rule would extend to all permits issued by EPA under the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, Resources Conservation and Recovery Act and the Clean Water Act.
Business Insider asked him to share the most and least promising slivers of the clean-energy industry and his best advice for how to win big as a clean-tech investor. 
Reinstate the Clean Power Plan The Clean Power Plan was an Obama-era regulatory scheme that required states to meet specific carbon emission-reduction standards based on their individual energy consumption.
At Friday’s event, he specifically defended the Affordable Clean Energy rule, the EPA’s proposal to replace the Clean Power Plan with much weaker standards for greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
In wrestling and gymnastics, it’s about cleaning the mats; in football, about clean tackling dummies; and in every sport, it’s about clean surfaces in the locker room, from floors to showers.
» He adds, «affordable clean energy will help fight poverty.
It’s clean, polished, structured — and just slightly more work.
He’s completely sober, clean, just drinks water — friendly, smiley.
And don’t worry — the strike marks clean off easily.
The scene was cleared — and probably quite clean, too.
Garnier Clean + Blackhead Eliminating Scrub, $5.993, available at Garnier.
«If you’ve got a clean baby, go for it.»  
These 12 beautifully clean circles on a page … Right.
I have no dignity, but boy am I clean. ●
A clean — no barriers — fall, straight into the audience.
They’re clean, consistent, and they look polished — quintessentially Apple.
TAO Clean Orbital Facial Brush System — $69.99 See Details
» He added, «We like to do clean, transparent business.
» Or, he continues, «‘How do I clean up blood?
» They were, as the slogan went, «Clean for Gene.
He said he is clean and sober — for now.
Because it’s a clean slate — and a new world.
NASSAU, the Bahamas — The roof had blown clean off.
We need them all — and that includes clean diesel.
So he’d push for clean air and water … how?
The Clean Power Plan’s consistency with prior regulations The petitioners’ characterization of the Clean Power Plan as a «transformative» exercise of the EPA’s legal authority is further belied by the fact that the EPA has used the plan’s core elements in a number of prior Clean Air Act rules, issued under administrations of both parties.
The railway cargoes allowed Russia to clean one of the lines at the Unecha-Mozyr part of Druzhba and to re-start shipping clean oil to Belarus and Ukraine earlier in May.
It’s gotten so bad that City Hall recently told the companies to clean up, or it’ll clean up for them—and they may not like what the city does with their bikes.
So for a long time, that’s why I really loved clean comedy, and Brian Regan and a lot of these guys that have large Christian followings because of how clean they are.
It also claims Trump’s «order to undo the scientifically based Clean Water Rule and create a lengthy process will continue the confusion in what waters are protected by the Clean Water Act.»
Obama spoke most substantially about climate and clean energy, suggesting that regardless of your feelings on a warming world, clean energy is the future, and oil needs to be rapidly phased out.
Under the decades-old Clean Air Act, California has the power to write its own clean-air rules, and the state has taken the Trump administration to court to defend its authority.
Models wore clean silhouettes with details mimicking work apparel and the simple and clean lines of the clothes were juxtaposed with intricate embellishments, with studs, mirrors, grommets, fringes and sequins adding texture.
«I’ll make climate polluters pay, transform our economy with good-paying green jobs, and protect clean air and clean water as fundamental human rights,» Gillibrand wrote in a Medium post on Thursday.
«Hey Ian, as someone who cares about protecting the environment and wants clean air and clean water for his family, you should probably vote,» responded Reed, 28, as the two clink teacups.
GASPARINO: So, there&aposs a lot — this is going to — if this deal is clean or if it&aposs near clean — and that&aposs where we have to get into the details.
The conservative House Freedom Caucus said on Wednesday that it opposed a «clean» increase of the debt ceiling, just hours after Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that he preferred a clean raise.
The scallops were then placed back in clean water, but it took weeks—up to six weeks—of living in the clean environment for the scallops to expel all of the nanoparticles.
» David Doniger, director of the climate and clean air program at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said he is «confident the courts will ultimately uphold the Clean Power Plan on its merits.
I’ve helped to lead a climate-fighting citizen ballot initiative in my home state of Washington, invested in clean energy startups, and advised on climate and clean energy policies of other nations.
He’s promised to end the Clean Power Plan, to repeal all federal spending on clean energy, to pull out of the Paris climate deal, and to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency altogether.
Unlike other Clean Air Act regulations that focus solely on polluting facilities, this more comprehensive plan recognizes the critical role of state energy planning in reducing pollution and transitioning to clean energy.
Along with a Democratic colleague from Philadelphia, Wagner co-sponsored a «clean slate» bill that would seal the criminal records of non-violent criminals who maintain a clean record for ten years.
«These riders undermine clean water and clean air safeguards, jeopardize protection and recovery for vulnerable species, and even intercede in California water issues outside of the jurisdiction of the subcommittee,» said Rep.
This means taking a lap of the restaurant before you arrive to see that the serving stations are clean, each dish has its own serving utensil, and the overall establishment is clean.
In another major rollback, Wheeler proposed the Affordable Clean Energy rule, a sham replacement for the Clean Power Plan that offers no hard limits on air emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Windows 10 Anniversary Update is available from Windows Update immediately, an ISOs are also available (or an easy clean install tool) if you’re interested in clean installing the update to your system.
My laboratory has documented the jobs benefits of energy efficiency and renewable energy in our clean jobs project where we find that clean energy and efficiency investments outpace jobs from coal dramatically.
Instead of driving our nation forward to seize modern clean energy technologies and global leadership, however, the so-called Affordable Clean Energy rule reverses course, moves our nation backward and misses opportunities.
The «Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution & Environmental Justice» embraces the Green New Deal while setting a longer timeline of achieving net-zero emissions and a 100 percent clean energy economy.
Last year was a record year for clean energy development worldwide, with $329 billion of global investment in clean energy technology projects and projections are pointing to even greater investments in 2016.
President Obama’s Clean Power Plan provided hope that we could avoid some of the future harms of climate change while pivoting toward a clean energy economy that already employs 3 million Americans.
To that end, we have offered legislation that would help strengthen school safety, address gun violence, clean up recreational spaces and national parks, support industry-led clean energy options, and alleviate homelessness.
The rule, dubbed the Clean Water Rule or «Waters of the United States,» would extend federal power under the Clean Water Act to small bodies of water such as streams and wetlands.
Created in 1970 by President Richard M. Nixon, the E.P.A. is charged with writing, carrying out and enforcing regulations under existing laws like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
That’s why we’re excited to announce a new Ready For 100 push, called Mayors for 100% Clean Energy, to urge more mayors nationwide to endorse a vision of 100 percent clean energy.
  • Use the word Clean in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It’s clean, harmless, odorless and fireless, with nothing to bring disorder into the world.

-X, can you clean Nibbler’s stanky litter box?

You know, this whole plan fizzles, I’m the only one that gets away clean.

I also clean and do laundry extremely well.

You have to clean and disinfect.

Dora does not have a record and the bar and parlour are clean.

You have to clean up in this area.

She spilled something on her at the party and went in to clean it.

We have to go in and clean this up.

Your voice is so clean and so clear. When you’re trying to express

Only one straight, progressive clean government that knows what it’s doing.

He’s given us the message to keep the place clean.

That’s why this place is clean.

I must be here to make sure this place is clean.

Our shirts are clean and pressed and our haircuts are precise

And I’m sure the streets are clean

The streets are clean, the people are happy…

Is it too much to ask for a soda and a clean goddamn dressing room?

Jesus freaks like their shit clean.

The cleaning team needs to re-clean the floors.

I have to clean up around here, too. Please take her to the hospital safely.

Let me help you clean this up.

What did he say? — All because he was so pissed I wouldn’t clean the damn fridge!

But everything else looks pretty clean.

The phone in the upstairs bedroom, that’s absolutely clean.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe the burglar used the phone after she did and then wiped it clean?

Occur to me that the burglar used the phone after and wiped it clean?

At the bath house where the man of mystery made. his weekly clean up.

It will be as though the Earth has become like a star burned clean.

Say Mr. Detective before you clean up any mysteries, clean up this theater.

«But my teeth are nice and clean, mother!»

But… if you come with me, we’ll clean up millions.

But the staircase’s got a clean

I must say I feel the same way about that too. A good, clean, honest whack over the ‘ead with a brick is one thing…. …something British about that.

Remember that old saying, «a new boom sweeps clean«?

Now then, you, come clean.

Sure, I’ll help you clean them up.

You’re clean enough! I need you out here!

When we come back, I’ll get you all some nice clean underwear.

When he comes across a girl like you, Anna that’s as clean as a shell.

  • Dictionary
  • C
  • Clean
  • Sentences
  • He wore his cleanest slacks, a clean shirt and a navy blazer.
  • Fans of electric cars say they are clean, quiet and economical.
  • I like the cheapest, easiest way to clean up after I am done marinating.
  • No matter what their purpose is, one thing is sure that all industries do with their tanks; they clean them once in a while.
  • Her father cleaned his glasses with a paper napkin. [VERB noun]
  • Give the cooker a good clean.
  • Here are 10 suggestions to make sure your clean windows stay clean longer.
  • Learn how bamboo is made and how to clean it safely, yet effectively.
  • With them also lived Mary Burinda, who cooked and cleaned. [VERB]
  • They’re trying to show clean, wholesome, decent movies.
  • Celebrity scientist and senate hopeful Dr Karl Kruszelnicki has admitted he was wrong to describe clean coal technology as a complete furphy.
  • We all want a clean mattress but what do we do when it gets dirty?
  • Accusations of tax evasion have tarnished his clean image.
  • He called for a clean fight in the election and an end to ‘negative campaigning’.
  • A filter system keeps your swimming pool clean by catching dirt.
  • Clean, the broader term, denotes generally the removal of dirt or impurities, as by washing or brushing; , cleanse suggests more specifically the use of chemicals, purgatives, etc., and is often used metaphorically to imply purification [to cleanse one’s mind of evil thoughts]
  • …the fresh, clean smell of the sea.
  • Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.
  • She wanted to make a clean break from her mother and father.
  • He admires the clean lines of Shaker furniture.
  • They were more concerned about the dogs’ welfare than a clean getaway.
  • A clean page
  • A clean test flight
  • A clean joke
  • clean copy
  • A clean break
  • A clean throw
  • A ship’s clean lines
  • The stove cleans easily
  • To clean marks off the wall
  • To clean a chicken
  • clean forgotten
  • He gave his shoes a clean
  • clean energy
  • A clean joke
  • A rough but clean contest
  • A clean profile
  • clean architectural lines
  • A clean stroke
  • A clean drain
  • A clean sweep
  • clean copy for the printer
  • clean pockets, a clean sheet of paper
  • clean forgotten
  • She bathed and put on a clean dress.
  • clean sand.
  • clean air; clean water.
  • Cats are considered clean animals.
  • The clean smell of pine.
  • A clean sheet of paper.
  • The publisher demanded clean proofs from the printer.
  • He made a clean cut with a razor.
  • A clean literary style; the clean lines of a ship.
  • A clean break with tradition.
  • To lead a clean life.
  • A clean fighter.
  • A clean driver’s license.
  • The agents searched the car for drugs, but it was clean.
  • A clean bill of lading.
  • A clean diamond.
  • A clean profile.
  • The bank robbers made a clean getaway.
  • A clean animal; clean persons.
  • A clean serve in tennis.
  • The new governor is clean because he’s sold his construction business and doesn’t owe political favors to anyone.
  • Nobody wants to box with him because he doesn’t fight clean.
  • This shirt will never wash clean.
  • The sharp carving knife sliced clean through the roast. In a year, he had gone clean through his inheritance.
  • Clean those dirty shoes.
  • She sat down to dinner ravenous and within five minutes had cleaned her plate.
  • The cards were marked and I got cleaned.
  • This kind of fabric cleans easily. Detergents clean better than most soaps.
  • To spend the morning cleaning.
  • It’s time for the city government to clean house.
  • This place needs a clean.
  • Can you clean the windows today?
  • Clean your room right now!
  • She just likes to clean. That’s why I married her.
  • Are these dishes clean?  Your room is finally clean! Put a clean sheet of paper into the printer. The cargo hold is clean.   Mister, I want to see a clean dinner plate or there’ll be no dessert for you. clean steel
  • Our kids can watch this movie because it is clean. I’ve been clean this time for eight months. Unlike you, I’ve never caused any accidents — my record is still clean! I’m clean, officer. You can go ahead and search me if you want.
  • I’ll need a sharper knife to make clean cuts.   a clean leap over a fence
  • Wow, Dude, those are some clean shoes ya got there!
  • I want to make sure my fiancé is clean before we are married.
  • clean energy;  clean coal
  • clean land;  clean timber
  • clean limbs
  • The huge square box, parquet-floored and high-ceilinged, had been arranged to display a suite of bedroom furniture designed and made in the halcyon days of the last quarter of the nineteenth century, when modish taste was just due to go clean out of fashion for the best part of the next hundred years.

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